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1 Chlorite

Chlorite - Mineral Properties and Uses

What is Chlorite?
"Chlorite" is a name used for a group of sheet silicate minerals with similar properties. They are primarily found in weakly metamorphosed rock and form from the alteration of clay-rich sedimentary rocks and from alteration of pyroxenes, amphiboles and micas. They are also found in some sediments. Very few industrial uses. sed as a filler and as a constituent of clay. !arious shades of green, yellow, white, pink, rose-red greenish to greenish black to white !itreous to pearly transparent to translucent basal, perfect " - ".# ".$ - %.% color, hardness monoclinic silicate a generali&ed formula' ()g,*e+%(,i,-l+./10(/1+". ()g,*e+%(/1+$

Uses Color Streak Luster Diaphaneity Cleavage Hardness Specific ravity Distinguishing Characteristics Crystal Syste! Che!ical Classification

Che!ical Co!position

()any solid solution possiblities exist with the "chlorite" composition, each producing a specimen with slightly !arying properties. Chlorite minerals include clinochlore (most abundant+, baileychlore, chamosite, cookeite, donbassite, gonyerite, nimite, odinite, orthochamosite, pennantite, ripidolite, sudoite.

Chlorite Pictures

Chlorite from 2uebec, Canada. This specimen is approximately % inches (3.$ centimeters+ across.

- side !iew of the layering of chlorite from 2uebec, Canada. ,pecimen is approximately % inches (3.$ centimeters+ across. http'44geology.com4minerals4chlorite.shtml

Chlorite group
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For the chemistry term, see chlorite.

Chlorite group

General Category Chemical formula Mineral (Mg,Fe)3( i,!l)"#$% (#&)'(Mg,Fe)3(#&)( Identification Color )arious shades of green* rarely yello+, red, or +hite.

Foliated masses, scaley Crystal habit aggregates, disseminated flakes. Crystal system Cleavage Fracture Mohs scale hardness Luster Streak Specific gravity Refractive inde !ther Monoclinic ',m* +ith some triclinic polymorphs. -erfect %%$ .amellar ' / '.0 )itreous, pearly, dull -ale green to grey '.(/3.3 $.01 2$.(1 Folia fle3i4le / not elastic

characteristic s

The chlorites are a group of phyllosilicate minerals. Chlorites can be described by the following four endmembers based on their chemistry !ia substitution of the following four elements in the silicate lattice5 )g, *e, 6i, and )n.

5linochlore: (Mg0!l)(!l i3)#$%(#&)6 5hamosite: (Fe0!l)(!l i3)#$%(#&)6 7imite: (7i0!l)(!l i3)#$%(#&)6 -ennantite: (Mn,!l)(( i,!l)"#$%(#&)6

7n addition, &inc, lithium, and calcium species are known. The great range in composition results in considerable !ariation in physical, optical, and 8-ray properties. ,imilarly, the range of chemical composition allows chlorite group minerals to exist o!er a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions. *or this reason chlorite minerals are ubi9uitous minerals within low and medium temperature metamorphic rocks, some igneous rocks, hydrothermal rocks and deeply buried sediments.


$ 5hlorite structure ' #ccurrence 3 Mem4ers of the chlorite group " :istinguishing from other minerals 0 ee also ( ;eferences

[edit] Chlorite structure

The typical general formula is' ()g,*e+%(,i,-l+./10(/1+""()g,*e+%(/1+$. This formula emphasises the structure of the group. Chlorites ha!e a "'1 sandwich structure ("'1 sandwich layer : tetrahedraloctahedral-tetrahedral : t-o-t###+, this is often referred to as a talc layer. nlike other "'1 clay minerals, a chlorite;s interlayer space (the space between each "'1 sandwich filled by a cation+ is composed of ()g"<, *e%<+(/1+$. This ()g"<, *e%<+

(/1+$ unit is more commonly referred to as the brucite-like layer, due to its closer resemblance to the mineral brucite ()g(/1+"+. Therefore, chlorite;s structure appears as follows'
"t"o"t"brucite"t"o"t"brucite ###

-n older classification di!ided the chlorites into two subgroups' the orthochlorites and leptochlorites. The terms are seldom used and the ortho prefix is somewhat misleading as the chlorite crystal system is monoclinic and not orthorhombic.

[edit] Occurrence

<uart= crystal +ith chlorite inclusions from Minas >erais, ?ra=il (si=e: ".' 3 3.@ 3 3.3 cm)

Chlorite is commonly found in igneous rocks as an alteration product of mafic minerals such as pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite. 7n this en!ironment chlorite may be a retrograde metamorphic alteration mineral of existing ferromagnesian minerals, or it may be present as a metasomatism product !ia addition of *e, )g, or other compounds into the rock mass. Chlorite is a common mineral associated with hydrothermal ore deposits and commonly occurs with epidote, sericite, adularia and sulfide minerals. Chlorite is also a common metamorphic mineral, usually indicati!e of low-grade metamorphism. 7t is the diagnostic species of the &eolite facies and of lower greenschist facies. 7t occurs in the 9uart&, albite, sericite, chlorite, garnet assemblage of pelitic schist. =ithin ultramafic rocks, metamorphism can also produce predominantly clinochlore chlorite in association with talc.

5hlorite pseudomorph after garnet from Michigan (si=e: 3.0 3 3.$ 3 '.1 cm)

>xperiments indicate that chlorite can be stable in peridotite of the >arth;s mantle abo!e the ocean lithosphere carried down by subduction, and chlorite may e!en be present in the mantle !olume from which island arc magmas are generated. Chlorite occurs naturally in a !ariety of locations and forms. *or example, chlorite is found naturally in certain parts of =ales in mineral schists.?1@ Chlorite is found in large boulders scattered on the ground surface on Aing )ountain in )arin County, California.?"@

5hlorite schist $aileychlor (An,FeB',!l,Mg)((!l, i)"#$%(# e ,#&)6 Chamosite (Fe,Mg)0!l( i3!l)#$%(#&)6

Clinochlore (Mg,Fe'B)0!l( i3!l)#$%(#&)6 Cookeite .i!l"( i3!l)#$%(#&)6

%onbassite !l'8!l'.3398 i3!l#$%9(#&)6 Gonyerite (Mn,Mg)0(FeB3)' i3#$%(#&)6 &imite !dinite (7i,Mg,!l)(( i,!l)"#$%(#&)6 (Fe,Mg,!l,Fe,Ci,Mn)'."(!l, i)' #0#&"

!rthochamo (FeB',Mg,FeB3)0!l( i3!l)#$%(# site ,#&)6 'ennantite (Mn0!l)( i3!l)#$%(#&)6 Ripidolite (Mg,Fe,!l)((!l, i)"#$%(#&)6 Sudoite Mg'(!l,Fe)3 i3!l#$%(#&)6

Clinoclore, pennantite, and chamosite are the most common !arieties. ,e!eral other sub-!arieties ha!e been described. - gem-grade form of clinochlore is popularly referred to by the trade name ,eraphinite. The name chlorite is from the Breek chloros (CDEFGH+, meaning "green", in reference to its color. http'44en.wikipedia.org4wiki4ChloriteIgroup ".1 )ika

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Mica (disam4iguation).

;ock +ith mica

Mica sheet

Mica flakes

The !ica group of sheet silicate (phyllosilicate+ minerals includes se!eral closely related materials ha!ing close to perfect basal clea!age. -ll are monoclinic, with a tendency towards pseudohexagonal crystals, and are similar in chemical composition. The highly perfect clea!age, which is the most prominent characteristic of mica, is explained by the hexagonal sheet-like arrangement of its atoms. The word "mica" is deri!ed from the Jatin word mica, meaning "a crumb", and probably influenced by micare, "to glitter".?1@


$ Mica classification o $.$ Crioctahedral micas


$.' Dnterlayer deficient micas

' #ccurrence and production 3 -roperties and uses

o o o

3.$ >round mica 3.' ?uilt2up mica 3.3 heet mica

3.3.$ Electrical and electronic 3.3.' Dsinglass 3.3.3 !tomic force microscopy

" u4stitutes 0 Mica in ancient times ( Mica today 1 ;eferences 6 E3ternal links

[edit] Mica classification

Chemically, micas can be gi!en the general formula?"@

X'Y"/(Z6#'%(#&,F)" in +hich X is F, 7a, or 5a or less commonly ?a, ;4, or 5s* Y is !l, Mg, or Fe or less commonly Mn, 5r, Ci, .i, etc.* Z is chiefly i or !l, 4ut also may include Fe3B or Ci.

,tructurally, micas can be classed as dioctahedral (Y : .+ and trioctahedral (Y : $+. 7f the X ion is K or 6a, the mica is a "common" mica, whereas if the X ion is Ca, the mica is classed as a "brittle" mica.

$edit% &rioctahedral !icas

Common micas'

?iotite .epidolite Muscovite -hlogopite Ainn+aldite

Lrittle micas'


$edit% 'nterlayer deficient !icas

Very fine-grained micas, which typically show more !ariation in ion and water content, are informally termed "clay micas". They include

&ydro2muscovite +ith &3#B along +ith F in the X site* Dllite +ith a F deficiency in the X site and correspondingly more i in the Z site* -hengite +ith Mg or Fe'B su4stituting for !l in the Y site and a corresponding increase in i in the Z site.

