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LINKBACK July 10, 2012, 00:55 Flat plate analysis in cfx THREAD TOOLS DISPLAY MODES 1

!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

Hi/ 0 have done a subsonic 1low over a 1lat -late in ANS2S 3F4$ "lease have a look on the anal(sis and #ive an( su##estions -ossible$ 0 have created a tutorial t(-e anal(sis 1or an(one to easil( re-licate$ "lease do #ive (our in-ut$ !( -lans in 1uture are to actuall( test the boundar( la(er 5viscous6 usin# 0mmersed Boundar( !ethod$ Also/ su##est an( recommendations 1or that$ Thank (ou$

Problem statement
3onsider 1low over a 1lat -late o1 len#th 7 m$ Free stream velocit( is Uin1 8 +,$9 m:s$ (; value 1or 1lat -late is 7*$ Turbulent model used is SST and k <$ The values o1 these -arameters are taken 1rom =+>$ Two anal(ses are -er1ormed mentioned below' +$ Transient -roblem )$ 0mmersed bod( -roblem

The 1low model selected is either k e-silon or SST/ both are used here$

Transient problem
0 used &esi#n modeler 1or modelin# o1 1lat -late$ 3F4 meshin# is used 1or meshin#$ ANS2S ?$ +@ was used 1or the anal(sis$ The -roblem is dealt as )& case/ however/ in 3F4 )& cases are dealt b( creatin# .& domain with thickness o1 one element siAe$ S(mmetr( conditions are a--lied on o--osite 1aces$

Estimate y+
(; is the nonBdimensional distance 1rom the wall$ 0t is used to measure the distance o1 the 1irst node awa( 1rom the wall$ Thus/ meshin# can be de1ined b( considerin# (;$ Estimate (; usin# the 1ormula' C( is the actual distance between the wall and 1irst node =this indicates the mesh needed>$ L is a 1low len#th scale (; is the desired (; value eL is the e(nolds Number based on the len#th scale L 0n our -roblem (; is taken 7*$ Thus we 1ind C($ (; 8 7*/ L 8 7m/ kinematic viscosit( o1 air 8 +$7+D+*E5B76 mE):s 5white6 eFL8UL:G855+,$9 m:s6D7m6:5+$7+D+*E5B76 mE):s6HID+*EI e(nolds number such hi#h indicates that the 1low is turbulent$ Thus/ C( 8 *$**+*J m This is the distance o1 +st node 1rom the -late$ Also 1or turbulent 1low/ the boundar( la(er thickness K is/ KFT85*$.9)DL6:5 eFLE*$) 6 8 *$*9@ m Since the boundar( la(er is o1 thickness *$*9@ m we let the domain o1 width +* times o1 boundar( la(er thickness i$e$ width o1 domain 8 *$@) m

Leometr( is created in &esi#n !odeler$ 3reate M "rimitives M BoN/ is used to create a boN o1 dimensions 7 m D *$@) m D *$**+*J m$


Flat plate analysis in cfx -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

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!eshin# o1 the 1lat -late is done b( OEd#e siAin#P$

&ouble click on the O&e1ault &omain$ Setu- the 1ollowin#$

!oundary conditions


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Uin1 8 +,$9 m:s inserted as an eN-ression$


The 1ront and back 1aces are #iven s(mmetr( boundar( conditions$

The to- o1 the 1luid domain can be #iven an( one o1 the 1ollowin# boundar( conditions$ +$ 0nlet Boundar( condition with Uin1 8 +,$9 )$ S(mmetr( boundar( condition .$ Free shear wall boundar( conditions$ 0 used o-tion . 1or to- B3$


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ol$er %ontrols

0n the model tree/ Simulation M Flow Anal(sis + M Solver M Solver control 5double click6 Advection Scheme M Hi#h esolution !inimum 0terations M + !aNimum 0terations M +*** 3onver#ence criteria' esidual t(-eM !S esidual tar#et M +eB, M QR =-lease su##est how do 0 o-timiAe these -arameters>

EN-ressions are inserted here to be used either in chart or re1erence 1or later chan#es$ Uin1 is the in1low velocit(/ here Uin1 8 +,$9 cF is the 1riction coe11icient

