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Educator Plan Form


Diana Marcus - Grade 5 Teacher

Primary EvaluatorName/Title: John Lyons - Principal Supervising Evaluator, if anyName/Title/Role in evaluation: School(s): Pine Glen Elementary Educator Plan: Plan Duration: Self-Directed Growth Plan Developing Educator Plan Two-Year One-Year End Date: Directed Growth Plan Improvement Plan* Less than a year
June 2015

Start Date: September 2013

Goal Setting Form with final goals is attached to the Educator Plan. Some activities may apply to the pursuit of multiple goals or types of goals (student learning or professional practice). Attach additional pages as necessary.

Student Learning Goal(s): Planned Activities

Describe actions the educator will take to attain the student learning goal(s). Activities may apply to individual and/or team. Attach additional pages as needed.

- Implementation of the enVisionMath program components, including lesson activities, class and school work, assessment and intervention; - Reteaching, reinforcement, and adjustment to lessons to intervene or extend when needed; - Reevaluation of Tier placement - Computational uency (math facts) assessments and intervention;

Supports/Resources from School/District1

- Research-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum materials aligned with the Common Core standards; - Professional development related to mathematical thinking in the intermediate grades; - Grade 5 common collaborative time for assessing student work; - PD in the theory and practices of the new math program, enVisionMath

Timeline or Frequency
Goal: May 15, 2014 Reevaluation of Tier Placement: 3 times per year or more often as needed Computational Fluency assessments: approx. every 8 weeks

- Educator analysis of assessment data - PD in the intervention methods and materials of the new math program, enVisionMath

*Additional detail may be attached if needed.

Educator Plan Form January 2012 Page 1 of 2

Educator Plan Form


Professional Practice Goal(s): Planned Activities

Describe actions the educator will take to attain the professional practice goal(s). Activities may apply to individual and/or team. Attach additional pages as needed.

- Inventory my current use of the eight engaging strategies; - Identify three engaging strategies to increase over the course of the evaluation cycle; - Collaborate on creating engaging lessons with my grade-level team; - Share resources and experiences with my grade-level team related to using strategies for engagement; - Deliberately include each of these three engaging strategies in lesson planning and instruction at least six times each.

Supports/Resources from School/District 1

- Professional Development related to engaging qualities / strategies; - Frequent extended collaboration time with grade level colleagues and specialists; - Evaluator feedback on evidence of use of engaging qualities / strategies

Timeline or Frequency
11/30/13 Initial Inventory Use of a selected strategy approximately every 2 weeks

This Educator Plan is designed to provide educators with feedback for improvement, professional growth, and leadership, is aligned to statewide Standards and Indicators in 603 CMR 35.00 and local Performance Standards, and is consistent with district and school goals. (see 603 CMR 35.06 (3)(d) and 603 CMR 35.06(3)(f).) Signature of Evaluator Signature of Educator* Date: Date:

* As the evaluator retains final authority over goals to be included in an educators plan (see 603 CMR 35.06(3)(c)), the signature of the educator indicates that he or she has received the Goal Setting Form with the Final Goal box checked, indicating the evaluators approval of the goals. The educators signature does not necessarily denote agreement with the goals. Regardless of agreement with the final goals, signature indicates recognition that It is the educators responsibility to attain the goals in the plan and to participate in any trainings and professional development provided through the state, district, or other providers in accordance with the Educator Plan. (see 603 CMR 35.06(4))

Must identify means for educator to receive feedback for improvement per 603 CMR 35.06(3)(d).

Educator Plan Form

January 2012

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