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Part 1
Extracted from

The Cure
by Supreme Justice Abu !a" E#a"$
"ie" %11&'CE - Is amic (ear )**H+

Rep,rte" b# -ra." Muha""ith Habib Ha!i/ Ab"u ah 0e. Sa"e1 Re2ise" b# Muha""ith Ab"u ah Ta i"i A. a"aptati,. b# Ser2a.t ,! Ha"ith$ Sha#1h Ahma" Dar3ish %Arabic+ 4ha"ei5ah A6 Stephe.s %E.7 ish+ Siti 8a"ri#ah %I.",.esia.+
Copyright 1984-2011 All rights reserved. erms o! "ervice Copyright#$% %olicy & 'uideli(es

A ah praises His Pr,phet Muhamma"

he praisi(g o! Allah !or )is %rophet Muhammad status i( both sayi(gs a(d deeds+ a(d his e*alted

he $mam, )a!i-, Abul!adl, may Allah be pleased .ith him, ope(s his great .or/ o! %rophet Muhammad0s biography .ith a( i(troductio( sayi(g+ %raise be to Allah .ho is alo(e i( possessi(g )is most sple(did 1ame, a(d is the 2.(er o! u(co(3uerable might4 A(yo(e .ho has pic/ed up a boo/, large or small, about %rophet Muhammad ca((ot !ail to have recog(i-ed the e*alted status i( .hich Allah beholds him. 1or yet ca( they !ail to recog(i-e ho. Allah blessed him .ith a multiplicity o! virtues, e*celle(t 3ualities a(d characteristics. o try to do 5ustice to his imme(se .orth .ould e*haust both to(gue a(d pe(. 2(e catches a glimpse o! the e*alted status i( .hich Allah beholds )is %rophet i( the )oly 6ora( .here o(e .it(esses )is praise o! his character a(d morality, a(d reads o! the i(structio( o! Allah to )is .orshipers to hold tightly to him a(d obey his comma(ds. Allah i( )is over.helmi(g bou(ty besto.s ho(or o( him, pre!ers him, praises him a(d re.ards him .ith the greatest re.ard. Allah is over.helmi(gly bou(ti!ul i( the begi((i(g a(d i( the li!e to come. All praise is due to )im i( this .orld a(d i( the 7verlasti(g 8i!e. Allah prese(ted the %rophet to )is creatio( a(d made him the most per!ect huma( bei(g a(d disti(guished him amo(gst other !i(e attributes, .ith the most beauti!ul 3ualities a(d (oble opi(io(s.

Allah supported )is %rophet .ith miracles that held people i( .o(derme(t. )e gave him clear proo!s, a(d ho(ored him, all o! .hich his co(temporaries a(d Compa(io(s .it(essed a(d the ge(eratio( that came a!ter him i(disputably /(e.. his blessed /(o.ledge .ith its light .as passed do.( i( trusted ha(ds a(d through .hich .e are i(deed blessed .ith the light o! the %rophet . May Allah praise a(d ve(erate our Master Muhammad a(d gra(t him per!ect peace i( abu(da(ce. he Compa(io(, A(as (arrated the story o! ho. the .i(ged heave(ly mou(t by the (ame o! 9ura/ .as bridled a(d saddled !or the %rophet to ride o( his miraculous 1ight :our(ey, shied a.ay !rom him. he Archa(gel 'abriel as/ed 9ura/ .hy he behaved i( such a ma((er sayi(g, ;<o you do this to Muhammad= 1o o(e more ho(ored by Allah tha( he has ever ridde( you.> ?po( heari(g these .ords 9ura/ bro/e out i( a

The Pr,phet9s E:a te" Status 3ith A ah

he !ollo.i(g co(tai(s some o! the clearest 6ora(ic verses that spea/ o! the %rophet depicti(g the high esteem a(d praise o! Allah !or him together .ith the e*celle(ce o! his 3ualities. The Pr,phet;s praise3,rthi.ess a." e:ce e.t <ua ities= Allah says, "Indeed, there has come to you a Messenger from your own" @9+128A. $( this verse Allah i(!orms the believers, Arabs, the people o! Mecca a(d peoples o! the .orld that )e se(t to them !rom their o.( selves a Messe(ger. A Messe(ger o! .hom they .ere sure a(d already /(o.( to them as bei(g both truth!ul a(d trust.orthy a(d because he .as o(e o! them that he .as sure to give them good cou(sel. 7ach tribe o! Arabia .as li(/ed to him either through /i(ship or a(cestry a(d he .as by !ar their most (oble a(d e*celle(t /i(sma(. Abbas0 so(, as .ell as ma(y others, said this is the mea(i(g o! the .ords o! Allah, "except the love of the (Prophet's) relatives" @42+2BA. )e is the most (oble, highest a(d most e*celle(t o! them. A(d this is the highest o! praise.

