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Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced

within a country in a given period of time. GDP in Bangladesh expanded .!" percent in the fiscal year #!"#$#!"% from the previous year. GDP Growth &ate in Bangladesh is reported 'y the Bangladesh Bank. (rom "))* until #!"%+ Bangladesh GDP Growth &ate averaged ,. Percent reaching an all time high of .- Percent in .une of #!"" and a record low of *." Percent in .une of "))*. Bangladesh is considered as a developing economy. /et+ almost one0third of Bangladesh1s ",!m people live in extreme poverty. 2n the last decade+ the country has recorded GDP growth rates a'ove , percent due to development of microcredit and garment industry. 3lthough three fifths of Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector+ three 4uarters of exports revenues come from producing ready0made garments. 5he 'iggest o'stacles to sustaina'le development in Bangladesh are overpopulation+ poor infrastructure+ corruption+ political insta'ility and a slow implementation of economic reforms. 5he main industrial origin sectors of GDP of Bangladesh are 3gricultural forestry+ (ishing+ 6ining and 7uarrying+ 6anufacturing+ 8lectricity G39 and :ater supply+ ;onstruction+ :holesale and &etail trade+ <otel and &estaurants+ 5ransport storage and communication+ (inancial intermediations+ &eal estate+ renting and 'usiness activity+ Pu'lic administration and defences+ 8ducation+ <ealth and social works+ ;ommunity+ social and personal services. 3ccording to Bangladesh Bureau of 9tatistics+ among all these sectors 6anufacturing has the highest share (").,*=) of GDP in the year #!"#0"%. 3gricultural sector is in second position ("*.%%=) in contri'uting to Bangladesh GDP. 5he size of the economy+ its growth rate and per capita income have increased in Bangladesh Bureau of 9tatistics1 new estimates using #!!,0! as the 'ase year. BB9 said the calculation of GDP under the new 'ase year will help reflect a more accurate picture of the economy as many new sectors have emerged since ")),0) . >nder the latest 'ase year+ #* new crops have 'een added to the 'asket of "!! to calculate the contri'ution of the agricultural sector. 5he GDP of services sector+ too+ is set to increase+ 'y " percent+ under the new 'ase year. BB9 has included motor vehicles repairing+ activities of 5rading ;orporation of Bangladesh. ;alculating the per capita income+ the new 'ase year of #!!,0! has taken into account many economic activities and service sectors which were not reflected in the calculation in the old 'ase year of ")),0) .

Bi'liography? ". http?$$$'angladesh$economy@profile.html

2. http?$$www.'''d$:e'5est3pplication$userfiles$2mage$BB9$GDP@#!"#@"%.pdf

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