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Eskiehir YESDL

1A volcano is a place on the Earth's surface --A) which vary quite a bit in their structure B) where molten rock and gases erupt through the Earth's crust C) whether rocks came from volcanoes in other forms D) when magma erupted through the earth's surface E) that it comes from the Roman god of fire 2If cats have plenty to do during the day, such as hunting ----. A) their diet probably would have played an important role in their sleep patterns B) many of them had lost their hearing gradually as they aged C) they may prefer to stay awake and sleep more during the night D) high places would have given them a better observation point E) they had weight changes or other signs of illness 3----, it generally refers to a permanent professional force of soldiers trained exclusively for the purpose of warfare. A) While military can refer to any armed force, B) As early armies may have been just men with sharpened sticks and rocks C) If some countries maintain the largest armed forces in the world D) Ever since rifles changed the nature of warfare E) Since citizen soldiers with less training should have been called up as a reserve force 94One of the recent studies on tourism has proved ----. A) when tourism is allowed to develop without proper planning B) how the hotel industry has continuously benefited from the Internet, since its early days C) even if tourism is already the world's largest industry D) while it is considered to be global in its nature E) whereas tourism is heavily dependent on the natural resource base 5----, but what happens at the other end of the space is still a mystery. A) No wonder our ancient ancestors peered up into the heavens with fear B) Astronomers can't do experiments on stars C) Scientists think they know how the universe began D) Black holes cannot be seen directly 6E) The Big Bang theory does not actually explain how the universe began Most animals are inclined to run ----. A) if they had been provoked by confinement in small spaces B) where they usually found food and water C) why they would enter a hibernation stage D) when they feel threatened or frightened E) whether some of them kill other members of their own species 7Children are often attracted to string-like objects and electric cords, ----. A) otherwise they should never be left unattended B) because they can pull the cords and could be accidentally strangled C) therefore it is important to keep these things out of the child's environment D) since they can be wrapped around their fingers and cause injury E) though homes seem to have a great many potential dangers for them 8After the thunderstorm that hit Malta last week, the authorities warned everyone ----. A) having stayed away from low-lying areas near rivers and valleys B) not to leave their homes unless it is really necessary C) to have stayed out of damaged buildings D) flee coastal areas following a series of mild aftershocks E) not visiting forests as many trees are still at risk of falling over People should be allowed to publish whatever they want ----. A) nevertheless they should be allowed to express unpopular opinions B) who will ensure the survival of all news media C) but also there are so many young people whose dream is-to be an author D) in case many people might consider the material offensive E) as long as it is within the limits set by law 10- Although identical twins look exactly alike, ---. A) the chance of having identical twins is usually thought to be genetic B) some women are more likely than others to give birth to twins C) they are the only people in the world with identical DNA D) many have different personalities E) identical twins usually have very similar social development

Baarmak iin YESDL!


Eskiehir YESDL

11- I never really feel refreshed from my sleep ---. A) since I don't need treatments and therapies to help me to sleep more B) now that I always sleep well the night before I travel C) in order not to have trouble while sleeping D) no matter how long I sleep E) as it might help me to sleep better 12- ---- due to the recent negative political developments in Germany at the time. A) There were no concrete and immediate issues to worry about B) The country has a strong mining industry and a strong manufacturing sector C) During the 1940's, many people were willing to immigrate D) Cars made in Germany are considered to be of the highest quality E) Many people were well educated 13- Japanese newspaper circulation is greater than that of the United States and even China, ----. A) both of whose populations far exceed that of Japan B) that Japanese newspaper circulation figures are traditionally based on morning edition C) why Japanese adults read at least one newspaper daily D) which are home-delivered to regular subscribers E) that its weekly magazine circulation is 1.9 billion per year 14- ----- that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and property. A) No one should be allowed to kill anyone else B) Many people wanted to find out C) It is the right way for humans to treat each other D) We should understand E) All members of the community should respect each other's rights 15- Liquid crystals are a class of liquids ----. A) what scatters light in all directions B) which had affected the light like crystals did C) whose molecules are more orderly than molecules in regular fluids D) that these liquids interact with light E) why making droplets of liquid crystals is nothing new 16- By the time a child is three years old, ----. A) he was beginning to develop the verbal skills B) all 20 baby teeth will have arrived

C) even the most severe ear infection problems tended to go away D) he started learning at an amazing rate E) he had been given the opportunity to explore and interact with nature 17- Most people can speak a language like a native speaker -----. A) if they were to gain confidence in speaking B) how easily they can be misunderstood C) which is very important to successful spoken communication D) as English spoken with a French, or Italian any other kind of accent can be very attractive to the ears of native speakers E) if they live in a country where they have to speak it 18- It is self-destructive for you to complain about a life that you chose for yourself; ---why you make so many bad decisions. A) but you mustn't blame your problems on other people B) since you should take responsibility for your life C) when you talk to your friends about our problems D) instead, you should try to understand E) because you have tremendous freedom to spend your life as you please 19- ----- until it has been shown to be absolutely safe. A) The motorist overtaking the cyclist needn't have waited B) The fire alarm went on C) Our building didn't need to be evacuated D) Natural gas tanks had to be shut off to avoid fire or explosions E) A new technology should not be used 20- People should stand up for what is right ----. A) if they had allowed others to influence their decisions B) why some of them they have no confidence C) no matter what the consequences may be D) that means to have respect for themselves E) once they knew what kind of person they were 21- ----- but then I wouldn't have had time to do all the other jobs around the house that needed doing. A) All of the housework is my task for the next two weeks B) I could have spent time doing the laundry C) Our house was surrounded by magnificent palm trees and tropical-flowers D) I will never do housework in my life E) I spend more time with my books and chess

Baarmak iin YESDL!


