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NCB No: MOEST/3/2013 2014



Purchaser: Ministry of Education, Science and


Country: Republic of Kenya

Issued on: OCTOBER, 2013
CLOSING DATE: !th No"e#$er% &' ( AT ')'' A)M

Ta$*e o+ Contents
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2 2.1Eligible tenderers........................................................................................................................6 2.2Cost of tendering.........................................................................................................................7 2.3Contents of tender documents.....................................................................................................7 2.4Clarification of Documents ........................................................................................................7 2.5Amendment of documents .........................................................................................................8 2.6 anguage of tender.....................................................................................................................8 2.7Documents Com!rising t"e Tender ...........................................................................................8 2.8#orm of Tender...........................................................................................................................$ 2.$Tender %rices..............................................................................................................................$ 2.1&Tender Currencies ....................................................................................................................$ 2.11 Tenderers Eligibilit' and (ualifications. ................................................................................$ 2.12 Tender )ecurit'........................................................................................................................$ 2.13*alidit' of Tenders ................................................................................................................1& 2.14 #ormat and )igning of Tender ..............................................................................................11 2.15 )ealing and +ar,ing of Tenders ...........................................................................................11 2.16 Deadline for )ubmission of Tenders .....................................................................................11 2.17 +odification and -it"dra-al of tenders ...............................................................................12 2.18 .!ening of Tenders ...............................................................................................................12 2.1$ Clarification of tenders..........................................................................................................13 2.2& %reliminar' E/amination and 0es!onsi1eness......................................................................13 2.22 E1aluation and com!arison of tenders...................................................................................14 2.23. Contacting t"e !rocuring entit'............................................................................................15 2.24 A-ard of Contract .................................................................................................................15 2.25 2otification of a-ard.............................................................................................................16 2.26 )igning of Contract ...............................................................................................................16 2.27 %erformance )ecurit' ............................................................................................................16 2.28 Corru!t or #raudulent %ractices ............................................................................................16 3.1 Definitions................................................................................................................................22 2

3.2 A!!lication..............................................................................................................................22 3.3 )tandards .................................................................................................................................22 3.5 %atent 0ig"t3s ..........................................................................................................................22 3.6 %erformance )ecurit' ..............................................................................................................23 3.7 4ns!ections and Tests ..............................................................................................................23 3.8 %a'ment....................................................................................................................................24 3.$ %rices........................................................................................................................................24 3.1& Assignment............................................................................................................................24 3.1& Termination for Default ........................................................................................................24 3.12 Termination of insol1enc'.....................................................................................................24 3.13 Termination for con1enience ................................................................................................25 3.14 0esolution of dis!utes ...........................................................................................................25 3.15 5o1erning anguage..............................................................................................................25 3.16 #orce +a6eure........................................................................................................................25 3.17 A!!licable a-......................................................................................................................25 3.18 2otices...................................................................................................................................25 C.2#4DE2T4A 78)42E)) (8E)T4.22A40E.....................................................................46 TE2DE0 )EC804T9 :7A2; 58A0A2TEE<...........................................................................48 TE2DE0=)EC80425 DEC A0AT4.2.....................................................................................4$ 42TE504T9 DEC A0AT4.2.....................................................................................................5& 2.2=DE7A0+E2T )TATE+E2T #.0+................................................................................51 C.2T0ACT #.0+)...................................................................................................................54 ETTE0 .# 2.T4#4CAT4.2 T. 82)8CCE))#8 74DDE0).............................................55 ETTE0 .# ACCE%TA2CE>2.T4#4CAT4.2 .# A?A0D....................................................56 #.0+ .# C.2T0ACT A50EE+E2T......................................................................................57 7A2;>42)80A2CE %E0#.0+A2CE 58A0A2TEE............................................................58 7A2;>42)80A2CE AD*A2CE %A9+E2T 58A0A2TEE..................................................5$


)c"ool +eals and 2utrition %rogramme %ro6ect 25&2>4 is a 5.;>82?#% !artners"i!. 4t caters for c"ildren in A)A districts in ;en'a and "as also a com!onent -"ic" caters for t"e disad1antaged urban c"ildren in sc"ools in slums of +u,uru and ;ariobangi in 2airobi. T"e long=term ob6ecti1e is to "el! t"e 5.; ac"ie1e 8ni1ersal %rimar' Education of t"e socio= economicall' disad1antaged and nutritionall' 1ulnerable c"ildren@ es!eciall' girls@ in !re= !rimar' and !rimar' sc"ools in targeted A)A s. 4

#ood commodities are cleared and stored on be"alf of t"e +inistr' of Education@ )cience A Tec"nolog' at t"e %ort of +ombasa b' t"e Coast 5o1ernment Clearing Agent. Trans!ortation to t"e district stores is done b' trans!orters -"o are contracted b' t"e +inistr' of Education@ )cience A Tec"nolog'. T"e District Education .fficer3s .ffice contracts trans!orters -"o ta,e food commodities to t"e sc"ools using t"e district mec"anisms. 5.; 1e"icles in t"e district@ -"ere a1ailable@ are also used. T"e ma6or out!ut of )c"ool +eals %rogramme is furt"erance of Education in A)A areas

t"roug" relie1ing s"ort=term "unger@ en"ancing retention and transition rates. Academic ac"ie1ements are also raised to le1els com!arable to t"e rest of t"e countr'. Contribution to Education #or All :E#A< is t"us !art and !arcel of )c"ool +eals %rogramme@ for -it"out food@ sc"ool attendance -ould be 1er' lo- in arid lands


The MINIST,- O. ED/CATION% SCIENCE 0 TEC1NOLOG- invites sealed tenders fr ! eli"i#le #idders f r the $r visi n f Trans$ rtati n f f d % !! dities t vari &s distri%ts &nder S%h l Meals Pr "ra!!e f r the $eri d 'st De%e!#er ()'* t *)th N ve!#er ()'+,

Interested eli"i#le %andidates !a- #tain f&rther inf r!ati n and ins$e%t the tender d %&!ents fr ! Pr %&re!ent ffi%e l %ated at . " H &se /01 2 th fl r R ! N , 2)*, al n" Hara!#ee Aven&e3 d&rin" n r!al 4 r5in" h &rs &$ n $a-!ent f a n n 6 ref&nda#le fee f 2shs %''')'' (One Thousand Sh3**3n4s) in #an5er %he7&e $er set f d %&!ent $a-a#le t Ministr- f Ed&%ati n3 S%ien%e 8 Te%hn l "- n 9th fl r %ash ffi%e3 R ! 9(: . " H &se ;0<, The d %&!ents %an als #e vie4ed and d 4nl aded fr ! the 4e#site htt$=>>444,ed&%ati n," ,5e3 and the #idders 4h d 4nl ad the tender d %&!ents fr ! the 4e#site #ust +or5ard the3r 6art3cu*ars 3##ed3ate*y +or records and any +urther tender c*ar3+3cat3ons and addenda to 66o7educat3on)4o)8e +or record3n4) Do5n*oaded co63es are +ree) No other e#a3* shou*d $e used) 0ids !&st #e a%% !$anied #- a #id se%&rit- f ?sh '))3))),)) r a d&lsi"ned tender se%&rit- de%larati n f r! f r - &th3 4 !en and $ers ns 4ith disa#ilit-3 and !&st #e delivered t =6

The Pr3nc36a* Secretary M3n3stry O+ Educat3on% Sc3ence 0 Techno*o4y P)O) Bo9 ('':' Na3ro$3

r #e de$ sited at the tender # @ l %ated at the re%e$ti n area f . " H &se /01 Hara!#ee Aven&e3 n r #ef re AAAA% &' ( at ')'' a)#) C !$lete tender d %&!ents in $lain sealed envel $es and !ar5ed / Tender No) MOEST;'(;&' (<&' := Pro"3s3on o+ Trans6ortat3on o+ .ood Co##od3t3es to "ar3ous D3str3cts under Schoo* .eed3n4 Pro4ra##e to the Pr3nc36a* Secretary M3n3stry o+ Educat3on% Sc3ence 0 Techno*o4y P)O) Bo9 ('':' Na3ro$3) Late #ids shall n t #e a%%e$ted after %l sin" ti!e and date, Tenders shall #e $ened i!!ediatel- thereafter in the $resen%e f %andidates1 r their re$resentatives 4h %h se t attend n AAA, at ')''AM on 'th +*oor con+erence roo#)

Head S !!"# C$a%& Ma&a'e(e&) F*+, PRINCIPAL SECRETARYSECTION II . INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 2-/E"%'%0"e )e&de+e+1
2.1.1. T"is 4n1itation to tender is o!en to all tenderers eligible as described in t"e instructions to tenderers. )uccessful tenderers s"all !ro1ide t"e ser1ices for t"e sti!ulated duration from t"e da)e of commencement :"ereinafter referred to as t"e term< s!ecified in t"e tender documents. 2.1.2. T"e !rocuring entit'3s em!lo'ees@ committee members@ board members and t"eir relati1e :s!ouse and c"ildren< are not eligible to !artici!ate in t"e tender unless -"ere s!eciall' allo-ed under section 131 of t"e Act. 6

2.1.3. Tenderers s"all !ro1ide t"e Bualification information statement t"at t"e tenderer :including all members@ of a 6oint 1enture and subcontractors< is not associated@ or "a1e been associated in t"e !ast@ directl' or indirectl'@ -it" a firm or an' of its affiliates -"ic" "a1e been engaged b' t"e %rocuring entit' to !ro1ide consulting ser1ices for t"e !re!aration of t"e design@ s!ecifications@ and ot"er documents to be used for t"e !rocurement of t"e ser1ices under t"is 4n1itation for tenders. 2.1.4. Tenderers in1ol1ed in corru!t or fraudulent !ractices or debarred from !artici!ating in !ublic !rocurement s"all not be eligible.

2-2C*1) *2 )e&de+%&'
2-2-/ T"e Tenderer s"all bear all costs associated -it" t"e !re!aration and submission of its tender@ and t"e !rocuring entit'@ -ill in no case be res!onsible or liable for t"ose costs@ regardless of t"e conduct or outcome of t"e tendering !rocess. T"e !rice to be c"arged for t"e tender document s"all not e/ceed ;s"s.1@&&&>C T"e !rocuring entit' s"all allo- t"e tenderer to re1ie- t"e tender document free of c"arge before !urc"ase.

2-2-2 2-2-3

2-3C*&)e&)1 *2 )e&de+ d*4 (e&)1

2.1.5. T"e tender document com!rises of t"e documents listed belo- and addenda issued in accordance -it" clause 6 of t"ese instructions to tenders i< 4nstructions to tenderers ii< 5eneral Conditions of Contract iii< )!ecial Condtions of Contract i1< )c"edule of 0eBuirements 1< Details of ser1ice 1i< #orm of tender 1ii< %rice sc"edules 1iii< Contract form i/< Confidential business Buestionnaire form /< Tender securit' form /i< %erformance securit' form /ii< %rinci!al3s or manufacturers aut"oriDation form /iii< Declaration form 2.3.2. T"e Tenderer is e/!ected to e/amine all instructions@ forms@ terms@ and s!ecifications in t"e tender documents. #ailure to furnis" all information reBuired b' t"e tender documents or to submit a tender not substantiall' res!onsi1e to t"e tender documents in e1er' res!ect -ill be at t"e tenderers ris, and ma' result in t"e re6ection of its tender.

