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Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.

11' 2#13

Further Evidences of Cataclasis in the Ife-Ilesa Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria.

()e*eso' %)un+e*i (nthon+1, ()e-o+a' John ()e+in-a2 ()etun.i' ()e*u+iwa2 1. /e art*ent of 0eolog+' ()e-unle (.asin 1ni2ersit+' (-ung3a-(-o-o' Nigeria. 2. /e art*ent of ( lie) 0eolog+' 4he 5e)eral 1ni2ersit+ of 4echnolog+' (-ure' Nigeria. , ton+a)e*eso6g** Abstract 4he stu)ie) roc- t+ es for* art of the lithologic unit of the Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt. 4he e7 osures of the roc-s were stu)ie) in the fiel) for their fiel) relations' structure' te7ture an) *ineralog+ an) in the la3orator+ for their *ineralog+' te7ture an) *icro-structure. 5urther anal+sis of the hoto*icrogra hs was carrie) out with 8ImageJ9 software. 4he results of the stu)+ co* le*ent each other. 5iel) o3ser2ation shows or h+roclasts of :uart; an) fel)s ar in fine-graine) groun)*ass' *ineral segregation an) 3an)s that are as+**etricall+ fol)e) for stu)+ site 1 while it shows whitish roc- with )ar- s ots in)icati2e of groun) an) congeale) roc- for stu)+ site 2. 4he roce7 ose) in stu)+ site 1 e7hi3ite) .oints in 2arious )irections while that in stu)+ site 2 e7hi3ite) .oints in two )irections. 4he etrogra hic stu)+ re2eals or h+roclastic te7ture' *ineral segregation' rotate) large grains' 3ro-en<.agge) *argins of the large grains an) the growth of ost )efor*ational *inerals in site 1 an) in stu)+ site 2= it re2eale) te7tural characteristic that is si*ilar to that of the roc- in site 1' 3ro-en<.agge) 3oun)aries of the large :uart; grains as in site 1' *icro-fault' referre) orientation of grains an) resence of new *ineral grains. 8ImageJ9 re2eale) the sa*e o3ser2ations as the etrogra h+ as well as wi)est range (statistical! for *inerals that fall into the *ini*u* categor+' shortest range for *inerals that fall into the *a7i*u* categor+ an) si*ilarit+ 3etween 2er+ coarse an) fine grains. 4he 2er+ wi)e range of *ini*u* an) low range of *a7i*u* when co* are) with other roc- t+ es in)icate uncoor)inate) ro)uction of the fine-graine) *aterials an) crushing effect of high ressure on the large grains' res ecti2el+. 4hese o3ser2ations oint to shearing' crushing an) grin)ing )ue to cataclasis. 4he si*ilarit+ 3etween large an) fine cr+stals in)icates that the+ are ro)ucts of the si*ilar arentage. 4he fa3ric re2eale) 3+ this wor- oints to the *+loniti;ation of the roc-s. 4he results of the stu)+ oint to relic cataclastic fa3ric in a co* letel+ reconstitute) roc-. It is inferre) that at least two e iso)es of high ressure *eta*or his* *ight ha2e affecte) the roc-. It is also inferre) that the roc-s e7 erience) an e iso)e of the che*ical reconstitution with the atten)ant for*ation of new *inerals. 4he roc-s an) 3+ e7tension arts of the Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt *ust ha2e e7 erience) cataclastic *eta*or his*. 4he roc-s can therefore 3e classifie) as *+lonites. Keywords >ataclasis= ?+lonite= Por h+roclasts= ImageJ= Ife-Ilesa. !" Introduction 4he geolog+ of Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt has 3een stu)ie) 3+ @u33ar) (1$A"!' Blue;e (1$AA!' (.a+i (1$81! an) Raha*an an) (.a+i (1$88!. 4he last authors recogni;e) two contrasting lithologies se arate) 3+ the Ifewara fault s+ste*. 4he eastern litholog+ is co* ose) of *etase)i*ents )o*inate) 3+ :uart; *usco2ite schist' :uart; schist' :uart;ites' :uart;o-fel)s athic gneisses an) 3iotite garnet schist. 4he western grou consists of 2olcano se)i*entar+ se:uence of elitic schists' :uart;ites an) *eta3asites or *+lonites. 4he entire area has 3een affecte) 3+ ol+c+clic e iso)es of )efor*ation an) *eta*or his* (%)e+e*i' 1$81!. Structures are well )e2elo e) in the roc-s of the area. Coesse an) %can (1$88! recognise) two hases of )efor*ation which ro)uce) fol)s of 2aria3le st+les an) large 2ertical fault ;ones in *ost roc-s of the area. 4he area can 3e )i2i)e) into two contrasting structural )o*ains (%n+e)i* an) %can' 2##1!. 4he NNB-SSD tren)ing shear s+ste* (the Ifewara fault ;one! in which the *ain structure is a NNB-SSD tren)ing *+lonitic foliation. 4his corres on)s to the cataclastic roc-s in the stu)+ area. Eithological units that inclu)e ri)ges of :uart;ite an) :uart;o-fel)s arthic gneisses are arallel to this shear ;one. 4he other )o*inant structures are NND-SSB tren)ing. It is interesting to note that an atte* t to locate the stu)+ sites on the 0eological ?a of %-e*esi 5ol) Celt (o)e+e*i' 1$$3! in)icate) that the stu)+ sites lot within the fault ;one an) close to one of the fault traces of the *a . In general' the *a.or etrological units recogni;e) in the area 3+ Blue;e (1$88! an) %)e+e*i (1$$3! inclu)e *ig*atites' gneisses' a* hi3olites an) *etaclastics. 4he a* hi3olites occur as lenticular 3o)ies of )ifferent 2arieties within Ife-Ilesa area while the *etaclastics co* rise strongl+ sheare) 2arieties of *+lonites an) 3iotite schists. 4he :uart;itic se:uence occurs as *assi2e :uart;ites' schistose :uart;ites an) :uart; schist ((nifowose an) Coro)e' 2##A!. 4he+ also re orte) the e7istence of a series of faults that offset the fol) tren) as well as the )is la+ of strong foliation an) shearing 3+ the schists an) schistose :uart;ites (an in)ication of )is lace*ents along su3- arallel lanes!. (nifowose et al.' (2#1#!' re orte) that the Ifewara fault has 3een trace) an) i)entifie)


