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Copyright 2009 Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon
How Quantum-Leap New
Energy Inventions Can
Transform Our World
1s/Ns M/NNtNc /No 1ost C/usoN
Prcacc ......................................................................... vii
Part I Wake-up Time .............................................................
. 3cancs 3ourncy ...........................................................
:. Rcclaiming Dccision-making ..................................... ,
. BrcakLhroughs Nccdcd ............................................... :8
. Tc World Wc Can Choosc .......................................... :
Part II Hidden History Impacts You ..................................
. Nikola Tcsla .................................................................
6. Surging Sca o Fncrgy ................................................. 6
,. Iiving Fncrgy .............................................................. ,:
8. Powcr rom Lhc Univcrsc ............................................ 8:
. MagncLic Pionccrs ....................................................... :
o. Oil and WaLcr .............................................................. o6
Part III Emerging Era ...........................................................
. BrcakLhrough Tcorics ...............................................
: Tc WaLcr is HoL ..........................................................
. BcLLcr Lhan Firc ........................................................... 8
. Singing WaLcr ..............................................................
. MagncLs in Your FuLurc .............................................. 6
6. A Downpour o SoluLions ........................................... ,6
Part IV Who Hijacked the Energy Revolution? ...............
,. Mislcd Mcdia ............................................................... 8
8. HiLLing Lhc Wall .......................................................... :o
Part V You Can Help Reclaim Choice .................................
. Opcning Doors ............................................................ :
:o. WhaL You Can Do ........................................................ ::6
Appcndix Fncrgy InnovaLion AcL ............................ :,
Appcndix : Mohorns Scl-running Drycr ................. :
ChapLcr NoLcs .............................................................. :8
Rcsourccs ..................................................................... :6
Clossary ....................................................................... :6
AbouL Lhc AuLhors ....................................................... :66
Indcx ............................................................................ :68
Te quantum-leap clean energy revolution has a much better chance than
it had a dozen years ago when Jeane Mannings book Te Coming Energy
Revolution was published; conditions are dierent now:
A fast-growing percentage of people are aware of atmospheric pollu-
tion from carbon fuels and at the same time are weary of oil wars.
Many are worried about nuclear waste from power plants and those
facilities vulnerability to terrorism.
Scientists are concerned about the increasing acidity of oceans as the
waters soak up excess atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Vehicle owners are increasingly alarmed and fnancially distressed
by the escalating price of fuel.
People see the cost of corn-based food shoot up as a result of the
agribusiness race to sell biofuels that are based inappropriately on

/ Breakthrough Power viii
Te Internet allows the global brain-trust of inventors, engineers,
other researchers and activists to make connections at a previously
impossible speed.
Te push for an energy revolution
Te result of that global brain-trust is an international eort to completely
change the sources of energy on which our world is based, and to tap into
a previously unrecognized background energy found everywhere. Some
of its proponents call it free energy. Some call it zero point energy. By
any name, it has the potential to aect the life of every human being on
Background energyanother term we will use in this bookis real,
despite having been publicly confused with the old discredited idea of
perpetual motion. As with the earlier personal computer revolution, inven-
tors are making breakthroughs in home workshops and garages as well
as in professionally run laboratories. Observers of these developments
predict that this revolution will have more of an impact than s have
had. Tese inventions could do more than transform our homes, vehicles,
and factories; they could also help clean up the water, air, and soil.
Te co-authors of this book have spent more than thirty years com-
bined in learning about energy-technology alternatives and what they
mean to society. Joel Garbons career has been in industrial science, and
some of his colleagues hold the view that certain new energy systems
would violate a principal law of physics if the inventions work as claimed,
and therefore must not be real.
For instance, certain technologies are claimed to produce more mea-
surable output power in the form of electricity, heat, or mechanical power
than can be accounted for by the measurable input power. On the surface,
such a claim would be contrary to well-established laws of thermodynam-
ics, such as the law of conservation of energy.
However, Garbon and others have investigated such inventions and
have learned frsthand that many of these prototype devices do work as
claimed. So from a practical standpoint, they obviously must not violate
any real laws of nature. Tey may, however, violate some human-conceived
theories of nature. But the explanation for the unusually high power yields
may be even simpler. New detecting and measuring equipment may be
needed to understand what is happening in such machines, as we learn
in chapter .
ix Preface /
Tools for change
Were not promoting products; in general the products are not even on
the market. At the time of this writing you cant fnd a line of free-energy
converters for sale to replace the home-power generators on the market.
No auto salesroom displays an electric automobile powered by the cosmos.
No manufacturer advertises an Air-Cleansing Water-Fueled Truck.
Tat situation can and inevitably will change, because of breakthroughs
being made. For instance, a device has been successfully selling in Europe
to deal with moisture that creeps up walls inside stone-walled base-
ments. It cannot power household appliances, but does do useful work.
Te Mohorn device (see Appendix ) taps into a previously unrecognized
source of ubiquitous energy.
Tis book introduces new energy systems as tools for creating change,
not as a cure-all for human problems. Powerful tools require utmost respect.
You dont hand an electric drill to a child; you wait until the child matures
and is more responsible. However you do educate them along the way to
that time when they can handle and use the tool. Similarly, the human
familys general level of responsibility to all life is evolving, and perhaps
humankind will become more responsible as we face the environmental
crises caused by human actionsfrom actions of overfshing the oceans
to degrading the atmosphere with polluting toxins.
Who invents breakthroughs
Outside of secretive government or industrial laboratories, Inventors in
this feld have often been individuals without advanced scientifc training,
working in small workshops. Te standard scientifc viewpoint has been that
these inventors didnt know what they were doing, that these new energy
sources cannot exist because they go against the known laws of physics.
In recent decades, however, some highly trained scientists have defed
that viewpoint and started taking new energy seriously. Around the world,
respected physicists are recognizing that ocial science has painted itself
into a corner. For too long, orthodoxy ignored mounting evidence in sup-
port of new energy. Now it seems as though the laws of physics will have
to be interpreted in a new way.
Whats in it for non-techies
Were writing this book for people who are not necessarily technically
inclined, for the following reasons:
/ Breakthrough Power x
Societys choices of energy technologies afect everyone.