Eskiehir YESDL

22- ---- that pigeons were at one time the ultimate communication tool. A) They were domesticated by the ancient Egyptians B) There are different species of pigeons C) It is now extremely difficult to imagine D) They are able to commute daily from city centres to outlying districts for feeding E) These birds are known for their ability to find their way home 23- ----, unlike galleries which engage in the sale of objects. A) People buying art assume that most of the money they are paying out goes to the artist B) Most artists cannot afford the costs of mounting their own exhibitions C) Commercial art galleries offer an alternative D) Restoration of art works is a highly detailed work E) Museums are usually not run for the purpose of making a profit 24- Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, and if water is thrown on an electrical fire ----. A) B) C) D) E) water and electricity wouldn't have mixed they could have done quite a bit of damage protective articles alone didn't protect you it will only spread the fire together they had become a very dangerous combination

27- The victims of Hurricane Katrina have made people ----. A) B) C) D) having been in urgent need of help realize the importance of helping to provide them with healthcare services having assisted children and their families affected by the hurricane E) to have dealt with the aftermath of the tragedy 28- In the 20th century beards and moustaches were generally out of fashion until the 1960s, --A) whose moustaches were always full and hung to or below the beard B) which were allowed only under some special circumstances C) who in particular would grow a beard starting from the cheeks D) that men always wore a beard with side burns and a moustache E) when, together with long hair, they became popular with young people 29- ----- if he or she feels endangered. A) The child could have remained calm for a little while longer B) You should have taken the time to understand personality C) Your child may not have intended to harm another person D) A child may sometimes react by biting in self-defence E) It was impossible for a child to truly make a correct decision

Baarmak iin YESDL!

25- ----, studying how these affect thought and behaviour. A) Physiological psychology focuses on the body's neural and chemical systems B) There are many major subdivisions of psychology C) Psychologists use naturalistic observation to study behaviour D) Psychology is an extremely broad discipline E) Humanistic psychology emphasizes the goal of reaching one's full potential

30- Influenza is usually not dangerous ----. A) which is a respiratory infection caused by a virus B) although it makes people quite ill C) that is a tiny germ that can't be seen even under an ordinary microscope D) since the virus might have spread to the lungs E) if it made the victim sick enough to go to bed

26- When you have only two options, -----, you are faced with contradictions, or contradictory choices. A) why the most basic decisions had been made between two choices. B) both of which cannot be true and both of which cannot be false C) that you have another choice D) each of which was equally undesirable E) if it were possible to make good decisions without thinking critically

31- These days, no matter how important an employee has been in the past, -----. A) they worked to earn their position every day B) he doesn't expect to get laid off C) he still has to prove his worth to his employer every day D) there will be fewer similar performance problems E) he believes he has the capacity to succeed


Eskiehir YESDL

32- ---- whose abilities range well beyond the norm. A) One of the greatest challenges schools face is serving the needs of those exceptional students B) Educators and school board members should work together C) Sometimes student motivation is negatively affected by external rewards, especially grades D) Special educational needs can be met E) it is necessary for teachers to make learning enjoyable 33- ----- that the increases in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are causing world temperatures to increase. A) The observed increase in the Earth's average temperature may be related B) No one can honestly deny the purpose C) It is becoming increasingly obvious D) We are unable to determine how much of the warming E) The climate system take's some time to come into equilibrium 34- Food packaging has been crucial since the birth of the industrial era, ----. A) that results from consumption of contaminated food products B) unless the package was torn or damaged in some way C) when consumers moved into cities, away from the food production areas D) yet packaging is an important component of the foods we buy E) even though it minimises food wastage and reduces the use of additives 35- During the press conference a reporter asked the Prime Minister ----. A) how the government has handled the fiscal problem B) that he has- an important institutional role in the justice system C) while he has time to prepare briefings D) if he had actually received a resignation letter from the Minister of National Defence E) why he has not acted in the responsible way he should have 36- Now I feel more comfortable in Canada even though I still prefer the weather in my home country. A) for I could not readily adjust to other climates

B) what has helped me most C) that I now speak to my parents about my problems D) as I am used to the weather E) since I haven't learnt to have more confidence in myself yet 37- Some children who appear to have a high IQ have learning difficulties ----. A) why they are often found in early childhood B) so that they can be diagnosed and treated C) who had been having difficulty doing two actions at the same time D) by the time they displayed individual behaviour patterns E) due to their poor attention span 38- -----; however, they are known to establish roosts in attics and abandoned buildings. A) At night rodents and other animals search for food B) Rates of wildlife species and their habitats continue to decrease at an alarming pace C) Bats prefer to avoid human contact D) The protection of livestock and poultry .is most important during the spring period E) Woodpeckers damage buildings by drilling holes into wooden siding 39- ----- unless you are trained in first aid. A) You may be able to prevent death or permanent brain damage B) You should not attempt to provide treatment to someone who is seriously injured C) You will be better able to care for others D) You should ask if anyone else has had training too E) You are encouraged to aid ill or injured persons

Baarmak iin YESDL!

40- ---- so that they will not be able to access it. A) Most of us who keep dogs are raising them as part of the family B) Since chocolate is harmful to dogs, it should always be stored C) Many dogs are happier outdoors than indoors D) Dogs can cause neighbourhood problems by chasing people E) Dogs that are chained in the yard are responsible for serious dog bites


Eskiehir YESDL


1. B 11. D 21. B 31. C

2. C 12. C 22. C 32. A

3. A 13. A 23. E 33. C

4. B 14. D 24. D 34. C

5. C 15. C 25. A 35. D

6. D 16. B 26. B 36. D

7. C 17. E 27. B 37. E

8. B 18. D 28. E 38. C

9. E 19. E 29. D 39. B

10. D 20. C 30. B 40. B

Baarmak iin YESDL!

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