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1 Auxiliary verbs: short answers (01) (a) Affirmative A: Were you here yesterday? B: Yes, I was. A: Did Ann meet Jack? B: Yes, she did.

(b) Negative A: Were you here yesterday? B: No, I wasn't. A: Did Ann meet Jack? B: No, she didn't.

For convenience treat you as singu!ar e"g" A: Are you ready? B: Yes, I am. But you and #om or you both must of course be ans$ered $ith $e e"g" A: Are you and #om ready? B: Yes, we are. %" Are you both going a$ay ne&t $eekend? '" Did you go a$ay !ast $eekend? (" )an #om drive a car? *" +as he got a !icence? ," Wi!! Ann be here tomorro$? -" )ou!d you $ait ha!f an hour? ." Were they !ate? /" Did Bi!! get a !ift? 0" Wou!d he !ike to $ork abroad? %1" 2ust you go? (For negative answer use needn't.) %%" 3s he getting on $e!!? %'" Were they $aiting for the bus? %(" +ad they missed their usua! bus? %*" 3s he over t$enty4one? %," Does he usua!!y go by air? %-" +ave you ever fa!!en off a horse? %." Was he in5ured in the accident? %/" Did he b!ame the other driver? %0" Wi!! she be back by four? '1" Need you te!! him? (For affirmative answer use must.) Answer the following questions in a written form %" '" (" *" ," )an you s$im? Wou!d 6%1 be enough? )an you cook? 3s your name 7itt? Do you 8!ay cards? -" +ave you any money? ." Are you free this evening? /" Wou!d you !ike to see him? 0" 2ay 3 borro$ your car? %1" Are you #om9s brother?

2 Auxiliary verbs: short answers 7:; %1/ Assume that <uestions are addressed to you and #om" (a) Affirmative and Negative (b) Negative and Affirmative

' A: )an you both s$im? B: I can but om can't. A: Were you both there? B: I was but om wasn't. A: )an you both s$im? B: I can't but om can.. A: Were you both there? B:I wasn't but om was.

%" +ave you both got tickets? '" Did you both see the 8!ay? (" Do you both !ike =$edish fi!ms? *" Are you both over t$enty4one? ," +ave you both got driving !icences? -" Are you both !earning to f!y? ." Wi!! you both be here tomorro$? /" Were you both sur8rised? 0" Wi!! you both !ike it? %1" 2ust you both go? (!se needn't for negative") %%" )an you both see $e!!? %'" Do you both be!ong to a c!ub? %(" Are you doing anything tonight? %*" Need you 8ractise tonight? (!se must in the affirmative") %," )ou!d you both $ork !ate tonight? %-" =hou!d you have been on the 8!ane? %." +ad you s8oken to him before? %/" Wou!d you mind if the tri8 $as cance!!ed? %0" Are you both studying :ng!ish? '1" +ave you both got 8!enty of money? Answer the following questions addressed to "ou and "our friend in a written form %" )an you both 8!ay tennis? '" Wou!d you te!! him the truth? (" )ou!d you both 5oin the c!ub? *" Are you both !earning ;erman? ," Were you both interested in this business? -" +ave you both done it a!ready? ." Are you both ready? /" Do you both smoke? 0" Are you both going to =8ain ne&t year? %1"Wi!! you both be there in t$o days? Auxiliary verbs: negative additions to negative statements 7:; %%'D A: Jack cou!dn9t understand it" (#om) (a) B: Neither could om. or (b) B: #ac$ couldn't understand and neither could om" (Both sub5ects stressed") A: +e can9t cook" (she) (a) B: Neither can she" or (b) B: %e can't coo$ and neither can she" (Both sub5ects stressed")

( A!ternative!y the same sub5ect cou!d be used in a!! the ans$ers e"g" Neither could om & Neither can om & Neither must om or: Neither could I & Neither can I etc" nor cou!d be used instead of neither" %" 7eter hasn9t time to study" (Bi!!) '" ;eorge mustn9t be !ate" (Arthur) (" 7au! didn9t get any s!ee8" (his mother) *" Ann doesn9t smoke" (3) ," Nancy $ou!dn9t come" (her husband) -" 7au! doesn9t be!ieve you" (James) ." Bi!! hasn9t been $aiting !ong" (Bob) /" Andre$ $asn9t drunk" (7eter) 0" #hey don9t kno$ the $ay" (3) %1" Ann $on9t $rite !etters" (>ucy) %%" =he isn9t going any$here" (3) %'" )har!es $asn9t making a noise" (Jack) %(" 7eter shou!dn9t have com8!ained" (7au!) %*" +e $on9t be ready by si&" (she) %," 7eter hadn9t done his home$ork" (his sister) %-" #he =miths aren9t rich" (the Joneses) %." +e can9t e&8!ain it" (anyone e!se) %/" 7eter hasn9t started $ork yet" (+aro!d) %0" Ann cou!dn9t !ift it" (A!ice) '1" Jack hadn9t been 8aid" (7eter) Add to the following remar$s using (and) neither&nor ' the au(iliar" ' the noun&)ronoun in brac$ets in a written form %" 3 haven9t seen it" (#om) '" ?ou shou!dn9t be $atching #@" (#om) (" ?ou mustn9t be !ate" (%) *" +e can9t come" (his sister) ," #his te!e8hone doesn9t $ork" (that) -" #om9s car $on9t start" (mine) ." 3 hadn9t any change" (the ta&i driver) /" +e didn9t kno$ the $ay" (anyone e!se)

! Auxiliary verbs: affirmative additions to affirmative statements 7:; %%'A A: #om is going by ta&i" (Bi!!) B: And so is *ill. or B: om is going b" ta(i and so is *ill. (Both sub5ects stressed") A: =he $orks in a !aundry" (he) B: And so does he. or B: +he wor$s in a laundr" and so does he. (Both sub5ects stressed") A!ternative!y the same second sub5ect cou!d be used in a!! the ans$ers e"g" +o is om & +o does om & +o will om etc. or: +o am I & +o do I & +o will I etc" %" #hey had cornf!akes for breakfast" (3)

* '" ;eorge has !unch in the canteen" (;era!d) (" John has a hangover this morning" (A!an) *" Jack shou!d have thanked her" ($e) ," Ann got a 8arking ticket" (A!ice) -" 2ary9s taking 8hotogra8hs" (2ichae!) ." =he deve!o8s her o$n fi!ms" (he) /" 7au! thought it $as too much" (3) 0" Brian shou!d go to bed ear!ier" (Jane) %1" 7hi!i8 $i!! have to take !essons" (7at) %%" #hey missed the 8rogramme" ($e) %'" James had better change his shoes" (2ark) %(" #hey9re !ooking for a f!at" ($e) %*" Au8ert made si& mistakes" (you) %," Jack must go" (his $ife) %-" +ugh !iked the A!bert +a!!" (2ary) %." :mi!y offered to he!8" (Jean) %/" Bi!! shou!d take a ho!iday" (7eter) %0" Aichard has 5ust got home" (7hi!i8) '1" 39m tired of this" ($e a!!) Add to the following remar$s using (and) so B the noun/pronoun in brackets + the auxiliary in a written form %" 3 have read it" (John) '" +e is a $riter (she) (" #om can s8eak We!sh (his $ife) *" =he ought to get u8" (you) ," 3 shou!d be $earing a seat be!t" (you) -" John $i!! be there" (#om) ." #he first bus $as fu!!" (the second) /" 3 bought a ticket (my brother) 0" ?ou must come" (your son) %1"#his bus goes to 7iccadi!!y" (that)

" Auxiliary verbs: affirmative additions to negative statements 7:; %%'B A: +is mother didn9t come to the $edding" (his father) B: %is mother didn't come to the wedding but his father did. (Both sub5ects are norma!!y stressed") %" 2ary doesn9t !ike the f!at" (#om) '" ;eorge isn9t ready" (7eter) (" 7eter $ou!dn9t $ait for you" (;eorge) *" 2r Jones hadn9t arrived" (his $ife) ," =he $on9t sign the 8rotest" (her sister) -" Bi!! didn9t $ave" (Bob) ." 2r Jones hasn9t got a driving !icence" (2rs Jones) /" ?ou needn9t attend the meeting" (your friend) (Cse must") 0" ?ou cou!dn9t do it in one day" (3) %1" #hey $eren9t in any danger" ($e) %%" +e hadn9t 8romised to he!8" (3) %'" =he $ou!dn9t !ike to see it" (3) %(" Ann can9t read $ithout g!asses" (3) %*" #hey haven9t got co!our te!evision" ($e) %," Bob doesn9t !ike thri!!ers" (2ichae!)

, %-" %." %/" %0" '1" #he chi!dren shou!dn9t get u8 ear!y" (their mother) +e hadn9t noticed the mistake" (she) 7eter $ou!dn9t do it for nothing" (Andre$) 2ary didn9t buy an evening 8a8er" (A!ice) #he bus driver $asn9t in the bus" (conductor)

Add to the following remar$s using but + noun/pronoun + the auxiliary or do/does/did in a written form %" John $as seasick" (2ary) '" +e $asn9t there (she) (" ?ou must go" (your brother) *" 2y sister can s8eak ;erman" (3) ," A!e&ander didn9t $ant to $ait" (James) -" Bi!! needn9t stay" (=tan!ey) ." A cat $ou!dn9t eat it" (a dog) /" +e $i!! en5oy it" (his $ife) 0" 3 haven9t got a com8uter (my neighbour) %1" #his beach is safe for bathing (that beach) %%"3 must !eave ear!y (you) %'"?ou don9t have to 8ay ta&" (3)

# Auxiliary verbs: negative additions to affirmative statements 7:; %%') A: ;eorge !ikes !iving a!one" (7eter) B: ,eorge li$es living alone but -eter doesn't. A: +is brother gave him a 8resent" (his sister) B: %is sister gave him a )resent but his sister didn't. (Both sub5ects are norma!!y stressed") %" 7eter took the !ift u8" (7au!) '" 7eter had an umbre!!a" (7au!) (" ?ou $ere !ate" (3) *" #hey had booked seats" ($e) ," 2ary has been $aiting for ages" (you) -" =he 8assed her driving test" (3) ." =he $as taught by a <ua!ified instructor" (3) /" 7eter can stand on his head" (his brother) 0" 2ary cou!d $ear that shade of green" (3) %1" +e reads the 8a8er from cover to cover" (3) %%" #hey $ou!d be afraid to 8rotest" (3) %'" #he gir!s $ere amused" (the boys) %(" #he gir!s !aughed" (the boys) %*" +e $ears 5eans" (she) %," +is hair is $avy" (hers) %-" +is mother came to the 8rison to see him" (his father) %." 7eter has been to Ja8an" (his sister)

%/" %0" '1" Bi!! must re8ort to the 8o!ice station" (Bob) (Cse needn9t" ;eorge $ou!d be horrified" (his mother) =idney be!ieves in ghosts" (Jack)

$ Auxiliary verbs: short responses to affirmative statements 7:; %%% A: #he train $as fu!!" B: .as it/ A: 3 $ent to the cinema yesterday" B: 0id "ou/ #hese short res8onses are rough!y e<uiva!ent to really? or indeed? When said $ithout any s8ecia! intonation they indicate a 8o!ite !ack of interest" But they can a!so $hen said $ith the a88ro8riate intonation e&8ress sur8rise a88rova! disbe!ief and sometimes other emotions" %" 3 go to the cinema <uite often" '" 3 $ent !ast night" (" 3t $as a very good fi!m" *" #he <ueues $ere enormous" ," 39ve finished that book you !ent me" -" 39d read it before actua!!y" ." 3 !ive in a very noisy street" /" 2y husband thinks 39m a $onderfu! cook" 0" 3 do my best" %1" 3 did everything 3 cou!d" %%" 3 must go no$" %'" Diamonds suit me" %(" 3t9s raining" %*" 3 !ike going to the o8era" %," ?ou9ve made another mistake" %-" ?our dog bit me again !ast night" %." 39d !ike to go to 2orocco for my ho!idays" %/" 3 have a very sma!! a88etite"

. %0" '1" We9ve met before" 2y garden $as !ove!y !ast $eek"

% Auxiliary verbs: short responses to negative statements 7:; %%% A: 3 $asn9t !ate" B: .eren't "ou/ A: 3 didn9t see him" B: 0idn't "ou/ #hese short res8onses are rough!y e<uiva!ent to really? or indeed? When said $ithout any s8ecia! intonation they indicate a 8o!ite !ack of interest" But they can a!so $hen said $ith the a88ro8riate intonation e&8ress sur8rise a88rova! disbe!ief and sometimes other emotions" %" 3 don9t !ike your brother" '" 3 cou!dn9t s!ee8 !ast night" (" 3 $asn9t afraid" *" 3 can9t ty8e very $e!!" ," 2y $ife doesn9t understand me" -" 3 didn9t make a sing!e mistake" ." 3 haven9t an enemy in the $or!d" /" 3 don9t snore" 0" 3t can9t rain !ike this every day" %1" 3 shou!dn9t be te!!ing you a!! this" %%" 3 never te!! !ies" %'" 3 didn9t mean to annoy you" %(" Nobody be!ieved meD (Cse they as sub1ect") %*" 2y case $asn9t e&amined" %," ?ou aren9t so c!ever as you think you are" %-" 3 $ou!dn9t !ike to share a f!at $ith you" %." 3 $asn9t born then" %/" #hey didn9t treat me fair!y" %0" 3 don9t agree $ith you" '1" 3 $ou!dn9t te!! a !ie even to save my !ife"

& Auxiliary verbs: affirmative + interrogative responses 7:; %%%B A: 3 borro$ed your bicyc!e"" B: 2h, "ou did, did "ou/ #his ty8e of res8onse norma!!y indicates anger" But used $ithout oh and $ith a rising intonation it can indicate sur8rise or disbe!ief" %" 3 borro$ed your car yesterday" '" 39d !ike it tomorro$ too" (" ?ou can $a!k to $ork" *" 3t9s good for you to $a!k" ," Any$ay you drive too fast" -" ?ou9re a danger on the roads" ." ?ou9!! have an accident one day" /" We $ere ta!king about your driving in the 8ub !ast night" 0" :veryone agreed $ith me" (!se they as sub1ect") %1" 3 often !isten in to your te!e8hone ca!!s" %%" #hey9re sometimes very interesting" %'" 39ve ta8ed some of the more interesting ones" %(" 3 to!d the boss you $ere !ate !ast Friday" %*" 3 a!$ays te!! him $hen anyone is !ate" %," +e e&8ects me to s8y on the staff" %-" 39m being 8romoted ne&t month" %." 39d !ike a diamond ring for my birthday" %/" ?ou cou!d easi!y afford to buy me one" %0" ?ou are a!$ays buying things for yourse!f" '1" And diamonds are <uite chea8"

1' Auxiliary verbs: negative + negative interrogative responses 7:; %%%B A: 3 don9t s8end anything on myse!f" B: 2h, "ou don't, don't "ou/ A: 3 didn9t mean to get you into troub!e" B: Eh you didn9t didn9t you? (Both verbs are stressed") #his form is used in res8onse to negative statements" 3t has the same meaning as its affirmative form" %" 3 don9t fee! $e!! enough to $ork today" '" 39m not very strong" (" 3 $on9t be ab!e to he!8 you tomorro$ either" *" ?ou !etters haven9t been ty8ed yet" ," Any$ay they aren9t im8ortant" -" #he ty8ist doesn9t !ike your hand$riting" ." And she can9t a!$ays understand your sentences" /" ?ou don9t $rite good :ng!ish" 0" 3f you !eft this office it $ou!dn9t make any difference" %1" ?ou mustn9t s8eak to me !ike that" %%" 39m not going to e&8!ain the ne$ system to you" %'" Because you cou!dn9t make it $ork" %(" ?ou $ou!dn9t even understand it" %*" ?our boss doesn9t think much of you" %," +e never intended to em8!oy you" %-" But he cou!dn9t get anyone e!se" %." ?ou shou!dn9t use the @37 !ounge" %/" 3 didn9t te!! you the $ho!e truth before" %0" But 3 $asn9t rea!!y intending to deceive you" '1" ?ou $eren9t rea!!y sober enough to take it in any$ay"


11a Auxiliary verbs: question tags: interrogative tags after negative statements 7:; %%1A B Interrogative tags after negative statements ?ou didn9t see him did you? Fuestion tags can be said $ith a rising intonation as in <uestions but are usua!!y said $ith a fa!!ing intonation as in statements" #his intonation indicates that the s8eaker doesn9t need information but mere!y e&8ects agreement" Cse a fa!!ing intonation for this e&ercise" A: 39m not !ate" ()rom)t onl") B: I'm not late, am I/ (i"e" re8eat the 8rom8t and add the tag) %" ?ou needn9t start at once" '" +is 8arents $eren9t angry" (" ?ou aren9t doing anything tonight" *" #he tourists hadn9t been inocu!ated" ," #om shou!dn9t have said anything" -" Ann never reads revie$s" ." Nobody ob5ected at the time" (!se they in the tag") /" We shan9t have to $ait !ong" 0" +e hard!y ever 8ays for his o$n drinks" %1" ?ou don9t e&8ect me to $ait a!! night" %%" #his bus service isn9t very re!iab!e" %'" ?ou cou!dn9t drive a car do$n a f!ight of ste8s" %(" +e $ou!dn9t !ift a finger to he!8 anyone" %*" ?ou $on9t te!! 7eter" %," ?ou can9t have it both $ays"

11b Auxiliary verbs: question tags: negative tags

after affirmative statements 7:; %%1A )


Negative Interrogative tags after affirmative statements ?ou can go out $henever you !ike can9t you? Cse a fa!!ing intonation as in :&ercise %%a A: #he coffee $as terrib!e" B: he coffee was terrible, wasn't it/ %" #om and Ann have announced their engagement" '" #hey are getting married ne&t month" (" Bi!! $i!! be disa88ointed" *" +e $as ho8ing to marry her himse!f" ," But he $aited too !ong" -" +e shou!d have 8ro8osed si& months ago" ." 3f he had 8ro8osed she $ou!d have acce8ted him" /" But gir!s get tired of $aiting" 0" And she had been !et do$n by her 8revious boy4friend" %1" A!! the same it9s a 8ity" %%" ?ou get 8aid t$ice as much as your brother" %'" And he $orks much harder than you" %(" +e ought to ask for more money" %*" +is em8!oyers cou!d afford to 8ay him more" %," #hey made an enormous 8rofit !ast year"

12 Auxiliary verbs: question tags 7:; %%1 3i(ed t")es4 ?ou $on9t be !ate $i!! you? (interrogative tag) ?ou9!! be in time $on9t you? (negative interrogative tag)

%' Cse a fa!!ing intonation as in :&ercise %% A: ?ou didn9t have to $ait !ong" B: You didn't have to wait long, did "ou/ A: A bus came a!most at once" B: A bus came almost at once, didn't it/ %" #hey $eren9t very good 5okes" '" Nobody !aughed" (!se they") (" #here must have been some mistake" *" 3t9s no use crying over s8i!t mi!k" ," ?ou $i!! be carefu!" -" #hey hadn9t met before" ." :veryone shou!d be 8aid the same" (!se they") /" #hen there $ou!dn9t be any more $age c!aims" 0" 39m in time" %1" We9d better hurry" %%" ?ou didn9t e&8ect him to get the 5ob" %'" +e $as <uite astonished himse!f" %(" But it9!! mean !iving in >ondon" %*" +e $on9t !ike that" %," +e9d much rather go on !iving here" %-" ?ou can manage on your o$n" %." ?ou don9t $ant me to he!8 you" %/" Any$ay 39m not much use" %0" ?ou aren9t !istening to the radio" '1" =o $e might as $e!! turn it off"

Auxiliary verbs: question tags with a rising intonation 7:; %%1D

Fuestion tags are said $ith a rising intonation $hen the s8eaker is not sure that the statement is true and $ants to be re4assured" #he statement here carries a fair!y strong stress" #he 8osition of the stress $i!! of course vary according to the s8eaker9s meaning so most of the fo!!o$ing sentences cou!d be stressed in a number of $ays" But $hen doing the dri!! you shou!d co8y the stress 8attern of the 8rom8t" Notice that there is norma!!y a rise of 8itch on the stressed $ords" A: ?ou !ike 7eter" B: You li$e -eter, don't "ou/ A: #hey didn9t take your 8ass8ort" B: he" didn't ta$e "our )ass)ort, did the"/

%( %" 7au! caught the /"*1" '" Ann hasn9t been 8aid yet" (" #he sno$ $i!! be too soft to ski on" *" #hey cou!d get a !oan" ," ?ou don9t think it $as my fau!t" -" #he detectives don9t $on9t search this house" ." #hat bott!e $as fu!! this morning" /" +e usedn9t to drink so much" 0" ?ou aren9t going to do anything stu8id" %1" +e $ou!dn9t !eave the country $ithout te!!ing us" %%" ?ou meant $hat you said !ast night" %'" We9d better ca!! the Fire Brigade" %(" #he snakes aren9t dangerous" %*" ;ood steak can be eaten ra$" %," We aren9t being fo!!o$ed" %-" No one sus8ects us" (!se they") %." #he doctors $arned you about the side4effects of the drug" %/" #he $ater shou!d have been boi!ed" %0" #he fine needn9t be 8aid at once" '1" ?ou9d rather drive than be driven"

1! Auxiliary verbs: (an and (an)t #his is a 8ronunciation and stress e&ercise" Can here is unstressed and 8ronounced GkqnG?(GkxnG is a!so 8ossib!e but 8ractise the GkqnG sound here" Can't a!$ays carries a certain stress to distinguish it from can" Note a!so that the 'a' in can is <uite different from the 'a' in can't" Can't is 8ronounced GkRnt G" Ans$er the <uestions using GkqnG and GkRnt G" A: )an you s$im and dive? B: I can swim but I can't dive. %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" )an you knit and se$? )an the baby $a!k and run? )an she act and sing? )an he read and $rite? )an you dra$ and 8aint? )an you ski and skate? )an you ty8e and take shorthand? )an you drive and read a ma8?

%* 0" )an you mi!k a co$ and make butter? %1" )an you trot and ga!!o8? %%" )an you change a $hee! and mend a 8uncture? %'" )an you $ash and iron? %(" )an you ro$ and sai! a boat? %*" )an you kee8 accounts and do income ta& returns? %," )an you !ight a fire and 8ut u8 a tent? %-" )an you understand and s8eak :ng!ish? %." )an you take a tem8erature and give in5ections? %/" )an you make biscuits and cakes? %0" )an you 8!ay cards and do card tricks? '1" )an you stand on your head and $a!k on your hands?

1" Auxiliary verbs: have + object + past participle PEG ! A: Do you c!ean $indo$s yourse!f? B: No. I have them cleaned. A variety of tenses $i!! be used" %" Did you 8aint the house yourse!f? '" Do you cut the grass yourse!f? (" Are you going to mend the 8uncture yourse!f? *" Does he $ash his car himse!f? ," Does she 8o!ish the f!oors herse!f? -" Are you going to shorten the trousers yourse!f? ." Do you ty8e the re8orts yourse!f? /" Wou!d you ad5ust your brakes yourse!f? 0" Are you dyeing the curtains yourse!f? %1" Did you to$ the car yourse!f? %%" Are you going to cut do$n the tree yourse!f? %'" Did you re8air the c!ock yourse!f? %(" Do you shar8en the knives yourse!f? %*" Does he tune his 8iano himse!f? %," Does she s$ee8 the stairs herse!f?

%, %-" 3s he teaching his chi!dren to ride %." Did he bui!d the ne$ garage himse!f? %/" Did he 8!ant the trees himse!f? %0" 3s she trans!ating the book herse!f? '1"3s she making the $edding cake herse!f? himse!f?

1# Auxiliary verbs: have + object + past participle PEG !

A: Did she have the $indo$ re8aired? (stress on have) B: No, she re)aired it herself. A: Did they have the centra! heating 8ut in? (stress on have) B: No, the" )ut it in themselves. Aemember that in myself themselves etc" the !ast sy!!ab!e is stressed" %" Did she have the coat shortened? '" Does she have her car8ets c!eaned? (" 3s he going to have the car re4s8rayed? *" Does the manager have the accounts checked? ," Did you have the cei!ing $hite$ashed? -" Did he have his $i!! dra$n u8? ." Did you have a te!evision aeria! 8ut u8? /" Does he have his boots mended? 0" Are you having the trees 8!anted? %1" Are you going to have the gra8es 8icked? %%" Does she have her stairs s$e8t? %'" Does she have the chi!dren taken to schoo! every day? %(" Do you have your gutters c!eaned? %*" Did you have the tyre 8ressures checked? %," Does she have her hair set?

%%-" %." %/" %0" '1" Did he have the !eaf!ets de!ivered? Does she have the 8ictures framed? 3s he having the fi!m deve!o8ed? Did he have the tree cut do$n? Did he have his tooth taken out?

1$ Auxiliary verbs: ha* to PEG ""# "$% -rom)t4 3 missed the !ast bus" B: I missed the last bus and (I) had to wal$ home. or B: I missed the last bus, so I had to wal$ home" Any !ogica! ans$er is acce8tab!e 8rovided had to is used" Prompts: %" 3 missed the first bus" '" #here $ere no seats on the train" (" #here $ere no 8orters at the station" *" 3 hadn9t any change for the ticket machine" ," 3 !ost my dictionary" -" 3 cou!dn9t find a hote!" ." We didn9t kno$ the $ay" /" 3 had no cash on me" 0" 3 had forgotten his number" %1" When 3 got to the door 3 found that 3 had !ost my key" %%" 2y 8hone $asn9t $orking" %'" Eur !ife $as out of order" %(" +e had a 8uncture" %*" #he !ights $ent out during dinner" %," 3 didn9t understand the document" %-" 2y !icence $as out of date" %." We cou!dn9t eat the hoste! mea!s" %/" =he cou!dn9t hear $hat she $as saying" %0" Ene of the engines fai!ed 5ust after take4off" '1" 3 cou!dn9t 8ut the fire out myse!f"


1% Auxiliary verbs: *i*n)t have to PEG "! A (an o!d man): When 3 $as at schoo! $e ca!!ed the master 9=ir9 3t $as com8u!sory" B (a young man $ho $as at the same schoo!): Eh $e didn9t have to ca!! the master 9=ir9" .hen I was at school, we ... . It was com)ulsor". %" $ore suits '" ta!ked French at mea!s (" got u8 at si& *" $ashed in co!d $ater ," ran round the 8!ayground before breakfast -" $ere in bed by ten ." !earnt a =hakes8eare 8!ay by heart /" c!eaned our o$n rooms 0" made our o$n beds %1" !ooked after our o$n c!othes %%" ke8t our hair short %'" served ourse!ves at mea!s %(" ate everything on our 8!ates %*" he!8ed $ith the $ashing u8 %," $orked on =aturday %-" $rote home every $eek %." !et the staff see our !etters %/" asked 8ermission to go into the to$n %0" did mi!itary training '1" 8!ayed footba!!


1& Auxiliary verbs: ha* better + infinitive without to PEG &' A: 3 haven9t to!d #om yet" B: hen "ou'd better tell him toda"" (had here is norma!!y contracted") I haven't ... "et %" done the ironing '" a8o!ogiHed (" e&8!ained *" a88!ied ," enro!!ed -" finished my essay ." $ashed the car /" mended the fuse 0" fi&ed the aeria! %1" 8aid the rent %%" returned the books %'" decided %(" suggested it %*" booked the seats %," ordered the coa! %-" advertised the house %." ans$ered his !etter %/" re8orted the accident %0" rene$ed my !icence '1" seen #om about it


2' Auxiliary verbs: be + infinitive PEG "A

3t is evening and a grou8 of 8eo8!e engaged in a team activity have been given their instructions for the ne&t day" 2artin $ants to kno$ $hat the others have been to!d to do" #hey a!$ays use Jack9s name in their re8!y" A: ?ou $ent $ith John today didn9t you? B: Yes, but I'm to go with #ac$ tomorrow. A: Bi!! carried John9s e<ui8ment today didn9t he? B: Yes, but he's to carr" #ac$'s equi)ment tomorrow. %" Ann !ooked after 7eter9s chi!dren today didn9t she? '" 7eter and 2ary $orked $ith #om9s grou8 today didn9t they? (" ?ou fo!!o$ed Bi!! today didn9t you? *" ?ou drove Bi!!9s car today didn9t you? ," 2ary !ed #om9s team today didn9t she? -" ;eorge rode 7eter9s horse today didn9t he? ." ?ou re!ieved Bi!! today didn9t you? /" ?ou acted as !ookout for #om today didn9t you? 0" #hey took their orders from Bi!! today didn9t they? %1" ?ou trained $ith 7eter today didn9t you? %%" ?ou stood in front of Bi!! today didn9t you? %'" #hey tested 7eter today didn9t they? %(" 2ary fi!med Andre$9s grou8 today didn9t she? %*" ?ou navigated for 7eter today didn9t you? %," ?ou and +ugo gave )har!es a !ift didn9t you?

'1 21 Auxiliary verbs: be + infinitive PEG "A

A: What $ere your instructions about 8honing Bi!!? B: I was to )hone him at 5466. (#his e&ercise cou!d a!so be 8ractised $ith other 8ersons: e"g" What $ere hisGherGyour (8!ura!) GtheirGmy instructions?) .hat were "our instructions about ... %" re8orting? '" 8osting the documents? (" meeting ;eorge? *" contracting Ann? ," seeing the agents? -" co!!ecting the fi!m? ." re!ieving Andre$? /" 5oining? 0" !eaving? %1" 8aying the $orkmen? %%" re!easing the 8risoners? %'" ins8ecting the cam8? %(" taking off? %*" starting? %," o8ening the doors?