Voters need to know that oil wars are unnecessary.
Youths need hope for a better future.
Te new science can promote world peace by uniting humankind in
the knowledge that all are profoundly inter-connected in a sea of
New Energy books aimed at technical experts do exist (see our Resource
List) but other people want simpler explanations such as those pro-
vided here.
What to do with the knowledge?
If you are an opinion-molder or policy maker, this book can help you draw
up a citizens map of a route to a better future. For instance, enviro-activ-
ists may see beyond a sustainable to a restorative economy in which
abundance of clean energy sources allows us to restore ecosystems and to
seriously clean the air, water and soils. And with energy literacy, citizens
groups get the full picture of potential energy supplies.
If you are technically inclined, consider the clues pointing toward
how to create revolutionary energy systems, and explore the websites
on the starter Resources list. Teachers can give hope for the future to
students, and be motivated to encourage the science whiz to develop his
or her inventive talents.
If you are an economist, politician, social scientist, community leader
or are involved in national or regional planning, you will be able to help
create a new society where disruptive (disruptive only to the profts of
entrenched industries) inventions are allowed and are used for the bet-
terment of the people and all life.
If you serve elsewhere in society, you can help spread the wordtelling
your friends, family and associates Tere are better ways to go. We dont
have to resign ourselves to a brutal future. We can each contribute to a
better world, if only by the power of positive thinking.
Meanwhile, of course, you can also be an example of walking-the-
talk environmentally. Many excellent books tell you how to reduce your
ecological footprint.
xi Preface /
To picture the changes the new energy Galileos expect to bring about,
imagine yourself buying an enhanced energy converter about the size of
a laptop computer. Tis fuel-less device contains no moving parts, yet
it puts out enough power to run your home or your new electric vehicle
without being plugged into a wall socket or a battery. Since you no longer
have to pay a utility bill or buy gasoline, you have the money to lease or
purchase the converter. After the hardware is paid for, the electricity you
use is free. You can live anywhere, from a mountaintop to a houseboat,
because you can heat, air condition and power your home cheaply.
When can you buy a new-energy device? Tat depends on factors
discussed in this book. A lot of new-energy hardware is in the crude pre-
manufacturing stagewhere the aerospace industry was in when
the Wright brothers ew their homemade aircraft for less than a minute
along a beach. However, collaboration and some substantial investment
could bring some of these inventions to store shelves soon. China, India,
Japan and a few other countries without oil wellscountries strongly
motivated to fnd new sources of energyshow the most interest in such
a team eort.
Is harnessing the energy of space an impossible dream and are its propo-
nents merely kooks, as new-energy debunkers would have you believe?
Are the guardians of ocial science correct and it is impossible to run
machines on water, much less on energy from thin air? Such expectations
are reinforced when looking at some of the amateur literature of what
is called fringe science. However, as the authors looked more deeply,
increasingly it did look as though it was possible to convert a previously
unrecognized energy source into useable power. Now the weight of evi-
dence has convinced us of the reality of useable new-energy inventions.
Tis book is intended to be a discussion-starter. Issues raised by the
prospect of cheap electrical power and decentralized sources of abundant,
clean energy, and other implications of this fascinating world should be
explored and discussed publicly. Tey are crucial to the economies of
countries, and to the well-being of individuals.
Lone inventors
Te inventors you will meet in this book represent only a small portion
of the new-energy scene. While this book champions the lone inventors
/ Breakthrough Power xii
and mavericks, we do not mean to underestimate contributions from
the worlds of academia, government, and business. Tese institutions,
though, are backed by well-fnanced public relations eforts. Tis book is
intended to balance the picture.
We relate the stories of these science renegades to not only explain
new-energy theories and devices, but to also show the harassment these
inventors have encountered. Our aim is not to arouse an Aint it awful
reaction. Instead, we wish to draw public attention to the situation, in
the hope that public understanding will smooth the path of these energy
visionaries. We all have a stake in their success.
Even now, the winds of change are blowing through the smog of
our past ignorance. Many brilliant minds around the world are making
breakthroughs in revolutionary energy technologies by using a variety
of approaches. Its breakthrough time.
Wakc-up Timc
Whcn Lhcy hcar abouL Lhc inLcrnaLional ciLizcns ncLwork callcd Lhc
Ncw Fncrgy MovcmcnL, our acquainLanccs oLcn rcspond as i Lhcrc is
no urgcncy:
Ah ycs, ncw cncrgy Lcchnologics. Crccn is in! Tanks Lo Al Corc,
cvcryonc is Lalking abouL climaLc changc and clcan cncrgy.
InvcsLors arc lining up Lo und rcncwablcs. Tc Limc has comc.
Tc cra o rcncwablc cncrgy has not arrivcd. Tc cncrgy sccLor growLh
sLaLisLics show LhaL Lhc Crccn Fra wonL rcally bc hcrc unLil Lhc usc o
nuclcar powcr and ossil ucls shrinks rclaLivc Lo Lhc usc o clcan cncrgy
sysLcms. And Lhc vcsLcd inLcrcsLs in unclcan cncrgy wonL back away rom
trillion dollar profteering until the people insist.
IongLimc rcscarchcr o cncrgy issucs Andrcw MounL ciLcs sLaLisLics
showing wc absoluLcly nccd an cncrgy rcvoluLion Lo avoid croding Lhc

/ BrcakLhrough Powcr .
environment to the point of a scenario like we saw in the flm Te Lay
Ajter Tomorrow . . . Fvcn i wc wcrc Lo makc incrcmcnLal gains in Lhc
rcncwablc-cncrgy sccLoro oo pcr ccnL incrcasc in rcncwablc and
clcan cncrgy Lcchnologics bcLwccn now and :o:owcd only rcducc oil
dcpcndcncc by Lwo pcr ccnL.
ParL Onc ouLlincs Lhc urgcncy o Lhc nccd or clcan cncrgy-abundancc
brcakLhroughs, and hclps you picLurc in whaL ways Lhcy would Lransorm
your world.

