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2.1 Introduction
Cooling load calculations may be used to accomplish one or more of the following objectives: a) Provide information for equipment selection, system sizing and system design. b) Provide data for evaluating the optimum possibilities for load reduction. c) Permit analysis of partial loads as required for system design, operation and control. number of published methods, tables and charts from industry handboo!s, manufacturer"s engineering data and manufacturer"s catalog data usually provide a good source of design information and criteria in the preparation for load calculation.

2.1.1 Cooling Load Tem erature Di!!erence "CLTD# n equivalent temperature difference used for calculating the instantaneous e#ternal cooling load across a wall or roof. 2.1.2 $en%i&le Heat Gain $his the energy added to the space by conduction, convection and%or radiation. 2.1.' Latent Heat Gain $his the energy added to the space when moisture is added to the space by means of vapor emitted by the occupants, generated by a process or through air infiltration from outside or adjacent areas. 2.1.( T)ermal Re%i%tance "R# $his is the reciprocal of a heat transfer coefficient and is e#pressed in &hr '( ft))%*tu. (or e#ample, a wall with a +,value of '.)- would have a resistance value of . / 0%+ / 0%'.)-/1.'. $he value of . is also used to represent $hermal .esistivity, the reciprocal of the thermal conductivity

2.2 Heating Load *+% Cooling Load Calculation%

s the name implies, heating load calculations are carried out to estimate the heat loss from the building in winter so as to arrive at required heating capacities. 2ormally during winter months the pea! heating load occurs before sunrise and the outdoor conditions do not vary significantly throughout the winter season. 3n determining the heating load, credit for solar heat gain or internal heat gains is usually 24$ included and the thermal storage effects of building structure are generally ignored. 5hereas in cooling load calculations, the thermal storage characteristics of the building play a vital role because the time at which the space may realize the heat gain as a cooling load will be considerably offset from the time the heat started to flow.

2.' COOLING LOAD CALCULATION ,ETHOD (or a thorough calculation of the zones and whole,building loads, one of the following three methods should be employed: a. $ransfer (unction 6ethod &$(6): $his is the most comple# of the methods proposed by 78. 9 and requires the use of a computer program or advanced spreadsheet. : b. Cooling ;oad $emperature <ifferential%Cooling ;oad (actors &C;$<%C;(): $his method is derived from the $(6 method and uses tabulated data to simplify the calculation process. c. $otal 9quivalent $emperature <ifferential%$ime, veraging &$9$<%$ ): $his was the preferred method for hand or simple spreadsheet calculation before the introduction of the C;$<%C;( method.

2.( Indoor De%ign Condition% and T)ermal Com!ort

$he environmental factors that affect the thermal comfort of the occupants in an air,conditioned space are mainly: a. 6etabolic rate, e#pressed in met &0 met / 0=.1> *tu%hr.ft)) determines the amount of heat that must be released from the human body and it depends mainly on the intensity of the physical activity. b. 3ndoor air temperature &$r) and mean radiant temperature &$rad), both in ?(. Tr affects both the

sensible heat e#change and evaporative losses, and Trad affects only sensible heat e#change. c. .elative humidity of the indoor air in @, which is the primary factor that influences evaporative heat loss. d. ir velocity of the indoor air in fpm, which affects the heat transfer coefficients and therefore the sensible heat e#change and evaporative loss. e. Clothing insulation affects the sensible heat loss. Clothing insulation for occupants is typically '.> clo in summer and '.= to 0.) clo in winter. Indoor Tem erature "./# >B , C1 CE ,CB

Clot)ing In%ulation "clo# 0inter '.= A '.B

Air *elocit"! m# D E' D -'

$ummer '.- A '.>

Relati1e HumiditTolera&le Range "2# 0inter $ummer E' , >Pre!erred Range "2# )-,E' 1', --

2.(.1 0all%

$he cooling load from walls is treated in a similar way as roof: F 5all / + G 5here F 5all / ;oad through the walls in *tu%hr + / $hermal $ransmittance for walls in *tu% &h ft) () / area of walls in ft) C;$< / Cooling ;oad $emperature <ifference for walls in ?(. G C;$< 5all Corrected

2.(.2 Internal Cooling Load%

$he various internal loads consist of sensible and latent heat transfers due to occupants, products, processes appliances and lighting. $he lighting load is only sensible. $he conversion of sensible heat gain &from lighting, people, appliances, etc.) to space cooling load is affected by the thermal storage characteristics of that space and is thus subject to appropriate cooling load factors &C;() to account for the time lag of the cooling load caused by the building mass. $he weighting factors equation determines the C;( factors. C;( / F cooling load % F internal gains

2.(.' Peo le
F sensible / 2 &F7) &C;() F latent / 2 &F;) 5here 2 / number of people in space F7, F; / 7ensible and ;atent heat gain from occupancy. C;( / Cooling ;oad (actor 4ccupants generate both sensible and latent heat components according to activity level. $he sensible heat rate increases slightly with higher activity but latent heat increases dramatically because of greater perspiration rates needed to maintain body temperature.