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

as the southern e7tension of the Fungeru fault in the northern art of Nigeria. 4he Ifewara-Fungeru fault ;one which e7ten)s for a3out ""#-* within Nigeria is also 3elie2e) to 3e continuous into the northern art of (frica. 4he fiel) e2i)ence of the fault that se arates these contrasting lithologies has initiall+ 3een restricte) to Ifewara area where narrow cataclasite of talcose has 3een i)entifie) (Raha*an an) (.a+i' 1$88!. In this stu)+' we resent the etrogra hic e2i)ence of occurrence of other cataclastic roc-s (*+lonites! in Ilesa area. 4he 3uil)-u of the -nowle)ge of the geolog+ of the Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt will 3e enhance) 3+ this stu)+. #" $egional %eological Setting 4he 3ase*ent co* le7 for*s an i* ortant )o*ain of the Pan-(frican *o3ile 3elt east of Dest (frican craton' south of 4uareg shiel) an) northwest of >ongo craton. 4he *o3ile 3elt e7ten)s fro* the @oggar through (ir' ()rar )es Iforas an) 0our*a ((lgeria! to the /aho*e+i)es in 0hana' 4ogo' Cenin' Nigeria an) >a*eroon. 4he /aho*e+i)e fol) 3elt constitutes the southern ortion of the *o3ile 3elt. 5ro* the southeastern *argin of Dest (frican craton eastwar)s' three *a.or tectonic )o*ains are resentG the &oltain forelan) 3asin with se)i*entar+ se:uences' the Ceninian thrust an) fol) 3elt= an) the Nigerian high gra)e *ig*atite-gneiss terrane. 4he roc-s in the 3asin rest unconfor*a3l+ on the shiel) an) rogressi2el+ fol)e) an) *eta*or hose) westwar)s. Plate tectonics *o)els ha2e 3een use) to e7 lain the e2olution of this Pan-(frican 3elt. Cur-e an) /ewe+ (1$A3! suggeste) that /aho*e+i)e fol) 3elt e2ol2e) fro* the closure of an (tlantic %cean t+ e 3+ continent-continent collision 3etween assi2e western continent of Cirri*ia an) acti2e eastern continent of /aho*ea. >ontinental frag*entation co**ence) in ca 11## ?a an) 3+ ca $## H 1## ?a a aleo-ocean ha) )e2elo e) east of the Dest (frican craton. 4he closure of the ocean 3egan with su3)uction rocesses o erating along an eastwar) )i ing Cenioff Fone. 4his was *ar-e) 3+ wi)es rea) calc-al-aline 2olcanis*s which are si*ilar to those of *o)ern )a+ islan) arcs an) acti2e continental *argins ((ffaton et al.' 1$$1!. Cehin) the ossi3le Pan-(frican arc were se2eral often fault 3oun) Pan-(frican 2olcano se)i*entar+ se:uences which latter e2ol2e) to schist 3elts a*ong which is the Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt of southwestern Nigeria. 4he Nigerian sector consists of two *ain areasG the Ceninian gneisses an) *ig*atite-gneiss. 4he gneisses are of high gra)e a* hi3olite facies' generall+' consisting re)o*inantl+ of :uart;o-fel)s athic an) anatectic *ig*atitic granitoi)s. &" 'aterials And 'ethods Sa* les of the roc- in stu)+ site 1 (N#A#3AI#6.AII' B##4#48I"AII! were collecte) an) la3elle) Il##1 while those fro* stu)+ site 2 (N#A#3AI#".4II' B##4#48I"#.8II! were Il##2. 