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EE 1352 - POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS VI semester EEE Branch (2 !

-2 1 Batch" #n$t % I S&''a()s * Modern Power System Basic Components of a power system Per Phase Analysis Generator model Transformer model Transmission line model The per unit system Change of base. The P+,er S&stem % An O-er-$e, an. M+.e''$n/ . Intr+.)ct$+n ! An electric power system consists of three main di"isions namely . The generating system #. The transmission system and $. The distribution system. Transmission lines are the lin%s between the generating systems and the distribution systems and lead to other power systems o"er interconnection. A distribution system connects all the indi"idual loads to the transmission lines at substations which perform "oltage transformation and switching functions. &n the initial stage of de"elopment of power systems' they were operated as indi"idual units because they started as isolated systems to meet the re(uirements of that particular area. Then they spread out gradually to co"er the whole country. The demand for large amount of power and increased reliability had lead to the interconnection of the nearby power systems. 102 A.-anta/es +1 $nterc+nnect$+n +1 2+,er s&stems * . )ess number of generators are re(uired as a reser"e. *ence the reser"e capacity of the generating station gets reduced. #. The spinning reser"e of the generating station gets reduced. $. Most economical operation is possible. 10201 Pr+('ems +1 Interc+nnect$+n * . Short circuit current le"el increases and so the circuit brea%ers has to interrupt a large current. #. The disturbance caused by a short+circuit e,tends to other neighboring systems also. $. Synchronism between the alternators of interconnected systems must be maintained.

103 Nee. 1+r P+,er S&stem Ana'&s$s $n P'ann$n/ an. O2erat$+n +1 P+,er S&stem * The successful operation of a power system depends largely on the engineer-s ability to pro"ide reliable' uninterrupted and (uality ser"ice to loads. The systems being planned are to be optimal with respect to cost' performance and operating efficiency. .or this' better planning tools are re(uired. The ma/or power system tools are !

. #. $. 0.

)oad flow analysis Short circuit analysis or fault calculations Stability analysis System protection and relay coordination.

10301 L+a. 1'+, st).$es * A load flow study is the determination of the "oltage' current' real power and reacti"e power at "arious points in an electric networ%. The main ob/ecti"e of load flow analysis is to identify the potential problems in terms of unacceptable "oltage conditions' o"erloading' decreasing reliability or any failure of the transmission system to meet performance criteria. After this analysis stage' alternati"e plans are ta%en to pre"ent the foreseen problems. The load flow studies are useful in planning the future de"elopment of the system 10302 Sh+rt c$rc)$t ana'&s$s * . to determine the current interrupting capacity of the circuit brea%ers. #. to establish the relay coordination. $. to calculate the "oltages during faulted conditions for insulation coordination.1 0. to design the grounding systems. 10303 Sta($'$t& St).$es * Stability studies are performed in order to ensure that the system remains stable following a se"ere fault or disturbance. Power system stability is a condition in which the "arious synchronous machines of the system remain in synchronism with each other. Stability is classified into a2 Steady state stability and b2 Transient stability. 103 Per Phase Ana'&s$s +1 S&mmetr$ca' Three 2hase S&stem * 3uring normal operations' the three phase generation as well as the three phase transmission and distribution are balanced. Therefore' they can be treated as single phase system for analysis during normal operating conditions. 4nder faulty conditions' the system becomes a case of unbalanced three phase generated "oltage connected to the three phase balanced networ%. &n such situation' it is ad"antageous to transform the unbalanced phasor (uantities into balanced component (uantities using symmetrical components transformation method. After transformation' it can be treated as single phase system for analysis purpose as shown in .ig. . and .ig. .#.. )et us consider a simple' balanced three phase networ% consisting of a three phase generator and a three phase load shown in .ig. . . Since it is a balanced system' the generator and load neutrals are at the same potential' so that the neutral current' &n is e(ual to 5ero. Thus the neutral impedance 6n does not affect the system beha"iour. .or the reference phase 7a8a 9 :6s ; 6)2 &a The "oltages and currents in the other phases ha"e the same magnitude but displaced from each other by #< electrical degrees. Thus the solution of a single phase networ%

completely determines the solution of the three phase networ%. e(ui"alent networ% is shown in .ig. .#.