[edit] Occurrence and production

Mica output in '%%0

)ica is widely distributed and occurs in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary regimes. Jarge crystals of mica used for !arious applications are typically mined from granitic pegmatites. ntil the 1Mth century, large crystals of mica were 9uite rare and expensi!e as a result of the limited supply in >urope. 1owe!er, their price dramatically dropped when large reser!es were found and mined in -frica and ,outh -merica during the early 1Mth century. The largest documented single crystal of mica (phlogopite+ was found in Jacey mine, /ntario, Canada5 it measured 10N..%N..% m and weighed about %%0 tonnes.?%@ ,imilar-si&ed crystals were also found in Karelia, Aussia.?.@ The Lritish Beological ,ur!ey reported that as of "00#, Kodarma district in Oharkhand state in 7ndia had the largest deposits of mica in the world. China was the top producer of mica with almost a third of the global share, closely followed by the ,, ,outh Korea and Canada. Jarge deposits of sheet mica were mined in 6ew >ngland from the 1Mth century to the 1M$0s. Jarge mines existed in Connecticut, 6ew 1ampshire, and )aine. ,crap and flake mica is produced all o!er the world. 7n "010, the maPor producers were Aussia (100,000 tonnes+, *inland ($Q,000 t+, nited ,tates (#%,000 t+, ,outh Korea (#0,000 t+, *rance ("0,000 t+ and Canada (1#,000 t+. The total production was %#0,000 t, although no reliable data were a!ailable for China. )ost sheet mica was produced in 7ndia (%,#00 t+ and Aussia (1,#00 t+.?#@ *lake mica comes from se!eral sources' the metamorphic rock called schist as a byproduct of processing feldspar and kaolin resources, from placer deposits, and from pegmatites. ,heet mica is considerably less abundant than flake and scrap mica, and is occasionally reco!ered from mining scrap and flake mica. The most important sources of sheet mica are pegmatite deposits. ,heet mica prices !ary with grade and can range from less than R1 per kilogram for low-9uality mica to more than R",000 per kilogram for the highest 9uality.?$@

[edit] Properties and uses

The mica group represents %3 phyllosilicate minerals that ha!e a layered or platy texture. The commercially important micas are musco!ite and phlogopite, which are used in a !ariety of applications. )icaSs !alue is based on se!eral of its uni9ue physical properties. The crystalline structure of mica forms layers that can be split or delaminated into thin sheets usually causing foliation in rocks. These sheets are chemically inert, dielectric, elastic, flexible, hydrophilic, insulating, lightweight, platy, reflecti!e, refracti!e, resilient, and range in opacity from transparent to opa9ue. )ica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme

temperatures. 7t has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric, and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat5 it can be split !ery thin (0.0"# to 0.1"# millimeters or thinner+ while maintaining its electrical properties, has a high dielectric breakdown, is thermally stable to #00 TC, and is resistant to corona discharge. )usco!ite, the principal mica used by the electrical industry, is used in capacitors that are ideal for high fre9uency and radio fre9uency. Uhlogopite mica remains stable at higher temperatures (to M00 TC+ and is used in applications in which a combination of high-heat stability and electrical properties is re9uired. )usco!ite and phlogopite are used in sheet and ground forms.?3@


round !ica

The leading use of dry-ground mica in the , was in Point compound for filling and finishing seams and blemishes in gypsum wallboard (drywall+. The mica acts as a filler and extender, pro!ides a smooth consistency, impro!es the workability of the compound, and pro!ides resistance to cracking. 7n "00Q, Point compound accounted for #.V of dry-ground mica consumption. 7n the paint industry, ground mica is used as a pigment extender that also facilitates suspension, reduces chalking, pre!ents shrinking and shearing of the paint film, increases resistance of the paint film to water penetration and weathering, and brightens the tone of colored pigments. )ica also promotes paint adhesion in a9ueous and oleoresinous formulations. Consumption of dry-ground mica in paint, the second ranked use, accounted for ""V of the dry-ground mica used in "00Q.?$@ Bround mica is used in the well-drilling industry as an additi!e to drilling fluids. The coarsely ground mica flakes help pre!ent the loss of circulation by sealing porous sections of the drill hole. =ell drilling muds accounted for 1#V of dryground mica use in "00Q. The plastics industry used dry-ground mica as an extender and filler, especially in parts for automobiles as lightweight insulation to suppress sound and !ibration. )ica is used in plastic automobile fascia and fenders as a reinforcing material, pro!iding impro!ed mechanical properties and increased dimensional stability, stiffness, and strength. )ica-reinforced plastics also ha!e high-heat dimensional stability, reduced warpage, and the best surface properties of any filled plastic composite. 7n "00Q, consumption of dry-ground mica in plastic applications accounted for "V of the market. The rubber industry used ground mica as an inert filler and mold release compound in the manufacture of molded rubber products, such as tires and roofing. The platy texture acts as an antiblocking, antisticking agent. Aubber mold lubricant accounted for 1.#V of the dry-ground mica used in "00Q. -s a rubber additi!e, mica reduces gas permeation and impro!es resiliency.?$@ Wry-ground mica is used in the production of rolled roofing and asphalt shingles, where it ser!es as a surface coating to pre!ent sticking of adPacent surfaces. The coating is not absorbed by freshly manufactured roofing because micaSs platy structure is unaffected by the acid in asphalt or by weather conditions. )ica is

used in decorati!e coatings on wallpaper, concrete, stucco, and tile surfaces. 7t also is used as an ingredient in flux coatings on welding rods, in some special greases, and as coatings for core and mold release compounds, facing agents, and mold washes in foundry applications. Wry-ground phlogopite mica is used in automoti!e brake linings and clutch plates to reduce noise and !ibration (asbestos substitute+5 as sound-absorbing insulation for coatings and polymer systems5 in reinforcing additi!es for polymers to increase strength and stiffness and to impro!e stability to heat, chemicals, and ultra!iolet ( V+ radiation5 in heat shields and temperature insulation5 in industrial coating additi!e to decrease the permeability of moisture and hydrocarbons5 and in polar polymer formulations to increase the strength of epoxies, nylons, and polyesters.?$@

Mica flakes em4edded in a fresGue for glitter

=et-ground mica, which retains the brilliancy of its clea!age faces, is used primarily in pearlescent paints by the automoti!e industry. )any metallic-looking pigments are composed of a substrate of mica coated with another mineral, usually titanium dioxide (Ti/"+. The resultant pigment produces a reflecti!e color depending on the thickness of the coating. These products are used to produce automobile paint, shimmery plastic containers, high 9uality inks used in ad!ertising and security applications. 7n the cosmetics industry, its reflecti!e and refracti!e properties make mica an important ingredient in blushes, eye liner, eye shadow, foundation, hair and body glitter, lipstick, lip gloss, mascara, moisturi&ing lotions, and nail polish. ,ome brands of toothpaste include powdered white mica. This acts as a mild abrasi!e to aid polishing of the tooth surface, and also adds a cosmetically pleasing, glittery shimmer to the paste. )ica is added to latex balloons to pro!ide a colored shiny surface.?$@ )ica is also used as an insulator in concrete block, home attics, and can be poured into walls (usually in retrofitting uninsulated open top walls+. )ica may also be used as a soil conditioner, especially in potting soil mixes and in gardening plots. Breases used for axles are composed of a compound of fatty oils to which mica, tar or graphite is added to increase the durability of the grease and gi!e it a better surface.

$edit% (uilt-up !ica

)usco!ite and phlogopite splittings can be fabricated into !arious built-up mica products. Uroduced by mechani&ed or hand setting of o!erlapping splittings and alternate layers of binders and splittings, built-up mica is used primarily as an electrical insulation material. )ica insulation is used in high-temperature and fireresistant power cables in aluminium plants, blast furnaces, critical wiring circuits (for example, defense systems, fire and security alarm systems, and sur!eillance systems+, heaters and boilers, lumber kilns, metal smelters, and tanks and furnace wiring. ,pecific high-temperature mica-insulated wire and cable is rated to work for up to 1# minutes in molten aluminium, glass, and steel. )aPor products are bonding materials5 flexible, heater, molding, and segment plates5 mica paper5 and tape.?$@ *lexible plate is used in electric motor and generator armatures, field coil insulation, and magnet and commutator commutator core insulation. )ica consumption in flexible plate was about "1 tonnes in "00Q in the ,. 1eater plate is used where high-temperature insulation is re9uired. )olding plate is sheet mica from which V-rings are cut and stamped for use in insulating the copper segments from the steel shaft ends of a commutator. )olding plate is also fabricated into tubes and rings for insulation in armatures, motor starters, and transformers. ,egment plate acts as insulation between the copper commutator segments of direct-current uni!ersal motors and generators. Uhlogopite built-up mica is preferred because it wears at the same rate as the copper segments. -lthough musco!ite has a greater resistance to wear, it causes une!en ridges that may interfere with the operation of a motor or generator. Consumption of segment plate was about 1.M t in "00Q in the ,. ,ome types of built-up mica ha!e the bonded splittings reinforced with cloth, glass, linen, muslin, plastic, silk, or special paper. These products are !ery flexible and are produced in wide, continuous sheets that are either shipped, rolled, or cut into ribbons or tapes, or trimmed to specified dimensions. Luilt-up mica products may also be corrugated or reinforced by multiple layering. 7n "00Q, about %#1 t of built-up mica was consumed in the ,, mostly for molding plates (1MV+ and segment plates (."V+.

$edit% Sheet !ica

Mica insulator items

ilver mica capacitors

Muscovite +indo+s

,heet mica is used in electrical components, electronics, isinglass, and atomic force microscopy. /ther uses include diaphragms for oxygen-breathing e9uipment, marker dials for na!igation compasses, optical filters, pyrometers, thermal regulators, sto!e and kerosene heater windows, and micathermic heater elements. )ica is birefringent and is therefore commonly used to make 9uarter and half wa!e plates. ,peciali&ed applications for sheet mica are found in aerospace components in air-, ground-, and sea-launched missile systems, laser de!ices, medical electronics and radar systems. )ica is mechanically stable in micrometer-thin sheets which are relati!ely transparent to radiation (such as alpha particles+ while being imper!ious to most gases. 7t is therefore used as a window on radiation detectors such as Beiger-)Xller tubes. 7n "00Q, mica splittings represented the largest part of the sheet mica industry in the nited ,tates. Consumption of musco!ite and phlogopite splittings was about %0Q t in "00Q. )usco!ite splittings from 7ndia accounted for essentially all

domestic consumption. The remainder was primarily imported from )adagascar.