4hin sections were re are) an) stu)ie) with the etrogra hic *icrosco e. 4went+-two hoto*icrogra hs ta-en fro* the thin sections of the roc-s were anal+se) with 8ImageJ9. 4en hoto*icrogra hs each of four other roc- t+ es J(-ure gneiss ((-##2!' (-ure granite gneiss ((-##4!' (-ure an) Igarra or h+ritic granite ((-##3 an) Ig##"! an) Igarra la* ro h+re (Ig##$!K were also anal+se) with 8ImageJ9 for the ur ose of co* aring the results with those of the roc-s 3eing stu)ie). (nal+ses of the hoto*icrogra hs with 8ImageJ9' were )one as followsG (i! to 2iew an) trace the grains of the roc-G >lic- File L open L then select file an) the hoto*icrogra h L Process L Find Edges an) (ii! for the histogra*G 0o to Analyze an) select Histogram which is )is la+e) alongsi)e the following statistical ara*etersG area Jreferre) to as count (in i7els! in the softwareK' *ean' stan)ar) )e2iation' *ini*u*' *a7i*u* an) *o)e. B:ual counts ensure that e:ual areas of the )ifferent hoto*icrogra hs were anal+se) for the ur ose of co* arison. ( $esults And )iscussion 4.1 Mode of Occurrence and Field !aracteristics 4he 4he roc-s e7 osures were encountere) at the roa)-cut at the Ilo-o-I.esa en) of the I3a)an-Ife-Ilesa e7 resswa+ (5ig.1!. 4he+ for* art of the *a.or etrologic units of the Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt. 4he+ are in contact with the :uart;ite an) the *etaclastics (Blue;e' 1$88!. 4he+ tren) N-S an) has *inor .oints of )i2erse tren)s. Site 1 consists of fine groun)*ass of *afic *inerals with coarse an) straine) cr+stals of in-ish *icrocline an) :uart;. Can)s or strea-s that are irregular in wi)th (ranging fro* a3out 8 to "#c*!' consisting re)o*inantl+ of in-ish *icrocline which are as+**etricall+ fol)e) occur in the roc- (5ig.2!. 4he roc- is generall+ )arcoloure) with in-ish an) whitish tints of *icrocline an) :uart;. Site 2 consists of whitish or gra+ish coloure) roc-. 4he roc- which is not )ifficult to )e-aggregate is )otte) with )ar- tints. 4wo sets of .oints tren)ing a ro7i*atel+ N-S an) B-D with those tren)ing B-D re)o*inating were recor)e) on the e7 osure (5ig.3!. Pow)er+ su3stances were o3ser2e) in the grain contacts. Muart; was the *a.or *ineral i)entifia3le in the han) s eci*ens (5ig.3!. 4he stu)+ of (i! the e7 osure' (ii! the han) s eci*en an) (iii! the lotting of the location coor)inate on the *a suggests that the roc- is a art of the :uart;ite schist )escri3e) 3+ %)e+e*i (1$$3!. 5iel) o3ser2ations of the Fungeru an) Ilesa *+lonites show a lot of si*ilarities 3ut the for*er see*s to ha2e e7 erience) higher le2el of reconstitution. 4herefore the *+lonites of Ilesa are 3elie2e) to ha2e e7 erience)


