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Success Stories of Individuals who Built Careers through Distance Learning

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When it comes to pursuing education, one should eep sa!e distance !rom t"o things # limitation and compulsion. In other "ords, you must not only thin o! attending classrooms !or $uality education but should also ensure that you are able to !it your studies to your li!estyle and not getting compelled to do the opposite. %elie&e it or not, learning online is a pleasure, and in order to sustain it, you need to ha&e absolute dedication and sel!'discipline.

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Distance learning boosts up your confidence I! you had al"ays thought online learning to be an in!erior !orm o! obtaining education, it+s high time you must change your perception. ,yndsay %riggs, a student "ho is currently pursuing an online diploma course at -tonebridge (ssociated Colleges says, I have a two-yearold son called Alfie and looking after him takes up most of my time I wanted to make my parents proud and decided that now was the time to pursue the career I've always wanted . .ne o! the /0 uni&ersity students, 0errie 1allam "ho recently earned a !oundation degree in drug and alcohol through distance learning said that &isiting a uni&ersity "as beyond her imagination. I always wanted to,

but I thought I wasn't intelligent enough to do so !raduating with a distinction has been a huge boost for my confidence . Distance learning connecting people to the outside world .nline learning holds the ability to "ipe o!! barriers bet"een one+s busy li!estyle and study hours. .ne !ortunate person in this respect "as (nna Wood "ho had a relapse !our years ago and "as le!t housebound. -he therea!ter too help o! an online course that played a ey role in eeping her connected to the outside "orld. -ince she lost her 2ob, she "as loo ing !or some other option that can eep her occupied. "here's no way I could manage to get to a college or university, so it had to be distance learning, she said.

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The !lexible structure o! online learning helped Woods to !it studies to her illness. In !act, she "as able to attend three hal!'an'hour study sessions "ith inter&als in bet"een. .n doing so, she came out "ith !lying colours "ith an *-c in 6igital 7ducation under the /ni&ersity o! 7dinburgh. Studying and retaining work at the same time is possible 7llie 1odg inson "as able to hold on to her position as a primary school teacher and at the same managed to complete a rele&ant course. I could have gone to a conventional university at #$, but I was

pursuing a career in the performing arts so I went straight into a show, %oseph and the Ama&ing "echnicolour 'reamcoat, instead, she said. In !act, 7llie "hile "or ing too up a degree course in literature at the .pen /ni&ersity. With "illingness she said, I have been teaching for si( years now ) I would have entered the profession much later and with much more debt if I'd gone back to being a fulltime student and stopped working.

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Distance learning helps your dream come true Craig 6illon "hile studying *%( through distance learning under a /0 uni&ersity said that he "as immensely bene!ited !rom the !lexibility "hich "ould ne&er ha&e been possible in a !ull'time business school. 1e said, *y reason for choosing distance learning was to allow me the fle(ibility to be able to learn and improve my own skill-set and knowledge while continuing in full time employment . ,auren Clar e, a student pursuing distance learning in 1ealth and 8sychology also shared her success story saying, I always wanted to study +sychology but when I decided I wasn,t ready to leave home I felt annoyed at myself because I felt I couldn,t achieve

my dream. It "as distance learning that enabled her to ma e her dream come true in becoming a success!ul psychologist. -o, your conception in regard to learning online must ha&e been cleared by no". In !act, nothing can snatch your opportunity to build a success!ul career unless you ta e the right initiati&e, and choosing to pursue distance learning !or higher studies is the smartest "ay you can accomplish your career goals.

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