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1 2 3 4 Introduction Objectives Scope Principles 4.1 Awareness and training 4.2 Conflict of Interest 4.3 Identif ing vacancies 4.4 Aut!orisation of positions 4." Advertise#ent 4.$ Selection processes 4.% &eedbac'

" $ % ( ) 1 * 1 1

4.( Confidentialit 4.) Offers of e#plo #ent 4.1* +etention of +ecords +esponsibilities S!ortlisting for interview Selection at interview Selection #et!od and tools +eview Associated Policies and Procedures ,efinitions

+ecruit#ent and Selection +ecruit#ent and selection are two of t!e #ost i#portant functions of personnel #anage#ent. +ecruit#ent precedes selection and !elps in selecting a rig!t candidate. +ecruit#ent is a process to discover t!e sources of #anpower to #eet t!e re-uire#ent of t!e staffing sc!edule and to e#plo effective #easures for attracting t!at #anpower in ade-uate nu#bers to facilitate effective selection of efficient personnel.

Staffing is one basic function of #anage#ent. All #anagers !ave responsibilit of staffing function b selecting t!e c!ief e.ecutive and even t!e fore#en and supervisors !ave a staffing responsibilit w!en t!e select t!e ran' and file wor'ers. /owever0 t!e personnel #anager and !is personnel depart#ent is #ainl concerned wit! t!e staffing function. 1ver organisation needs to loo' after recruit#ent and selection in t!e initial period and t!ereafter as and w!en additional #anpower is re-uired due to e.pansion and develop#ent of business activities. 2+ig!t person for t!e rig!t job3 is t!e basic principle in recruit#ent and selection. 1ver organisation s!ould give attention to t!e selection of its #anpower0 especiall its #anagers. 4!e operative #anpower is e-uall i#portant and essential for t!e orderl wor'ing of an enterprise. 1ver business organisation5unit needs #anpower for carr ing different business activities s#oot!l and efficientl and for t!is recruit#ent and selection of suitable candidates are essential. /u#an resource #anage#ent in an organisation will not be possible if unsuitable persons are selected and e#plo #ent in a business unit.

2. Objectives of Interview
4o ensure t!at recruit#ent and selection e.ercises #eet t!e Sc!ool6s operational and strategic re-uire#ents. 4o ensure t!at all appoint#ents are #ade on t!e basis of suitabilit for t!e position b assess#ent of evidence against t!e selection criteria for t!e post. /elps obtain additional infor#ation fro# t!e applicants &acilitates giving general infor#ation to t!e applicants suc! as co#pan policies0 job0 products #anufactured and t!e li'e /elps build t!e co#pan 3s i#age a#ong t!e applicants.

Types of interview:
1) Informal Interview:
An infor#al interview is an oral interview and #a ta'e place an w!ere. 4!e e#plo ee or t!e #anager or t!e personnel #anager #a as' a few al#ost inconse-uential -uestions li'e na#e0 place of birt!0 na#es of relatives etc. eit!er in t!eir respective offices or an w!ere outside t!e plant of co#pan . It id not planned and nobod prepares for it. 4!is is used widel w!en t!e labour #ar'et is tig!t and w!en ou need wor'ers badl .

2) Formal Interview:
&or#al interviews #a be !eld in t!e e#plo #ent office b !e e#plo #ent office in a #ore for#al at#osp!ere0 wit! t!e !elp of well structured -uestions0 t!e ti#e and place of t!e interview will be stipulated b t!e e#plo #ent office.

) !ro"# Interview:
It is designed to save bus e.ecutive3s ti#e and to see !ow t!e candidates #a be broug!t toget!er in t!e e#plo #ent office and t!e #a be interviewed. A group of candidates are split into tea#s and eac! tea# receives a dile##a or a case to solve. 4!e interview is conducted b an

interviewing panel 7 t!e potential #anager0 !u#an resources and future co8 wor'ers 9i.e. t!e interviewers:.