(edit) *lectrical and electronic

,heet mica is used principally in the electronic and electrical industries. 7ts usefulness in these applications is deri!ed from its uni9ue electrical and thermal insulating properties and its mechanical properties, which allow it to be cut, punched, stamped, and machined to close tolerances. The leading use of block mica is as an electrical insulator in electronic e9uipment. 1igh-9uality block mica is processed to line the gauge glasses of high-pressure steam boilers because of its flexibility, transparency, and resistance to heat and chemical attack. /nly high9uality musco!ite film mica, which is !ariously called 7ndia ruby mica or ruby musco!ite mica, is used as a dielectric in capacitors. The highest 9uality mica film is used to manufacture capacitors for calibration standards. The next lower grade is used in transmitting capacitors. Aecei!ing capacitors use a slightly lower grade of high-9uality musco!ite.?$@ )ica sheets are used to pro!ide structure for heating wire (such as in Kanthal or 6ichrome+ in heating elements and can withstand up to M00 TC (1,$#0 T*+.

(edit) Isinglass
Thin transparent sheets of mica called "isinglass" were used for peepholes in boilers, lanterns, sto!es, and kerosene heaters because they were less likely to shatter compared to glass when exposed to extreme temperature gradients. ,uch peepholes were also used in "isinglass curtains" in horse-drawn carriages?Q@ and early "0th century cars. - book about a Pourney in a )odel T *ord car describes isinglass curtains as follows' "/iled can!as side curtains were put up o!er the windows for wind, rain, and cold (there were no heaters+ and were held in place with rods that fit into the doors and twisting button snaps around the perimeter... ;7singlass; peepholes in the curtains allowed limited !isibility. 7singlass was made of thin sheets of cracked mica."?M@

(edit) +tomic force microscopy

-nother use of mica is in the production of ultraflat, thin-film surfaces (e.g. gold surfaces+ using mica as substrate. -lthough the deposited film surface is still rough due to deposition kinetics, the back side of the film at mica-film interface pro!ides ultraflatness, when the film is remo!ed from the substrate. ,uch ultraflat substrates are common substrates for sample preparation for the atomic force microscopy.?10@ *reshly clea!ed mica surfaces ha!e been used as clean imaging substrates in atomic force microscopy, enabling for example the imaging of bismuth films,?11@ plasma glycoproteins,?1"@ membrane bilayers,?1%@ and W6molecules.?1.@

[edit] Substitutes
,ome lightweight aggregates, such as diatomite, perlite, and !ermiculite, may be substituted for ground mica when used as filler. Bround synthetic fluorophlogopite, a fluorine-rich mica, may replace natural ground mica for uses that re9uire thermal and electrical properties of mica. )any materials can be substituted for mica in numerous electrical, electronic, and insulation uses. ,ubstitutes include acrylate polymers, cellulose acetate, fiberglass, fishpaper, nylon, phenolics, polycarbonate, polyester, styrene, !inyl-UVC, and !ulcani&ed fiber. )ica paper made from scrap mica can be substituted for sheet mica in electrical and insulation applications.?#@

&and carved from mica from the &ope+ell tradition

[edit] Mica in ancient times

1uman use of mica dates back to prehistoric times. )ica was known to ancient 7ndian, >gyptian, Breek and Aoman and Chinese ci!ili&ations, as well as the -&tec ci!ili&ation of the 6ew =orld. The earliest use of mica has been found in ca!e paintings created during the pper Ualeolithic period (.0,000 LC to 10,000 LC+. The first hues were red (iron oxide, hematite, or red ochre+ and black (manganese dioxide, pyrolusite+, though black from Puniper or pine carbons has also been disco!ered. =hite from kaolin or mica was used occasionally. - few kilometers northeast of )exico City stands the ancient site of Teotihuacan. The most striking !isual and striking structure of Teotihuacan is the towering

Uyramid of the ,un. The pyramid contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to %0 cm (1" in+ thick.?1#@ 6atural mica was and is still used by the Taos and Uicuris Uueblos 7ndians in north-central 6ew )exico to make pottery. The pottery is made from weathered Urecambrian mica schist, and has flecks of mica throughout the !essels. Tewa Uueblo pottery is made by coating the clay with mica to pro!ide a dense-glittery micaceous finish o!er the entire obPect.?$@

[edit] Mica today

Throughout the ages, fine powders of mica ha!e been used for !arious purposes, including decorations. Uowdered mica glitter is used to decorate traditional water clay pots in 7ndia, Uakistan and Langladesh5 it is also used on traditional Uueblo pottery, though not restricted to use on water pots in this case. The gulal and abir (colored powders+ used by 6orth 7ndian 1indus during the festi!e season of 1oli contain fine, small crystals of mica to create a sparkling effect. The maPestic Uadmanabhapuram Ualace, $# km (.0 mi+ from Tri!andrum in 7ndia, has colored mica windows. )ica is also used in -yur!edic and nani medicines. http'44en.wikipedia.org4wiki4)ica

Mica) Mineral 'nfor!ation Page

Dncluding the Mica varieties: ?iotite, Fuchsite, .epidolite, Muscovite and Ainn+aldite

Jinks To )ica 7nformation Topics /n This Uage' )ica Varieties -nd 7tems in our VIRTUAL GALLERY )ica Uhysical Uroperties )ica Lackground 7nfo )ica /ccurance and Wiagnostic *eatures )ica 1istory and )ica ses )ica )etaphysical Uroperties

Mica Dtems in our )irtual >allery:

I-*M C+-*G!RI*S select any link belo/ to enter our ,irtual Gallery Mineral Lapidar %ecorator 0andcrafte Specimen Spheres y Rough Specimens d 1e/elry s ?iotite Mineral pecimens .arge ?iotite :ecorator Mineral pecimens eraphinite Je+elry: eraphinite -endants and eraphinite ?racelets .arge Fuchsite :ecorator Mineral pecimens .arge .epidolite :ecorator Mineral pecimens .arge Muscovite :ecorator Mineral pecimens Fuchsite Je+elry (green aventurine He+elry) .epidolite Je+elry: .epidolite -endants

MIC+ ,+RI*-.


?iotite pheres

CLI&!C0L!R * 2also kno/n as seraphinite3

eraphinit eraphini e te Mineral pheres pecimens


Fuchsite ;ough and Fuchsite Fuchsite pheres Mineral pecimens .epidolit .epidolite .epidolit e Mineral e .apidary pecimens pheres ;ough


Muscovite M4SC!,I-* Mineral pecimens

5I&&6+L%I- Ainn+aldit e *



Return to the Index of Mica Information Topics

MIC+ '0.SIC+L 'R!'*R-I*S

Chemical composition of some of the mica varieties7 o Biotite: F'(Mg,Fe)(20!l%2$( i(20!l'23)#'%(#&,F)"

o o o o

Fuchsite: F'(!l,5r)" i(!l'#'%(#&,F)" Lepidolite: F'(.i"23!l'23) i62(!l%2'#'%(#&,F)" Muscovite: F'!l" i(!l'#'%(#&,F)" Zinnwaldite: F'Fe$2'.i'23!l' i(21!l'2$#'%(#&,F)"

Class7 phyllosilicates Crystal system7 monoclinic* 'm Crystal habit7 platy, micaceous, also compact massive. Foliated sheets can 4e (rarely) aggregated into glo4ular or 4otryoidal form, also cryptocrystalline. :istinct crystals are uncommon and are typically ta4ular +ith a 4ook2like form +ith 4asal planes, sho+ing a he3agonal or diamond2shaped outline. -rism faces are striated hori=ontally and freGuently taper. -/inning7 occaisional t+inning on I$$%J, a t+in a3is in the I%%$J composition plane forms the comple3 mica t+in. Specific gravity7 '.' 2 3.3 (Biotite '.123.3, lepidolite '.'23.3, muscovite '.112'.66, zinnwaldite 3.%) Inde of refraction7 $.032$.1% (Biotite $.0(2$.1%, lepidolite $.0'2$.0@, muscovite $.002$.(', zinnwaldite $.032$.0@) $irefringence7 .%$62.%1% (Biotite .%"2.%1, Lepidolite .%$62.%36, muscovite .%3(2.%"@, zinnwaldite .%30) 'leochroism7 Biotite is strongly pleochroic in shades of 4ro+n or green, fuchsite in shades of green, lepidolite pale violet or green, muscoviteis colorless, zinnwaldite in pale yello+ and 4ro+n to reddish24ro+n 0ardness7 '.% 2".%, hardness is greater perpendicular to the cleavage (Biotite '..023.%, Lepidolite '.02".%, muscovite '.%2'.0, zinnwaldite 3.%)

Color7 Biotite is dark green, 4ro+n, or 4lack (sometimes yello+), fuchsite is an emerald green, Lepidolite is pink to lilac to light gray, muscovite is colorless to light shades of yello+, 4ro+n, red or green, zinnwaldite is yello+, 4ro+n or gray. Luster7 vitreous, pearly, metallic -ransparency7 translucent, transparent in thin sheets Cleavage7 perfect 4asal cleavage Streak7 +hite

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MIC+ $+C8GR!4&% I&F!RM+-I!&

The micas are complex hydrous potassium-aluminum silicate minerals. There are more than "0 chemically distinct mica species with considerable !ariance in geologic occurance, but all ha!e essentially the same crystal structure. The micas crystalli&e with a sheet structure, the sheets being held together by relati!ely weak bonds resulting in the perfect basal clea!age of the micas. Biotite is the most common of the micas, containing iron and4or magnesium impurities substituting for octahedral aluminum. Muscovite is the pure potassium mica, containing no impurities. Fuchsite mica is a chromium rich !ariety of musco!ite where chromium cations substitute for some of the octahedral aluminum in the musco!ite crystal structure. The chromium impurities in fuchsite are responsible for its emerald green color. Lepidolite mica is a lithian mica where an occaisional lithium cation substitutes for some of the octahedral and tetrahedral aluminum in the mica crystal structure. Zinnwaldite is a lithian ferrous mica, where lithium and iron cations substitute for some of the octahedral and tetrahedral aluminum.
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!CC4RR*&C* +&% %I+G&!S-IC F*+-4R*S