Wc arc on Lhc rim o a ncw cra o cncrgy convcrsion. Tc
opposiLion is big moncy and dccision makcrs in indusLrial
conglomcraLcs who sLick Lo cvcryLhing which Loday guaranLccs
profts and power. Only big groups of people with awareness will
bc ablc Lo ovcrcomc Lhis giganLic orLrcss.
Coffrutso Httscusu,
Cerman technca| edtor
IL jusL mighL bc LhaL Lhc discovcry o Lhc vacuum cncrgy as a
limiLlcss cncrgy sourcc is Lo bc synchronizcd wiLh a spiriLual
rcnaissancc or all o humaniLy.
Mou/v KtNc, !ndustra| engneer and New Fnergy researcher

/ BrcakLhrough Powcr
Preakthrough Power is wriLLcn by a woman Lraincd Lo bc a pcoplc-waLchcr
and a man schoolcd in whaL arc callcd Lhc hard scicnccs, wc arc a sociologisL
and a chcmisLappropriaLc or a Lopic LhaL accLs cvcryoncs uLurc.
3ocl Carbon and I mcL in :oo whilc hclping csLablish Lhc Ncw Fncrgy
MovcmcnL, a grassrooLs corL promoLing clcan low-cosL local sysLcms
or Lapping inLo naLurcs abundanL cncrgy. AlLhough closc collcagucs in
Lhc movcmcnL, wc arc a gcncraLion aparL in agc. Whilc 3ocl was sLudying
chcmisLry and cnginccring and carning his univcrsiLy dcgrcc in applicd
scicncc, I had my dcgrcc in sociology and ycars as a journalisL.
Tis book begins in the frst person because the few glances back at my
carlicsL cxpcricnccs in Lhc cncrgy undcrground arc inLcndcd Lo cncour-
agc oLhcrs Lo makc Lhc casy journcy rom Lcchnological indicrcncc Lo
a rcasonablc lcvcl o cncrgy-liLcracy. Howcvcr wc bclicvc iL is cvcn morc
imporLanL Lo scc Lhc big picLurcLhc high sLakcs or humankind LhaL
arc involvcd in iLs choce o Lcchnologics. And Lhc high-sLakcs imporLancc
o a widcsprcad changc o aLLiLudcs.
You donL havc Lo go as ar as Lo aLLcnd dozcns o scicncc concrcnccs,
Lravcl around Lhc world Lo inLcrvicw scicnLisLs, dcdicaLc hundrcds o hours
Lo Lranscribing audioLapcs, or cmpLy your wallcL or cncrgy-rclaLcd books,
Lapcs and bvbs. You donL nccd an acadcmic dcgrcc in hard scicncc nor
a carccr in a Lcchnical indusLry as 3ocl has. All you nccd is a passion or
clcaning up FarLh and crcaLing a bcLLcr civilizaLiona sharing, jusL and
pcaccul socicLy.
New-Energy journey begins
I frst heard about non-conventional energy inventions in 8 whilc
wiLh ricnds in a rcsLauranL in Lhc inLcrior o BriLish Columbia, Canada.
Onc o Lhcm was a musician who had jusL rcLurncd rom Lhc ncarby ciLy
o PcnLicLon whcrc hc had bccn inLroduccd Lo an clccLrician namcd Bill
Mullcr. His imprcssion o Lhc clccLricians work was sLunning:
Tcy call him Lhc MagncL Man. Hc sold cvcryLhing hc owns Lo
work on his ucl-lcss clccLriciLy-gcncraLing invcnLion . . . Youvc
goL Lo hcar whaL you can do wiLh Lhcsc ncw magncLs . . . vcry
strong permanent magnets. You can use them for ffty years and
Lhcy donL losc sLrcngLh . . .
My frst reaction was to tune out. Techie talk.
, 3canc's 3ourncy /
Tc musician was skcLching on a napkin as hc cnLhuscd. Hc ound
a way Lo spin magncLs pasL wirc coils on a whccl wiLhouL clccLrical drag.
He invented a confguration which allows easy movement of the wheel
wiLhouL gcLLing a magncL sLuck opposiLc a coil and iLs corc . . .
Blank accs across Lhc Lablc momcnLarily silcnccd Lhc musician.
Iook, hc said paLicnLly, you all drcam abouL living ouL in Lhc moun-
Lains, in prisLinc mcadows way bcyond Lhc powcr lincs. BuL you sLill
wanL clccLriciLy Lo run your sLcrcos. How will you gcL rcliablc powcr`
Solar wonL do iL, Lhc sun docsnL shinc Lhcrc hal Lhc winLcr. Wind
powcr isnL rcliablc in Bcar Vallcy. And you donL wanL a noisy uming
dicscl gcncraLor.
WhaL i Lhcrcs an invcnLion any mcchanic could build` IL siLs Lhcrc
and makcs cnough clccLriciLy Lo run iLscl and havc plcnLy lcL ovcr or
applianccs, cvcn clccLric hcaLcrs or a grccnhousc. You wouldnL havc Lo
chop wood . . .
Onc o Lhc mcn aL Lhc Lablc smilcd smugly. An impossiblc pcrpcLual
moLion invcnLion . . .
No! Tis guy knows LhaL pcrpcLual moLion is impossiblc in any closcd
sysLcmyou canL gcL morc ouL Lhan gocs in. BuL hc says his machinc
is an opcn sysLcm. Opcn Lo Lhc cosmos. Tc magncLs consLanLly rcplcn-
ish their strength by tapping into some primordial background feld of
cncrgy . . .
Unimprcsscd, Lhc skcpLic sLrokcd his bcard. Co scc or yourscl, Lhc
musician challcngcd.
A pcLiLc woman aL Lhc Lablc rcporLcd LhaL whcn shc had livcd in his
Lown, Lhc invcnLor had shown up oncc aL hcr mcLaphysical sLudy group.