$) Tele#%one Interviews:
/ave a cop of our resu#e and an points ou want to re#e#ber to sa nearb . If ou are on our !o#e telep!one0 #a'e sure t!at all roo##ates or fa#il #e#bers are aware of t!e interview 9no loud stereos0 bar'ing dogs etc.:. Spea' a bit slower t!an usual. It is crucial t!at ou conve our ent!usias# verball 0 since t!e interviewer cannot see our face. If t!ere are pauses0 do not worr ; t!e interviewer is li'el just ta'ing so#e notes. P!one interviews are conducted just li'e in8person interviews. 4!e are used b !iring #anagers and recruiters as a tool for screening candidates for e#plo #ent. It6s i#portant to ta'e ti#e to review t!e t pical p!one interview -uestions ou6ll be as'ed and to prepare answers. In addition0 plan on being prepared for a p!one conversation about our bac'ground and s'ills.

. &co#e
4!is Polic applies to t!e recruit#ent and selection of all staff to t!e Sc!ool. <odified recruit#ent procedures appl to t!e appoint#ent of Part8ti#e /ourl Paid Staff reflecting t!e nature of t!ese appoint#ents. 4!e Scope of /+< is in deed fast. All #ajor activities in t!e wor'ing life of wor'er fro# ti#e of !is entr in an organi=ation until !e 5 s!e leaves0 co#e under t!e preview of /+<. Specificall 0 t!e activities included are /u#an +esource planning0 >ob anal sis and design0 +ecruit#ent0 Selection0 Orientation and place#ent0 4raining and develop#ent0 Perfor#ance

appraisal and >ob evaluation0 e#plo ee and e.ecutive re#uneration and co##unication0 e#plo ee welfare0 safet and !ealt!0 industrial relations and t!e li'e. /+< is beco#ing a speciali=ed branc! giving rise to a nu#ber of speciali=ed areas li'e?

Staffing @elfare and Safet @ages and Salar Ad#inistration 4raining and ,evelop#ent Aabour +elations

Prospects of /+<

Bature of /u#an +esource <anage#ent

1#plo ee !iring

Industrial +elations

/u#an +esource <anage#ent

1#plo ee and e.ecutive +e#uneration

1#plo ee <aintenance

1#plo ee <otivation

&co#e of 'R(

$. )rinci#les
4.1 Awareness and training
4!e recruiting #anager responsible for t!e position is re-uired to ensure t!at an e.ternal advisers or recruit#ent agencies participating in an recruit#ent e.ercise are aware of0 and

co#pl wit!0 t!e Sc!ool6s 1-ualit and ,iversit Polic 0 t!is +ecruit#ent Polic and associated procedures. Staff involved in t!e recruit#ent process and in particular C!airs of Selection Panels0 s!ould attend t!e Sc!ool6s +ecruit#ent and Selection training. Bor#all 0 at least one #e#ber of eac! Selection Panel s!ould !ave underta'en t!is training. 4!e Sc!ool is co##itted to pro#oting e-ualit of opportunit and in t!is respect0 e#plo ees involved in t!e recruit#ent and selection are re-uired to #aintain a positive approac! towards e-ualit of opportunit . Staff are encouraged to attend 1-ualit and ,iversit training offered as part of t!e

4.2 Conflict of interest

If an e#plo ee involved in recruit#ent processes !as a close personal or fa#ilial relations!ip wit! a candidate0 t!e e#plo ee s!ould declare t!is to t!e /u#an +esources ,epart#ent as soon as t!e are aware of t!e candidate6s application. In suc! situations0 it would nor#all be appropriate for t!e #e#ber of staff to !ave no furt!er involve#ent in t!e selection process. If a candidate !as na#ed a #e#ber of staff involved in t!e selection process as a referee0 t!e candidate will be as'ed to provide details of alternative referees0 w!ere practical.

4.3 Identifying vacancies

+ecruiting #anagers are re-uired to full evaluate t!e need for new0 c!anged or replace#ent posts prior to see'ing aut!orisation for t!e position.

<anagers s!ould consider if t!e duties of t!e post can be eli#inated or reallocated to e.isting post8!olders ta'ing into account of wor'load. <anagers s!ould see' to identif !ow t!e position will contribute to &acult plans0 ad#inistrative depart#ent plans or Sc!ool6s business plans and strategic objectives0 as appropriate to t!e level of t!e post.