The micas ha!e a !ery wide range of geological occurances. The many !arieties of mica are distinguished by their chemical composition, some !arieties occuring

only in !ery specific geological settings while others ha!e more widespread occurances. Biotite mica is the most common of the micas, in fact it is the most common ferromagnesian mineralY 7t occurs in most igneous and metamorphic rocks and is commonly found in detrital sediments. Muscovite mica also is a !ery widespread and common rock forming mineral. 7n igneous rocks it is characteristic of granites and granite pegmatites, and in metamorphic rocks it is !ery common especially in some mica schists where it is the most predominant mineral. 7n some mica schists and 9uart&ites, musco!ite crystalli&es with chromium impurities resulting in the emerald green colored !ariety fuchsite. =hen microscopic flakes of fuchsite crystalli&e inside of 9uart&ite gi!ing it a green color, the rock is known as green aventurine quartz which is a popular lapidary material. )usco!ite also commonly occurs as sericite, a fine-grained alteration product of other minerals. Lepidolite mica occurs mainly in granitic pegmatites associated with 9uart&, micrcoline, albite, amblygonite and occaisionally the gem !arieties of tourmaline, a9uamarine and spodumene. Zinnwaldite mica occurs mainly in granite pegmatites and high temperature hydrothermal !eins. The micas are usually recogni&ed by their perfect basal clea!age. ,ome mica !arieties can be distinguished with reasonable certainty by their color.
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0IS-!RIC+L I&F!RM+-I!& +&% 4S*S

The name mica was deri!ed from the Jatin micare which meant to shine. Liotite was named after the *rench physicist J B Biot. The name )usco!ite was deri!ed from the term muscov!"glass which it was pre!iously known by because of its widespread use as a glass substitute in the old Aussian state of )usco!y in the century. )ica (musco!ite in particular+ has a wide !ariety of uses as an insulating material in electrical e9uipment due to its strongly dielectric properties and to its good electrical resisti!ity and capacitance stability. )ica also has a low coefficient of expansion, and it has been used extensi!ely because of its heat resisting properties. )ica is used extensi!ely in paints to increase weatherability and to reduce running, it is also used in the manufacture of wallpapers to gi!e them a silky or shiny luster. )ica is also used in the manufacture of lubricants and in drypowder fire extinguishers.

The astrological sign of biotite is ,corpio, and the sign of musco!ite is -9uarius.
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M*-+'0.SIC+L 'R!'*R-I*S
Biotite is said to enhance one;s perception, allowing one to more clearly understand what is really happening in any situation. Fuchsite is said to enhance the body;s ability to heal itself, and to increase the effecti!eness of other minerals that are being used in healing. Lepidolite is said to be !ery soothing and to ha!e a calming effect, relie!ing anxiety and tension. Lepidolite with pin# tourmaline is said to bring happiness, Poy and increased !itality, and to inspire lo!e. Muscovite is said to increase one;s understanding and perception, and to enhance one;s reflecti!e abilities. *or more in-depth metaphysical information, see our )etaphysical Looks section. http'44www.mineralminers.com4html4mcaminfo.htm "." ,taurolite

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taurolite from -estsovye Feivy, Feivy Mountains, Fola -eninsula, MurmanskaHa #4lastK, 7orthern ;egion, ;ussia, '.0 3 '.' 3 $ cm General Category Chemical formula ilicate mineral Fe'B'!l@#(( i#")"(#,#&)'8$9

Strun9 classificati @.!F.3% on Crystal symmetry 4nit cell Monoclinic prismatic &2M sym4ol: (',m) pace group: 5 ',m a L 1.6( M, 4 L $(.( M, c L 0.(0 M* N L @%."0O* AL' Identification :ark reddish 4ro+n to 4lackish 4ro+n, yello+ish 4ro+n, rarely 4lue* pale golden yello+ in thin section 5ommonly in prismatic crystals Monoclinic 2 -rismatic* -seudo2


Crystal habit Crystal

system -/inning Cleavage Fracture -enacity

orthorhom4ic 5ommonly as (%O t+ins, less common as @%O cruciform t+ins :istinct on I%$%J u4conchoidal ?rittle

Mohs scale 1 2 1.0 hardness Luster Streak u4vitreous to resinous White to grayish

%iaphaneit Cransparent to opaGue y Specific gravity 3.1" 2 3.63 meas. 3.(6( calc.

!ptical ?ia3ial (B) properties Refractive inde nP L $.13( 2 $.1"1 nN L $.1"% 2 $.10" nQ L $.1"0 2 $.1('

$irefringen R L %.%%@ 2 %.%$0 ce 'leochrois S L colorless* T L pale yello+* A m L golden yello+ :, angle Measured: 66O, 5alculated: 6"O to 66O

%ispersion r U v* +eak References


Staurolite is a red brown to black, mostly opa9ue, nesosilicate mineral with a white streak. 7t crystalli&es in the monoclinic crystal system, has a )ohs hardness of 3 to 3.# and a rather complex chemical formula' *e"<"-lM/$(,i/.+.(/,/1+". )agnesium, &inc and manganese substitute in the iron site and tri!alent iron can substitute for aluminium.?1@


$ -roperties ' 7ame 3 #ccurrence " Vse 0 ;eferences

[edit] Properties

taurolite from Madagascar

- special property of staurolite is that it often occurs twinned in a characteristic cross-shape. 7n handsamples, macroscopically !isible staurolite crystals are of prismatic shape. They are often larger than the surrounding minerals and are then called porphyroblasts. 7n thin sections staurolite is commonly twinned and shows lower first order birefringence similar to 9uart&, with the twinning displaying optical continuity. 7t can be identified in metamorphic rocks by its swiss cheese appearance (with poikilitic 9uart&+ and often mantled porphyroblastic character.

[edit] Name
The name is deri!ed from the Breek, stauros for cross and lithos for stone in reference to the common twinning.

[edit] Occurrence
,taurolite is a regional metamorphic mineral of intermediate to high grade. 7t occurs with almandine garnet, micas, kyanite5 as well as albite, biotite, and sillimanite in gneiss and schist of regional metamorphic rocks.?#@ 7t is the official state mineral of the .,. state of Beorgia and is also to be found in the Jepontine -lps in ,wit&erland. ,taurolite is also found in *airy ,tone ,tate Uark in Uatrick County, Virginia. The park is named for a local name for staurolite from a legend in the area.?$@ ,amples are also found in Taos, 6ew )exico and near Llanchard Wam in )innesota.

[edit] Use
,taurolite is one of the index minerals that are used to estimate the temperature, depth, and pressure at which a rock undergoes metamorphism. http'44en.wikipedia.org4wiki4,taurolite

eneral Staurolite 'nfor!ation

Chemical Formula7 (FeBB,Mg)'!l@( i,!l)"#'%(#,#&)" Composition7 Molecular Weight L 6$$.6@ gm
Lithium Magnesium Aluminum Iron Silicon Hydrogen 0.09 0.30 28.91 9.63 13.49 0.29 ______ 100.00
'B $."

% % % % % % %

Li Mg Al Fe Si H

*mpirical Formula7 Fe .i%.$Mg%.$!l6.( i3.@!l%.$#'$.1(#&)'.3 *nvironment7 Metamorphosed aluminous sedimentary rocks. IM+ Status7 )alid pecies (-re2DM!) $1@' Locality7 5ommon +orld +ide occurrences. .ink to .ocation :ata. &ame !rigin7 From the >reek, stauros 2 WcrossW and lithos 2 WstoneW in allusion to the common cross shaped t+ins of the crystals. &ame 'ronunciation7 taurolite B
% = TOTAL OXIDE -ronunciation

0.18 0.50 54.63 12.39 28.86 2.55 ______ 99.11

% % % % % %

Li2O MgO Al2O3 FeO SiO2 H2O Oxygen

47.30 %

Synonym7 D5 : (1""(

-:F "$2



Staurolite '!age


Co!!ents) Cruciform twinned staurolite crystals without matrix. Location) )arble, Cherokee Co., 6orth Carolina, ,-. Scale) %x".#x1.# cm. * Oohn Letts - *ine )inerals

Staurolite Crystallography
+ ial Ratios7 a:4:c L%."1"$:$:%.3"%0 Cell %imensions7 a L 1.66, 4 L $(.(', c L 0.((, A L '* 4eta L @%O ) L 1"$.'1 :en(5alc)L 3.(" Crystal System7 Monoclinic " 'rismatic&2M ym4ol (',m) pace >roup: 5 ',m ; Ray %iffraction7 ?y Dntensity(D,Do): '.(@3($), 3.%$'($), '.31'(%.6), Forms7
Mouse Wbl Clk - ,tart-,top Aotation A)L - Cycle Wisplay )odes Wrag1 - )anipulate Crystal Wrag" - Aesi&e +ey,oard , - ,tereo 7 - 7ndicies Zspace[ - ,tart-,top Aotation * - *it to ,creen ) - )enu 1elp on -bo!e

Forms: 2 < = <3 2 : < =3 2 = = <3 2 < < =3

Crystal Structure7
Mouse drag1 - J)L )anipulate ,tructure drag" - A)L Aesi&e4Aotate +ey,oard , - ,tereo Uair on4off 1 - 1elp ,creen 7 - Wata 7nfo - - -toms /n4/ff U - Uolyhedra /n4/ff L - Londs /n4/ff 1elp on -bo!e

Warning) this large pop-up is !ery compute intensi!e and may not work well with some computers.

