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Comparing (Similarities and Differences) Properties of Alkanes and Alkenes Physical Properties Alkanes Alkenes

Physical state Physical state changes Same with alkanes. from gas to liquid when going down the series. Electrical conductivity. Boiling points and melting points Do not conduct Same with alkanes. electricity at any state. Low boiling points and Same with alkanes. melting points number of carbon atoms per molecule increases!. Low densities number Same with alkanes. of carbon atom per molecule increases!. "nsoluble in water soluble in organic solvent! Alkanes Substitution reaction! %nreactive Same with alkanes.


Solubility in water

Chemical Properties $eactivity &ombustion

Alkenes #ddition reaction! $eactive

Burn in air and produce Burn in air and produce yellow sooty flame. yellow and sootier flame compare to alkanes. 'o reaction. Decolourise brown bromine solution.

$eaction with bromine solution

$eaction with 'o reaction. acidified potassium manganate (""! solution

Decolourise purple acidified potassium manganate (""! solution.

Family of Hydrocarbon Alkene ). *eneral formula+ CnH2n ,here n - ./ 0/ 1 2 n - number of carbon! .. #lkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons which contain one or more carbon3carbon & - &! double bonds in molecules. 0. 4he functional group in alkenes is carbon3carbon double & - &! bond. 'ame of alkene 5olecular formula of alkene Ethene &.61 Propene &067 Butene &168 Pentene &96): 6e;ene &76). 6eptene &<6)1 =ctene &86)7 'onene &>6)8 Decene &):6.: olec!lar form!la is a chemical formula that shows the actual number of atoms of each type of elements present in a molecule of the compound. E;ample+ molecular formula of butene is &16.;1 - &168 1. Physical properties of alkenes 'ame 5olecularform $55 Density g Physical state at ula cm30! .9?& Ethene &.61 .8 :.::)) *as Propene &067 1. :.::)8 *as Butene &168 97 :.::.0 *as Pentene &96): <: :.710: Liquid 6e;ene &76). 81 :.7<9: Liquid 6eptene &<6)1 >8 :.7>8: Liquid =ctene &86)7 )). :.<)7: Liquid 'onene &>6)8 ).7 :.<0): Liquid Decene &):6.: )1: :.<10: Liquid Sol!bility in "ater @ all members in alkenes are insoluble in water but soluble in many organic solvent benAene and ether!. Density of alkene @ the density of water is higher than density of alkene. ,hen going down the series/ relative molecular mass of alkenes is higher due to the higher force of attraction between molecules and alkene molecules are packed closer together. #lectrical cond!cti$ity @ all members in alkenes do not conduct electricity. #lkenes are covalent compounds and do not contain freely moving ions. %oiling and melting points @ all alkenes in general have low boiling points and melting points. #lkenes are held together by weak attractive forces

between molecules intermolecular forces! van der ,aalsB force. ,hen going down the series/ more energy is required to overcome the attraction. 6ence/ the boiling and melting points increases.

A) IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) is used to name organic compound. Organic compound is divided into three portions which is Prefix + Root + Suffix. 1. Prefix name of the branch or side chain. enera! formu!a" #n$%n+1 &here n ' 1( %( )( * (n ' number of carbon) +ormu!a ,ranch or name of group #$) meth.! #%$/ eth.! #)$0 prop.! #1$2 but.! #/$11 pent.! %. 3!4.! group signifies that it is not part of the main chain. ). 5wo or more t.pes of branches are present( name them in a!phabetica! order. 6umber of side chain Prefix % 7i) 5ri1 5etra/ Penta8 $exa1. 9ore than one side chains are present( prefixes are used. /. Root the parent h.drocarbon (denotes the !ongest carbon chain). 6umber of carbon atoms 1 % ) 1 / 8 0 : 2 Root name methethpropbutpenthexheptoctnan-

o o

dec5he !ongest continuous (straight chain) carbon chain is se!ected. <dentif. the number of carbon.