2-4C"a+%2%4a)%*& *2 D*4 (e&)1

2.1.6. A !ros!ecti1e candidate ma,ing inBuiries of t"e tender document ma' notif' t"e %rocuring entit' in -riting or b' !ost@ fa/ or email at t"e entit'3s address indicated in t"e 4n1itation for tenders. T"e %rocuring entit' -ill res!ond in -riting to an' reBuest for clarification of t"e tender documents@ -"ic" it recei1es no later t"an se1en :7< da's !rior to t"e deadline for t"e submission of tenders@ !rescribed b' t"e !rocuring entit'. ?ritten co!ies of t"e %rocuring entities res!onse :including an 7

e/!lanation of t"e Buer' but -it"out identif'ing t"e source of inBuir'< -ill be sent to all !ros!ecti1e tenderers -"o "a1e recei1ed t"e tender documentsE 2.1.7. T"e !rocuring entit' s"all re!l' to an' clarifications soug"t b' t"e tenderer -it"in 3 da's of recei1ing t"e reBuest to enable t"e tenderer to ma,e timel' submission of its tender

2-5A(e&d(e&) *2 d*4 (e&)1

2.1.8. At an' time !rior to t"e deadline for submission of tenders@ t"e %rocuring entit'@ for an' reason@ -"et"er at its o-n initiati1e or in res!onse to a clarification reBuested b' a !ros!ecti1e tenderer@ ma' modif' t"e tender documents b' issuing an addendum. 2.1.$. All !ros!ecti1e tenderers -"o "a1e obtained t"e tender documents -ill be notified of t"e amendment b' !ost@ fa/ or email and suc" amendment -ill be binding on t"em. 2.5.3. 4n order to allo- !ros!ecti1e tenderers reasonable time in -"ic" to ta,e t"e amendment into account in !re!aring t"eir tenders@ t"e %rocuring entit'@ at its discretion@ ma' e/tend t"e deadline for t"e submission of tenders.

2-5La&' a'e *2 )e&de+

2.6.1. T"e tender !re!ared b' t"e tenderer@ as -ell as all corres!ondence and documents relating to t"e tender e/c"anged b' t"e tenderer and t"e %rocuring entit'@ s"all be -ritten in Englis" language. An' !rinted literature furnis"ed b' t"e tenderer ma' be -ritten in anot"er language !ro1ided t"e' are accom!anied b' an accurate Englis" translation of t"e rele1ant !assages in -"ic" case@ for !ur!oses of inter!retation of t"e tender@ t"e Englis" translation s"all go1ern.

2-6D*4 (e&)1 C*(!+%1%&' )$e Te&de+

T"e tender !re!ared b' t"e tenderer s"all com!rise t"e follo-ing com!onentsF :a< A Tender #orm and a %rice )c"edule com!leted in accordance -it" !aragra!" $@ 1& and 11 belo-. :b< Documentar' e1idence establis"ed in accordance -it" Clause 2.11 t"at t"e tenderer is eligible to tender and is Bualified to !erform t"e contract if its tender is acce!tedG :c< Tender securit' furnis"ed is in accordance -it" Clause 2.12 :d<Confidential business Buestionnaire

2-7F*+( *2 Te&de+
2.8.1 T"e tenderers s"all com!lete t"e #orm of Tender and t"e a!!ro!riate %rice )c"edule furnis"ed in t"e tender documents@ indicating t"e ser1ices to be !erformed.

2-8Te&de+ P+%4e1
2.$.1 2.$.2 2.$.3 T"e tenderer s"all indicate on t"e %rice sc"edule t"e unit !rices -"ere a!!licable and total tender !rices of t"e ser1ices it !ro!oses to !ro1ide under t"e contract. %rices indicated on t"e %rice )c"edule s"all be t"e cost of t"e ser1ices Buoted including all customs duties and *AT and ot"er ta/es !a'ableF %rices Buoted 0# t"e tenderer s"all remain fi/ed during t"e term of t"e contract unless ot"er-ise agreed b' t"e !arties. A tender submitted -it" an ad6ustable !rice Buotation -ill be treated as non=res!onsi1e and -ill be re6ected@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.22. Contract !rice 1ariations s"all not be allo-ed for contracts not e/ceeding one 'ear :12 mont"s< ?"ere contract !rice 1ariation is allo-ed@ t"e 1ariation s"all not e/ceed 1&H of t"e original contract !rice. %rice 1ariation reBuests s"all be !rocessed b' t"e !rocuring entit' -it"in 3& da's of recei1ing t"e reBuest.

2.$.4 2.$.5 2.$.6

2-/0 Te&de+ C ++e&4%e1

2.$.7 %rices s"all be Buoted in ;en'a )"illings unless ot"er-ise s!ecified in t"e a!!endi/ to in 4nstructions to Tenderers

2-// Te&de+e+1 E"%'%0%"%)# a&d 9 a"%2%4a)%*&1&) )

%ursuant to Clause 2.1 t"e tenderer s"all furnis"@ as !art of its tender@ documents establis"ing t"e tenderers eligibilit' to tender and its Bualifications to !erform t"e contract if its tender is acce!ted.

2.11.2 T"e documentar' e1idence of t"e tenderers Bualifications to !erform t"e contract if its tender is acce!ted s"all establis" to t"e %rocuring entit'3s satisfaction t"at t"e tenderer "as t"e financial and tec"nical ca!abilit' necessar' to !erform t"e contract.

2-/2 Te&de+ Se4 +%)#

2.12.1 T"e tenderer s"all furnis"@ as !art of its tender@ a tender securit' for t"e amount and form s!ecified in t"e 4n1itation to tender. 2.12.2 T"e tender securit' s"all be in t"e amount not e/ceeding 2 !er cent of t"e tender !rice. $

2.12.3 T"e tender securit' is reBuired to !rotect t"e %rocuring entit' against t"e ris, of Tenderer3s conduct -"ic" -ould -arrant t"e securit'3s forfeiture@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.12.7 2.12.3 T"e tender securit' s"all be denominated in a ;en'a )"illings or in anot"er freel' con1ertible currenc' and s"all be in t"e form ofF a< A ban, guarantee. b< Cas".

c< )uc" insurance guarantee a!!ro1ed b' t"e Aut"orit'. d< etter of credit

2.12.4 An' tender not secured in accordance -it" !aragra!" 2.12.1 and 2.12.3 -ill be re6ected b' t"e %rocuring entit' as non res!onsi1e@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.2& 2.12.5 8nsuccessful tenderer3s securit' -ill be disc"arged or returned as !rom!tl' as !ossible but not later t"an t"irt' :3&< da's after t"e e/!iration of t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit' !rescribed b' t"e !rocuring entit'. 2.12.6 T"e successful tenderer3s tender securit' -ill be disc"arged u!on t"e tenderer signing t"e contract@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.2$@ and furnis"ing t"e !erformance securit'@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.3&. 2.12.7 T"e tender securit' ma' be forfeitedF :a< 4f a tenderer :%)$d+a:1 its tender d +%&' t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit' s!ecified b' t"e !rocuring entit' on t"e Tender #ormG or :b< 4n t"e case of a successful tenderer@ if t"e tenderer failsF :i< to sign t"e contract in accordance -it" !aragra!" 3& *+ :ii< to furnis" !erformance securit' in accordance -it" !aragra!" 31. :c< 4f t"e tenderer re6ects@ correction of an error in t"e tender.

2-/3 ;a"%d%)# *2 Te&de+1 (,'*,'

Tenders s"all remain 1alid for $& da's or as s!ecified in t"e in1itation to tender after date of tender o!ening !rescribed b' t"e %rocuring entit'@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 1&

2.18. A tender 1alid for a s"orter !eriod s"all be re6ected b' t"e %rocuring entit' as nonres!onsi1e. 2.13.2 4n e/ce!tional circumstances@ t"e %rocuring entit' ma' solicit t"e Tenderer3s consent to an e/tension of t"e !eriod of 1alidit'. T"e reBuest and t"e res!onses t"ereto s"all be made in -riting. T"e tender securit' !ro1ided under !aragra!" 2.12 s"all also be suitabl' e/tended. A tenderer ma' refuse t"e reBuest -it"out forfeiting its tender securit'. A tenderer granting t"e reBuest -ill not be reBuired nor !ermitted to modif' its tender.

2-/4 F*+(a) a&d S%'&%&' *2 Te&de+ (,'+,'

T"e tenderer s"all !re!are t-o co!ies of t"e tender@ clearl' / mar,ing eac" I.04542A TE2DE0E and IC.%9 .# TE2DE0@E as a!!ro!riate. 4n t"e e1ent of an' discre!anc' bet-een t"em@ t"e original s"all go1ern.

2.14.2 T"e original and all co!ies of t"e tender s"all be t'!ed or -ritten in indelible in, and s"all be signed b' t"e tenderer or a !erson or !ersons dul' aut"oriDed to bind t"e tenderer to t"e contract. All !ages of t"e tender@ e/ce!t for unamended !rinted literature@ s"all be initialed b' t"e !erson or !ersons signing t"e tender. 2.14.3 T"e tender s"all "a1e no interlineations@ erasures@ or o1er-riting e/ce!t as necessar' to correct errors made b' t"e tenderer@ in -"ic" case suc" corrections s"all be initialed b' t"e !erson or !ersons signing t"e tender.

2-/5 Sea"%&' a&d Ma+<%&' *2 Te&de+1 (,':,'

T"e tenderer s"all seal t"e original and eac" co!' of t"e tender in se!arate en1elo!es@ dul' mar,ing t"e en1elo!es as I.04542A E and IC.%9.E T"e en1elo!es s"all t"en be sealed in an outer en1elo!e. T"e inner and outer en1elo!es s"allF :a< be addressed to t"e %rocuring entit' at t"e address gi1en in t"e in1itation to tender :b< bear@ tender number and name in t"e in1itation to tender and t"e -ordsF ID. 2.T .%E2 7E#.0E /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3 a) /0-00 a-(2.15.3 T"e inner en1elo!es s"all also indicate t"e name and address of t"e tenderer to enable t"e tender to be returned uno!ened in case it is declared IlateE. 2.15.4 4f t"e outer en1elo!e is not sealed and mar,ed as reBuired b' !aragra!" 2.15.2@ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill assume no res!onsibilit' for t"e tender3s mis!lacement or !remature o!ening.

2-/5 Dead"%&e 2*+ S 0(%11%*& *2 Te&de+1 (,'B,'

Tenders must be recei1ed b' t"e %rocuring entit' at t"e address s!ecified under !aragra!" 2.15.2 no later t"an /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3 at /0-00 a-(-@E


2.16.2 T"e !rocuring entit' ma'@ at its discretion@ e/tend t"is deadline for t"e submission of tenders b' amending t"e tender documents in accordance -it" !aragra!" 6@ in -"ic" case all rig"ts and obligations of t"e !rocuring entit' and candidates !re1iousl' sub6ect to t"e deadline -ill t"ereafter be sub6ect to t"e deadline as e/tended. 2.16.3 7ul,' tenders -"ic" -ill not fit in t"e tender bo/ s"all be recei1ed b' t"e !rocuring entit' as !ro1ided for in t"e a!!endi/.

2-/6 M*d%2%4a)%*& a&d :%)$d+a:a" *2 )e&de+1 (,'C,'

T"e tenderer ma' modif' or -it"dra- its tender after t"e tender3s submission@ !ro1ided t"at -ritten notice of t"e modification @ including substitution or -it"dra-al of t"e tender3s is recei1ed b' t"e !rocuring entit' !rior to t"e deadline !rescribed for t"e submission of tenders.

