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Adam Pilarski 11/4/13 Notes for Wretched-Nov.

4th "All this cannot succeed unless the people are properly educated...a decision to politicize the people implies that the re ime !ants to esta"lish popular support..." #anon asserts that the people are the ultimate force in the political sphere. #anon is a true "eliever of pro ress$ in a true %e elian sense. %e claims the true aim of decolonization is to enli hten the !hole of the !orld. As "roadly va ue as such a notion is$ he still holds true to his ultimately or iastic vision of success in the postcolonial !orld. %e sees no real distinction "et!een "first" and "third" !orld$ specifically "ecause they are simply the invention of colonial &urope. 'onse(uently$ he "elieves that a country need not measure its economic and social successes !ith &urope$ iven its relative terms. )he "people$" in a true *ar+ist rhetoric$ are often associated !ith the lo!er socioeconomic classes. )he "true aim" of decolonization is to see the enesis of a ne! man, and thus the third !orld holds the true potential for the ro!th and further development of humanity. Participation is the "livin " reality of the postcolonial nation$ !hich "dies" in a sta nant neocolonialism. %e sees colonization as an attempt to petrify an entire !orld. -t is intended to e+ploit the masses in its innate nature. .ecolonization$ ho!ever$ is the pro ression of fervent passions and violence. )his is a process !hich must "e initiated$ ho!ever$ "y the people. )his !ill "e a direct protestation to the effort of the colonials. )he neocolonial state is a dan er. )he indi enous "our eoisie form a 1 party state$ "the modern form of the "our eois dictatorship-stripped of mask$ makeup$ and scruples." )he party recalls its revolutionary le itimacy$ "ut the revolution is lon over. -t no! infantilizes$ monitors$ and disciplines the people. -t ostensi"ly promotes the interests of the people$ !hen in reality it e+ists solely for the state. -t may evoke the lory of its "revolutionary" le acy$ simply in order to !in the sentiments of the masses$ yet this is all smoke and mirrors. A true threat is for decolonization to transfi ure into colonization. #anon/s populism means activity$ movement. )he people must "e educated and "ecome participants in pu"lic affairs.

)hey must$ in short$ "e elucidated to the fact that institutions$ such as the overnment$ are theirs and that they are entitled to them "y their own ri hts. )hey are created !ith the ideal they !ill speak for the people. )he countryside is ""ack!ards$" "ut can "e "a!akened." -nteriors must "e prioritized-e. . 0rasillia. )he people deserve more credit than intellectuals !ill rant1 they can understand if the intellectual !ants to communicate. )hey deserve more respect and trust than scholars perceive them to. -n e+plicit terms$ he says that people are far more capa"le of comprehendin comple+ issues than they are claimed to. )o educate the people is to politicize them. Politicization is people/s daily participation in military service and pu"lic !orks. &verythin hinders upon the people$ not the leaders. )his assertion places #anon in direct opposition to the Plutonic idea of elites and specific " uardians" "ein the only ones capa"le of rulin . )his is !hat "rin s life into the nation$ and renders it mo"ile from its state of "ein petrified. #or #anon$ the nation-state is a vehicle for li"eration$ a frame!ork for addressin "the social (uestion$" and a foretaste of the future. %e "elieves that the nation is "orn out of adversity$ of a violent "irth. )hrou h tearin throu h the entrails of its 'ronos$ it has ained stren th. No! a "national chain" "uilds social relations$ !hich replaces a "violent chain" !hich creatively destroys. Nation-"uildin $ then$ is the true lory of decolonization. 2iolence should not "e depicted as a lorious end "ut$ rather$ should "e kno!n as the reality. )he "trials and tri"ulations of national consciousness" !ill not end until nationalism transcends itself-in post-colonial cosmopolitanism 3*ar+ and &n el/s vie! on proletariat consciousness4. Postcolonial people !ill "e active, creative mem"ers of their nations and of humanity. )hey !ill "e the har"in ers of truth for all individuals across all nations. )he third !orld$ in their stru le for independence$ !ill hold the ans!ers to (uestions !hich elude the first !orld. 5ne must o"serve the relativity and validity of the &uropean model. )his is !hy the third !orld mustn/t accept the standards of modernity set "y &urope. 6hat !ill a different model look like7 -t is far too early to say. )his is !hy the third !orld !ill con8ure entirely ne! and fresh conceptions of lo"alism. )his !ill "e devoid

of a condescendin attitude to!ards other$ smaller nations. 9et$ this is not simply a"out "enefittin the third !orld, it !ill also "rin a"out "the ne!" for the first.

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