The single phase

3$/0 101 A (a'ance. three 2hase net,+r4

3$/0 102 S$n/'e 2hase e5)$-a'ent net,+r4 105 The +ne-'$ne .$a/ram * A three phase balanced system is always sol"ed as a single phase circuit consisting of one of the three lines and a neutral return. Also' the diagram is further simplified by omitting the completed circuit through the neutral and by indicating the components of the system by standard symbols rather than by their e(ui"alent circuits. Circuit parameters will not be shown in the diagram and a transmission line is represented by a single+line between its two ends. Such a simplified diagram of a power system is called a one+line diagram. &t indicates by a single line and standard symbols' the transmission lines and associated apparatus of a power system.

3$/0 103 s&m(+'s 1+r 2+,er s&stem c+m2+nents0 0

E6#IVALENT 7IR7#ITS O3 7OMPONENTS O3 POWER SYSTEM E5)$-a'ent c$rc)$t +1 /enerat+r* The e(ui"alent circuit of a $+phase generator :Alternator2 is shown in fig. .#. &t consists of a source representing induced emf per phase' a series reactance representing the armature reactance and lea%age reactance and a series resistance representing the armature winding resistance.

105 8enera' as2ects re'at$n/ t+ 2+,er 1'+,9 sh+rt c$rc)$t an. sta($'$t& ana'&s$s * The purpose of the one line diagram is to pro"ide the significant information about the system in concise form. The details gi"en on the diagram depends on the purpose for which the diagram is intended. .or e,ample' for load flow studies' the location of circuit brea%ers and relays are not needed. Generally the information found on a one+line diagram "aries according to the type of study.


3$/0 10: One '$ne .$a/ram +1 an e'ectr$c s&stem Generators ! M?A' %?' subtransient reactance @A Transformer ! ?p B ?s' M?A' @ )oad ! P' C or S' pf. 10501 Im2e.ance .$a/ram * The one line diagram is used to draw the single+phase e(ui"alent circuit of the system. &n this circuit' the e(ui"alent circuits of all the components of the power system are drawn and they are interconnected. This diagram forms the impedance diagram of the gi"en system. .or load flow study' loads A and B are represented by resistance and inducti"e reactance in series. The impedance diagram for the one line diagram shown in fig. .= is drawn below. The resistance and reactance used for grounding the neutral of the generator is not shown in the impedance diagram under the assumption that no current flows in the ground under balanced conditions and the neutrals of the generators are at the same potential as that of the neutral of the system. Since the magneti5ing current of a transformer is negligible compared to the full+load current' the shunt admittance is omitted in the e(ui"alent circuit of the transformer.

3$/0 105 Im2e.ance .$a/ram


S$m2'$1$e. Im2e.ance .$a/ram * Ehile doing fault calculations' resistance "alues can be omitted' as the resistance is small. )oads which do not in"ol"e rotating machinery are omitted' as they ha"e little effect on the total current during a fault. Synchronous motor loads are to be included in fault calculations since their generated emfs contribute to the short+circuit current. &nduction motors are ta%en into account by an emf generated in series with the inducti"e reactance when the current immediately after the fault is determined. But they are ignored when computing the current a few cycles after the occurrence of the fault' because the current contributed by an induction motor dies out "ery (uic%ly after the induction motor is short+circuited. 10503 Reactance .$a/ram * After omitting all static loads' all resistances' the magneti5ing current of each transformer and the capacitance of the transmission line' the impedance diagram reduces to the reactance diagram as shown below.

3$/0 10! Reactance ;$a/ram The impedance and reactance diagrams are also called positi"e se(uence diagrams as they show impedances to balanced currents in a symmetrical three+phase systems. 10! Per #n$t re2resentat$+n * The per unit "alue of any (uantity is defined as the ratio of the (uantity to its base "alue e,pressed as a decimal. Actualvalue . BaseValue The base impedance is that impedance which will ha"e a "oltage drop across it e(ual to the base "oltage' when the current flowing in the impedance is e(ual to the base "alue of the current. ?oltage' current' M?A and impedance are so related that selection of base "alues for any two of them determines the base "alues of the remaining two. Per unit "alue 9 The ad"antages of per unit system are ! i2 The per unit impedance referred to either side of a single phase transformer is the same.

ii2 iii2 i"2 "2 10!01 "alues.

