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ALPFA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 678 Sout/ Grand Avenue, 9:;7 1os Ange es, CA <778= #e .> ?8@-?

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Conta t! "vonne #ar ia A1P$A Nationa P/one> C?7@D ;;;-7877

ALPFA National Board Yvonne Garcia President Gabe Rodriguez Vice-President Hector V. Perez, CPA Past-President Adriana Rojas Secretary Nere ys !rtiz, CPA, CG"A #reasurer Pau $rancisco Associate %irector

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ALPFA Moves Through Next Phase of Growth and Begins CEO Transition after 12 ears of Outstanding !ervi"e
Los Angeles, CA November 15, 2013 Manny Espinoza, Chief Executive Officer of ALPFA, submitted his re uest to ALPFA!s "oard of #irectors to resi$n as CEO durin$ %&'() *he "oard of #irectors of ALPFA, an estab+ished +eader in Latino +eadership deve+opment, has appointed a committee to oversee an interna+ and externa+ search for the or$anization!s next Chief Executive Officer) Mr) Espinoza ,i++ remain invo+ved as an active part of the transition process) Mr) Espinoza has been ALPFA!s CEO since %&&') -nder his +eadership, the or$anization has reached its hi$hest membership numbers in history) .n addition, Mr) Espinoza is responsib+e for openin$ ALPFA to a broader scope of Latino professiona+s and students, and ,as instrumenta+ in the mer$er ,ith the /ationa+ 0ispanic "usiness Association 1/0"A2 and the creation of the ALPFA .nstitute) 34ith the or$anization!s stron$ operatin$ p+atform in p+ace and a ne, dedicated board, it!s the ri$ht time to ma5e this move) ALPFA has $ro,n both or$anica++y and throu$h severa+ strate$ic decisions, resu+tin$ in expandin$ the customer focus and so+ution base for our corporate partners) *he "oard and . be+ieve that this is the ri$ht time for me to transition from ALPFA and that the or$anization is ,e++6prepared for this chan$e in +eadership,7 said Manny Espinoza) Mr) Espinoza ,i++ continue to serve in his capacity as CEO ,hi+e the "oard underta5es the search for a ne, +eader and ,i++ continue to provide the necessary ste,ardship to the or$anization to ensure a smooth transition and a successfu+ on boardin$ of the ne, CEO) 8Manny has ta5en ALPFA to a $reat p+ace and his achievements are an inte$ra+ part of ,hat has made ALPFA so successfu+ a++ these years) On beha+f of the thousands of Latino professiona+s and corporate partners ,e serve, ,e than5 him for his +eadership and a++ he has done for ALPFA) As ALPFA continues to $ro, its membership and customer base, this continues to be an excitin$ time in the history of the or$anization) 4e than5 a++ our members and corporate partners for their support durin$ this transition,7 said 9vonne :arcia, ALPFA!s /ationa+ Chairman) ALPFA!s primary focus ,i++ center on providin$ +eadership deve+opment for Latinos and inte$ration of enterprise +eve+ human capita+ and thou$ht +eadership so+utions to our corporate partners) ALPFA; 0ead uartered in Los An$e+es, Ca+ifornia is the +ar$est Latino Professiona+ or$anization in the country) .ts mission is to create opportunities, add va+ue, bui+d re+ationships for its members, the community and its business partners ,hi+e expandin$ Latino +eadership in the $+oba+ ,or5force)

Patricia &a esteros, C'SA %irector Ric( Cerda %irector )a* an "obray %irector Reyna do Gonza ez %irector Avec !+&rien, CPA %irector ,ri(a Rodriguez %irector %anie Vi ao %irector -avier Reyes %irector -u io C. Ra.irez %irector ALPFA National "anny ,s*inoza, C,! ALPFA Corporate Advisory Board ,dgar A. "ora es, -r., C/air, Pinnac e 'nsurance 0 $inancia Services 11C -ose*/ )osins(i Abbott ' eana "usa &an( o2 A.erica Car os Perez -o/n 3a.ora %e oitte 11P )en &ouyer ,rnst 0 Young -oe "e a Go Sac/s 1ouis "ira.ontes )at/y Hannan )P"G, 11P "i(e Ro ings "ass "utua "ar( %. Sett es Ne4bo d Advisors Ni ou2ar "o avi C/ris Si..ons P4C Pau "c%ona d Robert Ha 2 A ison A. 5uir( State Street #oni Riccardi

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