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Cliona Molins430 430 813

EDMT 5657 Semester 2 2013

Unit of Work Area of Study Discovery

Out co me

Teaching Strategy

Evidence of learning


Week 1: Introduction to AOS Discovery

Students offer ideas and contribute to class discussion.

Expansion of the concept. Students will brainstorm on 5 frames: The Encounter, Curiosity/Wonder, Contribution (via their group) to the Personal Discovery, Transformative Discovery and construction of a large mind map. Challenged Discovery. Creation of a mega mind map for the wall. Introduction to Portfolio: Students compose short reflection pieces on Break class into 5 discovery frame-groups for the personal connection to discovery. term. Introduction to Viewing and Start students thinking about possible related texts. Representing assessment Handout overview of assessments and rubric. 1, 4 Week 2: Textual forms Students will be exposed to a variety of textual forms within the theme of Discovery. Class discussions on each text leads to expansion of perspectives on concept of discovery. Introduction to Paper 1 with a focus on Section 1. Students are provided with practical strategies for answering short questions in Section 1. Students offer ideas and contribute to class discussion.

- Discovery rubric - Visual of explorers - Proust Quote `

Glossary of terms (Syllabus). 3 examples of related texts: Wonder poem (Dobson) Book cover Kepler narrative Shackleton narrative

Portfolio work: Students respond to short questions answered in class. Peer assessment following group discussions of best answers. Students compose short reflection pieces to discovery texts.

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EDMT 5657 Semester 2 2013

Students reminded to bring in their related texts.

Students will start 2 classes each week with snapshot writing tasks the build writing craft. Practice Section 1 questions Students offer ideas and contribute to class discussion. Portfolio work: Language syntax tasks done in class. Students compose short reflection pieces to discovery texts. Peer reviewing and suggestions for enhancements.

Week 3: Language techniques Students will explore revealing discoveries (from their past or early childhood) either in 1st or 3rd person narratives. How do syntax and the structure of sentences change meaning? Other textual features explored, metaphor, simile, etc. A variety of language techniques explore are explored in detail.


Week 4: Creative writing. What makes a good story? Introduction to story telling devices, layered narratives and script writing. Example of high-level creative writing short story from previous student. Students can choose an object or visual stimuli.

Portfolio work: Two writing tasks composed in class. One creative writing assessment taken home to complete as a 1500 word story to be assessed by teacher. Creative writing opportunities in class under time pressure. Peer review and enhancement.

This American Life: Superpowers Raymond Chandler text Shackleton scene descriptions William Blake: A poison Tree - English Teachers Handbook A-Z Visual texts: - Boy with fish - Guitar jam - The Necklace (Maupassant) Advertising examples from http://www.hkstrateg _and_the_Rise_of_t he_Layered_Narrati ve

Cliona Molins430 430 813 11 Week 5: Introduction to the prescribed text. Revision of film techniques. First half of film will be watched in class. Class discussion on language form, film techniques and themes Second half of the film will be watched. After class discussions students will have an opportunity to write in class about their perspective of the film. Examination of the essay assignment due in week 10 and the presentations due in week 7 and 8. Students reminded to bring their related texts for approval. Week 6: Related texts and comparison with the Life of Pi. Practical strategies for expressing an argument with reference to texts. Analysis of exam questions in Section III and review of glossary of terms. Study of practical exam techniques. 1,7, 10 Week 7: Presentations Explanation of listening task next week. Time in class to develop presentations and ask questions about the assignment.

EDMT 5657 Semester 2 2013 - English Teachers Handbook A-Z: Film - Life of Pi

Students offer ideas and contribute to class discussion. Trailer pitch presentation and Essay assessments introduced Portfolio work: Students compose short response pieces to film from 2 perspectives in class for peer review. Students compose a response to film based on their preferred frame. Example to be read in class.

Groups share related texts, enhancing ideas. Individual Visual Discovery Poster Portfolio work: In class, students compose a short essay on why they have chosen their related text. Peers add ideas. Trailer pitch presentation and Notetaking tasks Portfolio work: write review of peer presentations under time pressure from notes. Each student presents their Trailer

With permission, sharing of some of the related texts


Week 8: Presentations continue

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EDMT 5657 Semester 2 2013

Pitch about themes in the Life of Pi.


Week 9: Feedback from Creative Writing tasks. Review of textual features. Filling in the gaps in understanding Feedback on presentations Week 10 Wrap up Discovery Review exam strategies, review how to prepare for trials. Review resources in portfolio

Portfolio work: continue snapshot writing tasks in class.

2, 6, 12, 13

Portfolio work: reflection pieces on what students have learned Each student hands in essay on prescribed text, with reference to their chosen related text. Portfolios handed in.

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