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Culture is the set of beliefs, values, attitudes, habits and forms of behavior that are shared by the society and are transmitted from generation to generation. ________________________ Culture Shock is the personal feelings that one experiences which occur due to lack of understanding and the inability to adapt oneself to the environment of the particular place totally different from his place of origin. ____________________ Cultural Tourism- This includes all aspects of travel I which people learn about each others way of life. ____________________ Valuesthe measure of how strongly something is derived for its physical or moral beauty, usefulness, rarity, etc., especially expressed in terms of the effort, money, etc. ________________________ Attitudesrefer to the evaluations of objects that can be based on acquired knowledge and beliefs about the objects, feelings and emotional reactions towards the objects and/or previous behaviors and responses to the objects. _____________________ Habits A behavior that is well-practiced, has a strong stimulus-response connection and is normally performed without thinking. _____________________ Behaviorthe way in which an individual reacts to anything in an environment. ________________________ Commodification-the turning of local cultures into commodities when religious rituals, traditional ethnic rites and festivals are reduced and sanitized to conform to tourist expectations.____________________ Reconstructed Ethnicity-The result of commodication. ____________________________ Social and Cultural carrying capacity- The taking place of cultural clashes as a result of differences in cultures, ethnicity, religion, values, lifestyles, languages, and levels of prosperity. ________________________ Euphoriaa feeling of great joy excitement or well-being. __________________________ Apathythe lack of enthusiasm or energy/lack of interest in anything. _______________________ Antagonisman open opposition or resistance or hostility towards a particular thing or person.___________________ Organized mass tourist- the least adventurous type of tourist who buys a package tour in which the itinerary of his trip is fixed in advance and his stops are well-prepared and guided, he also prefers a familiar environment rather than a new environment.___________________ Individual mass tourist-the tourist type who has a certain degree of control over his time and itinerary and is not bound to a group, however, all the major arrangements of his tour are still made through a travel agency. ___________________________ Explorer- the type of tourist who arranges his trip by himself and looks for comfortable accommodations and reliable means of transportation and who does not adopt completely the lifestyle of the host country and still retains some of the basic practices and comforts of his native way of life. ___________________ Drifter- the type of tourist who arranges his own trip and does not seek the help of a tour agency, and is almost totally immersed in his host culture, that is, trying to live the way the people he visits, live and share with their shelter, food and habits. ______________________ Social Tourism- Is a subsidized system of travel through the intervention of the government, employer or labor union to achieve social goals and purposes. ___________________ Travel industry-is the composite of organizations, both private and public, that are involved in the development, production and marketing of products and services to serve the needs of the travelers.__________________________ Support Services- The second category of tourism components which lends support to direct providers, and included are those with specialized services such as tour organizers, travel and trade publications, hotel management firms, travel research teams, contract laundry and contract food services.________________________ Developmental organizations-Tourism components third category which includes planners, government agencies, financial institutions, real estate developers and educational and vocational training institutions. ______________________ Direct Providers- First category of tourism components which includes businesses that are associated with travel, such as airlines, hotels, restaurants, ground transportation, travel agencies and retail shops. ______________________ Infrastructure-Consists of all underground and surface developmental construction such as water supply system, sewage disposal system, gas lines, electrical and communications system and other constructed facilities. ____________________ Superstructure- The above ground facility services such as airport buildings, passenger traffic terminals, hotels, motels, resorts, resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, places of entertainment, museums and similar structures. ______________________ Tourism supply components which includes elements in an area for the use and enjoyment of visitors such as climate, landforms, terrain, flora, fauna, bodies of water, natural beauty and water supply for similar uses. _______________________

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