8. Suffix functiona! group. $omo!ogous series +unctiona! group 3!4ane -##3!4ene -#'#3!coho! O$ #arbox.!ic acid #OO$ =ster #OO 0. =xamp!e" 1-meth.!hept-%-ene. :. Prefix + Root + Suffix B) Family of Hydrocarbon Al!ane Suffix -ane -ene -o! -oic -oate

1. enera! formu!a" #n$%n+% &here n ' 1( %( )( * (n ' number of carbon) %. =ach carbon atom in a!4anes is bonded to four other atoms b. sing!e cova!ent bonds. 3!4anes are saturated h.drocarbon. 6ame of a!4ane 9o!ecu!ar formu!a of a!4ane 9ethane #$1 =thane #%$8 Propane #)$: ,utane #1$1; Pentane #/$1% $exane #8$11 $eptane #0$18 Octane #:$1: 6onane #2$%; 7ecane #1;$%% "olecular formula is a chemica! formu!a that shows the actua! number of atoms of each of e!ements present in a mo!ecu!e of the compound. #on$Hydrocarbon Alcohol

1. enera! formu!a" #n$%n + 1O$

&here n ' 1( %( ) * (n ' number of carbon)

%. 3!coho!s are non-h.drocarbons which contain carbon( h.drogen and ox.gen atoms. ). 5he functiona! group in a!coho!s is h.drox.! group( O$. 6ame of a!coho! 9o!ecu!ar formu!a of a!coho! 9ethanol #$)O$ =thanol #%$/O$ Propanol > Propan-1-ol #)$0O$ ,utanol > ,utan-1-ol #1$2O$ Pentanol % Pentan-1-ol #/$11O$ $exanol % $exan-1-ol #8$1)O$ $eptanol % $eptan-1-ol #0$1/O$ Octanol > Octan-1-ol #:$10O$ 6onanol > 6onan-1-ol #2$12O$ 7ecanol > 7ecan-1-ol #1;$%1O$ 1. Physical properties of a!coho! 6ame 9o!ecu!ar 9e!ting formu!a point (?#) 9ethanol #$)O$ -20 =thanol #%$)O$ -110 Propanol #)$/O$ -1%0 ,utanol #1$0O$ -2; Pentanol #/$2O$ -02

,oi!ing point (?#) 8/ 0: 20 11: 1):

Ph.sica! state at %/?# @iAuid @iAuid @iAuid @iAuid @iAuid

Solubility in &ater a!! members in a!coho! are ver. so!ub!e in water (miscib!e with water). 'olatility a!! a!coho!s are high!. vo!ati!e. Colour and Smell a!coho!s are co!our!ess !iAuid and have sharp sme!!. Boilin( and meltin( points a!! a!coho!s in genera! have !ow boi!ing points (0:?#).

/. Chemical properties of a!coho!

Combustion of alcohol #omp!ete combustion of a!coho!. #%$/O$ + )O% B %#O% + )$%O (3!coho! burns with c!ean b!ue f!ames. 3!coho! burns p!ent. of ox.gen to produce carbon dioxide and water. 5his reaction re!eases a !ot of heat. 5herefore( it is a c!ean fue! as it does not po!!ute the air.) Other examp!e" %#)$0O$ + 2O% B 8#O% + :$%O

)xidation of ethanol <n the !aborator.( two common oxidising agents are used for the oxidation of ethano! which are acidified potassium dichromate(C<) so!ution (orange to green) and acidified potassium manganate(C<<) so!ution (purp!e to co!our!ess). #%$/O$ + %DOE B #$)#OO$ + $%O =thano! oxidised to ethanoic acid (a member of the homo!ogous series of carbox.!ic acids wi!! be discussed in Part 8). Other examp!e" #)$0O$ + %DOE B #%$/#OO$ + $%O Remo*al of &ater +,ehydration) 3!coho! can change to a!4ene b. remova! of water mo!ecu!es (deh.dration). <t resu!ts in the formation of a #'# doub!e bond. #n$%n+1O$ B #n$%n + $%O #%$/O$ B #%$1 + $%O 5wo methods are being used to carr. out a deh.dration in the !aborator.. a) =thano! vapour is passed over a heated cata!.st such as a!uminium oxide( ung!aFed porce!ain chips( pumice stone or porous pot. b) =thano! is heated under ref!ux at 1:;?# with excess concentrated su!phuric acid( $%SO1. Other examp!e" #)$0O$ B #)$8 + $%O 8. Uses of Alcohol 3!coho! as a so!vent (cosmetics( toi!etries( thinners( varnishes( perfumes). 3!coho! as a fue! (fue! for racing car( c!ean fue!( a!ternative fue!). 3!coho! as a source of chemica!s (po!.mer( exp!osives( vinegar( fiber). 3!coho! as a source of medica! product (antiseptics for s4in disinfection( rubbing a!coho!). 0. "isuse and Abuse 7epressant drug 3!coho!ic drin4s 3ddictive drug


