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What is Yoga Really?

It is a fact that the Yoga has become a modern day symbol for peace, serenity and well being all over the world. In the US alone more than 20 million people actively practice Yoga and it is estimated that on the average the practitioners spend more than $10 billion a year on yoga related products and classes. In spite of this popularity, a lot of people believe that Yoga is just another form of physical exercise. An important question here is about the scope of Yoga. Is it just limited to the physical well being of an individual or is there anything higher? The beauty of Yoga is that the word Yoga itself tells what it is. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning union or join. Now the question that arises in our mind is what are the two different entities Yoga is going to unite. Yoga is the unison of the individual self in us with the Supreme consciousness or GOD. It provides us

direct means of quieting the natural turbulence of thoughts in our mind and restlessness of body that prevent us from knowing what we really are and gives us the direct experience of the Supreme Consciousness or GOD. The practice of the science of Yoga lifts us from the state of being a limited, insecure and unhappy individual to a completely secure and contented being. Any activity that connects and keeps us with the higher truth of GOD is Yoga. The goal of Yoga is the highest joy and security which we experience from the Realization of the consciousness, the Self, which is one and the same with the Absolute Reality or GOD. As a science of inner transformation, Yoga is a perfect practical system for self improvement. It provides a systematic mythology for the inner transformation of the individual and connects us to our own self or GOD. Two Step process for Inner Transformation Bhagavan Krishna, known as the Lord of Yoga provides us with a two step approach for realizing the goal of Yoga which results in the union with our own true self or GOD.

Step 1: Condition and gain control over the body and mind Step 2: Using the conditioned and controlled mind to know the truth or GOD Step 1: Gain control over the Body and Mind We have lost our control over the body and mind may be due to life style or due to our struggle for day to day living. Instead of us controlling our body and mind, they started controlling us. We need to understand the fact that our body and mind are the two powerful instruments given to us by the almighty to face all the challenges in front of us; be it secular or sacred. When we dont have control over these instruments we cannot achieve anything in our day to day life or in spiritual world. The science of Yoga recognizes this fact very clearly and prescribed the first set of practices to gain control over our body and mind. These practices provide the necessary discipline and control over our physical body and mind. This will help us to gain control of the subtle forces within our body and provides us with a healthy body and mind. This ability helps us not only in knowing the GOD or truth

but in our professional success and daily life. We can have calmness of mind at all times and a restful sleep. We can have increased energy, vigor, vitality, longevity and high standard of health. We can have focus, concentration, creativity and presence of mind in our day to day activities. In essence, the practice of Yoga will transmute the animal nature in us into the divine nature and provide us the ability to control the emotions, passions and the power to resist temptations and disturbing elements from the mind. Step 2: Knowing and establishing ourselves in Truth or GOD In the second step, Yoga will enable us to get connected with GOD or the higher self in us and thus attain the true meaning of our existence. Once we gain enough control over the body and mind, they can used to focus on the consciousness within. In this step the Yoga will connect the individual consciousness in us with the Universal Consciousness or GOD. This is the meaning of the true union given by Yoga. Thus the scope of science of Yoga is our physical, mental and spiritual well being. By practicing the step-by-step methods of Yoga we come to know our oneness with the

infinite intelligence, power, and joy which gives life to all and which is the essence of our own true Self. Foot Notes: 1. Yoga Philosophy is one of the six schools of Hindu Philosophy which exist in India. Unlike so many other philosophies of the world, it is a philosophy that is wholly practical and can be experienced by any sincere seeker in this world itself. 2. The two step process in Yoga described by Bhagavan Krishna has been elaborated by Sage Patanjali into an eight step by step process called Raja Yoga in the great book called Yoga Sutra. 3. It is said in the Bible: Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) In these few words also conveys the key of the science of Yoga.

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