4.4 Authorisation of positions

+ecruiting #anagers are responsible for ensuring all vacancies are approved b t!e appropriate aut!orit in t!e Sc!ool. +esources Co##ittee #ust aut!orise all Sc!ool8funded new or c!anged positions of si. #ont!s duration or above. +eplace#ent Sc!ool8funded positions can be aut!orised b t!e ,ean of &acult 0 ,irector of &inance and Ad#inistration or /ead of I&C1AS. All e.ternall funded positions #ust be aut!orised b t!e +esearc! <anager. &urt!er infor#ation can be found in t!e docu#ent

4.5 Advertise ent

In t!e following circu#stances0 vacancies will not be advertised? @!ere positions #a provide suitable alternative e#plo #ent for e.isting staff w!ose post !as been identified for redundanc 0 9including t!e ending of fi.ed ter# contracts or following a restructuring e.ercise: or staff re-uiring redeplo #ent for #edical reasons or for reasons of disabilit . Ba#ed researc!ers on e.ternall funded grants w!ere one of t!e factors in t!e award of t!e grant was t!e strengt! of t!e researc! tea# or t!e individual6s e.perience5e.pertise as a researc!er. 4e#porar positions covering absence for #aternit 0 adoption0 unpaid leave etc. If t!e per#anent post8!older decides not to

return to !is5!er post following !is5!er leave0 t!en t!e post will nor#all be advertised. @!ere t!e post !as alread been unsuccessfull advertised and t!e recruiting #anager can de#onstrate t!at furt!er advertising is unli'el to be effective. @!ere an e#plo ee6s duties !ave c!anged to a degree w!ic! necessitates re8grading of t!e position in line wit! Sc!ool re8 grading procedures. In suc! cases0 advertise#ent would be inappropriate as t!e post is !eld b an e.isting #e#ber of staff and !is5!er non8appoint#ent would create a redundanc . If t!e successful candidate re-uires a wor' per#it to wor' in t!e CD 0 t!e post #ust be advertised to #eet wor' per#it criteria in line wit! /o#e Office regulations. As a #ini#u#0 all posts are advertised on t!e Sc!ool6s vacanc website and in t!e Cniversit of Aondon >ob Opportunities bulletin. All acade#ic0 researc!0 ot!er8related and acade#ic8related vacancies will also be advertised in t!e website @!en selecting t!e #ost effective #et!ods for publicising vacancies0 #anagers s!ould consider an under8represented groups and !ow best to target t!e#. <anagers s!ould consider placing advertise#ents in publications ai#ed at under8represented groups. Posts will be nor#all advertised wit! a #ini#u# of two wee's between t!e publication of t!e advertise#ent and t!e closing date. Acade#ic posts will nor#all be advertised for four wee's between t!e advertise#ent and closing date. All advertise#ents will include a state#ent t!at t!e Sc!ool ai#s to be an e-ual opportunities e#plo er.


4.! "election processes

All recruit#ent processes will be based on agreed job descriptions and person specifications. Person specifications s!ould onl consist of t!e necessar s'ills0 -ualifications0 e.perience and co#petencies re-uired to carr out t!e duties of t!e post. Applicants #ust be selected against t!e criteria listed in t!e person specification and no ot!er criteria. 4!e reasons for selection decisions relating to t!e person specification criteria #ust be recorded. At least two #e#bers of t!e selection panel #ust be involved in t!e s!ortlisting process. Interviewing #ust be underta'en b a #ini#u# of two individuals to #itigate against t!e possibilit of prejudice or stereot ping. If t!e interviews for a vacanc ta'e place over #ore t!an one da 5session0 t!e sa#e panel #ust interview all candidates . Interview panels s!ould nor#all include #e#bers of bot! genders and w!erever practicable0 include individuals of different et!nicities. An selection tests 9e.g. in8tra e.ercises0 t ping tests: #ust relate to t!e role and t!e results of tests assessed against selection criteria. Candidates for acade#ic positions 9and certain non8acade#ic positions: will be re-uired to give a presentation and t!e will be assessed in relation to t!e content0 st le and ti#e #anage#ent of t!eir presentation and t!eir response to -uestions. At least one #e#ber of t!e interview panel s!ould attend t!e presentations and record feedbac' w!ic! s!ould be given to t!e interview panel for consideration w!en #a'ing t!e selection decision. Interview -uestions #ust relate to t!e selection criteria outlined in t!e person specification. Selection decisions0 including decisions not to appoint applicants0 s!ould be #ade b #ajorit decision of t!e interview panel.