Shc rcmcmbcrcd his qucsLions abouL prana, a word coincd in ancicnL
India mcaning an all-pcrvasivc subLlc orm o cncrgyLhc invisiblc back-
ground LhaL pcrmcaLcs cvcry ccll o our bodics. Bill Mullcr had wondcrcd
i Lhc prana conccpL mighL solvc his puzzlc: how do pcrmancnL magncLs
perform work exert pushing and pulling forces indefnitelywithout
bcing dcplcLcd` Do magncLs Lap inLo somc sourcc o cncrgy unknown Lo
Lodays scicncc`
A massagc LhcrapisL in Lhc group had also mcL Mullcr. Tc LhcrapisLs
own career convinced him that a benefcial life-force subtle energy is
rcal, cvcn Lhough scicnLisLs didnL havc insLrumcnLs LhaL could dcLccL iL.
AlLcrnaLivc mcdicinc vicws our bodics and cclls as an cxprcssion o cncrgy
which comes from an underlying universal substance or super-fne level
/ BrcakLhrough Powcr
o vibraLion, hc muscd. Could magncLs also inLcracL wiLh a dicrcnL orm
o cncrgy Lhan sLandard clccLriciLy`
I sLarLcd Lo wondcr. what j ths unusua| motor thng s rea|, and cou|d
n jact ha|t destructve megaproects? Te dammng oj w|d rvers jor nstance.
Cou|d there rea||y be an a|ternatve c|ean power source thats way more eec-
tve than so|ar or wnd? !j so, then no more o| wars|
Maybe ts tme to |earn a bt about e|ectrcty.
Magnet man
In Lhc ncxL monLh scvcral o my malc ricnds and I arrangcd Lo mccL
Lhc MagncL Man aL his homc. IL Lurncd ouL hc was ar rom having a
markcL-rcady powcr gcncraLor, buL iL was a mccLing LhaL changcd my
lic journcy.
P|| Mu||er and 8os magnetc experment.
, 3canc's 3ourncy /
Bill Mullcr was a Lall grcy-haircd man wiLh an apparcnLly high lcvcl o
viLaliLy dcspiLc inccssanL cigarcLLc smoking. Hc movcd around Lhc room
lighLly, wiLh ncrvous cncrgy.
Holding cvcryoncs aLLcnLion by his orccul pcrsonaliLy, hc dcscribcd
his invcnLion as a way Lo makc a hcavy whccl carry sLrong magncLs pasL
electricity-inducing copper coils without needing to fght the electrical drag
orcc which usually opposcs roLaLion and limiLs how ccicnL a gcncraLor
can bc. His whccl didnL havc any sLuck posiLion, iL movcd rccly.
Wc havc a magncLically balanccd ywhccl.
In his bascmcnL workshop, Bill showcd us Lhc bcginnings o a pcr-
mancnL-magncL gcncraLor.
DonL call iL pcrpcLual moLion! Tc ucl Lo powcr Lhc gcncraLor is
Lhc sLrong magncLism o rarc-carLh magncLs, hc said, whilc wcaving
his way Lhrough a cluLLcr o machincry wiLh Lhc casc o an aLhlcLc. Hc
quoLcd nincLccnLh ccnLury scicncc pionccr Michacl Faraday, Any changc
in the magnetic feld around a wire tends to set up an electric current in
Lhc wirc.
I couldnt follow his rapid-fre discussions of motors and generators,
so hc Lurncd his back and addrcsscd Lhc malc visiLors. Tcy laLcr admiL-
Lcd Lo having jusL as much diculLy ollowing his cxplanaLions.
I mcnLally rcvicwcd Lhc liLLlc I had lcarncd: e|ectrc current begns
runnng n a wre when the wre s near a changng magnetc e|d. In my lic
so ar, clccLriciLy had sccmcd a Lopic only mcanL or Lhc pylons-and-
hardhaLs crowd.
Penets jor the peop|e
ParLs o Lhc invcnLors mcssagc wcrc casy Lo grasp, howcvcr.
Can you imaginc whaL Lhis will bring Lo mankind` Tink whaL
you could do wiLh somcLhing LhaLs jusL powcrcd by magncLs! You
donL nccd Lhc powcr company. You could livc anywhcrc! Crow
ood all winLcr . . . Whcn wc gcL Lhc machinc scl-running you
can unplug rom Lhc clccLrical grid. Unplug rom Lhc uLiliLy bill!
Hc said mainsLrcam scicncc canL cxplain whaL orcc conLinually
replenishes the feld of powerful permanent magnets. Such magnets can
liL many Limcs Lhcir own wcighL and Lhcy only losc sLrcngLh i sLruck
orccully as wiLh a hammcr, or i subjccLcd Lo cxLrcmc hcaL. WhaL givcs
/ BrcakLhrough Powcr 8
magncLs Lhc sLrcngLh Lo do work` Tc answcr is aL Lhc aLomic lcvcl. Tcn
whaL givcs aLoms Lhcir pcrpcLual spin`
Onc o my ricnds inLcrrupLcd Mullcrs linc o qucsLioning by asking
i Lhc moLor/gcncraLor would bc ablc Lo run a car.
Surc, wc can makc onc LhaLll run a car. Wc jusL nccd somc moncy Lo
dcvclop all Lhis sLu.
Wc wcrc disappoinLcd LhaL Mullcrs company Pran Tcchnology was
sLill in Lhc rcscarch phasc. ALcrward onc skcpLical ricnd warncd mc
againsL invcsLing in a vcnLurc LhaL could bc a boLLomlcss piL sucking up
my Limc and moncy.
Food and ar at rsk
NcvcrLhclcss, I clL a scnsc o urgcncy. Our provincial govcrnmcnL was
making noiscs abouL building anoLhcr hugc hydro dam in Lhc Pcacc Rivcr
vallcyooding crLilc boLLomlands Lo makc clccLriciLy. I had spcnL my
carly school ycars on my amilys arm, and lcarncd Lo valuc loamy alluvial
soil LhaL can grow mincral-rich ood. Lont drown jarm|and under tons oj
water behnd a dam| Lvng so| s dsappearng jast enough, I LhoughL. And
in ciLics, rcsh clcan air had adcd inLo a mcmory, duc Lo Lhc burning o
carbon ucls.
!j P|| s rght, we dont need o| or megaproect dams or nuke power p|ants
at a||, I rcalizcd.