$( the same verse Allah attributes to his %rophet various praise.orthy 3ualities a(d )e praises the %rophet0s eager(ess to guide people to $slam as .ell as his si(cere co(cer( !or the harm that a!!licts them (ot o(ly i( this li!e but also i( the 7verlasti(g 8i!e. $t is also a( i(sight to the /i(d(ess a(d mercy the %rophet sho.ed to those .ho believed him. A /(o.ledgeable perso( dra.s o(e0s atte(tio( to the !act that, Allah ho(ored him .ith t.o o! )is o.( 1ames & Cau!, 'e(tle a(d Caheem, Merci!ul. Allah says, "Indeed, there has come to you a Messenger from your own, he grieves for your suffering, and is anxious about you, and is gentle, merciful to the believers " @9+128A. )e also says, "If it was not for the bounty of !llah to you and "is Mercy, and !llah is the #entle, the Most Merciful " @24+20A $( the chapter Al-$mra( Allah says, '!llah has surely been gracious to the believers when "e sent among them a Messenger from themselves' @B+1D4A. Allah also says, 'It is "e who has raised among the illiterate (!rabs), a Messenger from themselves,' @D2.2A. Agai(, i( a(other verse Allah says, 0!s $e have sent among you a Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) from yourselves,' @2+1E1A $mam Ali, may Allah ho(or his !ace, e*plai(ed that the .ords o! Allah 'from your own' re!ers to the %rophetFs li(eage, relatio(ship by marriage or desce(t a(d that !rom the time o! %rophet Adam, peace be upo( him, there .as (either a( adulterer (or !or(icator i( his li(eage, all .ere o!!icially married.

The Se."i.7 ,! the Pr,phet

as Merc# !,r the >,r "

Ce!erri(g to the verse, "$hosoever obeys the Messenger, indeed he has obeyed !llah" @4+80A. :a!ar, the so( o! Muhammad said, ;Allah is a.are that )is creatio( is i(capable o! pure obedie(ce to )im so )e i(!ormed us i( this se3ue(ce & the Messe(ger, the( Allah & so it .ould be reali-ed o(e .ould (ever be able to aspire to the achieveme(t o! pure obedie(ce to )im. here!ore, Allah a(d ma(/i(d )e placed o(e o! their o.(, ador(i(g him .ith )is o.(

attributes o! Compassio( a(d Mercy. )e made him a truth!ul ambassador !or all creatio( a(d decreed that .he( a perso( obeys the %rophet he is i( !act obeyi(g Allah, a(d .he( someo(e complies .ith him, they are also complyi(g .ith Allah.; Abu 9a/r, ahir0s so(, e*plai(ed the verse, "$e have not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds" @21+10GA as mea(i(g Allah e(do.ed %rophet Muhammad .ith mercy so that his very bei(g .as mercy a(d all his 3ualities a(d attributes .ere a mercy to all creatio(. Hhe( a perso( is touched by a(y portio( o! his mercy he is saved i( both .orlds !rom every hate!ul matter a(d reaches everythi(g that is loved. Ce!lect upo( the .ords o! Allah .ho said, "$e have not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds " Abu 9a/r, ahir0s so( !urther e*plai(ed that the %rophet0s li!e a(d death .ere a mercy, because the %rophet said, ;My li!e is good !or you a(d my death is good !or you; @reported i( Mus(ad Ahmad a(d accordi(g to "ahih Muslim0s criteriaA. %rophet Muhammad also said, ;Hhe( Allah decrees mercy !or a (atio( )e ta/es its %rophet to )im be!ore them, a(d causes him to be the o(e to go ahead i( order to prepare !or them the .ay.; @Ceported i( "ahih Muslim i( the Chapter o! IirtueA. As-"ama/a(di !urther elaborated o(, ;as a mercy to all the worlds; sayi(g it re!ers to both ma(/i(d a(d 5i((, a(d that it has also bee( e*plai(ed as bei(g !or all o! creatio(. Jor believers he is i(deed a mercy as he is their guide. As !or the hypocrites he .as also a mercy to them because he gra(ted them security by (ot /illi(g them, rather, he de!erred their pu(ishme(t by imposi(g a !i(e. Hhe( it came to those .ho did (ot believe he .as also merci!ul by de!erri(g their pu(ishme(t. Abbas0 so( comme(ted, ;)e is a mercy to both believers a(d u(believers. $( the case o! the u(believers they .ere saved !rom the pu(ishme(t that came to other commu(ities .ho belied their prophet.;

A ah .ame" Pr,phet Muhamma"

?Li7ht? i. the 4,ra.