,mith O V , -merican )ineralogist , #% (1M$Q+ p.11%M-11##, The crystal structure of staurolite

)ie+ !dditional H-#W: tructure files for taurolite 8$9 8$%9 8$$9 8$'9 8$39 8$"9 8$09 8$(9 8$19 8$69 8$@9 8'9 8'%9 8'$9 8''9 8'39 8'"9 839 8"9 809 8(9 819 869 8@9

Physical Properties of Staurolite

Cleavage7 I%$%J :istinct Color7 ?ro+nish yello+, ?ro+nish 4lack, Tello+ 4ro+n, :ark 4ro+n, ;eddish 4ro+n. %ensity7 3.(0 2 3.11, !verage L 3.1$ %iaphaneity7 Cranslucent to opaGue Fracture7 u4 5onchoidal 2 Fractures developed in 4rittle materials characteri=ed 4y semi2curving surfaces. 0abit7 Ca4ular 2 Form dimensions are thin in one direction. 0abit7 C+inning 5ommon 2 5rystals are usually t+inned. 0ardness7 121.0 2 <uart=2>arnet Luminescence7 7on2 fluorescent. Luster7 )itreous 2 :ull Streak7 gray

-ptical Properties of Staurolite

Gladstone"%ale7 5D measL %.%'0 (E3cellent) 2 +here the 5D L ($2 F-:meas,F5) 5D calcL %.%%( ( uperior) 2 +here the 5D L ($2F-:calc,F5) F-:calcL %.'%03,F-:measL %.'%$",F5L %.'%(( 7calc L $.10 2 $.16 !ptical %ata7 ?ia3ial (B), aL$.13(2$.1"1, 4L$.1"2$.10", gL$.1"02$.1(', 4ireL%.%%@%2%.%$0%, ')(5alc)L6"266, ')(Meas)L66. :ispersion +eak to moderate, r U v. 'leochroism 2 37 colorless, pale yello+, or yello+ish red. 'leochroism 2y37 colorless, pale yello+, or yello+ish red.

Calculated Properties of Staurolite

*lectron %ensity7 $ulk %ensity 2*lectron %ensity3>?#@A gmBcc note: pecific >ravity of taurolite L3.(" gm,cc. Fermion Inde 7 Fermion Dnde3 L %.%%6@3'@$($ ?oson Dnde3 L %.@@$%(1%63@ 'hotoelectric7 '*Staurolite > C#:: 4arns,electron 4>'*Staurolite *lectron %ensity> =@#=@ 4arns,cc. Radioactivity7 GRapi > < (>amma ;ay !merican -etroleum Dnstitute Vnits) taurolite is &ot Radioactive

Staurolite Classification

%ana Class7 @:#<:#<?#<= (0')7esosilicate Dnsular i#" >roups and #, #&, F, and &'# (0'.%')+ith cations in 8"9 and U8"9 coordination (0'.%'.%3):ana >roup
0'.%'.%3.%$ taurolite (Fe,Mg)'!l@( i,!l)"#'%(#,#&)" 5 ',m ',m

0'.%'.%3.%' MagnesiostauroliteX 89"Mg"!l$((!l,89)' i6#"%8#(,(#&)'9 5 ',m ',m

0'.%'.%3.%3 AincostauroliteX 89"An"!l$((!l,89)' i6#"%8#(,(#&)'9 5 ',m ',m

Strun9 Class7 <A#+F#?< %@ 2 D.D5!CE (>ermanates) %@.! 2 7esosilicates %@.!F 27esosilicates +ith additional anions*
%@.!F.3% taurolite (Fe,Mg)'!l@( i,!l)"#'%(#,#&)" 5 ',m ',m

%@.!F.3% MagnesiostauroliteX 89"Mg"!l$((!l,89)' i6#"%8#(,(#&)'9 5 ',m ',m

%@.!F.3% AincostauroliteX 89"An"!l$((!l,89)' i6#"%8#(,(#&)'9 5 ',m ',m

http'44webmineral.com4data4,taurolite.shtml ".% ,erpentine

Serpentine - Mineral Properties and Uses

Uses Color Streak Luster Diaphaneity Cleavage
,erpentine uses include' thermal conducti!ity, industrial mineral, ornamental stone. !arious shades of green white greasy or waxy translucent to opa9ue perfect

Hardness Specific ravity

%.0 - #.0 ".# - ".$ color, luster monoclinic

Distinguishing Characteristics Crystal Syste!


Serpentine Pictures

,erpentine from =arren County, 6ew \ork. ,pecimen is approximately " inches (# centimeters+ across. #

,erpentine from =arren County, 6ew \ork. ,pecimen is approximately " inches (# centimeters+ across. $

Chrysotile, a !ariety of serpentine from Jowell, Vermont. ,pecimen is approximately "-14" inches ($.. centimeters+ across. 3

Verde -nti9ue, a !ariety of serpentine from Aochester, Vermont. ,pecimen is approximately . inches (10 centimeters+ across. Q

,erpentine from Cornwall, >ngland. ,pecimen is approximately "-14" inches ($.. centimeters+ across. M

,erpentine from >aston, Uennsyl!ania. ,pecimen is approximately . inches (10 centimeters+ across. 10

,erpentine cabochon from China. This is approximately %M millimeters by "% millimeters. 11

,erpentine cabochon from China. This is approximately %1 millimeters by "3 millimeters. http'44geology.com4minerals4serpentine.shtml



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see >arnet (disam4iguation).


General Category Chemical formula 7esosilicate Che general formula X3Y'( i#")3 Identification Color virtually all colors

Crystal habit rhom4ic dodecahedra or cu4ic Crystal system Cleavage Fracture Mohs scale hardness Luster Streak Specific gravity 5u4ic rhom4ic dodecahedron, icositetrahedron Dndistinct conchoidal to uneven (.0/1.0 vitreous to resinous White 3.$/".3

'olish luster vitreous to su4adamantine8$9 !ptical ingle refractive, often

properties Refractive inde

anomalous dou4le refractive8$9 $.1'/$.@"

$irefringence 7one 'leochroism 7one MaDor varieties 'yrope +lmandine Spessartine +ndradite Grossular 4varovite Mg3!l' i3#$' Fe3!l' i3#$' Mn3!l' i3#$' 5a3Fe' i3#$' 5a3!l' i3#$' 5a35r' i3#$'

The garnet (pronounced 4rn]t4+ group includes a group of silicate minerals that ha!e been used since the Lron&e -ge as gemstones and abrasi!es. The name "garnet" comes from century )iddle >nglish word gernet meaning ;dark red;, from the Jatin granatus granatus coming from granum (grain, seed+ < suffix "atus", possibly a reference to "mela granatum" or e!en "pomum granatum" ("pomegranate",?"@ scientific name' "Uunica granatum"+, a plant whose abundant !i!id red arils contained in the fruit are similar in shape, si&e, and color to some garnet crystals.?%@ Barnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms but different chemical compositions. The different species are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular (!arieties of which are hessonite or cinnamon-stone and tsa!orite+, u!aro!ite and andradite. The garnets make up two solid solution series' pyropealmandine-spessarite and u!aro!ite-grossular-andradite.


$ -hysical properties o $.$ -roperties

o o

$.' 5rystal structure $.3 &ardness

' >arnet group endmem4er species


'.$ -yralspite garnets / aluminium in Y site

'.$.$ !lmandine '.$.' -yrope '.$.3 pessartine

'.' Vgrandite group / calcium in X site

'.'.$ !ndradite '.'.' >rossular '.'.3 Vvarovite

'.3 .ess common species

'.3.$ Fnorringite

3 >arnet structural group " ynthetic garnets 0 >eological importance of garnet ( Vses of garnets

(.$ Dndustrial uses

1 ee also 6 ;eferences @ Further reading $% E3ternal links

[edit] Physical properties

$edit% Properties
Barnet species are found in many colors including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, pink and colorless. The rarest of these is the blue garnet, disco!ered in the late 1MM0s in Lekily, )adagascar. 7t is also found in parts of the nited ,tates, Aussia and Turkey. 7t changes color from blue-green in the daylight to purple in incandescent light, as a result of the relati!ely high amounts of !anadium (about 1 wt.V V"/%+. /ther !arieties of color-changing garnets exist. 7n daylight, their color ranges from shades of green, beige, brown, gray, and blue, but in incandescent light, they appear a reddish or purplish4pink color. Lecause of their color changing 9uality, this kind of garnet is often mistaken for -lexandrite.

! sample sho+ing the deep red color garnet can e3hi4it.

Barnet species; light transmission properties can range from the gemstone-9uality transparent specimens to the opa9ue !arieties used for industrial purposes as abrasi!es. The mineral;s luster is categori&ed as !itreous (glass-like+ or resinous (amber-like+.

$edit% Crystal structure

5rystal structure model of garnet

Barnets are nesosilicates ha!ing the general formula X%Y"(,i /.+%. The X site is usually occupied by di!alent cations (Ca"<, )g"<, *e"<+ and the Y site by tri!alent cations (-l%<, *e%<, Cr%<+ in an octahedral4tetrahedral framework with ?,i/.@.^ occupying the tetrahedra.?.@ Barnets are most often found in the dodecahedral crystal habit, but are also commonly found in the trape&ohedron habit. (6ote' the word "trape&ohedron" as used here and in most mineral texts refers to the shape called a Weltoidal icositetrahedron in solid geometry.+ They crystalli&e in the cubic system, ha!ing three axes that are all of e9ual length and perpendicular to each other. Barnets do not show clea!age, so when they fracture under stress, sharp irregular pieces are formed.

$edit% Hardness
Lecause the chemical composition of garnet !aries, the atomic bonds in some species are stronger than in others. -s a result, this mineral group shows a range of hardness on the )ohs ,cale of about $.# to 3.#. The harder species, like almandine, are often used for abrasi!e purposes.