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

si*ilar tectonics li-e the Fungeru *+lonites. 4." Petrograp!y @orn3len)e' *icrocline' 3iotite' :uart;' lagioclase an) o a:ue *inerals constitute the *ain *inerals in the thin sections of the roc- in site 1. Earge cr+stals of lagioclase fel)s ar an) :uart; in 2er+ fine groun)*ass of lagioclase' *icrocline' :uart; an) horn3len)e were recogni;e). 4he 2er+ fine groun)*ass of sheare)' crushe) an) granulate) *inerals= the rotate) large grains with 3ro-en<.agge) *argins' an) the irregular sha es of the grains in)icate or h+roclastic te7ture. 4he foliation is in)icate) un)er the *icrosco e 3+ the flow aroun) the relic *inerals (5ig.4!. @orn3len)e e7hi3its ris*atic for*' high relief an) clea2age in one )irection. 4here is an association of )ar- *inerals with the grains of horn3len)e. ?icrocline e7hi3its *icro crac-s' cross-hatche) twinning an) high relief. Ciotite has high relief' fla-+<lath-li-e for* an) clea2age in one )irection. So*e 3iotite grains cut across other grains in)icating that the growth was ost )efor*ational (5ig. 4c!. So*e of the grains of :uart; are 2er+ fine while others are coarse. Plagioclase contains inclusions of :uart; an) e7hi3its 3oth carls3a) an) al3ite twinning. 0enerall+' the *inerals ha2e irregular sha es with suture) 3oun)aries. (nti erthitic te7ture an) *icro-3an)ing or segregation of :uart;o-fel)s arthic as well as *afic *inerals were also o3ser2e) (5ig. 4a an) 3!. 4he thin sections of the roc- in site 2 re2eale) that :uart; is the *ain *ineral i)entifie) un)er the *icrosco e. So*e of the :uart; grains are relati2el+ coarse graine) in 2er+ fine groun)*ass. So*e of the large :uart; grains show 3ro-en<.agge) 3oun)aries in)icati2e of rotation un)er high ressure. New generation 3iotite fills re-e7isting )iscontinuities. 4he *ain structure i)entifie) in the thin sections of the roc- is *icro-faults. >oarse graine) *inerals' which are o3ser2e) to 3e sur2i2ors of grin)ing an) shearing' show referre) orientation (5ig."! )efining the foliation of the roc-. 4.# Image Analysis $it! %ImageJ& 'i( )oc* Fa+ric 4he anal+sis of the i*ages ( hoto*icrogra hs! of the roc- e7 ose) in site 1 re2eals a attern that rese*3les a flow aroun) a stirrer which is an in)ication that the rotation of the or h+roclasts *ost li-el+ resulte) in such a structure. 4he large cr+stals e7hi3it 3ro-en<.agge) *argins or 3oun)aries which were *ost li-el+ cause) 3+ the ru33ing of their 3oun)aries as the+ rotate un)er high ressure (5ig.6!. 4his is an in)ication that the *inerals ha2e ro3a3l+ e7 erience) crushing an) granulation. 4he si*ilarit+ in *ineralog+ )is la+e) 3+ the 2er+ fine an) 2er+ large grains suggests that the+ are *ost li-el+ ro)ucts of the sa*e arentage which grains suffere) si;e re)uction as a result of crushing an) granulation. 