2.17.2 T"e Tenderer3s modification or -it"dra-al notice s"all be !re!ared@ sealed@ mar,ed@ and dis!atc"ed in accordance -it" t"e !ro1isions of !aragra!" 2.15. A -it"dra-al notice ma' also be sent b' cable@ but follo-ed b' a signed confirmation co!'@ !ostmar,ed not later t"an t"e deadline for submission of tenders. 2.17.3 2o tender ma' be modified after t"e deadline for submission of tenders. 2.17.4 2o tender ma' be -it"dra-n in t"e inter1al bet-een t"e deadline for submission of tenders and t"e e/!iration of t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit' s!ecified b' t"e tenderer on t"e Tender #orm. ?it"dra-al of a tender during t"is inter1al ma' result in t"e Tenderer3s forfeiture of its tender securit'@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.12.7. 2.17.5 T"e !rocuring entit' ma' at an' time terminate !rocurement !roceedings before contract a-ard and s"all not be liable to an' !erson for t"e termination. 2.17.6 T"e !rocuring entit' s"all gi1e !rom!t notice of t"e termination to t"e tenderers and on reBuest gi1e its reasons for termination -it"in 14 da's of recei1ing t"e reBuest from an' tenderer.

2-/7 O!e&%&' *2 Te&de+1 (,'2,'

T"e %rocuring entit' -ill o!en all tenders in t"e !resence of tenderers3 re!resentati1es -"o c"oose to attend@ on /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3 at /0-00 a-(@ and in t"e location s!ecified in t"e in1itation to tender. T"e tenderers3 re!resentati1es -"o are !resent s"all sign a register e1idencing t"eir attendance.

2.18.3 T"e tenderers3 names@ tender modifications or -it"dra-als@ tender !rices@ discounts@ and t"e !resence or absence of reBuisite tender securit' and suc" ot"er details as t"e %rocuring Entit'@ at its discretion@ ma' consider a!!ro!riate@ -ill be announced at t"e o!ening. 2.18.4 T"e !rocuring entit' -ill !re!are minutes of t"e tender o!ening -"ic" -ill be submitted to t"e tenderers t"at signed t"e tender o!ening register and -ill "a1e made t"e reBuest.


2-/8 C"a+%2%4a)%*& *2 )e&de+1 (,'9,'

To assist in t"e e/amination@ e1aluation and com!arison of tenders t"e !rocuring entit' ma' at its discretion @ as, t"e tenderer for a clarification of its tender. T"e reBuest for clarification and t"e res!onse s"all be in -riting@ and no c"ange in t"e !rices or substance s"all be soug"t@ offered@ or !ermitted.

2.1$.2 An' effort b' t"e tenderer to influence t"e !rocuring entit' in t"e !rocuring entit'3s tender e1aluation@ tender com!arision or contract a-ard decisions ma' result in t"e re6ection of t"e tenderers tender. Com!arison or contract a-ard decisions ma' result in t"e re6ection of t"e tenderers3 tender.

2-20 P+e"%(%&a+# E?a(%&a)%*& a&d Re1!*&1%=e&e11 (,(),'

T"e %rocuring entit' -ill e/amine t"e tenders to determine -"et"er t"e' are com!lete@ -"et"er an' com!utational errors "a1e been made@ -"et"er reBuired securities "a1e been furnis"ed -"et"er t"e documents "a1e been !ro!erl' signed@ and -"et"er t"e tenders are generall' in order.

2.2&.2 Arit"metical errors -ill be rectified on t"e follo-ing basis. 4f t"ere is a discre!anc' bet-een t"e unit !rice and t"e total !rice t"at is obtained b' multi!l'ing t"e unit !rice and Buantit'@ t"e unit !rice s"all !re1ail@ and t"e total !rice s"all be corrected. if t"e candidate does not acce!t t"e correction of t"e errors@ its tender -ill be re6ected@ and its tender securit' ma' be forfeited. 4f t"ere is a discre!anc' bet-een -ords and figures@ t"e amount in -ords -ill !re1ail. 2.2&.3 T"e %rocuring entit' ma' -ai1e an' minor informalit' or nonconformit' or irregularit' in a tender -"ic" does not constitute a material de1iation@ !ro1ided suc" -ai1er does not !re6udice or affect t"e relati1e ran,ing of an' tenderer. 2.2&.4 %rior to t"e detailed e1aluation@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 23@ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill determine t"e substantial res!onsi1eness of eac" tender to t"e tender documents. #or !ur!oses of t"ese !aragra!"s@ a substantiall' res!onsi1e tender is one -"ic" conforms to all t"e terms and conditions of t"e tender documents -it"out material de1iations. T"e %rocuring entit'3s determination of a tender3s res!onsi1eness is to be based on t"e contents of t"e tender itself -it"out recourse to e/trinsic e1idence. 2.2&.5 4f a tender is not substantiall' res!onsi1e@ it -ill be re6ected b' t"e %rocuring entit' and ma' not subseBuentl' be made res!onsi1e b' t"e tenderer b' correction of t"e nonconformit'.

(,(' Con"ers3on to a s3n4*e currency (,(','

?"ere ot"er currencies are used@ t"e !rocuring entit' -ill con1ert t"ose currencies to ;en'a s"illings using t"e selling e/c"ange rate on t"e date of tender closing !ro1ided b' t"e central ban, of ;en'a, 13

2-22 E=a" a)%*& a&d 4*(!a+%1*& *2 )e&de+1(,((,'

T"e !rocuring entit' -ill e1aluate and com!are t"e tenders -"ic" "a1e been determined to be substantiall' res!onsi1e@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.2&

2.22.2 T"e com!arison s"all be of t"e !rice including all costs as -ell as duties and ta/es !a'able on all t"e materials to be used in t"e !ro1ision of t"e ser1ices. 2.22.3 T"e %rocuring entit'3s e1aluation of a tender -ill ta,e into account@ in addition to t"e tender !rice@ t"e follo-ing factors@ in t"e manner and to t"e e/tent indicated in !aragra!" 2.22.4 and in t"e tec"nical s!ecificationsF :a< o!erational !lan !ro!osed in t"e tenderG :b< de1iations in !a'ment sc"edule from t"at s!ecified in t"e )!ecial Conditions of ContractG 2.22.4 %ursuant to !aragra!" 22.3 -ill be :a< Operational Plan. t"e follo-ing e1aluation a!!liedF met"ods

T"e %rocuring entit' reBuires t"at t"e ser1ices under t"e 4n1itation for Tenders s"all be !erformed at t"e time s!ecified in t"e )c"edule of 0eBuirements. Tenders offering to !erform longer t"an t"e !rocuring entit'3s reBuired deli1er' time -ill be treated as non= res!onsi1e and re6ected. :b< Deviation in payment schedule. Tenderers s"all state t"eir tender !rice for t"e !a'ment on a sc"edule outlined in t"e s!ecial conditions of contract. Tenders -ill be e1aluated on t"e basis of t"is base !rice. Tenderers are@ "o-e1er@ !ermitted to state an alternati1e !a'ment sc"edule and indicate t"e reduction in tender !rice t"e' -is" to offer for suc" alternati1e !a'ment sc"edule. T"e %rocuring entit' ma' consider t"e alternati1e !a'ment sc"edule offered b' t"e selected tenderer. 2.22.5 T"e tender e1aluation committee s"all e1aluate t"e tender -it"in 3& da's from t"e date of o!ening t"e tender. 2.22.6 To Bualif' for contract a-ards@ t"e tenderer s"all "a1e t"e follo-ingF= :a< :b< :c< 2ecessar' Bualifications@ ca!abilit' e/!erience@ ser1ices@ eBui!ment and facilities to !ro1ide -"at is being !rocured. egal ca!acit' to enter into a contract for !rocurement )"all not be insol1ent@ in recei1ers"i!@ ban,ru!t or in t"e !rocess of being -ound u! and is not t"e sub6ect of legal !roceedings relating to t"e foregoing 14


)"all not be debarred from !artici!ating in !ublic !rocurement.

2-23- C*&)a4)%&' )$e !+*4 +%&' e&)%)# (,(*,'

)ub6ect to !aragra!" 2.1$@ no tenderer s"all contact t"e !rocuring entit' on an' matter relating to its tender@ from t"e time of t"e tender o!ening to t"e time t"e contract is a-arded.

2.23.2 An' effort b' a tenderer to influence t"e !rocuring entit' in its decisions on tender e1aluation tender com!arison or contract a-ard ma' result in t"e re6ection of t"e tenderers tender.

2-24 A:a+d *2 C*&)+a4)

a< P*1) @ a"%2%4a)%*& 2.24.1 4n t"e absence of !re=Bualification@ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill determine to its satisfaction -"et"er t"e tenderer t"at is selected as "a1ing submitted t"e lo-est e1aluated res!onsi1e tender is Bualified to !erform t"e contract satisfactoril'. 2.24.2 T"e determination -ill ta,e into account t"e tenderer3s financial and tec"nical ca!abilities. 4t -ill be based u!on an e/amination of t"e documentar' e1idence of t"e tenderers Bualifications submitted b' t"e tenderer@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.1.2@ as -ell as suc" ot"er information as t"e %rocuring entit' deems necessar' and a!!ro!riate. 2.24.3 An affirmati1e determination -ill be a !rereBuisite for a-ard of t"e contract to t"e tenderer. A negati1e determination -ill result in re6ection of t"e Tenderer3s tender@ in -"ic" e1ent t"e %rocuring entit' -ill !roceed to t"e ne/t lo-est e1aluated tender to ma,e a similar determination of t"at Tenderer3s ca!abilities to !erform satisfactoril'. b< A:a+d C+%)e+%a

2.24.3 )ub6ect to !aragra!" 2.2$ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill a-ard t"e contract to t"e successful tenderer -"ose tender "as been determined to be substantiall' res!onsi1e and "as been determined to be t"e lo-est e1aluated tender@ !ro1ided furt"er t"at t"e tenderer is determined to be Bualified to !erform t"e contract satisfactoril'. 2.24.4 T"e !rocuring entit' reser1es t"e rig"t to acce!t or re6ect an' tender and to annul t"e tendering !rocess and re6ect all tenders at an' time !rior to contract a-ard@ -it"out t"ereb' incurring an' liabilit' to t"e affected tenderer or tenderers or an' obligation to inform t"e affected tenderer or tenderers of t"e grounds for t"e !rocuring entit'3s action. 4f t"e !rocuring entit' determines t"at none of t"e tenderers is res!onsi1eG t"e !rocuring entit' s"all notif' eac" tenderer -"o submitted a tender.


2.24.5 A tenderer -"o gi1es false information in t"e tender document about its Bualification or -"o refuses to enter into a contract after notification of contract a-ard s"all be considered for debarment from !artici!ating in future !ublic !rocurement.

2-25 N*)%2%4a)%*& *2 a:a+d (,(:,'

%rior to t"e e/!iration of t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit'@ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill notif' t"e successful tenderer in -riting t"at its tender "as been acce!ted.

2.25.2 T"e notification of a-ard -ill signif' t"e formation of t"e Contract sub6ect to t"e signing of t"e contract bet-een t"e tenderer and t"e !rocuring entit' !ursuant to clause 2.2$. )imultaneousl' t"e ot"er tenderers s"all be notified t"at t"eir tenders "a1e not been successful. 2.25.3 8!on t"e successful Tenderer3s furnis"ing of t"e !erformance securit' !ursuant to !aragra!" 31@ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill !rom!tl' notif' eac" unsuccessful Tenderer and -ill disc"arge its tender securit'@ !ursuant to !aragra!" 2.12

2-25 S%'&%&' *2 C*&)+a4) (,(B,'

At t"e same time as t"e %rocuring entit' notifies t"e successful tenderer t"at its tender "as been acce!ted@ t"e %rocuring entit' -ill simultaneousl' inform t"e ot"er tenderers t"at t"eir tenders "a1e not been successful.