[edit] Garnet group endmember species

$edit% Pyralspite garnets . alu!iniu! in Y site

!lmandine: Fe3!l'( i#")3 -yrope: Mg3!l'( i#")3 pessartine: Mn3!l'( i#")3

(edit) +lmandine

!lmandine in metamorphic rock

-lmandine, sometimes incorrectly called almandite, is the modern gem known as carbuncle (though originally almost any red gemstone was known by this name+. The term "carbuncle" is deri!ed from the Jatin meaning "li!e coal" or burning charcoal. The name -lmandine is a corruption of -labanda, a region in -sia )inor where these stones were cut in ancient times. Chemically, almandine is an iron-aluminium garnet with the formula *e%-l"(,i/.+%5 the deep red transparent stones are often called precious garnet and are used as gemstones (being the most common of the gem garnets+. -lmandine occurs in metamorphic rocks like mica schists, associated with minerals such as staurolite, kyanite, andalusite, and others. -lmandine has nicknames of /riental garnet, almandine ruby, and carbuncle.

(edit) 'yrope
Uyrope (from the Breek p!r$p%s meaning "fire-eyed"+ is red in color and chemically a magnesium aluminium silicate with the formula )g%-l"(,i/.+%, though the magnesium can be replaced in part by calcium and ferrous iron. The color of pyrope !aries from deep red to almost black. Uyrope and spessartine gemstones ha!e been reco!ered from the ,loan diamondiferous kimberlites in Colorado, from the Lishop Conglomerate and in a Tertiary age lamprophyre at Cedar )ountain in =yoming.?#@ - !ariety of pyrope from )acon County, 6orth Carolina is a !iolet-red shade and has been called rhodolite, from the Breek meaning "a rose." 7n chemical composition it may be considered as essentially an isomorphous mixture of pyrope and almandine, in the proportion of two parts pyrope to one part almandine. Uyrope has tradenames some of which are misnomers5 &ape rub!, 'rizona rub!, &alifornia rub!, (oc#! Mountain rub!, and Bohemian garnet from the C&ech Aepublic. -nother intriguing find is the blue color-changing garnets from )adagascar, a pyrope spessartine mix. The color of these blue garnets is not like sapphire blue in subdued daylight but more reminiscent of the grayish blues and greenish blues sometimes seen in spinel. 1owe!er, in white J>W light the color is e9ual to the best cornflower blue sapphire, or W block tan&anite5 this is due to the blue garnet;s ability to absorb the yellow component of the emitted light.?citation needed@ Uyrope is an indicator mineral for high-pressure rocks. The garnets from mantle deri!ed rocks, peridotites and eclogites, commonly contain a pyrope !ariety.

(edit) Spessartine

pessartine (the reddish mineral)

,pessartine or spessartite is manganese aluminium garnet, )n%-l"(,i/.+%. 7ts name is deri!ed from ,pessart in La!aria. 7t occurs most often in granite pegmatite and allied rock types and in certain low grade metamorphic phyllites. ,pessartine of an orange-yellow is found in )adagascar. Violet-red spessartines are found in rhyolites in Colorado and )aine.

$edit% Ugrandite group . calciu! in X site

!ndradite: 5a3Fe'( i#")3 >rossular: 5a3!l'( i#")3 Vvarovite: 5a35r'( i#")3

(edit) +ndradite
-ndradite is a calcium-iron garnet, Ca%*e"(,i/.+%, is of !ariable composition and may be red, yellow, brown, green or black. The recogni&ed !arieties are topa&olite (yellow or green+, demantoid (green+ and melanite (black+. -ndradite is found both in deep-seated igneous rocks like syenite as well as serpentines, schists, and crystalline limestone. Wemantoid has been called the "emerald of the rals" from its occurrence there, and is one of the most pri&ed of garnet !arieties. Topa&olite is a golden yellow !ariety and melanite is a black !ariety.

(edit) Grossular

>rossular on display at the V 7ational Museum of 7atural &istory. Che green gem at right is a type of grossular kno+n as tsavorite.

Brossular is a calcium-aluminium garnet with the formula Ca%-l"(,i/.+%, though the calcium may in part be replaced by ferrous iron and the aluminium by ferric iron. The name grossular is deri!ed from the botanical name for the gooseberry, grossularia, in reference to the green garnet of this composition that is found in ,iberia. /ther shades include cinnamon brown (cinnamon stone !ariety+, red, and yellow. Lecause of its inferior hardness to &ircon, which the yellow crystals resemble, they ha!e also been called hessonite from the Breek meaning inferior. Brossular is found in contact metamorphosed limestones with !esu!ianite, diopside, wollastonite and wernerite. Brossular garnet from Kenya and Tan&ania has been called tsa!orite. Tsa!orite was first described in the 1M$0s in the Tsa!o area of Kenya, from which the gem takes its name.?citation needed@

(edit) 4varovite
!aro!ite is a calcium chromium garnet with the formula Ca%Cr"(,i/.+%. This is a rather rare garnet, bright green in color, usually found as small crystals associated with chromite in peridotite, serpentinite, and kimberlites. 7t is found in crystalline marbles and schists in the ral mountains of Aussia and /utokumpu, *inland.

$edit% Less co!!on species

5alcium in X site o >oldmanite: 5a3)'( i#")3

o o o

Fim=eyite: 5a3(Ar,Ci)'8( i,!l,Fe3B)#"93 Morimotoite: 5a3Ci"BFe'B( i#")3 chorlomite: 5a3(Ci"B,Fe3B)'8( i,Ci)#"93

&ydro3ide 4earing / calcium in X site

&ydrogrossular: 5a3!l'( i#")323(#&)"3

&i4schite: 5a3!l'( i#")323(#&)"3 (+here 3 is 4et+een %.' and $.0) Fatoite: 5a3!l'( i#")323(#&)"3 (+here 3 is greater than $.0)

Magnesium or manganese in X site

o o o

Fnorringite: Mg35r'( i#")3 MaHorite: Mg3(Fe'B i)( i#")3 5alderite: Mn3Fe3B'( i#")3

(edit) 8norringite
Knorringite is a magnesium chromium garnet species with the formula )g%Cr"(,i/.+%. Uure endmember knorringite ne!er occurs in nature. Uyrope rich in the knorringite component is only formed under high pressure and is often found in kimberlites. 7t is used as an indicator mineral in the search for diamonds.

[edit] Garnet structural group

Formula: S3A'(C#")3 (S L 5a, Fe, etc., A L !l, 5r, etc., C L i, !s, ), Fe, !l) o !ll are cu4ic or strongly pseudocu4ic.

IM+BC&M &C &ickel" Strun9 Mineral class %" #3ide %" #3ide %" #3ide %" Cellurate %6

Mineral name


Crystal system

'oint group

Space group

?itikleite2 ( n!l) ?itikleite2 ( nFe) ?itikleite2 (ArFe) Tafsoanite ?er=eliite

5a3 n 4(!l#")3 isometric 5a3( n 40B) (Fe3B#)3 isometric

m3m m3m m3m m3m or "3' m3m

Da3d Da3d Da3d Da3d or D"$3' Da3d

5a3 4Ar(Fe3B#" isometric )3 5a3An3(Ce(B#()' isometric 7a5a'Mg'(!s#" isometric

!rsenate %6 )anadate %6 )anadate

)3 -alen=onaite chYferite 7a5a'Mn'B'()# isometric ")3 7a5a'Mg'()#")


m3m m3m

Da3d Da3d


DM!,57M75 / 7ickel2 trun= / Mineral su4class: %@.! 7esosilicate


7ickel2 trun= classification: %@.!:.'0 Formula Fe'B3!l'( i#")3 5a3Fe3B'( i#")3 MnB'3FeB3'( i#")3 Crystal system isometric isometric isometric isometric isometric 'oint group m3m m3m m3m m3m m3m Space group Da3d Da3d Da3d Da3d Da3d D"$,acd Da3d Da3d Da3d Da3d Da3d D"$,a or D"$,acd Da3d Da3d Da3d

Mineral name !lmandine !ndradite 5alderite

>oldmanite 5a3)3B'( i#")3 >rossular 5a3!l'( i#")3

&enritermier 5a3Mn3B'( i#")'(#&)" ite &i4schite Fatoite Ferimasite Fim=eyite Fnorringite MaHorite Momoiite

tetragonal ",mmm m3m m3m m3m m3m m3m

5a3!l'( i#")(323)(#&)"3 (3L isometric %.'/$.0) 5a3!l'( i#")(323)(#&)"3 (3L isometric $.023) 5a3Ar'(FeB3#")'( i#") 5a3Ar'(!lB3#")'( i#") Mg35r'( i#")3 Mg3(Fe

isometric isometric isometric

i)( i#")3

",m tetragonal or ",mmm isometric isometric isometric m3m m3m m3m

Mn'B3)3B'( i#")3

Morimotoite 5a3(Fe'BCi"B)( i#")3 -yrope Mg3!l'( i#")3

chorlomite 5a3Ci"B'(Fe3B#")'( i#") pessartine Mn'B3!l'( i#")3 Coturite Vvarovite

isometric isometric isometric isometric

m3m m3m m3m m3m

Da3d Da3d Da3d Da3d

5a3 n'(Fe3B#")'( i#") 5a35r'( i#")3

;eferences:* mineral name, chemical formula and space group (!merican Mineralogist 5rystal tructure :ata4ase) of the DM! :ata4ase of Mineral -roperties, ;;VFF -roHect, Vniv. of !ri=ona, +as preferred most of the time. Minor components in formulae have 4een left out to highlight the dominant chemical endmem4er that defines each species.

[edit] Synthetic garnets

The crystallographic structure of garnets has been expanded from the prototype to include chemicals with the general formula '%B"(& /.+%. Lesides silicon, a large number of elements ha!e been put on the & site, including Be, Ba, -l, V and *e.?$@ \ttrium aluminium garnet (\-B+, \%-l"(-l/.+%, is used for synthetic gemstones. Wue to its fairly high refracti!e index, \-B was used as a diamond simulant in the 1M30s until the methods of producing the more ad!anced simulant cubic &irconia in commercial 9uantities were de!eloped. =hen doped with neodymium (6d%<+, these \-l-garnets may be used as the lasing medium in lasers. 7nteresting magnetic properties arise when the appropriate elements are used. 7n yttrium iron garnet (\7B+, \%*e"(*e/.+%, the fi!e iron(777+ ions occupy two octahedral and three tetrahedral sites, with the yttrium(777+ ions coordinated by eight oxygen ions in an irregular cube. The iron ions in the two coordination sites exhibit different spins, resulting in magnetic beha!iour. \7B is a ferrimagnetic material ha!ing a Curie temperature of ##0 K. -nother example is gadolinium gallium garnet, Bd%Ba"(Ba/.+% which is synthesi&ed for use as a substrate for li9uid phase epitaxy of magnetic garnet films for bubble memory and magneto-optical applications.

