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November 7, 2013 By Miguel Avila and Devyn Calfchild ITEMS: Re: Expanded Deployment of Conducted Energy Weapons RE: Proposed 2014 operating budget

Good Afternoon Members of the Board:

Never before I witness on all this four years and a half.. Large numbers of concerned Torontonians coming to the Police Board meetings just to make it for the record Mr. Chairman.. This community engagement was the result of the surprise announcement of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correction Services on August 27, 2013, that approved the use of CEWs to all police departments in the province of Ontario in stages... As of result of the incident that occur this past August 20, on the streets of Toronto .

On September 4 , 2013 , the public were invited to participate with comments, suggestion and ideas in regards the deployment of CEWs for the T.P.S . A large number of people and their guest filled the chambers of city council. My friend Devyn who is sitting next to me and I had the opportunity to tell the sub-committee our feelings in regards the deployment of CEWs.. furthermore we strongly oppose the use of fire arms by the Force.. Adding more weaponry to the current stock of weapons makes us afraid of calling on the police for service because in all true there are many IDIOTS in the force. We advocate for the disarming of the Police and that is just not our opinion but by the large majority of concern Torontonians.

Normally you dont see such a large presence of people at this board so the decision to facilitate City Hall was sincerely, appreciated by the public. The sub-committee of Mental Health facilitated the meeting and people from all walks of life, were allowed to frankly and honestly express their opinions. To my surprise and shock we were allowed to say was in our heartSomething that you dont see regularly, here at Police Headquarters. Normally members of the board would stop the deputant, and focus on the agenda item.. We live in difficult times dear members, having a Crack Addicted for a Mayor makes it even worse.. and Yes, dear board memberswe have the right to be angry.

There is a report included from the Chief on todays agenda, dated October 07 2013 and frankly I am very disappointed. The Chief must understand that our communities are distrustful of the T.P.S in order to ensure that bridges are build and restore our faith in the force if he believes that RECONCILIATION with the public is possible, then there is one item that needs to happen:

TERMINATED THE EMPLOYMENT OF BAD COPS ( FIRE THE KILLERS COPS) REMOVE THEM from the force once and for all. Taking this bold step it would ensure that Torontonians will live free from police violence, and crimes committed by those who swore to protect us. (Therefore at the end of the day it would help in a big way to restore the confidence in the force ) in addition we feel that arming 182 officers with CEWs is not okay with the rest of the Community at large . Mr. Blair, the only thing I like on your report is that no new funding will be asked from Toronto Taxpayers in 2014. We are here to support the recommendations of the Sub-committee as approved on October 08 2013 as follows: In concert with the overwhelming negative response heard at the public consultation meeting on CEW expansion held on September 24, 2013, the community members of the Mental Health Sub-Committee strongly recommend that the Board not approve the wider distribution of CEWs at this time.

In conclusion, we would like to the recommendations of the sub-committee to enhance the 24 hours M.I.C.T in the city of Toronto and proper training for de-escalation techniques.

Now , our comments on the proposed budget for 2014. Unfortunately, we dont have the proposed budget material and we dont support any changes, there are ways you can improve your I billion dollar budget such as eliminating positions, the statistic show that CRIME rates have fallen with this information you can explain the Police Union Mr. McCormack that efficiencies are really needed. We need tax dollars to add more daycare spaces in our city, more food for nutrition programs, more youth program and jobs for our disfranchised youth native and non-native. Enough of adding year after year more officers to the force.. Luckily this board has frozen the hiring of new officers and we approve that decision. We are with you, saving money to Overburden taxpayers in Toronto is important and a job that members of this board have been relentless. However we are quick to point out to you the areas we feel are important that the Force needs ,much improvement such , in the area of Customer Service.

The Traditional Emblems and Flags of First Nations People The flags and emblems have meaningful representation of our Cultural heritage, Time and time again, TPS officers stationed at public spaces forbid us from carrying proudly our ancestors emblems. This is not acceptable. We need to change with the times.. This is not the Wild West anymore..If you catch my breeze, Mr. Blair, If you are looking to improve customer service with First Nations Communities you need to allow us to freely walk on this land of OURS with our emblems and flags. We are by right owners of this land. I wish that a courageous member of council sitting at this board could put forward a motion for City Council that approve to respect us.. in all ways, forms and shapes.. First Nations, dont have to face discrimination and be free from entering public spaces with our ancestral flags without prejudice and fear of retaliation by T.P.S officers.

Customer service and Community Engagement with the Chief of Police. We were invited to Ryerson University by the Chief of Police to attend a public meeting on October 08, 2013 with the Chairman and members of the T.P.S native Liaison officers in attendance at Ryerson University. At this meeting several members of the large First Nations communities in Toronto hear you loud and clear of honest and sincerest steps to establish reconciliation with First Natives Communities in Toronto. To put behind bad blood and animosity with the T.P.S and together move forward. As a result members of the community took upon your word to put a request to you that same day, the following: Please Mr. Blair return the Status Card that was taken from a friend of mine (Devyn). That friend of mine is here , Devyn Calfchild, Mr Blair, that was October 08, 2013.. Today is November 7, 2013 and we have not hear nothing back from you, . You made a public promise to look into the "return" of a Native Status. ( "Engaged in Community Talk" with officer Usman Haroon 9879 of 14 Division) Mr. Blair can you provide with a date and time when you will return back to me my Status Card. Hope not to sound to ambitious, Can I hear back from you tomorrow? I will be more than glad to provide you with my contact info and speak to you after the meeting with Miguel present.

Sincerely Yours,

Miguel Avila Devyn Calfchild

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