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AfLer 60 years of membershlp ln Lhe norLh ALlanLlc 1reaLy CrganlzaLlon (nA1C), 1urkey's role ln
Lhe alllance sLands sLrong amld new securlLy LhreaLs and challenglng reglonal change. lL also
largely corresponds Lo Lhe new SLraLeglc ConcepL of Lhe 2010 Llsbon SummlL, ouLllnlng Lhe range
of prlnclples Lo whlch Lhe members musL adopL ln order Lo conLlnue effecLlve cooperaLlon and
meeL new responses, capablllLles and parLners (nA1C, 2010). ln llghL of Lhls, 1urkey's sLraLeglc
geography ls cruclal for Lhe new securlLy envlronmenL ln Lhe Luro-ALlanLlc reglon and beyond.
1aklng Lhe recenL examples of Lhe lnLervenLlon ln Llbya and Lhe mlsslle defense sysLem, Lhls pollcy
updaLe wlll hlghllghL Lhe lmporLance of 1urkey's role wlLhln nA1C regardless of lnlLlal forelgn
pollcy dlsagreemenLs wlLh Lhe alllance and recenL negaLlve Lrends ln 1urklsh publlc oplnlon
Lowards Lhe WesL.
/@HD>7@86? *IE7I@EJ
Slnce lLs enLrance Lo nA1C on lebruary 18, 1932 and LhroughouL pollLlcal change, 1urkey has
conLlnued Lo play a cenLral role for Luro-ALlanLlc cooperaLlon and sLablllLy. uurlng Lhe Cold War,
1urkey's geographlcal poslLlon as Lhe alllance's souLhern flank" was of hlgh lmporLance Lo Lhe
WesL ln conLalnlng Lhe SovleL unlon (nA1C, 2011). Lven Lhough 1urkey's relaLlons wlLh nA1C
suffered followlng Lhe lack of alllance supporL ln Lhe 1urklsh lnvaslon of Cyprus ln 1974, 1urkey
and nA1C remalned allles and conLlnued cooperaLlon (earson, 2008, p. 64).
WlLh Lhe break-up of Lhe SovleL unlon and Lhe beglnnlng of a new, uncerLaln world order, new
members were lncorporaLed lnLo nA1C from Lhe former LasLern bloc, ln Lurn LesLlng 1urkey's
sLraLeglc lmporLance ln lLs relaLlons wlLh Lhe WesLern world. 1he percepLlon of 1urkey as a
deLermlned ally Lo nA1C perslsLed, however, Lhrough lLs engagemenLs by Lhe uS ln Lhe flrsL Culf
War (earson, 2008, p. 63). Whlle Lhe underlylng pollLlcal sLrucLures had changed ln Lhe posL-Cold
War era, nA1C and 1urkey worked LogeLher Lo respond Lo Lhe range of new rlsks and challenges
resulLlng from an lncreaslngly changlng world order.
lollowlng Lhe aLLacks of SepLember 11, 2001, nA1C adopLed lLs acL of collecLlve defense
agalnsL exLernal LhreaLs under ArLlcle 3. Slnce Lhen, Lhe more dlverse securlLy envlronmenL led Lo
nA1C engagemenLs far beyond Lhe Luro-ALlanLlc area, and provlded new lmporLance Lo 1urkey
