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Course 26/8 to 6/9 9-12am, daily

University of Jordan

Course coordinator:
Mohammad AlShawabkeh/ B.Sc student Mechatronics engineering 09 +962797150681

Created by: Mohammad AlShawabkeh Mechatronics Engineering/B.Sc. Student Faculty of Engineering & Technology The University of Jordan Madaba, Jordan www. Mobile/Cellphone: +962 797150681

Electronics 1 Digital logic design

1. Dealing with loops:

Dealing with loops can be done using "Counter block": Count up or down through a specified range of numbers. If you set the 'Count event' parameter to 'Free running', the block counts at a constant time interval. Otherwise, the block increments or decrements the counter each time a trigger event occurs at the Inc/Dec input port.

2. Dealing with memory:

Dealing with memory can be done using: 2.1 "Signal latch block": Write signal value to memory when write to memory event occurs. Read memory value and update out port when read from memory event occurs. The state of the block is 0 if the last event was a read event, and 1 if the last event was a write event.

2.2 "Unit delay enabled block": Normally, the output is the signal u delayed by one sample period.When the enable signal is false, the block is disabled, and the state and output values do not change. The enable action is vectorized and supports scalar expansion.

3. dealing with time:

Dealing with time can be done using: 3.1 "Clock block": Output the current simulation time., Decimation:

3.2 "Pulse Generator block": Generates square wave pulses at regular intervals. The block's waveform parameters, Amplitude, Pulse Width, Period, and Phase delay, determine the shape of the output waveform. The following diagram shows how each parameter affects the waveform:

4. Signals delay:
We can delay a signals using "Transport Delay block": delays the input by a specified amount of time. You can use this block to simulate a time delay. The input to this block should be a continuous signal.

5. Infrared sensor (IR):

This sensor consists of two main parts: transmitter and receiver:

6. Mini projects:
6.1 Build an incrementr and decrementer on the rang 0- 9. (use counter, push button, and dis)

6.2 Same as (1), use Hit value at 4 to the buzzer.

6.3 same as (2), use rest push button, to the 7seg.

6.4 Use manual switches to store a constant value into the memory from wvc and rvc, using Signal latch, to dis.

6.5 Same as (6.4), use bush button to store the value from mem into 7seg.

6.6 Same as (6.5), the input from Counter (inc or dec) 0-9 using bush buttons for counter and the latch.

6.7 build incremeter using latch, using bush button and dis.

6.8 Use the Unit delay to build a inc with dec to the final value in the mem, to dis.

6.9 Build a Pulse generator delayed with 1 sec.

6.10 Use 6.9 in 6.1.

6.11 Use IR sensor in 6.1.

6.12 Use IR sensor 6.5 as inc for the counter 0 -9, use bush button for wvc, show on 7seg.

6.13 Use IR sensor as inc (0-9) to rest the counter, and use pulse generator .5 sec as inc to drive the DC motor increasing (0-255)

*References: 1. Books: A. Practical Electronics for Inventors, Paul Scherz, Copyright 2000 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. B. Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications, Steven T. Karris, Copyright 2006 Orchard Publications. All rights reserved. C. Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers, Second Edition,Copyright 2010, Tim Wilmshurst. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2.Websites: A. B.

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