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Story Inside Stories

Human being has an unlimited idea to work, every single that people have been thinking is absolutely through the logical system inside our brain whether you realize it or not, but thats a fact. According to our system we have also a different perspective about some issue that we got based on our e perience. If you likes read many books, you must be known about framing. It seems a big screen like a television that imagine a te t become a visual concept, we have a different interpretation about a story. See on the different point of view you might be figure that different analyzing with another people. !he story within a story is a frame techni"ue that has been around since the days of ancient Indian literature, epics #ahabharata and $amayana is as an e ample of writing a story within a story techni"ue. Another e ample that are still using this techni"ue is the %ne !housand and %ne &ights 'Arabian &ights(. !his techni"ue focuses on the use of another story inside a main story, in other word this techni"ues of a story using lots of stories with a lot of purposes. In my point of view )ust called it with mini story, part mini story within the main story is that there is a crucial part in a story that uses these techni"ues. !he purposes are to build a theme and topic in the story, helped organize a plot in the story. *ut many of writers use this techni"ue only to confuse the reader by using multiple points of view. %ften we hear the stream consciousness techni"ue that displays many points of view so often deceive the reader.

+oint of view in a work of prose, the author tells how the e istence of a figure in an event. ,vents in a story are not always viewed from the perspective of the main character. !o determine this, we can review it from anyone who saw the story- %r who is telling the story- !he first points of view are divided as the main actors, the first person as a participant, and the first as an observer. +ronoun used is. me or .I, we, us., usually also called the point of view of. recognition. !hird person point of view, viewpoint usually uses the third person as he or names of people who serve as the focus of the story. %mniscient observer.s point of view, in this case acts as if the author knows all the events e perienced by the characters and character behavior. !e t printed by an italics word in the After School story, it is a story within a story. *roadly speaking, these mini stories were created to facilitate the reader to visualize the state of the place as /ordon and 0athryn sat together on the banks of the river, as if the narrator as a camera.s highlight is positioned as the main character.s point of view as anglers around /ordon and 0athryn. Story elements in the story in this story is more likely to get out of what the topic at After School story but it is still likely to get a plot of the story.

A different story but with the same frame techni"ue is the story !his Is 1hat It #eans to Say +hoeni , Arizona by Sherman Ale ie. Storyline takes the reader back and forth into the past of the characters in the story has more to give the impression of a story within a story. !homas characters who were there to help bridge the mini stories with a main story, as opposed to after school !homas often indirectly invited to the stories that happened in the past both of them naturally between 2ictor and !homas.

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