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Routing and Wavelength Assignment

The assignment should be handed in the 4/10, 12.00 to Thomas Stidsen in ofce 219, building 305. You may work together as teams, but you have to write your own individual report, in either Danish or English (typically 4-7 pages).

Figure 1: A fully optical network

Fully optical networks are in construction all over the world today. The simple idea is to route so called light-paths optically through the network, such that costly Optical-Electrical-Optical (OEO) switches can be avoided. An example is shown in Figure 1 above above, where three light-paths are shown: A to E (blue line, over link AC and CE), A to D (red line, over link AB, BC and CD) and B to E ( green line, over link BC and CE). The main point with these fully optical networks is that it is possible to send many different light-paths through the same optical bre if they use different wavelengths, and the same wavelength can be used on different bres by different lightpaths. Today commercially available systems can support up to 80 different light-paths in the same bre. In the example in the gure above the three light-paths work because they do not share wavelengths on any link. The Routing and Wavelength Allocation problem 1

can now be stated: Given a network of single-bre links and a demand for lightpath connections Dkl 1 , nd a set of light-paths, i.e. paths and wavelengths, which satises the demand and can be sent through the network, and which minimizes the number of necessary wavelengths.

Arc-Flow RWA formulation

The RWA problem can be formulated as a MIP model of the Arc-Node type. Sets: i, j, k, l: Nodes kl: Demands q : Colors Data: Dkl : Number of lightpaths between nodes k and l |kl|: Number of demands, i.e. node-pairs which need to be connected by 1 or more lightpaths. |ij |: Number of arcs in network, i.e. 2 for each link(bre) Variables xkl,q {0, 1}: Flow from node i to node j of color q on link ij for the ij demand kl y kl,q N0 : Amount of connections of color q of demand kl zq : 1 if color q is used in the network Min: zq

s.t.: y kl,q


kl i=k i = l q, i q

xkl,q ij (xkl,q ij

xkl,q ji

kl,q y y kl,q 0


+ xkl,q ji ) xkl,q ij , zq

2 |ij | |kl| zq

{0, 1} y kl,q N0

1 In

the gure the demand matrix is: D AD = 1, D AE = 1 and D BE = 1

The Assignment

The assignment is to solve the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem where the number of wavelengths is minimized. Given a network G = (V, L), where link is a single bre link, and a demand matrix Dkl . The network in question is shown in Figure 2, and the demand matrix only contains two non-zero elements: dAE = 2 and dBE = 2. 1. Formulate the RWA problem with paths (see formulation with ows on the previous page). 2. Assume that each node-pair has exactly the same number of demands as there are paths between the nodes. Explain how the RWA problem can then be formulated as a graph coloring problem. 3. What does this say about the complexity of solving the RWA problem ? 4. Draw the graph for the graph coloring problem, for the problem from Figure 2. It is only necessary to include three paths for each of the node pairs AE and BE. This graph you can simply draw in hand (no need to create an electronic gure ... unless you really want to ...)

Figure 2: The network for the assignment

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