4.# $eed%ac&
4!e Sc!ool will give feedbac' to an candidate w!o re-uests it wit!in t!ree #ont!s of t!e selection decision #ade at s!ortlisting or interview stage. Candidates are re-uired to re-uest and receive t!eir feedbac' in writing. Internal candidates will nor#all also receive feedbac' in person.

4.' Confidentiality
All applications will be treated as !ig!l confidential b t!e Sc!ool. In accordance wit! t!e Sc!ool6s ,ata Protection Polic and legal re-uire#ents0 candidates !ave t!e rig!t to re-uest an docu#entation relating to t!eir application 9e.g. interview and s!ortlisting records and notes0 references:. An data relating to recruit#ent and selection processes #a be legall disclosed in t!e event of tribunal proceedings against t!e Sc!ool and staff involved in t!e recruit#ent process #ust appl due diligence at all ti#es.

4.( )ffers of e ploy ent

All offers of e#plo #ent will be subject to eligibilit to wor' in t!e CD 9including a successful wor' per#it application if applicable:. Offers of e#plo #ent for acade#ic0 researc!0 acade#ic related0 ot!er8related and clerical staff will also be subject to t!e receipt of satisfactor references and -ualification c!ec's. 4!e /u#an +esources ,epart#ent #ust #a'e all for#al written offers of e#plo #ent to salaried staff as a #eans of pro#oting internal co#parabilit . @!en acade#ic staff starting salaries are deter#ined0 consideration s!ould be given to t!e individual6s s'ills0 -ualifications and e.perience and in line wit! an internal co#parators identified b t!e

,ean and /ead of ,epart#ent. Starting salaries for acade#ic positions of over one ear6s duration #ust be approved b t!e Pro8 ,irector0 ,irector of /u#an +esources and at least one ot!er representative senior #e#ber of staff. 4!e justification for eac! acade#ic starting salar s!ould be recorded on t!e individual6s personnel file. &ollowing reco##endations fro# t!e /ead of ,epart#ent and a relevant senior #e#ber of staff w!ere appropriate 0 t!e ,irector of /u#an +esources 9or no#inee fro# t!e /u#an +esources ,epart#ent: s!ould approve starting salaries for non8acade#ic Sc!ool8funded positions. 4!e +esearc! <anager s!ould aut!orise e.ternall 8funded starting salaries to ensure t!at salar levels #eet an grant or funding re-uire#ents. Starting salaries will be regularl reviewed for e-ualit purposes. 4.1* +etention of records @!en t!e recruit#ent process !as been co#pleted0 recruiting #anagers s!ould ensure t!at all infor#ation relating to t!e selection process is returned to t!e /u#an +esources. 4!e /u#an +esources ,epart#ent will retain recruit#ent records for one ear in case of re-uests for feedbac' or litigation.

*. Res#onsibilities
Once t!e !ead of depart#ent !as aut!orised t!e recruit#ent0 t!e recruiting #anager is responsible for all decisions t!roug!out t!e process. Advice and guidance will be provided fro# t!e /+ depart#ent. Appropriate training will be provided for t!ose w!o are involved in recruit#ent activit .

+"t%orit, Staffing Co##ittee +esources Co##ittee ,eans0 /ead of &inance and Ad#inistration0 /ead of I&C1As +esearc! <anager ,eans0 /eads of ,epart#ent5/eads of Service Area +ecruiting #anagers Staff involved in t!e recruit#ent process

/u#an +esources ,epart#ent

Staff ,evelop#ent Cnit

Res#onsible for: Approving t!e Sc!ool6s +ecruit#ent and Selection Polic and Procedures. Aut!orising new or c!anged Sc!ool8 funded positions of si. #ont!s duration or #ore. Aut!orising replace#ent Sc!ool8 funded positions Aut!orising all e.ternal grant8funded positions. 1nsuring co#pliance wit! t!is Polic and associated procedures in t!eir area. 1nsuring t!at recruit#ent processes are carried out in line wit! t!is Polic and associated procedures. &a#iliarising t!e#selves wit! t!is Polic and associated procedures and ensuring t!eir involve#ent in an recruit#ent processes co#plies wit! t!is Polic . Providing professional advice on recruit#ent and selection #atters. Ongoing i#prove#ents to t!e recruit#ent process and supporting policies and advisor docu#entation .Providing an ad#inistrative service for recruit#ent processes. Providing training on t!is Polic and e-ualit issues.