2.26.2 ?it"in fourteen :14< da's of recei!t of t"e Contract #orm@ t"e successful tenderer s"all sign and date t"e contract and return %) to t"e %rocuring entit'. 2.26.3 T"e !arties to t"e contract s"all "a1e it signed -it"in 3& da's from t"e date of notification of contract a-ard unless t"ere is an administrati1e re1ie- reBuest.

2-26 Pe+2*+(a&4e Se4 +%)# (,(C,'

?it"in t"irt' :3&< da's of t"e recei!t of notification of a-ard from t"e %rocuring entit'@ t"e successful tenderer s"all furnis" t"e !erformance securit' in accordance -it" t"e Conditions of Contract@ in t"e %erformance )ecurit' #orm !ro1ided in t"e tender documents@ or in anot"er form acce!table to t"e %rocuring entit'.

2.27.2 #ailure of t"e successful tenderer to com!l' -it" t"e reBuirement of !aragra!" 2.2$ or !aragra!" 2.3&.1 s"all constitute sufficient grounds for t"e annulment of t"e a-ard and forfeiture of t"e tender securit'@ in -"ic" e1ent t"e %rocuring entit' ma' ma,e t"e a-ard to t"e ne/t lo-est e1aluated or call for ne- tenders.

2-27 C*++ !) *+ F+a d "e&) P+a4)%4e1 (,(2,'

T"e %rocuring entit' reBuires t"at tenderers obser1e t"e "ig"est standard of et"ics during t"e !rocurement !rocess and e/ecution of contracts. A tenderer s"all sign a declaration t"at "e "as not and -ill not be in1ol1ed in corru!t or fraudulent !ractices. 16

2.28.2 T"e !rocuring entit' -ill re6ect a !ro!osal for a-ard if it determines t"at t"e tenderer recommended for a-ard "as engaged in corru!t or fraudulent !ractices in com!eting for t"e contract in BuestionG 2.28.3 #urt"er@ a tenderer -"o is found to "a1e indulged in corru!t or fraudulent !ractices ris,s being debarred from !artici!ating in !ublic !rocurement in ;en'a.

A!!e&d%? )* %&1)+ 4)%*&1 )* )e&de+e+1

T"e follo-ing information for !rocurement of ser1ices s"all com!lement or amend t"e !ro1isions of t"e instructions to tenderers. ?"ere1er t"ere is a conflict bet-een t"e !ro1isions of t"e instructions to tenderers and t"e !ro1isions of t"e a!!endi/@ t"e !ro1isions of t"e a!!endi/ "erein s"all !re1ail o1er t"ose of t"e instructions to tenderers ITT 2.1.1 2.1.3 2.4.1 Pa+)%4 "a+1 *2 a!!e&d%? )* %&1)+ 4)%*&1 )* )e&de+e+1 %articulars of eligible tenderersG A"" %&)e+e1)ed 0%dde+1A 6oint *enture@ consortium or an association is a!!licable. All !arties s"all be 6ointl' and se1erall' liableJYES T"e address for clarification of Tender documents is AttentionF T$e Head S !!"# C$a%& Ma&a'e(e&)> M%&%1)+# *2 Ed 4a)%*& S4%e&4e a&d Te4$&*"*'#> J*'** H* 1e B> Ha+a(0ee A=e& e P-O B*? 30040A00/00 NAIROBIA KENYA Tele!"oneF K254 020 3/757/ Electronic mail addressF !!oLeducation.go.,e 17

2.4.2 2.6.1 2.$.3 2.1&

%eriod to res!ond to reBuest for clarification Seven Days %eriod !rior to deadline for submission of Tenders for t"e Tenderers to reBuest clarifications !" days. T"e anguage of all corres!ondence and documents related to t"e Tender isF E&'"%1$ T$e !+%4e 1$a"" 0e 2%?ed%articulars of ot"er currencies allo-edF %rices to be Buoted %& Ke&#a S$%""%&'1 )!ecif' t"e target grou! for !reference or reser1ations M Y* )$> W*(e& a&d Pe+1*&1 :%)$ d%1a0%"%)# A))a4$ )e&de+ 1e4 +%&' de4"a+a)%*& 2*+( d "# 2%""ed Ce+)%2%4a)e *2 Re'%1)+a)%*& 2+*( )$e Na)%*&a" T+ea1 +# E=%de&4e )$a) )$e 2%+( $a1 60B (e(0e+1$%! *2 #* )$ *+ !e+1*&1 :%)$ d%1a0%"%)# a&d "eade+1$%! %1 /00B #* )$ a&d !e+1*&1 :%)$ d%1a0%"%)#. %articulars of eligibilit' and Bualifications documents of e1idence reBuired. A))a4$ 4e+)%2%4a)e *2 +e'%1)+a)%*&/ %&4*+!*+a)%*& A))a4$ "*4a" a )$*+%)# )+ad%&' "%4e&1e Ta? 4*(!"%a&4e 4e+)%2%4a)e L*'0**<1 2*+ )+ 4<1 a&d +e'%1)+a)%*& %articulars of tender securit' if a!!licableG = ;s" 1&&@&&&.&& from a re!utable financial institution 1alid for 15& da's from tender o!ening date or a tender declaration form for 'out"@ -omen and !ersons -it" disabilit'. Tender *alidit'F 12& da's from t"e date of t"e o!ening 2umber of co!iesF / *+%'%&a" C 2 4*!# Deadline for submission of tendersF The #ead o$ Supply Chain %ana&ement Services, %inistry o$ Education science and Technolo&y, 'o&oo #ouse (B) , #aram*ee +venue, P.O Bo, -""."/""!"" 0+1ROB1/ 2E0Y+ T$e dead"%&e 2*+ 0%d 1 0(%11%*& %1, Da)e, T e1da# /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3 T%(e,!".""am local time Tender nameF =Trans!ortation of food commodities to 1arious districts under )c"ool +eals %rogramme. T"e identification number of t"e bidding !rocess isF 0CB3%OEST3 "43 4"!- 5 4"!.. T"e deadline for Tender submission is a< Da' T e1da# b< Date /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3 Time !".""am local time T"e Tender o!ening s"all ta,e !lace atF %inistry o$ Education Science and Technolo&y, 'o&oo #ouse B , #aram*ee +venue, 0airo*i / 2enya 4nd 6loor Con$erence Room, Da)e, T e1da# /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3T%(e, !".""am local time. T"e %reliminar' e1aluation s"all beF a- Ma&da)*+# +e@ %+e(e&)1 DMRE 18


2.12.1 2.13.1 2.14.2 2.16.1




NB,A) )$%1 1)a'e> )$e )e&de+e+F1 1 0(%11%*& :%"" e%)$e+ 0e +e1!*&1%=e *+ &*&A +e1!*&1%=e %-e- YES/NO Ba1%1- T$e &*&A+e1!*&1%=e 1 0(%11%*&1 :%"" 0e e"%(%&a)ed 2+*( )$e e&)%+e e=a" a)%*& !+*4e11 a&d :%"" &*) 0e 4*&1%de+ed 2 +)$e+S/N* Re@ %+e(e&)1 Re1!*&1%=e *+ N*) Re1!*&1%=e 1. +ust submit a co!' of certificate of registration > incor!oration 2. +ust submit a co!' of 1alid ta/ com!liance certificate 3. +ust fill t"e !rice sc"edule in t"e format !ro1ided 4. +ust fill t"e form of tender in t"e format !ro1ided 5. +ust submit a dull' filled u! confidential business Buestionnaire in t"e format !ro1ided 6. Tender securit' of ;s" 1&&@&&&.&& from a re!utable financial institution 1alid for 15& da's from t"e date of tender o!ening or filled and signed tender securing declaration form for 'out"@ -omen and !ersons -it" disabilit'. 7. +ust fill trans!orters confidential form T* @ a"%2# a1 a #* )$ a&d !e+1*&1 :%)$ d%1a0%"%)# )$e 0%dde+ ( 1) a))a4$, 8. A registration certificate from t"e rele1ant go1ernment bod'. $. Co!' of a C012 searc" s"o-ing list of Directors. An enter!rise o-ned b' 9out"@ ?omen or !ersons -it" disabilities s"all "a1e at least 7&H members"i! of 'out"@ -omen or !ersons -it" disabilities and t"e leaders"i! s"all be 1&&H 'out"@ -omen and !ersons -it" disabilit'@ res!ecti1el'. 1&. Clearance certificate from t"e 'out" enter!rise fund if 'ou are 'out"G ?omen 5ender Directorate if a ?omanG and Certification from 2ational Council for %ersons -it" Disabilit' if 'ou are a !erson -it" Disabilit'. 11. Attac" t"eir co!ies of t"e 2ational 4dentit' Card> %ass!ort C*++e4)%*& *2 A+%)$(e)%4a" E++*+1 :a< ?"ere t"ere are errors bet-een t"e total of t"e amounts gi1en under t"e column for t"e !rice brea,do-n and t"e amount gi1en under t"e Total %rice@ t"e former s"all !re1ail and t"e latter -ill be corrected accordingl' :b< 4f t"ere is a discre!anc' bet-een t"e unit !rice and t"e total !rice t"at is obtained b' multi!l'ing t"e unit !rice and Buantit'@ t"e unit !rice s"all !re1ail and t"e total !rice s"all be corrected@ unless in t"e o!inion of t"e %urc"aser t"ere is an ob1ious mis!lacement of t"e decimal !oint in t"e unit !rice@ in -"ic" case t"e total !rice as Buoted s"all go1ern and t"e unit !rice s"all be correctedG :c< 4f t"ere is an error in a total corres!onding to t"e addition or subtraction of subtotals@ t"e subtotals s"all !re1ail and t"e total s"all be correctedG and :d< 4f t"ere is a discre!anc' bet-een -ords and figures@ t"e amount in -ords s"all !re1ail@ unless t"e amount e/!ressed in -ords is related to an arit"metic error@ in -"ic" case t"e amount in figures s"all !re1ail sub6ect to :a< and :b< abo1e. T"e currenc' t"at s"all be used for bid e1aluation and com!arison !ur!oses to con1ert all 1$



bid !rices e/!ressed in 1arious currencies into a single currenc' isF 2enya Shillin&s T$e 1* +4e *2 e?4$a&'e +a)e 1$a"" 0e The Central Ban7 o$ 2enya. T"e date for t"e e/c"ange rate s"all beF T"e bid closing da' T e1da# /8)$ N*=e(0e+> 20/3 Criteria for bid tec"nical e1aluation and com!arisonF NOTE, O&"# 0%dde+1 :$* 14*+e 40 Ma+<1 D50BE a&d a0*=e :%"" 0e 4*&1%de+ed 2*+ 2%&a&4%a" e=a" a)%*&- T$*1e :$* 14*+e 0e"*: 40 (a+<1 D50BE :%"" 0e e"%(%&a)ed a) )$%1 1)a'e 2+*( )$e e&)%+e e=a" a)%*& !+*4e11 a&d :%"" &*) 0e 4*&1%de+ed 2 +)$e+N De14+%!)%*& *2 C+%)e+%a We%'$)%&' S4*+e1 Ma? S4*+e1 * 1 )ubmit ban, statement for t"e last 6 mont"s 2 mar, for eac" 12 and ban, details mont" 2 Audited and certified minimum annual $ +ar,s for eac" 'ear $ turno1er of ;s" 5 million for eac" of t"e -it" a 1alue of ;s" 5 last 3 'ears :2&12@ 2&11@2&1&<G million 1 mar, for attac"ing a audited accounts :ma/ 3< $ clients -it" 15 recommendation letters from t"e clients M 3 mar,s eac" ess t"an 5 clients M 2 mar,s eac" ist of clients -it" out letters M 1 mar,s eac" 2 'ears and abo1e M 5 mar,s ess t"an 2 'ears M 2 mar,s 6 rele1ant orders -it" 1alue of ;s" 3&&@&&&@&&& M 2 mar,s eac" .rders -it" 1alues less t"an ;s" 3&&@&&& M 1 mar, eac" T-o mgt and t-o tec"nical staff M 2 mar,s eac" 1 mgt and 1 tec"nical M 1 mar,s eac" 1& ist of 1e"icles

%ro1ide a list of clients and references to -"ic" t"e com!an' "as done similar -or, in t"e last t-o :2< 'ears

2umber of 'ears in t"e !ro1ision of trans!ortation ser1ices. Attac" com!an' !rofile %ro1ide 6 rele1ant orders > contracts from different cor!orate > go1ernment ministr' > de!artment -it" 1alues of at least ;s" 3&&@ &&&.&& eac" !erformed in t"e !ast 2 'ears.