22 Auxiliary verbs: be + perfect infinitive PEG "A

'% A: Did you borro$ a car? B: No. .e were to have borrowed a car but the )lan fell through. Iee8 the noun unchanged" 0id "ou ... %" cam8 on the beach '" hire a boat? (" visit the is!and? *" anchor in the bay? ," e&8!ore the caves? -" bathe by moon!ight? ." s8end a $eek there? /" co!!ect drift$ood? 0" cook over o8en fires? %1" make a fi!m of the seabirds? %%" s$im before breakfast? %'" $ater4ski? %(" kee8 a tem8erature chart? %*" et u8 at da$n? %," record the da$n chorus? %-" c!imb the c!iffs? %." search for the sunken treasure4shi8? %/" take 8hotogra8hs under $ater? %0" have sing4songs round the cam8 fire? '1" invite everyone to a barbecue?

Auxiliary verbs: +ay,+i-ht + perfect infinitive (


#he s8eakers are $ondering $hat ha88ened to certain thingsG8eo8!e" A: 7erha8s she took it $ith her" B: .ell, she ma" have ta$en it awa" with her, I su))ose" (mi ht cou!d a!so be used")

'' A: What did you say? B: I said she might have ta$en it with her" (Emit suppose") -erha)s ... %" he sto!e it" '" she so!d it" (" you !ost it" (Cse '!' in the ans$er") *" she drank it" ," he thre$ it a$ay" -" they 8a$ned it" ." she !eft it at home" /" he ate it" 0" they hid it in the attic" %1" he burnt it" %%" she tore it u8" %'" she forgot to c!aim it" %(" they had an accident" %*" their car broke do$n" (!se it as sub5ect") %," he advised them not to come" %-" he fe!! overboard" %." they got !ost" %/" he $as murdered" %0" something de!ayed them" (7ee) somethin ") '1" he took the $rong drug"

2! Auxiliary verbs: +ay,+i-ht be and +ay,+i-ht have been wor.inPEG (&) *a+ A: 7erha8s he is $orking for Jones" B: Yes, he ma" be wor$ing for #ones. (b) A: 7erha8s he $as $orking for Jones" B: Yes, he ma" have been wor$ing for #ones. Both e&ercises can a!so b done $ith mi ht instead of may"

'( (a) 7erha8s """ %" he is $aiting for someone" '" they are $ondering $hat to do" (" she is trying to confuse us" *" they are $indo$4sho88ing" ," she is e&8ecting a !etter from us" -" he is b!ackmai!ing her" ." they are $orking overtime" /" he is !ooking for another 5ob" 0" he is !istening at the keyho!e" %1" they are $atching te!evision" %%" he is fo!!o$ing us" %'" he is !earning karate" %(" she is te!!ing his fortune" %*" he is sho$ing her the $ay" %," she is doing e&ercises" %-" they are burying something" %." she is bird4$atching" %/" she is com8aring 8rices" %0" he is taking drugs" '1" they are he!8ing the 8o!ice" (b) 7erha8s """ %" he $as $aiting for someone" '" they $ere $ondering $hat to do" i"e" 5ust as in (a) but re8!acing is/are by #as/#ere

2" Auxiliary verbs: shoul* have *one etc, PEG "( A: 3 to!d him a $eek !ater" B: You should have told him at once.(should have is norma!!y shortened to should've in s8eech") %" 3 asked him a $eek !ater" '" 3 8aid the bi!! a $eek !ater" (" 3 thanked him a $eek !ater" *" 3 !ooked for it a $eek !ater" ," 3 invited him a $eek !ater" -" 3 a8o!ogiHed a $eek !ater" ." 3 sent it back a $eek !ater" /" 3 returned a $eek !ater" 0" 3 re8orted the break4in a $eek !ater" %1" 3 booked the tickets a $eek !ater"

'* %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" 3 ans$ered his !etter a $eek !ater" 3 cooked it a $eek !ater" 3 $rote to him a $eek !ater" 3 rang him a $eek !ater" 3 started a $eek !ater" 3 began a $eek !ater" 3 ate it a $eek !ater" 3 s8oke to him a $eek !ater" 3 gave it to him a $eek !ater" 3 com8!ained a $eek !ater"

2# Auxiliary verbs: shoul*n)t have *one etc, PEG "( A: 3 on!y to!d 7eter" (stress on $eter) B: You shouldn't have told an"one. (have shou!d be shortened to 've in s8eechJ any is stressed") %" 3 on!y asked 2ike" '" 3 on!y invited Jack" (" 3 on!y re8orted ;eorge" *" 3 on!y 8aid 2ary" ," 3 on!y fined Brian" -" 3 on!y sacked Andre$" ." 3 on!y com8!ained about 2ark" /" 3 on!y argued $ith #om" 0" 3 on!y 8!ayed $ith 2ary" %1" 3 on!y discussed it $ith A!ec" %%" 3 on!y ta!ked about it $ith Arthur" %'" 3 on!y $oke 2argaret" %(" 3 on!y $rote to Bi!!" %*" 3 on!y shouted at A!ice" %," 3 on!y thre$ stones at 2artin"

', %-" %." %/" %0" '1" 3 on!y to!d !ies to John" 3 on!y robbed 7eter" 3 on!y cheated A!ec" 3 on!y $inked at E!iver" 3 on!y kissed James"

2$ Auxiliary verbs: Shoul* I/ + perfect infinitive PEG "( (i) A: ?ou didn9t fo!!o$ Bi!!? B: No. +hould I have followed him/ (ii)A: ?ou didn9t take off your shoes? B: No. +hould I have ta$en them off/ (Notice the $ord order") You didn't ... %" read the instructions? '" try to sto8 her? (" !isten to their conversation? *" ti8 the $aiter? ," fo!!o$ them? -" kee8 the recei8t? ." threaten him? /" stand u8? 0" refuse? %1" offer to he!8? %%" make her $ear her !ife45acket? %'" 8ut u8 the notice? (+ee (ii) above") %(" take do$n the o!d 8rogramme? (+ee (ii) above") %*" $ear your dark g!asses? %," bring your 8arachute? %-" notify the authorities?

'%." %/" %0" '1" !ock u8 the ta8es? (+ee (ii) above") burn the documents? give back his 8ass8ort? (+ee (ii) above") ring the a!arm be!!?

2% Auxiliary verbs: shoul*n)t be *oin- and shoul* have *one PEG "&# "( A: >ook at that man shaving $hi!e he drivesD B: %e shouldn't be shaving now. %e should have shaved before he left the house. %" >ook at that $oman doing her nai!s in the bus <ueueD '" >ook at that man correcting e&ercises in the busD (" >ook at that man 8o!ishing his shoes in the bus she!terD *" >ook at that boy tying his shoe!aces as he goes into schoo!D ," >ook at that $oman 8utting on her earrings on the stairsD -" >ook at that gir! se$ing on a button in the !ibraryD ." >ook at that man eating his breakfast as he $a!ks do$n the 8athD /" >ook at that gir! 8utting on her make4u8 in the bus <ueueD 0" >ook at that man brushing his coat in the !iftD %1" >ook at that man 8utting in his contract !enses on the esca!atorD %%" >ook at that man fi!ing his nai!s in the barD %'" >ook at that boy combing his hair in the c!assroomD %(" >ook at that $omen c!eaning her g!asses $hi!e she drivesD %*" >ook at those chi!dren doing their home$ork in the busD %," >ook at that man 8utting in his fa!se teeth in the streetD


2& Auxiliary verbs: shoul*,shoul*n)t + continuous infinitive# present and perfect PEG "&# "( Ann a student at a summer schoo! has the fo!!o$ing 8rogramme: ."11 4 ."(1 ."(1 4 /"11 /"11 4 /"(1 /"(1 4 0"(1 0"(1 4 %1"11 %1"11 4 %1"(1 %1"(1 4 %'"11 %'"11 4 %"11 %"11 4 '"11 get dressed (have) breakfast $ash u8 (do) 7# $atch te!evision 8rogramme discuss 8rogramme (attend) !ectures he!8 $ith !unch (have) !unch '"11 4 '"(1 '"(1 4 ("(1 ("(1 4 *"(1 *"(1 4 ,"11 ,"11 4 -"11 -"11 4 ."11 ."11 4 ."(1 ."(1 4 /"11 /"11 4 0"11 %%"(1 rest $ork in garden (8!ay) tennis tea 8ractise the 8iano rehearse 8!ay su88er ty8e !ecture notes read in !ibrary

(a) (b) (a)

A: 3t9s ."'1 and Ann is s!ee8ing" B: +he shouldn't be slee)ing. +he should have been getting dressed" A: At ."'1 yesterday Ann $as s!ee8ing" B: +he shouldn't have been slee)ing. +he should have been getting dressed. It's ... and Ann ... (b) At ... Ann was ... e"g" At ."*, Ann $as getting u8" i"e" as in (a) but re8!acing is by #as

."*, """ getting u8 /"%, """ having breakfast 0"*, """ doing 7# %1"%, """ $atching te!evision %'"(1 """ !istening to a !ecture '"%, """ 8!aying tennis '"*, """ resting ("*, """ $orking in the garden ,"%, """ having tea -"%, """ 8ractising the 8iano

'/ ."%, """ rehearsing the 8!ay ."*, """ having su88er /"%, """ ty8ing her !ecture notes %'"11 """ !istening to records

' Auxiliary verbs: +ust have *one *deduction+ PEG $2artin and =imon have 5ust come back to their house after a $eekend" 2artin notices various changesJ =imon thinks these must be the resu!t of actions by 7eter $ho shares the house $ith them" (i) (ii) A: #he door9s o8enD (!eave) B: -eter must have left it o)en. A: #he !ibrary books have disa88eared" (take back to the !ibrary) B: -eter must have ta$en them bac$ to the librar"" (Notice the $ord order")

%" 2y torch isn9t hereD (borro$) '" #he 8!ates are a!! c!eanD ($ash u8) (" What are a!! these books doing here? (!eave) *" #he tea8ot is in 8iecesD (dro8) ," +o$ shiny the furniture !ooksD (8o!ish) -" #he ste8s are unusua!!y c!eanD (s$ee8) ." #here are some sand$iches on the kitchen tab!eD (make) /" 39ve turned the key but the door $on9t o8enD (bo!t) 0" +ere9s the recei8ted bi!!D (8ay) %1" #here9s a man at the door $ith a crate of beerD (order) %%" #here are no biscuits !eftD (eat) %'" And there9s no $hisky !eftD (drink) %(" #here are t$o 8o!icemen at the door asking out break4inD (re8ort) %*" #he 8!ace is fu!! of em8ty bott!esD (have a 8arty) %," #he car is in a terrib!e stateD (drive into a $a!!) %-" #he c!ock is going againD ($ind) %." #here9s b!ood a!! over the kitchen f!oorD (cut himse!f) %/" #he bath9s overf!o$ingD (!eave the ta8 on) %0" Where have the curtain gone to? (take do$n) (+ee (ii) above") '1" #here9s a ne$ 8oster on the $a!!D (8ut u8) (+ee (ii) above")


1 Auxiliary verbs: (oul*n)t + perfect infinitive *negative deduction+ PEG $! ?esterday someone finished the $ineGbroke a $ineg!assGborro$ed 2ary9s radio etc" 2ary thinks it $as #om $ho did these things but you kno$ that #om $as out a!! day" A: 3 $onder $ho broke the g!ass" 3 e&8ect it $as #om" B: om couldn't have bro$en it. %e wasn't here "esterda". I wonder who ... . I e()ect it was om. %" s8oke to her '" 8aid the mi!kman (" brought the f!o$ers *" fi&ed the te!evision set ," tuned my guitar -" made a!! this mess ." moved the 8iano /" s8i!t the $ine 0" o8ened the !etters %1" borro$ed my umbre!!a %%" ans$ered the 8hone %'" finished the bott!e of gin %(" drank a!! the beer %*" ate the co!d meat %," fused the !ights %-" !eft the gas on %." !et the cats out %/" overheard us %0" 8!anted the rose bushes '1" $ent off $ith the te!e8hone directory


2 Auxiliary verbs: (oul*n)t have *one PEG $! A: +e says he sa$ 2ary at the dance" (But B kno$s that 2ary $asn9t there") B: %e couldn't have seen her. +he wasn't there. A: +e says he esca8ed through the $indo$" (But B kno$s that the $indo$ is barred") B4 %e couldn't have esca)ed through the window. It's barred. #he information kno$n to B $i!! be 8!aced in brackets after A9s statement" #he $ords 9But B kno$s that """9 $i!! be omitted" %e sa"s he ... %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 0" had an argument $ith #om at the 8arty" (#om $asn9t there") bo!ted the door" (3t has no bo!t") used the :mergency :&it" (#here isn9t one") came u8 by the !ift" (#he !ift $asn9t $orking") s!e8t in room %(" (#here is no room %(") bought it in +arrods on =unday" (+arrods doesn9t o8en on =unday") hired a sai!ing boat in =t" James 7ark" (there are no boats for hire in =t" James9s 7ark") drove across +ungerford Bridge" (3t is for trains and 8edestrians on!y") took the 7iccadi!!y >ine to +igh =treet Iensington" (#he 7iccadi!!y >ine doesn9t 8ass through +igh =treet Iensington") %1" carried it himse!f" (3t $eighs a ton") %%" dined in a restaurant on to8 of Ne!son9s )o!umn" (#here is no restaurant there") %'" $aded across the #hames at Westminster Bridge" (3t is too dee8") %(" $atched Westminster Bridge !ifting u8 to !et a shi8 through" (#his bridge doesn9t !ift u8") %*" sa$ the Fueen standing in a <ueue" (#he Fueen doesn9t stand in <ueues") %," $as attacked by $o!ves $hen crossing +am8stead +eath" (#here are no $o!ves there") %-" $a!ked from )he!sea to Ie$ in ha!f an hour" (3t is too far") %." got sunburnt in +yde 7ark in November" (#he sun isn9t strong enough") %/" s$am across the 3rish =ea" (3t is too $ide") %0" heard your c!ock strike" (2y c!ock doesn9t strike") '1" $ent there by train" (#he rai!$ay !ine is c!osed")

Auxiliary verbs: nee*n)t have *one , (oul* have *one

PEG $"


A: ?ou sent the sheets to the !aundry 3 su88ose? ($ash them myse!f) B: No, I washed them m"self. ): You needn't have washed them "ourself. You could have sent them to the laundr". %" ?ou $ent by ta&i 3 su88ose? (take a bus) '" ?ou $ent by bus 3 su88ose? ($a!k) (" ?ou took the !ift 3 su88ose? ($a!k u8 the stairs) *" ?ou 8honed him 3 su88ose? ($rite) ," ?ou got the tube tickets from a machine 3 su88ose? (stand in a <ueue) -" ?ou borro$ed the books 3 su88ose? (buy) ." ?ou asked the sho8 to send the 8arce!s home 3 su88ose? (carry there) /" ?ou 8ainted the car yourse!f 3 su88ose? (have it s8rayed) 0" ?ou se$ed it by hand 3 su88ose? (use the machine) %1" ?ou $a!ked u8 the ski4s!o8e 3 su88ose? (take the ski4!ift) %%" ?ou 8aid by che<ue 3 su88ose? (8ay by cash) %'" ?ou dia!!ed the 7aris number direct 3 su88ose? (ask the e&change to get) %(" ?ou re8!aced the bu!b yourse!f 3 su88ose? (send for the e!ectrician) %*" When the curtain caught fire you 8ut it out yourse!f 3 su88ose? (ring for the Fire Brigade) %," ?ou covered the grand 8iano $ith a sheet before you 8ainted the cei!ing 3 su88ose? (moved it out of the room) %-" A button fe!! off your coat so you se$ed it on 3 su88ose? )thro$ the coat a$ay) %." ?ou $ent second c!ass 3 su88ose? (go first c!ass) %/" A fuse b!e$ so you 8ut in a ne$ fuse 3 su88ose? (sit in the dark) %0" ?ou !eft your heavy case at the station 3 su88ose? (take it $ith me) '1" As you needed a co8y you used a carbon 3 su88ose? (ty8e it t$ice)

! Auxiliary verbs: nee*n)t have *one , (oul* have *one PEG $" A: 3 had te!evision set re8aired" 3t $as very e&8ensive" B: *ut "ou needn't have had it re)aired8 "ou could have re)aired it "ourself.

(' =tress had and yourself" have in needn't have and could have shou!d be 8ronounced as if $ritten 've" #his e&ercise cou!d a!so be done $ith shouldn't have and should have or ou htn't to have and ou ht to have" I had ... It was ver" e()ensive. %" the house 8ainted '" the curtains dyed" (" the car8et c!eaned" *" the dead tree cut do$n" (Note order with )ronoun ob1ect4 cut it down") ," doub!e4g!aHing 8ut in" (Note order with )ronoun ob1ect4 )ut it in") -" centra! heating insta!!ed" ." my refrigerator re8aired" /" my roof mended" 0" the roses 8runed" %1" the $indo$s $ashed" %%" the car res8rayed" %'" the ha!! re8a8ered" %(" fruit trees 8!anted" %*" the garage bui!t" %," the ne$ 8ath made" %-" the 8icture framed" %." the car 8o!ished" %/" the ne$ !ock fitted" %0" the a88!es 8icked" '1" the 8iano tuned"

" Auxiliary verbs: Coul*n)t you have *one/ or Shoul*n)t you have *one/ PEG $" A:3 got there on #uesday" B: 9ouldn't "ou have got there before/ (: .ouldn't this have been )ossible/) %" '" (" *" ," 3 8osted it on #uesday" #hey 8aid me on #uesday" =he started on #uesday" +e brought it back on #uesday" +e sent in his a88!ication on #uesday"

(( -" 3 8honed him on #uesday" ." #hey moved out on #uesday" /" We !eft on #uesday" 0" =he $rote on #uesday" %1" +e a88!ied on #uesday" %%" +e booked the tickets on #uesday" %'" #hey re8orted it to the 8o!ice station on #uesday" %(" We re4addressed the !etters on #uesday" %*" 3 got back on #uesday" %," 3 made the arrangements on #uesday" %-" 3 cance!!ed the tickets on #uesday" %." 3 ans$ered his !etter on #uesday" %/" 3 gave her the message on #uesday" %0" We invited him on #uesday" '1" 3 to!d them about it on #uesday"

# .enses: simple present PEG /( A: Do you mend his socks? B: No, he mends his own soc$s. 0o "ou ... %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" iron his shirt? $ash his sheets? make her bed? tie his tie (for him)? brush his hair? choose his c!othes? se$ on his buttons? c!ean his shoes?

(* 0" get his breakfast? %1" do her sho88ing? %%" cook his mea!s? %'" 8o!ish her furniture? %(" check his brakes? %*" 8um8 u8 his tyres? %," do his $ashing u8? %-" c!ean his f!at for him? %." cut her hair? %/" get his tickets for him? %0" ty8e his !etters? '1" 8ay his bi!!s?

$ .enses: simple present PEG /( A: 3 get u8 ear!y" B: om gets u) earl" too. %" 3 $ork in >ondon" '" 3 !ive in +am8stead" (" 3 get u8 ear!y" *" 3 go for a $a!k before breakfast" ," 3 have a co!d bath every morning" -" 3 run a!! the $ay to the station" ." 3 come to $ork by tube" /" 3 usua!!y catch the /"'1 train" 0" 3 usua!!y get a ticket from the machine" %1" 3 read the 8a8er in the train" %%" 3 get out at 7iccadi!!y" %'" 3 start $ork at 0"11" %(" 3 !unch in the canteen" %*" 3 finish $ork at ,"(1" %," 3 go home by bus"

(, %-" %." %/" %0" '1" 3 stand in a !ong <ueue every night" 3 sit u8stairs" 3 buy an evening 8a8er" 3 arrive home about -"(1" 3 say 9+e!!oD9

% .enses: simple present PEG /( A: What do you have for breakfast? Bacon and eggs?" B: Yes, I have bacon and eggs. .hat do "ou have/ (stress on you) %" Where do you eat? 3n the canteen? '" What time do you start? Nine? (" What time do you finish? =i&? *" +o$ much do you $eigh? #en stone? ," +o$ ta!! are you? =i& foot? -" What time do you get u8? =even? ." What anima! do you !ike best? Dogs? /" +o$ do you come to the office? By bus? 0" What do you do in the evening? Watch te!evision? %1" Where do you go for your ho!idays? =cot!and? %%" +o$ many $eeks9 ho!iday do you have? #hree? %'" Where do you kee8 your money? Cnder the mattress? %(" Where do you buy your c!othes? 7aris? %*" When do you do your home$ork? Just before the !esson? %," +o$ often do you $rite home? :very $eek? %-" +o$ do you !ike coffee? =trong? %." When do you cook on? ;as? %/" What game do you 8!ay best? #ennis? %0" Where do you s$im? 3n the s$imming baths? '1" What do you drink? ;in?


& .enses: simple present PEG /( A: 3 read #he #imes" B: om reads the ;()ress. A: 3 go out every evening" B: om sta"s at home. A: 3 grind my o$n coffee" B: om bu"s his read" ground. A: 3 $ash my o$n sheets B: om sends his to the laundr".

i"e" Any ans$er is acce8tab!e 8rovided it begins $ith a (rd 8erson singu!ar sub5ect B verb in the sim8!e tense (affirmative) and contrasts $ith A9s statement" %" 3 smoke cigars" '" 3 !ive on the to8 f!oor" (" 3 s8end very !itt!e" *" 3 $a!k to $ork" ," 3 $ork on =aturdays" -" 3 usua!!y trave! by air" ." 3 $rite $ith my !eft hand" /" 3 eat $ith cho8sticks" 0" 3 drink $ine $ith my mea!s" %1" 3 $atch footba!! on te!evision" %%" 3 usua!!y go a$ay for $eekends" %'" 3 do my o$n e!ectrica! re8airs" %(" 3 s!ee8 $ith the $indo$s o8en" %*" 3 dictate my !etters to a secretary" %," 3 $rite my essays in ordinary hand$riting" %-" 3 s8eak :ng!ish at mea!s" %." 3 disagree $ith him" %/" 3 think an e!ectric ty8e$riter is an unnecessary !u&ury"

(. %0" '1" 3 $ear my hair short" 3 make a !ot of mistakes"

!' .enses: simple present PEG /( A: 3 earn K,1 a $eek" B: %ow much does "our brother earn/ (stress on brother) A: 3 !ive in Westminster" B: .here does "our brother live/ (stress on brother) 2ake <uestions using ho#% #here% #hen% ho# much% ho# many% ho# often% #hat" %" 3 !ive in #unbridge We!!s" '" 3 smoke t$enty cigarettes a day" (" 3 have toast and coffee for breakfast" *" 3 read detective stories" ," 3 go to ?ork for my ho!idays" -" 3 s8end K' a $eek on fares" ." 3 drive a 2ini" /" 3 $ear rubber boots" 0" 3 em8!oy t$enty men" %1" 3 bank at Barc!ays" %%" 3 8ay by che<ue" %'" 3 !ike comedies best" %(" 3 c!ean my f!at at $eekends" (Cse his for my and stress it s!ight!y") %*" 3 kee8 my bicyc!e in the ha!!" (=ee above") %," 3 sing fo!k4songs" %-" 3 8!ay the bag8i8es" %." 3 8hone home every $eek" %/" 3 a!$ays sit at the back of the c!ass" %0" 3 co!!ect coins" '1" 3 $rite sentimenta! nove!s"


!1 .enses: simple present# negative PEG /( A: #om9s making a !ot of mistakesD B: %e doesn't usuall" ma$e mista$es. (stress on usually) %" #om9s ans$ering the te!e8honeD '" +e9s taking the chi!dren to schoo!D (" +e9s he!8ing his $ifeD *" +e9s !ooking after the babyD ," +e9s $a!king the dogD -" +e9s carrying his $ife9s basketD ." +e9s c!eaning the $indo$sD /" +e9s moving the !a$nD 0" +e9s $eeding the gardenD %1" +e9s hanging out the $ashingD %%" #hey9re s8ending their ho!idays at homeD %'" 39m doing a cross$ord 8uHH!eD (!se pu&&les in ans$er") %(" #hey9re $orking !ateD %*" 39m knocking off ear!yD %," =he9s cooking it in butterD %-" =he9s baking breadD %." +e9s !ooking miserab!eD %/" #he dog is s!ee8ing on your bedD %0" =he9s driving her husband9s carD '1" =he9s sto88ing at the traffic !ightsD


!2 .enses: two present tenses# interrogative negative PEG /( A: John s8ends the $inters in the Bahamas" B: 0oesn't his sister s)end the winters in the *ahamas as well/ A: John9s going on a cruise this s8ring? B: 3sn9t his sister going on a cruise this s8ring as $e!!? Note that some sentences are in the 8resent continuous tense some are in the sim8!e 8resent tense" %" John goes skiing at )hristmas" '" John drives an A!fa Aomeo" (" John !ives in a 8enthouse in 7ark >ane" *" John is !earning to f!y a he!ico8ter" ," John !oses a !ot of money gamb!ing" -" John is 8!anning to buy a ;reek is!and" ." John drinks cham8agne for breakfast" /" John gives marve!!ous 8arties" 0" John kno$s a !ot of im8ortant 8eo8!e" %1" John 8!ays 8o!o" %%" John em8!oys a 8rivate bodyguard" %'" John is bui!ding a second s$imming 8oo!" %(" John is buying an enormous yacht" %*" John co!!ects E!d 2asters" %," John is starting a 8rivate Hoo" %-" John s8ends a fortnight in a hea!th resort every year" %." John eats off go!d 8!ates" %/" John is terrified of being kidna88ed" %0" John is a!$ays grumb!ing about high ta&ation" '1" John is thinking of moving to a ta&4haven"


.enses: two present tenses# interrogative negative

PEG 00# /( A: +e usua!!y smokes #urkish cigarettes" B: *ut toda" he is smo$ing French cigarettes. A: +e usua!!y reads a ;erman 8a8er" B: *ut toda" he is reading a French )a)er. Do the fo!!o$ing e&ercises in the same $ay a!$ays substituting 'rench for the ad5ective of nationa!ity or the !anguage mentioned" %e usuall" ... %" drives a ;erman car" '" rides an :ng!ish horse" (" sings ;erman songs" *" 8!ays 3ta!ian music" ," drinks :ng!ish beer" -" dances $ith a ;reek gir!" ." uses an :ng!ish dictionary" /" has !unch in a Ja8anese restaurant" 0" !istens to the ne$s in :ng!ish" %1" $rites in =8anish" %%" goes to 3ndian fi!ms" (!se a 'rench film in the answer") %'" ta!ks :ng!ish" %(" corrects the =8anish essays" %*" e&8!ains in :ng!ish" %," !ectures in =8anish" %-" broadcasts in =8anish" %." addresses students in :ng!ish" %/" cooks a =8anish mea! for us" %0" trave!s by an 3ta!ian air!ine" '1" s$ears in 3ta!ian"

!! .enses: two present tenses

PEG 00# /(


A: (in tones of great astonishment): #om is drinking beerD B: 0oesn't he usuall" drin$ beer/ (stress on usually) %" 7eter is going second c!assD '" Ann is smoking a cigarD (" 2ary is doing footba!! 8oo!sD *" 2rs =mith is $earing a $igD ," ;eorge is $ashing u8D -" Andre$ is buying roses for his $ifeD ." 7au! is te!!ing !iesD /" #he boss is having !unch in the canteenD 0" Andre$ is cooking the breakfastD %1" 7eter is making his bedD %%" 2r Jones is ty8ing his o$n !etters" %'" #he boss is standing in a <ueue" %(" #om is sitting beside 2argaretD %*" Bi!! is dancing $ith A!iceD %," 2rs Jones is 8!aying rou!etteD %-" ;eorge is !istening to our conversationD %." =ara is going abroad for her ho!idayD %/" +is business is making a 8rofitD %0" 7eter is going on strike $ith the othersD '1" +e is getting )hristmas Day offD

!" .enses: two present tenses PEG 00# /( A: #he staff don9t usua!!y $ear sanda!s in the office" B: hen wh" are the" wearing sandals toda"/

*' %" 2r Jones doesn9t usua!!y grumb!e" '" #he canteen staff don9t usua!!y com8!ain" (" #he boss doesn9t usua!!y s$ear" *" #hey don9t usua!!y 8ay us in do!!ars" ," +e doesn9t usua!!y $rite $ith his !eft hand" -" #hey don9t usua!!y $a!k to $ork" ." +e doesn9t usua!!y !unch a!one" /" =he doesn9t usua!!y stand by the $indo$" 0" +e doesn9t usua!!y sit $ith his feet on the desk" %1" #he boss doesn9t usua!!y use a ca!cu!ator" %%" =he doesn9t usua!!y criticiHe us" %'" +e doesn9t usua!!y make a fuss about nothing" %(" =he doesn9t usua!!y bring the tea round" %*" #he boss doesn9t usua!!y smi!e at us" %," #hey don9t usua!!y !eave ear!y" %-" +e doesn9t usua!!y !ock the fi!ing cabinets" %." +e doesn9t ty8e his o$n !etters" (2mit o#n") %/" +e doesn9t usua!!y em8ty the $aste8a8er baskets himse!f" (2mit himself") %0" +e doesn9t usua!!y take 8a8ers home" '1" +e doesn9t usua!!y $atch the c!ock"

!# .enses: present and past continuous PEG / A# ('-) A: 3f 3 go by bus L B (interru8ting): 2h, are "ou thin$ing of going b" bus/ A: What did you say? B: I as$ed if "ou were thin$ing of going b" bus. A: 3f 3 ring 7eter L B (interru8ting): 2h, are "ou thin$ing of ringing -eter/ A: What did you say?