glven lLs geographlcal and culLural poslLlon ln conLemporary ouL of area" mlsslons (uavuLoglu,
2012, p. 9-10, 16). lor example, 1urkey's sLraLeglc geography has helped faclllLaLe Luropean
lnvolvemenL ln AfghanlsLan where 1urklsh Lroops have been sLaLloned slnce 2001, holdlng
command of Lhe kabul-based lnLernaLlonal SecurlLy AsslsLance lorce (lSAl) boLh ln 2002 and 2003
(earson, 2008, p. 62, Czcan, 2012, p. 110).
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ln recenL years, 1urkey's role ln nA1C has lncreased markedly. 1he 1urklsh mlllLary ls Lhe
second largesL ln Lhe alllance afLer Lhe unlLed SLaLes. lLs overall conLrlbuLlons Lo nA1C's mlsslons
reach some 3,230 Lroops, of whlch 1,840 are deployed Lo lSAl. 1urkey has also employed close Lo
600 personnel as parL of Lhe [olnL coallLlon CperaLlon unlfled roLecLor ln Llbya, and has been one
of Lhe maln conLrlbuLors Lo Lhe CperaLlon AcLlve Lndeavour ln deLerrlng LerrorlsL acLlvlLy ln Lhe
MedlLerranean Sea (nA1C, 2011). ln addlLlon Lo parLlclpaLlng as equals ln all nA1C acLlvlLles,
1urklsh mlllLary has shown lLs ablllLy Lo Lake a lead ln alllance mlsslons when requesLed: besldes
lSAl, lL has Loo Laken over command of Lhe MulLlnaLlonal 1asks lorce SouLh ln souLhern kosovo ln
2007 (earson, 2008, p. 61-62). 1urkey has furLher played a consLrucLlve role ln Lhe alllance's
parLnershlps, e.g. Lhe MedlLerranean ulalogue for cooperaLlon wlLh non-nA1C MedlLerranean
counLrles, and Lhe lsLanbul CooperaLlon lnlLlaLlve of Lhe 2004 lsLanbul SummlL for sLrengLhened
relaLlons and securlLy ln Lhe broader Mlddle LasL reglon (nl;ancl, 2003, p. 3).
1oday, nA1C's MlllLary Command SLrucLure ls undergolng a reformaLlon ln whlch Lhe currenL
LhlrLeen headquarLers wlll be llmlLed Lo seven ln operaLlon. As a resulL, Lhe alr command ln lzmlr
wlll be replaced wlLh a new land command base, resulLlng ln 1urkey comprlslng one of Lhe ma[or
nA1C headquarLers on lLs LerrlLory (nA1C, 2011).
Accordlng Lo Ambassador Puseyln ulrlz, head of Lhe defense pollcy and plannlng aL nA1C, Lhe
lncreased 1urklsh role ln nA1C resulLs parLly from geopollLlcal change and Lhe ways ln whlch
1urkey's sLraLeglc lnLeresLs overlap wlLh Lhose of oLher member sLaLes. arLly, lL also corresponds
Lo 1urkey's role as key conLrlbuLor Lo nA1C, and Lo lLs acLlve forelgn pollcy (nA1C, 2011).