- &%ortlistin. for Interview

4!e response !andler receives co#pleted applications fro# prospective candidates. All s!ortlisting criteria will be agreed wit! t!e response !andler before recruit#ent activit co##ences as part of t!e planning process. 4!e response !andler is responsible for carr ing out an initial sift of t!e applications and will sift into A0 F and C categories. Categor A are suitable for interview0 categor F are generall considered borderline0 #a be wort! interviewing and categor C0 do not !ave co#petencies5s'ills5e.perience re-uired for t!e role. 4!e appropriate nu#ber of copies of all application for#s0 a sift #atri. wit! brief su##ar on eac! candidate are sent b post to t!e Standards Foard. A set of application for#s and t!e sift #atri. is given to eac! panel #e#ber prior to a pre8arranged sift #eeting. A #e#ber of t!e /+ depart#ent will provide an additional s!ortlisting s!eet w!ic! panel #e#bers s!ould use to co##ent on an applicant3s suitabilit 9see appendi. 4:. Panel #e#bers are e.pected to !ave read t!e applications and t!e sift #atri. prior to t!e #eeting. At t!e sift #eeting t!e panel will agree0 w!ic! candidates s!ould be invited to interview and agree feedbac' w!ere appropriate. 4!e /+ depart#ent is responsible for liaising wit! t!e response !andler to ensure t!at candidates are invited to interview on t!e da agreed during t!e recruit#ent planning process. 4!e /+ depart#ent will organise t!e agreed selection tool and necessar e-uip#ent and boo' t!e roo#9s:.

/. &election at Interview

4!e #anager will liaise wit! t!e /+ depart#ent to deter#ine t!e #ost appropriate #et!ods of selection. 4!ere is a considerable range of selection #et!ods and tools available. Aisted below are so#e e.a#ples? co#petenc based interviews 9for all posts: group e.ercises written s'ills test or aptitude tests ps c!o#etric tests assess#ent5selection centres presentations 4!e c!oice of t!e selection #et!od or tool used s!ould be dependent upon t!e level and needs of t!e job0 t!e cost i#plications of t!e recruit#ent0 t!e operational objectives of t!e organisation and t!e s'ills available to validate suc! tools. <ost i#portantl 0 all recruit#ent and selection s ste#s used #ust be fair0 consistent and valid and t!at t!ere is de#onstrable rationale for t!e selection tool used. Fased on t!e role and person specification for t!e job0 t!e /+ depart#ent will advise t!e recruiting #anager on t!e #ost appropriate selection #et!od or tool t!at will be used. As a general guide to best practice0 t!e selection decisions s!ould alwa s be based on a range of data to !elp i#prove t!e validit of t!e selection process. It is essential t!at interviews are well structured to ensure t!at appropriate0 consistent infor#ation is collected and it is a positive e.perience for t!e candidate. <ore t!an one level of interviews #a be used 9t!is will be deter#ined b t!e level of t!e job or t!e nu#ber of candidates to be interviewed:. See appendi. $ for guidance for interview panel #e#bers.

@!en recruiting to posts band 4 and below0 t!e interview panel s!ould include t!e recruiting #anager 9band 3 or above: and a #e#ber of t!e /+ depart#ent if no ot!er #e#ber of t!e recruiting depart#ent is able to join t!e interview panel. @!en recruiting to band " posts0 t!e interview panel s!ould include t!e C!ief 1.ecutive and at least one Foard #e#ber. 4!e /+ #anager #a also be involved in t!e interviews. Appoint#ents to be #ade for t!e role of C!ief 1.ecutive will be interviewed b t!e Foard. In #ost cases0 t!e interview panels s!ould be c!aired b t!e #anager of t!e vacanc 0 w!ere possible a #e#ber of t!e /+ depart#ent will support t!e panel. All interviews s!ould use co#petenc based -uestions focused on t!e co#petencies for t!e role and person specification. 4!e /+ depart#ent will wor' wit! t!e #anager to design t!e -uestions. Co#petenc -uestions are designed to encourage t!e candidate to use specific past e.periences to de#onstrate t!at t!e !ave t!e co#petencies re-uired for t!e role. 4!is in turn provides t!e panel wit! !ig!er -ualit infor#ation fro# w!ic! to #a'e t!eir selection decisions. On average0 t!e interview will e.plore five to si. of t!e co#petenc areas defined in t!e job description using one or two -uestions for eac! co#petenc . 4!e /+ depart#ent will provide eac! panel #e#ber wit! a suggest -uestion profor#a on w!ic! t!e panel #e#bers will be re-uired to #a'e notes on and rate t!e candidate3s response in eac! co#petenc area. See appendi. %