Allah re!ers to )is %rophet i( the 6ora( as a light, "! light has come to you from !llah and a %lear &oo'" @E()*A )e also says, "+ Prophet, $e have sent you as a witness, a bearer of glad tidings, and to bear warning, a caller to !llah by "is permission and as a light shedding lamp" @BB+4E-4DA. The Seeing of the Light of the Prophet during his birth by Lady Aminah, Mother of the Prophet, by Darwish: -airia, !l Irbad's son, said that the Messenger of !llah said, "Indeed, I am the worshipper of !llah, and the -eal of the prophets since !dam was set in clay I will inform you about this( I am the supplication of my father !braham, the glad tidings of .esus, and the vision of my mother and as such, the mothers of the prophets see / and 'now that the mother of the Messenger of !llah saw as she gave birth to me, a light emitting from her that lit the palaces of -yria, till she saw them " 0arrated by !hmad son of "anbal, &a1ar and !l &yha2i who 3udged it to be authentic as did ibn "ibban, !l "a'im and confirmed by "afi1 ibn "a3ar 4eported by "afi1 !bdullah &in -iddi2ue !l #humari, may !llah have mercy on them (-hay'h 5arwish added( this hadith negates the opinion of those who consider 6ady !minah to be merely among the people of an upright nature before Islam, and as such their "charity" is sent bac' to them 7his prophetic saying is proof that she is the first among the close friends of !llah (awlia) in Islam, and that she is the honorable mother of the family of the Prophet's house, since she saw with the eye of the close friends of !llah (awlia) -uch high ran'ing status is referenced in the 5ivine hadith, "I will be his sight with which he sees" 7his means that she saw the palaces not with her regular eyesight but with her son's light 7herefore, she endowed him with her best honor and mil', and he lit her before lighting the world #rammatically, the Prophet referred to himself as the second person with his mother and bore witness that she saw the whole light, whereas others only heard about the event thereafter 7he Prophet honored her and called her "Mother of the Messenger of !llah" "er light, honor and happiness was inherited by 6ady 8hadi3ah then her

daughter 6ady 9atima, may !llah be pleased with them "afi1 ibn 8athir in his -ahih (authentic) -eerah reported that 6ady !minah also saw the same light when she conceived the Prophet "e also mentioned in the same reference the blessing of the Prophet &efore his death, -hay'h !l &ani adhered to this and abandoned the $ahabi sect -hay'h !l &ani became highly critical of the professed belief of the ma3or $ahabi clerics : ibn &a1 and 7wigry : who maintain a similarity between human beings and !llah 7his is, in brief, the blessing of !llah to us of the understanding of this hadith It is the undisputable authentic reference to the light of the Prophethood and no one should consider the false narration that says, "+ .abir, the first creation by !llah is the light of your Prophet" which its fabricator claimed to be reported in the Musannaf of !bdul 4a11a2 7here is no such saying in that reference or anywhere else, it is totally false 4egarding the tomb of 6ady !minah your attention is drawn to the fact that many years later during the march to the &attle of ;hud, "ind wife of !bu -ufyan called upon the hierarchy of the 8oraysh to ravage the tomb of 6ady !minah <ven though the hatred of the 8oraysh for the Prophet was great, they thought that such an act would be a despicable thing to do and the tribes of !rabia would be repulsed by their action, the stain of which would never be wiped out and it was a door they did not want to open (In recent years, the $ahabi sect did not match the ethics of unbelievers of Mecca 7hey disrespected the tombs of the Prophet=s mother 6ady !minah, 6ady 8hadi3ah and the household of the Prophet and his %ompanions in the &a2ia and elsewhere, and leveled them thereby ma'ing them unrecogni1able 7he graves are now un'nown and unmar'ed "owever, it is ironic the $ahabis have built management offices in Mecca and Medina which display the names and designated titles of their elite personnel on the door !lso, they have also demolished many significant Islamic neighborhoods such as "udaybiyah and replaced them with secular names 0owadays, many Islamic structures or places have been demolished and replaced by 0ew >or' style buildings 7he only thing that remains the same in Mecca is 8a=bah)

The E:pa."i.7 ,! the Chest ,! the Pr,phet -i2i.7 him the Status ,! F,r7i2e.ess a." the Status ,! 0ei.7 Pr,tecte" Fr,m Si. Allah, the Almighty also says, ""ave $e not expanded your chest for you" @94+1A 07*pa(ded0 mea(s to .ide(, imme(se, a(d the .ord 0chest0 i( this verse re!ers to his heart. Abbas0 so( e*plai(ed that Allah e*pa(ded the %rophetFs chest .ith the light o! $slam, .hereas "ahl At- ustori said it mea(s .ith the light o! the message. )asa( Al 9asri said that Allah !illed it .ith 5udgme(t a(d /(o.ledge. $( the verses that !ollo., Allah says, 'and relieved you of your burden that weighed down your bac'' (?@(A:B) 9oth Al Ma.ardi a(d As "ulami are o! the opi(io( that the mea(i(g re!ers to the Message that .eighed do.( upo( his bac/ be!ore the %rophet delivered it. $t has also bee( said by As-"ama/a(di to mea( Allah protected the %rophet !rom si( other.ise si(s .ould have burde(ed his bac/. he chapter co(ti(ues, '"ave $e not raised your remembranceC' @94+4A. his verse has bee( e*plai(ed by Kahya, Adam0s so( as the o! the %rophethood upo( Muhammad. A(d it .as said, ;Hhe( $, @AllahA am me(tio(ed, you are me(tio(ed .ith Me i( the proclamatio(+ 0there is (o god e*cept Allah, a(d Muhammad is the Messe(ger o! Allah.0; Also it .as said it is regardi(g raisi(g his (ame as me(tio(ed a(d repeated i( each Call to %rayer. $t is (o. very clear that these .ords o! Allah co(!irm the e(ormity o! the !avor )e besto.ed upo( %rophet Muhammad together .ith the e*alted ra(/ the %rophet has be!ore )im together .ith his ho(orable positio(. Allah e*pa(ded his chest to belie! a(d guida(ce, ma/i(g it .ide e(ough to co(tai( both the /(o.ledge a(d .isdom. Allah protected )is %rophet !rom the burde( o! everythi(g co(temptible i( ; he Age o! $g(ora(ce; @:ahiliyyaA by ma/i(g them repug(a(t to him, givi(g victory to )is Celigio( over all previous Celigio(s.