!N7O@H9 3>7E@RF =>?@8A 6FC =NS?@8 *B@F@>F !7EFCH
1urkey's rullng !usLlce and uevelopmenLs arLy (Ak) has moved Lo develop forelgn pollcles
LhaL are less dependenL on Lhe WesL Lhan prevlously. ln 2012, Lhe 1urklsh MlnlsLer of lorelgn
Affalrs, AhmeL uavuLoglu, conflrmed LhaL 1urkey ls no longer a wlng-counLry" under nA1C:
nA1C's sLraLeglc concepL [.] has evolved ln Lhe posL-Cold War era - and so has 1urkey's
calculaLlon of lLs sLraLeglc envlronmenL" (uavuLoglu, 2010). 1hls lnvolves 1urkey's vlslon Lo Lake on
a more reglonal role amld crlsls ln Lhe Caucasus, Lhe 8alkans, and Lhe Mlddle LasL. Whlle havlng
ongolng Lenslons wlLh counLrles such as Armenla, Cyprus, and lsrael, Ak has been able Lo
lmprove markedly lLs relaLlons wlLh nelghborlng counLrles ln Lhe Mlddle LasL (Cook 2011). Cn Lhe
one hand, 1urkey may play an lncreaslngly meanlngful role Lo nA1C noL only due Lo lLs mlllLary
capaclLy, buL also wlLh regards Lo lLs enhanced dlplomacy Lowards many counLrles beyond Lhe
Lurope-ALlanLlc reglon. lor uavuLoglu, ln sofL securlLy Lerms - reachlng ouL Lo CenLral Asla,
Caucasus, Mlddle LasL and norLhern Afrlca Lhrough nA1C membershlp mechanlsms, 1urkey has
proven Lo be a sLaunch member of Lhe alllance" (uavuLoglu, 2012, p. 16). ?eL some argue LhaL ln
keeplng an acLlve forelgn pollcy Lowards nelghbors, Ak pollLlclans also keep a dlsLance from Lhe
WesL as Lhelr pollcles dlverge, e.g. dlsagreemenLs regardlng 1urkey's problemaLlc relaLlons wlLh
lsrael, or uS' lnLeresLs ln deLerrlng lran (Czcan, 2012, p.110).
AL Lhe same Llme, Lhe 1urklsh publlc's supporL for Lhe WesL and nA1C has decreased. ln a
1ransaLlanLlc 1rends survey from 2010, when asked lf nA1C ls essenLlal Lo Lhelr counLry's securlLy,
only 30 percenL answered afflrmaLlvely. 1hls represenLed a decrease afLer 2004 (33 percenL), ln
conLrasL, Lhe supporL of oLher member counLrles remalned hlgh (1ransaLlanLlc 1rends, 2010, p.
37). Agaln ln 2011, alLhough Lhe 1urklsh publlc's supporL for nA1C had lncreased Lo 37 percenL, lL
sLlll held Lhe lowesL supporL amongsL members, approxlmaLely 20 percenL less Lhan oLher publlcs
(1ransaLlanLlc 1rends, 2011, p. 32). lor ?urLer Czcan, chlef of Lhe 1urklsh ollcy CenLer ln
WashlngLon, uC, Lhe negaLlve publlc oplnlon of Lhe WesL ln 1urkey ls lnseparable from Lhe
!N7OEA'()!* #E?6D@>FH 6D D9E 01
)FF@IE7H67A P .>Q@6 /6QCE?? P K=>! MEFDE7 P =>?@8A "BC6DE F>G :

