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My son Kizer Hamilton started out this year with bright eyes excited about 1st grade, and

excited about the new adventure. Those bright eyes were quickly dimmed as he began first grade trying to solve mathematical story problems. My son had no idea how to solve a simple 2+2 addition problem much less, be able to read the story problem and be able to write the problem out in correct form, draw counters and solve. My son quickly became frustrated, and began coming home saying he was stupid and he just didn't understand. As I spoke with his teacher in this matter I began to become frustrated as well, because I was told my son just had a bad attitude towards math, and he needed to focus more in the group setting as 75% of all their learning would take place in a group setting. Night after night as my son struggled with story problems like this: Ed put 1 green cube in a box. Then he put 3 brown cubes in the box. How many cubes did Ed put in the box? Draw a picture. Write two different addition sentences. As subtraction came along his frustration only grew because he was barely grasping the concept of addition, then he was overwhelmed with subtraction story problems which consist of: There are 9 dogs 5 are outside. Some are inside. -- On a domino figure, the child is to write 9 on top, 5 dogs on one side, then 4 on the other. -- Underneath the domino figure the child is to write out 9-5=4 When it comes to spelling and sentence writing my first grader is expected to memorize 5 to 10 sight words a week, along with 16 to 22 spelling words. However this week he has 27 spelling words, and just 6 sight words. Each week the student is taught a new spelling rule, and after the spelling test they are to write out 3 or 4 dictation sentences that are given orally, that consist of all spelling rules learned previously, as well as that week, sight words from that week and previous weeks, and spelling words. Each week these sentences compound and become more, and more complex, and the student is expected to use correct capitalization, punctuation, spacing, and even an apostrophe when needed in words such as O'Clock. It is my personal experience that Common Core is a method of breaking down the student. From one complex developmentally inappropriate assignment to another, all in group settings, with one size fits all teaching. Children are taught at just 6 years of age that if you do not understand you had better learn to focus harder because the story problem next year will only become more complex and they aren't going anywhere as this is Common Core. My bright eyed little boy started this school year excited, and ready to learn to hating school, and becoming more closed off as to his daily activities. He cries daily when it's time to go to school. Homework is a nightmare, riddled with tears and frustration. At five weeks into the school year he began crying at spelling test, because as she recited the dictation sentence he couldn't always remember what to write. With the enormous stress he was put under from Common Core my son in the 8th week of school was diagnosed with stress induced Tourettes Syndrome, where he now has developed "Tics." In just the 1st nine weeks of school, Common Core has crushed my child's spirit, and broken his belief in his self, and his ability to learn. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Sherri Hamilton Moore School District

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