*( B: I as$ed if "ou were thin$ing of ringing -eter. If I ... %" se!! the car L '" !eave tomorro$ L (" give u8 my 5ob L *" ask Jack L ," emigrate to Austra!ia L -" buy a dog L ." hire a car L /" s!ee8 in a tent L 0" go to 2orocco L %1" send a te!egram L %%" have him fo!!o$ed L %'" com8!ain to the manager L %(" threaten him L %*" offer him a bribe L %," rob a bank L %-" 8aint the house myse!f L %." hitch4hike L %/" re8ort it to the 8o!ice L %0" a88!y for the 5ob L '1" thro$ a brick through his $indo$ L

!$ .enses: present and past continuous PEG 00# /! A: John9s reading #he #imes B: No, he isn't. %e's reading the elegra)h. A: #om $as $aiting for a bus" B: No, he wasn't. %e was waiting for a ta(i. #he student must disagree $ith the first remark and re8eat it $ith another suitab!e noun" Aemember that the first au&i!iary isn't #asn't etc" $i!! be strong!y stressed but the second one $i!! carry the norma! $eak stress" %" =he9s buying bananas"

** '" #hey9re going to Aome" (" +e $as eating fish and chi8s" *" =he9s ordering cho8s" ," #hey $ere !iving in :ng!and" -" +e9s $riting a nove!" ." #hey9re drinking gin" /" +e9s 8!aying the trum8et" 0" =he9s dancing $ith Jack" %1" =he9s $orking for a stockbroker" %%" +e $as $orking beside Ann" %'" =he9s smoking a cigarette" %(" #hey9re s8eaking 3ta!ian" %*" =he9s com8!aining about the food" %," #hey $ere !istening to the ne$s" %-" #hey9re coming back on 2onday" %." #hey9re arriving at si&" %/" =he $as 8icking a88!es" %0" +e $as !ooking for his sister" '1" =he $as !ying on the f!oor"

!% .enses: present simple and continuous# past continuous PEG 00# /(# /! #his is an e&ercise for three students" We sha!! ca!! them (ack% )om and *ary" (ack rings )om at , a"m" and $e hear the first 8art of this conversation" >ater say at %1 a"m" (ack mentions his ca!! to *ary" A: ()rom)t onl") 7o!ish my shoes" JA)I: +e!!o #omD Are you in bed? #E2: No" 39m 8o!ishing my shoes" JA)I: Do you a!$ays 8o!ish your shoes at , a"m"? (!ater) JA)I: 3 rang #om at , this morning" 2AA?: 7oor #om" Was he in bed? JA)I: No" +e $as 8o!ishing his shoes" 2AA?: What funny time to 8o!ish shoesD %" #une the 8iano" '" )ook breakfast" (" >isten to the radio"

*, *" #ake 8hotogra8hs" ," 7aint the cei!ing" -" Write 8oetry" ." 7ractise the 8iano" /" Do e&ercises" 0" 7!ay cards" %1" Brush the dog" %%" )!ean the $indo$s" %'" Do my accounts" (!se your in the answer") %(" =e$ in my buttons" (!se your in the answer") %*" 7!an my ne&t ho!iday" (!se your in the answer") %," 2ake 5am" %-" Bake a cake" %." )!ean my room" (!se your in the answer") %/" 7ee! 8otatoes" %0" Do a cross$ord 8uHH!e" (!se pu&&les in the answer") '1" Ae8air my motorbike" (!se your in the answer")

!& .enses: negatives of the simple present# present continuous and simple past PEG 0/# /(# // A: Do you finish at si&? B: No, we don't finish till seven. A: Did she get home on 2onday? B: No, she didn't get home till uesda". A: Are you starting in Ju!y? B: No, we aren't starting till August. #he time in the res8onse shou!d be an hour !ater or a day !ater or a $eek or a month !ater as a88ro8riate" %" Did you start at eight? '" Did you arrive on the third? (" Does the !esson begin at nine? *" Do the sho8s shut at five? ," Does he get u8 at seven? -" Are you going on Wednesday? ." Did he ca!! you at si&? /" 3s he !eaving on Friday? 0" Did he 8ay you at the end of the first $eek? %1" Did he get there on the t$enty4fourth?

*%%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" Are they coming in Ju!y? Do you e&8ect to be ready by A8ri!? 3s the 8!ay being 8roduced in 2ay? Does the 8ost come at eight? Are you starting your ne$ 5ob this $eek? Are you seeing the so!icitor on #hursday? Did they re8ort it on the first? Was he arrested that day? Did they o8erate on the fourth? Are they re!easing him today?

"' .enses: present and past continuous with always PEG 0/)# -'1 (a) A: 2ike doesn9t interru8t much does he? B: 2h "es, he does. %e's alwa"s interru)ting< (stress on al#ays) A: +e doesn9t change his 5ob often does he? B: 2h "es, he does. %e's alwa"s changing his 1ob< (stress on al#ays) (b) A: +e didn9t change his 5ob often did he? B: Eh yes he did" +e $as a!$ays changing his 5obD (stress on al#ays) (a) +e doesn9t """ does he? (b) +e didn9t """ did he?

%" smoke much '" ask for he!8 often (" ta!k about her *" argue much ," often forget your te!e8hone number (!se my in the answer.) -" use the 8hone often ." change his 5ob often /" have accidents often 0" get into troub!e often %1" gossi8 much %%" boast often %'" break things often %(" !ook out of the $indo$ often %*" !et you do$n often (!se me in the answer") %," grumb!e much %-" te!! !ies often %." get into debt often

*. %/" %0" '1" catch co!d often $rite to the ne$s8a8ers order you about much (!se me in the answer")

"1 .enses: past continuous with always contrasted with simple past PEG 0/)# -'1 A: +e $as a!$ays ringingD B: Nonsense< %e onl" rang twice" %e was alwa"s ... %" interru8ting '" com8!aining (" interfering *" changing his mind ," !osing his tem8er -" getting drunk ." breaking his 8romise /" fa!!ing off (his horse) 0" $aking me u8 %1" disa88earing %%" going on strike %'" making a fuss %(" refusing (to he!8) %*" coming !ate (for $ork) %," asking for a rise %-" shouting at me %." !eaving $ork ear!y %/" taking her out %0" getting !ost '1" overs!ee8ing A: +e $as a!$ays criticiHing meD B: NonsenseD +e on!y criticiHed you t$ice"


0ra++ar "2 .enses: past simple and continuous PEG //# /! -rom)t: Wash dishes" A: What $ere you doing $hen you heard the crash? B: I was washing dishes. A: And $hat did you do $hen you heard it? B: I went on washing dishes" (Er you cou!d invent your o$n ans$er 8rovided you use the sim8!e 8ast tense") #he 8rom8ts on!y are given as the <uestions are the same in each case" %" !isten to the radio '" $atch te!evision (" iron #om9s shirts *" mend sheets ," dye curtains -" hang 8ictures ." !ay a car8et (!se the in the second answer") /" do e&ercises 0" $rite my diary %1" dust the sitting room %%" $hite$ash the 8assage %'" 8aint the bathroom door %(" tidy the bookshe!ves %*" arrange f!o$ers %," hang 8ictures %-" feed the go!dfish %." 8ut things into the dee84freeHe %/" take c!othes out of the $ashing machine %0" make toast '1" stand on my head



.enses: simple past pronunciation# 2ed pronounced 3Id 3

A: When did you re8ort it? B: I re)orted it "esterda". .hen did ... %" he start? '" she faint? (" you e&8ect him? *" he invite her? ," you remind them? -" you $ait for them? ." she 8aint the door? /" you $ant the information? 0" you need the advice? %1" you 8ost the !etters? %%" you dust the bedrooms? %'" you hand it in? %(" they a88oint 7eter? %*" they co!!ect it? %," you intend to start? %-" she acce8t the invitation? %." she add these figures u8? %/" they divide the takings? %0" he re8eat his offer? '1" they decorated the )hristmas tree?


"! .enses: simple past pronunciation# 2ed pronounced 3Id 3 A: Did you $atch the match? B: Yes, of course I watched it. A: Did the !ift sto8? B: Yes, of course it sto))ed.

%" Did you ta!k to them? '" Did your scheme $ork? (" Did they $a!k here? *" Did he cook the steak? ," Did she stuff the chicken? -" Did the ne$s astonish him? ." Did he ho8e to see Ann? /" Did they search the f!at? 0" Did you dismiss him? %1" Did they kidna8 the boy? %%" Did he cough? %'" Did you knock? %(" Did they ta& his earnings? %*" Did he !ook for his 8ass8ort? %," Did she ty8e the !etters? %-" Did they discuss my suggestion? %." Did the dogs bark? %/" Did you $ra8 it u8? %0" Did they 8hotogra8h the documents? '1" Did you !augh?


"" .enses: simple past pronunciation# 2ed A: When did a!! this ha88en? B: It ha))ened last wee$. .hen did ... %" they move in? '" the transmitter arrive? (" they re$ire the f!at? *" they insta!! c!osed4circuit te!evision? ," the caretaker disa88ear? -" they murder the other tenants? ." they drug the !and!ord? /" they dis8ose of the bodies? 0" they receive the sto!en 8ro8erty? %1" they bury the go!d bars? %%" they change the !ock? %'" they oi! the hinges? %(" they use the secret 8assage? %*" the !eader threaten you? %," the masked man fo!!o$ you? %-" the neighbours com8!ain? %." you mention your sus8icions? %/" you accuse them? %0" they destroy the evidence? '1" he erase the ta8es?


pronounced 3Id 3

A: When did he o8en your !etters? B: %e o)ened them last wee$.

"# .enses: simple past pronunciation# mixed A: Did Ann com8!ain? B: No. It was om who com)lained. 0id Ann ... A: Did Ann so!ve the 8rob!em? B: No. It was om who solved it.

,' %" a88!y for the 5ob? '" dro8 the eggs? (" fi& the ta8e recorder? *" for$ard the !etters? ," organiHe the tri8? -" !ock the safe? ." $reck the car? /" ob5ect? 0" accom8any the students? %1" he!8 Bi!!? %%" fetch the chi!dren? %'" suggest the 8arty? %(" 5um8 first? %*" !and by 8arachute? (7ee) parachute") %," ask you? %-" demand com8ensation? (7ee) compensation") %." drug the coffee? %/" rescue you? %0" dictate these notes? '1" scream?

"$ .enses: simple past irregular verbs PEG chapter (! A: ?ou usua!!y take t$o 8ieces of toast don9t you? (three) B: Yes, but toda" I too$ three. A: ?ou usua!!y buy your vegetab!es at your !oca! greengrocer9s don9t you? (the market) B: Yes, but toda" I bought them at the mar$et. You usuall" ... don't "ou/

,( %" get out at >eicester =<uare (7iccadi!!y) '" drink $ater ($ine) (" meet 7au! at his office (at his c!ub) *" fee! $e!! (a$fu!) ," read the Dai!y #e!egra8h (#he #imes) -" send the documents by 8ost (by hand) ." te!! 7eter first (Janet) /" go $ith 7eter ($ith 7au!) 0" come by bus (by ta&i) %1" say too !itt!e (too much) %%" buy a88!es (8ears) %'" stand at the side (at the back) %(" sit do$nstairs (u8stairs) %*" !eave at eight (at nine) %," $rite three !ines (three 8ages) %-" 8ut the money in the safe (in the dra$er) %." ring her at seven (at si&) %/" $ake the chi!dren at eight (at seven) %0" s8end a !ot of money (hard!y anything) '1" make a 8rofit (a !oss)

"% .enses: simple past irregular verbs PEG chapter (! A: +as he seen Ann? B: Yes, he saw her "esterda". A: +as he driven the car yet? B: Yes, he drove it "esterda". (yet is omitted in the ans$er") %" '" (" *" ," -" ." +ave you so!d your car? +ave you s8oken to Jack? +ave you !ost your $atch? +ave they heard the ne$s? +ave they drunk the $ine? +ave you rung #om? +as she seen the 8!ay?

,* /" +ave you 8aid the bi!!? 0" +ave you caught a fish yet? (!se one in the answer") %1" +as she broken off the engagement? (Note )ronoun )osition4 brea$ it off") %%" +ave you !earnt your irregu!ar verbs? %'" +as he torn his trousers? %(" +as he ever forgotten your birthday? (No ob1ect is necessar". 2mit ever") %*" +as she begun $ork yet? (No ob1ect is necessar"") %," +ave you found your keys? %-" +ave you burnt the documents? %." +as she s$e8t the stairs? %/" +ave you thro$n the !etter a$ay? (Note )ronoun )osition4 throw it awa"") %0" +ave you given him the book? (Note )ronoun )osition4 give it to him") '1" +ave you ground the coffee?

"& .enses: simple past interrogative PEG /$# chapter (! (i) A: 3 haven9t seen Bi!! for ages" B: .hen did "ou last see him/. (ii) A: 3 haven9t eaten an egg for ages" B: .hen did "ou last see him/ I haven't ... for ages. %" drunk $hisky '" s8oken ;erman (" read a book (+ee (ii) above") *" to!d a !ie (+ee (ii) above") ," broken a g!ass (+ee (ii) above") -" $ritten to 7eter ." had an accident (+ee (ii) above") /" make a mistake (+ee (ii) above") 0" f!o$n %1" driven a car (+ee (ii) above")

,, %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" ridden my motorbike got !ost bought anything (!se somethin ") cut my hair ke8t him $aiting (0o not change #aitin ") missed a c!ass (+ee (ii) above") 8aid income ta& s!e8t $e!! <uarre!!ed $ith him heard from her

#' .enses: simple past# negative interrogative PEG /$# chapter (! A: 3 ta!ked to #om" B: 0idn't "ou tal$ to #ac$ too/ %" 3 he!8ed Bi!!" '" 3 thanked ;eorge" (" 3 8aid 7eter" *" 3 congratu!ated Andre$" ," 3 fined 7au!" -" 3 s8oke to James" ." 3 met Arthur" /" 3 $rote to Bi!!" 0" 3 sa$ Ann" %1" 3 ti88ed Joan" %%" 3 8hotogra8hed E!iver" %'" 3 sent a card to +ugh" %(" 3 got a ticket for 2ary" %*" 3 ke8t a seat for Bob" %," 3 asked ;eorge" %-" 3 invited 2argaret" %." 3 forgave A!ec" %/" 3 offered a !ift to Bi!!" %0" 3 sto88ed 7eter" '1" 3 $arned +ugh"


#1 .enses: I thou-ht you + past tense A: 3 go to $ork by bus" (tube) B: I thought "ou went to wor$ b" tube. %" 3 drink coffee" (tee) '" +e smokes cigars" (a 8i8e) (" 3 !eave home at /"11" (0"11) *" 3 start $ork at 0"11 " (%1"11) ," 3 eat in the canteen" (in a restaurant) -" 3 get u8 at -"11" (."11)" ." 3 make K*1 a $eek" (K,1) /" +e $rites detective stories" (!ove stories) 0" #he train !eaves at *"11" (*"(1) %1" 3 s8end K% a $eek on fares" (K') %%" 3 come from =cot!and" (Wa!es) %'" 3 8!ay tennis" (go!f) %(" 3 co!!ect coins" (stam8s) %*" 3 agree $ith 7eter" (7au!) %," 3 a!$ays have !unch $ith Andre$" (;eorge) %-" 3 8aint in $ater4co!ours" (oi!s) %." 3 need a hammer" (chise!) %/" +e 8refers Ann" (2ary) %0" 3 cook it in butter" (oi!) '1" +e se!!s ta8e recorders" (radios)


#2 .enses: I thou-ht you + past tense (i) A: 3 !ive in Iensington" B: I thought "ou lived in -imlico. Iee8 the nouns unchanged" %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 3 $ork in 2ayfair" 3 sho8 in Iensington" 3 !ive in Finch!ey" 3 go to c!asses in =oho" 3 !eave my car in @ictoria" 7eter and 3 meet in +yde 7ark" 3 send his mai! to Westminster" 3 get out at Bri&ton" %" '" (" *" ," -" ." 3 catch my train at :ar!9s )ourt 3 buy my shoes in Inightsbridge" 3 8!ay tennis in Du!$ich" 3 8refer @au&ha!!" 3 $ant a garage in Barnet" 3 s8end my $eekends in Whitecha8e!" +e refuses to !ive in >ambeth"


A: 3 teach :ng!ish B: 2h, I thought "ou taught French. %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 3 shout at him in :ng!ish" 3 trans!ate the !etters into :ng!ish" 3 give the instructions in :ng!ish" 3 e&8!ain in :ng!ish" 3 s$ear in :ng!ish" 3 think in :ng!ish" 3 count in :ng!ish" We discuss it in :ng!ish"

%" 3 s8eak :ng!ish in c!ass" '" 3 correct his :ng!ish" (" 3 sing in :ng!ish" *" 3 $rite the minutes of the meeting in :ng!ish" ," 3 com8!ain in :ng!ish" -" 3 argue in :ng!ish" ." 3 test their :ng!ish"


# .enses: I *i*n)t .now + past tense A: #hese are my skis" B: I didn't $now "ou s$ied. A: ;eorge kee8s his chess set here" (8!ay) B: I didn't $now he )la"ed chess.

%" #hese are my knitting need!es" '" #hese are Ann9s skates" (" +ere are #om9s bo&ing g!oves" *" #his is 2ary9s fishing rod" ," #his is Bi!!9s fencing mask" -" #hese are Ann9s 8aintbrushes" ." +ere are ;eorge9s $ater4skis" /" #his is 7au!9s diving e<ui8ment" 0" #hese are my sai!ing c!othes" %1" #hese are 2ary9s gardening g!oves" %%" +ere are #om9s footba!! boots" (8!ay) %'" ;eorge kee8s his cigars in that dra$er" (smoke) %(" #hose crash4he!mets over there be!ong to the boys" (ride motorbikes) %*" +ere9s my stam8 a!bum" (co!!ect) %," #hese are 8hotos of me f!ying he!ico8ters" %-" 39m !ooking for my contact !enses" ($ear) %." A!! this mountain4c!imbing e<ui8ment be!ongs to +ugo" (c!imb) %/" +ere are some 8hotos of me making s8eeches at +yde 7ark )orner" %0" +ere are some 8hotos of me !eading demonstrations" '1" 3 kee8 my fortune4te!!ing e<ui8ment in that cu8board" (te!! fortunes)


#! .enses: present perfect PEG -( A: 3 su88ose you met #om some time ago" B: No, I've onl" 1ust met him. I su))ose ... some time ago. %" you heard this (!se it for this") '" he arrived (" she !eft *" they got engaged ," she arranged this (!se it") -" she acce8ted your suggestion ." they bought the house /" he to!d her 0" the course began %1" the sho8 o8ened %%" he suggested this (!se it") %'" you and #om enro!!ed %(" he 8assed his test %*" you signed the !ease %," they cance!!ed their booking %-" he resigned %." they emigrated %/" they arrested him %0" he ans$ered '1" you booked the seats


#" .enses: present perfect PEG !& A: 39ve been 8icking 8ears" B: %ow man" have "ou )ic$ed/ A: +e9s been making a !ot of money" B: %ow much has he made/

Note that if the things that are being ta!ked are countab!e you shou!d use man"" 3f they are uncountab!e you shou!d use much" %" 39ve been 8!anting a88!e trees" '" 39ve been making cakes" (" +e9s been c!eaning shoes" *" +e9s been $riting !etters" ," We9ve been mending sheets" -" 39ve been $ashing b!ankets" ." 39ve been a88!ying for 5obs" /" 39ve been taking 8hotogra8hs" 0" 39ve been saving money" %1" #om has been 8utting on $eight" %%" Ann9s been !osing $eight" %'" 7eter9s been ans$ering advertisements" %(" 2ary9s been sending out invitations" %*" 39ve been cutting sand$iches" %," ;eorge has been 8ainting 8ictures" %-" #om has been !ooking at houses" %." 39ve been addressing enve!o8es" %/" 39ve been ironing shirts" %0" 39ve been grinding coffee" '1" 39ve been 8ee!ing onions"


## .enses: present perfect PEG -$ A: When did you !ast $rite to 7eter? B: 2h, I haven't written to him for ages. A: When did you !ast ride a came!? B: 2h, I haven't ridden one for ages.


(When the ob5ect has the form: a/an + noun use one in the ans$er") .hen did ... %" you !ast see #om? '" you !ast make a bad mistake? (" you and Bi!! !ast eat out? *" he !ast do a good day9s $ork? ," you !ast s!ee8 $e!!? -" she !ast read a book? ." he !ast take 8art in a com8etition? /" you !ast hear from them? 0" you !ast f!y a 8!ane? %1" you !ast s8eak to Bi!!? %%" he !ast teach? %'" he !ast 8ay you? %(" he !ast $rite to you? %*" he !ast go to the theatre? %," you !ast catch a fish? %-" he !ast shave? %." he !ast have a 5ob? %/" you !ast se!! a 8icture? %0" you and 7eter !ast discuss this matter? '1" you !ast $in a race?

#$ .enses: present perfect continuous PEG ! A: 3 !ive here" B: %ow long have "ou been living here/

-' A: 39m !ooking for a 5ob" B: %ow long have "ou been loo$ing for a 1ob/ Iee8 the nouns unchanged" %" 3 $ork here" '" 39m !earning ;reek" (" 39m $aiting for 7eter" *" 3 s!ee8 bad!y" ," 39m economiHing" -" +e drives a bus" ." 3 check their accounts" /" 3 8ay his schoo! fees" 0" +e cooks" %1" =he does t$o 5obs" %%" 3 fee! de8ressed" %'" +e9s b!ackmai!ing me" %(" +e sends anonymous !etters" %*" 3 co!!ect fossi!s" %," +e receives sto!en goods" %-" #hey meet secret!y" %." 39m !osing $eight" %/" 3 he!8 7eter $ith his home$ork" %0" 3 !ive in a condemned house" '1" #hey are s<uatting in an em8ty b!ock"

#% .enses: past perfect PEG !")# !$ A: Were you in time to sto8 #om te!!ing Ann? B: No, when I arrived he'd 1ust told her. .ere "ou in time to sto) om ... %" 8osting the !etter? '" resigning? (" acce8ting the conditions?

-( *" ringing Ann? ," signing the contrast? -" confessing? ." admitting his gui!t? /" refusing the 5ob? 0" !eaving? %1" taking the 8i!!s? %%" buying the shares? %'" se!!ing his car? %(" cance!!ing the booking? %*" te!!ing his boss? %," sho$ing the !etter to the 8o!ice? %-" 8ro8osing to 2ary? %." starting? %/" cutting the tree do$n? %0" burning the documents? '1" shooting his $ife?

#& .enses: past perfect continuous PEG !/ A: When you met him had he 5ust started fo!!o$ing her? B: No, he'd been following her for some time. Iee8 the nouns unchanged" .hen "ou met him had he 1ust started ... %" '" (" *" ," -" receiving sto!en goods? se!!ing information? stea!ing the 8etty cash? 8hotogra8hing the secret documents? forging his em8!oyer9s signature? cooking the books?

-* ." avoiding income ta&? /" drinking? 0" taking drugs? %1" fo!!o$ing you about? %%" $atching the house? %'" o8ening her mai!? %(" recording your conversation? (!se my in the answer") %*" threatening his tenants? %," gamb!ing? %-" !osing money? %." te!!ing !ies? %/" betting heavi!y? %0" cheating customers? '1" going do$nhi!!?

$' %uture forms: present continuous PEG &'&# ('(a) A: +ave you decided $hen to go? B: Yes, we're going on uesda". A: +ave you decided $hen to meet #om? B: Yes, we're meeting him on uesda". (b) A: What did he say about going? B: %e said the" were going on uesda". A: What did he say about #om? B: %e said the" were meeting him on uesda"

#he t$o grou8s of e&ercises cou!d be $orked through se8arate!y or they cou!d be combined $ith students $orking in 8airs" e"g" A: +ave you decided $hen to go? F3A=# =#CD:N#: Yes, we're going on uesda". A: What did he say about going? =:)END =#CD:N#: %e said the" were going on uesda". (a) %ave "ou decided then to ... %" leave? '" start? (b) .hat did he sa" about ... %" !eaving? '" starting?

-, (" set off? *" move out? ," come back? -" return? ." demonstrate? /" march? 0" take the test? %1" announce your engagement? %%" intervie$ the candidates? %'" test the ne$ mode!? %(" o8en the ne$ branch? %*" !aunch the shi8? %," met 7eter? %-" ins8ect the 8remises? %." invite your 8arents? %/" see the bank manager? %0" hire the car? '1" make your s8eech? (" setting off? *" moving out? ," coming back? -" returning? ." demonstrating? /" marching? 0" the test? %1" their engagement? %%" the candidates? %'" the ne$ mode!? %(" the ne$ branch? %*" the shi8? %," 7eter? %-" the 8remises? %." his 8arents? %/" the bank manager? %0" the car? '1" his s8eech?

$1 %uture forms: will contrasted with present continuous PEG &' # &'& #he students of a co!!ege are 8!anning a 8arty" #he organiHer asks for vo!unteers to do various 5obs in connection $ith this" (a) A: #he ha!! must be c!eaned" B: I'll clean the hall. (Iee8 the nouns unchanged")

>ater someone asks $hat arrangements have been made: (b) A: What about the ha!!? (7eter) B: -eter is cleaning it. (Ae8!ace noun ob5ects by 8ronouns" Be carefu! $ith numbers ' ( %/ and %0 as here the combinations re<uire a change of $ord order e"g" *ring bac$ the lasses but: *ring them bac$") (a) %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" #he 7rinci8a! must be to!d" 3nvitations must be sent out" Notices must be 8ut u8" #he f!oor must be s$e8t" #he $indo$s must be c!eaned" #he tab!es must be !aid" ;!asses must be hired" =and$iches must be cut" (b) .hat about ... %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" the 7rinci8a!? (#om) the invitations? (Ann) the notices? (Jack) the f!oor? (2ary) the $indo$s? (A!ec) the tab!es? (Bi!!) the g!asses? (Joan) the sand$iches? (A!ice)

-0" #he $ine must be ordered" %1" #he bott!es must be o8ened" %%" #he coffee must be made" %'" 2i!k and sugar must be brought" %(" A disc 5ockey must be hired" %*" #he guests9 coats must be !ooked after" %," #he 8arking must be su8ervised" %-" Aecords must be borro$ed" %." Accounts must be ke8t" %/" #he em8ties must be taken back" %0" #he dirty dishes must be $ashed u8" '1" #he caretaker must be ti88ed" 0" the $ine? (7eter) %1" the bott!es? (Bi!!) %%" the coffee? (+i!da) %'" the mi!k and sugar? (@era) %(" the disc 5ockey? (Andre$) %*" the guests9 coats? (+ugh) %," the 8arking? (;eorge) %-" the records? (Ji!!) %." the accounts? (2ichae!) %/" the em8ties? (Au8ert) %0" the dirty dishes? (Brian) '1" the caretaker? (John)

$2 %uture forms: will used at moment of decision PEG &' :vening conversation: (a) A: ?ou $ashed the car didn9t you? B: I'm afraid I forgot< *ut I'll wash it tomorrow. >ater that evening someone e!se asks: (b) A: =he $ashed the car didn9t she? B: No, she forgot. *ut she said she'd wash it tomorrow. (a) You ... , didn't "ou/ %" to!d 7eter '" rang Ann (" asked Jack *" reminded Bi!! ," 8aid A!e&ander -" thanked 2ary ." he!8ed the t$ins /" booked the seats 0" got the !icence %1" ans$ered the !etter %%" s$e8t the stairs %'" a8o!ogiHed to 7eter %(" invited the =miths %*" burnt the rubbish %," $ound the c!ock %-" took the books back (b) +he ... , didn't she/ %" to!d 7eter '" rang Ann etc" e&act!y as in (a)

Note that:

-. %." %/" %0" '1" bough the tickets made the !ist checked the brakes insured the car +he said she'd wash it tomorrow cou!d be re8!aced by +he's washing it tomorrow. (M this is her intention)

$ %uture forms: -oin- to PEG &'" A: +ave you changed your mind about se!!ing your house? B: No, I'm going to sell it. %ave "ou changed "our mind about ... %" a88!ying for the 5ob? '" te!!ing the 8o!ice? (" com8!aining about the de!ay? *" re8orting =mith? ," buying a car? (!se one") -" hiring a te!evision set? (!se one") ." recording the conversation? /" 8aying the fine? 0" raising his sa!ary? %1" em8!oying her? %%" $arning them? %'" $riting to Brian? %(" re8airing the car? %*" inviting the =miths? %," sending #om? %-" se!!ing your yacht? %." acce8ting his offer? %/" having the 8arty at home? %0" bui!ding a garage? (!se one") '1" !etting the to8 f!at?