Carboxylic Acids

1. enera! formu!a" #n$%n+1#OO$

&here n ' ;( 1( %( ) * (n ' number of carbon) %. #arbox.!ic acids are non-h.drocarbons which contain carbon( h.drogen and ox.gen atoms.

). 5he functiona! group in a!coho!s is carbox.! group( #OO$. 6ame of 9o!ecu!ar formu!a carbox.!ic acids of a!coho! 9ethanoic acid(+ormic acid) =thanoic acid(3cetic acid) Propanoic acid ,utanoic acid $#OO$

#$)#OO$ #%$/#OO$ #)$0#O$

1. Physical properties of carbox.!ic acid 6ame 9o!ecu!arformu!a

,oi!ing point (?#) 1;1

9ethanoic acid(+ormic acid) =thanoic acid(3cetic acid) Propanoic acid ,utanoic acid




#%$/#OO$ #)$0#O$

111 181

Solubility in &ater genera!!. in carbox.!ic acid (the !ess than four carbon atoms) are ver. so!ub!e in water and ionise partia!!. to form wea4 . ,ensity of carboxylic acid densit. of carbox.!ic acid increases due to the increases in the number of carbon atoms in a mo!ecu!e. Boilin( points a!! carbox.!ic acid in genera! have re!ative!. high boi!ing points than the corresponding a!4anes. 5his is due to the presence of carbox.! group in carbox.!ic acid. Smell carbox.!ic acid (G 1; carbon) are co!our!ess and pungent sme!!. #arbox.!ic acid (B1; carbons) are wax-!i4e so!ids.

/. Preparation of carbox.!ic acid

)xidation of an alcohol 5he oxidation of ethano! is used to prepare ethanoic acid. #%$/O$ + %DOE B #$)#OO$ + $%O #arried out b. ref!uxingH ethano! with an oxidising agent Dacidified potassium dichromate(C<) so!ution orange co!our turns to green > acidified potassium manganate(C<<) so!ution purp!e co!our turns to co!our!essE H reflux = upright Liebig condense to prevent the loss of a volatile liquid by vaporisation. 8. Chemical properties of carbox.!ic acid

Acid properties =thanoic acid is a wea4 monoprotic acid that ionises partia!!. in water (produce a !ow concentration of h.drogen ions). #$)#OO$ GB #$)#OO- + $+ =thanoic acid turns moist b!ue !itmus paper red. Reaction &ith metals =thanoic acid reacts with reactive meta!s (copper and meta!s be!ow it in the reactivit. series cannot react with ethanoic acid). (-. #a. "(. Al. /n. Fe. Sn. Pb( #u( $g( 3u) %#$)#OO$ + In B In(#$)#OO)% + $% <n this reaction( a co!our!ess so!ution (Finc ethanoate) is formed. %#$)#OO$ + 9g B 9g(#$)#OO)% + $% <n this reaction( a co!our!ess so!ution (magnesium ethanoate) is formed. Reaction &ith bases acid neutra!ises a!4a!is (sodium h.droxide). #$)#OO$ + 6aO$ B #$)#OO6a + $%O <n this reaction( a sa!t (sodium ethanoate) and water are formed. Reaction &ith carbonates =thanoic acid reacts with meta! carbonates (ca!cium carbonate( magnesium carbonate( Finc carbonate). %#$)#OO$ + #a#O) B #a(#$)#OO)% + #O% + $%O <n this reaction( a sa!t (ca!cium ethanoate)( carbon dioxide and water are formed. Reaction &ith alcohols +0sterification) =thanoic acid reacts with a!coho! (ethano!( propano!( butano!) #$)#O-)H + H$O#1$2 B #$)#OO#1$2 + $%O (#oncentrated $%SO1 is a cata!.st) <n this reaction( an ester (co!our!ess sweet-sme!!ing !iAuid) (but.! ethanoate) and water are formed. 0. Uses of Carboxylic Acid

#arbox.!ic acid (methanoic acid and ethanoic acid) is used to coagu!ate !atex. Cinegar (di!ute 1J of ethanoic acid) is used as preservative and f!avouring.

