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(I rearranged the slides slightly)

Rest modeled and commanded by the holy God of all creation

Modeled by God (Gen 1:1- 2:1 Creation) .. on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy.

! Commanded by God (Ex 31:15-17) Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD... for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.

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On average, how many hours of sleep a night do you get? Group exercise: stand up!
24 36 48 60 72 hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. (1 full day and night) (1.5 days) (2 full days and nights) (2.5 days and nights) (3 full days and nights)

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So what is the big deal about sleep? Are you sleep deprived?
Do you frequently fall asleep if given a sleep opportunity? Do you frequently need an alarm clock to wake you? Do you frequently catch up on sleep during the weekends? Do you frequently take naps during the day? When you wake up, do you feel tired most mornings? Stanford University Sleep Research ( yes to 2 or more)

Sleep in America: Historical Trends

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Sleep in America: Historical Trends Westmont College Attitudes

Lack of sleep is a badge of honor I know I need more sleep, but I just cant afford to get the sleep I need now Any others?

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In a survey of over 3000 high school students (1999 NY Times) Why sleep matters to college students... Insufficient sleep undermines mental acuity Dr. Thomas Roth (1992) reported that by increasing sleep 60-90 min. ,the average persons mental productivity increased between 10-20% on several independent measures:
Ability to Concentrate Remember (especially short-term memory) Think logically Assimilate and analyze new information Think critically Make accurate decisions quickly

Think critically Make accurate decisions quickly


REM Sleep
Body is quiet, but mind is active Sleep is shallow Dreaming occurs Body slows down Mental filing (from short term to long term) Muscles somewhat paralyzed


NREM (Non-REM sleep)

Deeper phases of sleep Bodys physiology slows down Cell maintenance, regeneration and repair occur Plenty of postural shifting occurs

Question: Would you rather have your child drive home from a school function moderately intoxicated or moderately sleep deprived?


Sleep deprivation increases your chance of being in an automobile accident!

According to Dr. Joseph Cable, medical director of the Pottsville Hospital Sleep Disorders Center, sleep depravation accounts for 30 percent of all motor vehicle accidents...

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Determine how much sleep you need: Sleep needs are individualized, like shoe sizes So...determine your sleep size

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So...determine your sleep size

Stabilize ! ! By getting on a consistent sleep schedule ! Going to bed +/- 30 min. for at least 1 week. ! Allow 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep Listen ! !

Your body will tell you how much sleep you need

Create a quality sleep environment

Quiet: ear plugs, fan, white noise Dark: shades, towel/blanket Cool: 65 degrees optimal Comfortable: bed, sheets, pillow


Establish and maintain a regular sleep schedule

80% of shift workers report difficulties sleeping Altering your bedtime or the time you get up by more than 90 minutes adversely affects your circadian rhythms


Get regular exercise!

44 studies (32 acute and 12 chronic exercise studies) Conclusion: exercise produce a reliable effect on sleep. Decreases sleep onset latency Increases slow wave sleep (NREM) Increases total sleep time Caution: be careful about exercising too close to bedtime (within 4 hrs.)


Other suggestions
Avoid stimulants later in the day: coffee, soda Dont nap during the day if you are having trouble sleeping through the night Develop a sleep ritual: calming book, prayer, etc.


Sleep problems: insomnia

48% of Americans report occasional insomnia; 22% report insomnia every or almost every night (National Sleep Foundation) Women are more likely than men to struggle with sleep (1.3 times more likely to report insomnia).

Avoid stimulants later in the day: coffee, soda Dont nap during the day if you are having trouble sleeping through the night Develop a sleep ritual: calming book, prayer, etc.


Sleep problems: insomnia

48% of Americans report occasional insomnia; 22% report insomnia every or almost every night (National Sleep Foundation) Women are more likely than men to struggle with sleep (1.3 times more likely to report insomnia).


Get on a regular schedule of sleep, including weekends Deal with the underlying issue Take practical non-medication remedies (exercise, reducing caffeine, etc.) Consult doctor for sleep medication

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