negaLlve forelgn pollcy rheLorlc used by Lhe 1urklsh governmenL agalnsL WesLern lnlLlaLlves
(Czcan, 2012).
?eL, ln splLe of lnlLlal dlsagreemenLs wlLh nA1C on several occaslons, 1urklsh pollLlclans have
been keen noL Lo undermlne Lhe alllance's pollcles. 1hls was demonsLraLed recenLly by 1urkey's
shlfLed sLance ln boLh Lhe case of Lhe lnLervenLlon ln Llbya and ln developlng Lhe mlsslle defense
.D6S@?@DA @F 5@CC?E %6HD 6FC (>7D9 )Q7@86 U5%()VW !9E -FDE7IEFD@>F @F ,@SA6
When Lhe Arab Sprlng erupLed across Lhe MLnA reglon ln 2011, 1urkey lnlLlally opposed an
lnLervenLlon ln Llbya. When Lhe slLuaLlon lnLenslfled ln Lhe end of lebruary, Lhe 1urklsh rlme
MlnlsLer 8ecep 1ayylp Lrdogan sLaLed hls poslLlon agalnsL forelgn lnvolvemenL ln Lhe counLry:
WhaL has nA1C Lo do ln Llbya? nA1C's lnLervenLlon ln Llbya ls ouL of Lhe quesLlon. We are
agalnsL such a Lhlng" (CuoLed ln 1oday's Zaman, 2011). lrom early Lo mld-March, Lrdogan
repeaLed Lhls approach, concerned LhaL forelgn lnLervenLlon would exacerbaLe Lhe slLuaLlon and
endanger Lhe reglon aL large. Powever, followlng Lhe un 8esoluLlon 1973 on March 17, 2011, wlLh
Lhe supporL from Lhe Arab League, 1urkey declded Lo asslsL mulLllaLeral acLlon and senL
submarlnes and navy shlps Lo help enforce nA1C's arms embargo (Pead, 2011).
lor Ambassador ulrlz, 1urkey's engagemenL ln Llbya can be vlewed as a recenL example of Lhe
equal role of member sLaLes Lo lnfluence lnlLlaLlves and declslons ln nA1C. Cnce 1urkey had
Lurned ln supporL of humanlLarlan lnLervenLlon, accordlng Lo ulrlz, lL was an lmporLanL player ln
Lhe pollLlcal process leadlng up Lo enforclng CperaLlon unlfled roLecLor Lo Llbya, slgnlfylng Lhe
alllance's capaclLy Lo lmplemenL collecLlve declslon-maklng (nA1C, 2011).
Moreover, 1urkey's lncreaslng reglonal role makes lL a sLraLeglc ally Lo nA1C followlng dramaLlc
changes ln many Mlddle LasLern and norLh Afrlcan counLrles. As Lhese counLrles sLlll Lransform,
nA1C SecreLary Ceneral Anders logh 8asmussen sees 1urkey's role ln Lhls reglon as cruclal for Lhe
new sLraLeglc envlronmenL and fuLure parLnershlps noL only because of lLs slze and locaLlon, buL
also wlLh respecL Lo lLs culLural and hlsLorlcal experlence wlLh nelghborlng counLrles (8asmussen,
2012, p. 4-3). lurLher, Lhe 1urklsh uefense MlnlsLer lsmeL ?ilmaz belleves LhaL 1urkey's economlc
growLh, Musllm ldenLlLy, democraLlc values, and llnks wlLh Lhe WesL boLh as a Lu-candldaLe
counLry and mlllLary ally serve as crlLerla by whlch 1urkey can acL as a model for many counLrles ln
Lhe MLnA reglon. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, he sLaLes, 1hrough cooperaLlon, we can provlde peace and
sLablllLy ln Lhe Mlddle LasLern reglon" (nA1C, 2012), as was endeavored wlLh Lhe mlsslon ln Llbya.
1urkey's role ln nA1C ls also cenLral Lo Lhe alllance's sLraLeglc lnLeresLs ln developlng Lhe
mlsslle defense capablllLy, proLecLlng Luropean LerrlLorles from LhreaLs of balllsLlc mlsslle
prollferaLlon. uurlng Lhe Llsbon SummlL ln 2010, Lhe alllance agreed Lo adopL Lhe mlsslle defense
sysLem Lo nA1C, a prevlous uS lnlLlaLlve for defense lnLegraLlon wlLh Lurope agalnsL lranlan
balllsLlc mlsslles (ulgen, 2012, p. 10). As a resulL, 1urkey agreed Lo hosL parLs of nA1C's mlsslle
defense on lLs LerrlLory, and Loday an early warnlng radar, Lhe flrsL parL ln Lhe process of operaLlng
Lhe mlsslle shleld, has been esLabllshed ln Lhe clLy of MalaLya, locaLed souLheasL of Ankara (Cnn,
1he agreemenL wlLh Lhe uS and nA1C Lo hosL Lhe radar followed negoLlaLlons and concerns
from Lhe 1urklsh slde. lrom Lhe beglnnlng, 1urkey demanded full coverage of Lhe defense sysLem
and Lhe rlghL Lo oversee lLs enLlre LerrlLory whlle sLresslng LhaL nelghborlng counLrles, lncludlng
Syrla and lran, should noL be menLloned as speclflc LhreaLs (ulgen, 2012, p. 10). ln a recenL
!N7OEA'()!* #E?6D@>FH 6D D9E 01
)FF@IE7H67A P .>Q@6 /6QCE?? P K=>! MEFDE7 P =>?@8A "BC6DE F>G :