=thanoic acid is used to ma4e po!.vinv.! acetate which is used to ma4e p!astics and emu!sion paints. ,enFoic acid is used as food preservative. ,utanoic acid is used to produce ester (artificia! f!avouring). 0sters


1. enera! formu!a" #n$%n+1#OO#m$%m+1 &here n ' ;( 1( %( ) * and m ' 1( %( ) * (n and m ' number of carbon) R#OORK where R and RK represented the same or different a!4.! groups. %. =sters are non-h.drocarbons which contain carbon( h.drogen and ox.gen atoms. ). 5he functiona! group in ester is carbox.!ate group( #OO -. #n$%n+1C))H + #m$%m+1)H B #n$%n+1C))#m$%m+1 + $%O

+irst part" ta4en from the a!coho! (a!4.! group) Second part" ta4en from the carbox.!ic acid (-oic to -oate) 9o!ecu!ar formu!a of ester $#OO#%$/ #$)#OO#$) #$)#OO#)$0 #%$/#OO#%$/ Prepared from =thano! + 9ethanoic acid 9ethano! + =thanoic acid Propano! + =thanoic acid =thano! + Propanoic acid

6ame of ester =th.! methanoate 9eth.! ethanoate Prop.! ethanoate =th.! propanoate

1. Physical properties of ester 6ame Odour )-met.!but.! acetate ,anana =th.! butanoate Pineapp!e Oct.! ethanoate Orange <soam.! isova!erate 3pp!e

Simp!e esters are co!our!ess !iAuid and are found in fruits and f!owers. =sters have sweet p!easant sme!!. =sters are cova!ent compounds. =sters are inso!ub!e in water but so!ub!e in organic so!vent. =sters are !ess dense than water. =sters are neutra! and cannot conduct e!ectricit..

5he higher and more comp!ex esters have higher boi!ing points and !ess vo!ati!e.

6atura! sources"

Cegetab!e oi!s (pa!m oi!) and !iAuids esters can be found in p!ants derived from g!.cero! and fatt. acids. +ats are so!id esters (mi!4 fat) derived from g!.cero! and fatt. acids. &axes (beewax) are so!id ester derived from !ong-chain fatt. acids and !ong-chain a!coho!s.

/. Uses of 0sters

Preparation of cosmetics and perfumes (esters are vo!ati!e and have sweet sme!!). S.nthetic esters used as food additives (artificia! f!avour). 6atura! esters serves as storage reserve of energ. in !iving things. <n p!ant( wax (esters) he!ps to prevent deh.dration and attac4 of microorganisms. =sters used as so!vents for g!ue and varnishes. =sters used to ma4e p!astics softer. =sters used to produce po!.ester (threads and s.nthetics fabrics) =sters used to produce soap and detergents.

Polymers 1. Po!.mer man. sma!! units (monomers) Loining together to formed !arge mo!ecu!e. %. Po!.mer can be c!assified into two groups"

s.nthetic po!.mers > man-made po!.mers (po!.theneM PC# po!.vin.! ch!orideM artificia! si!4M and po!.propene) natura! po!.mers (natura! rubberM starchM ce!!u!oseM and proteins)

). 6atura! po!.mer" Carbohydrates +polysaccharides) (starch( g!.cogen and ce!!u!ose)

enera! formu!a" #x($%O). with the ratio of $"O ' %"1 #arboh.drates have c.c!ic structure. 9onomer" g!ucose (#8$1%$8) Reaction to form po!.mer" condensation reaction (- $%O)

1. 6atura! po!.mer" Protein +polypeptide)

Protein consists of carbon( h.drogen( ox.gen and nitrogen (some have su!phur( phosphorus and other e!ements) 9onomer" amino acids 3mino acids have two functiona! group which are carbox.! group (-#OO$) and amino group (-6$%) Reaction to form po!.mer" condensation reaction (- $%O)

/. 6atura! po!.mer" #atural rubber

=xtracted from the !atex of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) which the tree originates from ,raFi!. 3 mo!ecu!e of rubber contains /;;; isoprene units. 9onomer" isoprene( #/$: or %-meth.!buta-1()-diene. Reaction to form po!.mer" additiona! po!.merisation (one of the doub!e bond in isoprene becomes sing!e bond)

8. Structure of rubber molecule

@atex is co!!oid ()/J rubber partic!es and 8/J water). Rubber partic!e contains rubber mo!ecu!es which are wrapped b. a ! of negative!.charged protein membrane. Same charge of rubber mo!ecu!es repe!s each other. 5his prevent rubber from coagu!ate.