%ontour plot
We need to -lot velocit( contour around the -late$ 0nsert 5menu bar6 M 3ontour M enter ?elocit( M QR &omain M All domains Location M s(mmetr(+ ?ariable M ?elocit( S o1 contours 8 +** M A--l( The contour -lot created is as 1ollows'

'elocity $s( Perpendicular distance from the )all

3reatin# a line -er-endicular to the -lat 0nsert 5menu bar6 M Location M Line M kee- name Line + M Qk Let the ) ends o1 the Line + be at 57/ */ *6 T 57/ *$+7/ *6 M Enter these coBordinates Line t(-e M Sam-le M +** M A--l( 3reatin# a chart 0nsert M 3hart M 3hart + M QR 5Tab6 Leneral M T(-e B42 5Tab6 &ata series M 3lick on New M Location Line + 5Tab6 4BANis M variable U?elocit( 51rom dro- down menu6 2BANis M variable U2 5dis-lacement6


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%F s*in friction coefficient $s( +

3reate line 5-ol(line )6 alon# the len#th o1 the -late$ EN-erimental results are taken 1rom a 3"$csv 1ile EN-erimental values are the incom-ressible 1low over a smooth 1lat -late ori#inall( re-orted b( Wie#hardt =)> and later included in the +JI9 AFQS B0F" Stan1ord 3on1erence on turbulent 1lows =.>$ 0nsert a new variable b( the name 3F$

The boundar( la(er thickness closel( matches with the value o1 boundar( la(er calculated em-iricall($

,umerical $s( Experimental -

T turbulence model.

,umerical $s( Experimental -* / turbulence model.


Flat plate analysis in cfx -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

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July 10, 2012, 00:5%

!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

!( email address is hamedFma%eedVhotmail$com %omments We observe that kBe-silon -er1orms better than SST model$ This is because the mesh used was with (; 7* which is #ood 1or k e-silon model$ &eferences =+>$ htt-'::www$#rc$nasa$#ov:WWW:wind:val$$$rb:1-turb$html =)>$ Wie#hardt/ R$/ and Tillman/ W$/ WQn the Turbulent Friction La(er 1or isin# "ressure/W NA3A T!B+.+@/ +J7+$ =.>$ 3oles/ &$E$/ and Hirst/ E$A$/ 3om-utation o1 Turbulent Boundar( La(ersB+JI9 AFQS B0F"BStan1ord 3on1erence/ ?ol$ 00/ Stan1ord Universit(/ 3A/ +JIJ$

July 10, 2012, 01:0&

3 Xuote'

Su-er !oderator

Qri#inall( "osted b( hamed(majeed We observe that k-epsilon performs better than SST model. This is because the mesh used was with y+ 50 which is good for k epsilon model. This is not a valid reason at all$

ijal Ahmed Memon -turboenginner0gmail(com. Join &ate' !ar )**J Location' 0slamabad "akistan "osts' ./+@9 Blo# Entries' 7 e- "ower' .*

But 0t is overall #ood work and thanks 1or sharin# whole -rocedure with 1orum$ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Best e#ards Far htt-'::c1dBconsultanc($webs$com:


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July 10, 2012, 12:''

!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

Well 0 #ained conce-ts about (; in the 1ollowin# research -a-er$ (; strate#( 1or dealin# with wall bounded turbulent 1low b( Salim $!$ Salim/ and S$3$ 3heah$ 0t is an eNcellent -a-er re#ardin# (; understandin#$ Here is the link$ htt-'::www$iaen#$or#:-ublication:0!E$$$-)+I7B)+,*$-d1 Thank (ou$ e#ards Hamed

July 10, 2012, 1(:2)

Su-er !oderator Glenn Horroc*s Join &ate' !ar )**J Location' S(dne(/ Australia "osts' ,/+)) e- "ower' I*

2ou reall( should do a mesh and conver#ence sensitivit( stud( be1ore (ou make conclusions about one turbulence model bein# more accurate than another$ For a model like this 0 would eN-ect both models to be more accurate than the results (ou show$