he .eighty respo(sibility o! the message, a(d %rophethood .as lighte(ed !or him by Allah, so that he .as able to prese(t the e(trusted message se(t do.( to him to ma(/i(d. Agai(, Allah stresses the %rophet0s superlative positio(, his treme(dous ra(/, a(d great promi(e(ce by raisi(g his (ame i( the compa(y o! )is 2.( 1ame. 2! this 6atada said, ;Allah e*alted his !ame i( the .orld, a(d i( the 7verlasti(g 8i!e. here is (o .it(ess, (or yet o(e .ho o!!ers the prayer .ho does (ot say, 0 here is (o god e*cept Allah, Muhammad is the Messe(ger o! Allah.0; Abu "ayeid Al 6hudri (arrated that the %rophet said, ;'abriel came to me a(d said, 0My 8ord a(d your 8ord says+ <o you /(o. ho. $ have raised your (ame= Hhe( My 1ame is me(tio(ed, he is me(tio(ed .ith Me.; Allah says, "+bey !llah and "is Messenger; @B(B2A a(d "&elievers, believe in !llah and "is Messenger" @4+1BDA. )ere it is evide(t that obedie(ce to Allah is co((ected to our bei(g obedie(t to )is %rophet a(d (otice ho. his (ame is me(tio(ed alo(gside .ith the 1ame o! Allah. 1ote ho. Allah added the %rophet a!ter )im .ith the .ord ;a(d;. $t is evide(t a(d stresses the importa(ce o! the %rophetFs !avored, promi(e(t status that .as (ot besto.ed upo( a(y o! the other prophets or messe(gers o! Allah. )uthai!a i(!orms us that the %rophet said, ;1o o(e should say, 0Hhat Allah .ills a(d @.aA so-a(d-so .ills,0 rather o(e should say, 0Hhat Allah .ills; a(d therea!ter say, 0the( so-a(d-so .ills.; At a gatheri(g i( .hich the %rophet .as prese(t, someo(e spo/e sayi(g, ;Hhosoever obeys Allah a(d )is Messe(ger has bee( rightly guided, a(d .hosever disobeys them both 4; Hhereupo( the %rophet stopped him a(d said, ;Hhat a bad spea/er you are, get up; or, i( a(other re(deri(g ;leave;. his .as because o! his 5oi(i(g Allah a(d )is %rophet by usi(g a dual pro(ou(. Abu "ulayma( comme(ted it .as because, ;)e disli/ed the t.o (ames bei(g 5oi(ed together i( that .ay because o! the implicatio( o!

e3uality.; Hhereas there is a(other opi(io( that .hat the %rophet disli/ed .as the perso( stoppi(g at 0.hosever disobeys them both.0 )o.ever, Abu "ulayma(0s stateme(t is co(sidered to be more correct because it is i( complia(ce .ith a(other authe(tic prophetic sayi(g .hich reads, ;Hhosoever disobeys them has erred,; .ithout pausi(g a!ter ;4 .hosoever disobeys them.; Allah says, "!llah, and "is angels praise and venerate the Prophet" @BB+EDA. "ome have comme(ted .hether or (ot the .ord ;praise; re!ers to Allah a(d )is a(gels. "ome hold it permissible to re!er to both .hereas it is !orbidde( by others o( accou(t o! the (otio( o! part(ership. hey co(sider the pro(ou( re!ers to the a(gels alo(e a(d co(clude that the verse mea(s ;Allah praises a(d ve(erates the %rophet, a(d )is a(gels praise a(d ve(erate the %rophet.;

The Messe.7er ,! A ah is the ,.e 3h, came 3ith the truth a." be ie2e" it
he co(se(sus o! $slamic scholars upo( the verse o! Allah that reads, "!nd he who comes with the truth, and confirms it those are they who surely fear !llah 7hey shall have whatever they want with their 6ord, that is the recompense of the good:doers, ; @B9+BB-B4A re!ers to %rophet Muhammad .ho brought the truth A(other scholar added, ;$t is he .ho co(!irmed it.; he Arabic .ord i( the verse is read i( t.o .ays. 2(e o! its mea(i(gs is 0spo/e the truth0 a(d re!ers to the %rophet a(d the other mea(i(g 0co(!irmed it0 re!ers to believers. Amo(gst other comme(taries it is said that the .ord ;co(!irmed; re!ers to Abu 9a/r or Ali. Mu5ahid said e*plai(i(g the .ords o! Allah, "and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of !llah" @1B+28A are i( re!ere(ce to %rophet Muhammad a(d his Compa(io(s.

