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PERKEMBANGAN FISIK NORMAL 4-5 TAHUN menggambar dan mewarnai, menggambar bentuk 6 bagian, belajar bentuk bangun dan

ngun dan warna memanjat, berlari, bersepeda atau sepeda roda tiga perbendaharaan kata yang luas, menyimak mendengar dengan seksama, mangajukan pertanyaan belajar huru!, angka, dan menulis nama mengenal perbedaan dan persamaan perkembangan memory jangka pendek atau jangka lama berteman dengan teman sebaya, membentuk kelompok, memahami perbedaan gender memahami aturan , kadang mendebat

6-" tahun proporsi tubuh sama dengan dewasa imajinasi merupakan hal penting dalam perkembangannya menyenangi adanya prestasi olah raga, mengendarai sepeda tanpa bantuan roda samping dan belajar melun#ur dapat belajar berenang, ayunan, memanjat $jaring tali% dan hal-hal !isik lainnya yang lebih kompleks belajar memba#a dan mengerjakan hitungan sederhana memahami konsep& pertama, selanjutnya, yang terakhir, besar, lebih besar, dsb memahami konsep waktu, kemarin, hari ini, besok sangat menantikan hari libur, ulang tahun, dan e'ent tahunan AKTIVITAS YANG MENDUKUNG KESEHATAN PERTUMBUHAN 5-" tahun mendiskusikan perbedaan !isik gender dengan nya mengajari nama-nam a bagian tunuh tanpa rasa malu jika aku #ukup dewasa #ukup umur untuk bertanya, aku #ukup umur juga untuk memahami jawaban jangan member in!ormasi lebih dari yang ditanyakan membuat perpustakaan rumah dengan buku yag menarik tentang kepahlawanan, #erita hewan dan #erita lu#u ba#a buku setiap hari dan ba#akan bagian masing-masing buku, diskusikan ide dari buku ingatlah unutk member penghargaan terhadapa kerja yang bagus daripada hukuman

mainkan musi# anak, bernyanyi, bertepuk tangan dan menari mendorong keterlibatan !isik dan ekspresi imajinati! ajari berhitung, bernyaynyi A(), dan menuliskan nama dengan sabar bermain dengan alat permainan berkebun, menanam dalam pot, membantu menyiram dan melihatnya tumbuh mengikuti #erita sebelum tidur, memahami waktu kapan tidur men#ium dan u#apan selamat tidur

STRATEGI UNTUK AKTIVITAS BERMAIN KELOMPOK beri senter pada teman dan dia biarkan menyalakan senter, ajari bagaimana membuat bayangan di dinding bermain rumah-rumahan *atur kursi dan meja di ruangan dan beri tutup+ biarkan anak menggali lubang di kebun lalu mengisinya dengan air beri latihan per#akapan dan kata-kata yang ber'ariasi pada anak ren#anakan akti'itas ysng ber'ariasi dan bersi!at !leksibel biarkan beberapa anak membantu temannya menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dorong pan#ing anak untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya sebelum beralih menengerjakan pekerjaan lainnya meyelenggarakan $pesta ke#il% dengan berbagai minuman dan kue menggunakan tea set atau tempat makan dari plasti# a#ara $piknik makan di luar% pada saat hujan bisa bermain kuda-kudaan menggunakan sapu atau alat pel bermain boneka jari

apakah keinginan yang menggebu untuk elajar adalah untuk menyenangkan orang dewasa
A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: anak mempunyai na!su untuk belajar yang bisa lebih #epat atau lebih lambat, -endorong anak untuk bertanya dan memberi kesempatan untuk mempraktikkan kemampuannya yang dia bisa akan membangun pola $li!elong learning%-belajar seumur hidup

Dapat bersifat kooperatif dan kompetitif

A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: baik kooperati! dan kompetisi dapat memper#epat pembelajaran, .ada umumnya sangat bijak untuk menegaskan kooperati! karena kemampuan bekerja dengan dan belajar dari orang lain akan membentuk pengalaman sekolah bagi anak

Fokus pada hanya satu bagian situasi. Misalnya anak pada usia ini percaya bahwa botol tinggi dan ramping berisi lebih banyak soda daripada botol yang pendek tapi lebar dengan volume yang sama, sebab gelas yang satu lebih tinggi.
A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: guru yang baik akan mengamati dengan seksama, -isalnya delas, mana yang lebih banyak air, dan lakukan per#obaan, -elalui per#obaan ini, anak akan belajar untuk melihat dan berpikir dengan hati-hati

Percaya bahwa benda (obyek mempunyai perasaan. Misalnya anak akan meminta maaf atau merasa kasihan pada mobil yang bermuatan banyak penumpang
A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: kapasitaas anak terhadap adanya rasa empati ini, membantu anak memasuki dunia #erita, /etika memba#akan #erita anak, tekankan bagaimana peraaaan orang *benda+ dalam #erita itu