July 10, 2012, 22:*0

!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

Hi/ The research -a-er a1ter doin# a series o1 c1d eN-eriments on #rids with var(in# (;$ 0 mentioned earlier #ave the 1ollowin# conclusion$ +$ For (; Y8 + use the SST k ome#a turbulence model$ )$ For (; Y87* use the k e-silon turbulence model$ Since/ the #rid 0 created was considered 1or (; 8 7*/ so the k e-silon model should hold valid$ 01 SST is to be used 0 mi#ht need to re1ine the #rid 1urther$ And (es (ou -eo-le are ri#ht/ 0 need to check 1or mesh inde-endenc( 1or 1inal conclusion$ Thank (ou$ e#ards Hamed

July 12, 2012, 11:52

'erification of the results

!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

'erification of the results

For tolerance o1 +eB7 and no$ o1 divisions alon# N aNis 7 times o1 -revious case 5to check mesh inde-endenc(6$ !onitor ob%ect is the velocit( at eNit o1 the -late/ shown below$


Flat plate analysis in cfx -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

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&esults for 1 x refined grid in x direction


Flat plate analysis in cfx -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

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July 12, 2012, 11:5*

mesh refining needed for mesh independency

!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

Hi 3an an(bod( tell me what should be the mesh re1inin# criterion 1or testin# mesh inde-endenc($ A valid re1erence would be bene1icial$ 0 have heard that we ma( increase the number o1 elements to ) times 1or three runsZ Also/ #u(s hel- me out with the 1ollowin# mesh creation/ %ust re-l( on the res-ective -a#e$ !eshin# 1or 1lat -late immersed solid Thank (ou$ e#ards Hamed

July 12, 2012, 12:1&

Su-er !oderator

First o1 all/ 0 would like to sa( nice work done and thanks 1or sharin# a#ain$ 2ou can increase mesh in N and ( b( the 1actor o1 +$@@ so that (ou #et the )[mesh siAe 1or neNt level o1 re1inement$ For eNam-le (ou have mesh siAe +** [ .* 8 .*** and now (ou have 5+**[+$@@6[5.*[+$@@68 5+**[.*6[) 8 I***$ Tr( to kee- the 1irst cell distance same 1rom the wall$ hamed$ma%eed likes this$ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Best e#ards Far htt-'::c1dBconsultanc($webs$com:

ijal Ahmed Memon -turboenginner0gmail(com. Join &ate' !ar )**J Location' 0slamabad "akistan "osts' ./+@9 Blo# Entries' 7 e- "ower' .*

July 12, 2012, 1&:*5



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Su-er !oderator Glenn Horroc*s Join &ate' !ar )**J Location' S(dne(/ Australia "osts' ,/+)) e- "ower' I*

This FAX has a link to soem ver( use1ul in1ormation about mesh sensitivit( studies' htt-'::www$c1dB online$com:Wiki:Ans(s$$$-ublishable$.F The teNtbook W3om-utational Fluid &(namicsW b( the details o1 3F& accurac( have a read o1 it$ hamed$ma%eed likes this$ oache is the ke( teNtbook in the 1ield o1 3F& accurac($ 01 (ou reall( want to know

July 1*, 2012, 00:*'


!ember Hamed Abdul Majeed Join &ate' !a( )*+) "osts' ,* e- "ower' .

Thank (ou$ "lease could (ou hel- me out with the 1ollowin# mesh re\uirement 1or 1lat -late$ !eshin# 1or 1lat -late immersed solid 0 am usin# the c1N mesh$ e#ards Hamed

July 1*, 2012, 02:'*


Senior !ember Alex ( Join &ate' Jun )*+) Location' Lerman( "osts' @,9 e- "ower' +*

For heNahedral meshin#/ 0 would not recommend the Ans(s mesher$ There are workarounds to #et what (ou want/ but com-ared to tools like 03E!/ the amount o1 work is much hi#her$ Qnce (ou want to mesh sli#htl( com-leN #eometr( with heNahedrons/ (ou can 1or#et about the Ans(s mesher$ So tr( a WrealW meshin# -ro#ram like 03E!/ it is worth the time (ou s-end learnin# it$

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