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Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

1. Draw the following fractions

2. Write the following fractions (using numbers)

3. Un entrenador dispone de 11 jugadores titulares y 6 suplentes. Expresa mediante una fraccin la parte de jugadores suplentes. 4. Write the following fractions (using words) a) 5/12 b) 16/18 c) 1/5 d) 1/3 e) 2/6

5. Read in two different ways the following fractions a) 12/5 b) 6/7 c) 8/9 d) 5/12 e) 10/23

6. Read in three different ways the following fractions a) 2/3 b) 5/2 c) 3/4

7. Calculate 4 equivalent fractions of the following a) 2/5 b) 7/2 c) 7/13 d) 1/10 e) 4/3

8. Are these 2 fractions equivalent? Please explain your answer. a) 1/2 and 15/30 b) 4/5 and 8/9 c) 3/8 and 12/32 d) 1/3 and 3/9

9. Complete so the fractions are equivalent.

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

10. Simplify the following fractions to their simplest form by dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number. a) 4/6 b) 4/20 c) 3/12 d) 2/6 e) 35/40 f) 75/100

11. Cancel down each of these fractions to their simplest form by dividing the top and bottom number by a common factor. a) 4/16 b) 14/21 c) 10/15 d) 25/45 e) 13/52 f) 33/34

12. En un centro escolar hay 750 alumnos, de los cuales 125 son de 1ESO. Expresa mediante una fraccin irreducible la parte que representan los alumnos de 1ESO. 13. Javier y Jaime han decidido ir a Telepizza a comprarse una. La dividen en 12 partes iguales. Jaime se come 4 y Javier el resto. Expresa con una fraccin irreducible lo que se comi cada uno.

B. Excellence activities
14. Draw the following fractions

15. Write the following fractions (using numbers)

16. Write the following fractions (using words) a) 6/12 b) 2/3 c) 6/8 d) 2/15 e) 4/7

17. Read in two different ways the following fractions a) 8/24 b) 14/5 c) 2/13 d) 50/7 e) 2/9

18. Calculate 4 equivalent fractions of the following a) 2/4 b) 2/15 c) 10/20 d) 4/6 e) 6/5

19. Are these 2 fractions equivalent? Please explain your answer. a) 1/3 and 15/45 b) 4/3 and 8/9 c) 2/6 and 12/36 d) 1/5 and 3/10

20. Complete so the fractions are equivalent.

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

21. Simplify the following fractions to their simplest form by dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number. a) 2/10 b) 20/55 c) 8/14 d) 3/21 e) 6/16 f) 15/70

22. Cancel down each of these fractions to their simplest form by dividing the top and bottom number by a common factor. a) 4/20 b) 16/72 c) 3/5 d) 16/12 e) 6/30 f) 11/33

2. COMPARING FRACTIONS A. Key activities

23. Order the following fractions from the lowest to the highest 30/34, 21/34, 4/34, 33/34 and 16/34 24. Order the following fractions in descending order. 10/46, 16/46, 20/46, 36/46 and 29/46 25. Calculate the common denominator for the following fractions 3/5, 2/10, 3/4 and 6/2 26. Reduce to common denominator the following fractions 5/4, 7/2, 4/6 and 3/5 27. Order the following fractions from the lowest to the highest 2/3, 3/9, 1/2, 2/4 and 5/6 28. Order the following fractions in descending order. 4/5, 2/6, 7/10 and 4/15 29. Calculate the LCM of the denominators for the following fractions 1/16, 3/8, 5/2 and 7/4 30. Reduce the following fractions to the lowest common denominator 7/36, 7/20, 2/9 and 4/3 31. En un parque 3/8 de los rboles son pinos, 4/8 encinas y 1/8 palmeras. De qu tipo hay ms rboles? Y menos? 32. Volvamos a Jaime y Javier con su pizza (ver Ejercicio 13). Quin comi ms pizza?

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

B. Excellence activities
33. Order the following fractions from the lowest to the highest 20/24, 25/24, 15/24, 33/24 and 17/34 34. Order the following fractions in descending order. 9/16, 15/16, 19/16, 35/16 and 28/16 35. Calculate the common denominator for the following fractions 7/5, 4/8, 12/20 and 3/10 36. Reduce to common denominator the following fractions 6/5, 5/4, 3/2 and 7/10 37. Order the following fractions from the lowest to the highest 6/5, 9/8, 7/2 and 3/4 38. Order the following fractions in descending order. 8/3, 4/5, 2/6 and 7/15 39. Calculate the LCM of the denominators for the following fractions 7/8, 1/2, 3/4 and 9/10 40. Reduce the following fractions to the lowest common denominator 5/4, 3/12, 7/3 and 13/20 41. Adam cut his pie into 8 pieces and ate 5. Rachel cut her pie into 6 pieces and ate 3. Who has eaten a larger portion?

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions


42. Calculate

43. Calculate

44. Calculate

45. De la paga semanal que le dan a Paula, ella se gasta 1/3 en chuches verdes, 1/4 en chuches rojas y 1/5 en amarillas. Qu fraccin del total ahorra cada semana? 13/60 46. A Daniel le gusta andar as decide que el primer da se hace 3/5 de kilmetro. El segundo da recorre 9/4 de km y el ltimo, 7/3 de km. Cuntos kilmetros ha andado en total? 311/60

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

B. Excellence activities
47. Calculate

48. Laura bought 1/2 kg of sweets. Gonzalo bought 3/5 kg in the same shop. But when they left the shop, a guy named Santiago stole them 2/3 kg. How many kilos have they in the end? 13/30


49. Calculate and simplify if needed

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

50. Calculate and simplify if needed

51. Calculate and simplify if needed

52. A lo largo de una semana una tienda de discos ha vendido 231 CDs, de los cuales 5/7 eran de One Direction. Cuntos CDs de este grupo se han vendido? 165 53. En dos tiendas de informtica venden el mismo modelo de tablet. Pero en la primera hacen una rebaja de 2/9 de su valor, mientras que en la segunda la rebaja es de 3/11. Dnde la compraras? 2 54. Ramn tiene una tableta de chocolate dividida en 12 trozos iguales. Invita a Claudia con la mitad de los 2/3 de la tableta. Cunto trozos le da a Claudia? 4

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

B. Excellence activities
55. Calculate and simplify if needed

56. Calculate and simplify if needed

Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

1 ESO Fractions

5. COMBINED OPERATIONS C) Extra activities

57. Calculate and simplify if needed (CLUE: Use BEMDAS)

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