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Meaning: Definition: Originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g.

, a change of subject; now, the character commonly used in the text as a reference mark to a footnote, or to indicate the place of a division into sections.

Etymology: paragraph (n.) late 15c., from M.Fr. paragraphe (13c., O.Fr. paragrafe), from M.L. paragraphus "sign for start of a new section of discourse" (the sign looked something like a stylized letter -P-), from Gk. paragraphos "short stroke in the margin marking a break in sense," also "a passage so marked," lit. "anything written beside," from paragraphein "write by the side," from para- "beside" (see para-) + graphein "to write" (see -graphy). Paragraph development: Exemplification Narration Process Description Comparison and contrast Analogy Cause and effect Classification and division Definition Analysis Enumeration
There are many ways to develop paragraph ideas. Check this out. 1. By example - This method interprets facts by specific experiences, patterns, and illustrations. This method comes easy because you can get/use your own experiences or someone else's credible enough to authenticate the situation. This is explaining about something concrete.

For example: Climate Changes Countries around the world are going through erratic climate changes. For example, in Japan and some part of the US, summer comes hot as in other Asian countries. A police officer's picture is shown online news pouring splash of water on the street in Europe. 2. By analysis is giving details and how ideas relate to the whole topic. This method by comparison and contrast is to compare the similarities and differences or enumerate the advantages or disadvantages; an effective way of this method is using analogy. An analogy is comparing an unfamiliar idea to one more familiar. 3. By definition is developing paragraphs by giving meaning and explanation to words in the context. There are many techniques in this method as there are many words in the dictionary and thesaurus. For Example: What is love? "Love is never having to say you are sorry. Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not keep a record of wrongs. Love is not selfish. Love never fails." (Corinthians) 4. Narration usually enumerates a process. This method tells a story. A story has a vivid beginning, middle and end. This can involve a chronological process. For Example: How you tell a story to your friend... How you survive an operation How you write you essays or stories 5. Description Paragraph development by description can be subjective or objective. Objective identification is describing the features of the object. Subjective description is by thoughts and reactions You can describe using the senses. Figures of speech (simile, metaphors, personification, etc.) and other sense impressions help a lot in this method. Using the correct words is important and an effective way of making good sentences, and therefore paragraphs.

"The oaks, how subtle and marine, bearded..." Bearded Oaks by Robert Penn Warren 6. Persuasion Here you do selling. How do you sell products and advertise? This method is supported by reason (logical) and emotions (psychological). As an example, study "The Gettysburg Address" by Abraham Lincoln. Moreover, you can use and combine all the methods in the same piece. Or you can devise another method from the main patterns.

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