My imprcssion LhaL Lhc impaLicnL invcnLor had bccn paL-on-Lhc-hcad
paLronizing Loward a womans inLclligcncc only incrcascd my rcsolvc Lo
fnd the truth. I knew that societys choice of its power source afects
cvcryoncmcn, womcn and childrcn.
Back homc, I hcadcd Lo Lhc public library. How docs a non-Lcchnical
pcrson lcarn abouL a Lcchnical Lopic` I sLarLcd in Lhc childrcns and junior
high school sccLions on clccLriciLy and magncLism, and workcd up rom
Lhcrc Lo wcighLicr books.
Look at me, a soca| worker peop|e-person do-gooder. whats wth ths
new-jound technoph|a? DcspiLc cnjoying a laugh aL myscl, I clL a shiL
insidc mc, as i a doorway had opcncd Lo a mysLcrious and inviLing ncw
Whcn my youngcsL son and I movcd Lo PcnLicLon Lwo ycars laLcr, my
cducaLion cscalaLcd. I volunLccrcd Lo Lypc lcLLcrs or Lhc busy Mullcr
houschold in rcLurn or Lhc opporLuniLy Lo rcad Lhcir books and mccL Lhc
visiLors who camc Lo PcnLicLon rom around Lhc world. !m not a scentst
, 3canc's 3ourncy /
and cant udge whether jree energy s possb|e, but as a wrter ! can te|| the
wor|d about ths jascnatng scene, I LhoughL.
Archetypa| nventors story
Bill Mullcrs lic sLory has many clcmcnLs in common wiLh Lhosc o oLhcr
invcnLors I would laLcr mccL. Born Wilhclm 3ohann Fricdrich Mullcr in
in Brcmcn, Ccrmany, rom carly on hc clL a sLrong connccLion Lo
Lhc naLural world and an inLcrcsL in scicncc, and had drcams o bccoming
a orcsLcr. BuL wiLh Lhc harsh rcaliLics o living in a dcvasLaLcd Ccrmany
in Lhc aLcrmaLh o World War II, iL was wiscr Lo lcarn a Lradc. FvcnLually
cmploymcnL as an clccLrician aL Sicmcns CorporaLion Look him Lo SouLh
Amcrica and cvcnLually Lo Canada.
His ascinaLion wiLh magncLsas possiblc channcls or divcrLing an
unsccn cncrgy sourccbcgan in 68 whcn hc and his wic Ilona livcd
in Barric, OnLario. Hc had salvagcd Lwo o-pound bullhorn magncLs
rom a radar insLallaLion and scL Lhcm on his workbcnch. Idly dropping
marblc-sizcd sLccl ball bcarings inLo an cmpLy shcaLh madc or holding
gol clubs, hc Lhcn hcld Lhc LransparcnL Lubc bcLwccn Lhc largc magncLs.
InscrLing anoLhcr bcaring, hc was ascinaLcd Lo scc Lhc sLccl ball pausc in
Lhc plasLic Lunncl and vibraLc. ApparcnLly Lhc sLcclic was in Lhc middlc
of a strong magnetic feld or felds. Suddenly the steel ball was launched
ouL o Lhc Lubc aL such vclociLy LhaL iL blasLcd Lhrough a concrcLc wall
and disappcarcd.
Mullcr inLuiLcd LhaL Lhc balls accclcraLion had somcLhing Lo do wiLh
Lhc rcqucncics aL which iL had vibraLcd, and hc bclicvcd hc could somc-
how harncss Lhc mysLcrious powcr o magncLs inLo a rcvoluLionary and
highly uscul invcnLion.
A Lurning poinL in his rcscarch camc in 8, Lhc ycar Manning
mcL him, whcn hc boughL somc powcrul samarium/cobalL magncLs Lhc
sizc o icc cubcs. Tcy wcrc a rcvoluLionary advancc in Lhc sLrcngLh o
magncLs, Lhcir holding orcc would havc ovcrwhclmcd and sLoppcd Lhc
spinning o a roLor whccl i hc had noL bccn inspircd Lo rcarrangc parLs
o Lhc machinc:
I hc had ollowcd Lhc usual paLLcrn and placcd Lhc supcr-sLrong mag-
ncLs in his whccl across rom an cqual numbcr o coppcr coils, immcnsc
orcc would havc bccn rcquircd Lo wrcnch Lhc whccl orward. Hc solvcd Lhc
problcm o Lhc sLuck posiLion by simply climinaLing onc o Lhc picccs and
disLribuLing Lhc rcsL o Lhcm cvcnly, so LhaL 6 magncLs roLaLcd pasL only
/ BrcakLhrough Powcr :o
coils/cores. Tis odd-and-even confguration of coil cores and magnets
oscL Lhc holding orcc. Now Lhc whccl spun casily in ciLhcr dirccLion.
Had hc climinaLcd work prcviously rcquircd in a moLor/gcncraLor`
Mullcr LhoughL abouL Lhc implicaLions o doing so, iL mcan LhaL socicLy
could Lap inLo Lhc powcr o magncLism insLcad o burning polluLing ucls
Lo Lurn a gcncraLor. Incrcasingly hc clL hc was on Lhc Lrail Loward ncw
clcan cncrgy Lcchnology LhaL could hclp rcjuvcnaLc Lhc FarLh.
whats the pont oj zero pont?
During Lhcir ycars in PcnLicLon, Lhc gucsL book and corrcspondcncc aL
Mullcrs homc was an cducaLion in iLscl. Bill Mullcr showcd mc a lcLLcr
rom cnginccr Rudol C. Zinsscr o WcsL Ccrmany who agrccd wiLh a
Canadian cnginccring rcporL LhaL said Mullcrs invcnLion was idcal or
gcLLing morc clccLrical powcr ouL o windmills.
By Lhc way, Zinsscrs lcLLcr adviscd, Lhc noLion ccicncy applics or
a closed physical system and cannot by defnition exceed oo. (InsLcad o
saying ccicncy) you wanL Lo sLaLc yicld, which applics Lo opcn physical
sysLcms such as a windmill whosc cncrgy yicld cxcccds by ar Lhc mcchani-
cal work puL inLo Lurning Lhc windmills bladcs inLo Lhc wind.
