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History of disabilities

15th century society

Societys treatment of individuals with disabilities has changed throughout history. In the 15th century, people with disabilities were viewed by society and the Church as supernatural individuals who were against God. The picture to the below shows a jester during this time period, who usually had a mental or physical disability.

17th Century Society

Laws were passed called the Elizabethan Poor Laws in which people with disabilities were labeled as helpless poor. In the Salem Witch Trials, the people that were viewed as witches usually had some sort of mental disability or a lack of education.

19th century society

In the 19th century, freak shows started to become very popular, in which freaks, some of which were people with disabilities, were put on display for other peoples entertainment. In 1845, Dorothea Dix helped to create the first asylum for people with mental disabilities in Trenton, New Jersey.

20th century society

In 1908, the mental health movement in the United States began after Clifford Beers published a book about his experience in an asylum. The National Committee for Mental Hygiene was founded because of the horrible conditions in asylums.

The Eugenics Movement began and created laws that forced sterilization, institutionalization, and immigration for people with disabilities.

A week was created in order to raise awareness about employing people with physical disabilities. Eventually the week became a whole month.

The National Association for Retarded Citizens was created. President Kennedy wanted to reduce the number of people in institutions.

Deinstitutionalization in the 1970s

The idea of deinstitutionalization became popular in which closing large institutions were promoted. Normalization was part of this movement, in which the community would be the central provider of services for people with disabilities.

20th century improvements in society

The Federal-Aid Highway Act funds curb cuts for people in wheelchairs in 1973. The 1973 Rehabilitation Act says that people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against regarding employment if they are qualified. In 1981, governments were asked to participate in the promotion of accepting people with disabilities into mainstream society. The American with Disabilities Act was put into effect, in which people with disabilities were given equal rights and opportunities.

Supposed cures for disabilities

People used to think that disabilities were caused through evil spirits and demons. They rejected these superstitious ideas, however, as medical advancements increased. They tried to get rid of the spirits through various unsuccessful techniques: Trepanning: cutting a hole in the skull Spinning Treatment Electric shock Hydrotherapy

Medical advancements
In the 1700s, in institutions for people with disabilities, the use of chains was replaced with the use of straightjackets. A separate area in hospitals was also designated to people with disabilities. The first hospital was created for caring for idiots, or people with disabilities. Disabilities such as cerebral palsy and Down syndrome were classified. Advancements like the wheel chair were created and registered.

In the early 1900s, the first sterilization law was created for people with disabilities. In the mid-1900s, autism was classified and a vaccine for polio was discovered.

Prevention of disabilities
During the Eugenics Movement, eugenicists aimed to eliminate people with disabilities, discouraging them from reproducing. Newborn screening was developed in order to search for disabilities in early stages. Precautions have been discovered to prevent developmental disabilities such as proper nutrition for the pregnant mother and newborn baby.

All schools for people with disabilities were private institutions in the beginning. Students learned many educational activities and participated in various other activities such as sewing and basket weaving.

Museum of Disability History

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