[edit] Geological importance of garnet

Chis unreferenced section reGuires citations to ensure verifia4ility.

>arnet var. pessartine, -utian 5ity, -utian -refecture, FuHian -rovince, 5hina

The Barnet group is a key mineral in interpreting the genesis of many igneous and metamorphic rocks !ia geothermobarometry. Wiffusion of elements is relati!ely slow in garnet compared to rates in many other minerals, and garnets are also relati!ely resistant to alteration. 1ence, indi!idual garnets commonly preser!e compositional &onations that are used to interpret the temperature-time histories of the rocks in which they grew. Barnet grains that lack compositional &onation commonly are interpreted as ha!ing been homogeni&ed by diffusion, and the inferred homogeni&ation also has implications for the temperature-time history of the host rock. Barnets are also useful in defining metamorphic facies of rocks. *or instance, eclogite can be defined as a rock of basalt composition, but mainly consisting of garnet and omphacite. Uyrope-rich garnet is restricted to relati!ely high-pressure metamorphic rocks, such as those in the lower crust and in the >arth;s mantle. Ueridotite may contain plagioclase, or aluminium-rich spinel, or pyrope-rich garnet, and the presence of each of the three minerals defines a pressuretemperature range in which the mineral could e9uilibrate with oli!ine plus pyroxene' the three are listed in order of increasing pressure for stability of the peridotite mineral assemblage?vague@. 1ence, garnet peridotite must ha!e been formed at great depth in the earth. 8enoliths of garnet peridotite ha!e been carried up from depths of 100 km and greater by kimberlite, and garnets from such disaggegated xenoliths are used as a kimberlite indicator minerals in diamond prospecting. -t depths of about %00 to .00 km and greater, a pyroxene component is dissol!ed in garnet, by the substitution of ()g,*e+ plus ,i for "-l in the octahedral (\+ site in the garnet structure, creating unusually silica-rich garnets that ha!e solid solution towards maPorite. ,uch silica-rich garnets ha!e been identified as inclusions within diamonds.

[edit] Uses of garnets

6th (Z) century !nglo2 a3on s+ord hilt fitting, gold +ith gemstone inlay of garnet cloisonn[. From the taffordshire &oard, found in '%%@, and not fully cleaned.

-endant in uvarovite, a rare 4right2green garnet.

Aed garnets were the most commonly used gemstones in the Jate -nti9ue Aoman world, and the )igration Ueriod art of the "barbarian" peoples who took o!er the territory of the =estern >mpire. They were especially used inlaid in gold cells in the cloisonn_ techni9ue, a style often Pust called garnet cloisonn_, found from -nglo-,axon >ngland, as at ,utton 1oo, to the Llack ,ea.

Uure crystals of garnet are still used as gemstones. The gemstone !arieties occur in shades of green, red, yellow and orange.?3@ 7n the ,- it is known as the birthstone for Oanuary.?1@ 7t is the state mineral of Connecticut,?Q@ 6ew \ork;s gemstone,?M@ and star garnet (garnet with rutile asterisms+ is the state gemstone of 7daho.?10@

$edit% 'ndustrial uses

Barnet sand is a good abrasi!e, and a common replacement for silica sand in sand blasting. -llu!ial garnet grains which are rounder are more suitable for such blasting treatments. )ixed with !ery high pressure water, garnet is used to cut steel and other materials in water Pets. *or water Pet cutting, garnet extracted from hard rock is suitable since it is more angular in form, therefore more efficient in cutting. Barnet paper is fa!ored by cabinetmakers for finishing bare wood.?11@ Barnet sand is also used for water filtration media. -s an abrasi!e garnet can be broadly di!ided in two categories, blasting grade and water Pet grade. The garnet, as it is mined and collected, is crushed to finer grains5 all pieces which are larger than $0 mesh ("#0 micrometers+ are normally used for sand blasting. The pieces between $0 mesh ("#0 micrometers+ and "00 mesh (3. micrometers+ are normally used for water Pet cutting. The remaining garnet pieces that are finer than "00 mesh (3. micrometers+ are used for glass polishing and lapping. Aegardless of the application, the larger grain si&es are used for faster work and the smaller ones are used for finer finishes. There are different kinds of abrasi!e garnets which can be di!ided based on their origin. The largest source of abrasi!e garnet today is garnet rich beach sand which is 9uite abundant on 7ndian and -ustralian coasts and the main producers today are -ustralia and 7ndia.?1"@ This material is particularly popular due to its consistent supplies, huge 9uantities and clean material. The common problems with this material are the presence of ilmenite and chloride compounds. ,ince the material is being naturally crushed and ground on the beaches for past centuries, the material is normally a!ailable in fine si&es only. )ost of the garnet at the Tuticorin beach is Q0 mesh, and ranges from #$ mesh to 100 mesh si&e.?citation needed@ (iver garnet is particularly abundant in -ustralia. The ri!er sand garnet occurs as a placer deposit.?citation needed@ (oc# garnet is perhaps the garnet type used for the longest period of time. This type of garnet is produced in -merica, China and western 7ndia. These crystals are crushed in mills and then purified by wind blowing, magnetic separation, sie!ing

and, if re9uired, washing. Leing freshly crushed, this garnet has the sharpest edges and therefore performs far better than other kinds of garnet. Loth the ri!er and the beach garnet suffer from the tumbling effect of hundreds of thousands of years which rounds off the edges. Barnet has been mined in western AaPasthan for the past "00 years, but mainly for the gemstone grade stones. -brasi!e garnet was mainly mined as a secondary product while mining for gem garnets and was used as lapping and polishing media for the glass industries. The host rock of the garnet here is garnetiferous mica schist and the total percentage of garnet is not more than 3V to 10V,?citation needed@ which makes the material extremely costly and non economical to extract for non-gemstone applications. Barnet is also finding a niche in solid state circuitry. )7T recently published an article on the use of Barnet as an optical component in a new photonic chip.?1%@ http'44en.wikipedia.org4wiki4Barnet

1.$ ,ilimanite

eneral Silli!anite 'nfor!ation

Chemical Formula7 !l' i#0 L !l8(9!l8"9# i#" Molecular Weight L $('.%0 gm
Aluminum Silicon 33.30 % 17.33 % ______ 100.00 % Al Si 62.92 % Al2O3 37.08 % SiO2 Oxygen ______ 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE


49.37 %

*mpirical Formula7 (!l'#3)( i#') *nvironment7 Metamorphosed peri2 aluminous sedimentary rocks. IM+ Status7 )alid pecies (-re2DM!) $6'" Locality7 Wide spread +orld +ide occurrences. .ink to .ocation :ata. &ame !rigin7 7amed after the !merican chemist and mineralogist, ?. illiman ($11@2$6'"). &ame 'ronunciation7 illimanite B -ronunciation Synonym7 Fi4rolite D5 : $%%"0% -:F 362"1$

Silli!anite '!age

Co!!ents) ,ilky massi!e sillimanite. Location) Khasia 1ills, -ssum, 7ndia. Scale) ,ee Uhoto. * Oeff =eissman 4 Uhotographic Buide to )ineral ,pecies

Silli!anite Crystallography
+ ial Ratios7 a:4:c L%.@10":$:%.10' Cell %imensions7 a L 1."6", 4 L 1.(1', c L 0.11, A L "* ) L 33$.3% :en(5alc)L 3.'0 Crystal System7 !rthorhombic " %ipyramidal&2M ym4ol (',m ',m ',m) pace >roup: - nma ; Ray %iffraction7 ?y Dntensity(D,Do): 3."'($), 3.31(%.(0), '.'(%.(), Forms7
Mouse Wbl Clk - ,tart-,top Aotation A)L - Cycle Wisplay )odes Wrag1 - )anipulate Crystal Wrag" - Aesi&e +ey,oard , - ,tereo 7 - 7ndicies Zspace[ - ,tart-,top Aotation * - *it to ,creen ) - )enu 1elp on -bo!e

Forms: 2 = : <3 2 : = <3 2 = = <3 2 = < <3 2 < < =3

Warning) this large pop-up is !ery compute intensi!e and may not work well with some computers.
Crystal Structure7
Mouse drag1 - J)L )anipulate ,tructure drag" - A)L Aesi&e4Aotate +ey,oard , - ,tereo Uair on4off 1 - 1elp ,creen 7 - Wata 7nfo - - -toms /n4/ff U - Uolyhedra /n4/ff L - Londs /n4/ff 1elp on -bo!e

=inter O K , Bhose , , -merican )ineralogist , $. (1M3M+ p.#3%-#Q$, Thermal expansion and high-temperature crystal chemistry of the -l",i/#, polymorphs, T : "# deg C )ie+ !dditional H-#W: tructure files for illimanite 8$9 8$%9 8$$9 8$'9 8$39 8$"9 8$09 8$(9 8'9 839 8"9 809 8(9 819 869 8@9

Physical Properties of Silli!anite

Cleavage7 I%$%J -erfect Color7 ?luish, ?ro+nish greenish, 5olorless, >ray, >ray green. %ensity7 3.'" %iaphaneity7 Cransparent to translucent Fracture7 plintery 2 Chin, elongated fractures produced 4y intersecting good cleavages or partings (e.g. horn4lende). 0abit7 !cicular 2 #ccurs as needle2like crystals. 0abit7 Fi4rous 2 5rystals made up of fi4ers. 0abit7 -rismatic 2 5rystals haped like lender -risms (e.g. tourmaline). 0ardness7 1 2 <uart= Luminescence7 7on2fluorescent. Luster7 )itreous (>lassy) Streak7 +hite