4he 2er+ fine grains show elongation with a tren) that aligns with the roc- foliation suggesting that the rochas e7 erience) *ore than one stress regi*e. 4he segregation of :uart;o-fel)s arthic an) *afic *inerals which is an in)ication of stress also su orts the *ore than one stress regi*e that the roc- ro3a3l+ e7 erience). 4he )isru tion of the foliation or 3an)ing 3+ the large grains is also in su ort of *ore than one stress regi*e e7 erience) 3+ the roc-. 'ii( ,rain -race and Histogram Plot. 4he e)ges or 3oun)aries of the grains were trace) (5ig.6! an) the histogra*s of the grain-counts were lotte) (5ig.A! with 8ImageJ9. 4he histogra*s were anal+se) an) the results su**ari;e) *a-ing it ossi3le to co* are the *+lonites with gneiss' granite gneiss' or h+ritic granite an) la* ro h+re. 4he outco*e is as outline) 3elowG (ll the histogra*s lotte) fro* the grain count of the hoto*icrogra hs of the *+lonites show a single ea- (uni*o)al! with the *o)e (statistical! falling into the fine-graine) area while other roc- t+ es e7ce t la* ro h+re which share si*ilar te7tural characteristics with the *+lonites ha2e se2eral ea-s (*ulti-*o)al! an) higher a2erage *o)e (5ig. A! (4a3les 1N2!. 4he anal+sis of the histogra*s shows that the *+lonites ha2e 2er+ large grain si;es li-e the other roc- t+ es. 4he histogra*s further show the* ha2ing *a7i*u* 2alues which is an in)ication of 2er+ large cr+stals in the roc-. 4he range of the *a7i*u* J2"3-2"" (4a3le 2!K is the narrowest an) highest co* are) with those of the other roc- t+ es. 4he *ini*u* shows the *+lonite ha2ing the wi)est range (#-14! co* are) with all other roc- t+ es in)icating a eculiarit+ of uncontrolle) )e2elo *ent of the finest grains (te7turall+! as a result of crushing an) shearing. 4hese further su ort the i)ea that the stu)ie) roc-s e7 erience) shearing' crushing an) granulation )ue to cataclasis. In)ications fro* the *ini*u* an) *a7i*u* 2alues as well as the 3ro-en<.agge) e)ges of the grains oint to the fact that the roc-s e7hi3it or h+roclastic te7ture. 4he fiel) o3ser2ations an) etrogra hic stu)ies re2eale) e7tre*el+ fine graine) groun)*ass which is in confor*it+ with the e7 lanation of 0arg (2##3! that cataclastic structure is characterise) 3+ the )e2elo *ent of e7tre*el+ fine *ass un)er the influence of se2ere crushing an) shearing effects of )+na*ic *eta*or his*. 4urner an) &erhoogen (1$6#! in the course of )escri3ing cataclasites e7 laine) that with )ecrease in grain si;e an) )e2elo *ent of 3an)e) structure' cataclasites gra)e into *+lonites. 4his therefore' su orts the 3an) or strea- of *icrocline o3ser2e) in the roc- which also ser2es as an a))itional in)ication that the roc- has in)ee) e7 erience) cataclastic *eta*or his*. ?icrosco icall+' the roc- e7hi3its or h+roclastic te7ture as it re2eals