The Pr,phet

$ a >it.ess O2er A Ma.1i."

Allah says, ;+ Prophet, $e have sent you as a witness, a bearer of glad tidings, and to bear warning, a caller to !llah by "is permission and as a light shedding lamp" @BB+4E-4DA. $t is lear(ed !rom these


verses that Allah blessed )is %rophet .ith every (oble ra(/ a(d praise.orthy 3uality a(d that by co(veyi(g the Message )e made him a .it(ess o! his (atio( .hich .as o(e o! his special, praise.orthy 3ualities. he %rophet is the o(e .ho brought the good (e.s !or all people .ho obey him, a(d .ar(ed those .ho opposed the Message he delivered. he Message the %rophet delivered called to the 2(e(ess o! Allah, a(d that it is Allah alo(e .ho must be .orshiped. Allah described )is %rophet as a ;light sheddi(g lamp; .ith .hich he guides to the truth. Ata, Kasar0s so( met Abdullah, Amr0s so(, .ho .as the so( o! Al As a(d as/ed him to described the Messe(ger o! Allah . )e said, ;$(deed, by Allah some o! the characteristics described i( the 6ora( are !ou(d i( the orah that reads, 02 %rophet, He have se(t you as a .it(ess, a bearer o! good tidi(gs a(d to be a .ar(er, a(d a re!uge !or the illiterate. Kou are My .orshipper a(d My Messe(ger, $ .ill (ame you the o(e upo( .hom people rely. Kou .ill be (either ill ma((ered (or vulgar, (or .ill you shout i( the mar/et place or repay evil .ith evil, rather, you .ill pardo( a(d !orgive. Allah .ill (ot cause him to die u(til the croo/ed religio( @:udaism also Christia(ityA has bee( straighte(ed by him a(d they declare 0 here is (o god e*cept AllahL0 hrough him, eyes that .ere bli(d, ears that .ere dea! a(d hearts .hich .ere covered .ill be ope(ed.; A similar (arratio( is reported by Abdullah, "halomFs so( a(d 6a0b Al Ahbar. $( the 6ora( Allah tells us, "!nd to those who shall follow the Messenger / the ;nlettered Prophet (Muhammad) whom they shall find written with them in the 7orah and the #ospel "e will order 'indness upon them and forbid them to do evil "e will ma'e good things lawful to them and prohibit all that is foul "e will relieve them of their burdens and of the shac'les that had weighed upon them 7hose who believe in him and honor him, those who aid him and follow the light sent forth with him shall surely prosper ' -ay, '+ man'ind, I am the Messenger of !llah to you all "is is the 'ingdom in the heavens and the earth 7here is no god except "e "e revives and causes to die 7herefore, believe in !llah and "is Messenger, the ;nlettered Prophet, who believes in !llah and "is $ords 9ollow him in order that you are guided '" @G+1EG-1E8A


Allah also says, "It was by the Mercy of !llah that you (Prophet Muhammad) dealt so leniently with them. "ad you been hardhearted, they would have surely deserted you 7herefore as' forgiveness for them 7a'e counsel with them in the matter and when you are resolved, put your trust in !llah !llah loves those who trust" @B+1E9A As-"ama/a(di comme(ted upo( this verse sayi(g, ;Allah remi(ds them that, )e made )is Messe(ger merci!ul, compassio(ate a(d le(ie(t to believers. $! he had bee( harsh, a(d spo/e( to them ster(ly, they .ould have deserted him. 9ut Allah made him ge(erous, tolera(t, /i(d a(d ge(tle.; Abul )asa( Al Mabisi e*plai(ed the verse, "!nd so $e have made you a median nation, in order that you will be a witness above people, and that the Messenger be a witness above you" @2+14BA sayi(g, ;Allah ma/es the e*celle(ce o! our %rophet very clear a(d also the e*celle(ce o! his (atio(.; "!nd in this so that the Messenger can be a witness for you and in order that you be witnesses against man'ind" @22+G8A a(d, ""ow then shall it be when $e bring forward from every nation a witness, and bring you (Prophet Muhammad) to witness against thoseD" @4+41A 9y ;media( (atio(; Allah mea(s a (atio( that is both bala(ced a(d good. he mea(i(g o! the verses is that Allah chose a(d pre!erred the (atio( o! %rophet Muhammad by ma/i(g them a( e*celle(t, bala(ced (atio( so that they could be .it(esses agai(st the (atio(s o! previous prophets. A(d that, the Messe(ger .ill be a truth!ul .it(ess over his (atio(.