Heat Gain !rom Occu ant% at *ariou% Acti1itie% "At Indoor Air Tem erature o! 34./# Acti1it7eated at rest 7eated, very light wor!, writing 7eated, eating 7eated, light wor!, typing, 7tanding, light wor! or wal!ing slowly, ;ight bench wor! ;ight machine wor!, wal!ing Emi%hr 6oderate dancing Total )eat5 6tu+) Adult5 male Ad7u%ted 1'' E-' 1=' -)' >1' ='' ==' 0'1' 0E>' 0>'' 1)' -=' -0' >1' C=' 0'1' 0)=' 0>'' $en%i&le )eat5 6tu+) )0' )E' )-)-E0E1E11'->Latent )eat5 6tu+) 01' 0B' E))-E)1E>B=C0'E-

2.(.( Lig)t%
$he primary source of heat from lighting comes from light,emitting elements. 4nly part of the energy from lights is in the form of convective heat, which is pic!ed up instantaneously by the air, conditioning apparatus. $his absorbed energy contributes to space cooling load only after a time lag, with some part of such energy still present and reradiating after the lights have been switched off. Henerally, the instantaneous rate of heat gain from electric lighting may be calculated from: F / E.10 # 5 # (+$ # (7

2.(.8 *entilation Air

Ientilation air is the amount of outdoor air required to ma!e up for air leaving the space due to equipment e#haust, e#,filtration and as required to maintain 3ndoor ir Fuality for the

occupants. $he heat is usually added to the air stream before the cooling coil and has no direct impact on the space conditions. $he additional cooling coil load is calculated as follows: F sensible / 0.'= # C(6 # &$o A $c) F latent / 1=1' # C(6 # &5o A 5c) F total / 1.- # C(6 # &ho A hc) 5here C(6 / Ientilation airflow rate. $o / 4utside dry bulb temperature, ?( $c / <ry bulb temperature of air leaving the cooling coil, ?( 5o / 4utside humidity ratio, lb &water) per lb &dry air) 5c / 8umidity ratio of air leaving the cooling coil, lb &water) per lb &dry air) ho / 4utside%3nside air enthalpy, *tu per lb &dry air) hc / 9nthalpy of air leaving the cooling coil *tu per lb &dry air)

2.(.9 Duct Heat Gain

+nless the return ductwor! system is e#tensive and uninsulated or passes over a non, conditioned space, only the heat gained by the duct supply system is significant. $his heat gain is normally estimated as a percentage of the space sensible cooling load &usually 0@ to -@) and applied to the temperature of the air leaving the cooling coil in the form of temperature increase.

2.8 Calculation ertaining to gi1en de%ign ro&lem During Summer

<ry bulb temperature during summer / td0/-- oC 5et bulb temperature during summer,tw0/E' oC .elative humidity / B-@ 7uppose we have to maintain a temperature of )) oC inside the room with ..8. of B-@ ssumption:

7ensible heat per person / ='5 ;atent heat per person / -'5 ;ights and fans together cause / 0-'''5 7ensible heat gain through glass, walls, ceiling etc. / 0-'''5

ir infiltration )' mE %min and fresh air supply 0'' mE %min 7o, I0/)'mE %min, If / 0''mE %min

;ocating these points on psychrometric chart and finding enthalpy from chart h0 / B= !J%!g , Is0 / '.B0 mE %!g , h) / 11 !J%!g , h / =.) !J%!g 6ass of infiltrated air at point 0 m0/ I0 % Is0 / )'%'.B0 / )0.B- !g%min 7ensible heat gain due to infiltration of air / m0 &h A h)) / )0.B-&=) , 11) / =E1.0 !J%min / 0E.B !5 ;atent heat gain due to infiltration air / m0 &h0,h ) / )0.B-&B>,=)) / E-0 !J%min / -.=- !5 $otal sensible heat gain from persons / Fs per person # 2o. of persons / =' # >' / >.1 !5 $otal latent heat gain from persons / F0 per person # 2o. of persons / -' # >' / 1 !5 $otal sensible heat gain in the room, .78 / 7ensible heat gain due to infiltration of air K sensible heat gain from persons K sensible heat gain due to lights and fans K sensible heat gain through glass, walls and ceilings. / 0E.B K >.1 K 0- K 0- / -'.E !5 $otal latent heat gain in the room .;8 / ;atent heat gain due to infiltration of air K latent heat gain from persons / -.=- K 1 / B.=- !5 .oom sensible heat factor / .78( / .78 % &.78 K .;8) / -'.E % & -'.E K B.=- ) / '.=1 5e !now outside total heat 4 $8 / '.') I0 &h0 A h))

/ )0.> !5
Grand total heat load = RSH + RLH + RSHF= 81.75 kW

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