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the correct answer from the Options A-D 1. Another name given to the source of a message is A. receiver B. feedback C. channel D. sender 2. When sending messages , the first step in the process is A. encoding it into an understandable form B. conceiving the idea C. transmitting it to the receiver D. interpreting the message 3. In the process of giving information to your colleague, his feedback contradicts what you intended him to understand. From the choices below, which pair of techniques would you apply NEXT to achieve mutual understanding? A. Re-inform then clarify B. Summarise, then clarify C. Clarify by asking questions then re-inform D. Give a neutral response, then listen 4. The best way to interpret non-verbal signals is to A. rely on the universal interpretations for non-verbal cues and apply them to behaviours you observe; practice, practice, practice.

B. read and interpret non-verbal cues as a cluster; seek clarification for what you dont understand; consider cultural behaviours. C. listen to what is said more than how it is said; look at the face first. D. rely on first impressions.

5. During a meeting, you make a point. Someone says to you: I dont understand what you mean. What is the best thing to do? A. You laugh at him and say, Well you should have been listening. B. You smile sympathetically and say, Ill explain it later. C. You should repeat the point that you made. You might also rephrase it to make it easier to understand. D. You frown, lean forward, and repeat the point, very slowly with long gaps between each word.

6.Circle the correct meaning of the pictogram below. CHOOSE ONLY ONE answer from the given options (A, B, C, D).

A. Pipe out of service B. Water suitable for drinking

C. Water not suitable for drinking D. Water not suitable for handwashing

7. Which of the following statements is NOT true about non-verbal communication? A. Maintaining eye contact suggests that you are interested in what the other person is saying. B. The term non-verbal communication means body language only.

C. Non-verbal cues can lessen or change the content of verbal messages. D. Non-verbal cues can serve as a substitute for speaking.

8. Which of the following social distances is good for two workers who are talking in earnest about something? * In earnest = with purposeful or serious intent A. Intimate Zone (less than 1.5 feet) B. Personal Zone (1.5- 4 feet) C. Public Zone (12 feet and more) D. Social Zone (4-12 feet) 9. Which of the four options below is the MOST suitable way to answer an incoming call? A. Good morning (or Good afternoon). Daniel speaking. Modern Engineering Services. How may I help you? B. Good morning (or Good afternoon). Modern Engineering Services. Daniel speaking. How may I help you? C. Good morning or (Good afternoon). Modern Engineering Services. How may I help you? D. Daniel speaking. Modern Engineering Services. Good afternoon. 10. Which of the following is an advantage of written requests? A. A record is made of all items requested. B. Questions can be asked immediately to ensure the request is understood. C. There is less chance of receiving wrong or unnecessary information. D. Information can often be received more quickly when the request is written.

11. Another name for a barrier is A. perception barrier B. communication noise C. internal noise D. miscommunication

12. Which of the following would NOT help you overcome a listening barrier in a noisy environment? A. Selecting a quieter location. B. Using repetition to clarify what was not heard or understood. C. Ask questions to check what the other person means. D. Tune out negative emotions.

END OF TEST Good Luck.

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