A ah;s 1i.".ess a." 7e.t e.ess t, the Pr,phet

Allah said, "!llah has pardoned you $hy did you give them leave (to stay behind) until it was clear to you which of them was truthful and 'new those who liedC" @9+4BA. Abu Muhammad Me//i said, ; his is a( i(troductory phrase, mea(i(g Allah ma/es you good a(d gives you ho(or.; A.(, Abdullah0s so( dra.s o(e0s atte(tio( sayi(g, ;$( this verse Allah

tells the %rophet

about pardo(i(g be!ore spea/i(g o! the advice.;

As-"ama/a(di reported that he had heard the verse e*plai(ed as, ;Allah has saved you, .hy did you give them permissio(=; )ad Allah addressed him !irst .ith the 3uestio(, ;.hy did you give them permissio(; it .ould have bee( very hard o( the %rophet a(d the heart o! the %rophet .ould have bee( a!!ected i( a .ay that it might almost have burst, !rom these .ords. 9ut i(stead, Allah i( )is Mercy !irst told him o! the status o! pardo(i(g, so that his heart remai(ed tra(3uil, a(d it .as the( that )e said to him, ; $hy did you give them leave until it was clear to you which of them was truthful and 'new those who liedC" $t is easy !or all to u(dersta(d a(d recog(i-e that this is yet a(other demo(stratio( o! the ho(ored status i( .hich the %rophet is held by Allah a(d that he is the sub5ect o! the /i(d(ess o! Allah. $! the depth o! this /i(d(ess .ere to be /(o.( to us our hearts .ould u(doubtedly burst. @Jrom this .e lear(A a Muslim should strive hard a(d try to achieve the ethics a(d ma((ers outli(ed i( the 6ora(, (ot o(ly i( .ords, but also i( actio(, search a(d commu(icatio(. "uch ma((ers a(d ethics are the basis o! true /(o.ledge a(d the path o! acceptable behavior i( both Celigio( a(d i( o(e0s everyday a!!airs. Hhe( o(e supplicates to the 8ord o! all lords, the 2(e .ho blesses each a(d every o(e o! us - a(d is (ot i( (eed o! a si(gle thi(g - o(e should (ot !ail to remember the e*traordi(ary /i(d(ess o! Allah. he be(e!its o! this verse should (ot be overloo/ed, they should be .ell heeded. 1otice ho. Allah begi(s by !irst ho(ori(g the %rophet the( ge(tly dra.s atte(tio( to the advice. here is pleasure i( the i(timacy o! the pardo(i(g be!ore the advice. Allah says, "!nd if $e had not fortified you, you would have been very slightly inclining towards them" (1G+G4A. his verse demo(strates the greatest possible co(cer( Allah has !or )is %rophet, praise a(d peace be upo( him. %revious prophets .ere admo(ished, .hereas %rophet Muhammad .as ge(tly advised, thereby the ge(tle advice became more e!!ective a(d a greater i(dicatio( o! the love Allah. his

is also a demo(stratio( o! the greatest possible care Allah has !or )is %rophet . %ay atte(tio( to they .ay i( .hich Allah begi(s by e*pressi(g )is !orti!icatio( a(d security to )is %rophet be!ore me(tio(i(g )is ge(tle advice lest he had a very slight i(cli(atio( so that the %rophet did (ot d.ell o( it. )is i((oce(ce remai(ed i(tact .hilst bei(g ge(tly advised so that he .as (ot vul(erable o( accou(t o! the ge(tle advisi(g, his ho(or a(d security .ere (ot put at ris/.

A ah H,.,rs His Pr,phet = 0eari.7 >it.ess t, his H,.est# a." C,m!,rts him 3ith His 4i.".ess
his is applicable to the verse, "$e 'now what they say saddens you It is not you that they belie, but the harmdoers deny the verses of !llah" (D+BBA. Ali said that this verse .as se(t do.( .he( Abu :ahl said, ;He do (ot call you a liar. He say that .hat you have brought is a lie.; $t has also bee( (arrated that the %rophet .as sadde(ed .he( his tribesme( belied him .hereupo( the Archa(gel 'abriel, peace be upo( him, visited him a(d as/ed, ;Hhat sadde(s you=; to .hich he replied, 0My tribesme( belie me.; 'abriel the( i(!ormed him, ; hey /(o. you are telli(g the truth.; herea!ter Allah se(t do.( this verse. his verse is !ull o! /i(d(ess a(d ge(tly co(soles the %rophet . $t also a!!irms that he is i(deed held to be truth!ul by all i( both .ord a(d belie!, a(d that it is (ot him they belie, rather it is the Hords o! Allah. 7ve( be!ore he .as called to the %rophethood, all a(d su(dry /(e. him to be trust.orthy. Hith the se(di(g do.( o! this verse his sad(ess that others had tur(ed to thi(/ he .as a liar .as removed. A!ter this co(solatio(, Allah ce(sures those .ho belie by re!erri(g to them as harmdoers sayi(g, "but the harmdoers belie the verses of !llah" @D+BBA. Allah did (ot permit )is %rophet to be disho(ored a(d classi!ies the de(iers o( accou(t o! their de(ial o! )is sig(s as bei(g arroga(t. 2(e should reali-e that belyi(g arises .he( a perso(


