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Comer i mrqueting

Llengua estrangera - Angls


CFGS - Gesti comercial i mrqueting

CFGS - Gesti comercial i mrqueting

Llengua estrangera - Angls

Aquesta collecci ha estat dissenyada i coordinada des de la Direcci General de Formaci Professional i Educaci Permanent per Josep M. Ala Negre i Helena Palomares Larreula.

Coordinaci de continguts: M del Carme Lloret Celaya Redacci de continguts: Emma Bernal Lloret Agraments: We would like to thank David Torres Velasco and Helena Palomares Larreula at the Departament d'Educaci of la Generalitat de Catalunya for bringing us the opportunity of designing this material. We would also thank our family and friends for their support.

Primera edici: febrer 2008 Departament dEducaci Material realitzat per Eureca Media, SL Dipsit legal: B-2.460-2008
Cap part daquesta publicaci, incloent-hi el disseny general i de la coberta, no pot ser copiada, reproduda, emmagatzemada o transmesa de cap manera ni per cap mitj, tant si s elctric, com qumic, mecnic, ptic, de gravaci, de fotocpia, o per altres mtodes, sense lautoritzaci prvia per escrit dels titulars del copyright.

CFGS - Gesti comercial i mrqueting

Llengua estrangera - Angls


Welcome to English. We hope to be of great help to you in your learning the English language as it applies to your personal success, career training and successful job search. The course has been designed for sales and marketing students and professionals who need to improve their English skills effectively and efficiently. English is practised through listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary, all woven together through practical every-day functional activities. The credit is made up of 90 hours structured around three units with three thematic cores each. The unit called Communication deals with issues having to do with peoples interaction in different social environments related to workplaces. You will learn and practise how to introduce yourself and others; you will write and read about daily routines and gender pay gap and how to carry out a SWOT analysis. The unit called Organizations introduces the topics of recruitment, company profiles and marketing and sales strategies. Job descriptions and postings together with the documentation required to will help you learn and practise the language skills necessary for the job recruitment process. Learning and drawing an organizational chart will allow you to visualize and understand an organizations workforce. The activities addressed to practise marketing and promotion strategies aim at making you aware of the fact that customers satisfaction has to be sought by providing them with traditional and digital services. The unit called Products and Services will present you different issues related to conventional, alternative and digital markets. You will read about the digital divide and learn about designing business websites or listen about online marketing strategies, know and define technological terms and devices and learn and use netiquette, that is, the set of rules of politeness and respect used for digital communication. You will also learn and read about Fair Trade, describe business trends and organize an international meeting. This issue will lead you to do activities addressed to know and use conventional and digital means of communication. The design of the materials aims to achieve the objectives of the credit. The paper materials provide you with the necessary background and knowledge to carry out the activities. Every thematic core in each unit presents a wide variety of online activities and self-evaluation exercises so

CFGS - Gesti comercial i mrqueting

Llengua estrangera - Angls

that you can use the new functional language that you have acquired, and demonstrate your understanding of the grammatical rules. Each thematic core contains two readings with suggested solutions, two listenings with transcriptions of the audio recordings and solutions to the activities, grammar exercises closely related to the topics that are being developed at the moment and writing and vocabulary activities. The varied content-based activities have been designed to use English for the specific purposes of your studies. You will learn and apply basic English language skills such as designing corporation websites, giving advice on workplace procedures, raising awareness on cross-cultural differences, writing different types of business letters and emails, providing personal information, accepting and refusing proposals, organizing meetings or attending trade fairs and designing a Visitor Information Centre among others. Listenings and readings check understanding of the main idea and important details. The vocabulary activities focus on words and phrases you will have to use. The vocabulary section at the end of the material will help you to look up unfamiliar words. Situational language structures are practised through activities closely related to the field of your studies and they aim to reinforce your understanding of grammatical rules. The self-evaluation exercises are additional practice intended to test and consolidate your listening, writing and reading skills, and the acquisition of new vocabulary and grammar knowledge on the topics of communication, organizations and products and services. To work the contents of the units it is advisable to read the materials first, and then do the activities and the self-evaluation exercises.

CFGS - Gesti comercial i mrqueting

Llengua estrangera - Angls


By the end of the credit you will be able to: 1. Transfer the information given in a foreign language from a written code to an oral one, and viceversa. 2. Identify the most important aspects and the discursive organization corresponding to the oral and written texts given in a professional field. 3. Interpret the required information given by the speaker in a foreign language on the phone, in-person or written taking into account the context and the situation. 4. Select the appropriate (synthetic, wide or partial) reading from the received information, according to the proposed action or exercise. 5. Write texts with accurate vocabulary, required formal aspects, rules and formalities of each country related to commercial worldwide operations. 6. Communicate in a foreign language in an ordered, coherent and effective way in a commercial activity. 7. Formalize and write documentation related to the commercial activity in foreign markets that requires the use of a foreign language with the appropriate operation data and information systems. 8. Write a translation mentioning the important aspects and the specific nature of the text. 9. Translate from and to texts, forms, reports and other documents related to the international commercial activity, taking into account the specific vocabulary and using computer-assisted translation techniques. 10. Solve comprehension and expression problems related to the linguistic and communicative contents in the professional field. 11. Respect registry and sociocultural standards of the country addressing the oral or written communication, in the field of the international commercial activity. 12. Take into account the importance of language as a vehicle of communication and understanding in the field of international commercial activity, technology, culture and knowledge.

CFGS - Gesti comercial i mrqueting

Llengua estrangera - Angls


Unit 1 Communication 1. Exchanging information 2. Opinions 3. Telling visitors about your company Unit 2 Organizations 1. Jobs 2. Company profiles 3. Sales and orders Unit 3 Products and Services 1. Trade fairs 2. Products 3. Digital markets

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