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Being informed about your company's maternity leave policies and knowing your options is extremely important.

To help you navigate through this process, we've put together a list of 20 uestions you should ask your !" department before going on maternity leave. #. $oes the company offer paid maternity leave% &or how long and at what percentage of pay% 2. +. ,. .. 0. 1. 2. 3. #0. ##. #2. #+. #,. #.. #0. #1. #2. #3. 20. $oes the company offer short'term disability ()T$*% &or how long and at what percentage of pay% $oes the state offer )T$ coverage% &or how long and at what percentage of pay% $o - have to use state )T$ benefits first, if they're available% /an - take additional time off if - have complications and my doctor writes a letter certifying this, or is that time considered part of my maternity leave% $oes the company's )T$ coverage and the state's )T$ coverage take place at the same time% !ow and when do - apply for )T$% $o - have to pay taxes on )T$ income% -s there a waiting period before - can collect benefits% $o - have to use accrued vacation, personal, or sick days before any other kind of leave% $o any personal, vacation, or sick days - take run concurrently with any other kinds of leave offered% /an - take vacation days that - haven't accrued yet% 4m - eligible for #2 weeks of unpaid family leave under the &564% !ow long will the company keep my 7ob (or a similar one* available to me% 6onger than #2 weeks% 8hat are my options for after my paid or unpaid leave runs out% /an - work part time% Telecommute% 8hat about flex time% 8ill taking unpaid leave affect my schedule for raises and promotions% !ow about my seniority% 4m - responsible for paying my health insurance premiums while -'m on leave% 8ill - still be covered by my life insurance while on leave% -f the leave is unpaid, how do - continue to pay for coverage% 4re any other benefits, like my future vacation time or my pension, affected by my taking a maternity leave% $oes the company offer any childcare benefits '' on'site daycare, subsidi9ed daycare at another location, a pre'tax dependent'care spending account, and:or pumping facilities if - choose to breastfeed after - return to work%

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