has /(o.ledge o! somethi(g but chooses to de(y it. Allah ma/es this very clear i( the verse, "7hey denied them un3ustly out of pride, though their souls ac'nowledged them" @2G+14A. $( a(other verse Allah !urther co(soles )is beloved %rophet a(d causes him to re5oice because he /(o.s the help o! Allah .ill come. Allah says, "Messengers indeed were belied before you, yet they became patient with that which they were belied and were hurt until +ur help came to them" @D+B4A. $t is also o! (ote that Allah addresses all )is other (oble prophets a(d messe(gers by their (ame, sayi(g !or e*ample, "+ !dam", "+ 0oah' "+ !braham", "+ Moses" "+ 5avid," "+ .esus" "+ Eachariah", and "+ .ohn" ho.ever, amo(gst, the disti(guishi(g 3ualities o! the %rophet o(e !i(ds the /i(d(ess a(d ho(ori(g o! Allah to )is last %rophet as )e addresses %rophet Muhammad .ith titles such as "+ Messenger" @Al-Ma0ida E+DGA, "+ Prophet" @BB+4EA, "+ $rapped" @GB+1), "+ %loa'ed; @G4+1)

A ah s3ears t, the 2a ue ,! the Pr,phet

Allah says, "&y your life, they wandered blindly in their beda11lement" @1E+G2A. here is a co(se(sus o! scholastic opi(io( i( this verse that Allah s.ore by the li!e spa( o! %rophet Muhammad a(d mea(s, ;9y your co(ti(uatio(, 2 Muhammad; a(d that it also bears the mea(i(g, ;9y your li!e.; his is yet a(other i(dicatio( o! the great respect a(d ho(or i( .hich Allah appraises %rophet Muhammad . Abbas0 so( e*plai(ed, ;Allah did (ot create a(y soul more ho(ored tha( that o! Muhammad , a(d $ have (ever heard o! a( oath ta/e( by Allah o( the li!e o! a(yo(e else.; $( the chapter Kasee(, Allah says, ;>aseen, by the $ise 8oran, you (Prophet Muhammad) are truly among the Messengers sent upon a -traight Path @BD+1-4A o veri!y the Messe(gership o! the %rophet a(d to bear .it(ess to the truth o! his guida(ce Allah s.ears i( )is 9oo/ that %rophet Muhammad is i(deed o(e o! the Messe(gers, a Messe(ger

e(trusted to deliver )is Cevelatio( to )is .orshipers a(d that i(deed he is o( the "traight %ath. A(-1a33asah said, ;Allah did (ot s.ear by a(y o! )is %rophets i( )is 9oo/ that they .ere Messe(gers e*cept !or Muhammad .; 2( the other ha(d, .e are remi(ded that the %rophet said, ;$ am the master o! the childre( o! Adam, a(d that is (ot bei(g boast!ul.;

The S3eari.7 ,! A ah b# the C, i. 3hich His Pr,phet


Allah says, "0o, I swear by this country and you are a lodger in this country" @90+1-2A. he e*pla(atio( o! "0o, I swear by this country" is that the usage o! the .ord ;0o" is both .hat it says a(d its opposite, i( other .ords, ;$! you are (ot livi(g i( it, a!ter havi(g le!t it the( $ do (ot s.ear by it;, a(d its opposite, ;$ s.ear by it .he( you, 2 Muhammad, are livi(g i( it, or, .hatever you do i( it is la.!ul;. $t has also bee( e*plai(ed that the .ord ;cou(try; re!ers to Mecca. Al Hasiti e*plai(ed the verse as mea(i(g that Allah s.ears by this cou(try, the cou(try .hich )e ho(ored a(d blessed, as it is there that the %rophet lives a(d it is there that he .ill be buried. )o.ever, the !irst i(terpretatio( o! the t.o mea(i(gs is co(sidered to be more accurate because the chapter .as revealed i( Mecca a(d it .as there that he lodged a(d Allah re!ers to him sayi(g, Fand you are a lodger in this country" @90+2A. Ata0s so( says somethi(g similar .he( comme(ti(g o( the .ords, "by this safe country" @9E+2A. )e e*plai(ed, ;Allah made it a sa!e place because the %rophet .as there a(d his prese(ce is the cause o! security .herever he is.; 2! the verse, "and by the giver of birth, and whom he fathered" @90+BA it has bee( said that this re!ers to Adam a(d co(se3ue(tly a ge(eral stateme(t. "ome are o! the opi(io( that it re!ers to Abraham a(d his


so(s, .hich i( tur( leads to %rophet Muhammad0s li(eage. $( either eve(t, the chapter s.ears by %rophet Muhammad i( t.o places.