0. Coa(ulation process of latex 5he process for the coagu!ation of !atex is summarised as" 1. 3cid ($+) can neutra!ise the negative!.-charged protein membrane. =xamp!e of acid" formic acid( methanoic acid( suphuric acid and h.droch!oric acid. %. 5he rubber mo!ecu!es wi!! co!!ide after the protein membrane is bro4en. ). Rubber mo!ecu!es (po!.mers) are set free 1. Rubber mo!ecu!es combine with one another (coagu!ation). :. #atural coa(ulation process of latex +or the natura! coagu!ation of !atex" 1. @atex is exposed to air without adding acid (duration overnight). %. #oagu!ation process occurs in s!ower pace due to the bacteria (microorganism) action which produce acid) 2. Pre*ent coa(ulation process of latex

5he fo!!owing are !atex coagu!ation prevention method" 1. 3!4a!ine > ,asic so!ution is added to the !atex. =xamp!e" ammonia (6$)). %. Positive!.-charged h.drogen ion > $+ produced b. bacteria can be neutra!ised b. negative!.-charged h.droxide ion > O$- from ammonia so!ution. 1;. Properties of natural rubber

e!astic cannot withstand heat (become stic4. and soft above /;?#M decompose above %;;?#M hard and britt!e coo!ed) easi!. oxidised (present of #'#) inso!ub!e in water (due to the !ong h.drocarbon chains) so!ub!e in organic so!vent (propanone( benFene( petro! etc.)

11. 'ulcanisation of rubber Cu!canisation process of hardening rubber and increases rubber e!asticit. b. heating it with su!phur or su!phur compounds. "ethods1 heating natura! rubber with su!phur at 11;?# using Finc oxide as cata!.st or dipping natura! rubber in a so!ution of disu!phur dich!oride (S%#!%) in meth.!benFene. 1%. Properties of *ulcanisation of rubber 5he su!phur atoms are added to doub!e bonds in the natura! rubber mo!ecu!es to form disu!phide !in4ages (-#-S-S-#-) > su!phur cross-!in4s between the !ong po!.mer chains. 5herefore( vu!canised rubber is more e!astics and stronger. 5his increases the mo!ecu!ar siFe and the intermo!ecu!ar forces of attraction between rubber mo!ecu!es. 5herefore( vu!canised rubber is more resistant to heat (does not become soft and stic4. when hot). 5his a!so reduces the number of carbon-carbon doub!e bonds in rubber mo!ecu!es. 5herefore( vu!canised rubber is more resistant to ox.gen( oFone( sun!ight and other chemica!s. 1). Comparison bet&een the properties of *ulcanised rubber and un*ulcanised rubber Properties Cu!canised rubber Nnvu!canised rubber 7oub!e bonds 7ecreases (formation of 9ore number of doub!e su!phur cross-!in4s) bonds 9e!ting point $igh (presence of su!phur) @ow =!asticit. 9ore e!astic (su!phur cross- @ess e!astics !in4s prevents the po!.mer chain or rubber from s!ipping past. Strength and Strong and hard (depends on &ea4 and soft (po!.mer hardness degree of vu!canisation) chain of rubber wi!! brea4 when rubber is over

Resistant to heat Oxidation

Resistant to heat Resistant to oxidation (reduction of number of doub!e bonds per rubber mo!ecu!e)

stretched. Poor resistant to heat =asi!. oxidised b. ox.gen( NC !ight (presence of man. doub!e bonds per rubber mo!ecu!es)

11. R 2 , of rubber

RR<9 Rubber Research <nstitute of 9a!a.sia 9R, 9a!a.sian Rubber ,oard Rubber 5echno!og. #entre Carious !oca! higher institutions of !earning

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