2ames and Bualifications of at least t-o eac" of ,e' management and tec"nical staff :!ro1ide curriculum 1itae<.

%ro1ide list of 1e"icles to be used -it" a 2&


ca!acit' of at list 1& tones and log boo, co!ies and T 7 licenses for eac" 1e"icle listed :see section N<

-it" 1& ton ca!acit' -it" logboo,s and T 7 licenses M 2 mar,s eac" ess t"an 1& 1e"icles -it" 1& ton ca!acit' -it" logboo,s and T 7 M 1 mar,s eac" ist of 1e"icles -it" less t"an 1& tons -it"out logboo,s and T 7 licenses M & mar,s

2.24.1 2.27.1

Attac" local aut"orit' trade license 3 TOTALS SCORE 70 %articulars of !ost M Bualification if a!!licable M 2>A %articulars of !erformance securit' if a!!licable. = ;s" 1&&@&&&.&& from a re!utable financial institution.



4n t"is contract t"e follo-ing terms s"all be inter!reted as indicatedF a< IT"e contractE means t"e agreement entered into bet-een t"e %rocuring entit' and t"e tenderer as recorded in t"e Contract #orm signed b' t"e !arties@ including all attac"ments and a!!endices t"ereto and all documents incor!orated b' reference t"erein. b< IT"e Contract %riceE means t"e !rice !a'able to t"e tenderer under t"e Contract for t"e full and !ro!er !erformance of its contractual obligations. c< IT"e ser1icesE means ser1ices to be !ro1ided b' t"e contractor including materials and incidentals -"ic" t"e tenderer is reBuired to !ro1ide to t"e %rocuring entit' under t"e Contract. d< IT"e %rocuring entit'E means t"e organiDation sourcing for t"e ser1ices under t"is Contract. e< IT"e contractor means t"e indi1idual or firm !ro1iding t"e ser1ices under t"is Contract. f< I5CCE means general conditions of contract contained in t"is section g< I)CCE means t"e s!ecial conditions of contract "< IDa'E means calendar da'

3-2 A!!"%4a)%*&
These General C nditi ns shall a$$l- t the e@tent that the- are n t s&$er%eded #- $r visi ns f ther $art f % ntra%t,

3-3 S)a&da+d1 *,*,' The servi%es $r vided &nder this C ntra%t shall % nf r! t
standards !enti ned in the S%hed&le f re7&ire!ents the C

3-5 Pa)e&) R%'$)F1

The tenderer shall inde!nif- the Pr %&rin" entit- a"ainst all third6$art%lai!s f infrin"e!ent f $atent3 trade!ar53 r ind&strial desi"n ti"hts arisin" fr ! &se f the servi%es &nder the % ntra%t r an- $art there f,


3-5 Pe+2*+(a&4e Se4 +%)#

?it"in t-ent' eig"t :28< da's of recei!t of t"e notification of Contract a-ard@ t"e successful tenderer s"all furnis" to t"e %rocuring entit' t"e !erformance securit' -"ere a!!licable in t"e amount s!ecified in )!ecial Conditions of Contract. 3.6.2 T"e !roceeds of t"e !erformance securit' s"all be !a'able to t"e %rocuring entit' as com!ensation for an' loss resulting from t"e Tenderer3s failure to com!lete its obligations under t"e Contract. T"e !erformance securit' s"all be denominated in t"e currenc' of t"e Contract@ or in a freel' con1ertible currenc' acce!table to t"e %rocuring entit' and s"all be in t"e form ofF a< Cas". b< A ban, guarantee. c< )uc" insurance guarantee a!!ro1ed b' t"e Aut"orit'. d< 3.6.4 etter of credit.


T"e !erformance securit' -ill be disc"arged b' t"e !rocuring entit' and returned to t"e candidate not later t"an t"irt' :3&< da's follo-ing t"e date of com!letion of t"e tenderer3s !erformance of obligations under t"e contract@ including an' -arrant' obligations under t"e contract.

3-6 I&1!e4)%*&1 a&d Te1)1 *,C,' T"e %rocuring entit' or its re!resentati1e s"all "a1e t"e rig"t to ins!ect and>or to test t"e
ser1ices to confirm t"eir conformit' to t"e Contract s!ecifications. T"e %rocuring entit' s"all notif' t"e tenderer in -riting@ in a timel' manner@ of t"e identit' of an' re!resentati1es retained for t"ese !ur!oses. 3.7.2 T"e ins!ections and tests ma' be conducted on t"e !remises of t"e tenderer or its subcontractor:s<. 4f conducted on t"e !remises of t"e tenderer or its subcontractor:s<@ all reasonable facilities and assistance@ including access to dra-ings and !roduction data@ s"all be furnis"ed to t"e ins!ectors at no c"arge to t"e %rocuring entit'. )"ould an' ins!ected or tested ser1ices fail to conform to t"e )!ecifications@ t"e %rocuring entit' ma' re6ect t"e ser1ices@ and t"e tenderer s"all eit"er re!lace t"e re6ected ser1ices or ma,e alterations necessar' to meet s!ecification reBuirements free of cost to t"e %rocuring entit'. 2ot"ing in !aragra!" 3.7 s"all in an' -a' release t"e tenderer from an' -arrant' or ot"er obligations under t"is Contract.




3-7 Pa#(e&)
3.8.1 T"e met"od and conditions of !a'ment to be made to t"e tenderer under t"is Contract s"all be s!ecified in )CC

3-8 P+%4e1
%rices c"arged b' t"e contractor for ser1ices !erformed under t"e Contract s"all not@ -it" t"e e/ce!tion of an' %rice ad6ustments aut"oriDed in )CC @ 1ar' from t"e !rices b' t"e tenderer in its tender or in t"e !rocuring entit'3s reBuest for tender 1alidit' e/tension as t"e case ma' be. 2o 1ariation in or modification to t"e terms of t"e contract s"all be made e/ce!t b' -ritten amendment signed b' t"e !arties.

3-/0 A11%'&(e&)
T"e tenderer s"all not assign@ in -"ole or in !art@ its obligations to !erform under t"is contract@ e/ce!t -it" t"e !rocuring entit'3s !rior -ritten consent.

3-/0 Te+(%&a)%*& 2*+ De2a ")

T"e %rocuring entit' ma'@ -it"out !re6udice to an' ot"er remed' for breac" of Contract@ b' -ritten notice of default sent to t"e tenderer@ terminate t"is Contract in -"ole or in !artF a< if t"e tenderer fails to !ro1ide an' or all of t"e ser1ices -it"in t"e !eriod:s< s!ecified in t"e Contract@ or -it"in an' e/tension t"ereof granted b' t"e %rocuring entit'. b< if t"e tenderer fails to !erform an' ot"er obligation:s< under t"e Contract. c< if t"e tenderer@ in t"e 6udgment of t"e %rocuring entit' "as engaged in corru!t or fraudulent !ractices in com!eting for or in e/ecuting t"e Contract. 4n t"e e1ent t"e %rocuring entit' terminates t"e Contract in -"ole or in !art@ it ma' !rocure@ u!on suc" terms and in suc" manner as it deems a!!ro!riate@ ser1ices similar to t"ose undeli1ered@ and t"e tenderer s"all be liable to t"e %rocuring entit' for an' e/cess costs for suc" similar ser1ices.

3-/2 Te+(%&a)%*& *2 %&1*"=e&4#

T"e !rocuring entit' ma' at t"e an' time terminate t"e contract b' gi1ing -ritten notice to t"e contractor if t"e contractor becomes ban,ru!t or ot"er-ise insol1ent. 4n t"is e1ent@ termination -ill be -it"out com!ensation to t"e contractor@ !ro1ided t"at suc" termination -ill not !roduce or affect an' rig"t of action or remed'@ -"ic" "as accrued or -ill accrue t"ereafter to t"e !rocuring entit'. 24

3-/3 Te+(%&a)%*& 2*+ 4*&=e&%e&4e *,'*,'

T"e !rocuring entit' b' -ritten notice sent to t"e contractor ma' terminate t"e contract in -"ole or in !art@ at an' time for its con1enience. T"e notice of termination s"all s!ecif' t"at t"e termination is for t"e !rocuring entit' con1enience@ t"e e/tent to -"ic" !erformance of t"e contractor of t"e contract is terminated and t"e date on -"ic" suc" termination becomes effecti1e. 3.13.2 #or t"e remaining !art of t"e contract after termination t"e !rocuring entit' ma' elect to cancel t"e ser1ices and !a' to t"e contractor on agreed amount for !artiall' com!leted ser1ices.

3-/4 Re1*" )%*& *2 d%1! )e1

T"e !rocuring entit'3s and t"e contractor s"all ma,e e1er' effort to resol1e amicabl' b' direct informal negotiations an' disagreement or dis!ute arising bet-een t"em under or in connection -it" t"e contract. 4f after t"irt' :3&< da's from t"e commencement of suc" informal negotiations bot" !arties "a1e been unable to resol1e amicabl' a contract dis!ute eit"er !art' ma' reBuire t"at t"e dis!ute be refered for resolution to t"e formal mec"anisms s!ecified in t"e )CC.

3-/5 G*=e+&%&' La&' a'e

T"e contract s"all be -ritten in t"e Englis" language. All corres!ondence and ot"er documents !ertaining to t"e contract@ -"ic" are e/c"anged b' t"e !arties@ s"all be -ritten in t"e same language.

3-/5 F*+4e MaGe +e

T"e contractor s"all not be liable for forfeiture of its !erformance securit'@ or termination for default if and to t"e e/tent t"at its dela' in !erformance or ot"er failure to !erform its obligations under t"e Contract is t"e result of an e1ent of #orce +a6eure.

3-/6 A!!"%4a0"e La:T"e contract s"all be inter!reted in accordance -it" t"e la-s of ;en'a unless ot"er-ise s!ecified in t"e )CC

3-/7 N*)%4e1
An' notices gi1en b' one !art' to t"e ot"er !ursuant to t"is contract s"all be sent to t"e ot"er !art' b' !ost or b' fa/ or E=mail and confirmed in -riting to t"e ot"er !art'3s address s!ecified in t"e )CC A notice s"all be effecti1e -"en deli1ered or on t"e notices effecti1e date@ -"ic"e1er is later.



