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Examining Social Scientific Issues

Objective To present verbally an effective argument relevant to your chosen social science topic To analyze this social scientific issue from the lens of all THREE disciplines Task: Working in groups of four you are expected to: To research (from the atabase and other credible sources! and present your findings on one of the topics listed belo" (#t may not be the one that you have researched for your culminating essay and every group "ill select a different topic! $ou "ill be asked to approach the topic using all three lenses: anthropological% sociological% and psychological perspectives Disciplines: Anthropology - the forces that influence and shape culture&beliefs (examining countries and (sub!cultures ' eg(: political systems% religion% cultural beliefs and practices% cultural groups etc(! Sociology - the forces that influence and shape behaviour (examining groups ' eg(: socialization agents ' peer pressure% family% "orkplace% media% governmental policies etc(! Psychology - the forces that influence and shape ideas&opinions (examining the self% ie(: individual case studies% )aslo"*s hierarchy of needs% +reud*s psychoanalysis% types of learning% neuroscience% group psychology etc(! Example (Application of disciplines): #f your topic "ere% Euthanasia, should it be legal in Canada?, then this is ho" you might approach it: Anthropology: !oss"cultu!al examination of other countries such as Holland and no" ,elgium "here euthanasia is legal( What are the stipulations- What are the policies- What cultural norms support such undertakingsSociology: Sociali#ation agents analyzed such as religious organizations and their vie"s on euthanasia( .r doctoral obligations and ethical considerations that may hinder the process of euthanasia( /urrent governmental policies that pertain to euthanasia( Psychology: Individual case studies revie"ed such as those individuals "ho have participated in euthanasia in other countries&states( $s%c&ological t&eo!ies that argue for or against euthanasia such as a revie" of mental health issues (eg( )a0or epressive isorder! and ho" that may impact individual decision 'ist of Topics:
1( Profiling a Serial Killer (A!e se!ial kille!s bo!n se!ial kille!s() 2( Ad ertise!ents and "ody #!age (A!e ads !esponsible fo! influencing bod% image in men and )omen() 3( $iolence in %edia &'$, %o ies, $ideo (a!es etc)* (Does violence in media impact teens() 4( +rgan ,onation (S&ould o!gan donation be mandato!% in anada() 5( (lobali-ation (*as + o!po!ate Ame!ica, dest!o%ed local economies() 6( %ental .ealth and %edia (Does media negativel% depict people )it& mental &ealt& issues() 7( /outh Cri!e (S&ould )e !e&abilitate o! punis& %out& )&o commit c!ime() 8( Pre0udice1,iscri!ination &Do sc&ools suppo!t students )&o identif% as '-.T/()

!ite!ia of Assignment: 01 Int!oduction to issue (focus on /anada! What is the issue- What are some common beliefs and misconceptions 9isual /omponent (9ideo&#mage&:udio! 21 T&esis: ;tate your argument by ans"ering the focus <uestion 31 $!oof (4!om c!edible sou!ces onl% and f!om all t&!ee lenses): ;tatistical data Theories /ase ;tudies 51 $!ovide Antit&esis Research "hat other scholars might be arguing that does not support your thesis 61 Anal%sis (7sing all t&!ee lenses) Ho" does the proof you have researched support your argument Examine proofs provided from the three disciplinary lenses Ho" can you argue against those scholars that disagree "ith your thesis81 onclusion Restate thesis statement ("orded differently! =ink all researched data and analyses to prove thesis

91 .ibliog!ap&% and Embedded itations )inimum 8 credible sources ( 2 per group member! :1 /ui# fo! t&e class ;ix <uestions that summarize the slidesho" O!al ;epo!t: >lease present your findings to the class by using >o"erpoint&>rezi >lease don?t 0ust read the slides ($ou may bring @Acards as an aid! Everyone in the group has to present a section of the presentation The >o"erpoint&>rezi must be submitted electronically to the teacher The group "ill have to have a handout for me (the group is responsible for copying it! The group also has to have a <uiz for the class to complete after the presentation% "hich the group can take up "ith the class (the <uiz should come at the end of the presentation as part of the slidesho"! The presentation should be 3B minutes in length inclusive of a brief <uestion period at the end ,e prepared to be asked to present on any given day


*S$ 3<=" 7nit T&!ee Assignment" ;ub!ic

!ite!ia Knowledge Understanding of all three social science perspectives Presenting all 8 criteria of the assignment 'evel 5
All three perspectives are included and there is thorough understanding of each perspective All 8 criteria have been presented highly effectively

'evel 3
All three perspectives are included and there is considerable understanding of each perspective All 8 criteria have been presented effectively

'evel 2
All three perspectives are included and there is some understanding of each perspective The outlined criteria have been presented somewhat effectively

'evel 0
All three perspectives are included and there is limited understanding of each perspective The outlined criteria have been presented with limited effectiveness

/10 Thinking Logical thesis formulated Antithesis discussed and well researched /5 Thinking Analysis of the issue from all three disciplinary perspectives Arguments presented with credible sources (minimum 2 per person) and thereby research based evidence /10 Application $onclusions discuss the thesis based on all researched data and their analyses /5 Application $lass &ui' /5 Communication Appropriate use of language and delivery of presentation (ultimedia component presented /10

Thesis and antithesis are presented with much clarity and logic

Thesis and antithesis are presented with clarity and logic

Thesis and antithesis are presented with some clarity and logic

Thesis and antithesis are presented with limited clarity and logic

The information and data are assessed thoroughly !eputable "ata Theories #tatistics and $ase #tudies (%f possible) are used thoroughly to support analysis

The information and data are assessed considerably !eputable "ata Theories statistics and $ase #tudies (%f possible) are used with considerable effectiveness to support analysis

The information and data are presented with some assessment !eputable "ata Theories #tatistics and $ase #tudies (%f possible) are used with considerable effectiveness to support analysis or there are some reputable sources

The information and data are presented with limited assessment !eputable "ata Theories #tatistics and $ase #tudies (%f possible) are used with little effectiveness to support analysis or it is not reputable

$onclusions are presented highly effectively

$onclusions are presented effectively

$onclusions are presented somewhat effectively

$onclusions are presented with limited effectiveness

The class &ui' covers the material thoroughly %nformation is communicated with a high degree of clarity and precision )ibliography of a minimum of * sources included at the end of slideshow (APA) (ultimedia component is

The class &ui' covers the material considerably %nformation is communicated with a considerable degree of clarity and precision )ibliography of a minimum of + sources included at the end of slideshow (APA) (ultimedia component is relevant and

The class &ui' covers some of the material %nformation is communicated with some clarity and precision )ibliography of a minimum of , sources included at the end of slideshow (APA) (ultimedia component is relevant and somewhat effective

The class &ui' covers the little of the material or is absent %nformation is communicated with limited clarity and precision )ibliography of a minimum of 2 sources included at the end of slideshow (APA) (ultimedia component is relevant with limited effectiveness

relevant and highly effective


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