The ,ath ,! A ah c,.!irmi.7 the Pr,phet S3eari.7 ,! A ah b# the Mi"-M,r.i.7 a." 8i7ht that He has 8either Aba.",.e" .,r Dis i1es the Pr,phet
$( the chapter ;Mid-Mor(i(g; Allah says, "&y the mid:morning, and by the night when it covers, your 6ord has not forsa'en you (Prophet Muhammad), nor does "e hate you 7he 6ast shall be better for you than the 9irst >our 6ord will give you, and you will be satisfied 5id "e not find you an orphan and give you shelterC 5id "e not find you a wanderer so "e guided youC 5id "e not find you poor and suffice youC 5o not oppress the orphan, nor drive away the one who as's &ut tell of the favors of your 6ordD" @Chapter 9BA. here is a di!!ere(ce o! opi(io( regardi(g the circumsta(ces relati(g to the revelatio( o! this chapter. here are those .ho are o! the opi(io( that it .as revealed at a time .he(, !or a( e*cusable status, the %rophet , did (ot o!!er his customary prayer duri(g the (ight. 2thers are o! the opi(io( that it .as revealed .he( a( u(believi(g .oma( @the .i!e o! Abu :ahlA spread rumors, or .he( the u(believers started to pass derogatory remar/s duri(g a period .he( the Cevelatio( .as less !re3ue(t i( its se(di(g. $t !urther demo(strates the absolute assura(ce o! the ho(or i( .hich Allah appraises )is beloved %rophet together .ith )is praisi(g a(d the care )e has !or him .hich is made evide(t i( si* di!!ere(t .ays+ Jirst o! all, the ope(i(g verses o! this chapter, ;&y the mid:morning, and by the night when it covers,; is amo(gst o(e o! the highest !orms o! esteem Allah gave )is %rophet . "eco(dly, Allah clari!ies his situatio(, a(d !avors sayi(g, ; your 6ord has not forsa'en you (Prophet Muhammad), nor does "e hate you " $( other .ords, Allah had (ot aba(do(ed him, a(d )e ma/es it very clear that )e does (ot (eglect him. $t has also bee( said that, Allah

did (ot (eglect him a!ter choosi(g him, (either did )e disli/e him. hirdly, (ote the .ords, "7he last shall be better for you than the first" $saac0s so( e*plai(ed the mea(i(g o! this verse to be that .he( the %rophet retur(ed to Allah his ho(or became eve( greater tha( the ho(or give( to him i( this .orld. "ahl At- ustori said that it re!ers to the i(tercessio( gra(ted to the %rophet a(d the praise.orthy statio( Allah has reserved especially !or him i( the 7verlasti(g 8i!e, .hich is greater tha( he .as give( i( this li!e. Jourthly, !rom the verse, ;your 6ord will give you, and you will be satisfied" .e lear( (ot o(ly o! his ho(or i( this .orld a(d i( the 7verlasti(g 8i!e but the happi(ess a(d blessi(gs i( both. $saac0s so( e*plai(ed it sayi(g, ;Allah .ill satis!y him by se(di(g relie! i( this .orld a(d also re.ard him i( the 7verlasti(g li!e. he %rophet .ill be give( the %ool ad5ace(t to 6a.thar, the gra(d right o! i(tercessio( a(d the praised status.; Ce!erri(g to this verse, a member o! the %rophet0s !amily @8ady AyeshaA said, ; he 6ora( co(tai(s (o other verse that has more hope tha( this o(e a(d .e /(o. that the Messe(ger o! Allah .ill (ot be satis!ied i! a(y o! his (atio( e(ters the Jire.; Ji!thly, i( the verses, "5id "e not find you an orphan and give you shelterC 5id "e not find you a wanderer so "e guided youC 5id "e not find you poor and suffice youC" our atte(tio( is dra.( to the blessi(gs besto.ed upo( the %rophet by Allah together .ith )is !avors, .hich i(clude, the guida(ce o! people through him, or his guida(ce. he %rophet had (o property, yet Allah e(riched him. $t has bee( said that, it re!ers to the co(te(tme(t a(d .ealth Allah placed i( his heart. he %rophet .as a( orpha( but his u(cle too/ care o! him a(d it .as .ith him that he !ou(d shelter. $t has also bee( e*plai(ed as mea(i(g that the %rophet !ou(d shelter .ith Allah a(d that the mea(i(g o! ;orpha(; is that there .as (o other li/e him a(d Allah sheltered him. As !or the verses "5id "e not find you a wanderer so "e guided youC 5id "e not find you poor and suffice youC 5o not oppress the orphan," Allah remi(ds )is %rophet o! these blessi(gs a(d that eve( be!ore Allah called him to the prophethood, )e (ever (eglected him either .he( he .as a you(g orpha( or .he( he .as poor. Cather, Allah called him to the prophethood a(d had (either aba(do(ed him (or disli/ed him. )o.

could Allah do so a!ter )e had chose( himL "i*thly, i( this verse Allah tells %rophet Muhammad "&ut tell of the favors of your 6ordD" to a((ou(ce the blessi(gs give( to him by Allah a(d to be tha(/!ul !or the ho(or )e besto.ed upo( him. his verse is also applicable to his (atio( i( that they tell o! the !avors give( to them by Allah a(d that this is both special to the %rophet a(d ge(eral to them.


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