$! %uture forms: -oin- to negative PEG &'" =unday evening conversation bet$een husband and $ife: W3F:: ?ou brought me tea in bed yesterday" (Iee8 tea and bed") +C=BAND: Yes, but I'm not going to bring "ou tea in bed tomorrow. W3F:: ?ou cooked the breakfast yesterday" +C=BAND: Yes, but I'm not going to coo$ it tomorrow. Cse 8ronoun ob5ects un!ess other$ise instructed" You ... "esterda". %" got u8 first '" ground the coffee (" made the toast *" $ashed u8 ," !eft the car at home -" !et me drive ." rang me from the office (2mit from the office") /" came straight home after $ork (2mit after #ork") 0" brought me f!o$ers (7ee) flo#ers") %1" did the sho88ing for me %%" bathed the baby %'" 8!ayed $ith the chi!dren %(" re8aired Ann9s bicyc!e %*" b!e$ u8 #om9s footba!! (.atch the word order.) %," read to the chi!dren %-" mo$ed the grass %." $atered the roses %/" he!8ed me $ash u8 %0" invited my mother round for a drink (2mit for a drink") '1" babysat $hi!e 3 $ent $ith my mother (2mit #hile """ mother")


$" %uture forms: future tense PEG &'! A: 3s #om bringing his dogs? B: %e hasn't said an"thing, but I su))ose he'll bring them. %" Are you inviting Ann? '" 3s 7eter 8aying for dinner? (" 3s +ugh a88!ying for the 5ob? *" 3s Arthur having the o8eration? ," Are the =miths se!!ing their car? -" Are the Joneses !etting their to8 f!at? ." 3s 7eter resigning? /" 3s the com8any taking on more staff? (=eave more staff unchanged") 0" 3s Ann f!ying? %1" Are your students re4enro!!ing? %%" 3s your brother going abroad? %'" 3s 7eter entering for the e&am? %(" Are your sisters s8eaking (at ne&t $eek9s debate?) (2mit the words in brac$ets") %*" 3s 7au! 8!aying (in the tournament ne&t month)? (2mit the words in brac$ets.) %," Are your 8arents staying (abroad) for some time? (2mit the words in brac$ets.) %-" 3s +ugo coming back (to :ng!and)? (2mit the words in brac$ets.) %." 3s @era going on $ith her course? %/" Are they getting married soon? %0" 3s #om taking his $ife $ith him? '1" Are they ce!ebrating their si!ver $edding? #his e&ercise cou!d a!so be done $ith: ! expect he'll / ! hope he'll / he'll probably / perhaps he'll"


$# %uture forms: future continuous PEG & A: 7au!9s on ho!idayJ he9s having 2arve!!ous time" B: his time ne(t wee$ I'll be having a marvellous time too. (stress on !'ll) ! shall is the technica!!y correct form here but ! #ill/!'ll is more often heard" Iee8 the nouns unchanged" -aul's on holida"8 he's ... %" sunbathing" '" having breakfast in bed" (" drinking fresh gra8e5uice" *" $inning money at the casino" ," surf4riding" -" skin4diving" ." tunny4fishing" /" taking 8hotos under $ater" 0" re!a&ing in a deck chair" %1" s$inging in a hammock" %%" $ater skiing" %'" meeting a!! sorts of e&citing 8eo8!e" %(" eating e&otic dishes" %*" going for moon!ight bathes" %," bargaining for souvenirs" %-" riding across the desert" %." cam8ing under the 8a!m trees" %/" s!ee8ing under the stars" %0" buying 8resents for everybody" '1" $ishing he hadn9t come home" (stress on the second 9!9)

$$ %uture forms: future continuous PEG &



A: 3 usua!!y see Ann on 2ondays" B: .ill "ou be seeing her ne(t 3onda"/ (stress on next) I usuall" ... %" !et my house in August" '" !unch $ith Bi!! on 2onday" (" !eave ear!y on Friday" *" go cam8ing in summer" ," have a drink $ith Jack on #uesday" (7ee) drink") -" give 2ary a !ift home on Wednesday" (7ee) a lift home") ." 8!ay go!f on =aturday" /" ring =am on =aturday" 0" take Ann out on 2onday" %1" sai! on =aturday" %%" $atch te!evision on =unday evening" (Iee8 television") %'" take the dogs for a $a!k at the $eekend" %(" !isten to the radio on =unday morning" %*" $rite to my father on #hursday" %," ty8e the re8orts on Friday" %-" do my accounts on =aturday" %." change my !ibrary book on #hursday" %/" meet Arthur on #uesday" %0" dine out on Friday" '1" visit my mother4in4!a$ on Wednesday"

$% %uture forms: future continuous negative PEG & A: Ann usua!!y arranges the f!o$ers"

.' B: +he won't be arranging the flowers Iee8 the nouns unchanged" Ann usuall" ... %" o8ens the mai!" '" dusts the boss9s desk" (" ans$ers the 8hone" *" does the trans!ating" ," dea!s $ith dissatisfied customers" -" receives ne$ c!ients" ." takes shorthand notes" /" $rites the minutes" 0" ty8es the re8orts" %1" fi!es the co8ies" %%" makes the tea" %'" brings the tea round" %(" addresses the !etters" %*" arranges the boss9s intervie$s" %," checks the 8etty cash" %-" 8rogrammes the com8uter" %." 8ays the staff" %/" $orks out the ta&" %0" o8erates the 8hotoco8ier" '1" tuns out the !ights" tomorrow8 she's 1ust been given the da" off.

$& %uture forms: will + continuous infinitive PEG & ( Ann9s day: 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 -"(1 L ."11 gets dressed *"11L *"(1 gives the chi!dren their tea ."11 L ."(1 dresses the baby *"(1 L ,"(1 he!8s the chi!dren $ith their ."(1 L /"11 cooks breakfast home$ork

/"11 L /"(1 /"(1 L 0"11 0"11 L %%"11 %%"11 L %%"(1 %%"(1 L %'"(1 %'"(1 L %"11 %"11 L '"11 '"11 L '"(1 '"(1 L ("(1 ("(1 L *"11

has breakfast takes the chi!dren to schoo! does house$ork reads 8a8er sho8s cooks !unch has !unch $rites !etters takes the dogs for a $a!k co!!ects the chi!dren from schoo!

.( ,"(1 L -"11 -"11 L -"(1 -"(1 L ."11 ."11 L ."(1 ."(1 L /"(1 /"(1 L 0"11 0"11 L %%"11 %%"11 L %%"(1

8icks u8 her husband at the station reads to the chi!dren 8uts the baby to bed cooks su88er has su88er $ashes u8 after su88er ta!ksGreadsG$atches #@ etc" goes to bed

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (a) A: 3t9s -"*," 3 $onder $hat Ann9s doing no$" B: 2h, she'll be getting dressed. (#ill here is used for assum8tion") It's ... I wonder what Ann's doing now. %" ."%, '" ."*, (" /"%, *" /"*, ,"%1"11 -"%%"%, ."%'"11 /"%'"*, 0" %"(1 %1"'"%, %%" ("11 %'" ("*, %(" *"%, %*" *"*, %," ,"*, %-" -"%, %." -"*, %/" ."%, %0" /"11 '1" /"*, (b) A: =ha!! 3 ring Ann at -"*, tomorro$? B: No, don't ring then. +he'll be getting dressed.

(#ill here is used for the future) +hall I ring Ann at ... tomorrow/ %" ."%, '" ."*, (" /"%, *" /"*, ,"%'"11 -"%'"*, ." %"(1 /" ("11 0" ("*, %1"*"%, %%" ,"*, %'" -"*, %(" ."%, %*" ."*, %,"%%"%,

%' %uture forms: will + perfect infinitive PEG 0') #his is a!so based on the 8rogramme given $ith the 8revious e&ercise" A: 3t9s ."*," Wi!! Ann sti!! be dressing the baby? B: No, she'll have dressed him b" now" (#ill here is used for assum8tion") It's ... .ill Ann still be .../ %" '" (" *" /"%, """ cooking breakfast /"*, """ having breakfast 0"%, """ taking the chi!dren to schoo! (2mit to school") %%"*, """ doing the house$ork

.* ," -" ." /" 0" %1" %%" %'" %(" %*" %," '"*, """ $riting !etters ("*, """ $a!king the dogs *"%, """ co!!ecting the chi!dren from schoo! (2mit from school") *"*, """ giving the chi!dren their tea (.atch the word order.) ,"*, """ he!8ing the chi!dren $ith their home$ork -"%, """ 8icking u8 her husband (.atch the word order.) -"*, """ reading to the chi!dren ."%, """ 8utting the baby to bed /"%, """ cooking su88er 0"%, """ $ashing u8 %%"*, """ going to bed

%1 %uture forms: future perfect PEG & 0 A: 3t9!! take you ages to 8aint a!! these chairs $on9t it? B: No, I'll have )ainted them all b" the end of the wee$. Note > By using this tense the s8eaker im8!ies that he $i!! not have to make a s8ecia! effort to be finished by the end of the $eek" 3f he $orks at his norma! rate he $i!! be finished" I will )aint them all b" the end of the wee$ $ou!d a!so be 8ossib!e but $ou!d indicate that the s8eaker intended or 8romised to do this" 3t might im8!y that he $ou!d make a s8ecia! effort to be ready in time" Note ? I shall have )ainted is the technica!!y correct form but I will & I'll have )ainted is more often heard" It'll ta$e "ou ages to ... , won't it/ %" 8aint a!! the doors '" change a!! the fuses

., (" re$ire a!! the f!ats *" !ay a!! the ne$ car8ets ," $ash a!! the curtains -" hang a!! these 8ictures ." re8a8er the to8 rooms /" c!ear a!! the b!ocked drains 0" vanish a!! the $ood$ork %1" $eed the f!o$er beds %%" mo$ a!! the grass %'" 8atch a!! these 8i!!o$ cases %(" iron a!! these sheets %*" 8!ant a!! these bu!bs %," so$ a!! these seeds %-" re8!ace a!! these ti!es %." scrub a!! these stairs %/" 8o!ish a!! this si!ver %0" 8ick a!! these a88!es '1" bott!e a!! this $ine

%2 %uture forms: future perfect continuous PEG & 0 A: +ave you 5ust started chicken farming? B: 2h, no. *" the end of the month I'll have been chic$en farming for five "ears. %ave "ou 1ust started ... %" co!!ecting stam8s '" bird4$atching (" kee8ing hens *" 8ainting ," 8!aying the vio!in -" sai!ing ." com8!aining /" !ooking for go!d 0" going to meetings %1" $riting to the 8a8ers %%" gro$ing roses %'" se!!ing 8erches %(" trans!ating documents %*" te!!ing fortunes %," f!ying 5ets %-" reading #he #imes

.%." %/" %0" '1" making 5am going to $ork by boat $orking for Bi!! riding a motorbike

% 1onditional sentences: type 5 and time clauses PEG && # ("& A: ?ou9!! te!! #om $on9t you? (a) B: .ell, if I see him, I'll tell him. A: What did you say? (b) B: I said if I saw him, I'd tell him. A!ternative!y time c!ause can be used: A: ?ou9!! te!! #om $on9t you? (c) B: Yes, I'll tell him as soon as he comes in. A: What did you say? (d) B: I said I'd tell him as soon as he came in. Note When there is a doub!e ob5ect "g" You'll give -eter the message, won't "ou/ use to and change the ob5ect order: .ell, if I see him, I'll give it to him. ?ou9!! """ $on9t you? %" ask 7eter '" thank John (" 8ay Ann *" remind 2ary ," $arn the chi!dren -" te!! them ." a8o!ogiHe to ;eorge /" kiss him 0" congratu!ate them %1" invite her

.. %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" discuss it $ith ;eorge e&8!ain the situation to 2ary sho$ 7eter the 8hotogra8hs (+ee note above.) give Ann the money (+ee note.) recommend it to A!ec suggest it to 7eter offer Bi!! the money (+ee note.) 8oint it out to Bob s8eak to 2ary hang +ugo this !etter (+ee note.)

%! 1onditional sentences: type 5 PEG && A: 7erha8s he9!! refuse" B: .ell, if he refuse )lease let me $now. Iee8 noun ob5ects unchanged" -erha)s he'll ... %" com8!ain" '" ask for more money" (" go on strike" *" ob5ect" ," make a fuss" -" threaten me" ." demand an e&8!anation" /" try to bribe me" 0" accuse me" %1" b!ame me" %%" refuse to co4o8erate" %'" $ant 8roof" %(" re8ort me to the 8o!ice" %*" take my 8ass8ort a$ay" %," make conditions" %-" argue" %." insist on a $ritten agreement" %/" hi45ack my 8!ane" %0" kidna8 me" '1" shoot at me"


%" 1onditional sentences: type 5 PEG && # &&0 A: Ann thinks 7au! $i!! 8robab!y start tomorro$" B: *ut unless he starts toda" he'll be too late Ann thin$s -aul will )robabl" ... tomorrow. %" come '" begin (" decide *" sign ," a88!y -" !eave ." send it /" 8ost it 0" te!! us %1" set out %%" book the seats %'" 8ay %(" c!aim it %*" re8ort it %," arrive %-" enro! %." go %/" acce8t %0" f!y '1" arrange it


%# 1onditional sentences: type 55 PEG &&& A: 3 su88ose 39!! have to ask someone e!se to 8ut me u8" B: I'm afraid so. I'd )ut "ou u) if I could but I can't. I su))ose I'll have to as$ someone else to ... %" meet me" '" see me off" (" he!8 me" *" $ait for me" ," kee8 me a 8!ace" (=eave place unchanged") -" sho$ me the $ay" (=eave #ay unchanged") ." fi& it for me" /" trans!ate it" 0" give me a !ift" (=eave lift unchanged") %1" carry it for me" %%" find me a 5ob" (=eave +ob unchanged") %'" go $ith me" %(" babysit" %*" take over" %," do it" %-" arrange it for me" %." drive me" %/" e&8!ain it to me" %0" sho$ me ho$ to do it" '1" advise me"


%$ 1onditional sentences: type 55 PEG &&& A: +e !ives near his $ork so he9s a!$ays in time" B: If I lived near m" wor$, I'd alwa"s be in time too. (=tress the sub5ects") Oshould is a!so 8ossib!eP A: +is case is !ight so he carries it himse!f" B: If m" case were light, I'd carr" it m"self too. (=tress my and 9!9") A: #om and his $ife have a co!our te!evision so they stay at home in the evenings. B: If we had a colour television, we'd sta" at home in the evenings too. %" =he is nice and s!im so she !ooks marve!!ous in tight 5eans" '" +e has 8!enty of money so he s8ends the $inters abroad" (" +e $orks overtime so he earns a !ot of money" *" +is garden gets a !ot of sun so he can gro$ 8eaches" ," +e can ski so he goes skiing at )hristmas" -" #hey use e!ectric ty8e$riters so they finish ear!y" ." =he kno$s a fi!m director so she gets good 8arts" /" =he gets t$o hours for !unch so she goes to !unch4time concerts" 0" Both Jack and his $ife $ork so they can afford e&8ensive ho!idays" (if #e """) %1" +e reads the ne$s8a8ers carefu!!y and a!$ays kno$s $hat9s ha88ening" %%" +e runs round the 8ark every morning so he kee8s very fit" %'" +e trave!s first c!ass so he en5oys trave!!ing" %(" 2rs Jones em8!oys an au 8air gir! so she can s8end a!! day reading nove!s" %*" +is a!arm c!ock rings very !oud!y so he a!$ays $akes u8 in time" %," +er husband !eaves the car at home so she goes sho88ing in it" %-" #hey do their o$n decorating so they save a !ot of money" (if #e """) %." +e be!ongs to a c!ub so he meets a !ot of 8eo8!e" %/" +e meets a !ot of 8eo8!e so he makes a !ot of friends" %0" =he has everything she $ants so she is 8erfect!y ha88y" '1" +e understands e!ectricity so he does his o$n re8airs"

%% 1onditional sentences: type 55 using the PEG &&&1


continuous infinitive

A: #om9s on ho!iday no$J 3 e&8ect he9s sitting on the beach" B: 3f 3 $ere on ho!iday 39d be sitting on the beach too" (#echnica!!y should is correct form here but #ould ('d) is more often heard") om's on holida" now8 I e()ect he's ... %" 8ony4trekking" '" sai!ing" (" gardening" *" !ying in a hammock" ," fishing" -" cam8ing" ." sight4seeing" /" 8!aying tennis" 0" s$imming" %1" sitting on the beach" %%" sitting in a deckchair" %'" mo$ing the !a$n" %(" skin4diving" %*" 8ainting 8ictures" %," $atching a footba!! match" %-" touring 3ta!y" %." buying anti<ues" %/" taking 8hotogra8hs" %0" sun4bathing" '1" driving a!ong a motor$ay"

%& 1onditional sentences: type 555 PEG &&( A: Why didn9t you 8ay #om?

/' B: You didn't tell me to. If "ou'd old me, I'd .h" didn't "ou ... %" $ait for +enry? '" meet John? (" thank James? *" $arn 2ary? ," remind the chi!dren? -" invite 2r and 2rs Jones? ." ring 2argaret? /" send the 8arce!? 0" 8hone the doctor? %1" $rite to ;eorge? %%" re8ort it? %'" ask Bi!!y? %(" 8ro8ose 7eter? %*" sack #om? %," !ook for 7hi!i8? %-" fo!!o$ the man? %." search the house? %/" vote for Dona!d? %0" sto8 the car? '1" o88ose the ne$ 8o!icy? have )aid him of course.

&' 1onditional sentences: type 555 PEG &&( (i) (ii) A: +e didn9t ask me to go" B: .ould "ou have gone if he had as$ed "ou/ (s!ight stress on had)

A: +e didn9t ask me to o8en the !etters" B: .ould "ou have o)ened them if he had as$ed "ou/ (iii) A: +e didn9t ask me to send him the 8a8ers"

/( B: Wou!d you have sent them to him if he %e didn't as$ me ... %" $ait for him" '" he!8 him" (" see him off" *" sho$ him my notes" (+ee (iii) above.) ," !end it to him" -" 8aint his 8ortrait" ." o8en the safe" /" 8hotogra8h the documents" 0" iron his shirts" %1" $rite to him" %%" e&8!ain" %'" 8ay" %(" move the car" %*" do it again" %," ty8e the re8ort" %-" give him the key" (+ee (iii) above.) %." change my 8!ans" %/" kee8 it a secret" %0" marry him" '1" contribute" had asked you? (Note $ord order")

&1 1onditional sentences: type 555 PEG &&( (a) A: 3 didn9t fee! $e!!J that9s $hy 3 didn9t go $ith him" B: +o if "ou'd felt well, "ou'd have gone with him, would "ou/ %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 3 hadn9t the 8a8er <ua!ifications so 3 didn9t get the 8ost" 3 didn9t do the !ast <uestion so 3 didn9t 8ass" 3 didn9t kno$ his number so 3 didn9t ring him" 3 didn9t take his threats serious!y so 3 didn9t te!! the 8o!ice" +e didn9t finish the 5ob so 3 don9t 8ay him" 3 didn9t rea!iHe he $as i!! so 3 didn9t give him the day off" 2y gun $asn9t !oaded so 3 didn9t fire" 2y $ife didn9t encourage me that9s $hy 3 didn9t get to the to8"

/* 0" #hey didn9t give me a $ork 8ermit so 3 didn9t stay here" %1" 3 didn9t hear knocking so 3 didn9t o8en the door" (b) A: +e didn9t te!! me the !ions $ere !oose so 3 !eft the car" B: +o if he had told "ou the lions were loose, "ou wouldn't have left the car, eh/

%" 3 didn9t kno$ 3 $as overdra$n so 3 gave them a che<ue" '" 3 $asn9t given correct information so 3 arrived at a fa!se conc!usion" (" #hey didn9t shut the !oading door 8ro8er!yJ that9s $hy the 8!ane crashed" *" +e didn9t !ove herJ that9s $hy he deceived her" ," 3 didn9t kno$ the $ho!e story so 3 b!amed #om" -" #hey hadn9t enough !ifeboatsJ that9s $hy there $as such !oss of !ife" ." +e cou!dn9t s$imJ that9s $hy he $as dro$ned /" +e didn9t tie u8 the boat so it drifted s$ay" 0" 3 didn9t rea!iHe the !ion $as dangerous so 3 o8ened the cage" %1" 3 didn9t e&8ect him to ring back at once so 3 $ent out"

&2 I wish + past tense 3 I1 only + past tense PEG &&-# ('' (a) A: )an you ty8e? B: No I can't. I wish I could. (Er: 3f on!y 3 cou!dD) #he if only form is much more dramatic and !ess genera!!y usefu! than the ! #ish form" %" 3s she f!ying? '" )an you drive a car? (" Do you kno$ $here $e are? *" +ave you got a ma8? ," Are your chi!dren $ith you? -" Does he come straight home after $ork? ." Are your students interested in !anguages? /" 3s it your $eekend off? 0" )an you understand this notice? %1" +ave you done your 8acking?

/, (b) A: Do they eat s$eets bet$een mea!s? B: Yes, the" do. I wish the" didn't. (Er: 3f on!y they didn9t") A: NeedG2ust you go? B: ?es 3 must" 3 $ish 3 didn9t have to" Cse didn't have to to e&8ress negative ob!igation" %" Are your friends !eaving tomorro$? '" Does he smoke in bed? (" 2ust you start tomorro$? *" Are they se!!ing their house? ," Do they $ant to emigrate? -" +ave you signed the contract? ." 3s he going out tonight? /" Need you a88ear in court? 0" +ave you 8osted the !etter? %1" 2ust you do mi!itary service?


I wish + past tense 3 I1 only + past tense

PEG &&(# ('' A: 39m going by air" B: I wish I was going b" air. (stress on the second 939) A: 39ve 8assed my test" B: I wish I'd )assed m" test. (stress on the second 939 and on my) or If onl" I was going b" air< If onl" I had )assed m" test< (#his form is much more dramatic and !ess genera!!y usefu! than the ! #ish form") Iee8 nouns unchanged" %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 3 have a f!at here" 3 kno$ five !anguages" 3 !ive near my $ork" 3 can 8ark outside my office" 2y case is <uite !ight" 39m getting thinner" 3 have si& $eeks9 ho!iday a year" 2y son $rites every $eek"

/0" 2y boss hands out free theatre tickets" %1" 39ve $orked hard a!! the year" %%" 3 get the $eekends off" %'" 3 have 8!enty of time for reading" %(" 2y neighbours are very <uiet" %*" 3 get a bonus at )hristmas" %," 3 find it easy to concentrate" %-" 3 understand it" %." 3 can take a day off any time" %/" 39ve saved K%11" %0" 2y house !ooks out on a 8ark" '1" 2y 8arents give me an a!!o$ance"

&! I wish + past perfect and I1 only + past perfect PEG &&-# ('' (a) A: 3 asked Bi!!" B: I wish "ou'd as$ed om too. (had is norma!!y contracted here") or: If onl" "ou'd as$ed om too< %" 3 8aid Jack" '" 3 invited 7au!" (" 3 sco!ded 7eter" *" 3 sto88ed 2ary" ," 3 rang Ann" -" 3 $rote to A!ec" ." 3 voted for Bi!!" /" 3 suggested Arthur" 0" 3 s8oke to John" %1" 3 $arned 7hi!i8" (b) A: 3 on!y !eft an umbre!!a" B: I wish "ou hadn't left an"thing. (s!ight stress on anythin ) or: If onl" "ou hadn't left an"thing< (s!ight stress on anythin ) A: 3 on!y 8aid the guide" B: I wish "ou hadn't )aid an"one" (s!ight stress on anyone") or: If onl" "ou hadn't )aid an"one< (s!ight stress on anyone")

I onl" ... %" said a fe$ $ords" '" ate a fe$ nuts"

/. (" drank ha!f a g!ass of $ine" *" ti88ed the 8orter" ," gave %18" -" signed the bi!! ." 8hotogra8hed the entrance" /" admitted one thing" 0" took an a88!e" %1" to!d Andre$"

&" I wish + past perfect and I1 only + past perfect PEG &-" A: Ask me to shut the door" (a) B: .ould "ou shut the door, )lease/ (b) B: 9ould "ou shut the door, )lease/ As$ me to ... %" te!! Jack" '" ask 2ary" (" ring Ann" *" turn off the !ight" ," !ock the door" -" come in <uiet!y" ." $rite at once" /" thank him" 0" for$ard your !etters" %1" go myse!f" %%" mend the fuse" %'" cance! the 8a8ers" %(" 8ay the mi!kman" %*" !et me kno$ about this" %," give him his !unch" %-" feed the go!dfish" %." $ater the roses" %/" ans$er the !etter" %0" cook the !unch" '1" send him a che<ue"


&# 6equests PEG &-" A: Ask me to 5oin the <ueue" (a) B: If "ou'd 1oin the queue. (#his is a fairy casua! form of re<uest used $hen the re<uest is very reasonab!e and there is no chance of ob5ection") (b) B: 9ould "ou shut the door, )lease/ (#ould you and could you $ou!d be e<ua!!y 8ossib!e here but for convenience $e $i!! restrict the e&ercises to if you'd and #ould you like to)

As$ me to ... %" o8en my case" '" sign here" (" give you some 8roof of my identity" *" 8ut my name and address on the back of the che<ue" ," sho$ you my 8ass8ort" -" $ait in the $aiting room" ." ring this number" /" $rite to this address" 0" !eave my name and te!e8hone number" %1" take off my coat" %%" o8en my book at 8age -1" %'" go u8 to the ne&t f!oor" %(" come this $ay" %*" fi!! u8 this form" %," fo!!o$ you" %-" 8ay the cashier" %." accom8any you to the manager9s office" %/" te!! you e&act!y $hat ha88ened" %0" have a !ook at these brochures" '1" think it over"


&$ 6equests: 2oul* you +in* + gerund PEG &0(# &-"7# 8 (a) (b) A: +ave the $indo$s been c!eaned? B: No. .ould "ou mind cleaning them/ B: No. I wonder if "ou'd mind cleaning them.

%ave & has the ... %" beds been made? '" tab!e been !aid? (" stairs been s$e8t? *" coffee been ground? ," onions been cut u8? -" $ashing4u8 been done? ." gas bi!! been 8aid? /" ste8s been scrubbed? 0" furniture been 8o!ished? %1" dining room been dusted? %%" sho88ing been done? %'" sheets been ironed? %(" tea been made? %*" !aundry been co!!ected? %," c!ock been $ound? %-" cheese been grated? %." !etters been 8osted? %/" sand$iches been cut? %0" 8otatoes been 8ee!ed? '1" chi8s been fried?


&% 6equests: 2oul* you +in* i1 333 and 2oul* it be all ri-ht i1 333 PEG &0( A: 39d !ike you to go today" (a) B: .ould "ou mind if I went tomorrow instead/ (.ould "ou mind if I go is a!so 8ossib!e but the 8ast tense is better after #ould" 0o "ou mind if I go is a!so 8ossib!e but more casua!" ,ould you mind is more 8o!ite") (b) B: .ould it be all right if I went tomorrow instead? I'd li$e "ou to ... toda". %" !eave '" ring the =miths (" te!! Jack *" 8ay the bi!! ," $rite to 2ary -" send the che<ue ." buy the tickets /" begin 0" re8ort it %1" mend it %%" make the cake %'" change the $hee! %(" check the brakes %*" rene$ your !icence %," do your 8acking %-" book the seats %." decide %/" move out %0" make the inventory '1" sett!e the account

&& Expressions of preference: woul* PEG &!/ (a) (b)


rather , woul* 4re1er to

A: Wou!d you !ike to go $ith 7eter or $ith 7au!? B: I'd rather go with -aul. B: I'd )refer to go with -aul.

A: Wou!d you !ike to fry it or gri!! it? (a) B: I'd rather grill it. (b) B: I'd )refer to grill it. .ould "ou li$e to ... %" have su88er at home or go out to su88er? '" 5oin a nine o9c!ock c!ass or an e!even o9c!ock c!ass? (" drive or f!y? *" 8ay cash or by che<ue? ," marry a 8oor man or a rich man? -" stay at home after marriage or go out to $ork? ." $rite to him or ring him? /" eat it ra$ or cook it? 0" $atch cricket or tennis? %1" see a fi!m or a 8!ay? %%" buy one or borro$ one? %'" !eave today or tomorro$? %(" ask #om or ask Jack? %*" earn money or s8end it? %," see the fi!m first or read the book first? %-" $ash them at home or take them to the !aunderette? %." e&8!ain it in French or :ng!ish? %/" <ueue for a bus or !ook for a ta&i? %0" drive or be driven? '1" !ive (, f!oors u8 or nearer the ground?

1'' Expressions of preference: I woul* rather you + past tense and I woul* 4re1er you + infinitive PEG &!/

0' (a) (b) A: )an 3 go by air? (train) B: I'd rather "ou went b" train. B: I'd )refer to go b" train..

%" )an 3 by a big dog? (sma!! dog) '" =ha!! 3 8hone you $hen you9re a$ay? ($rite to me) (" )an 3 study socio!ogy at the university? (mathematics) *" =ha!! 3 toss the 8ancake? (turn it $ith a knife) ," =ha!! 3 8ut the money under the mattress? (8ut it in the bank) -" )an 3 hang the $ashing out of the $indo$? (hang it on the !ine) ." )an $e s8eak French at mea!s? (:ng!ish) /" )an 3 8ay by che<ue? (8ay cash) 0" )an 3 sett!e the account tomorro$? (today) %1" )an 3 c!imb a!one? ($ith a guide) %%" =ha!! 3 !eave the key in the !ock? (under the mat) %'" =ha!! 3 ad5ust the brakes myse!f? (ask the garage to do it) %(" )an 3 5oin the demonstration? (stay at home) %*" =ha!! 3 com8!ain to the manager? (say nothing) %," =ha!! 3 !et the 8hone ring? (ans$er it) %-" =ha!! 3 !eave the !ight on? (turn it off) %." )an 3 $ear 5eans to Ann9s 8arty? ( a suit) %/" =ha!! 3 cut my o$n hair? (go to a hairdresser) %0" )an 3 drive fast? (s!o$!y) '1" =ha!! 3 send it by ordinary 8ost? (register it) 1'1 li.e , li.e* + gerund PEG &!$ (a) A (in tones of sym8athy): ?ou have to make beds 3 su88ose" B (cheerfu!!y): Yes, but I li$e ma$ing beds< #$enty years !ater =usan9s chi!dren have !eft home her husband has retired and they can afford some he!8 in house and garden" +er friend reminds her of her former busy !ife" (b) A: ?ou had to make beds 3 su88ose" B: Yes, but I li$ed ma$ing beds<

#his e&ercise cou!d a!so be done $ith (c) don't/didn't mind or (d) en+oy/en+oyed" (a) You have to ... I su))ose. (b) You had to ... I su))ose.