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

large cr+stals of :uart; an) fel)s ar with 3ro-en<.agge) *argins in e7tre*el+ fine graine) groun)*ass in site 1 an) large grains of :uart;' with 3ro-en<.agge) *argins' in fine graine) groun)*ass in site 2. (nal+sis with 8ImageJ9 also len)s su ort that the roc-s ossess or h+roclastic te7ture. 4his te7tural characteristic is a further in)ication of cataclastic *eta*or his* as it shows that the grains ha2e e7 erience) rotation' granulation' shearing an) crushing. 4he *icro-3an)ing or *ineral segregation as seen in the thin sections of site 1 an) the referre) orientation as seen in the thin sections of site 2 as well as the foliation are in)ications of high ressure *eta*or his*. In line with fiel) o3ser2ation an) etrogra h+' it is 3elie2e) that the i*age anal+sis of the hoto*icrogra hs ga2e in)ications that the roc-s ha2e e7 erience) (i! shearing' crushing an) granulation un)er high ressure' (ii! 3an)ing as well as foliation an) (iii! referre) orientation. It is further 3elie2e) that the roc-s ha2e ro3a3l+ e7 erience) *ore than one e iso)e of high ressure *eta*or his* in line with the suggestion of %)e+e*i (1$81!. It is consi)ere) in this stu)+ that the cataclastic *eta*or his* e7 erience) 3+ the roc-s in this area an) 3+ e7tension the Ilesa schist 3elt' is a result of the earth *o2e*ent which cul*inate) in the )e2elo *ent of Iwara.a fault that has 3een 2ariousl+ re orte) ((.i3a)e et al.' 1$A$' %)e+e*i' 1$$3' (nifowose an) Coro)e' 2##A= (nifowose et al.' 2#1#' Oolawole an) (nifowose' 2#11!. 4he a)a te) *a of %)e+e*i (1$$3! (5ig.1! shows that the stu)+ sites lotte) within the Iwara.a fault ;one there3+ further confir*ing the fiel) an) etrogra hic o3ser2ations as well as the results of i*age anal+sis. It can 3e inferre) that the roc-s *ight ha2e e7 erience) *ore than one e iso)e of high ressure *eta*or his* in that the )e2elo *ent of 3ro-en<.agge) *argins of the rotate) large grains as well as that of the 2er+ fine groun)*ass (the erio) of crushing' shearing an) granulation! are *ost li-el+ the ro)ucts of one e iso)e while the )e2elo *ent of foliation' 3an)s or strea-s an) fol)ing as well as referre) orientation *ost li-el+ re resent the ro)ucts of another e iso)e. 4he )e2elo *ent of the 3iotite fla-es that fill )iscontinuities as well as cut across other *inerals grains *ost li-el+ re resent the stage of che*ical reconstitution of the roc-. 0arg (2##3! e7 laine) that cataclastic structure is characterise) 3+ the )e2elo *ent of e7tre*el+ fine roc*ass un)er the influence of se2ere crushing an) shearing effects of )+na*ic *eta*or his*. 4urner an) &erhoogen (1$6#! e7 laine) that the acti2it+ of cataclastic *eta*or his* can 3e inferre) without a*3iguit+ fro* the nature of the fa3ric which the+ i* rint u on the affecte) roc-s. In this light therefore' the te7tural an) structural features i)entifie) in these roc-s constitute e2i)ences which *a-e it ossi3le to infer that the roc-s ha2e e7 erience) cataclastic *eta*or his*. %n the 3asis of the recognition of relic cataclastic fa3ric an) the e2i)ences of reconstitution' the roc-s are therefore 3elie2e) to 3e *+lonites. *" Conclusion In conclusion' (i! the fiel) o3ser2ation' fa3ric an) the outco*e of the i*age anal+sis of the hoto*icrogra hs using 8ImageJ9 show una*3iguousl+ that' the roc-s an) conse:uentl+ the Ilesa schist 3elt' e7 erience) cataclastic *eta*or his*= (ii! it is 3elie2e) that the roc-s *ight ha2e e7 erience) *ore than one e iso)e of high ressure *eta*or his*= an) (iii! the roc-s ha2e 3een *+loniti;e). Ac+nowledge,ents /r. Ea+o % elo+e of the /e art*ent of ( lie) 0eolog+' 4he 5e)eral 1ni2ersit+ of 4echnolog+' (-ure an) Prof. %.(. Ige of the /e art*ent of 0eolog+' ()e-unle (.asin 1ni2ersit+' (-ung3a-(-o-o are a reciate) for rea)ing the *anuscri t. $eferences ()e*eso' %.(. (2##$!G /efor*ation traits in the charnoc-itic roc-s of (-ure area' Southwestern Nigeria. (sian Journal of Barth Sciences 2(4!' 113-12#. (ffaton' P.' Raha*an' ?.(.' 4ro* ette' R. an) Soug+' J. (1$$1! 4he /aho*e+i)e %rogenG tectonother*al e2olution an) relationshi s with the &olta Casin. InG R./. /all*e+er' an) J.P. EPcorchP' J.P. (e)s.!. 4he Dest (frican %rogens an) >ircu*-(tlantic >orrelati2es. I10S-I0>P1NBS>% ro.ect 233' S ringer-&erlag' 1#A122. (nifowose' (.Q.C. an) Coro)e' (.?. (2##A!G ( hotogeological stu)+ of the fol) structure in o-e*esi area' Nigeria. Journal of Mining and ,eology &ol. 43 (2! 2##AG . 12"-13#. (nifowose' (.Q.C.' %la)a o' ?.I.' (- an' >.%.' ()eo+e-%la)a o' %.%' 4se3e.e' S.Q. an) Qa-u3u' 4.(. (2#1#!G S+ste*atic ?ulti-4echni:ue ?a ing of Southern 5lan- of Iwara.a 5ault. Journal of ( lie) Science an) 4echnolog+' &ol. 1"' Nos 1 N 2' 1#-2#. (.a+i' 4.R. (1$81!G %n the geoche*istr+ an) origin the *+lonites in Ife-Ilesa area' Southwestern Nigeria. J. ?in. 0eol. &ol. 1A' no. 2' 1A$-1$6. (.i3a)e' (.>.' 5itches' D.R. an) Dright' J.C. (1$A$! 4he Fungeru ?+lonites' NigeriaG recognition of a *a.or


