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What is Informatics?

1. Definition 1: What Informatics is NOT Informatik (or Informatique) Computer science Computer science lite Li rar! information science Certification in """"""""" 2 Definition #: $! analo%! Informatics is to other &isciplines as mana%ement info. s!stems is to usiness This e'plains the h!phens( as in chem)informatics( theater) informatics( etc. 3 Definition *: +esult of ne, tren&s Con-er%ence of technolo%! per-asi-e( po,erful( ine'pensi-e users e'perience&( &eman&in% applications emer%ent 4 Definition .: The /lo%an Informatics is the 0rt( /cience( 1uman Dimensions of Information Technolo%! $uil& on that to mean information technolo%! applie& to human pro lems 0. I. 2ikhailo-( 0. I. Chern!i( +. /. 3il!are-skii (1456) Informatics )) Ne, Name of the Theor! of /cientific Information: 7Informatics is the &iscipline of science that in-esti%ates the structure an& properties (not specific content) of scientific information( as ,ell as the re%ularities of scientific information acti-it!( its theor!( histor!( metho&olo%! an& or%ani8ation. The purpose of informatics consists in &e-elopin% optimal metho&s an& means of presentation (recor&in%)( collection( anal!tical)s!nthetic processin%( stora%e( retrie-al an& &issemination of scientific information. Informatics &eals ,ith lo%ical (semantic) information( ut is not in-ol-e& in qualitati-e estimation of this information. /uch an estimate can e carrie& on ! specialists alone( in the specific fiel&s of science or practical acti-it!. 9. 3. Dorfman (1455) It coul& e more reasona le to use informatics as the name of a science ,hich &eals ,ith the asic i&eas( metho&s( an& means of collectin%( processin%( storin%( retrie-in% an& &isseminatin% an! one t!pe of information.: 5

Definition ;: <ractical <olitics /omethin% that is fun&a le 1i)tech =conomic &e-elopment 9o )oriente& e&ucation 6 1o, &iffers from Computer /cience( Li rar! an& Information /cience 2ore %eneral co-ers issues relate& to information in oth associate& &isciplines. 2ore asic e'amines foun&ational questions a out the nature of information an& communication. 2ore applie& pro&uce information technolo%! professionals ,ith kno,le&%e of an application area. 7 >i-e Corners of Informatics ?1uman 1uman Computer Interaction /ocial@ Or%ani8ational Ne, 2e&ia ATechnical Distri ute& Information Lo%ical@2ath >oun&ations 8 The Informatics Bn&er%ra&uate De%ree Com ines a tra&itional aca&emic &iscipline in the sciences( humanities( arts or professions ,ith a &eep e'ploration of the associate& information science an& technolo%!( e.%. Chemistr!( >ine 0rts( 9ournalism( =conomics. +equires a senior proCect( t!picall! one)!ear ,orkin% ,ith a multi) &isciplinar! team to sol-e a real (in&ustr! specifie&) application pro lem. Inclu&es the role technolo%! pla!s in our li-es an& culture.

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