1ac! interviewer s!ould identif t!e -uestions t!e will as' candidates before!and. All candidates s!ould be -uestioned about t!e

sa#e #atters0 alt!oug! it is not necessar to as' precisel t!e sa#e -uestions. Supple#entar -uestions are reasonable to as' on t!e contents of t!e candidate3s application and w!en e.ploring areas of concern or as a follow8up to an answer provided. Candidates s!ould be given t!e opportunit at t!e end of t!e interview to as' -uestions about t!e job0 t!e organisation and conditions of service. 4!e interview c!air s!ould infor# t!e candidate of t!e ti#escale of t!e recruit#ent process and !ow t!e will be infor#ed of t!e outco#e.

0 &election met%o1 an1 tools

4!e selection #et!ods or tools t!at are c!osen b t!e recruiting #anager and t!e /+ depart#ent s!ould be t!e #ost valid and cost8 effective ta'ing into account t!e level and t pe of vacanc and t!e capabilities t!at is to be #easured. Online solutions will be considered. Ps c!o#etric and aptitude tests 9S/A: could be used as part of t!e recruit#ent and selection process. 4!e are ad#inistered b a full -ualified S/A ad#inistrator 9in8!ouse or e.ternall sourced fro# our recruit#ent partners: to ensure t!at t!e procedures and ad#inistration are full standardised for all candidates. 4!e selected test will be relevant to t!e role being recruited to and t!is will be deter#ined b t!e /+ depart#ent in8conjunction wit! t!e recruiting #anager. 4!e Standards Foard also uses ot!er #et!ods and tools w!ic! are deter#ined b t!e recruiting #anager and t!e /+ depart#ent. 4!ese will be wor' based e.ercises t!at are relevant to t!e vacanc and will !ave a standardised #ar'ing s ste#0 usuall a scale of one to five; one being poor and five being e.cellent. In so#e cases a #odel answer will be used to benc!#ar' against if appropriate.

2. Review
+egular reports and statistics on recruit#ent and selection will be #ade to t!e Sc!ool6s 1-ualit Co##ittee. 4o ensure co#pliance wit! t!is Polic and t!e Sc!ool6s 1-ualit and ,iversit Polic 0 a #e#ber of t!e /u#an +esources ,epart#ent or Sc!ool6s ,iversit Advisor #a be invited to or elect to attend an stage of t!e recruit#ent process. 4!is polic and t!e effectiveness of its operation s!ould be reviewed regularl .

13. +ssociate1 )olicies an1 )roce1"res

1-ualit and ,iversit Polic +ecruit#ent and Selection Procedures and associated Fest Practice Guidelines Guidelines for t!e appoint#ent of new Part8ti#e /ourl Paid Staff Guidelines and Procedure on eligibilit to wor' in t!e CD Staff +eference Polic Staffing costs? aut!orisation levels

11. Definitions
+ecruiting <anager ? 4!e person responsible for t!e recruit#ent process wit!in t!e recruiting depart#ent. 4!is will nor#all be t!e ,ean of &acult 5/ead of Service Area5Independent Centre or t!eir delegate. Cnder8represented groups? @!ere t!ere !ave been no or few #e#bers of one group 9et!nic #inorit group or se.: in a particular t pe of wor' for t!e last ear. Positive action provisions in e-ualit legislation allow e#plo ers to give special encourage#ent to suc! underrepresented groups in certain circu#stances. Close personal or fa#ilial relations!ip ? A close friends!ip or fa#il relations!ip between two individuals t!at could a#ount to a conflict of interest or lead to undue influence or a lac' of objectivit in t!e recruit#ent process. S!ared acade#ic interests or wor'ing relations!ips s!ould not constitute a close personal or fa#ilial relations!ip. /owever0 an one w!o !as or !as !ad a relations!ip of t!is nature0 s!ould declare t!is to t!e C!air of t!e Interview Selection Panel and5or /u#an +esources ,epart#ent as appropriate.

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