The per unit impedance referred to either side of three phase transformer is the same regardless of the three phase connections whether they are G+G' H+H' H+ G. The chance of confusion between line and phase (uantities in a three phase balanced system is greatly reduced. The manufacturers usually pro"ide the impedance "alues in per unit. The computational effort in power system is "ery much reduced with the use of per unit (uantities. S$n/'e 2hase s&stem * The base M?A and base %? ratings gi"en for single phase system are per phase

The base current and hence base impedance are calculated as follows ! BaseMVA Base current' %A 9 BasekV &f base current and "oltage are %nown' base impedance can be found out. BasekV Base impedance' I 9 BasekA BasekV 9 BaseMVA B BasekV ( BasekV ) # 9 BaseMVA Base ME 9 Base M?A actua lim pedance' Per unit impedance of a circuit element 9 baseimpeance' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ S+'-e. 2r+('em * . A single phase transformer is rated <B00<?' #.= %?A. )ea%age reactance measured from the ).T. side of the transformer is <.<> I. 3etermine the lea%age reactance in p.u. S+')t$+n * Actual lea%age reactance 9 <.<> I : BasekV 2 # Base impedance 9 BaseMVA : < < $ 2 # <<< 9 0.F0 I #.= actua lim peance Per unit impedance of a circuit element 9 baseimpedance <.<> = <.< #0 Per unit impedance 9 0.F0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Base impedance in the ).T. side 9

10!02 Three-2hase s&stem * Base "oltage B phase 9 Base %?)) B K$ Base current B phase 9 BaseMVA$ B $ $ xBasekVLL 9 BaseMVA$ $ BasekVLL

Base impedance' I 9

BasekVLL B $ Basevoltage = Ba sec urrent BaseMVA$ B $ BasekVLL

: BasekVLL 2 # Base impedance 9 BaseMVA$ Lote ! The formula to calculate base impedance is the same irrespecti"e of single+phase or three phase systems. 10!03 7han/$n/ the (ase +1 2er )n$t 5)ant$t$es * &f the "alues gi"en are already in the p.u. "alues referred by their own ratings' then to con"ert them to the selected base "alue' let us deri"e a direct formula. Actua lim pedance Per unit impedance 9 Baseimpeance Z actual xBaseMVAnew"en 9 ...: 2 : BasekVgiven 2 # Similarly when referred to new base "alues Z actual BaseMVAnew 9 : BasekVnew 2 # 3i"iding e(n. :#2 by : 2' we get'
Z p .u .new = Z p.u . given BasekVgiven BasekV new

. . . :#2

BaseMVAnew BaseMVA given

The following points are to be noted while using per unit representation. . A base :%?2 and base :M?A2 are selected in one part of the system. The base "alues for a $ phase system are line to line %ilo"olts and $ phase M?A. #. The base M?A will be the same in all parts of the system. $. .or other parts of the system' that is on other sides of transformers' the base %? for each part is determined using the line to line "oltage ratios of the transformers. 0. &mpedance "alues for all components gi"en in p.u. will be on the base determined by their own ratings. &f p.u. impedance is gi"en on a base other than that determined for the part of the system in which the element is located' must be changed to the proper base by the using the formula
Z p .u .new = Z p.u . given BasekVgiven BasekV new BaseMVAnew BaseMVA given


=. &f impedance "alues are gi"en in ohms' p.u. "alues are to be calculated from the corresponding base impedances using the formula actua lim pedance' p.u. impedance 9 baseimpeance' >. .or three single phase transformers connected as a $ phase unit' the $ M ratings are to be determined from the single phase rating of each indi"idual transformer. M?A rating of $M operation 9 $ , M?A rating of M transformer. D. ?oltage rating of primary and secondary of the three phase unit depends upon the Star or delta connection. *ence the "oltage ratings of $ M transformer unit is to be calculated for primary and secondary windings separately. a. Ehen the primary B secondary winding is connected in star' the "oltage rating of the corresponding winding of $M transformer is K$ times the "oltage rating of M transformer. b. Ehen the primary B secondary winding is connected in delta' the "oltage rating of the corresponding winding of $M transformer is same as that of M transformer. N+te * &n delta connection' ?line 9 ? phase. &n star connection' ?line 9 K$ ?phase. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ S+'-e. 2r+('ems * . Three generators are rated as follows ! Generator ! << M?A' $$%?' reactance <N Generator # ! =< M?A' $#%?' reactance FN Generator $ ! < M?A' $<%?' reactance #N 3etermine the reactance of the generators corresponding to base "alues of #<< M?A and $= %?. S+')t$+n * 8enerat+r 1 * << M?A' $$ %?' @A9 <. Z p.u .new BasekVgiven = Z p.u . given BasekV new
# O