+,' )!ecial conditions of contract s"all su!!lement t"e general conditions of contract@
-"ere1er t"ere is a conflict bet-een t"e 5CC and t"e )CC@ t"e !ro1isions of t"e )CC "erein s"all !re1ail o1er t"ose in t"e 5CC. 4.2 5CC 3.6 )!ecial conditions of contract -it" reference to t"e general conditions of contract. )!ecial conditions of contract )!ecif' !erformance securit' if a!!licable M of ;s" 1&&@&&&.&& from a re!utable financial institution After deli1er' and acce!tance of t"e 5oods@ t"e !erformance securit' s"all be disc"arged in not later than -" days $ollo8in& the date o$ completion)!ecif' met"od and conditions of !erformance M 2>A )!ecif' !rice ad6ustments allo-ed M 2>A )!ecif' resolution of dis!utes= b' arbitration )!ecif' a!!licable la- M la-s of ;en'a 4ndicate addresses of bot" !arties C 4E2TF TOE %042C4%A )EC0ETA09@ +424)T09 .# ED8CAT4.2@ )C4E2CE A TECO2. .59 %... 7.P 3&&4& M &&2&& 2A40.74 C.2T0ACT.0F

3.7 3.$ 3.14 3.7 3.8





Trans!ort com!anies must com!l' and confirm t"eir agreement -it" t"e follo-ing conditions and regulations go1erning road trans!ort of t"e +inistr' of Education@ )cience and Education food commodities -it"in ;en'aF= 1. After consultation -it" t"e successful trans!orter@ +inistr' of Education@ )cience and Education@ issues a oading .rder@ summariDing commodities destination@ consignee@ Tariff>Ton and total amount under t"is oading .rder. After com!letion of loading at t"e stores@ t"e truc, dri1er must collect a +inistr' of Education@ )cience and Education -a'bill :in t"ree co!ies M ?"ite@ 7lue and %in,< from +inistr' of Education@ OeadBuarters 2airobi@ before de!arture. Trans!orter must inform +inistr' of Education@ )cience and Education as soon as !ossible of an' dela's on transit due to brea,do-n@ accident or else. 4n case of need of re!lacement 1e"icles t"is "as to be arranged immediatel' b' t"e trans!orter. At t"e destination ?a'bills must be dull' signed and stam!ed@ s"o-ing name of aut"oriDed recei1er and date. ?"ite and 7lue co!ies of ?a'bills are returned to t"e trans!orter and t"e %in, co!' s"ould remain -it" t"e recei1er. Trans!orter>dri1er is res!onsible to obtain !ro!er remar,s as to t"e Buantit' and condition of commodities deli1ered. All commodities@ including !ossible damaged>rotten>-et>torn !ac,ages@ must be off=loaded and recei1ed b' t"e consignee -it" a!!ro!riate remar,s on t"e ?a'bills. L*11e1 d e )* *(%11%*&> &e'"%'e&4e *+ )$e2) d +%&' )+a&1%) +e(a%& )$e 2 "" +e1!*&1%0%"%)# *2 )$e )+a&1!*+)e+- T$e M%&%1)+# *2 Ed 4a)%*&> S4%e&4e a&d Te4$&*"*'# :%"" 1 +4$a+'e 1 4$ a) )$e !+e=a%"%&' (a+<e) !+%4e *2 )$e "*1) 4a+'* !" 1 )+a&1!*+) 4$a+'e1 )* )$e de1)%&a)%*& !" 1 a 2 +)$e+ !e&a")# *2 40B )* e&a0"e )$e +e!"a4e(e&) *2 )$e 1a(e a) )$e %&)e&ded de1)%&a)%*&An' total loss of cargo>truc, due to cas de force majeure :accident not due to negligence of contractors3 e.g. "i6ac,ing@ fire@ ci1il strife< must be su!!orted b' official !olice re!ort@ and aut"oritati1e in1estigation re!ort. #inal 4n1oice from t"e trans!orter -ill be establis"ed against one single oading .rder -it" co!' of t"e oading .rder attac"ed. .riginal ?a'bills :?"ite co!'< onl' must be attac"ed co1ering t"e com!lete tonnage of t"e oading .rder.




5. 6. 6-



1&. After t"e a-ards@ t"e successful bidders -ill be reBuired to !ro1ide a !erformance bond of ;s". 1&&@&&& from a re!utable financial institution.


11. Distribution of t"e res!ecti1e ?a'bill co!ies must be follo-ed carefull'@ as s"o-n at t"e bottom of t"e ?a'bill. 12. 2o !a'ments -ill be made against ?a'bills ot"er t"an original ?"ite ?a'bill. %"otoco!ies or coloured co!ies -ill not be acce!ted. 13. +a/imum load on )c"ool meal %rogramme commodities "aulage for an' 1e"icle s"all be 34 metric tons. 14. +.E)T -ill gi1e a deadline for t"e trans!ortation of foodstuffs. Oea1' !enalties -ill be instituted to trans!orters -"o do not meet deadlines. 1 understand and propose to a*ide 8ith the a*ove conditions and assure the %101STRY O6 ED9C+T1O0, SC1E0CE : TEC#0O;O<Y SC#OO; %E+;S PRO<R+%%E, That upon success$ul a8ard 8ill o*serve the re=uirements in compliance.

2A+E .# TE2DE0E0 )452AT80E DATE )TA+%




S E C T I O N ;I, S P E C I A L C O N D I T I O N S O F T E N D E R



1. 2. 3. 4.

CARGO )!lit !eas@ 7eans@ *egetable Coo,ing .il@ +aiDe and C)+. ORIGIN As !er attac"ed lists M )ection 444 :).0<. DESTINATION As !er attac"ed lists M )ection 444 :).0<. OFFERS RE9UIRED 9our offer s"ould be in ;s". >!er +etric Tonne #.T>#.T basis :destination< all inclusi1e of Truc, Detention c"arges@ ?eig"ing>Escort>ferr' cost c"arges and Trans!ort. 2o ot"er costs t"an t"ose s!ecified -ill be acce!ted. AWARD T"e +inistr' of Education reser1es t"e rig"t to a-ard all or !art of t"e mo1ement to an' one or more t"an one bidder@ but does not bind itself to acce!t an' bid. TRANSIT TIME +inistr' of education reser1es t"e rig"t to -it"dra- in -"ole or in !art@ s"ould t"e trans!orter be unable to maintain t"e reBuired deli1er' as !er )ection 444 :).0<. %erformance -it"in s!ecified time=frame -ill influence future a-ard of trans!ort. Trans!orters must inform t"e +inistr' of Education 2airobi@ in case of brea,do-ns and>or dela's in deli1er'. D A M A G E S . TRANSPORTERS RESPONSIBILITY All missing>damaged bags and cartons during t"e !eriod t"at t"e cargo is under trans!orters res!onsibilit' -ill be debited against trans!ort in1oices based on C4# :Cost@ 4nsurance and #reig"t< and at current re!lacement 1alue of commodities at final destination -it" 5eneral conditions of contract as tender. 2o lea,age -ill be tolerated and no trans!ort c"arges -ill be !aid for missing or damaged bags and cartons.





PAYMENT %a'ment on !resentation of one in1oice !er destination -it" original ?a'bills as !er t"e 5CC for t"e entire mo1ement as !er oading .rder@ dull' signed and stam!ed :indicating number of !ac,ages > bags recei1ed< b' official reci!ient or +inistr' of Education official


:D.E..<. %a'ment b' +inistr' of Education -ill be effected in ;s". 7' C"eBue issued to t"e trans!orter and to be collected from t"e +inistr' OeadBuarters. $. NO LIABILITY TO THIRD PARTIES T"e +inistr' of Education s"all be e/em!t from an' liabilit' -"atsoe1er in res!ect of loss or in6ur' or damage sustained to t"ird !arties b' an' reason -"atsoe1er. After issuance of ). 'ou -ill be e@$e%ted t s%hed&le s$e%ified in Se%ti n III DSORE, deliver 4ithin the deliver-





SCHEDULE OF RE9UIREMENTS ;ATABLE D;EGETABLE OILH SALTE EP= +.+7A)A. 2. %.42T .# DE)T42AT4.2 D4)TA2C TA04##>T.2 DE 4*E09 .04542 E :;+< .2 #42A %E04.D A%%0.P DE)T42AT4.2 1 +)A +A2DE0A EA)T 11$& 2 +)A +A0)A74T 1&2$ 3 +)A COA 74 111$ 4 +)A +.9A E 1278 5 +)A TA2A 04*E0 :O. A< 31$ 6 +)A TA2A DE TA : 5A0)E2< 223 7. +)A ?AN40 EA)T 7$& 8. +)A A5DE0A: +.D.5A)OE< $6& $. +)A 5A04))A 463 1& +)A 4)4. . 767 1' +)A 782A $43 12 +)A ). . . 112$ 13 +)A EOE E9 771 14 +)A 0OA+8 1157

NONA;ATABLE DCEREALS> PULSES H CORNE EI AMOMBASA 2 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. $. 1& 1' 12 13 14 %.42T .# .04542 +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A +)A DE)T42AT4.2 D4)TA2CE TA04##>T.2 :;+< .2 #42A A%%0.P DE)T42AT4.2 11$& 1&2$ 111$ 1278 31$ 223 7$& $6& 463 767 $43 112$ 771 1157 DE 4*E09 %E04.D

+A2DE0A EA)T +A0)A74T COA 74 +.9A E TA2A 04*E0 :O. A< TA2A DE TA : 5A0)E2< ?AN40 EA)T A5DE0A: +.D.5A)OE< 5A04))A 4)4. . 782A ). . . EOE E9 0OA+8


EIAELDORET 2. %.42T .# .04542 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. $. 1& 1' 12 13 14 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET

DE)T42AT4.2 +A2DE0A +A0)A74T COA 74 +.9A E TA2A 04*E0 :O. A< 5A0)E2 ?AN40 +.D.5A)OE 5A04))A 4)4. . 782A ). . . EOE E9 0OA+8

D4)TA2CE TA04##>T.2 :;+< .2 #42A A%%0.P DE)T42AT4.2 1376 872 654 1274 8$& 866 1&56 827 6$2 61& 1133 112$ $6& 1347

DE 4*E0 9 %E04.D

NONA;ATABLE DCEREALS> PULSES H CORNE EIAELDORET 2 . 1 2 3 4 5 %.42T .# .04542 E E E E E E D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET D.0ET DE)T42AT4.2 D4)TA2CE TA04##>T.2 :;+< .2 #42A A%%0.P DE)T42AT4.2 1376 872 654 1274 8$& 866 1&56 827 6$2 61& 1133 112$ $6& 1347 DE 4*E09 %E04.D

6 7. E E 8. $. E 1& E 1' E 12 E 13 E 14 E

+A2DE0A +A0)A74T COA 74 +.9A E TA2A 04*E0 :O. A< TA2A DE TA : 5A0)E2< ?AN40 EA)T A5DE0A: +.D.5A) OE< 5A04))A 4)4. . 782A ). . . EOE E9 0OA+8


# District Name 1. Garissa 2. Isiolo 3. Lagdera 4. Mandera East Destination/EDP Garissa Isiolo Modogashe Mandera East Marsabit hilbi Mo!ale Garsen &ola 'a(ir East $ha*+ ,ololo Lehele! -+na Children Covered 27,269 23,783 8,461 22,639 13,331 8,754 25,805 24,844 29,358 19,201 11,121 6,486 8,993 3,899 (**39++ maize 251.4 219.3 89.0 130.2 67.5 42.7 107.5 231.7 282.4 112.7 115.1 67.1 93.0 40.3 '32+9, 9 pulses 67.0 49.3 23.7 34.7 18.0 11.4 28.7 61.8 75.3 22.7 30.7 17.9 24.8 10.8 +CB,2 veg. oil 8.4 6.1 3.0 4.3 2.3 1.4 3.6 707 9.4 0.8 3.8 2.2 3.1 1.3 :B,CC salt 3.4 2.6 1.2 1.7 0.9 0.6 1.4 3.1 3.8 1.4 1.5 0.9 1.2 0.5 (+,(

5. Marsabit 6. halbi 7. Mo!ale 8. "ana #elta 9. "ana $i%er 10. 'a(ir East 11. Mandera )orth 'a(ir ,o+th

12. ,ololo 13.