-ptical Properties of Silli!anite

Gladstone"%ale7 5D measL %.%$ ( uperior) 2 +here the 5D L ($2 F-:meas,F5) 5D calcL %.%$3 ( uperior) 2 +here the 5D L ($2F-:calc,F5) F-:calcL %.'%"1,F-:measL %.'%03,F5L %.'%1" 7calc L $.(1 !ptical %ata7 ?ia3ial (B), aL$.(032$.(($, 4L$.(0"2 $.(1, gL$.((@2$.(6", 4ireL%.%$(%2%.%'3%, ')(5alc)L3%26%, ')(Meas)L'%23%. :ispersion strong, r U v. 'leochroism 2 37 colorless, pale 4ro+n, or yello+. 'leochroism 2y37 colorless, 4ro+n, or grayish green.

http)//0e,!ineral#co!/data/Silli!anite#sht!l 1.3 -ndalusite

eneral 1ndalusite 'nfor!ation

Chemical Formula7 !l' i#0 L !l8(9!l809# i#" Molecular Weight L $('.%0 gm
Aluminum Silicon 33.30 % 17.33 % ______ 100.00 % Al Si 62.92 % Al2O3 37.08 % SiO2 Oxygen ______ 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE


49.37 %

*mpirical Formula7 !l' i#0 *nvironment7 Metamorphosed peri2aluminous sedimentary rocks. IM+ Status7 )alid pecies (-re2DM!) $16@ Locality7 !ndalucia ( pain), an early 4ut no+ unimportant location. .ink to .ocation :ata. &ame !rigin7 7amed after its locality. &ame 'ronunciation7 !ndalusite B -ronunciation

Synonym7 5hiastolite

D5 : '"'10

-:F 3@231(

1ndalusite '!age

Co!!ents) =ine colored andalusite associated with mica. Location) ,ierra -lbarrana, Cordoba, ,pain. Scale) ..# x %.# cm. * *abre )inerals

1ndalusite Crystallography
+ ial Ratios7 a:4:c L%.@6(:$:%.1%31 Cell %imensions7 a L 1.1@, 4 L 1.@, c L 0.0(, A L "* ) L 3"'.$1 :en(5alc)L 3.$0 Crystal System7 !rthorhombic " %ipyramidal&2M ym4ol (',m ',m ',m) pace >roup: -nnm ; Ray %iffraction7 ?y Dntensity(D,Do): 0.0"($), '.11(%.@), ".03(%.@), Crystal Structure7
Mouse drag1 - J)L )anipulate ,tructure drag" - A)L Aesi&e4Aotate +ey,oard , - ,tereo Uair on4off 1 - 1elp ,creen 7 - Wata 7nfo - - -toms /n4/ff U - Uolyhedra /n4/ff L - Londs /n4/ff 1elp on -bo!e

=inter O K , Bhose , , -merican )ineralogist , $. (1M3M+ p.#3%-#Q$, Thermal expansion and high-temperature crystal chemistry of the -l",i/#, polymorphs, T : "# deg C )ie+ !dditional H-#W: tructure files for !ndalusite 8$9 8$%9 8$$9 8$'9 8$39 8$"9 8$09 8$(9 8'9 839 8"9 809 8(9 819 869 8@9

Physical Properties of 1ndalusite

Cleavage7 I$$%J :istinct, I$%%J Dndistinct, I%$%J -oor :ark green, >ray, ?ro+n, ;ed, >reen. L 3.$0 %iaphaneity7 Cransparent to translucent Color7 %ensity7 3.$3 2 3.$1, !verage Fracture7

plintery 2 Chin, elongated fractures produced 4y intersecting good cleavages or partings (e.g. horn4lende). shape tends to 4e eGuant (e.g. feldspars). 0abit7 ?locky 2 5rystal 0abit7 Euhedral 5rystals 2 0abit7

#ccurs as +ell2formed crystals sho+ing good e3ternal form. 0ardness7 (.021 2 -yrite2<uart= Luster7 )itreous (>lassy)

-rismatic 2 5rystals haped like lender -risms (e.g. tourmaline). Luminescence7 7on2fluorescent. Streak7 +hite

http)//0e,!ineral#co!/data/1ndalusite#sht!l 1.Q -ctinolite

eneral 1ctinolite 'nfor!ation

Chemical Formula7 5a'(Mg,FeBB)0 i6#''(#&)' Molecular Weight L 603.$( gm
Sodium Calcium Magnesium Titanium Manganese Aluminum Iron Silicon Hydrogen


0.59 % Na 0.80 % Na2O 8.60 % Ca 12.03 % CaO 9.71 % Mg 16.11 % MgO 0.11 % Ti 0.19 % TiO2 0.13 % Mn 0.17 % MnO 1.39 % Al 2.63 % Al2O3 8.58 % Fe 10.61 % FeO / 0.47 % Fe2O3 25.64 % Si 54.86 % SiO2 0.24 % H 2.11 % H2O Oxygen 45.01 % O ______ ______ 100.00 % 99.97 % = TOTAL OXIDE *mpirical 'B Formula7 5a$.637a%.''Mg3."$Fe $.'(!l%.'3Fe3B%.%0Mn'B%.%'Ci%.%' i1.1@!l%.'$#''(#&)'

*nvironment7 Metamorphic rocks. IM+ Status7 )alid pecies (-re2 DM!) $1@" Locality7 5ommon +orld +ide. .ink to .ocation :ata. &ame !rigin7 From the >reek, aktinos, meaning WrayW in allusion to actinoliteKs fi4rous nature. &ame 'ronunciation7 !ctinolite B -ronunciation Synonym7 ?yssolite &e3agonite (Mn) D5 : '"@%% Mountain .eather 7ephrite Jade -:F "$2$3(( maragdite 2 emerald green

1ctinolite '!age


Co!!ents) ,harp, floater actinolite crystal with a slight green tint. Location) 6amibian dessert, more or less due =est of is, 6amibia. Scale) Q.# x ".# x " cm. * *abre )inerals

Physical Properties of 1ctinolite

Cleavage7 I$$%J -erfect, I$$%J -erfect 4lack, >ray green, ?lack. %iaphaneity7 Cranslucent to transparent partings (e.g. horn4lende). like crystals (e.g. kyanite). fi4ers. Color7 >reen, >reen Fracture7 plintery 2 Chin, %ensity7 '.@6 2 3.$, !verage L 3.%"

elongated fractures produced 4y intersecting good cleavages or 0abit7 ?laded 2 !ggregates of thin lath2 0abit7 Fi4rous 2 5rystals made up of 0ardness7 0.0 2 Fnife ?lade

0abit7 ;adial 2 5rystals radiate from a center +ithout Luster7 )itreous (>lassy)

producing stellar forms (e.g. sti4nite) Luminescence7 7on2fluorescent. Streak7 +hite

http'44webmineral.com4data4-ctinolite.shtml 1.M Cyanite

Occurrences of Kyanite
>eological etting:Metamorphic rocks of moderately high pressure regional metamorphism.

Physical Properties of Kyanite

.ustre:)itreous, u42)itreous, >reasy, -early:iaphaneity (Cransparency):Cransparent, Cranslucent5omment: ome+hat pearly on I$%%J \\ to the perfect cleavage5olour:?lue, +hite, light gray, green, rarely yello+, orange, pink treak:5olorless&ardness (Mohs):0]

2 15omment:0.0 parallel to 8%%$9, 1 parallel to 8$%%9Cenacity:?rittle5leavage:-erfect -erfect on ($%%), good on (%$%)-arting:#n (%%$)Fracture: plintery:ensity (measured):3.03 2 3.(1 g,cm 3:ensity (calculated):3.(1 g,cm3

http)//000#!indat#org/!in-2343#ht!l 1.10 Chordierite

Occurrences of Cordierite
>eological etting:Chermally metamorphosed argillaceous sedimentary rocks* high2grade regionally metamorphosed schists, gneisses and granulites* also in mafic igneous rocks and granites.

Physical Properties of Cordierite

.ustre:)itreous:iaphaneity (Cransparency):Cransparent, Cranslucent5olour:>rey, 4lue, 4lue2violet, greenish, yello+ish 4ro+n* colourless to very light 4lue in transmitted light.&ardness (Mohs):1 2 1]Cenacity:?rittle5leavage:Dmperfect,Fair #n I$%%J, fair* #n I%%$J and I%$%J, poor.Fracture: u42 5onchoidal:ensity (measured):'.( 2 '.(( g,cm 3:ensity (calculated):'.0%0 g,cm3

http'44www.mindat.org4min-11"Q.html 1.11 Tremolite

Physical Properties of &re!olite

Cleavage) `110a Uerfect, `010a Wistinct =hite, Jight green. Transparent to translucent *orms columns forms. Color) Lrown, Colorless, Bray, Diaphaneity) Ha,it) Columnar -

Density) ".M - %.", -!erage : %.0#

5racture) ,ub Conchoidal - *ractures de!eloped in

brittle materials characteri&ed by semi-cur!ing surfaces.

Ha,it) )assi!e - *ibrous - Wistinctly fibrous fine-grained

Ha,it) )assi!e - Branular - Common texture obser!ed in granite and

other igneous rock. Vitreous - Uearly 1.1" >pidotite

Hardness) #-$ - Letween -patite and /rthoclase Luster) Streak) white

Lu!inescence) *luorescent, ,hort V:yellow, Jong V:range pink.

Physical Properties of


.ustre:)itreous, -early:iaphaneity (Cransparency):Cransparent, #paGue5olour:Tello+ish2green, green, 4ro+nish2green, 4lack treak:5olorless&ardness (Mohs):(Cenacity:?rittle5leavage:-erfect -erfect on I%%$J, imperfect on I$%%JFracture:Drregular,Vneven:ensity (measured):3.36 2 3."@ g,cm3:ensity (calculated):3."3(3) g,cm3 http:,,,min2$36@.html

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