sLaLemenL amld lnLernaLlonal concerns, uavuLoglu publlcally ensured LhaL Lhe sysLem ls noL Lo
harm relaLlons ln lLs reglon: We would never accepL any aLLack on any of our nelghbors from our
soll. We don'L wanL such a percepLlon of LhreaL Lo exlsL, especlally agalnsL lran" (CuoLed ln
uemerelll, 2012).
noneLheless, Lhe mlsslle defense sysLem based ln 1urkey has aLLracLed conLroversy aL Lhe
lnLernaLlonal level. Slnan ulgen, vlslLlng scholar aL Carnegle Lurope, says 1urklsh-lranlan relaLlons
are affecLed desplLe cauLlous dlplomaLlc sLaLemenLs from Lhe 1urklsh slde: Lhe deLerloraLlon of
1urkey's relaLlonshlp wlLh lran ls llkely Lo have consequences for Lhe lmporLance aLLached by
1urklsh pollcymakers Lo Lhelr securlLy relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lhe credlblllLy of
nA1C's exLended deLerrence" (ulgen, 2012, p. 10-11). Also, 8ussla ls anoLher counLry LhaL has
opposed Lhe developmenL of nA1C's mlsslle shleld. Whlle nA1C has planned for Lalks on mlsslle
defense cooperaLlon wlLh 8ussla prlor Lo Lhe Chlcago SummlL, Lo be held ln May 20-21, 2012, Lhe
Lwo parLs has noL yeL reached progress for an agreemenL (uemerelll, 2012).
SLlll, Lhe mlsslle defense sysLem demonsLraLes Lhe lmporLance of 1urklsh agreemenL wlLh Lhe
alllance's sLraLeglc lnLeresLs. lor uefense MlnlsLer ?ilmaz, nA1C's sLraLeglc lnLeresLs are sLrongly
llnked Lo Lhe concepL of smarL defense," spendlng money collecLlvely and more efflclenLly wlLhln
Lhe alllance. lndeed, ln ?ilmaz vlew, Lhe 1urklsh declslon Lo hosL Lhe radar for nA1C purposes ls
Lhe besL example of smarL defense" and has been a blg sLep ln provldlng a [olnL and more
efflclenL defense sysLem Lo nA1C [.] wlLh 1urkey dolng lLs parL" (nA1C, 2012).
M>F8?NH@>FHW ,>>O@FR )9E6C >Q D9E 01D9 )FF@IE7H67A
AfLer 60 years of membershlp ln nA1C, boLh 1urkey and nA1C have vesLed lnLeresLs ln
conLlnued cooperaLlon. 1urkey's role ln Lhe alllance remalns lmporLanL due Lo lLs sLraLeglc
geography ln reachlng beyond Lhe Luro-ALlanLlc reglon. uesplLe recenL Lrends of low publlc
supporL and an ofLen crlLlcal sLance Lowards nA1C lnlLlaLlves from Lhe 1urklsh slde, 1urkey seems
Lo acL carefully noL Lo undermlne LransaLlanLlc cooperaLlon. 1o Lhls end, ulgen sees 1urkey's
presence ln nA1C as llkely Lo lnLenslfy lf obsLacles, e.g. wlLh respecL Lo Lu-membershlp, remaln. ln
LhaL case, he belleves nA1C wlll remaln almosL Lhe sole plaLform for 1urklsh pollcy maklng where
Lhere ls a sorL of LransaLlanLlc agenda seL" (nA1C, 2012b).
uurlng Lhe nA1C Chlcago SummlL ln May, Lhe alllance ls seL Lo agree on a range of key
prlorlLles, lncludlng smarL defense, sLablllLy ln norLh Afrlcan and Mlddle LasLern counLrles, and Lhe
mlsslle defense capablllLy, Lo whlch 1urkey's poslLlon ls cruclal. Whlle 1urkey ls key Lo all of Lhese
lssues, 1urkey-nA1C relaLlons are ln process of muLual adapLaLlon, faclng new securlLy LhreaLs and
shlfLlng geopollLlcal reallLles. WheLher or noL Lhe upcomlng summlL wlll demonsLraLe, as predlcLed
by 8asmussen LhaL afLer 60 years of unchanglng commlLmenL and solldarlLy, nA1C and 1urkey
are sLlll ready, and able, Lo meeL Lhe challenge of change" (8asmussen, 2012, p. 3) remalns Lo be