%" do house$ork '" !ive economica!!y (" sho8 around *" !ook after the chi!dren ," mend their c!othes -" take them to schoo! ." he!8 them $ith their home$ork /" read to them 0" ans$er their <uestions %1" attend their schoo! concerts %%" $atch them 8!ay footba!! %'" go s$imming $ith them %(" give chi!dren9s 8arties

%" do house$ork '" !ive economica!!y etc"

0( %*" meet your husband at the station (!se my") %," !isten to your husband9s office stories (!se my") %-" entertain your husband9s co!!eagues (!se my") %." iron shirts %/" knit 8u!!overs %0" $eed the garden '1" cut the grass 1'2 li.e , li.e* + gerund woul*n)t li.e , woul*n)t (are , woul* hate + infinitive PEG &!$ =tudents9 summer 5obs" #his e&ercise shou!d be done by students $orking in 8airs" #he 8rom8t on!y is given and students must form both the <uestion (A) and the ans$er (B)" 3f it is not convenient to $ork in 8airs the teacher shou!d take the 8art of the first student (A)" -rom)t: drive !orries (a) A: You li$e driving lorries, don't "ou/ B: Yes, but I wouldn't li$e&wouldn't care&would hate to drive lorries for a living. (b) A: You li$ed driving lorries, didn't "ou/ B: Yes, but I wouldn't li$e&wouldn't care&would hate to drive lorries for a living.

en+oy/en+oyed cou!d be used as $e!! as like/liked" -rom)ts4 %" s$ee8 streets '" mend roads (" teach s$imming *" conduct tours ," act as a guide -" guard factories ." se!! ice cream /" serve in a sho8 0" dig drains %1" $ash $indo$s %%" 8ick fruit %'" bui!d houses %(" 8ut u8 tents %*" 8aint rai!ings %," co!!ect rubbish %-" $ork in a factory %." de!iver mai! %/" re8air radios %0" make cakes '1" 8o!ish cars


li.e,*isli.e,hate,*on)t +in*,*on)t (are 1or,en5oy + gerund

PEG &!$ #he !ife of au 8air" A: 3 have to cook and $ash u8" (a) B: +o have I. I li$e coo$ing but (I) hate washing u).

0* (b) B: +o have I. I en1o" coo$ing but (I) don't care for washing u). (a) B: +o have I. I don't mind coo$ing but (I) disli$e washing u). #his dri!! can a!so be done in the 8ast tense: A: 3 had to cook and $ash u8" B: +o had I. I li$ed coo$ing but (I) hated washing u). I have to ... %" hoover car8ets and dust furniture" '" make beds and c!ean rooms" (" ans$er the door and ans$er the 8hone" *" do the f!o$ers and 8o!ish the si!ver" ," buy fruit at the market and carry it home" -" take the chi!dren to schoo! and hurry home after$ards" ." co!!ect the chi!dren from schoo! and su8ervise their home$ork" /" ta!k to the chi!dren and teach them French" 0" go to the beach $ith the chi!dren and 8!ay in the sand" %1" 8ut the chi!dren to bed and tidy u8 after them" %%" !ook after the baby and share a room $ith him" %'" give the baby his bath and $ash his c!othes" %(" drive the car and e&ercise the 8ony" %*" $a!k the dogs and brush them" %," attend c!asses and do home$ork" 1'! 4re1er 333 to,li.e 333 better than + gerund PEG &!/ A: 2y brother 8!ays tennis but hard!y ever $atches it" (a) B: 3" brother )refers )la"ing (tennis) to watching (it) too" (s!ight stress on my) (b) B: 3" brother li$es )la"ing (tennis) better than watching (it) too. (s!ight stress on my) 3" brother ... %" sings in a choir but hard!y ever sings so!o" '" ta!ksJ he hard!y ever !istens" (" drinks (at 8arties) but hard!y ever dances" *" s8ends money but hard!y ever saves it" ," 8honesJ he hard!y ever $rites" -" !istens to the radioJ he hard!y ever $atches #@" ." mo$s the !a$n but hard!y ever $eeds the garden" /" 8aint 8icturesJ he hard!y ever takes 8hotogra8hs" 0" takes ta&isJ he hard!y ever $aits for a bus" (!se buses") %1" drivesJ he hard!y ever !ets me drive" %%" cyc!esJ he hard!y ever $a!ks" %'" eats outJ he hard!y ever cooks for himse!f" %(" stays at home (for his ho!idays)J he hard!y ever goes abroad" %*" rushes about (during his ho!idays)J h hard!y ever re!a&es" %," takes 8eo8!e to restaurantsJ he hard!y ever invites them to his house"


1'" what about/ + gerund# to woul* 4re1er + infinitive

PEG &-!)# &!/

woul* rather + infinitive without

3n this dri!! the 8rom8t on!y is given and students must form both the <uestion (A) and the ans$er (B)" =tudents cou!d $ork in 8airs one being A the other B" -rom)t: $a!k on """ $ait for a bus (a) (b) A: .hat about wal$ing on/ 2r would "ou rather wait for a bus/ B: I'd rather wal$ on (than wait for a bus)" (Words in brackets may be omitted") B: I'd )refer to wal$ on.

#his dri!! cou!d a!so be done $ith !'m a ainst/for or !'m in favour of B gerunds: (c) (d) (e) B: I'm against waiting for a bus. B: I'm for waiting for a bus. B: I'm in favour of waiting for a bus"

(#he s8eaker in (d) and (e) does not agree $ith the s8eaker in (a) (b) and (c)") -rom)ts4 %" $rite """ 8hone '" cook it """ eat it ra$ (" cam8 """ stay in a hote! *" de!iver it by hand """ 8ost it ," drive """ f!y -" mend the o!d one """ buy a ne$ one ." go as $e are """ change into evening dress /" get a 5ob """ ask our 8arents to send us money 0" finish it tonight """ !eave it ti!! tomorro$ %1" try to fi& it ourse!ves """ send for an e!ectrician %%" $ash the sheets at home """ take them to the !aunderette %'" do our o$n ty8ing """ em8!oy a secretary %(" tune the 8iano ourse!ves """ get a 8iano tuner %*" borro$ a #@ set """ hire one %," buy a cat """ 8ut do$n rat 8oison %-" ring the dentist today """ 8ut it off ti!! tomorro$ %." start no$ """ $ait for Bi!! %/" hitch4hike """ cyc!e %0" stay at home ne&t $eekend """ go a$ay '1" kee8 some """ eat a!! no$ 1'# woul* 4re1er + object + infinitive woul* rather + subject + past tense PEG &!/ *i+ A: =ha!! 3 8hone #om tomorro$?

0(a) or (b) (ii) A: =ha!! 3 sho$ #om the 8hotogra8hs tomorro$? (a) B: I'd )refer "ou to show them to him toda". (Note $ord order") or (a) B: I'd rather "ou showed them to him toda". (Note $ord order") =ha!! 3 """ tomorro$? %" 8hone Bi!! '" bring my friends (" s8eak to James *" s$ee8 the stairs ," begin -" 8ay the mi!k bi!! ." come /" !eave 0" go to the !ibrary (2mit to the library") %1" read the instructions %%" !end 7eter the ma8 (+ee (ii) above.) %'" take the books back %(" give Ann your message (+ee (ii) above.) %*" burn the rubbish %," send 7eter the che<ue (+ee (ii) above.) %-" get the ne$ 8rogramme %." $rite to the =miths %/" see to the e!ectric iron %0" buy your season ticket '1" make the arrangements 1'$ woul* li.e,want + object + infinitive PEG &!0 (a) (b) A: Wou!d you !ike to make a s8eech? B: No, I'd li$e "ou to ma$e a s)eech. (stress on you) A: Do you $ant to make a s8eech? B: No, I want "ou to ma$e a s)eech. (stress on you) (b) 0o "ou want to ... B: I'd )refer "ou to )hone him toda". B: I'd rather "ou )honed him toda".

(a) .ould "ou li$e to ... %" !ead the de8utation? '" 8ick the team? (" receive the mayor? *" s8eak first? ," introduce the s8eakers? -" sign the che<ue? ." $itness #om9s signature? /" engage the e&tra staff? 0" a88oint a 8ress officer? %1" attend the conference?

0. %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" give a ta!k? meet the 8resident? make the arrangements? ans$er any <ueries? choose the co!ours? su8ervise the 8ainters? make the arrangements? fi& a date? organiHe the rece8tion? o8en the cham8agne?

1'% woul* li.e + perfect infinitive# wanted + present infinitive PEG &!0 A: Did you see the cast!e? (a) B: No, I would li$e to have seen it but there wasn't time. (b) B: No, I wanted to see it but there wasn't time. QNote: #ould have liked to see it and #ould have liked to have seen it are a!so 8ossib!e forms" 0id "ou ... %" ring 7eter? '" ta!k to the students? (" attend the conference? *" try the beer? ," $atch the match? -" visit the museum? ." see the Hoo? /" $a!k round the to$n? 0" meet your friends? %1" !ook at the o!d bridge? %%" c!imb to the to8 of the monument? %'" have coffee? (Ans$er $ith some") %(" 8aint any 8ictures? (some) %*" make a sketch? (Ans$er $ith one") %," take any 8hotogra8hs? (some) %-" hire a boat? (one) %." stro!! round the market? %/" send any 8ostcards? (some) %0" buy any souvenirs? (some) '1" !isten to the to$n band?


1'& *oesn)t,*i*n)t want + object + infinitive PEG &!01 Ann is a young married $oman $ith a !ot of time on her hands" #$o of her friends think that she $ou!d be ha88ier if she had an occu8ation or hobby" Cnfortunate!y her husband doesn9t seem to share their vie$s" (a) or A: Did you suggest going to evening c!asses? B: Yes, but a))arentl" her husband doesn't want her to go to evening classes" (3t is sti!! a 8resent 8rob!em") (b) A: Did you suggest going to evening c!asses? B: Yes, but a))arentl" her husband didn't want her to go to evening classes" (3t is no$ a 8ast 8rob!em") A: +ave you suggested going to evening c!asses? B: Yes, but a))arentl" her husband doesn't want her to go to evening classes. (stress on #ant)

%ave "ou suggested ... %" 8ainting? '" riding? (" $orking in the garden? *" taking a driving test? ," making friends $ith her neighbours? -" inviting her mother to stay? ." getting a 8art4time 5ob? /" hiring a ty8e$riter? 0" 5oining a drama c!ub? %1" acting in a 8!ay? %%" singing in the choir? %'" buying a dog? %(" he!8ing at the o!d 8eo8!e9s c!ub? %*" studying Aussian? %," !earning 5udo? %-" attending kee84fit c!asses? %." going to art !ectures? %/" taking a course in vegetarian cooking? %0" redecorating the house? '1" training as a tourist guide?

00 11' wish + infinitive PEG &!! Ann is a ne$comerJ Bi!! is an o!d hand" A: +o$ does one set about com8!aining about something? B: 2h, 1ust go to the office and sa" "ou wish to com)lain about something. (#ant or #ould like cou!d a!so be used of course #ish is the most forma! of the three") %ow does one set about ... %" enro!!ing for a course? '" making a com8!aint? (" re8orting an accident? *" seeing the $e!fare officer? ," taking a test? -" a88!ying for study !eave? ." entering for an e&am? /" 5oining the union? 0" starting a c!ub? %1" arranging a footba!! match? %%" organiHing a tri8? %'" hiring a coach? %(" having a 8oster 8rinted? %*" insuring one9s !ife? (!se your") %," 8aying one9s fees? (!se your") %-" moving to another branch? %." voting in the e!ection? %/" c!aiming com8ensation? %0" changing one9s de8artment? (!se your") '1" resigning?

111 wish + subject + woul*# or wish + subject + past tense PEG (''

%11 7eter is a student $ho !ives in a f!at <uite near his 8arents9 house" +is 8arents <uite often visit his f!at but are not very im8ressed by the $ay he kee8s it" A: 7eter is very bad about making his bed" B: Yes, I wish he'd ma$e it more regularl". (M 3 $ish he $ere $i!!ing to make it more regu!ar!y") (b) B: ?es 3 $ish he made it more regu!ar!y" (M 39m sorry he doesn9t make it more regu!ar!y") (a) -eter is ver" bad about ... %" 8aying the mi!kman" '" c!eaning his bath" (" tidying u8" *" defrosting his fridge" ," changing his sheets" -" s$ee8ing his room" ." $ashing his shirts" /" cutting his hair" 0" shaving" %1" doing the $ashing u8" %%" 8utting his mi!k bott!es out" %'" cooking for himse!f" %(" o8ening his $indo$s" %*" em8tying his ashtrays" %," attending c!asses" %-" $riting essays" %." ans$ering !etters" %/" having his c!othes c!eaned" %0" taking his !ibrary books back" '1" $atering his geraniums" 112 wish + subject + past perfect tense PEG ('' After the accident" A: Why didn9t you he!8 him? B: I don't $now. I wish I had hel)ed him. A: Why did you refuse to he!8 him? B: I don't $now. I wish I hadn't refused to hel) him. .h" ... %" '" (" *" ," -" ." did you go into the 8ub? did you a!!o$ him to drink so much? didn9t you make him eat something? did you agree to drive home $ith him? didn9t you te!! him he $as too drunk to drive? didn9t you !eave the car in the car 8ark? didn9t you !ock the car?

%1% /" didn9t you hide the key? 0" did you say you $ere in a hurry? %1" didn9t you $ait ti!! he $as sober? %%" didn9t you ring me? %'" didn9t you offer to drive yourse!f? %(" didn9t you insist on driving? %*" did you get in $ith him? %," didn9t you refuse to go $ith him? %-" didn9t you $ait for a bus? %." didn9t you $arn him about the ice? %/" did you !et him go so fast? %0" didn9t you remind him about the !eve! crossing? '1" didn9t you fasten your seat be!t? 11 a*+it,*eny,be sus4e(te* o1,be a((use* o1,be (har-e* with + gerund

PEG &0 A: Did he say he had sto!en the documents? (a) B: Yes, he admitted stealing them. (b) B: No, he denied stealing them. (c) B: No, he is sus)ected of stealing them. (d) B: No he has been accused of& charged with stealing them. 0id he sa" he had ... %" forged the signature? '" 8!anned the ho!d4u8? (" taken 8art in the robbery? *" hi5acked the 8!ane? ," kidna88ed the heiress? -" fired at the 8o!iceman? ." attacked the cashier? /" shot the chauffeur? 0" threatened the 7rime 2inister? %1" sent the !etter bombs? %%" received the sto!en goods? %'" so!d the secret information? %(" given fa!se evidence? (7ee) false evidence") %*" intimidated the $itnesses? %," bribed the officia!s? %-" started the fires? %." derai!ed the train? %/" !ed the raid? %0" drugged the guards? '1" he!8ed the 8risoners to esca8e? (7ee) to escape") 11! avoi* + gerund PEG &0 An o!d man is ta!king to his doctor" A: 3 trave!!ed overnight and fe!t a$fu! after$ards"

%1' B: hen tr" to avoid travelling overnight. I ... and felt awful afterwards. %" got very angry '" overate (" drank too much *" $ent to bed too !ate ," rushed about -" stood for a !ong time ." made a !ong s8eech (!se speeches") /" read in bad !ight 0" carried a heavy suitcase (!se suitcases") %1" 8!ayed cards a!! night %%" took s!ee8ing 8i!!s %'" trave!!ed by 5et %(" $orked a!! $eekend %*" <uarre!!ed $ith my neighbours %," s!e8t in a haunted room (!se rooms") 11" en5oy + gerund PEG &0 A: 3 had a !ove!y time yesterdayJ 3 $rote !etters a!! day" B: 0o "ou actuall" en1o" writing letters/ (stress on en+oy)" I had a lovel" time "esterda". I ... all da". %" 8ee!ed 8otatoes '" $ashed $indo$s (" mended socks *" c!eaned shoes ," se$ed on buttons -" ironed shirts ." 8atched sheets /" 8o!ished the si!ver (2mit the") 0" 8!ayed $ith the chi!dren (2mit the") %1" 8ractised the 8iano %%" $orked in the garden %'" cooked %(" baked %*" $atched cricket %," !ooked after chi!dren %-" baby4sat %." dyed curtains %/" rearranged the furniture (2mit the") %0" cho88ed $ood '1" house4hunted 11# 1an(y,i+a-ine + gerund PEG &0

%1( A: =he doesn9t go to bed at a!!D B: Fanc" not going o bed at all< or B: Imagine not going o bed at all< A: =he abandoned her babyD B: Fanc" abandoning one's&"our bab"< or B: Imagine abandoning one's&"our bab"< %" 2y sister doesn9t en5oy her days off" '" #om doesn9t kno$ his o$n age" (" Bi!! refused a rise in sa!ary" *" =he $as an au 8air gir! for ten years" ," =he never has a night out" -" =he baby4sits very night" ." #hey 8aid K,1 for a sing!e mea!" /" #hey $atch te!evision for thirty hours a $eek" 0" #he mother doesn9t kno$ $here her baby is" %1" =he got married at fourteen" %%" =he $aited t$enty years for him" (2mit for him") %'" +e $orks a .14hour $eek" %(" +e !ost a!! his savings" %*" #hey kee8 a snake as a 8et" %," +e s8ends his ho!idays !ooking for fossi!s" %-" +e $as dismissed for $orking too hard" %." +e $on K,1 111" %/" +e s8ent a month underground" %0" #hey <ueued a!! night" '1" +e didn9t $ant to !eave 8rison"

11$ have + object + 6in- *present participle+ PEG & A

#he confident instructor" A: +o$ !ong $i!! it take me to !earn to read music? B: I'll have "ou reading music b" the end of the month.

%1* %ow long will it ta$e me to learn to ... %" skate? '" ski? (" ride? *" dance? ," s$im? -" dive? ." drive? /" ty8e? 0" $rite shorthand? %1" cook? %%" 8aint? %'" s8eak in 8ub!ic? %(" 8!ay the f!ute? %*" ta!k :ng!ish? %," $a!k again? %-" surf4ride? %." canoe? %/" sai!? %0" g!ide? '1" re!a&?

11% (oul*n)t hel4 + gerund PEG &0 A (accusing!y): ?ou got !ostD B: I couldn't hel) getting lost< %L%1 John $anted Bi!! to remain abso!ute!y sti!!" Bi!! ho$ever cou!dn9t manage this" You ... %" coughedD '" sneeHedD (" !aughedD

%1, *" shiveredD ," smi!edD -" b!inkedD ." movedD /" sighedD 0" ya$nedD %1" fe!! as!ee8D %%L'1 Ann is 5ust genera!!y disa88roving of Bi!!9s actions" (Iee8 nouns unchanged") ?ou """ %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" came in !ate" made a noise" disturbed us a!!" $oke the 8eo8!e in the ne&t f!at" caught a co!d" got into debt" heard their conversation" sa$ $hat $as in the !etter" trod on my toe" kissed her"

11& .ee4 + gerund PEG &0 #he ne$ secretary isn9t a great success" A co!!eague tries to defend her but the boss is c!ear!y very dissatisfied" A: 3t isn9t very terrib!e to break a cu8 no$ and then" B: *ut she $ee)s brea$ing cu)s. (stress on keeps) It isn't ver" terrible to ... now and then. %" '" (" *" ," -" ." come !ate go home ear!y take time off make mistakes mi& u8 a88ointments !ose documents argue

%1/" ans$er back 0" interru8t %1" !eave the safe o8en %%" forget to s$itch the !ights off %'" ya$n %(" !ook out of the $indo$ %*" $ave to 8eo8!e in the street %," ring u8 one9s friends (!se her") %-" ask for days off %." retire to the c!oakroom %/" have headaches %0" s$itch on one9s radio (!se her") '1" s8e!! your name $rong (!se my")

12' +ean + gerund PEG &0 A!an is 8!anning an uncomfortab!e e&8edition" Bi!! isn9t enthusiastic" (a) A: We9!! have to $a!k t$enty mi!es a day" B: .ell, I won't come if it means wal$ing twent" miles a da". Ether 8ossib!e ans$ers are: *ut I ob1ect to&don't li$e&disli$e&hate&detest wal$ing twent" miles a da". #his dri!! cou!d a!so be used for beGget used to B gerund e&ercises as in Dri!! (," (b) A: We9!! have to $a!k t$enty mi!es a day" B: *ut I'm not used to wal$ing miles a da".

+ere Bi!! s8eaks first: (c) A: ?ou $ant me to $a!k t$enty mi!es a day? B: Yes. You'll soon get used to wal$ing twent" miles a da".

Bi!! has 5oined the e&8edition and isn9t finding it too disagreeab!e" A friend sym8athiHes but Bi!! doesn9t $ant sym8athy"

%1. (d) (e) (f) (g) A: ?ou have to $a!k t$enty mi!es a day? +o$ a$fu!D B: 2h, I'm getting used to wal$ing twent" miles a da". B: 2h, "ou soon get used to wal$ing twent" miles a da". B: 2h, I've got used to wal$ing twent" miles a da". B: 2h, I soon got used to wal$ing twent" miles a da".

Note that (c) L (g) re<uire s!ight changes in the origina! sentences s8oken by A" .e'll have to ... %" get u8 at five" '" set off at da$n" (" te!! no one $here $e9re going" *" hitch4hike" ," ro$ across the )hanne!" -" cyc!e for hundreds of mi!es" ." carry heavy rucksacks" /" s$im across !akes" 0" $ade through s$am8s" %1" canoe do$n rivers" %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" c!imb mountains" cam8 in the sno$" cross frontiers secret!y" trave! $ith forged documents" use fa!se names" make 8arachute !andings" s!ee8 under bridges" march in demonstrations" sto$ a$ay in a cargo shi8" !ive on dried beans"

121 woul* you +in* + gerund PEG &0( (a) (b) A: =omeone $i!! have to get ma8s" B: Yes. .ould "ou mind getting them/ (s!ight stress on you) A: =omeone $i!! have to 8ut the mi!k bott!es out" B: Yes. .ould "ou mind )utting them out/ (Notice $ord order") (s!ight stress on you)

+omeone will have to ... %" make sand$iches '" fi!! the thermoses (" kee8 an eye on the chi!dren *" buy ma8s ," $ork out our route" (+ee (b) above") -" 8ick u8 the trave!!er9s che<ues" (+ee (b) above") ." book the rooms /" !ook after the 8ass8orts 0" 8ut on the roof rack" (+ee (b) above") %1" arrange the insurance" %%" #e!! the neighbours $e9ve going a$ay %'" sto8 the mi!k %(" defrost the fridge %*" 8ack for the chi!dren %," !ock the cases %-" bring the !uggage do$n to the ha!!

%1/ %." %/" %0" '1" ask 2rs Jones to for$ard out !etters amuse the chi!dren during the 5ourney ma84read tidy u8

122 +in*,ob5e(t to + hi+,his + gerund won)t have + hi+ + 6in- *present participle+ PEG & )# &0&# &0(

#om $ho has a very re!a&ed attitude to $ork has 5ust 5oined the staff" A senior em8!oyee shocked by his behaviour 8oints out his 9crimes9 to the manager" But the manager $ho is about to retire doesn9t mind much" A (in shocked tones): +e kisses your secretaryD (a) B: 2h, I don't mind him $issing m" secretar"< But $hen this manager resigns and a ne$ man is a88ointed things are going to be different" A: +e kisses you secretaryD (b) B: I ob1ect to him $issing m" secretar"< (c) B: I won't have him hissing m" secretar"< %e ... %" borro$s from the 8etty cashD '" =8ends t$o hours having !unchD (" $rites his o$n !etters during office hoursD *" gets your secretary to ty8e his 8rivate !ettersD ," arrive !ateD -" goes home ear!yD ." takes a day off $hen h fee!s !ike itD /" $ears 5eansD 0" che$s gumD %1" 8uts his feet on the deskD %%" s!ee8s at his deskD %'" 8hones his friends from the officeD %(" argues $ith c!ientsD %*" goes barefoot in hot $eatherD

%10 %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" 8arks his motor cyc!e in the ha!!D dro8s ash on the car8etD !eaves burning cigarettes aboutD smokes your cigarsD uses the com8any car at $eekendsD chases your secretary round the officeD (!se my")


4revent + object + *1ro++ + gerund

PEG &0 Ne&t to #om9s house is a nice o8en grassy 8!ace $here 8eo8!e come for 8icnics" #his annoys #om but friend e&8!ains that he can9t do anything to sto8 it" %L%1 A (angri!y): #hey 8ark hereD B (soothing!y): It's ver" difficult to )revent )eo)le )ar$ing here. (s!ight stress on prevent) %%L'1 A: #heir chi!dren tram8!e on my f!o$ersD B: It's ver" difficult to )revent children tram)ling on flowers" (2mit their and my") %L%1 he" ...

%" have 8icnics here '" !ight fires (" !eave !itter *" bang their car doors ," make a horrib!e noise -" !ie about a!most naked ." use terrib!e !anguage /" 8!ay their radios !oud!y 0" fry sausages %1" bring hordes of chi!dren %%L'1 %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" shout and scream carve their names on the treesD (2mit the") $rite things on my $a!!sD (2mit my") kick their footba!!s over my $a!!sD (2mit my") c!imb over my $a!!sD (2mit my") 8ick my f!o$ersD (2mit my") stea! my fruitD (2mit my") s$ing on my gatesD (2mit my") !ook through my $indo$sD (2mit my")

%%1 '1" dash round on bicyc!esD

12! re+e+ber + gerund# see,hear + object + 2ing PEG &0-# &/( 7eter annoyed his host but doesn9t remember much about the 8arty" (a) A: +e says you s8oi!t his 8arty" B: I don't remember s)oiling his )art". (s!ight stress on '!')

Another guest $itnessed 7eter9s terrib!e behaviour" +ere 7eter s8eaks first" (b) A: 3 didn9t arrive drunkD B: 2h, "es, "ou did. I saw "ou arriving drun$<

A: 3 didn9t s$ear at himD B: 2h "es, "ou did. I heard "ou swearing at him< Cse heard or sa# $hichever seems !ogica!" =ee a!so Dri!!s ,1L(" (a) +e says you """ %" arrived drunk" '" brought t$o drunk friends" (" refused to !eave" *" shouted at him" ," s$ore at him" -" ca!!ed him names" ." broke a decanter" /" drank ha!f a bott!e of gin" 0" started a fight" %1" danced on the tab!e" %%" u8set a bookcase" %'" sang terrib!e songs" %(" made an a$fu! !ot of noise" %*" $oke the 8eo8!e in the ne&t f!at" %," insu!ted the >ord 2ayor" %-" annoyed a!! the other guests" %." burnt ho!es in his car8et" %/" s8i!t $ine on his dinner 5acket" %0" invited everyone to your country house" (!se my") '1" fe!! do$n the front ste8s" (b) 3 didn9t """ %" arrive drunk '" bring etc" as in (a) (" refuse """ *" shout """ ," s$ear """ -" ca!! """ ." break """ /" drink """ 0" start """ %1" dance """ %%" u8set """ %'" sing """ %(" make """ %*" $ake """ %," insu!t """ %-" annoy """ %." burn """ %/" s8i!! """ %0" invite """ '1" fa!! """


12" re+e+ber + hi+,his etc, + gerund PEG &0&# &07au! didn9t en5oy his ho!iday" But Ann doesn9t seem to remember the various disasters" A: Breakfast $as !ate" B: I don't remember it&its being late. Cse 8ronoun ob5ect: it him her you them or 8ossessive ad5ective: its his her your their" %" #he rece8tionist $as rude" (!se her") '" #he 8eo8!e o88osite sang a!! night" (" #hey forgot to bring our ear!y morning tea" *" #hey refused to c!ean my car" ," #he !ift broke do$n" -" #he kitchen staff $ent on strike" ." 3 !ost my camera" (!se you/your") /" #he other guests got drunk every night" 0" #he bed creaked" %1" #he $indo$s ratt!ed" %%" Eur bedroom $as draughty" %'" #hey ran out of ice" %(" #he radiators $hist!ed" %*" #he ta&i drivers cheated us" %," 3t rained near!y a!! the time" %-" #he ha!! 8orter insu!ted me" %." 3 suffered from food 8oisoning" %/" #he hote! overcharged us" %0" #hey mi&ed u8 our reservations" '1" 3 $as stung by a 5e!!yfish"

%%' 12# sto4 + gerund PEG &/' A disagreeab!e f!at4mate" (a) (b) (c) (d) A: +e drinks methy!ated s8irits" B: You should tell him to sto) drin$ing meth"lated s)irits. B: .h" don't "ou tell him to sto) drin$ing meth"lated s)irits/ B: 9an't "ou get him to sto) drin$ing meth"lated s)irits/ B: 9an't "ou sto) him drin$ing meth"lated s)irits/

%e ... %" argues a!! the time" '" che$s tobacco" (" s!ee8$a!ks" *" ta!ks to himse!f" ," fo!!o$s me about" -" !istens to my te!e8hone conversations" ." annoys the neighbours" /" hangs his $ashing out of the $indo$" 0" borro$s my things" %1" uses bad !anguage" %%" 8arks outside my garage" %'" stea!s my a88!es" %(" burns rubbish in the garden" %*" dro8s banana skins on the ste8s" %," o8ens my !etters" %-" is rude to my friends" %." 8u!!s the cat9s tai!" %/" !ooks through keyho!es" %0" smokes mari5uana" '1" 8!ays the radio a!! night"

12$ sto4 + object + gerund PEG &/'

%%( A: +e s8oke at street corners" +is mother b!amed me for it" (stress on me) B: *ut how could "ou sto) him s)ea$ing at street corners/ (stress on stop or you) %e ... %is mother blamed me for it. %" !eft home" '" gave u8 shaving" (" gre$ his hair" *" thre$ a$ay his suits" ," $ent about barefoot" -" $ore ragged 5eans" ." tore u8 his 8ass8ort" /" resigned his 5ob" 0" !ived on Nationa! Assistance" %1" s<uatted in an em8ty house" %%" got married" %'" started a fami!y" %(" 8!ayed the guitar in the Cnderground" %*" !ed 8rotest marches" %," carried banners" %-" invited other s<uatters to !oin him" %." barricaded the door" %/" changed the !ocks" %0" insu!ted the o$ners" '1" resisted arrest"

12% su--est + gerund PEG &-!1# 7 A: Why didn9t you go to his f!at? B: .ell, Ann suggested going to his flat but I didn't thin$ it was necessar". (s!ight stress on '!') .h" didn't "ou ...

%%* %" record his conversation? '" ask him for 8roof of his identity? (" !ook at his 8ass8ort? *" consu!t a so!icitor? ," discuss it $ith me? (!se you") -" $ait a fe$ $eeks? ." check his figures? /" have the document trans!ated? 0" sho$ the !etter to a hand$riting e&8ert? %1" read the sma!! 8rint? %%" find out $here he had $orked before? %'" make some en<uiries about him? %(" ring his 8revious em8!oyers? %*" give him a 8ost4dated che<ue? %," contact his embassy? %-" take his 8hotogra8h? %." get his finger8rints? %/" fo!!o$ him home? %0" ta8 his 8hone? '1" bug his room?