BaseMVAnew BaseMVA given

$$ #<< X = <. = <. DDF p.u. << $= 8enerat+r 2 * =< M?A' $# %?' @A9<.<F $# #<< X = <.<F = <.<FJ# p.u. =< $=
O #

8enerat+r 3 * < M?A' $< %?' @A9<. #

$< #<< X O = <. # = <. ><# p.u. < $= +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. Two generators rated t < M?A' $.# %? and = M?A' $.# %? are connected in parallel to a bus bar. They feed supply to two motors of input F M?A' and # M?A respecti"ely. The operating "oltage of motors is #.= %?. Assuming base (uantities as =< M?A and $.F %?' draw the reactance diagram. The percentage reactance for generators is = N and that for motors is #< N. S+')t$+n * 8enerat+r 1 * < M?A' $.# %?' @A9<. =. Z p.u .new BasekVgiven = Z p.u . given BasekV new

BaseMVAnew BaseMVA given

$.# =< X O = <. = = <.>F># p.u. < $.F 8enerat+r 2 * = M?A' $.# %?' @A9<. =. $.# =< X = <. = = <.0=D= p.u. = $ .F
O #

M+t+r 1 * F M?A' #.= %?' @A9<.#. #.= =< X = <.# = .<#== p.u. F $.F
O #

M+t+r 2 * # M?A' #.= %?' @A9<.#. #.= =< X O = <.# = <.>F$D p.u. # $.F

$. A << M?A' $$ %?' $ phse generator has a subtrnsient reactance of = N. The generator is connected to three motors through a transmission line and two transformers. The motors ha"e rated inputs of $< M?A' #< M?A and =< M?A at $< %? with #< N subtransient reactance. The $ phase transformers are rated at < M?A' $# %?B < %? P with lea%age reactance F N. The line has a reactance of =< ohms. Selecting the generator rating as the base (uantities in the generator circuit' determine the base (uantities in other parts of the system and e"aluate the corresponding p.u. "alues. S+')t$+n * < = $.00kV The base "oltage in the transmission line 9 $$ $# $# = $$kV &n the motor circuit' the base "oltage 9 $.00 < : BasekV 2 # : $.002 Bus impedance in the transmission line 9 = = #F.>F>ohms BaseMVA << j =< = <.$FF= p.u. Per unit impedance 9 j #F.>F> M+t+r 1 * $< M?A' $< %?' @A9<.#. # BasekVgiven BaseMVAnew Z p.u .new = Z p.u . given BasekV BaseMVA new given << $< O X = <.# = <.==<J p.u. $< $$ M+t+r 2 * #< M?A' $< %?' @A9<.#. X#
O #

<< $< = <.# x = <.F#> p.u. $$ #<

M+t+r 3 * $< M?A' $< %?' @A9<.#. << $< O X $ = <.# = <.$$<= p.u. =< $$ Trans1+rmer * < M?A' $# %?' @A9<.<F. << $# O X T = <.<F = <.<>F$F p.u. < $$ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# #

Bus "oltage on the transmission line using the transformation ratio9##<%?



Transformer # ! = M?A' >.JG =P %?' @9 < N Transformer $ ! Single phase units' each rated < M?A' >.JB>J%?' @9 <N 3raw an impedance diagram and mar% all "alues in p.u. choosing a base of $< M?A' >.> %? in the generator & circuit.