C|osed . . . open. Te arguments are a|| about the |aw oj conserva-
ton oj energy, I rcalizcd. Loes the no-jree-|unch |aw oj physcs cover every
Zinsscrs lcLLcr wcnL urLhcr: As or Lhc allcgcd sourcc o cncrgy, I am
convinccd LhaL Lhc so-callcd zcro poinL cncrgy docs cxisL. Tcrc is plcnLy
of scientifc literature on the subject by recognized physicists.
Zero pont energy? whats that? Tc lcLLcr answcrcd my qucsLion in
parL: QuanLum graviLy, as iL is also namcd, is alivc wiLhin spaccs as
small as o- ccnLimcLrc. Zinsscr said such as spacc is ar smallcr Lhan
Lhc diamcLcr o a nuclcus o an aLom. Tc Ccrman scicnLisL had workcd
Lhrough Lhc maLhcmaLical calculaLions in his own invcnLion an aLLcmpL
Lo cxplain iLs surprisingly high yicld o mcchanical cncrgy.
I was puzzlcd abouL zcro poinL cncrgy, buL morc inormaLion would
soon comc Lo mc whcn I mcL a ormcr consulLanL or Lhc NaLional Acro-
nauLics and Spacc AdminisLraLion (Ntst).
Rocket scentst
Onc day Lhc Mullcr houschold buzzcd wiLh ncws. Dr. Scharankcs com-
ing or a visiL!
:: 3canc's 3ourncy /
Rol Scharankc Ph.D. was a disLinguishcd scicnLisL who had
rcLircd Lo Lhc Amcrican sLaLc o Ccorgia. Bill Mullcr was imprcsscd
bccausc Dr. Scharankc had bccn in Pccncmundc, Ccrmany, whcrc hc
workcd alongsidc Lhc lcgcndary rockcL scicnLisL Wcrnhcr von Braun.
Scharankc was Lhc youngcsL o Lhc group o Ccrman scicnLisLs
including von Braun who wcrc spiriLcd ouL o Ccrmany by Amcrican
inLclligcncc agcnLs aL Lhc closc o World War II and broughL Lo Lhc
UniLcd SLaLcs in ordcr Lo advancc Lhc lcdgling U.S. rockcL program.
Scharankc workcd or Lhc acrospacc indusLry, and bcorc rcLircmcnL
was on a Ntst conLracL as a consulLanL Lo Lhc propulsion laboraLorics
in HunLsvillc, Alabama.
Bcorc Lhc visiLor arrivcd, Bill poinLcd Lo Lhc bookshcl and Lold mc
LhaL Fther Techno|ogy was wriLLcn by Scharankc.
IL says Lhc auLhor is Rho Sigma, I noLcd.
TaL was a pscudonym, Ilona Mullcr rcplicd. Whcn Scharankc wroLc
Lhc book, hc was sLill working or Ntst. Prcviously his Ntst boss had
rcprimandcd him or publishing a hisLorical rcvicw o invcnLions. Tc
boss had written in Schafrankes personnel fle, It is restated that any
journalisLic acLiviLy along Lhis linc should bc submiLLcd or approval
Lhrough company managcmcnL.
Fxpert predctons
WhaL had bccn so objccLionablc abouL Scharankcs arLiclc in Lhc cngi-
nccring journal` Hc had mcrcly poinLcd ouL Lhc numcrous insLanccs in
which scicncc cxpcrLs havc hcld onLo an incorrccL ouL-daLcd worldvicw
and thereby stifed scientifc advancement and breakthroughs. He had
lookcd inLo hisLory as ar back as 6Lh ccnLury physicisL Sir William Cil-
bcrL, who said Scicncc has donc iLs uLmosL Lo prcvcnL whaLcvcr scicncc
has donc.
Tc book Fther Techno|ogy gavc many cxamplcs o cxpcrLs rcjccLing
whaL Lhcy didnL ycL know, including:
Von Brauns teacher had written a book about space rockets and sent
iL Lo Lcn publishcrs, who cach scnL iL back. Scharankc doubLcd LhaL
they read more than the title before deciding the book didnt ft the
acccpLcd worldvicw. An cxpcrL rcvicwcd Lhc book and arroganLly said
Lhc Limc had noL ycL comc or spacc rockcLs and indccd probably
ncvcr will comc.
/ BrcakLhrough Powcr :.
American physicist R.H. Goddard was ridiculed and called Moon-mad
Goddard until he launched the frst successful liquid-fueled rocket.
Tis hisLory is cyc-opcning, I said, buL I donL vicw rockcL scicnLisLs
as Lhc apcx o inLclligcncc!
You mcan you boycoLL Lhc vcncrablc cxprcssion IL docsnL Lakc a
rockcL scicnLisL . . . `
It doesnt take a biologist to fgure out that launching an oversize
burning frecracker isnt the best way to get to the stars.
Iaughing, Ilona rcspondcd, Burning ucl` Thcrc s somcLhing
Scharankcs book shaLLcrcd my illusions abouL scicnLisLs objccLiviLy.
Tc ormcr Ntst consulLanL quoLcd a collcaguc abouL how uncomorL-
ablc iL is or scicnLisLs wiLh a hard acadcmic glazc Lo mccL up wiLh any
discovcry LhaL disrupLs long-csLablishcd dogma. Hc said Lhcsc cxpcrLs
bccomc likc Lhc ancicnL map-makcrs who wroLc on Lhcir maps, ncar Lhc
Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar), hic defcit orbis. Here the world ends.
Tc physicisL gavc anoLhcr insLancc. RcspccLcd scicnLisLs o Lhc carly
os insisLcd LhaL any aLLcmpL Lo usc Lhc cncrgy conLaincd in an aLoms
nuclcus would bc doomcd. Tcsc auLhoriLics proclaimcd LhaL Lhc cncrgy
rclcascd would bc lcss Lhan Lhc cncrgy rcquircd Lo smash Lhc aLom.
Scharankc had lookcd Lo Te Truman Memors or anoLhcr cxamplc.
Admiral William D. Icahy was Chic o SLa whcn hc Lold Lhc prcsidcnL
o Lhc UniLcd SLaLcs LhaL an aLom bomb projccL was impossiblc. Tc
bomb will ncvcr go o, and I spcak as an cxpcrL in cxplosivcs. A shorL
Limc laLcr, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Lragically showcd how wrong LhaL
cxpcrL was.