14. -+na Total

Mai.e /+lses 0eg 1il ,alt 2eeding da!s )e4 E # s

1,849.9 476.8 56.77 24.2 In a33ordan3e 4ith / 69 b+dget 31,003








P;E+SE CO%P;ETE +;; SECT1O0S O6 T#1S >9EST1O00+1RE .






?0.B@ +ttach Re&istration Certi$icate $or the 0o. A a*oveB



7. 28+7E0 .# *EO4C E) .?2EDF T.TA CA%AC4T9 .# A TOE TE2DE0E0 .?2ED *EO4C E)FQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ DSee )+a&1!*+)e+1 ;e$%4"e Re'%1)+a)%*& F*+(E 8. ?.0;)O.% :5A0A5E< #AC4 4T4E) A*A4 A7 ES :9E)>2.<F QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ


$. OA*E 9.8 ?A0EO.8)425 #AC4 4T4E) 42 A29 .# TOE #. 3$

.?425 T.?2)S

:i< :ii< :iii<

%.0T .# +.+7A)AF 9>2 2A40.74F 9>2 E D.0ETF 9>2




TE2DE0E03) )TA+%F DATEF____________________










NB= Please photocopy if more space is needed for additional vehicles.

The f ll 4in" d %&!ents are re7&ired s&#!itted al n"side and t "ether 4ith the tender #iddin" d %&!ents= ', Ph t % $ies f l "# 5s, (, Ph t % $ies f TL0 li%en%es,





Na#e o+ Tenderer AAAAAAAAATender Nu#$erAAAAAAAA) Pa4e AAAAo+ AAAAAA) & Ite# Descr36t3 on ( ?uant3t y0 Eua*3ty : Durat3o n B /n3t Pr3c e C Tota* Pr3ce
EFG $er ite! D% ls, +@:E

D /n3t Pr3ce o+ other 3nc3dent a* ser"3ces 6aya$*e

Si"nat&re f tenderer HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Note: In %ase f dis%re$an%- #et4een &nit $ri%e and t tal3 the &nit $ri%e shall $revail,


ToF DateF Tender 2o.F 4tem Descri!tionF )ir>+adam@ Oa1ing e/amined t"e Tender documents including Addenda 2os. [insert addenda num$ers] t"e recei!t of -"ic" is "ereb' dul' ac,no-ledged@ -e@ t"e undersigned@ offer to su!!l' and deli1er [descri"tion of %oods and ser&ices] in conformit' -it" t"e said Tender documents for t"e sum of [tota' (ender amount in )ords and fi*ures] or suc" ot"er sums as ma' be ascertained in accordance -it" t"e )c"edule of %rices attac"ed "ere-it" and made !art of t"is Tender. ?e underta,e@ if our Tender is acce!ted@ to deli1er t"e 5oods in accordance -it" t"e deli1er' sc"edule s!ecified in t"e )c"edule of 0eBuirements. 4f our Tender is acce!ted@ -e underta,e to !ro1ide a !erformance securit' in t"e form@ in t"e amounts@ and -it"in t"e times s!ecified in t"e Tender documents. ?e agree to abide b' t"is Tender for t"e Tender 1alidit' !eriod s!ecified in Clause 18.1 of t"e TD)@ and it s"all remain binding u!on us and ma' be acce!ted at an' time before t"e e/!iration of t"at !eriod. ?e are not !artici!ating@ as Tenderers@ in more t"an one Tender in t"is Tendering !rocess. .ur firm@ its affiliates or subsidiaries M including an' subcontractors or su!!liers for an' !art of t"e contract M "as not been declared ineligible b' t"e 5o1ernment of ;en'a under ;en'an la-s. 8ntil a formal Contract is !re!ared and e/ecuted@ t"is Tender@ toget"er -it" 'our -ritten acce!tance t"ereof and 'our notification of a-ard@ s"all constitute a binding Contract bet-een us. ?e understand t"at 'ou are not bound to acce!t t"e lo-est or an' Tender 'ou ma' recei1e. ?e certif'>confirm t"at -e com!l' -it" t"e eligibilit' reBuirements as !er 4TT Clause 3 of t"e Tender documents Dated t"is QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ da' of QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 2&QQQQQQ. (Name! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ [si*nature] [in the ca"acity of] Dul' aut"oriDed to sign Tender for and on QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ [Name and address of the PE] [insert date (as day month and year!] [insert num*er o$ Tenderin& process] [insert descri"tion of #tems]





I & are re7&ested t "ive the $arti%&lars indi%ated in Part ' and either Part ( DaE3 (D#E r (D%E 4hi%hever a$$lied t - &r t-$e f #&siness, I & are advised that it is a seri &s ffen%e t "ive false inf r!ati n n this f r!, Part ' General 0&siness Na!e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L %ati n f 0&siness Pre!ises ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pl t N 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Street>R ad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, P stal address ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tel N , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fa@ E!ail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nat&re f 0&siness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Re"istrati n Certifi%ate N ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ma@i!&! val&e f #&siness 4hi%h - & %an handle at an- ne ti!e J ?shs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Na!e f - &r #an5ers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0ran%h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Part ( DaE J S le Pr $riet r I &r na!e in f&llAAAAAAAAA,A"eAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Nati nalit-AAAAAAAAAAAC &ntr- f Ori"inAAAAAAAAAAA,, CitiKenshi$ details AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,, Part ( D#E J Partnershi$ Given details f $artners as f ll 4s Na!e Nati nalitCitiKenshi$ details Shares ', AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA (, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA *, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA +, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA Part ( D%E J Re"istered C !$anPrivate r P&#li% State the n !inal and iss&ed %a$ital f % !$anN !inal ?shs, Iss&ed ?shs, Given details f all dire%t rs as f ll 4s Na!e Nati nalitCitiKenshi$ details Shares ', AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA (, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA *, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA +, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA DateAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,Si"nat&re f CandidateAAAAAAAAA,,



7an, etter"ead ?"ereas JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. Tname of the tenderer] :"ereinafter called It"e tendererE< "as submitted its tender dated JJJJ. Tdate of su$mission of tender]for t"e su!!l'@ installation and commissioning of JJJJJJJJ [name and/or descri"tion of the e+ui"ment]:"ereinafter called It"e TenderE< JJJJJJJJJJJJ. ;2.? A %E.% E b' t"ese !resents t"at ?E JJJJJJJJJ of JJJJJJJJJ. "a1ing our registered office at JJJJJJJ :"ereinafter called It"e 7an,>4nsurance Com!an'E<@ are bound unto JJJJJ.. Tname of Procurin* entity, :"ereinafter called It"e %rocuring entit'E< in t"e sum of JJJJJJJJ.. for -"ic" !a'ment -ell and trul' to be made to t"e said %rocuring entit'@ t"e 7an,>4nsurance Com!an' binds itself@ its successors@ and assigns b' t"ese !resents. )ealed -it" t"e Common )eal of t"e said 7an,>4nsurance Com!an' t"is da' of 2& . TOE C.2D4T4.2) of t"is obligation areF= 1.4f t"e tenderer -it"dra-s its Tender during t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit' s!ecified b' t"e tenderer on t"e Tender #ormG or 2.4f t"e tenderer@ "a1ing been notified of t"e acce!tance of its Tender b' t"e %rocuring entit' during t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit'F :a< :b< fails or refuses to e/ecute t"e Contract #orm@ if reBuiredG or fails or refuses to furnis" t"e !erformance securit' in accordance -it" t"e 4nstructions to tenderersG

?e underta,e to !a' to t"e %rocuring entit' u! to t"e abo1e amount u!on recei!t of its first -ritten demand@ -it"out t"e %rocuring entit' "a1ing to substantiate its demand@ !ro1ided t"at in its demand t"e %rocuring Entit' -ill note t"at t"e amount claimed b' it is due to it@ o-ing to t"e occurrence of one or bot" of t"e t-o conditions@ s!ecif'ing t"e occurred condition or conditions. T"is tender guarantee -ill remain in force u! to and including t"irt' :3&< da's after t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit'@ and an' demand in res!ect t"ereof s"ould reac" t"e 7an, not later t"an t"e abo1e date. [si*nature of the authori-ed re"resentati&e of the $an./insurance com"any]/////.. 0ea' /////////////..____________________________


[(he 1idder sha'' fi'' in this 2orm in accordance )ith the instructions indicated.] DateF [insert date (as day month and year! of 1id 0u$mission] Tender 2o.F [insert num$er of $iddin* "rocess] ToF [insert com"'ete name of Purchaser] ?e@ t"e undersigned@ declare t"atF 1. ?e understand t"at@ according to 'our conditions@ bids must be su!!orted b' a Tender=)ecuring Declaration. 2. ?e acce!t t"at -e -ill automaticall' be sus!ended from being eligible for tendering in an' !ublic !rocurement tenders -it" an' !ublic entit' for t"e !eriod of time determined b' t"e %ublic %rocurement .1ersig"t Aut"orit' if -e are in breac" of our obligation:s< under t"e tendering conditions@ because -eF a< "a1e -it"dra-n our tender during t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit' s!ecified in t"e Tender Data )"eetG or b< "a1ing been notified of t"e acce!tance of our Tender b' t"e %rocuring Entit' during t"e !eriod of tender 1alidit' fail or refuse to e/ecute t"e contractG or fail or refuse to furnis" t"e !erformance securit'@ if so reBuired. 3. ?e understand t"at t"is Tender )ecuring Declaration s"all e/!ire if -e are not t"e successful Tenderer@ u!on our recei!t of 'our notification or regret of t"e tender a-ard letterG or t"irt'=eig"t da's after t"e e/!iration of our Tender@ -"ic"e1er is earlier. 4. ?e understand t"at if -e are a Noint *enture@ t"e Tender )ecuring Declaration must be in t"e name of t"e Noint *enture t"at submits t"e bid@ and if t"e Noint *enture "as not been legall' constituted at t"e time of tendering@ t"e Tender )ecuring Declaration s"all be in t"e names of all en1isaged !artners as named in t"e letter of intent. )ignedF [insert si*nature of "erson )hose name and ca"acity are sho)n] 4n t"e ca!acit' of [insert 'e*a' ca"acity of "erson si*nin* the (ender 0ecurin* 3ec'aration] 2ameF [insert com"'ete name of "erson si*nin* the (ender 0ecurin* 3ec'aration] Dul' aut"oriDed to sign t"e bid for and on be"alf ofF [insert com"'ete name of 1idder] Dated on QQQQQQQQQQQQ da' of QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ@ QQQQQQQ [insert date of si*nin*]


DSections -C, .", .!, .4:.- o$ the PPD +ct, 4""AB 4>?e>+essrsJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJof ........... )treet>a1enue@ .............. 7uilding@ %. .. 7o/JJJJCode ...J@ of ............ :to-n<@ ................ :2ationalit'<@ %"one .................. E=mail .....................J. declare t"at %ublic %rocurement is based on a free and fair com!etiti1e tendering !rocess -"ic" s"ould not be o!en to abuse. 4>?e ..JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.. declare t"at 4>?e -ill not offer or facilitate@ directl' or indirectl'@ an' inducement or re-ard to an' !ublic officer@ t"eir relations or business associates@ in connection -it" Tender nameF JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.. Tender 2o. JJJJJJJJJ..JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. #or>or in t"e subseBuent !erformance of t"e contract if 4>?e am>are successful. Dated t"is ...................................... da' of ....................... 2&......

