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Business vocabulary

1. is call to prospect without a cold telephone previous A contact.

2. An is of oral an applicant examination an interview for job. a

3. promotion position. an or advancement is in A rank

4. employee reward. pay an to bonus incentive is as additional given or A an

5. calculates insurance a for An who risks companies. person is actuary

6. appointed act represent attorney another. person a for or An to is

7. product service. buys is A uses or a a consumer and person who

8. promise is product or be etc that a if repaired replaced faulty. A guarantee a will

9. forma for advance of pro or payment is invoice goods request supplied. sent invoice in A an

Created By : Veronica-TLM

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Easy questions - scramble the words

1. eeWrh od ouy vi?le

2. sI gthBinro a bgi tcy?i

3. oD uoy hvae a cr?a

4. eeWrh are ouy goni?g

5. hreWe reew yuo bn?or

6. Do yuo have yna ldehrn?ci

7. ehWer do you wkor?

8. Wtah mite is ?it

9. Do uyo ilek saatp?

Created By : Veronica-TLM

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