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Abisola Mojeed EDU 5170 Professor Vega 12 November 2013 Lesson Plan ELA !

"andards Introduction to the Comma Rules Standards: 1# P$n%"$a"ion &'e (omma )$les a# ELA*Li"era%+ &o demons"ra"e %ommand of "'e %onven"ions of !"andard Englis' grammar and $sage ,'en ,ri"ing or b# ELA* Li"era%+ &o a--l+ .no,ledge of lang$age "o $nders"and 'o, lang$age f$n%"ions in differen" %on"e/"s0 "o ma.e effe%"ive %'oi%es for meaning or s"+le0 and "o %om-re'end more f$ll+ ,'en reading or lis"ening# 2# &e%'nolog+ a# ELA*Li"era%+ 1(omma ('ameleon game2 Use %ommas in da"es and "o se-ara"e single ,ords in a series# Learning Objectives: 1# (on"en" Area a# !"$den"s ,ill demons"ra"e %ommand of "'e %onven"ions of !"andard Englis' grammar and $sage ,'en ,ri"ing or b# !"$den"s ,ill a--l+ .no,ledge of lang$age "o $nders"and 'o, lang$age f$n%"ions in differen" %on"e/"s0 "o ma.e effe%"ive %'oi%es for meaning or s"+le0 and "o %om-re'end more f$ll+ ,'en reading or lis"ening# 2. Technolog : a# !"$den"s ,ill be able "o $nders"and "'e r$les and a--l+ "'e $se of "'e %omma "o in"era%"ive a%"ivi"+0 3(omma ('ameleon#4 5n%e r$les are ob"ained0 s"$den"s ,ill be able "o $se "'e r$les of %ommas in ,ri"ing and in s-ee%'# Introduction to Learning !ctivit : 1# (on"en" Area &ea%'er ,ill in"rod$%e "'e lesson of dis%$ssion of "oda+6s %lass0 37n"rod$%"ion "o "'e $se of "'e (omma#4 !"$den"s ,ill be as.ed "o log on"o "'e %om-$"er and lin. on"o "ea%'er6s ,ebsi"e s"$den"#-la""sb$rg'#ed$8amoje0018 and "o %li%. on "'e )eso$r%e lin. for video# 2# &e%'nolog+ a# !"$den"s ,ill ,a"%' a video0 3(ommas are a ma""er of life or

dea"'4 on +o$"$be# b# Professor P$--e" ,ill s'are 'is %on%erns on ,'+ "'e a--ro-ria"e $se of "'e %omma and i"s im-or"an%e in ,ri"ing and "rovide In#ormation: &'e &ea%'er ,ill "'en as. s"$den"s "o ,a"%' "'e video individ$all+ and on%e finis'ed0 "'e "ea%'er ,ill begin "'e lesson "'ro$g' Po,erPoin"# !"$den"s ,ill be as.ed 9$es"ions on $nders"anding of "'e r$les and "'en as.ed "o a--l+ ob"ained .no,ledge "o a -rovided ,or.s'ee"0 as a gro$- or individ$all+# Af"er ,or.s'ee" is %om-le"ed0 "'e "ea%'er and s"$den"s ,ill dis%$ss e/am-les -reformed "o %'e%. for $nders"anding# 5n%e $nders"anding is %'e%.ed# !"$den"s ,ill be as.ed "o %li%. on "'e in"era%"ive game lin. on "'e reso$r%e -age "o -la+ 3(omma ('ameleon4 game# Af"er "ea%'er ,ill again %'e%. for $nders"anding and give s"$den"s a -revie, of ,'a" ,ill be %overed in ne/" %lass mee"ing# Provide Pra%"i%e &'e "ea%'er ,ill as. s"$den"s 9$es"ions "'ro$g' "'e g$ided lesson "o %'e%. for $nders"anding# !"$den"s ,ill be s'o,n e/am-les "'ro$g' a Po,erPoin" -resen"a"ion# &'e "ea%'er ,ill as. s"$den"s 9$es"ions on lesson "o b$ild $nders"anding# !"$den"s ,ill be able "o as. 9$es"ions for %larifi%a"ion d$ring "'e lesson# Provide :no,ledge of )es$l"s &'e "ea%'er ,ill ,al. aro$nd and %'e%. ea%' s"$den" for $nders"anding ,'ile -erforming ,or.s'ee" a%"ivi"+# 5n%e a%"ivi"+ is %om-le"ed0 "'e "ea%'er ,ill as. s"$den"s "o dis%$ss ,'+ "'e+6ve %'osen "o -la%e %ommas in sen"en%e e/am-les# )evie, "'e A%"ivi"+ &'e "ea%'er ,ill as. s"$den"s of r$les a--lied "o ,or.s'ee"# 5n%e r$les are s"a"ed and $nders"ood# &'e "ea%'er ,ill as. s"$den"s "o demons"ra"e ob"ained .no,ledge of r$les and a--l+ i" "o in"era%"ive game# Me"'od of Assessmen" 1# (on"en" Area a# ;ome,or. Assignmen"* <or.s'ee" if no" %om-le"ed ,i"'in %lass mee"ing0 s"$den"s ,ill 'ave a %'an%e "o %om-le"e i" a" 'ome#

b# ;ome,or. Assignmen"* !"$den"s ,ill %rea"e differen" sen"en%e e/am-les ,i"' ina--ro-ria"e $se of %ommas "o be edi"ed for ne/" %lass mee"ing# 2# &e%'nolog+ a# 3(omma ('ameleon4 in"era%"ive game on "'e %om-$"er "o "es" "'eir $nders"anding on -ro-er %omma $se#
=o$"$be 7n"era%"ive game '""- 88,,,#s'e--ardsof",are#%om8grammar8-$n%"$a"ion#'"m <or.s'ee" 7n"rod$%"ion "o Using (ommas (o-+rig'" >2013 :12)eader * '""- 88,,,#.12reader#%om

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