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COMMISSION OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES (CEL) The demand for geography training in Latin America is increasing, this is reflected

when is viewed as the place where the great civilizing native societies of our continent as the Aztec, Maya and Inca ordered his territory and also, archaic societies from Rio Grande to Patagonia that territorialized in space time their wild and e!treme physical geography" The #ommission for Latin American $tudies, aims to study Latin America in space and time, socio spatial transformations that have %een ta&ing place in our continent, from a critical perspective with endogenous relationships 'intra continental( and e!ogenous to the other continents or su% continents ')orth America, Asia, Africa, *ceania and +urope(" #risis management of socio , territorial pro%lems generated %y socio historical environmental that e!ist in our space and time called Latin America are the events that have given our interest in power relations %etween the political organization of society and geographical space at different scales in Latin America" The Latin American Geography is no stranger to all world events %ecause in the past, our new states nation to independence %egan to inventory their natural resources, to organize their territories according to their changing needs, for that Geography of the time with profile a cartographic was the main weapon of domination as it was in the centuries of the colony on indigenous peoples and minorities as well as racial and religious transformations through which culture is produced and everyday cultural practices of individuals and communities, as e!pressed in institutions, su%-ectivities and social movements" OBJECTIVES COMMISSION OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES: GENERAL: +sta%lish a Latin American organization of geography for wor& and discussions on the su%-ect of study .Latin America., which achieves articulate students, professionals and geography teachers for their coe!istence and integration through pra!is of topics of interest to the Latin American people, encourage commitment to society %y promoting geographical research from epistemic vision criticized %ut adapting it to the Latin American reality achieving fertilization stimulating critical thin&ing and reflective with a commitment to %rea& with hegemonic myths and preconceptions of Latin American social &nowledge of the su%-ect" SPECIFIC: a( To promote interdisciplinary relationships %etween American geographers with the formation of virtual &nowledge networ&s, such as %uilding a we%site" %( To pu%lish a -ournal of Latin American geography with a special dossier on the pro%lem or situation in Latin America, and a monthly online newsletter" c( Promote the +GAL /I0 april 1234 'Meeting of Latin American Geographers( in Lima, from now on and organize IG5 Regional #onference in Lima 1236"

d( #reate lines or lines of research with responsi%ility and autonomy to wor& with other networ&s such as IPG7, G+*RA89AL, 7um%oldt, Geo :razil and +GAL" e( $ee& for agreements with the American Institute of Geography and 7istory 'IPG7(, ;LA#$* 'Latin American ;aculty of $ocial $ciences(, #LA#$* 'Latin American #ouncil of $cience(, Post Associa<=o de Pes>uisa em Gradua<=o and Geography 'A)P+G+( of :razil, and other Pan and regional organizations" f( To underta&e a Graduate ?iploma in Geographic Latin American $tudies with strategic partners such as universities and institutions of education" g( +ncourage the creation of the career of geography in undergraduate and graduate levels, especially countries that have not yet our specialty" h( To integrate geography with other disciplines in the epistemological de%ate that see&s to realize their true role and find a Latin American Integration Geographical Thought ma&ing the Latin American su%-ect as o%-ect of study in human and physical geography of our region"

Professor Geog" @uan Manuel ?elgado, #hair #ommittee International Geo ra!"i#al Union $ Per%&ian National Co''ittee( 5RLA www"ugiperu"org #hairman Co''i))ion o* Latin A'eri#an St%+ie) Peruvian 5niversity of Applied $ciences, 7umanities Area, +nvironmental Analysis #ourse" Avenue ProlongaciBn Primavera 14C2 Monterrico, $urco" Lima PerD" 0o!A EF3 434 4444 anne! 311G and 3113" EF3 441 G3G2 EF3 3CCHCF4262 ;a!A E F3 434 44II + mailA -uanmanueldelgadoJgmail"com, pchu-delJupc"edu"pe, -uan"delgadoJugiperu"org 5RLA www"igu estudioslatinoamericanos"org

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