12& su--est + gerund PEG &-!1# 7 A: Why didn9t you hitch4hike? B: .ell, I suggested hitch@hi$ing home but om wouldn't hear of it. =ee a!so Dri!! 0( .h" didn't "ou ... %" !eave at once? '" !ook for a chea8er hote!? (" demand a refund?

%%, *" see the manager? ," com8!ain to the agency? -" hire a caravan? ." borro$ a tent? /" s!ee8 on the beach? 0" 8a$n your $atches? (!se our") %1" try your !uck at the casino? (!se our") %%" get a 5ob in a restaurant? %'" offer to $ork as guides? %(" se!! your cameras? (!se our") %*" re8ort the matter to the 8o!ice? %," ask your consu!t for he!8? (!se our") %-" ring me? (!se our") %." te!! your 8arents? (!se our") %/" consu!t a !a$yer? %0" refuse to 8ay? '1" make a fuss?

1 ' su--est + the+,their + gerund PEG &-!7 7eter9s friends have been harassing a business riva!" #heir victim com8!ains to 7eter $ho disc!aims res8onsibi!ity" A: #hey dyed their hair" A88arent!y it $as your idea" (a) B: I never suggested them&their d"ing their hair< (s!ight stress on 939) #his e&ercise cou!d a!so be done $ith (b) (c) or (d) I never suggested that the" (should) d"e their hair< I never suggested that the" d"ed their hair< I never told&advised them to d"e their hair<

he" ... A))arentl" it was "our idea.

%%%" $ore masks" '" carried guns" (" 8retended to be gunmen" *" forged my signature" (!se your") ," sent me anonymous !etters" (!se you") -" threatened me" (!se you") ." tried to b!ackmai! me" (!se you") /" bribed my secretary" (!se your") 0" ta88ed my 8hone" (!se your") %1" bugged my office" (!se your") %%" broke into my factory" (!se your") %'" forced o8en my safe" (!se your") %(" sto!e the $eek9s takings" %*" burnt secret documents" %," tore u8 my c!ients9 !etters" %-" erased ta8es" %." thre$ my e!ectric ty8e$riter out of the $indo$" (!se your") %/" $recked the com8uter" %0" $rote s!ogans on the $a!!s" '1" 8oured 8aint over my car" (!se your")

1 1 try + gerund PEG &/' A: Do you think it $ou!d he!8 if $e 8ressed the red button? B: Yes, let's tr" )ressing the red button. 0o "ou thin$ it would hel) if we ... %" oi!ed the hinges? '" nai!ed the stair car8et do$n? (" 8ut the cake back in the oven? *" cut the sand$iches the day before? ," ate !ess fat? -" took more e&ercise? ." o8ened the $indo$s? /" turned do$n the centra! heating? 0" moved the 8iano to another room? %1" !ocked the doors at night? %%" 8ainted the cei!ing dark green? %'" 8aid the bi!!s $eek!y? %(" fi!!ed the radiator $ith hot $ater? %*" b!ocked u8 a!! the rat ho!es? %," cooked it in oi!?

%%. %-" %." %/" %0" '1" !eft the sauce8an !id off? soaked the beans a bit !onger? $hi88ed the cream? $ashed it in co!d $ater? stood on our heads for a fe$ minutes?

1 2 want,nee* + gerund PEG &0/E A: ?ou shou!d tidy the garden" B: Yes, it wants&needs tid"ing. You should ... %" 8aint your $indo$s" '" 8o!ish the door knocker" (" s$ee8 the ste8s" *" cut the grass" ," $eed the f!o$er beds" -" $ater the roses" ." 8ick the 8eaches" /" s8ray your !ettuces" 0" c!i8 the hedge" %1" rebui!d your $a!!" %%" tie u8 the cree8er" %'" mend the fence" %(" rake the 8ath" %*" dig the 8otato 8atch" %," 8rune the a88!e trees" %-" cut off the dead branches" %." net the ras8berries" %/" ro!! the !a$n" %0" 8ro8 u8 the o!d 8ear tree" '1" c!ean out the birdbath"


be a1rai* o1,ris. + gerund

PEG &0 # &/ A A!an and Bi!! are discussing certain actions by #om" A!an suggests a reason for them and Bi!! agrees" (a) (b) A: 3 e&8ect he didn9t $ant to get $et" B: Yes, I su))ose he was afraid of getting wet. B: Yes, he )robabl" didn't want to ris$ getting wet.

)om8are $ith Dri!! .% be afraid to" I e()ect he didn't want to ... %" miss the train" '" over!oad the car" (" get a 8arking ticket" *" have his !icence endorsed" ," be sent to 8rison" -" annoy the boss" ." !ose his 5ob" /" break his neck" 0" make things $orse" %1" $ake everyone u8" %%" cause an accident" %'" 8ress the $rong button" %(" touch !ive $ire" %*" e!ectrocute himse!f" %," cause a scanda!" %-" u8set his $ife" %." catch a co!d" %/" s8oi! his ne$ suit" %0" shock the neighbours"

%%0 '1" attract attention"

1 ! be intereste* in + gerund PEG &$! ;eorge $ants Bi!! to co4o8erate $ith him and offers a!! sorts of inducements" But Bi!! is not ambitious" A: ?ou might make a !ot of moneyD B: But 39m not interested in making a !ot of money" You might ... %" become a ce!ebrity '" be invited to marve!!ous 8arties (" meet im8ortant 8eo8!e *" get an honorary degree ," a88ear on te!evision -" take 8art in radio 8rogrammes ." inf!uence 8ub!ic o8inion /" trave! first c!ass a!! over the $or!d 0" go on !ecture tours %1" see your name in !ights %%" em8!oy a !arge staff %'" !ive in !u&ury %(" drive a Ao!!s Aoyce %*" buy an is!and in the 7acific %," marry t$o or three times


1 " be,-et use* to + gerund PEG 0(

A ne$ em8!oyee is being to!d about his 5ob" (a) A: ?ou9!! have to s!ee8 by the 8hone" A!! right? B: Yes, I', used to slee)ing b" the )hone.

A simi!ar intervie$ but $ith a different em8!oyee" +ere the em8!oyee s8eaks first" (b) A (horrified): ?ou e&8ect me to s!ee8 by the 8hone? B: ?es but you9!! soon get used to s!ee8ing by the 8hone"

#his man takes the 5ob and doesn9t find it as bad as he e&8ected" A friend sym8athiHes unnecessari!y: (c) A: ?ou have to s!ee8 by the 8honeD B: Eh I'm getting used to slee)ing b" the )hone. (d) B: 2h, I've got used to slee)ing b" the )hone. (e) B: 2h, I soon got used to slee)ing b" the )hone. (f) B: 2h, "ou soon get used to slee)ing b" the )hone. Ether 8ossib!e ans$ers to (a) are: Yes, I don't mind slee)ing&don't ob1ect to slee)ing etc" or: *ut I'm not used to slee)ing&ob1ect to slee)ing etc" You'll have to ... All right/ %" c!ock in and out '" ask for 8ermission to !eave the 8remises (" $ork irregu!ar hours *" do overtime ," s!ee8 in a hammock -" man the s$itchboard at $eekends ." remember the combinations of the safe /" $ear uniform 0" ca!! the boss 9=irR %1" stand u8 $hen the boss9s $ife comes in %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" carry a gun 8atro! the 8remises at night !ook after guard dogs set burg!ar a!arms be res8onsib!e for security sus8ect everyone re8ort anything sus8icious kee8 a co8y of your re8orts fi!! in forms in tri8!icate take the b!ame if anything goes $rong


1 # 1eel li.e + gerund PEG !/ Ene member of the fami!y fee!s energeticJ the other doesn9t" (a) A: >et9s go for a $a!k" B: I don't feel li$e going for a wal$. (s!ight stress on feel)

#his cou!d a!so be used as an indirect s8eech e&ercise: (b) A: >et9s go for a $a!k" B (re8orting A9s suggestion): %e suggests&suggested going for a wal$.

=et's ... %" $a!k to the vi!!age" '" take the dogs out" (" c!imb the mountain" *" run round the b!ock" ," carry the bo&es u8stairs" -" 8!ay tennis" ." s$im across the river" /" 8ick a88!es" 0" !ook for mushrooms" %1" move the 8iano" %%" tidy the cu8board" %'" ro!! the tennis court" %(" 8rune the roses" %*" sa$ u8 the dead tree" %," s$ee8 the stairs" %-" re8a8er the sitting4room" %." $eed the rose4beds" %/" 8aint the greenhouse" %0" make a bonfire" '1" rebui!d the garage"

%'' 1 $ 1or + gerund *4unish so+eone 1or,a4olo-i7e 1or,-et into trouble 1or+ PEG !-# &$! #om is at a boarding schoo!" +is father has 5ust received his ha!f term re8ort and is reading it out to his $ife" (a) (b) (c) A: #om broke si&teen $indo$s during his first $eekD B: .ell, I ho)e the" )unished him for brea$ing si(teen windows. B: .ell, I ho)e he a)ologiAed for brea$ing si(teen windows. B: -oor om. I e()ect he got into trouble for brea$ing si(teen windows.

(Ether constructions: A very indu!gent mother might say 2h, well, I e()ect the" are used to bo"s brea$ing windows. Er she might 5ust e&8ress sur8rise (and even admiration) by fancy/ima ine B gerund: Fanc" brea$ing si(teen windows<) om ... %" kicked a footba!! through the greenhouse roofD '" drove the headmaster9s car into the vi!!age 8ondD (" refused to $ear uniformD *" $as rude to the schoo! governorsD ," cut do$n the goa! 8ostsD -" 8!oughed u8 the cricket 8itchD ." 8ut an a!!igator in the s$imming bathD /" burnt do$n the gymnasiumD 0" $recked the assemb!y ha!!D %1" 8oured mi!k into the grand 8ianoD %%" so!d the schoo! ta8e recordersD %'" cheated at e&amsD %(" carved his name on the schoo! doorD %*" rode his bicyc!e a!ong the 8assagesD %," $rote things on the $a!!sD %-" c!imbed in and out by the fire esca8eD %." $oke everyone u8 $hen he came inD %/" made bombs in the !aboratoryD %0" tried to start a riotD '1" brought the $ho!e schoo! out on strikeD

1 % have *i11i(ulty (in8 + gerund PEG &$!

%'( A: Did you find the house <uite easi!y? B: No, I had a lot of difficult" (in) finding the house. 0id "ou ... quite easil"/ %" fit everything into your case (!se my") '" hire a caravan (" start the car *" read the ma8 ," cross the river -" find a 8!ace to 8ark ." 8ersuade them to !et you cam8 (!se me") /" 8ut u8 the tent 0" !ight the fire %1" kee8 $arm %%" understand him %'" make yourse!f understood %(" e&8!ain $hat you $anted %*" arrange a !oan %," raise the money %-" cash your che<ue %." get a visa %/" rene$ your 8ass8ort %0" obtain a 8ermit '1" make ands meet

1 & have *i11i(ulty (in8 + gerund# find it easy + infinitive PEG &$! #his is an e&ercise in both structures and shou!d be done by students $orking in 8airs" (i) 7rom8t: o8en the $indo$s

%'* (a) (b) (c) (ii) (a) (b) (c) A: 0o "ou have difficult" (in) o)ening the windows/ B: No, I find it quite eas" to o)en them. B: No, I find them quite eas" to o)en. (=ee note be!o$") 7rom8t: dea! $ith the corres8ondence A: 0o "ou have an" difficult" in dealing with the corres)ondence/ B: No, I find it quite eas" to deal with it. B: No, I find it quite eas" to deal with. (=ee note be!o$")

Note: I find it eas" to o)en them&it im8!ies that the s8eaker has the necessary ski!!" I find them&it eas" to o)en im8!ies that it is easy to o8en themGit" %L%1 #he ha!! 8orter of a b!ock of f!ats is ans$ering <uestions %" regu!ate the centra! heating '" organiHe the c!eaning (" contro! the c!eaning staff *" remember the tenants9 names ," ans$er te!e8hone es<uires -" dea! $ith com8!aints ." understand foreign tenants /" o8erate the s$itchboard 0" read the meters %1" get on $ith the tenants %%L'1 A farmer is ans$ering <uestions %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" mi!k your co$s fee the ca!ves start your tractor to$ that big trai!er service your farm machinery obtain s8are 8arts shear your shee8 train shee8dogs obey a!! the regu!ations se!! your 8roduce

1!' it)s no use,-oo* + gerund it)s no use,-oo* +e,+y + gerund PEG &0 # &0& A: Why didn9t you te!! him? (a) B: It's no use telling him. or B: It's no use telling him. (b) B: It's no use me&m" telling him" (norma!!y $ith a s!ight stress on me/my) (c) B: It's no use me&m" telling him, but if "ou told him something might be done. (stress on me/my and you)

%', .h" didn't "ou ... %" ta!k to him? '" remind him? (" ask him? *" com8!ain? ," suggest a remedy? -" make a fuss? ." ring him? /" refuse? 0" s8eak out? %1" threaten him? %%" offer a re$ard? %'" a88!y? %(" resign? %*" $arn him? %," sign? %-" strike? %." go to the embassy? %/" demand com8ensation? %0" !eave? '1" o88ose him?

1!1 insist on + gerund# insist on me3my + gerund PEG &0& (a) (b) A: #om 8ainted the cei!ing b!ack didn9t he? B (in resigned tones): Yes, he insisted on )ainting the ceiling blac$. A: ?ou 8ainted the cei!ing b!ack didn9t you? B: Yes, *ill insisted on me&m" )ainting the ceiling blac$. (*ill made me )aint ... $ou!d a!so be 8ossib!e") om ... didn't he/ $ore a tie changed trains started at midnight trave!!ed in the guard9s van 8ost4dated the che<ue (b) You ... didn't "ou/

(a) %" '" (" *" ,"

%'-" sent for the Fire Brigade ." burnt the fi!m /" took the dogs 0" $rote to the 8a8ers %1" s!e8t in the attic %%" consu!ted a fortune4te!!er %'" 8u!!ed the communication cord %(" fetched a doctor %*" sto88ed the traffic %," searched the house %-" rang the 8o!ice %." defused the bomb %/" marched in the 8rocession %0" $aited ti!! the end '1" signed the 8etition

1!2 in s4ite o1 + gerund PEG &$!# (&! 7rom8t: +e s8ends very !itt!e" A: +e is <uite rich" B: *ut in s)ite of being quite rich, he s)ends ver" little. #he sentences cou!d of course be 5oined by althou h/thou h" -rom)ts are given in italics. %" %e got the 1ob. +e kno$s no =8anish" '" %e got there first. +e started !ast" (" %e remained sober. +e drank a !ot" *" +he arrived in time. =he missed the first train" ," he" managed to cross the frontier. #hey had no 8ass8orts" -" %e doesn't ma$e much )rogress. +e 8ractises a !ot" ." +he didn't lose an" weight. =he died for si& months" /" %e never made enough to live on. +e $orked hard" 0" %e never mastered the sub1ect. +e studied for ten years" %1" %e didn't ta$e good )hotogra)hs. +e used very e&8ensive cameras"

%'. %%" %'" %(" %*" %," +he never loo$ed smart. =he 8aid a !ot for her c!othes" +he is alwa"s late for wor$. =he !ives <uite near the office" %e )assed his e(ams. +e did no $ork" It didn't sell well. 3t $as $ide!y advertised" %e was alwa"s loo$ed on as a foreigner. +e s8ent his !ife in this country"


loo. 1orwar* to + gerund

PEG &0') A: When you get home you9!! b ab!e to ski $on9t you? B: Yes, I'm loo$ing forward to s$iing. (>eave ob5ects unchanged") .hen "ou get home, "ou'll be able to ... won't "ou/ %" s$im in the sea '" skate (" ride your horse again (!se my") *" meet your friends (!se my") ," s8eak your o$n !anguage (!se my") -" drink $ine ." fish in the river /" have a good ho!iday 0" sunbathe %1" sho$ off your :ng!ish (!se my") %%" take your dog for $a!ks (!se my") %'" buy a !ot of ne$ c!othes %(" earn more money %*" get a good 5ob %," continue your university course (!se my") %-" start your training (!se my") %." hear the !oca! gossi8 %/" go out $ithout an umbre!!a %0" o8en a !anguage schoo!

%'/ '1" $rite a book about your e&8eriences (!se my")

1!! +a.e a 4oint o1 + gerund S A: =he came !ate" B: 2h, she ma$es a )oint of coming late, +he wants to attract attention. +he ... %" arrived in a Ao!!s Aoyce" '" 8arked the Ao!!s 5ust outside the concert ha!!" (" refused to <ueue at the bo& office" *" argued about the 8rices" ," insisted on seeing the manager" -" ke8t everyone $aiting" ." smoked very 8o$erfu! cigarettes" /" used very strong scent" 0" $ore most e&traordinary c!othes" %1" move her seat severa! times" %%" fanned herse!f vigorous!y" %'" said she cou!dn9t hear" (!se can't") %(" c!a88ed very !oud!y" %*" shouted 9:ncore9" %," drank doub!e gins at the interva!" %-" com8!ained of the bad bar service" %." contradicted the critics" %/" offered to $rite the revie$s herse!f" %0" invited the so!oists to dinner" '1" !eft before anyone e!se"


1!" there)s no 4oint in + gerund# what)s the 4oint o1 + gerund PEG !-A A: #he sho8s don9t o8en ti!! 0 but $e9d better be there by /" (a) B: *ut if the sho)s don't o)en till B, there's no )oint in being there b" C. (b) B: *ut if the sho)s don't o)en till B, what's the )oint of being there b" C/ %" #he train doesn9t !eave ti!! 0 but $e9d better set out for the station at ." '" We aren9t a!!o$ed to take 8hotos but 39!! bring my camera" (" We can9t 8ark near the theatre but $e9!! take the car" *" #he 8i!!s aren9t any good but $e may as $e!! finish the bott!e" ," We haven9t any money but !et9s read the menus outside restaurants" -" 3t9s a 5ob for men on!y but 39!! advise Ann to a88!y for it" ." None of the guests smoke but 39!! 8rovide them $ith ashtrays" /" #om hasn9t as chance of getting e!ected but 39!! vote for him" 0" Bi!!9s 8!ane doesn9t !and ti!! / but $e9d better be at the air8ort by ." %1" 39m sure it9s not going to rain but 39!! take an umbre!!a" %%" #hey don9t drink a!coho! but 39!! offer them gin" %'" 3t9s too co!d to bathe but 8ack a s$imsuit" %(" 2y A!sation is <uite harm!ess but 3 8ut u8 a notice saying 9Be$are of the dog9" %*" 3 kno$ he9!! refuse but 39!! ask a!! the same" (2mit all the same") %," 3 don9t $ant o buy anything but $e may as $e!! !ook around the sho8"


1!# su((ee* in + gerund# +ana-e + infinitive PEG &" # &$! A: +e reached the to8 in the end" (a) B (sur8rised): 2h, he succeeded in reading it, did he/ (b) B: 2h, he managed to reach it, did he/ %e ... in the end. %" 8assed his driving test '" finished the 8ortrait (" $rote his thesis *" started the car ," caught the 8!ane -" reached the finishing !ine ." re8aired the radio /" got his visa 0" 8roved his innocence %1" so!ved the 8rob!em %%" c!imbed the mountain %'" gre$ a beard (!se one") %(" fi&ed the aeria! %*" found a house (!se one") %," recovered his 8ro8erty


1!$ hear + object + 6inPEG &/( A noisy night" A (tired and irritated): #he dogs barked a!! nightD (a) B: I didn't hear them bar$ing. (b) B: I heard them bar$ing, but it didn't $ee) me awa$e. %" #he $ind $hist!ed (a!! night)D '" #he dogs ho$!edD (" #he $indo$s ratt!edD *" #he stairs creakedD ," #he mice s<ueakedD -" #he rats ran aboutD ." #he ta8 dri88edD /" #he 8i8es gurg!edD 0" #he church c!ock struck the <uartersD (2mit the -uarters") %1" Water dri88ed through the cei!ingD (2mit the ceilin ") %%" #hunder rumb!edD %'" )himneys crashed to the groundD %(" 7eo8!e in the street screamedD %*" Ambu!ance sirens $ai!edD %," #raffic roared 8astD %-" #he baby ye!!edD %." E$!s hootedD %/" Doors bangedD %0" #he man u8stairs groanedD '1" 2y brother snoredD

%(' 1!% hear + object + 6inPEG &/( Bi!! is !iving in a room former!y occu8ied by Andre$" Andre$ asks if the other tenants are as noisy as they $ere in this day" A88arent!y they areD #he $a!!s and f!oors in this house are very thinD A: Does 2iss Jones sti!! ty8e a!! night? B: Yes, I hear her t")ing. %" Does 2r Jones sti!! sing in his bath? '" Does 7eter Jones sti!! $hist!e as he goes do$nstairs? (" Do the =miths sti!! <uarre!? *" Does the Jones baby sti!! cry a !ot? ," Does 2r Bro$n9s dogs sti!! bark a !ot? -" Does 2rs Bro$n sti!! cough $hen she goes do$n the stairs? ." Does 2r White sti!! $a!k about at night? /" Do 2r and 2rs White sti!! argue a!! the time? 0" Does 2r White9s a!arm c!ock sti!! go off at si&? %1" Does 2r White sti!! s$ear $hen it goes off? %%" Does 2rs =mith sti!! hoover every morning? %'" Does she sti!! use her se$ing machine every afternoon? %(" Do the =mith gir!s sti!! ta84dance? %*" Does the =mith boy sti!! 8ractise the vio!in a!! night? %," Do the other tenants com8!ain about this? %-" Does 2rs =mith sti!! nag at her husband? %." Does 2r White sti!! hammer on the $a!!s? %/" Do the chi!dren sti!! scream at each other? %0" Do they sti!! run u8 and do$n the corridors? '1" Do they sti!! bang on the doors as they 8ass? (7ee) on the doors")

1!& hear + object + 6inhear + object + 6in- + infinitive without to

PEG &/( A: Are you sure #om !eft? (a) B: Yes, I heard him leaving. (b) B: Yes, I heard him leave. (a) (b) A: Are you sure he to!d Ann? B: Yes, I heard him telling her. B: Yes, I heard him tell her.


Are "ou sure ... %" #om booked the tickets? '" Jack invited 2rs Jones? (" 2rs Jones acce8ted the invitation? *" 2ary to!d her husband? ," #he !ift doors shut? -" 7eter $ound the c!ock? ." the be!! rang? /" they accused Bi!!? 0" the bus sto88ed? %1" the ice cracked? %%" ;eorge s8oke o 2ary? %'" the 8assengers shouted at the driver? %(" the driver a8o!ogiHed? %*" Ann asked for the keys? %," 7eter com8!ained about the de!ay? %-" the officia! e&8!ained? %." Ann cance!!ed her reservation? %/" he threatened his students? %0" the students !aughed? '1" they o8ened the cham8agne?

1"' see + object + 6inPEG &/( A man visiting a foreign country e&8resses horror at $hat he sees" But his $ife 8oints out that he cou!d see simi!ar behaviour in their o$n country" A: #hey 8ush their $ay throughD

%(* B: *ut "ou see )eo)le )ushing their wa" he" ... %" 5um8 the <ueueD '" drive much too fastD (" ignore 8edestrian crossingsD *" crash the !ightsD ," doub!e 8arkD -" e!bo$ their $ay on to busesD ." fight in the 8ubsD /" s!ee8 in the 8arksD 0" hang $ashing out of their $indo$sD %1" go barefootD %%" beg in the streetsD %'" snatch 8ursesD %(" 8!ay the guitar in the CndergroundD %*" dance in the streetsD %," run about near!y nakedD %-" sit on the 8avementsD %." $rite on the $a!!sD %/" dro8 !itterD %0" stare at foreignersD '1" cross the road $ithout !ookingD through in our countr" too.

1"1 see + object + 6in-# or see + object + infinitive without to PEG &/( A ($ith a note of doubt in hisGher voice): Did he 8ay the bi!!? (a) B: .ell, I didn't actuall" see him )a"ing it. (stress on see) (b) B: .ell, I didn't actuall" see him )a" it" (stress on see) 0id he ... %" sign the che<ue? '" !ock the door? (" take the key?

%(, *" read the instructions? ," use the 8hotoco8ier? -" $eigh the 8arce!? ." 8ost the !etter? /" burn the 8hotogra8hs? 0" co8y the documents? %1" bury the go!d? %%" thro$ the brick? %'" attack the 8ostmistress? %(" give the in5ection? %*" steri!iHe the need!e? %," s$a!!o$ the tab!et? %-" oi! the hinges? %." drink the coffee? %/" cut the te!e8hone cab!e? %0" o8en the safe? '1" take the money?

1"2 see,hear + object + 6insee,hear + object + infinitive without to PEG &/( Bi!! $as standing 5ust outside the bank $hen the bank $as raided" A re8orter is checking over his statement" #he re8orter s8eaks first: (a) (b) A: ?ou say that a $hite van 8u!!ed u8? B: Yes, I saw it )ulling u). B: Yes, I saw it )ull u).

A: ?ou say the raiders to!d the manager to o8en the safe? (a) B: Yes, I heard them telling him to o)en the safe. (b) B: Yes, I heard them tell him to o)en the safe. Cse sa# or heard $hichever seems most !ogica!"

%(?ou say that """ %" a $hite van sto88ed outside the bank? '" four masked men !ea8t out? (" they dashed into the bank? *" one of them demanded the keys of the safe? ," they smashed the gri!!e? -" a $oman customer screamed? ." the raiders shouted at her? /" the a!arm $ent off? 0" the 8o!ice arrived? %1" the raiders rushed out of the bank? %%" they seiHed a $oman as a hostage? (2mit as a hosta e") %'" they threatened to ki!! her? %(" they dragged her to$ards their car? %*" the 8o!ice sergeant to!d them to re!ease her? %," the raiders fired at him? %-" the sergeant ordered his men to fire back? %." 8assers4by ran for cover? %/" the !eader of the raiders fe!!? %0" he !ay b!eeding on the ground? '1" the others surrendered?