Tcsc hisLory lcssons madc mc qucsLion urLhcr. Cou|d todays experts
be b|nd to a new c|ean-energy scence? Cou|d academcs over|ook a beneca|
paradgm ust because ts so very derent jrom what theyve been taught?
Cent|eman physcst
Whcn I mcL Rol Scharankc, hc Lurncd ouL Lo bc a culLurcd, gracious
gcnLlcman and curious abouL my kccn inLcrcsL in cncrgy.
I Lold him abouL a small buL cyc-opcning mccLing o Lhc Canadian solar
indusLry I had rcccnLly aLLcndcd as a ncwspapcr rcporLcr. Tcrc I saw a
blaLanL conLrasL. On onc hand I kncw Lhc public had bccn lcd, by ouLsidc
cxpcrLsLo bclicvc LhaL solar Lcchnologics will ncvcr bc ccicnL cnough
: 3canc's 3ourncy /
Lo providc cosL-cccLivc clccLriciLy. On Lhc oLhcr hand I hcard rusLraLcd
workcrs in Lhc solar indusLry prcscnL a vcry dicrcnL sLory.
Fvcn in Lhc 8os rcscarchcrs had advanccd Lhc ccicncy o solar
phoLovolLaicsclccLriciLy rom sunlighLar bcyond whaL Lhc public
hcard abouL, buL solar didnL gcL cnough govcrnmcnL supporL Lo build
solar pancl acLorics LhaL could bring down Lhcir priccs. Mcanwhilc Lhcir
govcrnmcnL gavc Lhc oil and nuclcar powcr indusLrics Lhc bulk o Lhc
energy sectors taxpayer-derived fnancial support and subsidies.
Scharankc noddcd in apparcnL sympaLhy whcn I summcd up my
moLivaLion. I donL wanL my grandchildrcn Lo suocaLc in an oxygcn-
dcprivcd world as a rcsulL o ucl-burning, or bc sickcncd by radioacLivc
garbagc in Lhc air or in Lhc waLcrs.
Tc physicisL said hc bclicvcd Bill Mullcrs invcnLion could bc dcvclopcd
inLo a high ccicncy nonpolluLing gcncraLor o clccLriciLy. ILs simpliciLy
mcanL iL would bc airly casy or oLhcr skillcd pcoplc Lo build.
I rcmarkcd LhaL an cnginccring consulLanL rom AlbcrLa said Lhc
Mullcr gcncraLor should bc puL in windmills Lo makc morc clccLriciLy
pcr gusL o wind. Scharankc agrccd. I dcvclopcd, Bills invcnLion could
dramaLically improvc Lhc clccLrical ouLpuL rom windmills.
I askcd Lhc disLinguishcd gucsL whaL moLivaLcd him Lo vcnLurc ouLsidc
Lhc acccpLcd mindscL. WhaL causcd a rockcL scicnLisL Lo poinL ouL aws
in csLablishcd Lhcorics abouL how Lhc univcrsc works`
Hc rcplicd LhaL hc carcd abouL Lhc acL LhaL imporLanL ncw scicncc
is bcing ignorcdncw scicncc poinLing Loward ucl-lcss gcncraLors and
Httng the road
Rolf Schafranke was the frst of dozens of credentialed scientists Ive
mcL on Lhc ncw-cncrgy Lrail. In 86 Lhc Mullcr amily inviLcd mc Lo join
Lhcm on a road Lrip in a borrowcd moLorhomcLo souLhcrn Caliornia
or a ncw-cncrgy concrcncc sponsorcd by a magazinc LiLlcd MagncLs
In Your FuLurc.
Since that frst conference Ive attended more than two dozen such
mccLings in a hal-dozcn counLrics. Im graLcul Lo havc mcL so many bril-
lianL invcnLors and rcscarchcrs and rcmarkablc visionarics, and cncouragcd
Lo scc youngcr-gcncraLion collcagucs such as co-auLhor 3ocl Carbona
warm and naLural spcakcr as wcll as a knowlcdgcablc scicnLisLproviding
an incrcasing prcscncc on Lhc ncw-cncrgy concrcncc circuiL.
/ BrcakLhrough Powcr :
Te beneft of our travels, to readers of this book, is that we can share
whaL wc havc lcarncd rom invcnLors, rcscarchcrs, and cngagcd ciLizcns
rom various counLricspcoplc who arc acLivcly involvcd in gamc-chang-
ing scientifc research. Tose people share insiders insights on the issues
cvcryonc nccds Lo know abouL, such as sLraLcgics or rcplacing King Oils
mulLi-Lrillion-dollar monopoly. Tcy inLcnd Lo scc carbon ucls and nuclcar
fssion replaced with clean decentralized alternatives that beneft all of
FarLhs ciLizcns. Tc sLakcs arc incrcdibly high.
Biggest challenge
Wc havc also lcarncd LhaL nciLhcr invcnLors nor invcsLors rcalizc how long
iL Lakcs Lo go rom proo-o-conccpL Lo commcrcial producL. Tc Limclinc
is cspccially lcngLhy or Lruly brcakLhrough cncrgy invcnLions bccausc
Lhcy lack acadcmic and burcaucraLic supporL. RcvoluLionary invcnLions
arc noL born inLo a simplc invcnL-and-rcap-rcwards world.
ConronLing gcopoliLics, incr-
Lia, car and grccd in ordcr Lo birLh
a Ncw Fncrgy Fra is Lhc biggcsL
worldly Lask humans havc accd.
Ionc invcnLors havc bclicvcd Lhcy
pcrsonally had Lo Lakc on Lhc
wcighL o LhaL Lask and somc clL
crushcd by iL. Bill Mullcr Lrippcd
ovcr Lhc nccd Lo raisc unds or his
rcscarch. Howcvcr, aLcr his dcaLh
in :oo Lhc ncxL gcncraLion car-
ricd on Lhc work.