Re-$e, 6)est$+ns * (T,+ mar4 5)est$+ns" Ehat is single line diagramQ Ehat are the components of power systemQ Ehat are the components of power systemQ 3raw the symbols used to represent "arious components in a power system. 3efine per unit "alue. Erite the e(uation for con"erting the p.u. impedance e,pressed in one base to anotherQ D. Ehat are the ad"antages of p.u. componentsQ F. 3raw the e(ui"alent circuit of a $+phase generator. J. *ow the loads are represented in reactance or impedance diagramQ <. 3raw the single phase e(ui"alent circuit of a $ winding transformer. . A H+R' $+phse transformer ban% is formed using three numbers of +phse transformers each rated at $<< %?A' #DB $.# %?. Ehat is the %?A and %? rating of the $+phae ban%Q #. &f the reactance in ohms is = ohms' find the p.u. "alue for a base of = %?A and < %?. $. A generator rated at $< M?A' %? has a reactance of #< N. Calculate the p.u. reactances for a base of =< M?A and < %?. 0. A P+connected generator rated at $<< M?A' $$ %? has a reactance of .#0 p.u. .ind the ohmic "alue of reactance. =. The base %? and base M?A of a $+phse transmission line is $$ %? and < M?A respecti"ely. .ind the base current and base impedance. >. *ow the induction motor is represented in reactance diagramQ1 D. Ehat is impedance and reactance diagramQ F. Ehat are the appro,imations made in impedance diagramQ J. Ehat are the appro,imations made in reactance diagramQ #<. Gi"e e(uations for transforming base %? on )? side to *? side of transformer and "ice+"ersa. # . .or the power system shown in fig. below' by ta%ing generator rating as base "alues' specify the base "alues of the transmission line and motor circuit. . #. $. 0. =. >.

Motor is #= M?A < %? (1! mar4 5)est$+ns" . 3raw an impedance diagram for the electric power system shown in fig. below. The ratings are gi"en below. All impedances are in p.u. on a << M?A base. Choose #< %? as the "oltage base for generator.

Three+phase power and line+line ratings are gi"en below. G ! J< M?A #< %? @9JN T ! F< M?A #<B#<<%? @9 >N T# ! F< M?A #<<B#<%? @ 9 #< N M ! J< M?A F %? @9JN )ine ! #<< %? @ 9 #< I )oad ! #< %? S 9 0J ME ; / >0 M"ar. #. 3raw the reactance diagram for the system shown in fig. below. The specification of the components are gi"en in table.

Trans1+rmer M+t+r M1 M+t+r M2 L$ne T2 $.F %? $.#B>J %? >JB $.# %? $.< %? $.< %? @9 >= I #= M?A #= M?A #= M?A = M?A < M?A @A9 <. = p.u. @ 9 <. p.u. @ 9 <. p.u. @A9<. =p.u. @A9<. =p.u. 3etermine the generator terminal "oltage assuming both motors operating at #%?' D=N full load and unity power factor. $. The 0< M?A' #= %?' $ phase generator has a subtransient reactance of #=N. &t is connected through a R+H transformer to a high "oltage transmission line ha"ing total series reactance of =< ohms. At the lod end of the line is P+P step down transformer. Both transformer ban%s are composed of phase transformer connected for $ phase operation. 8ach of the $ transformer composing each ban% is rted >.>D M?A. $.F %?B << %? with a lea%age reactance of #< N. The load represented as impedance is drawing $< M?A at #0 %?' <.F pf lag. 3raw the single line diagram of power networ%. Choose a base of $< M?A' #0 %? in the load circuit. 3etermine also the "oltage at the terminals of the generator. End of Ist Unit

8enerat+r 8

Trans1+rmer T1


K.L.N. COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Pottapalayam !"# !$$% &i'a(an(ai )ist*i+t. Y,a* - .##/ 0.##1% 2*an+3 - III 2.E. EEE &,m,st,* - ! &456,+t - EE $"7. Po8,* &yst,m Analysis

Nam, of t3, 9*it,* :Colla5o*ato*; - R. Ram,s3% P*of,sso* :EEE;% IT ),pt. Unit - I )at, of &45mission - $<.$$..##/

&ylla54s - Ist Unit Mod,*n Po8,* &yst,m 2asi+ Compon,nts of a po8,* syst,m P,* P3as, Analysis G,n,*ato* mod,l T*ansfo*m,* mod,l T*ansmission lin, mod,l T3, p,* 4nit syst,m C3an(, of 5as,. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


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