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

tectonic unit. Re2ue )e 0eologie /+na*i:ue et )e 0eogra hie Ph+si:ue. 21("!' 3"$-363. Coesse' J.?. an) %can' %.%. (1$88!G 0eolog+ an) e2olution of the Ife-Ilesa schist 3elt' southwestern Nigeria. International *eeting on rotero;oic geolog+ an) tectonics of high gra)e terrains. %3afe*i (wolowo 1ni2ersit+. P 26. Cur-e' O.>. an) /ewe+' J.5. (1$A3!G (n outline of the Preca*3rian late )e2elo *ent. InG 4arling' /.@. an) Runcorn' S.O. (e)s.!' I* lication of >ontinental /rift to Barth Sciences. (ca)e*ic Press Inc= Eon)on (1st B)ition!. P 1184. ISCN-13G $A8-#12683A#2" Cur-e' Oel2in an) /ewe+' J.5. (1$A3!G Plu*e-0enerate) 4ri le JunctionsG Oe+ In)icators in ( l+ing Plate 4ectonics to %l) Roc-s. 4he Journal of 0eolog+' &ol. 81' No. 4 4#6-433. 1REG htt G<<<sta3le<3##A#631. Blue;e' (.(. (1$AA!G 0eolog+ an) geoche*ical stu)ies in the Ilesa gol) 3elt. 1n u3lishe) ?.Sc. thesis' 1ni2ersit+ of I3a)an. Blue;e' (. (. (1$88!G 0eolog+ of the Preca*3rian Schist 3elt in Ilesa (rea' Southwest Nigeria. Preca*3rian 0eolog+ of Nigeria. 0eological Sur2e+ of Nigeria u3lication. P AA-82. 0arg' S. O.' (2##3!G Ph+sical an) engineering geolog+' 4th re2ise) e)ition' Ohanna Pu3lishers' /elhi-11###6' In)ia. 8##. @u33ar)' 5.@.' (1$A"!G Preca*3rian crustal )e2elo *ent in Destern NigeriaG In)ication fro* the Iwo region. 0eol. Soc. (*er. Cull.' 2ol. 86' "48-""4 ImageJ. (2##8!G Sun ?icros+ste*s' Inc.' 41"# Networ- >ircle' Santa >lara' >alifornia $"#"4' 1S(. Ole**' /./.' Schnei)er' D. (n) Dagner' R.C.' (1$A$!G 0eoche*istr+ of the *+lonites co* le7 an) the *etase)i*entar+ se:uence in the Ife-Ilesa area' Southwestern NigeriaG ( green stone 3elt (a3st!. 1# collo:ue )e 0eologic (fricaine ?ont Pellier' 5rance' 4-". Oolawole' 5. an) (nifowose' (.Q.C. (2#11!G Re*ote Sensing (nal+sis of a /e7tral /iscontinuit+ along IfewaraFungeru (rea' Nigeria' Dest (frica. In)ian Journal of Science an) 4echnolog+' &ol. 4 No. 1' . 46 - "1 (ISSNG #$A4-6846! %)e+e*i' I.C.' (1$81!G ( re2iew of the orogenic e2ents in the Preca*3rian 3ase*ent of Nigeria' Dest (frica. International Journal of Barth Sciences &ol. A# No.3. P 8$A-$#$. %)e+e*i' I.C.' (1$$3!G ( co* arati2e stu)+ of re*ote sensing i*ages of %-e*esi fol) 3elt in Nigeria. Raha*an' (.(. an) (.a+i' 4.R.' (1$88!G trace ele*ent geoche*istr+ an) geotectonic setting of Ile-Ife schist 3elt. Preca*3rian 0eolog+ of Nigeria' 0eological Sur2e+ of Nigeria s ecial u3lication 241-2"6. 4urner' 5.J.' an) &erhoogen' J.' (1$6#!G Igneous an) ?etar*or hic Petrolog+' 2n) e)ition' ?c0raw-@ill' New Qor-. 1#"23. 6$4.


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

5ig.1G 0eological ?a of %-e*esi 5ol) Celt Showing Stu)+ Sites (()a te) fro* %)e+e*i' 1$$3!.


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 #$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

5ig.2G 5iel) Photogra h of ?+lonite (Site1!' Ilesa' showing the fol)e) 3an)s RPen (arrowe)! is 1"c* longS.

5ig.3G 5iel) hotogra h of ?+lonite (site 2!' Ilesa' showing .oints an) )otte) tints of *afic *inerals.