Memahami konsep hari ini, besok, dan kemarin

A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: interakti! dengan anak melihat kalender dan ngobrol se#ara teratur tentang hari-hari dalam seminggu akan membantu anak memahami konsep hari ini, besok, kmarin, dsb )on#erned that your #hild hasn0t met this milestone yet1

Mengikuti perintah !" hal sekaligus#. Misalnya anak disuruh $pergi ke dapur dan ambilkan tempat sampah%, maka anak akan mampu mengingat dan memenuhi perintah itu
A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: memebri tanggung jawab terhadap anak di dalm rumah adalh #ara yang ideal untuk mengembangkan kemampuan 2multi-step dire#tions3-perintah beruntun, Anak akan merasa $penting% dan berperan srta bangga karena mampu memenuhi semua perintah tersebut, 4ika anak tidak mampu memahami perintah $5 hal%, anda sebaiknya mendiskusikannya dengan dr, 6p,A

Mengetahui nama, umur dan alamat

A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: sejak anak belajar tentang pengulangan, anak biasanya belajar alamatnya dengan men#eritakannya se#ara teratur samapi tersimpan dalam ingatan, (agi beberapa anak, menggunakan lagu akan lebih mengingatkannya dengan #epat, 4ika anak tidak dapat menyebutkan nama lengkapnya, anda sebaiknya mendiskusikan dengan dr,6p,A

Menjawab pertanyaan & siapa, apa, kapan, dimana, dan mengapa

A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range,

TIP: #ara terbaik untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dalam menjawab pertanyaan adalah dengan per#akapan sehari-hari yang lebih sering, 4angan takut menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan untuk mendorong kemampuan 'erbal dan pengamatannya,

'epercayaan diri yang berkembang dengan latihan dan dukungan orang dewasa
A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: rasa per#aya diri adalah hal yang kritis pada perkembangan anak, .erkembangan yang sehat bergantung pada anak bagaimana men#oba hal yang baru dan $berisiko%, Anda dapat membangun keper#ayaan diri anak dengan memberi dukungan ketika dia pertama kali berusaha men#oba kemampuan baru tersebut,, beri pujian tidak hanya saat dia berhasil tapi juga puji atas ketekunannya men#oba, 4ika anak sangat takut atau sangat agresi!, anda sebaiknya mendiskusikan dengan dr,6p,A ,

(umah masih sangat penting dan merupakan pondasi anak bersikap tanggug jawab
A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: ketika anak mulai sekolah !ormal, maka anak men#oba berpikir bahwa rumah kurang penting, (agaimanapun rumah adalah tempat pertama nak di asuh dan tempat utama anak tersebut tumbuh dalam karakternya 9 dimana hal itu se#ara langsung bere!ek terhadap dan kesenangan dan sukses di sekolah, 4ika anak terlalu takut pisah dengan orang tua, anda sebaiknya mendiskusikan dengan dr,6p,A,

Meningkatkan perpisahan dan lepas tidak bergantung dari orang tua adalah hal yang baik untuk perkembangan anak
A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: tergantung personality masing-masing, beberapa anak siapdan mampu lebih #epat terhadap pemisahan berpisah *misalnya pergi ke nenek atau rumah teman+, .ada kebanyakan kasus, hal tersebut akan dilakukan se#ara bertahap dimulai pada periode singkat, memberi keper#ayaan sendiri di lingkungannya,

)enderung meniru orang tua yang jenis kelamin sama

A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: Although a #hild at this age tends to identi!y more with the parent o! the same se:, ha'ing a healthy relationship with both parents is 'ery important !or your #hild0s so#ial and emotional de'elopment,

Menilai dirinya sendiri dengan harapan orang lain

A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: This is a healthy step in de'elopment that is made easier i! the e:pe#tations pla#ed upon him are realisti# !or his de'elopmental stage, Then, his sense o! satis!a#tion in meeting e:pe#tations, and disappointment in not meeting them, will help him to #ontinue to de'elop normally,

Menyadari bahwa dia adalah satu dari banyak orang di dunia

A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: Up to this time, most #hildren are !o#used primarily on themsel'es, At this de'elopmental stage, your #hild begins to reali;e that he is part o! a #ommunity, and is more sensiti'e to the needs and wants o! others, <our #hild may be 'ery interested in books that help him understand other people, and other parts o! the world,

Menikmati waktu bersama dengan kita dan lebih sering di rumah pada usia * daripada usia +
A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: As #hildren ha'e more time outside the home, they o!ten more highly pri;e the time at home with !amily, Howe'er, by age = your #hild will probably be more !o#used on his peers,