1" see,hear + object + 6inPEG &/( #roub!e $ith footba!! fans" A: A !ot of their su88orters behaved very bad!y" ?ou sa$ them didn9t you? B: .ell, I saw a few of them behaving ver" badl"" (=tress fe#") A: A !ot of them threatened the referee" ?ou heard them didn9t you? B: We!! 3 heard a fe$ of them threatening the referee" (=tress fe#") =ee a!so Dri!! '*" A lot of ... didn't "ou/ %" '" (" *" ," -" ." c!imbed over the $a!!" ?ou sa$ them $a!ked about on the grandstand roof" ?ou sa$ them kicked our fans" ?ou sa$ them made a terrib!e noise" ?ou heard them thre$ bott!es on to the ground" ?ou sa$ them shouted insu!ts at our team" ?ou heard them screamed abuse at the referee" ?ou heard them

%(. /" ran on to the fie!d" ?ou sa$ them 0" attacked the referee" ?ou sa$ them %1" dug u8 the 8itch" ?ou sa$ them %%" tried to 8u!! do$n the goa! 8osts" ?ou sa$ them %'" demanded a re8!ay" ?ou heard them %(" overturned cars" ?ou sa$ them %*" smashed $indo$s" ?ou heard them %," drank $hisky out of bott!es" ?ou sa$ them %-" staggered about drunk" ?ou sa$ them %." 5ost!ed the 8assers4by" ?ou sa$ them %/" sto!e fruit from the market" ?ou sa$ them %0" tried to c!imb the !am848osts" ?ou sa$ them '1" s8!ashed about in the fountains" ?ou heard them

1"! s4en* + time + 6inPEG &/$ A: Do you ever c!ean your f!at? B: Yes. I s)ent all "esterda" afternoon cleaning m" flat. 0o "ou ever ... %" tidy u8 '" 8ut the books back on the she!ves (" $ash the coffee cu8s *" remove the em8ty bott!es ," s$ee8 u8 the broken g!ass -" em8ty the ashtrays ." hoover the car8ets /" make the beds 0" thro$ out the cracked cu8s %1" re8!ace the broken bu!bs %%" a8o!ogiHe to the !and!ord %'" advise Bi!! to sto8 drinking %(" tune the 8iano %*" shake the mats %," take the dog for a $a!k %-" 8ay your bi!!s %." do your income ta& returns %/" $ind the c!ocks %0" $eed your $indo$ bo&

%(/ '1" try to !ose $eight

1"" ha* better + infinitive without to it)s ti+e + subject + past tense PEG &'# &!( A!an and Bi!! got $ork abroad for a year and each is taking his car" #hey mean to !eave together but Bi!! is a bit behindhand $ith his 8re8arations" A: 39ve rung my 8arents" (a) B: 2h, I'd better ring m" )arents" (stress on my) (b) B: 2h, I su))ose it's time I rang m" )arents" (stress on '!' and 'my') I've ... %" 8aid my bi!!s '" said goodbye to my co!!eagues (" sub4!et my f!at *" to!d my !and!ord ," $ritten to my ne$ boss -" a88!ied for my visa ." sto88ed my ne$s8a8ers /" bought my ma8s 0" $orked out my route %1" read my instructions %%" had my in5ections %'" co!!ected my trave!!er9s che<ues %(" insured my !uggage %*" arranged to have my mai! for$arded %," 8ut on my roof rack %-" ad5usted my brakes %." tested my !ights %/" checked my tyres %0" changed my money

%(0 '1" done my 8acking

1"# let + object + infinitive without to PEG &"07 (a) A: +e $anted to go but 3 said 9No9" B: *ut wh" didn't "ou let him go/ (s!ight stress on 'didn't)

A!ternative!y the first sentence cou!d be in the form: (b) or (c) A: +e $ou!d have gone if 39d !et him" B: *ut wh" didn't "ou let him go/ B: .h" on earth didn't "ou let him go/

>eave noun ob5ects unchanged" (a) +e $anted to """ but 3 said 9No9" (b) and (c) +e $ou!d have """ if 39d !et him"

%" sto8 '" he!8 (" 8ay *" hitch4hike ," !ead the $ay -" take a short cut ." te!! the truth /" give evidence 0" !eave ear!y %1" te!! me about it (!se me") %%" 8hone his brother %'" decide for himse!f %(" 5oin the c!ub %*" use his rea! name %," bring his 8ass8ort %-" mark the cards %." finish the bott!e

%" sto88ed '" he!8ed (" 8aid *" hitch4hiked ," !ed the $ay -" taken a short cut ." to!d the truth /" given evidence 0" !eft ear!y %1" to!d me about it %%" 8honed his brother %'" decided for himse!f %(" 5oined the c!ub %*" used his rea! name %," brought his 8ass8ort %-" marked the cards %." finished the bott!e

%*1 %/" %0" '1" smoke a cigar drive home $ear a ki!t %/" smoked a cigar %0" driven home '1" $orn a ki!t

1"$ let + object + infinitive without to9 be allowe* + infinitive PEG ('# &"07 #he =miths and their t$o boys and the Bro$ns and their t$o gir!s $ent to the same ho!iday resort but at different times" After$ards the boys and gir!s com8ared notes" #he boys had a much more interesting timeD #he boys s8eak first" (a) Active:

A: We $ent rock c!imbing" B: 2ur )arents wouldn't let us go roc$@climbing. (stress on our and let) (b) 7assive:

A: We ran about $ithout shoes" B: .e weren't allowed to run about without shoes. (stress on $e and a!!o$ed) .e weren't let run about ... is a!so 8ossib!e but much !ess usua! than .e weren't allowed to ... Iee8 nouns unchanged" .e ... %" ran about $ithout shoes" '" s!e8t in the garden" (" 8ractised 8arachuting" *" 8!ayed $ater 8o!o" ," sai!ed round the is!and" -" $ater4skied" ." had bicyc!e races on the sand" /" canoed do$n the river" 0" c!imbed the c!iffs" %1" $ent surfing" %%" rode 7eter9s 8ony" %'" dived off the 8ier" %(" e&8!ored the caves" %*" !earnt ho$ to scuba4dive" %," took !essons in hang4g!iding"


1"% let + object + infinitive without to9 be allowe* + infinitive PEG ('# &"07 Ann9s son is e&treme!y troub!esome" Ann9s friend thinks that this is 8art!y Ann9s fau!t" (a) A: +e bu!!ies his sisters" B: *ut wh" do "ou let him bull" his sisters/

7ut the first sentence in the 8ast tense: (b) (c) (d) A: +e bu!!ied his sisters" B: .h" did "ou let him bull" his sisters/ (stress on let) A: +e bu!!ied his sisters" B: %e shouldn't have been allowed to bull" his sisters" (stress on allo#ed) A: +e bu!!ied his sisters" B: .h" was he allowed to bull" his sisters/ (stress on allo#ed)

For dri!!s (b) and (c) use the sentences in (a) $ith the verbs in the 8ast tense" >eave nouns unchanged" %e ... %" kicks his brother" '" shouts at his sisters" (" fights $ith the neighbours9 chi!dren" *" u8sets everyone" ," ans$ers back" -" disobeys me" (!se you") ." breaks the furniture" /" stea!s from my 8urse" (!se your") 0" misses schoo! every 2onday" %1" $atches #@ a!! =aturday" %%" 8!ays his radio ti!! ' a"m" %'" stays in bed a!! =unday" %(" comes do$n !ate for breakfast" %*" 8uts his e!bo$s on the tab!e" %," ta!ks $ith his mouth fu!!" %-" takes more than his share" %." rides his bicyc!e a!ong the 8avements" %/" ro!!er4skates u8 and do$n the corridors" %0" uses a$fu! !anguage" '1" reads terrib!e comics"


1"& +a.e + object + infinitive without to PEG &"0E (a) A: +e to!d Ann 3 ho8e" B: Yes, I made him tell her. %e ... I ho)e. (b) +e 8ut on his g!oves 3 ho8e" Yes, I made him )ut them on. (Notice $ord order") %e ... I ho)e.



%" a8o!ogiHed '" e&8!ained (" 8aid the bi!! *" $rote to the =miths ," c!eaned the bath -" took his medicine ." re8orted the accident /" $aited for Ann 0" rang his 8arents %1" finished the book %%" ans$ered the !etter %'" made his bed %(" c!eaned his shoes %*" changed his socks %," $ore his best suit %-" moved his car %." insured his house %/" fastened his safety be!t %0" did his e&ercises '1" checked the tyre 8ressures

%" hung u8 his coat '" turned do$n the radio (" shaved off his beard *" took back the books ," 8icked u8 the 8ieces -" ke8t on his coat ." took do$n the notice /" ro!!ed u8 the car8et 0" !ocked u8 the 8a8ers %1" thre$ a$ay his o!d boots %%" fi!!ed u8 the form %'"!ooked u8 the time of the train %("s$itched off the centra! heating %*"8aid back the money %,"8ut a$ay his too!s

1#' +a.e + object + infinitive without to

be +a*e + infinitive with to PEG &"0E


Ann $as tem8orari!y in charge of a grou8 of chi!dren $ho $ere su88osed to co4o8erate by !ooking after themse!ves and giving a hand $ith the house$ork" 2ary doesn9t think Ann $as strict enough" (a) Active A: =ome of them ate their su88ers" (s!ight stress on some) B: You should have made them all eat their su))ers. (stress on all) Passive A: #he gir!s ate their su88ers" (stress on irls) B: he bo"s should have been made to eat their su))ers too. (b) he girls ... %" drank mi!k" '" $ashed their faces" (" brushed their hair" etc., as in (a)


(a) +ome of them ... %" drank mi!k" '" $ashed their faces" (" brushed their hair" *" c!eaned their teeth" ," 8ut a$ay their toys" -" he!8ed $ith the $ashing u8" ." did some house$ork" /" $rote to their 8arents" 0" s$e8t their rooms" %1" $i8ed their boots" %%" hung u8 their c!othes" %'" said 97!ease9" %(" ate their breakfast" %*" ran round the footba!! fie!d" %," s!e8t $ith their $indo$s o8en" %-" got u8 ear!y" %." had a co!d bath every morning" %/" $ent to bed ear!y" %0" s$e8t under their beds" '1" 8icked b!ackberries"

1#1 ha44en + present and continuous infinitives PEG &" A# G

%** #he first s8eaker is very sus8icious A: ?ou asked him the time" Was this 8art of a 8!an? B: No, I 1ust ha))ened to as$ him the time. A: ?ou $ere !ooking out of the $indo$ $hen 3 8assed" Was this 8art of a 8!an? B: No, I 1ust ha))ened to be loo$ing out of the window. Both ty8es $i!! be found in the fo!!o$ing e&ercise" 3f a sim8!e tense is used as in the first e&am8!e use the 8resent infinitive" 3f a continuous tense is used as in the second e&am8!e use the continuous infinitive" You ... %" $ere in the 8hone bo& $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? '" !ooking at your $atch" Was this a signa! of some kind? (" $ere sitting by the $indo$ $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? *" $ere !eaning against your gate $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? ," $inked #om" Was this a signa! of some kind? -" $ere $aiting for a bus $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? ." gave him a !ift" Was this 8art of a 8!an? /" $ere standing in your door$ay $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? 0" trave!!ed on the same train as 7eter" Was this 8art of a 8!an? %1" $ere $atering your $indo$4bo& $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? %%" got out at the same station as 7eter" Was this 8art of a 8!an? %'" had your ta8e recorder $ith you" Was this 8art of a 8!an? %(" $aved at Jack" Was this a signa!? %*" $ere 8ainting your rai!ings $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? %," sat at the same tab!e as Jack" Was this 8art of a 8!an? %-" $ere c!i88ing your hedge $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me? %." 8ut u8 your umbre!!a $hen you sa$ Bi!!" Was this a signa!? %/" $ere $earing dark g!asses $hen 3 sa$ you" Was this 8art of a 8!an? %0" and 7eter e&changed briefcases" Was this intentiona!? '1" $ere !ooking through your binocu!ars $hen 3 8assed" Were you $atching me?

1#2 +ean + infinitive PEG (a) "# &0!)

A: 3 su88ose you did a !ot of cyc!ing" B: .ell, I meant to do a lot of c"cling but the weather wasn't suitable. (s!ight stress on meant) (b) B: .ell, we were meant to do a lot of c"cling but the weather wasn't suitable. (s!ight stress on meant)

%*, suppose cou!d be used for mean in (b) but not in (a): .e were su))osed to do a lot of c"cling. Note that the situation in (b) is different from the situation in (a)" 3n (a) Bi!! $ent on ho!iday a!one and made his o$n 8!ans" 3n (b) he 5oined a grou8 $here activities $ere 8!anned by the organiHers" Note a!so that in (a) meant means intended but that in (b) meant cou!d a!so convey an idea of duty" (c) I was to have done&.e were to have done ... cou!d be used for both (a) and (b)" But there is no indication of duty here" #his form mere!y e&8resses an unfu!fi!!ed 8!an"

I su))ose "ou ... %" s$am before breakfast" '" $ent 8ony4trekking" (" dug ditches" *" $atched birds" ," !ooked for rare 8!ants" -" 8icked stra$berries" ." took aeria! 8hotogra8hs" /" made sketch ma8s of the area" 0" 8ainted !andsca8es" %1" $a!ked a !ot" %%" c!imbed the mountains" %'" s8ent a!! day in the o8en" %(" e&amined the rocks" %*" co!!ected rock s8ecimens" %," s!e8t in tents" %-" cooked in the o8en" %." hunted for fossi!s" %/" studied the $i!d !ife in the area" %0" 8!anted trees" '1" fo!!o$ed the river to its source"


o((ur + to + infinitive

PEG &" ) A: 3 ho8e you gave #om a drink" B: No, it never occurred to me to give him a drin$. (M 3 never thought of it") I ho)e "ou ... %" '" (" *" ," invited Ann" offered #om a drink" $rote to 2rs =mith" thanked the t$ins" made Bi!! some coffee"

%*-" 8ut ;eorge u8 for the night" ." rang Andre$" /" said 9+e!!o9" 0" congratu!ated 2argaret" %1" a8o!ogiHed to James" %%" ke8t 2ary a 8!ace" %'" to!d the chi!dren a story" %(" $aited for 7eter" %*" sent James a 8resent" %," he!8ed the gir!s $ith their !uggage" %-" sho$ed =usan the $ay" %." gave Bob a !ift" %/" sa$ A!ice home" %0" $ished Bi!! !uck" '1" kissed +i!da"

1#! o11er + infinitive PEG &" A A: 7eter 8aid for me" B: %e offered to )a" for m too, but I refused. (stress on me and too) A: 7eter 8ainted my door" B: %e offered to )aint m" door too, but I refused. (stress on me and too) or B: %e offered to )aint mine too, but I refused. (stress on mine and too) -eter ... %" '" (" *" $aited for me" gave me a !ift" !ent me K," found me a 5ob"

%*. ," got me a seat" -" sho$ed me the $ay" ." $ashed my car" /" he!8ed me" 0" carried my !uggage" %1" sa$ me off" %%" met my train" %'" stood me a drink" %(" tuned my guitar" %*" drove me home" %," 8ut me u8" %-" !ooked after my dog" %." ty8ed my essay" %/" dug my garden" %0" re8aired my $ashing machine" '1" fi&ed my #@"

1#" re+e+ber,1or-et + infinitive PEG &0Ann9s bad memory saves her a !ot of troub!e" (a) A: 3 !ocked the safe" Ann had forgotten" B: Eh Ann never remembers to !ock it" or B: Eh Ann a!$ays forgets to !ock it" A: 3 took do$n the o!d notices" Ann had forgotten" B: Eh Ann never remembers to take them do$n" Er B: Eh Ann a!$ays forgets to take them do$n" (Notice $ord order")


I ... Ann had forgotten. %" '" (" *" ," -" turned out the !ights" (=ee (b) above") s$itched off the #@" (=ee (b) above") shut the !ift doors" 8aid the mi!kman" took the mi!k in" (=ee (b) above") $ashed the coffee cu8s"

%*/ ." made coffee" /" s$e8t the f!oor" 0" dusted the desks" %1" 8ut u8 the ne$ notices" (=ee (b) above") %%" $atered the 8ot 8!ants" %'" thanked the office c!eaners" %(" 8ut out the rubbish" (=ee (b) above") %*" stam8ed the !etters" %," checked the 8etty cash" %-" bought the biscuits" %." fed the tro8ica! fish" (!se them") %/" covered the ty8e$riters" %0" set the burg!ar a!arm" '1" !ocked the office"

1## see+ + infinitive PEG &" 2r T has recent!y come to !ive in the area but seems to $ish to avoid 8eo8!e" #his of course arouses interest and his neighbours observe him c!ose!y" #$o of them are ta!king about him" #he first s8eaker makes confident assertionsJ the second is more cautious" A: +e $ishes to avoid us" B: .ell, he seems to wish to avoid us. (s!ight stress on seems) %e ... %" is afraid of someone '" sus8ects everyone (" distrusts his neighbours *" dis!ikes chi!dren ," !ikes dogs -" avoids 8eo8!e ." reads a !ot /" 8refers to be a!one 0" thinks he is in danger %1" !ives on 8i!!s %%" eats very !itt!e %'" feeds his dogs $e!! %(" drinks a good dea! %*" $rites a !ot of !etters %," $orks at night %-" has 8!enty of money

%*0 %." %/" %0" '1" kno$s severa! !anguages takes a !ot of 8hotos deve!o8s his o$n fi!ms be!ieves in ghosts

1#$ see+ + continuous infinitive PEG &" G #$o 8eo8!e kee8 a c!ose eye on 2r =mith $ho !ives o88osite" #he road is $ide and busy so they do not see e&act!y $hat is ha88ening but they have a genera! idea" A: +e doesn9t usua!!y $atch te!evision" B: .ell, he seems to be watching it toda". A: +e doesn9t usua!!y get !etters" B: .ell, he seems to be getting some toda". %e doesn't usuall" ... %" ta!k to his mother4in4!a$" '" he!8 his $ife" (" use the 8ub!ic 8hone bo&" *" try to 8!ease his $ife" ," $ear a suit" (!se one") -" 8!ay $ith the chi!dren" ." bring his $ife f!o$ers" /" take 8hotogra8hs" 0" do the sho88ing" %1" carry his $ife9s 8arce!s" %%" !eave the car at home" %'" !et his $ife drive" %(" <uarre! $ith his neighbours" %*" shout at his neighbour9s dogs" %," $a!k to $ork" %-" 8ay cash" %." co!!ect the chi!dren from schoo!" %/" read the 8a8er" %0" $ait for his $ife"

%,1 '1" shake his fist at us"

1#% see+,a44ear,is sai*,is su44ose* + perfect infinitive PEG &$$1 #$o 8eo8!e are visiting a 9state!y home9 bui!t in the eighteenth century by a famous duke" Ene asks <uestions about the duke $hich the other $ho has 5ust bought the guide book does his best to ans$er" A: Was he rich? (very) (a) B: Yes, he seems to have been ver" rich. (b) B: Yes, he a))ears to have been ver" rich. (c) B: Yes, he is said to have been ver" rich. (d) B: Yes, he is su))osed to have been ver" rich. %" Did he !ive here? (most of his life) '" Did he marry? (several times) (" Did he have chi!dren? (a lot of) *" Did he bui!d any other houses? (several) ," Did he o$n (!arge) estates? (enormous) -" Did he em8!oy a (!arge) staff? (hu e) ." Was he a (good) !and!ord? (excellent) /" Did his tenants !ike him? (very much) 0" Did he entertain? (lavishly) %1" Did he drink? (heavily) %%" Did he hunt? (#hen he #as a youn man) %'" Did he kee8 racehorses? (all his life) %(" Did they $in races? (-uite a lot of) %*" Did he !ose money gamb!ing? (a fortune) %," Did he se!! his other houses? (t#o of them) %-" Did he <uarre! $ith his neighbours? (some of them) %." Did he fight due!s? (t#o) %/" Did he ki!! his o88onent? (both times) %0" Did he !eave the country? (after the second duel) '1" Did he die (abroad)? (in $aris)


1#& subject + use* + infinitive PEG 0&)

A: Do you s$im? B: No, I used to swim a lot but I don't now. 0o "ou ... %" smoke? '" drink? (" garden? *" eat out? ," read? -" $rite? ." sing? /" gossi8? 0" gamb!e? %1" trave!? %%" ride? %'" 8aint? %(" sai!? %*" dream? %," !isten to the radio? (Emit to the radio") %-" go (to concerts)? %." 7!ay tennis? (omit tennis") %/" argue $ith your husband? (Cse him") %0" <uarre! $ith your mother4in4!a$? (Cse her") '1" com8!ain?


1$' subject + use* + infinitive PEG 0&)

A: 7eter is s$imming his room" B: Is he/ I used to swee) m" room too, but I don't now. A: 7eter has 5ust 8aid his te!e8hone bi!!" B: %as he/ I used to )a" m" tele)hone bill too, but I don't now. Cse the a88ro8riate au&i!iary for the first 8hrase" =tress '!' and 'my'" -eter ... %" is $ashing u8 '" has 5ust shaved (" goes to evening c!asses *" cuts his toenai!s ," $ashes his socks -" reads the ne$s8a8er ." took back his !ibrary books /" is em8tying his ashtrays 0" is se$ing on buttons %1" has 8o!ished his shoes %%" $ears a tie %'" s$ee8s his f!oor %(" goes to $ork %*" got u8 ear!y %," $rites to the ne$s8a8ers %-" give advice to his chi!dren %." is saving money %/" has made his bed %0" stam8s his !etters '1" c!eans the bath

%,( 1$1 be a1rai* + infinitive PEG &/ A (a) Bi!! e&8!ains $hy he did not act as A!an e&8ected"

A: ?ou $ent on 3 su88ose" B: No, I was afraid to go on. A: ?ou gave the in5ection 3 su88ose" B: No, I was afraid to give it. (b) A!ternative ans$ers are: No, I didn't dare to go on&give it and No, I dared not go on&give it.

)om8are $ith Dri!! (( be afraid of. You ... I su))ose. %" 5um8ed out '" c!imbed do$n (" used the !ift *" com8!ained ," drank the coffee -" interru8ted him ." contradicted him /" mentioned it to your $ife 0" to!d your co!!eagues %1" informed the 8o!ice %%" o8ened the 8acket %'" $ent out at night (7ee) ni ht") %(" said something (!se anythin ") %*" a88ea!ed %," ans$ered the 8hone

1$2 be + horri1ie*,-la*,sur4rise*,a+a7e*,relieve* etc, + infinitive PEG &0%

%,* A: 3 sa$ smoke coming under the door" (horrified) B: I was horrified to see smo$e coming under the door. (#his is 5ust an e&ercise not a conversation") %" 3 heard cries of 8ain coming from the ne&t room" (horrified) '" 3 sa$ a 8hotogra8h of myse!f on the front 8age" (astonished) (" 3 found a com8!ete stranger taking food out of my fridge" (annoyed) *" 3 sa$ that the beds had been made" ( lad) ," 3 received an invitation to the 8a!ace" (deli hted) -" 3 found that no 8re8arations had been made" (surprised) ." 3 heard that the !ast train had 5ust !eft" (dismayed) /" 3 found everyone sti!! in bed at e!even o9c!ock" (shocked) 0" 3 sa$ b!ood a!! over the car8et" (a88a!!ed) %1" 3 heard rats running u8 and do$n inside the $a!!s" (amaHed) %%" 3 found the !ast bus sti!! standing there" (re!ieved) %'" 3 heard that you can9t come skiing after a!!" (disa88ointed) %(" 3 !earnt that no room had been reserved for me" (annoyed) %*" 3 sa$ that most of the to$n had been destroyed by the e&8!osion" (a88a!!ed) %," 3 heard that my brother9s 8!ane had crashed" (horrified) %-" 3 heard that my brother $as safe" (re!ieved) %." 3 found that 3 cou!d make myse!f understood" (8!eased) %/" 3 sa$ that 3 had 8assed the e&am" (g!ad) %0" 3 found my name at the very bottom of the !ist" (sorry) '1" 3 heard that 3 cou!d have every $eekend off" (de!ighted)


it is,was + adjective + o1 + object + infinitive

PEG &0) A: +e $arned me" (kind) B: It was $ind of him to warn "ou. %" #hey $aited for me ( ood) '" +e !ent Ann his bicyc!e" (kind)

%,, (" =he be!ieved him" (stupid) *" #hey invited me" (nice) ," =he to!d the 8o!ice" (sensible) -" 3 found the $ay" (c!ever) (!se you") ." =he !eft her car un!ocked" (careless) /" +e had another drink" (rash) 0" +e asked Bi!! to drive" (prudent) %1" =he argued $ith the customs officer" (idiotic) %%" +e refused to share his sand$iches" (selfish) %'" #hey ran a$ay" (co#ardly) %(" +e ke8t the money" (dishonest) %*" +e took the on!y cream cake" ( reedy) %," =he 5um8ed into the river to save the chi!d" (brave) %-" +e offered to 8ay" ( enerous) %." +e suggested going Dutch" (mean) %/" +e said 3 $asn9t any use" (unkind) %0" +e to!d !ies about me" (#icked) '1" +e admitted he $as $rong" (coura eous)

1$! what a,an + adjective + noun + infinitive PEG &0)& A: +e s!ee8s in a $ine ce!!ar" (odd 8!ace) B: .hat an odd )lace to slee)< %e ... %" '" (" *" ," !ives in a cave" (funny place) is studying do$sing" (odd thin ) 8arked outside the 8o!ice station" (silly place) trave!s by donkey" (slo# #ay) said 92ind your o$n business9" (rude thin )

%,-" s!ee8s in his car" (uncomfortable place) ." makes money by te!!ing fortunes" (interestin #ay) /" s$ims at night" (odd time) 0" 8!ays go!f on his f!at roof" (stran e place) %1" makes a!! his im8ortant decisions in the !ift" (extraordinary place) %%" !ives on bro$n rice" (odd thin ) (7ee) on") %'" cooks in his bathroom" (-ueer place) %(" rings u8 friends at - a"m" (inconvenient time) %*" kee8s (his) money in an o!d sock" (unsafe place) %," s8ends his free time at the rai!$ay station" (noisy place) (!se one's for his") %-" re!a&es by standing on his head" (odd #ay) %." reads the te!e8hone directory" (stran e thin ) %/" gets u8 at * a"m" (unpleasant time) %0" has a ho!iday in June" (a reeable time) '1" drives a Ao!!s Aoyce" (expensive car)

1$" too + adjective + infinitive# adjective + enou-h + infinitive PEG &$&A# ) A: Bob got another 5ob 3 su88ose? (old/youn ) (a) B: No, he was too old to get another 1ob. (b) B: Yes, he was "oung enough to get another 1ob. ... I su))ose/ %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 0" #om $ent a!one (youn /old) 7eter got through the $indo$ (fat/thin) ;eorge drove the car (drunk/sober) Ann $aited <uiet!y (impatient/patient) 2ary $a!ked u8stairs (#eak/stron ) 7eter ate something (ill/#ell) (!se anything $ith ill something $ith #ell") James bought the house (poor/rich) Frank understood (stupid/clever) Bi!! rode the 8ony (heavy/li ht)

%,. %1" %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" #he other driver !istened to you (excited/calm) =he $ore your fur coat (short/tall) Jack became a 5ockey (bi /small) 2ary a88!ied again (discoura ed/optimistic) E!iver tried the ne$ system (unenterprisin /enterprisin ) ?our boss gives you a bonus (mean/ enerous) (!se us") #om admitted his mistake (proud/honest) ?our grandmother $ore 5eans (conventional/unconventional) ?ou !ent Bi!! money (cautious/rash) James sym8athiHed $ith the younger generation (narro#.minded/broad.minded) +e said that it $as your fau!t (polite/impolite)

1$# too + adjective + infinitive# adjective + enou-h + infinitive PEG &$&A# ) A: ?ou carried the case? (heavy/li ht) (a) B: No, it was too heav". or No, it was too heav" for me to carr". (b) B: Yes, it was light enough to carr". or Yes, it was light enough for me to carr". A: ?ou 8ut the boat on the roof rack? (bigGsma!!) (a) B: No, it was too big to )ut on the roof rac$. (b) B: Yes, it was small enough to )ut on the roof rac$. For meGyouGhim etc" is not necessary e&ce8t $hen it is im8ortant to em8hasiHe $ho is doing the action" You ... %" ate the a88!e? (sour/s#eet) '" gri!!ed the steak? (tou h/tender) (" 8ushed the 8acket under the door? (thick/thin) *" read the inscri8tion? (faint/clear) ," sa$ the bird9s nest <uite c!ear!y? (hi h/lo#) -" 8ut the trunk in the boot of the car? (bi /small) ." to$ed the boat behind the car? (heavy/li ht) /" 8ut your umbre!!a in your suitcase? (lon /short) 0" $aded across the river? (deep/shallo#) %1" 5um8ed across the stream? (#ide/narro#) %%" 8icked the fruit? (unripe/ripe) %'" sent it by 8ost? (fra ile/sturdy) %(" used yesterday9s mi!k? (sour/fresh) %*" drank the coffee? (hot/cool) %," $ore your b!ue suit? (shabby/smart) 1$$ too + adjective + infinitive# adjective + enou-h + infinitive

PEG &$&A# )


A: ?ou sat on the grass 3 su88ose? (#et/dry) (a) B: No, it was too wet to sit on. or No, it was too wet for us to sit on. (b) B: Yes, it was dr" enough to sit on. or Yes, it was dr" enough for us to sit on. A: #he 8!ane !anded on the fie!d 3 su88ose? (rou hGsmooth) (a) B: No, it was too rough to land on. or No, it was smooth enough to land on. (b) B: Yes, it was smooth enough to land on. or Yes, it was smooth enough for the )lane to land on. ... I su))ose/ %" ?ou s!e8t in the cave (#et/dry) '" #hey cam8ed on the !edge (narro#/#ide) (" +e $a!ked on the ice (thin/thick) *" +e s!id do$n the 8o!e" (rou h/smooth) ," #he 8!ane !anded on the sand (soft/hard) -" ?ou took out the (e!ectric !ight) bu!b (hot/cool) ." =he ready by the !ight of the moon (dim/bri ht) /" ?ou sa$ through the hedge (thick/thin) 0" +e dived from the 8ier (hi h/lo#) %1" =he handed in her e&ercise (untidy/tidy) %%" ?ou s$am in the river (polluted/clean) %'" +e stood on the tab!e (unsteady/steady) %(" =he dived into the 8ond (shallo#/deep) %*" ?ou sat on the f!oor (dirty/clean) %," ?ou 8icked u8 the sack of 8otatoes (heavy/li ht) 1$% Purpose expressed by the infinitive PEG (("A A: +e !earned to cook in 7aris" Were you sur8rised? B: No. %e went to -aris to learn to coo$. (s!ight stress on #ent) or No. %e went to -aris in order to learn to coo$. (s!ight stress on order) %e ... .ere "ou sur)rised/ %" '" (" *" ," -" ." arranged a !oan in Uurich" met Bi!! in :dinburgh" so!d his 8ictures in >ondon" o8ened a bank account in =$itHer!and" 8ainted a 8ortrait in F!orida" !earnt to f!y in Austra!ia" 8!ayed tennis in F!orida"

%,0 /" bought diamonds in Amsterdam" 0" c!imbed mountains in Wa!es" %1" skied in Nor$ay" %%" $atched the 8enguins in the Antarctic" %'" dived for treasure in the 2editerranean" %(" had an eye o8eration in Barce!ona" %*" gamb!ed in 2onte )ar!o" %," gave a concert in 2unich" %-" studied 5udo in Ja8an" %." visited the =8anish Aiding =choo! in @ienna" %/" $rote a book in =evi!!e" %0" fished for sa!mon in =cot!and" '1" 8hotogra8hed !ions in Africa" 1$& Purpose: so as not + infinitive PEG ((") #om has taken a room in a boarding house" #he !and!ady has an o!d resident she 8articu!ar!y doesn9t $ant to offend so she gives #om a !ist of things not to do" A: ?ou mustn9t make a noise at night" 3t $akes 2rs Jones" B: All right. I won't ma$e a noise at night so as not to wa$e 3rs #ones" You must not ... 3rs #ones. %" ta!k about traffic accidents" 3t frightens '" criticiHe !ady drivers" 3t offends (" 8!ay the radio !oud!y" 3t disturbs *" te!! dirty 5okes" 3t shocks ," make a noise at night" 3t $akes -" che$ gum" 3t disgusts ." bang doors" 3t start!es /" say anything about rising 8rices" 3t de8resses 0" $hist!e" 3t irritates %1" discuss hi5acking" 3t $orries %%" sing in your bath" 3t annoys %'" smoke at mea!s" 3t u8sets %(" come in !ate" 3t bothers %*" !eave your bicyc!e in the ha!!" 3t inconveniences %," mention i!!ness" 3t distresses 1%' Purpose clauses and 4revent + object + gerund PEG ((01 Ann has !eft her husband and is giving her so!icitor her reasons for doing so" #he so!icitor re8eats her com8!aints as he $rites them do$n" (a) A: +e didn9t !ike me going through his 8rivate 8a8ers so he !ocked them u8" B: I see. %e loc$ed u) his )rivate )a)ers so that "ou couldn't&wouldn't be able to go through them. (b) A: +e didn9t !ike me going through his 8rivate 8a8ers so he !ocked them u8"

%-1 B: I see. %e loc$ed u) his )rivate )a)ers to (a) %e didn't li$e me ... )revent "ou going through them.