Bill and Ilona Mullcrs daugh-
Lcr Carmcn is dcLcrmincd Lo scc
hcr aLhcrs invcnLion bcing uscd
Lo hclp providc abundanL clcan
powcr or Lhc pcoplc. To carry on
Lhc Lask, shc Lcamcd wiLh a phil-
anLhropic busincss pcrson Lo und
Lhc cnginccring dcvclopmcnL o
hcr aLhcrs Lcchnology as wcll as
somc oLhcr invcnLions. Carmen Mu||er and her jathers
magnet motor/generator.
:, 3canc's 3ourncy /
!nspred nventors
Bill Mullcr was onc o many invcnLors wcvc mcL worldwidc who wcrc
nudgcd by drcams, accidcnLal discovcrics or inLuiLion Lo makc brcak-
throughs in the power-conversion feld. One well-informed aerospace
journalisL has noLiccd Lhc rcmarkablc prolicraLion o such inspiraLion.
BriLish auLhor and acrospacc insidcr Nick Cook wriLcs or Fnanca| Tmes,
Te wa|| Street 1ourna| and oLhcr major mcdia and is rouLincly inviLcd
Lo spcak Lo major acrospacc corporaLions, govcrnmcnL Lhink-Lanks and
univcrsiLics. Ycars ago hc joincd Lhc sLa o Lhc worlds lcading miliLary
aairs journal, 3ancs Dccnsc Wcckly and is Lhc magazincs acrospacc
consulLanL. Whilc rcscarching a orLhcoming book hc Lravclcd Lo Van-
couvcr, Canada Lo mccL wiLh Carmcn Millcr and lcarn abouL hcr aLhcr
Bill Mullcrs invcnLions.
I inLcrvicwcd Cook aL LhaL Limc [in ScpLcmbcr o :oo,] and aL onc
point steered toward the question I frst encountered in the Muller home:
WhaL susLains Lhc sLrcngLh o powcrul pcrmancnL magncLs` Tcsc
magnets perform work indefnitelylifting, attracting or repelling other
objccLs, whilc LcxLbooks say Lhcy cannoL do work.
Cook agrccd LhaL Lhc way magncLism inLcracLs wiLh Lhc background
nonmaterial feldzero point energy, vacuum energy or whatever the
feld isdoes seem mysterious. If magnetism triggers a weird or seem-
ingly magical portal for accessing energy from this feld, scientists do not
ycL undcrsLand Lhc proccss. In placcs ranging rom garagc workshops Lo
more sophisticated laboratories, people do appear to be accessing the feld,
buL how is noL complcLcly undcrsLood.
Many invcnLors sccm Lo bc building dcviccs inLuiLivcly and cxpcri-
mcnLally buL noL by ollowing any parLicular Lhcory, hc noLiccd. From
whcrc arc Lhcsc pcoplcin dicrcnL parLs o Lhc world aL or abouL Lhc
samc LimcgcLLing Lhc inspiraLion and inormaLion on how Lo build
Lhc dcviccs`
Hc spcculaLcs LhaL Lhc knowlcdgc is bubbling up inLo Lhc collccLivc
consciousncss. Tc cxisLcncc o a global-brain InLcrncL and sharing o
knowlcdgc is only a parLial cxplanaLion or Lhc simulLancous inspiraLions.
SomcLhing addiLional may bc happcning.
ILs a biL likc LhaL momcnL in Closc FncounLcrs (Lhc ,, flm Close
FncounLcrs o Lhc Tird Kind) whcrc Richard Drcyuss sLarLs sculpLing
Lhc Dcvils Towcr ouL o mashcd poLaLocs.
/ BrcakLhrough Powcr :
Cooks analogy is apt. In that flm, the actor Dreyfuss plays an Every-
man role. Other characters in the flm who are driven by an implanted
suggcsLion or vision o Lhc samc mounLain also comc rom ordinary or
humblc lic circumsLanccs. Similarly, Lhc inspircd, and cvcn obscsscd,
invcnLors LhaL Lhc auLhors o Lhis book havc mcL comc rom divcrsc back-
grounds. Many had happily lcd simplc livcs unLil Lhc rcc cncrgy spiriL
whispcrcd iLs sccrcLs Lo Lhcm.
On Lhc oLhcr hand, alLhough rclaLivcly cw garagc invcnLors havc
advanccd acadcmic dcgrccs, Lhc sLcrcoLypc o an ccccnLric who is ouL
of touch with reality doesnt ft the majority of researchers we meet at
inLcrnaLional concrcnccs. Our ricnd Lhc asLrophysicisL Brian OIcary
oncc commcnLcd on Lhc dicrcncc bcLwccn Lhc sLcrcoLypc and Lhc rcal
pcoplc. I havc bccn surpriscd Lo scc a brcadLh and dcpLh o knowlcdgc,
dcdicaLion and procssionalism, and subsLanLial achicvcmcnLs among
lcading LhcorcLicians, cxpcrimcnLcrs and invcnLors in Lhc rcc cncrgy
feld. Tese are the explorers of a new reality. Tey are cut of from the
mainsLrcam bccausc Lhc mainsLrcam dcbunks Lhis rcaliLywiLh a dcnial
based on the most superfcial reasoning.
Te preceding introductory vignettes had to be told in the frst person
voicc bccausc Lhcy arc solcly my cxpcricnccs, buL Lhc rcmaindcr o Lhc
book is in our combincd voicc as co-auLhors.
Our goa|
Preakthrough Power prcscnLs a sampling o Lhc varicLy o cncrgy-sourcc
choiccsor powcring our homcs, indusLrics and vchiclcsavailablc Lo
humankind. Tc implicaLions o sLaying on our prcscnL disasLrous coursc
arc prcscnLcd, as arc Lhc boundlcss opporLuniLics conLaincd in Lhc choicc
or a bold ncw dirccLion.
Our conclusion is LhaL iLs up Lo all o usLhc ciLizcns o FarLhLo
makc Lhc clcan cncrgy abundancc rcvoluLion happcn. Our goal is Lo hclp
gcncraLc Lhc criLical mass o human caring and collccLivc will powcr
ncccssary or crcaLing a wondrous ncw cra or our civilizaLion and our
prccious FarLh.
Copyright 2009 Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon

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