Develops the social skills to make friends

A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: )hildren at this age need to be guided in the pro#ess o! building !riendships, They must be taught e:pli#itly and by e:ample how to be kind, help!ul, !aith!ul, et#, >iterature with e:emplary #hara#ters help your #hild to en'ision the kind o! !riend he #an be#ome, ?! your #hild shows little interest in other #hildren, you should talk with your pediatri#ian,

,mitates both good and bad adult behavior

A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: Talking about adult beha'ior *parti#ularly beha'ior that you do not want him to imitate+ is one o! the best ways to help your #hild pro#ess what he e:perien#es, <ou may !ind that your #hild senses that parti#ular beha'iors or e:pressions are inappropriate - or he may be unaware, @eading #hildren0s literature together allows you to talk with your #hild about the a#tions o! #hara#ters without #ommenting on the beha'ior o! a parti#ular adult in your #hild0s li!e,

)ommunicates well with others without your help

A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: Allowing your #hild to speak !or himsel! sparks him to de'elop his 'erbal skills, Ahen you ask him good Buestions, you will en#ourage both his thinking skills and his 'erbal skills, 6peaking !or your #hild will delay his 'erbal de'elopment, ?! your #hild displays little intera#tion with other people, you should dis#uss this with your pediatri#ian,

-ow other children perceive your child will affect his self.image
A 6o#ial 7 8motional milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: )hildren are sensiti'e to one another, e'en at a young age, ?t is important to gi'e your #hild a strong sense o! 'alues at home so that he #an respond to peers0 per#eptions in appropriate ways,

/ounds as if he is reading when he pretends to read

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range,

TIP: Ahen you read a book with in!le#tion, your #hild listens to the way you read, 6o it is not surprising, when your #hild sits to CreadC to himsel!, that he not only remembers major parts o! !amiliar stories but e'en uses proper in!le#tion to tell the story, )on#erned that your #hild hasn0t met this milestone yet1

0njoys being read to

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: At this age, you #an begin to introdu#e more 'ariety into your reading, A year or so ago, your #hild might ha'e wanted only a !ew lines o! te:t per page with many illustrations, As you read, and his imagination de'elops, he will be #ontent with more words, and !ewer pi#tures per page, 6ome #hildren at this age are 'ery #ontent !or parents to read them #hapter books that ha'e !ew pi#tures or la#k illustrations altogetherD Howe'er, most will still enjoy pi#ture books with more #omple: story lines,

(etells simple stories

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: )hildren learn to tell stories by hearing stories, Eon0t be surprised i! you begin to hear in'ented stories about the #hara#ters !rom your #hild0s !a'orite book, That is a great sign that he is intera#ting with the stories, <ou #an also ask him to retell storylines !rom !a'orite books 9 you will probably be ama;ed at the details he remembersD

1ses descriptive language to e2plain or to ask 3uestions

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: <our #hild will de'elop a ri#h 'o#abulary by hearing ri#h 'o#abulary, @eading books not only introdu#es him to stories, but gi'es him more words with whi#h to e:press himsel! be#ause books *e'en #hildren%s books+ use a larger 'o#abulary than adults use in e'eryday li!e,

(ecogni4es letters and letter.sound matches

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: Fne o! the most important de'elopments o! litera#y at this stage is to #onne#t letters with their *many+ sounds, )hildren will naturally asso#iate one sound with ea#h letter, but it is help!ul to introdu#e the alternate sounds o! letters *!or e:ample, the two sounds o! g, and #+ early so that when your #hild en#ounters these letters in print, he is not #on!used by the less #ommon sound,

/hows familiarity with rhyming and beginning sounds

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: -any pie#es o! #hildren0s literature e!!e#ti'ely use alliteration *words that begin with the same letter+ and rhyme *words that end with the same sound+ to #reate an e:perien#e o! sounds that engages young minds just as mu#h as the story itsel!, (e sure to in#lude poetry and rhyming books in your reading routinesD

1nderstands that print is read and

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range,

TIP: <our #hild will learn the !low o! print by !ollowing your !inger as you point to the words you are reading, Ahile his attention will likely be !i:ed on the illustrations, !ollowing the words with your !inger #an gi'e him a sense o! how words !it on the page,

5egins to match spoken words with written ones

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: C6ight wordsC are a delight to #hildren and parents alike, This is, in a sense, a #hild0s !irst e:perien#e o! reading, o! re#ogni;ing a set o! letters and knowing the word they make, 6ome #hildren a#Buire this skill long be!ore they know the sounds that the indi'idual letters make, while others will learn to de#ode sounds be!ore gaining any sight words, Fne !un way to en#ourage sight words is to #hoose a !amiliar word *like CheC or 2she3+ and e'ery time you #ome to that word in a book to let your #hild say it, .res#hoolers pi#k up sight words 'ery Bui#kly with this kind o! a#ti'ity,