Aut"oriDed )ignature........................................................fficial )tam! ........................................ 2ame and Title of )ignator'JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.................



DSections -A PPD+, 4""AB 4>?e>+essrsJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ of ........... )treet>a1enue@ .............. 7uilding@ %. .. 7o/JJJJCode ...J@ of ............ :to-n<@ ................ :2ationalit'<@ %"oneF .................. E=mail .....................J. declare t"at 4>?e >+essrs ................................................................. are not debarred from !artici!ating in !ublic !rocurement b' t"e %ublic %rocurement .1ersig"t Aut"orit' !ursuant to section 115 of t"e %ublic %rocurement and Dis!osal Act@ 2&&5. Dated t"is ...................................... da' of ................... 2&.........

Aut"oriDed )ignature.............................................................fficial )tam! ................................... 2ame and Title of )ignator'JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ...........................





0eBuest for re1ie- of t"e decision of t"eJJJJJ : Name of the Procurin* Entity! of JJJJJ dated t"eJda' of JJJJ.2& t"e matter of Tender 2oJJJ..Jof JJJJ..2&J RE9UEST FOR RE;IEW 4>?eJJJJJJJJJJJ@t"e abo1e named A!!licant:s<@ of addressF %"'sical addressJJJJJ.#a/ 2oJJTel. 2oJJ..Email JJJJJ@ "ereb' reBuest t"e %ublic %rocurement Administrati1e 0e1ie- 7oard to re1ie- t"e -"ole>!art of t"e abo1e mentioned decision on t"e follo-ing grounds @ namel'F= 1. 2. etc. 7' t"is memorandum@ t"e A!!licant reBuests t"e 7oard for an order>orders t"atF = 1. 2. etc )452ED JJJJJJ. :A!!licant< Dated onJJJJJ.da' of JJJJJ>J2&J

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY odged -it" t"e )ecretar' %ublic %rocurement Administrati1e 0e1ie- 7oard on JJJJ da' of JJJ....2&J.JJJ )452ED 7oard )ecretar'





Tto $e "rinted on the 4etterhead of the Procurin* EntityU TdateU ToF [name and address of the 0u""'ier] 0eF etter of notification to 8nsuccessful 7idders

T"is is to inform 'ou in t"at 'our offer in relation to T tender name and num$er] "as been determined to be unsuccessful u!on e1aluation. ?e intend to ma,e a contract -it" T name ofsuccessfu' tendererU for TamountU. 9our tender securit' > tender securing declaration -ill be disc"arged. T"an, 'ou for 'our !artici!ation in t"e tendering !rocess. 9ours DNa(e *2 A44* &)%&' O22%4e+E A44* &)%&' O22%4e+/Head *2 P+*4 +%&' E&)%)#



Tto $e "rinted on the 4etterhead of the Procurin* EntityU TdateU ToF [name and address of the 0u""'ier] Re, Le))e+ *2 A44e!)a&4e/N*)%2%4a)%*& *2 A:a+d

T"is is to notif' 'ou t"at 'our Tender dated [date] for e/ecution of t"e [name of the 5ontract and identification num$er as *i&en in the 5ontract 3ata 0heet] for t"e Contract %rice of t"e eBui1alent of [amount in num$ers and )ords] [name of currency] @ as corrected and modified in accordance -it" t"e 4nstructions to Tenderers is "ereb' acce!ted b' us and it is our intention to !roceed to ma,e a -ritten contract in accordance -it" t"e terms s!ecified in t"e tender documents on t"e e/!ir' of fourteen :14< da's !eriod from t"e date of t"is notification. T"e contract s"all be signed b' t"e !arties -it"in 3& da's from t"e date of t"is letter but not earlier t"an 14 da's from t"e date of t"e letter. 9ours DNa(e *2 A44* &)%&' O22%4e+E A44* &)%&' O22%4e+/Head *2 P+*4 +%&' E&)%)#




TO4) A50EE+E2T made t"e da' of 2& bet-een JJJJJJ Tname of Procurin* Entity! of JJJ.. TCountry of Procurin* Entity] :"ereinafter called It"e %rocuring entit'< of t"e one !art and JJJJJJJJ.. T name of tenderer] of JJJJ.. Tcity and country of tenderer] :"ereinafter called It"e tendererE< of t"e ot"er !artG ?OE0EA) t"e %rocuring entit' in1ited tenders for certain goods U and "as acce!ted a tender b' t"e tenderer for t"e su!!l' of t"ose goods in t"e sum of JJJJJJJJJJJ T contract "rice in )ords and fi*ures] :"ereinafter called It"e Contract %rice<. 2.? TO4) A50EE+E2T ?4T2E))ETO A) #. .?)F

1. 4n t"is Agreement -ords and e/!ressions s"all "a1e t"e same meanings as are res!ecti1el' assigned to t"em in t"e Conditions of Contract referred to. 2. T"e follo-ing documents s"all be deemed to form and be read and construed as !art of t"is Agreement 1iDF :a< :b< :c< :d< :e< :f< t"e Tender #orm and t"e %rice )c"edule submitted b' t"e tenderer t"e )c"edule of 0eBuirements t"e Tec"nical )!ecifications t"e 5eneral Conditions of Contract t"e Contract Data )"eet t"e %rocuring entit'3s 2otification of A-ard

3. 4n consideration of t"e !a'ments to be made b' t"e %rocuring entit' to t"e tenderer as "ereinafter mentioned@ t"e tender "ereb' co1enants -it" t"e %rocuring entit' to !ro1ide t"e goods and to remed' defects t"erein in conformit' in all res!ects -it" t"e !ro1isions of t"e Contract 4. T"e %rocuring entit' "ereb' co1enants to !a' t"e tenderer in consideration of t"e !ro1isions of t"e goods and t"e remed'ing of defects t"erein@ t"e Contract %rice or suc" ot"er sum as ma' become !a'able under t"e !ro1isions of t"e Contract at t"e times and in t"e manner !rescribed b' t"e contract. 42 ?4T2E)) -"ereof t"e !arties "ereto "a1e caused t"is Agreement to be e/ecuted in accordance -it" t"eir res!ecti1e la-s t"e da' and 'ear first abo1e -ritten. )igned@ sealed@ deli1ered b' )igned@ sealed@ deli1ered b' 4nt"e !resence of t"e t"e :for t"e %rocuring entit'< :for t"e tenderer<



To JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. Tname of %rocuring entit'U ?OE0EA) JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Tname of tendererU :"ereinafter called It"e tendererE< "as underta,en @ in !ursuance of Contract 2o. JJJJJJJ Treference num$er of the contract U dated JJJJJJJ 2&JJ. to su!!l' JJJJJJJJJJJ Tdescri"tion of *oodsU :"ereinafter called It"e ContractE<. A2D ?OE0EA) it "as been sti!ulated b' 'ou in t"e said Contract t"at t"e tenderer s"all furnis" 'ou -it" a 7an,>4nsurance Com!an' guarantee b' a re!utable 7an,>4nsurance Com!an' for t"e sum s!ecified t"erein as securit' for com!liance -it" t"e Tenderer3s !erformance obligations in accordance -it" t"e Contract. A2D ?OE0EA) -e "a1e agreed to gi1e t"e tenderer a guaranteeF TOE0E#.0E ?E "ereb' affirm t"at -e are 5uarantors and res!onsible to 'ou@ on be"alf of t"e tenderer@ u! to a total of JJJJJJJJJ. T amount of the *uarantee in )ords and fi*ure U and -e underta,e to !a' 'ou@ u!on 'our first -ritten demand declaring t"e tenderer to be in default under t"e Contract and -it"out ca1il or argument@ an' sum or sums -it"in t"e limits of JJJJJJJJ.. T amount of *uaranteeU as aforesaid@ -it"out 'ou needing to !ro1e or to s"o- grounds or reasons for 'our demand or t"e sum s!ecified t"erein. T"is guarantee is 1alid until t"e JJJJJJJJJ. da' of JJJJJJJ 2& JJJJ )igned and seal of t"e 5uarantorsTname of 1an./#nsurance 5om"anyU [name identification num$er of authori-ed officer from the 1an./#nsurance 5om"any U

Dated on QQQQQQQQQQQQ da' of QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ@ QQQQQQQ [insert date of si*nin*]

4nt"e !resence of:name identification num$er and si*nature of authori-ed officer from the contractor <


To JJJJJJJJJJJJ Tname of Procurin* entityU

Tname of tenderU JJJJJJJ.. 5entlemen and>or adiesF 4n accordance -it" t"e !a'ment !ro1ision included in t"e Contract Data )"eet@ -"ic" amends t"e 5eneral Conditions of Contract to !ro1ide for ad1ance !a'ment@ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. Tname and address of tendererU:"ereinafter called It"e tendererE< s"all de!osit -it" t"e %rocuring entit' a 7an,>4nsurance Com!an' guarantee to guarantee its !ro!er and fait"ful !erformance under t"e said Clause of t"e Contract in an amount of JJ JJJJJJJ. Tamount of guarantee in figures and -ordsU. ?e@ t"e JJJJJJJJJJJ. T7an,>4nsurance Com!an'U@ as instructed b' t"e tenderer@ agree unconditionall' and irre1ocabl' to guarantee as !rimar' obligator and not as suret' merel'@ t"e !a'ment to t"e %rocuring entit' on its first demand -it"out -"atsoe1er rig"t of ob6ection on our !art and -it"out its first claim to t"e tenderer@ in t"e amount not e/ceeding JJJJJJJJ Tamount of guarantee in figures and -ordsU ?e furt"er agree t"at no c"ange or addition to or ot"er modification of t"e terms of t"e Contract to be !erformed t"ere=under or of an' of t"e Contract documents -"ic" ma' be made bet-een t"e %rocuring entit' and t"e tenderer@ s"all in an' -a' release us from an' liabilit' under t"is guarantee@ and -e "ereb' -ai1e notice of an' suc" c"ange@ addition@ or modification. T"is guarantee s"all remain 1alid in full effect from t"e date of t"e ad1ance !a'ment recei1ed b' t"e tenderer under t"e Contract until JJJJ TdateU. 9ours trul'@ )igned and seal of t"e 5uarantorsTname of 1an./#nsurance 5om"anyU [name identification num$er of authori-ed officer from the 1an./#nsurance 5om"any U

Dated on QQQQQQQQQQQQ da' of QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ@ QQQQQQQ [insert date of si*nin*]

4nt"e !resence of:name identification num$er and si*nature of authori-ed officer from the contractor <.


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