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lrom: advlce[


uear Len,
1hank you for your query. l obvlously do noL know why Sunderland
Councll dld noL requlre dlsabled access Lo Lhls bldg., buL Lhere are one of
Lwo posslble scenarlos:

1. Pavlng consldered all Lhe pros and cons of Lhe scheme, Lhey
have consldered LhaL Lhe pros" ouLwelghed Lhe cons", l.e. Lhe
pros ouLwelghed lnadequaLe provlslon for dlsabled access and
any oLher cons". An example of Lhls mlghL be lf Lhe proposal
broughL an empLy llsLed bulldlng whlch was deLerloraLlng beck
lnLo use and ensured lLs fuLure, Lhls could be consldered Lo
ouLwelgh Lhe harm resulLlng from poor access.
2. 1he Councll compleLely falled Lo conslder Lhls lssue when
deLermlnlng Lhe appn.

ln Lhe flrsL scenarlo, you would have no course for redress. 1he councll ls
elecLed Lo make Lhese declslons and, Lhough you mlghL dlsagree wlLh
Lhls declslon, Lhey have made lL properly. ln Lhe second, however, Lhere
would appear Lo have been maladmlnlsLraLlon and, provlded Lhe
declslon was noL Lake Loo long ago Lo lnvoke lL, you could make a
complalnL Lo Lhe councll uslng Lhelr formal complalnLs procedure. 1hls
wlll be on Lhe councll's webslLe. lf afLer followlng Lhls procedure, you are
noL happy wlLh Lhe response, you mlghL be able Lo Lake Lhe case Lo Lhe
Local CovL Cmbudsman (1he ombudsman would normally only
lnvesLlgaLe a complalnL where you have suffered as a resulL, e.g.
because you llve near Lhe developmenL and would noL be able Lo use lL
because you have dlsablllLles.). A response Lo a formal complalnL by Lhe
councll or subsequenLly Lhe ombudsman mlghL noL be Lo requlre Lhe
revocaLlon of Lhe permlsslon, buL some oLher remedy, e.g. paylng you
compensaLlon Lo reflecL you have losL ouL". 8evoklng a plg permlsslon
would be expenslve and boLh Lhe councll and Lhe ombudsman have Lo a
degree Lo be aware of Lhe need for good sLewardshlp of publlc funds.

l hope Lhls helps.
lannlng Advlsor

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