5egins to write letters of the alphabet and some words he uses and hears often
A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: ?t is important to balan#e en#ouragement with stru#ture as your #hild is learning to write letters, He may ha'e #reati'e ways o! shaping his letters, just as he has in'enti'e spelling, (oth o! these are !ine and normal, Howe'er, as you help him to learn #on'entional spelling, it is also important to learn how to !orm the letters properly so that the habits he !orms at home help him in s#hool, Aipe #lean books are an e:#ellent tool to tea#h letter writing, as they usually in#lude arrows with numbers to show whi#h motion #omes !irst, and the #hild #an write dire#tly on top o! the model,

5egins to write stories with some readable parts

A >itera#y milestone !or the 5-6 years age range, TIP: .utting words together to #ommuni#ate in writing is a major milestone !or #hildren, Not long a!ter he begins to re#ogni;e sight words, he will want to begin #ommuni#ating using his new!ound written 'o#abulary,

,s capable of measuring ingredients and using simple kitchen utensils such as an eggbeater, grater, and vegetable peeler
A Gine -otor milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: .ra#ti#e basi# skills until they are mastered be!ore allowing your #hild to try ad'an#ed tasks, As your #hild builds skill and #on!iden#e in the kit#hen, you will ha'e a helper and #onstant #ompanion,

1ses a pencil to make shapes (like a s3uare and then to make letters, words, and sentences
A Gine -otor milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: ?! your #hild does not yet hold a pen#il properly, this is the time to tea#h him, Gorming good habits now will help him !or years to #ome, -any #hildren !ind tra#ing help!ul to learn to write letters and numbers, Aipe-o!! books enable your #hild to do this repeatedly and,

when ready, mo'e to writing independently, ?! your #hild #ontinues to !ind holding a pen#il di!!i#ult, you should dis#uss this with your pediatri#ian,

Draws people, houses and trees with more detail than before (for e2ample& at least 6 body parts when he draws a person
A Gine -otor milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: )hildren de'elop drawing ability with en#ouragement, <ou #an ask your #hild about his drawing and its spe#i!i# parts, This will help him to be more pre#ise in his drawings, ?! he has drawn a person, you #an ask him what is missing and en#ourage him to add the missing elements, but take #are that your #omments don%t sound like #riti#isms,

Performs a series of motions in order to do a complicated motor activity like pumping himself on a swing, skipping, jumping rope, or swimming strokes
A Hross -otor milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: )omple: motor a#ti'ities reBuire instru#tion, en#ouragement, and pra#ti#e, Aithout good instru#tion, a #hild may learn to swim awkwardly but not learn te#hniBues that will make it !un and easy, Aithout en#ouragement, a #hild may be dis#ouraged by the #hallenge o! an a#ti'ity, Aithout pra#ti#e, e'en good instru#tion and en#ouragement will !all short,

Develops more visual.motor coordination and can catch bounced or thrown balls more easily
A Hross -otor milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: <ou0'e always wanted to say, C/eep your eye on the ballDC and now is the time, >ike all skills, pra#ti#e is the key to mastery, To make it easier at !irst, you may want to use a balloon *whi#h is easy to #at#h be#ause it mo'es slowly+ to gi'e him greater su##ess and build #on!iden#e,

5alances on one foot for 78 seconds

A Hross -otor milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: <ou #an help your #hild build #on!iden#e by making it a game& Aho #an balan#e on one !oot !or the longest1 Fr, #an you stand on one !oot with your eyes #losed1

(ecogni4es opposites, defines objects by their use, and uses relatively good sentence structure
A 6pee#h 7 >anguage milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: <ou don0t need to tea#h grammar lessons *yet+ to help your #hild understand parts o! spee#h and use proper stru#ture, -odeling is the best tea#her& speak properly to your #hild and read lots o! books together, ?! your #hild does not use plurals or past tense properly when speaking *despite good modeling+ you should dis#uss this with your pediatri#ian,

1nderstands the rules of conversation and is able to talk, then listen

A 6pee#h 7 >anguage milestone !or the 5-" years age range,

TIP: How you listen to your #hild *and to others+ tea#hes your #hild how to listen, -odel a#ti'e listening with good eye #onta#t, #lari!ying Buestions, and simple restatements o! what has been said,

'nows all the letters and their sounds, and numbers to 788
A )ogniti'e milestone !or the 5-" years age range, TIP: -u#h o! what your #hild will learn in the !irst years o! elementary s#hool will be related to reading, writing, and math, >earning the letter names and sounds *and letter #ombination sounds+ is the !oundation o! learning to read, The best way to rein!or#e these skills is in the #onte:t o! books your #hild lo'es,

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