5ig.4G Photo*icrogra h of ?+lonite (Il##1! showing (i! *icro-3an)ing' *icro 3an)ing' (ii! rotate) grains an) (iii! large grains in fine granulate) groun)*ass. (a! l' (3! >N an) (c! ost )efor*ation 3iotite (>N!. T1##. Car scaleG 2u*.


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

5ig."G Photo*icrogra h of ?+lonite (Il##2! showing (i! *icro-fault' (ii! referre) orientation of grains an) (iii! new greenish fla-es of 3iotite. (ll hoto*icrogra hs are un)er >N. T1##. Car scaleG 1**.

5ig.6G 4race of the e)ges of the grains in the hoto*icrogra h of ?+lonite (Il##1! with 8I*ageJ9.


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

5ig. AG @istogra* lot of the grains of ?+lonites co* are) with those of gneiss' granite gneiss' or h+ritic granite an) la* ro h+re using 8ImageJ9.


Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Pa er! ISSN 222"-#$21 (%nline! &ol.3' No.11' 2#13

4a3le 1G (nal+sis of @istogra* S<No S eci*en >o)e Roc- 4+ e 1. IE cn a ?+lonite 2. IE cn 3 ?+lonite 3. IE cn c ?+lonite 4. ?Q 1 cn a ?+lonite ". ?Q 1 cn 3 ?+lonite 6. ?Q 1 cn c ?+lonite A. ?+ 2i >N ?+lonite 8. ?+ 2ii >N ?+lonite $. ?+ 2iii >N ?+lonite 1#. ?Q " cn 3 ?+lonite 11. ?Q " cn c ?+lonite 1. 2. 3. 4. ". 1. 2. 3. 4. ". 1. 2. 3. 4. ". 1. 2. 3. 4. ". (-##-2 cn a (-##2(i! cn a (-##2(i! cn 3 (-##2-3 cn a (-##2-2 cn c (-##3(1! cn a (-##3(ii! cn a (-##3(4! cn c (-##3-3 cn a (-##3("! cn c (-ure Pgr cn a (-ure Pgr cn 3 (-ure Pgr cn c Pgr Igarra cn a Pgr (-ure cn a Ig##$(i!a cn a Ig##$(i!3 cn a Ig##$3 cn a Ig##$-#3 cn 3 Ig##$(iii! cn a 0neiss 0neiss 0neiss 0neiss 0neiss 0ranite 0neiss 0ranite 0neiss 0ranite 0neiss 0ranite 0neiss 0ranite 0neiss Por Por Por Por Por Ea* Ea* Ea* Ea* Ea* h+ritic 0ranite h+ritic 0ranite h+ritic 0ranite h+ritic 0ranite h+ritic 0ranite ro ro ro ro ro h+re h+re h+re h+re h+re

(rea (Pi7els! 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2# 131#A2#

?ean 131 1#3 1#" 12# 12# $2 12A 1#$ 114 82 A1 82 81 132 12A A" A1 1#" 131 A# 128 11$ 134 1#4 142 112 1#1 $6 82 88 14

St). /e2. 48.A 38.6 41." "6.3 3$.4 "#.2 48.# 4#.3 3$.3 44.$ 43.# "$.# 43.3 "6.$ 64.# 48.# 3".# "6.6 42.2 41.6 4A "8.2 A6.# 6".$ "8.# "#.# 42.1 4".4 34.6 3A.# "1

?in. 8 1# 1 2 14 # 2 # 1 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 2 # # # # # #

?a7. 2"" 2"4 2"" 2"" 2"" 2"" 2"" 2"4 2"3 2"" 2"" 2"" 2#2 2"" 2"" 22# 1A4 2"" 24" 2#4 2"# 2"" 2"" 2"" 2"" 238 2"" 2"" 23# 2"3 2""

?o)e 2"" 83 86 $6 1#4 62 1#" $6 111 46 3A # # 146 2"" 2 8A 6" $4 # 13" 1"1 2"" # 2#1 1"" 1#6 A$ A$ 88 1#8

4a3le 2G Su**ar+ of (nal+sis of histogra* S<No Roc- 4+ e Range of ?eans 1. ?+lonite A1-131 2. 0neiss A"-132 3. 0ranite gneiss A#-131 4. Por h+ritic granite 1#4-142 ". Ea* ro h+re 82-114

?ean of ?eans 1#A $$ 1#1 122 $6

Range of *ini*u* #-14 # # #-2 #

Range of *a7i*u* 2"3-2"" 2#2-2"" 1A4-2"" 238-2"" 23#-2""


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