%" driving the car so he took the keys to the office every day" '" drinking during the day so he !ocked the drinks in the cu8board" (" dra$ing che<ues so he c!osed my account" *" smoking his cigars so he hid his cigar bo&" ," going out after dark so he !ocked the door" -" $atching te!evision so he so!d the #@" ." o8ening bott!es of $ine so he ke8t the corkscre$ in his 8ocket" /" borro$ing his s$eaters so he !ocked the $ardrobe" 0" ringing my friends !ate at night so he disconnected the 8hone" %1" serving tinned sou8 so he thre$ a$ay the tin4o8ener" %%" taking money from the safe so he changed the combination" %'" using his too!s so he !ocked his too!bo&" %(" ty8ing on his ty8e$riter so he removed the ribbon" %*" riding his bicyc!e so he took a $hee! off" %," getting on the roof so he 8ut bars in the sky!ight" (c) as in (b) but use an infinitive in each case as this 8rovides a better contrast $ith the ground:

+e didn9t !ike me to driveGdrinkGdra$GsmokeGgoG$atchGo8enGborro$GringGserveGtakeGuseGty8eGrideGget" 1%1 Purpose clauses: so that + subject + woul* PEG ((0A #he first s8eaker is very naive" A: +e ha88ened to be standing by his gate" =o he sa$ the shooting" B: It was no accident. %e was standing b" his gate so that he would see the shooting" (stress on #ould") %" +e ha88ened to !eave his c!othes on the beach" =o $e thought he $as dro$ned" '" =he ha88ened to 8ut the !etter on to8 of the 8i!e" =o he o8ened it first" (" =he accidenta!!y burnt the document" =o $e have no record of the agreement" *" +e ha88ened to be $earing dark g!asses" =o no one recogniHed him" ," +e ha88ened to be sitting on the !etter" =o $e didn9t see it" -" By accident she gave us the $rong address" =o $e $ent to the $rong 8!ace" ." =he ha88ened to mention #om9s name" =o #om $as sus8ected" /" +e ha88ened to be standing outside the door" =o he heard the conversation" 0" #hey ha88ened to be s8eaking French" =o neither of us understood them" %1" #hey accidenta!!y !eft a bicyc!e in the 8assage and #om fe!! over it" %%" =he ha88ened to have !eft her umbre!!a at home" =o she had to share 7eter9s" %'" +e ha88ened to 8ost a!! his cards in Aome" =o $e assumed he s8ent his $ho!e ho!iday there" %(" +e ha88ened to be in the te!e8hone bo&" =o he sa$ everything" %*" =he ha88ened to dro8 the re8ort on 7eter9s desk" =o 7eter read it" %," =he accidenta!!y dro88ed her handkerchief" Jack 8icked it u8" 1%2 Purpose: in (ase

%-% PEG ((/A An over48rotective mother gives instructions to her au 8air gir!" A: 3f he bathes he9!! catch co!d" (a) B: I see. I'm not to let him bathe in case he caches cold. #he au 8air gir! re8orts this conversation !ater" (b) B: I wasn't allowed to let him bathe in case he caught cold. or (c) B: +he told me not to let him bathe in case he caught cold. If he ... %" c!imbs trees he9!! tear his trousers" '" 8!ays near the river he9!! fa!! in" (" ta!ks to the neighbour9s chi!dren he9!! !earn bad !anguage" *" runs about in the garden he9!! tram8!e the f!o$ers" ," strikes matches he9!! burn himse!f" -" uses the scissors he9!! cut himse!f" ." stand on his head he9!! make himse!f giddy" /" 8ats the dogs they $i!! bite him" 0" strokes the cats they $i!! scratch him" %1" shouts he9!! disturb his grandfather" %%" kicks his footba!! in the garden he9!! damage the roses" %'" sits on the grass he9!! catch a co!d" %(" crosses the road a!one he9!! be run over" %*" goes out a!one he9!! !ose his $ay" %," carries a tray he9!! dro8 it" %-" f!ies his kite he9!! !ose it" %." sai!s his boat he9!! get his feet $et" %/" thro$s his ba!! he9!! break a $indo$" %0" he!8s the 8ainters he9!! s8i!! the 8aint" '1" rides his bicyc!e he9!! have an accident 1% PEG +i-ht,shoul*n)t + perfect infinitive ((A# "(

#his is a continuation of the 8revious e&ercise" #he au 8air gir! fee!ing sorry for the boy a!!o$ed him to c!imb trees kick the footba!! etc" and the disasters 8redicted by his mother didn9t ha88en" =he te!!s the mother this" A: +e bathed and didn9t catch co!d" B: *ut "ou shouldn't have let him bathe< %e might have caught cold. A!ternative!y: A: +e bathed" B: *ut "ou shouldn't have let him bathe< A: +e didn9t catch co!d"

%-' B: *ut he might have caught cold< %e ... %" c!imbed trees and didn9t tear his trousers" '" 8!ayed near the river and didn9t fa!! in" (" ta!ked to the neighbour9s chi!dren and didn9t !earn bad !anguage" *" ran about in the garden and didn9t tram8!e the f!o$ers" ," struck matches and didn9t burn himse!f" -" used the scissors and didn9t cut himse!f" ." stood on his head and didn9t make himse!f giddy" /" 8atted the dogs and they didn9t bite him" 0" stroked the cats and they didn9t scratch him" %1" shouted and didn9t disturb his grandfather" %%" kicked his footba!! and didn9t damage the roses" %'" sat on the grass and didn9t catch a co!d" %(" crossed the road and $asn9t run over" %*" $ent out a!one and didn9t !ose his $ay" %," carried a tray and didn9t dro8 it" %-" f!e$ his kite and didn9t !ose it" %." sai!ed his boat and didn9t get his feet $et" %/" thre$ his ba!! and didn9t break a $indo$" %0" he!8ed the 8ainters and didn9t s8i!! the 8aint" '1" rode his bicyc!e and didn9t have an accident" 1%! Passive: simple present# simple past# present perfect and shoul* PEG ('&7# ('(A (a) (b) (c) (d) A: 3n my co!!ege the domestic staff s$ee8 the c!assrooms" B: Eur c!assrooms are s$e8t by students" (stress on our) B: Eur c!assrooms $ere s$e8t by students" (stress on our) B: Eur c!assrooms have a!$ays been s$e8t by students" (stress on our) B: Eur c!assrooms shou!d be s$e8t by students" (stress on students)

In m" college ... %" technicians service the e<ui8ment '" the schoo!kee8er c!eans the b!ackboards (" a c!eaner kee8s the common room tidy *" the catering staff cook the !unches ," the schoo!kee8er rings the be!!s -" the c!eaners em8ty the $aste8a8er baskets ." trained te!e8honists man the s$itchboard /" the maintenance staff re8!ace broken $indo$s 0" a trained driver drives the co!!ege bus %1" <ua!ified !ibrarians !ook after the !ibrary %%" the $e!fare officer organiHes the annua! dance %'" the music staff 8roduce the annua! concert %(" the 8hysica! training instructor runs the s8orts c!ub %*" the entertainments officer arranged tri8s %," the co!!ege secretary co!!ects the fees %-" the Director dra$s u8 the year9s 8rogramme %." a 8rinting firm 8rints our co!!ege magaHine %/" a 8aid handyman does a!! our re8airs

%-( %0" '1" the ;overnors choose the 7rinci8a! the 7rinci8a! a88oints staff

1%" Passive: present continuous and past continuous PEG ('&1 (a) A: #hey are $idening our road" B: 2h, our road is being widened too. (stress on our)

>ater a third 8erson asks: (b) A: .hat did *ill sa" about the road/

And is ans$ered in direct s8eech: B: %e said it was being widened. he" are ... %" re8ainting our bridge" '" re8airing our road" (" $idening our 8avements" *" changing our house numbers" ," rebui!ding out to$n ha!!" -" taking do$n our 8ark rai!ings" ." re4o8ening our theatre" /" c!eaning our statues" 0" c!osing do$n our !oca! hos8ita!" %1" moving our !ibrary" %%" re8!acing our street !ights" %'" e&tending our no4traffic area" %(" re4routing our buses" %*" turning our !oca! cinema into a Bingo ha!!" %," masking our street one4$ay" %-" resurfacing our road" %." restoring our o!d church" %/" dredging our river" %0" demo!ishing our o!d !ibrary" '1" 8utting u8 our rates" 1%# Passive: present perfect and past perfect PEG ('(A (a) (b) (a) A: =ha!! 3 buy the bread? B: It's 1ust been bought, actuall". A: Did you buy the bread? B: No, when I arrived it had 1ust been bought. +hall I ... (b) 0id "ou ...

%-* %" make the mayonnaise? '" !ay the tab!e? (" o8en the bott!es? *" grind the coffee? ," fry the sausages? -" $ash the g!asses? ." $hi8 the cream? /" grate the cheese? 0" s!ice the cucumber? %1" boi! the eggs? %%" she!! the 8eas? %'" carve the chicken? %(" skin the tomatoes? %*" mi& the sa!ad dressing? %," mash the 8otatoes? %-" core the a88!es? %." 8ee! the gra8es? %/" s<ueeHe the !emons? %0" gri!! the steak? '1" roast the chestnuts? make the mayonnaise? !ay the tab!e? etc"

1%$ Passive: +ay,+i-ht + perfect infinitive PEG ('&7 Ann and Bi!! are $orried about a 8acket they are e&8ecting from a not very efficient firm" (a) A: 7erha8s they didn9t treat this order as urgent" B: Yes, it ma"&might not have been treated as urgent.

A: 7erha8s the )ustoms im8ounded the 8acket B: Yes, it ma"&might have been im)ounded b" the 9ustoms. A third 8erson re8orts these o8inions !ater" #he 8rom8t is given to he!8 the student to remember" (b) -rom)t: didn9t treat this order as urgent" ): he" thought that it might not have been treated as urgent.

%L%1 -erha)s the" ... %" didn9t dea! $ith the order at once" '" didn9t 8ost the 8acket 8rom8t!y" (" didn9t mark it urgent" *" didn9t address it correct!y" ," didn9t !abe! it c!ear!y" -" didn9t tie it u8 8ro8er!y" ." didn9t send it by air" /" didn9t stam8 it sufficient!y" 0" didn9t register it" %1" didn9t insure it" %%L'1 7erha8s """

%-, %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" (b) the c!erk over!ooked the order" the 8ostman 8ut it in the $rong bo&" the 8ostman de!ivered it to the $rong f!oor" the 8ostman !eft it ne&t door" the 8ostman brought it to our o!d office" the )ustoms de!ayed it" (7ee) the Customs") the )ustoms returned it to the senders" " (7ee) the Customs") the )ustoms confiscated it" (7ee) the Customs") the 8osta! strike he!d it u8" a mag8ie sto!e it" As for (a) but in %L%1 omit -erha)s the" and in %%L'1 omit -erha)s"

1%% Passive: +ust + phrasal verbs PEG ('$) A: About this 8arce! L do $e have to tie it u8? B: 2h, "es, it must be tied u). About ... D do we have to ... %" these books """ take them back? '" these o!d ne$s8a8ers """ thro$ them a$ay? (" this broken g!ass """ s$ee8 it u8? *" this $a!!et $e9ve found """ hand it in? ," these o!d curtains """ take them do$n? -" the car8et """ ro!! it u8? ." this $atch $e are giving him """ $ra8 it u8? /" this information """ 8ass it on? 0" this notice """ 8ut it u8? %1" the instructions """ $rite them do$n? %%" these forms """ fi!! them u8? %'" the cases on the roofrack """ stra8 them on? %(" the money """ 8ay it back? %*" the dishes """ $ash them u8? %," his orders """ carry them out? %-" the $a!! that you say is unsafe """ 8u!! it do$n? %." the caravan """ to$ it a$ay? %/" the documents """ !ock them u8? %0" the meeting """ 8ut it off? '1" the $eeds """ 8u!! them u8? 1%& Passive: shoul* + present and perfect infinitives PEG ('&7 3t is #hursday evening" #he secretary is inc!ined to !eave everything ti!! Friday $hich doesn9t 8!ease the boss" But 8erha8s the secretary has too many duties" A: 39!! remove the o!d ne$s8a8ers tomorro$" (a) B: *ut the" should be removed ever" da". (stress on ever") (b) B: *ut the" should have been removed toda". (stress on toda")

%-I'll ... tomorrow. %" o8en your $indo$s '" dust your desk (" tidy your books *" $ater your 8ot 8!ants ," $ind your c!ock -" em8ty your $aste8a8er basket ." $ash your coffee cu8 /" c!ean your office 0" c!ear your out4tray %1" refi!! your cigar4bo& %%" enter the e&8enses %'" check the 8etty cash %(" test the a!arm system %*" 8ay in the che<ues (7ee) in") %," !ock the gri!!e %-" change the combination of the safe %." re8ort the absentees %/" $rite u8 the diary (7ee) up") %0" fi!e the co8ies '1" e&ercise the guard dogs 1&' Passive: use* to + infinitive PEG ('&7 A: #hey serve $ine once a $eek" B: It used to be served twice a wee$, didn't it/ (stress on t#ice) A: #he hos8ita! a!!o$s visitors once a day" B: he" used to be allowed twice a da", didn't the"/ %" #hey make tea once a day" '" #hey s$ee8 the street once a $eek" (" #he office issues season tickets once a month" *" #hey de!iver mai! once a day" ," #hey !o$er the safety curtain once in every 8erformance" -" #he doctor $eighs the chi!dren once a term" ." #hey test our com8any car once a year" /" #hey 8ub!ish the 8a8er once a month" 0" #he announcer gives $eather re8orts once a day" %1" =omeone ins8ects restaurants every year" %%" We test the students once a term" %'" We admit ne$ students once a term" %(" We e!ect ne$ officers once a year" %*" #hey read the ne$s (on the radio) once a day" %," #hey 8!ay the nationa! anthem once a day" %-" #hey em8ty the dustbin once a $eek" %." =omeone $ashes my $indo$s once a month" %/" #hey drain the s$imming 8oo! once a year" %0" #hey change the fi!m once a $eek" '1" #hey service the !ift once a year"

%-. 1&1 Passive: will have,woul* have + infinitive PEG ('&7 (a) Bi!! has bought a house and a friend are discussing re8airs and a!terations" #he friend s8eaks first:

A: ?ou9!! re8air the gate 3 su88ose? B: 2h, "es, the gate will have to be re)aired. (b) Bi!! is !ooking over a house $hich is for sa!e" +e and his friend are considering $hat re8airs $ou!d be necessary if he bought it"

A: ?ou9d re8air the gate 3 su88ose? B: 2h, "es, the gate would have be re)aired. (a) You'll ... I su))ose/ %" re8!ace the broken 8anes '" reti!e the roof (" re8air the gutters *" s$ee8 the chimneys ," redecorate the ha!! -" 8aint the $ood$ork ." re8a8er the sitting room /" insta!! centra! heating 0" move the kitchen %1" re$ire the basement %%" change the !ocks %'" strengthen the ba!conies %(" 8ut in a sky!ight %*" see to the drains %," mend the fence %-" c!i8 the hedge %." cut back the bushes %/" 8rune the a88!e trees %0" fi!! u8 the ho!es in the 8ath '1" rebui!d the garage (b) You'd ... I su))ose/ %" re8!ace the broken 8anes '" reti!e the roof etc"

1&2 6eported speech: statements reported by he says or he sai* PEG ('-A# ) A!an is coming to s8end a fe$ days $ith the =miths" +e 8hones from the station" Betty =mith ans$ers" (a) =he re8orts A!an9s remarks to her husband $hi!e the conversation is sti!! going on"

A: 39m 8honing from the station" B: %e sa"s he's )honing from the station.

%-/ (b) #his time Betty re8orts the conversation !ater" B: %e said he was )honing from the station. %" 39ve 5ust arrived" '" We $ere de!ayed t$o hours by a b!ocked !ine" (" #he station is 8acked $ith footba!! fans from my home to$n" *" 3 can hard!y hear youJ they are making such a noise" ," 39!! try to get a ta&i" -" But this may take some time as a!! the footba!! fans seem to $ant ta&is too" (!se it for this") ." 3 may have to !eave my !uggage in the station and get a bus" /" 3 ho8e t be $ith you in about an hour" (!se us") 0" 3 have a French gir! $ith me ca!!ed 2arie )e!este" %1" +er brother asked me to !ook after her" %%" We9re $aiting for her friends but 3 don9t see any sign of them" %'" 3f they don9t turn u8 39!! have to bring 2arie $ith me" %(" 3 ho8e you $on9t mind" %*" 39m sure you9!! !ike her" %," =he is the most charming gir! 3 have ever met" %-" 39m going to try to get her a 5ob in my co!!ege" %." 3t9s very good of you to 8ut me u8" (!se us") %/" 39m afraid 3 can on!y stay three days" %0" 39m !ooking for$ard to seeing you again very much" (!se us") '1" 39ve got !ots of messages for you from my fami!y" (!se us") 1& 6eported speech: su--est + gerund

PEG &-!7 A students9 c!ub are 8!anning a ho!iday abroad" #he committee is no$ discussing $here to go and $hat to do" #hree members make suggestions" (a) #he chairman re8eats each suggestion to make sure that the rest of the committee have heard it:

A (M7AC>): =ha!! $e start on Friday? B: -aul suggests starting on Frida". A (MB3>>): +ote!s are too dear" >et9s cam8 out" B: *ill sa"s hotels are too dear and suggests cam)ing out. (b) #he secretary re8orts the suggestions after$ards to someone $ho $asn9t at the meeting:

A (MB3>>): Friday9s too soon" >et9s $ait ti!! =aturday" B: *ill said that Frida" was too soon and suggested waiting till +aturda". =ee a!so Dri!!s '/ and '0 %" '" (" *" ," -" =ha!! $e hitch4hike? ($aul) #here are too many of us" >et9s go on motor cyc!es" (/ill) #hat9s too uncomfortab!e" Why don9t $e hire cars? (0nn) 3t $ou!d cost too much" What about borro$ing the co!!ege bus? (/ill) =ha!! $e s!ee8 in ?outh +oste!s? (/ill) >et9s cam8 out" ($aul)

%-0 ." Why not rent a caravan? (0nn) /" =ha!! $e 8ick fruit and make some money? ($aul) 0" Fruit 8icking is hard $ork" >et9s s8end the day on the beach" (/ill) %1" (And) !et9s visit museums and art ga!!eries" (0nn) %%" =ha!! $e eat in restaurants? (0nn) %'" >et9s have mea!s in the caravan" ($aul) %(" Why don9t $e cook over an o8en fire? (/ill) %*" >et9s 8ack 8!enty of tinned food and )oca )o!a" ($aul) %," >et9s buy food !oca!!y" (0nn) %-" Why not drink the !oca! $ine? (/ill) %." =ha!! $e find out about 8o8 festiva!s? (/ill) %/" >et9s !ook out for c!assica! concerts" (0nn) %0" Why don9t $e bring guitars and make our o$n music? ($aul) '1" Why don9t $e s8!it into three grou8s? (/ill) 1&! 6eported speech: questions PEG ( / A!an is thinking of buying a car" +e asks a co!!eague Bi!! a number of <uestions $hich Bi!! !ater re8orts to another car4o$ner" A: +ave you (got) a car? B: %e as$ed if I had a car. or %e as$ed me if I had a car. A: Do you have it serviced regu!ar!y? B: %e as$ed if I had it serviced regularl". %" What kind of car have you (got)? (got can be omitted") '" What does it cost you to run it? (" +o$ many ki!ometres does it do the !itre? *" Does it be!ong to you or you and your $ife? ," )an your $ife drive? -" 3s she a safe driver? ." +o$ many ki!ometres do you drive in a month? /" Did you 8ass your test the first time? 0" Do you think driving tests are any use? %1" Do you give !ifts? %%" +o$ !ong have you been driving? %'" +ave you ever had an accident? %(" Was it your o$n fau!t? %*" Do you do your o$n re8airs? %," What $ou!d you do if 8etro! doub!ed in 8rice? %-" Do you a!$ays $ear a safety be!t? %." Do you take the car to $ork? %/" Are you thinking of getting a ne$ car? %0" Do you !et your $ife take the car sho88ing? '1" Don9t you think it un$ise to !et your $ife drive? 1&" 6eported speech: questions PEG ( /

%.1 2rs Adams $ho is rather in<uisitive $ants to 2rs Bro$n re8orts the <uestions to her husband" A: Who is he? B: +he as$ed me who he was" (me is not essentia!) A: What does he do for a !iving? B: =he asked me $hat he did for a !iving" (me is not essentia!) %" +o$ !ong has he been here? '" Where does he come from? (" Does he teach in the #echnica! )o!!ege? *" +o$ !ong has he been $orking there? ," 3s he married? -" Where is his $ife? ." Does he get many !etters? /" Where do his !etters come from? 0" Where does he do his sho88ing? %1" Does he do his o$n cooking? %%" Do you c!ean his f!at? %'" +as he a car? %(" Does he ever s8eak to you? %*" What does he do in the evenings? %," Does he go a$ay at the $eekends? %-" Does he $ear a $ig? %." Why has he shaved off his beard? %/" 3s he thinking of buying a house here? %0" Why is 2rs Jones sus8icious of him? '1" What do your other tenants think of him? 1&# 6eported speech: want + object + infinitive PEG &"(A 2r Jones ca!!s Ann into his office and gives her some instructions" =he then returns to the main office and te!!s a co!!eague $hat she has been asked to do" A: Wou!d you 8!ease fi!e these !etters? B: %e wants me to file some letters" (=he hasn9t fi!ed them yet") B: %e wanted me to file some letters" (#anted im8!ies that she has a!ready fi!ed them or that she cou!dn9t or $ou!dn9t fi!e them") (c) B: %e as$ed&told me to file them. (#his mere!y re8orts the re<uest") (a) (b) Cse a for this some for these and his for my" .ould "ou )lease ... %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" co8y this contract? correct this s8e!!ing mistake? add something o this !etter? 8in u8 these notices in the canteen? !ook u8 our 279s address? order some more 8a8erc!i8s? contact our American branch? send this re8ort to our head office? kno$ about 2rs Bro$n9s ne$ tenant"

%.% 0" check these figures? %1" bring your ta8e recorder to the meeting? %%" ty8e out a fu!! re8ort? %'" 8ut these documents in my dis8atch case? %(" !ock my dis8atch case? %*" !eave the key on my desk? %," take these books back to the !ibrary? %-" buy some f!o$ers for my $ife? %." te!! my $ife 3 $on9t be home tonight? %/" remind the c!eaners to em8ty my ashtray? %0" advertise for a ne$ office boy? '1" book t$o 8!ane tickets for Ne$ ?ork? 1&$ 6eported speech: a*vise,warn + object + infinitive PEG (&'A# 7 Bi!! is at his office $here he has 5ust heard that he has $on K%11 111" Ann his secretary and #om a co!!eague are giving him advice $hich he !ater re8orts to a friend he meets on the train home" A (MANN): Why don9t you give u8 your 5ob? B: Ann advised me to give u) m" 1ob. A (M#E2): Don9t do anything in a hurry" B: om warned me not to do an"thing in a hurr". #om9s advice consists entire!y of $arnings so it is best re8orted by #arned though advised $ou!d a!so 8ossib!e" %" 3 shou!d send out for a bott!e of cham8agne" (0nn) '" ?ou9d better $ait ti!! !unchtime" ()om) (" Why don9t you s8end K% 111 on a terrific ho!iday? (0nn) *" Don9t change your $ay of !iving too <uick!y" ()om) ," 3nvite a!! your neighbours to a 8arty" (0nn) -" Don9t begin entertaining too !avish!y" ()om) ." ?ou9d better give some of it to a charity" (0nn) /" Don9t offer to he!8 everyone" ()om) 0" 3 shou!d get a ne$ car" (0nn) %1" Don9t go on a s8ending s8ree" ()om) %%" Why don9t you ring your $ife and 8ass on the good ne$s? (0nn) %'" ?ou9d better not ta!k about it too much" ()om) %(" Ask your $ife $hat she9d !ike as a 8resent" (0nn) %*" Don9t give her a b!ank che<ue" ()om) %," Why don9t you te!! her to go out and buy some ne$ c!othes? (0nn) %-" Don9t encourage her to be e&travagant" ()om) %." Why don9t you visit your sister in Austra!ia? (0nn) %/" ?ou9d better see your ta& ins8ector first" ()om) %0" 3 shou!d buy 8resents for a!! the chi!dren" (0nn) '1" Don9t give them the im8ression that you are going to kee8 them in id!eness for the rest of their !ives" ()om) 1&% 6eported speech: requests reported by as.,want + object + infinitive

PEG &-"# (&'


2r and 2rs Butt are booking in at a hote!" 2r Butt ta!ks to the rece8tionist" 2rs Butt $ho is a !itt!e deaf doesn9t her the conversation c!ear!y and asks her husband after$ards $ho re8orts the rece8tionist9s re<uests" (a) A (Mrece8tionist): 3f you9d !eave your 8ass8ort """ B: +he as$ed me to leave m" )ass)ort. A: 7!ease don9t !eave the !ift doors o8en" B: +he as$ed me not to leave the lift doors o)en. (#arned $ou!d a!so be 8ossib!e")

A!ternative!y 2rs Butt may $ant each sentence re8orted at once: (b) A: 3f you9d !eave your 8ass8ort """ B: +he wants me to leave m" )ass)ort. (asks is 8ossib!e but $ou!d be !ess usua!") A: 7!ease don9t !eave the !ift doors o8en" B: +he is as$ing&is warning me not to leave the lift doors o)en. (doesn't #ant me to is 8ossib!e but !ess em8hatic")

%" )ou!d you sho$ me your 8ass8ort 8!ease? '" 3f you9d fi!! u8 this form """ (!se the for this") (" Wou!d you sign the register 8!ease? *" 7!ease $rite do$n the number of your car" (!se our") ," 7!ease don9t !eave anything va!uab!e in the car" -" 7!ease don9t 8ark outside the hote!" ." Wou!d you 8ut your car in the hote! garage? /" 3f you9d give the keys to the ha!! 8orter """ 0" 7!ease don9t smoke in the garage" %1" Wou!d you 8!ease read the Fire 3nstructions? From no$ on use +he as$ed&wants&is as$ing&is warning us" %%" %'" %(" %*" %," %-" %." %/" %0" '1" 3f you9d shut the !ift gates after you """ 7!ease don9t a!!o$ your chi!dren to 8!ay $ith the !ift" 7!ease te!! me if you9d !ike an ear!y ca!!" )ou!d you !et me kno$ if you are going to be in for dinner? Don9t bring your dog into the dining room 8!ease" Wou!d you hang your keys on this board $hen you are going out? (!se the") )ou!d you vacate your room by noon on the day you are !eaving? Aing for room service if you $ant anything" Wou!d you inform the ha!! 8orter if you9re going to be out !ate? 7!ease don9t make too much noise after midnight"

1&& 6eported speech: commands reported by tell,warn,want + object + infinitive# or say + subject + be + infinitive PEG (&'# (& A su8ervisor is giving instructions to a grou8 of e&am candidates" Ene of these Bi!! re8orts the instructions after the e&am" (a) A: =it at the numbered desks" B: %e told us to sit at the numbered des$s.

%.( A: Don9t smoke" B: %e told&warned us not to smo$e. Bi!! a!so re8orts the instructions immediate!y they are given to another candidate $ho doesn9t hear very $e!!" (b) A: =it at the numbered desks" B: %e sa"s we're to sit at the numbered des$s. or B: %e wants us to sit at the numbered des$s. A: Don9t smoke" B: %e sa"s we're not to smo$e. or B: %e wants us not to smo$e. ,arn cou!d a!so be used to re8ort an affirmative command: A: Watch the time" B: %e warned us to watch the time. %" '" (" *" ," -" ." /" 0" +ang u8 your coats" Don9t $rite in the margin" 7ut your name on each sheet" Aead the <uestions carefu!!y" =tart each <uestion on a fresh sheet" Ans$er the <uestions in order" Don9t s8end too !ong on the first <uestion" Don9t ta!k to your neighbour" Don9t try to co8y your neighbour9s ans$ers" %1" Iee8 to the 8oint" %%" Watch the time" %'" Be carefu! about your s8e!!ing" %(" Write c!ear!y" %*" )ount the number of $ords in your essays" %," >ook over your $ork before you hand it in" %-" Number your sheets" %." #ie the sheets together" %/" ;o out <uiet!y $hen you9ve finished" %0" Don9t take any 8a8er out of the room" '1" )ome back at t$o o9c!ock"

2'' 6eported speech: commands reported by say + subject + be + infinitive PEG (& 2r Jones a $ido$er has to go a$ay for a fortnight !eaving his house and t$o chi!dren in the care of his neighbour Ann" +e gives Ann various instructions $hich she re8orts to her husband" (a) (b) A: 3f one of the chi!dren gets i!! ring the doctor" B: %e sa"s that if one of the children gets ill I am to ring the doctor. B: %e said that if one of the children got ill I was to call a doctor.

C8 to the time that 2r Jones goes a$ay Ann cou!d use either form" After he has !eft she $ou!d be more !ike!y to use the second" %" '" (" *" 3f one of the chi!dren !oses his a88etite take his tem8erature" 3f the tem8erature is very high ring the doctor" 3f one of them cuts himse!f $ash the cut and 8ut on a 8!aster" When they have finished their home$ork !et them $atch #@"

%.* ," When they are in bed read them a story" -" 3f it gets co!d make them $ear coats" ." 3f they miss the schoo! bus send them by ta&i" /" When you go out doub!e4!ock the door" 0" 3f the cat is sti!! out $hen you go to bed !eave a $indo$ o8en" %1" 3f you haven9t time to cook o8en tins" %%" When you9ve used u8 the tins on the she!f buy some more" %'" 3f you run out of oi! order another su88!y" %(" 3f it gets co!der turn on the centra! heating" %*" 3f the centra! heating doesn9t $ork 8ro8er!y 8hone the com8any" %," 3f the dogs $on9t eat tinned food buy them fresh meat" %-" 3f the dogs bark at night go do$n and see $hat it is" %." 3f the tank !eaks send for the 8!umber" %/" 3f any !etters come for me 8!ease for$ard them" %0" 3f the gardener turns u8 ask him to cut the grass" '1" When the mi!kman brings his bi!! 8!ease 8ay it"

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