Sofla Pafdell ls an lnLern aL
Co1 CenLer. She ls currenLly
an undergraduaLe sLudenL sLu-
dylng l8 aL Malm unlverslLy ln
Sweden. She has prevlously
sLudled aL unlverslLy of Sydney
and lsLanbul kulLur unlverslLy.
!N7OEA'()!* #E?6D@>FH 6D D9E 01
)FF@IE7H67A P .>Q@6 /6QCE?? P K=>! MEFDE7 P =>?@8A "BC6DE F>G :

Cnn. (2012, !an 16). arL of nA1C mlsslle defense sysLem goes llve ln 1urkey, !"" $%&'(.
8eLrleved from hLLp://

Cook, S. A. (2011, CcL 26). 1urkey's 8lslng MldeasL 8ole, !%)*+,' %* -%&.,/* 0.'12,%*3. 8eLrleved
from hLLp://
uavuLoglu, A. (2010, May 20). 1urkey's Zero roblem's lorelgn ollcy, -%&.,/* 4%',+56 8eLrleved
from hLLp://

uavuLoglu, A. (2012, Sprlng). 1ransformaLlon of nA1C and 1urkey's oslLlon, !.*2.& 7%& 82&12./,+
0.3.1&+9. volume 17(1), 7-17.

uemlrelll, l. (2012, leb 13). nA1C Lo lran: uon'L worry abouL mlsslle shleld unless you plan aLLack,
:%(15;3 <1=1*. 8eLrleved from hLLp://

Pead, !. (2011, March 23). Llbya: 1urkey's Lroubles wlLh naLo and no-fly zone, >>!. 8eLrleved from

nA1C. (2010). AcLlve LngagemenL, Modern uefence: SLraLeglc ConcepL for Lhe uefence and
SecurlLy of Lhe Members of Lhe norLh ALlanLlc 1reaLy CrganlzaLlon. "?:@. 1-37.

nA1C (lnLervlewer) & Puseyln ulrlz. (2011, uec 20). lnLervlew wlLh Puseyln ulrlz, nA1C
AsslsLanL SecreLary Ceneral for uefence ollcy and lannlng [Cnllne 1ranscrlpL]. 8eLrleved from
nA1C webslLe hLLp://www.naLo.lnL/cps/en/Slu-A71lC23l-80L44C60/naLollve/oplnlons_82278.

nA1C (lnLervlewer) & lzmeL ?ilmaz. (lnLervlewee). (2012). 1urkey: lnLervlew wlLh uefence MlnlsLer
?llmaz [Cnllne vldeo]. 8eLrleved from nA1C 8evlew Magazlne webslLe: hLLp://www.naLo.lnL/do

nA1C (lnLervlewer) & Slnan ulgen. (lnLervlewee). (2012b). 1urkey: whaL 60 years ln nA1C means
[Cnllne vldeo]. 8eLrleved from nA1C 8evlew Magazlne webslLe: hLLp://www.naLo.lnL/docu/rev

nlsancl, S. (2003, March). 1urkey's role ln nA1C ln Lhe osL-Cold War SecurlLy LnvlronmenL. A8"
A*2.&*12,%*1' 0.'12,%*3 1*( 8.+)&,25 ".2B%&C. nA1C uefence Collage 8esearch apers: 8ome.
no. 16. 1-7.

earson, W. 8. (2008, Aprll). 1urkey and nA1C: new lmages and Cld CuesLlons, 82&12./,+ 82)(,.3
A*32,2)2.3. Ch. 3, 61-74.

8asmussen, A. l. (2012) reface: nA1C and 1urkey - MeeLlng Lhe Challenge of Change, !.*2.& 7%&
82&12./,+ 0.3.1&+96 Sprlng 2012. 8epubllc of 1urkey MlnlsLry of lorelgn Affalrs. 1-3.

!N7OEA'()!* #E?6D@>FH 6D D9E 01
)FF@IE7H67A P .>Q@6 /6QCE?? P K=>! MEFDE7 P =>?@8A "BC6DE F>G :

1oday's Zaman. (2011, March 1). M rules ouL nA1C lnLervenLlon ln Llbya, :%(15;3 <1=1*. 8e-
Lrleved from hLLp://

1ransaLlanLlc 1rends. (2010). 1ransaLlanLlc 1rends: 1opllne uaLa 2010, D.&=1* E1&391'' -)*(. 1-

1ransaLlanLlc 1rends. (2011). 1ransaLlanLlc 1rends: 1opllne uaLa 2011, D.&=1* E1&391'' -)*(. 1-

ulgen, S. (2012, leb). 1urkey and Lhe 8omb, !1&*./,. F)&%G.. Carnegle aper: WashlngLon, uC. 1-

Czcan, ?. (2012). 1urkey As nA1C arLner: 8eallLy vs. 8heLorlc, :)&C,39 4%',+5 H)1&2.&'5. 1urklsh
ollcy CenLer: WashlngLon, uC. 103-112.

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