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oa/28/2oo« u:to FAX 212 sea tsoo UN SC SANCTIONS BRANCH B002/012

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Date :4*Aug«tt20CM

BLE. Mr. Kofi Amu,

General Secretary sf the United Nation)
New York
United N«tion*

Yoor Excellency,
I eu&us with this letter, my Igflsr .id^regsed j{o.p.E,.#ip1 qtafcreeaetary of the
Treasury Department far Terrorism tad Finaacisl Intelligence, Mr. Stuart
Levey, ia which I have objected to the decision of the U.S. Treasury
Department^ whereby they included my wmc sod othere, in tiieir special
stnuounccmsot (jprcss release), find presented to toe United Nadoni with the
rccommetidfttioB tfe^ be listed by 4 c 1581 committee mder U.N. Seooity
Couaofl Rfisolotfoa (UNSCR) 14S3. RBqucstiiig tiw fieesang of my fbasds and
*uets, in «c«Hda«ce wife fto press release ttmoufflcemisM issued by <fae
Treasury DepsrimentNo. IS 1821 Dated 02.08.2004.

I would appreciate your ttteoiion to the above, while maintaining belief in the
truth and your protection of citizens rights.

With my skcerest Regards,

SA *jifs

Fonser Ambasstdor (Former Iraqi Charge SD'ASaire in Lebaaoa)


Rec'd <Z&£d&

08/28/200* 14:10 FAX 212 883 1300 UN SC SANCTIONS BRANCH 0003/012

Data : 4 * August 20O4

Mr. Stuart Levey

Under Secretary for Terrorism And Financial Intelligence
Office of Public AfFalra
Department of the Treasury
United Sates of America

Dear Sir,

I refer to the uuunmcameat issued by the Office of Public AKains press zoom,
dated august 02, 2004, Ref. JS-1821, which includes the decision of the
committee of the coalition countries ambassadors of the United States of
America - The United Kingdom, and Iraq, in the fourth tranche of decisions
taken lately against members of the previous Iraqi regime. My name hat been
mentioned in item 2 of fits decision announcement (as a suspected US officer,
senior official of the previous Iraqi regime, as described in executive order
13315 and in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483. information
availible to the U.S. government indicates, that (I financed foreign fighters
traveling to Iraq to participate in hostilities against coalition forces, until the
fall of the former regime during Operation Iraqi freedom, and that I oflfered
$2500 "signing bonuses** to new recruits).

Your decision has serious implications, which implies the freezing of funds and
the pursuit of individuals and their family, whose name appears in such

To start with, I would like to clarify that ] never was an officer of the Us during
all my governmental career of forty years, starting with my first appointment in
the civil service in 1963 until 09.04.2003, the date of the fall of the regime.
This can be confirmed by all my colleagues, friends and acquaintances in my
work, or outside my work, as well as it can be confirmed by my personal flic,
available at the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Administrative
Department, and all those concerned with mis subject. You are capable of
checking this with the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and with colleagues
with whom I have worked in the diplomatic: service from 1970 until 2003.

The information contained in, the deoision is false, and has been planted against
me, with the intention of causing harm personally and to my position. Based on
what has preceded, I have never performed any work not related 10 my
immediate function as Charge D'Affaire in Beirut, responsible for diplomatic
affairs, which spanned 4 years, 3 month and 6 days. The Lebanese authorities
can be a witness to my performance (be it administrative units, security units
etc). Within the realm of my work, I never financed persons, whether local or

08/28/2004 14:10 FAX 212 883 1306 UN SO SANCTIONS BRANCH 9004/012

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pursuant to exemptions
(b)(6) and (b)(7)(C)

foreign, fighters or non filters, to participate in activities against the Coalition

Forces, or often. I would tike to eenffiin, that within my respoosibilijy as a
diplomat, I do not hive any foods to spend on such' activities. The financial
registers in the Iraqi embassy in Beirut can clarify this issue, as well as the
central office of tise Ministry to Baghdad.

I take this opportunity to xecoafina, tits* what 1 have been accused of fat the
decision, u reported by the undersecretary of the U.S. Treasury Department for
Terrorism aed Financial Intelligence, as well u whai has bean generally
commented upon by the Head of die Iriqi Section in Washington, in which, she
said, thai "it d important for Iraq to identify and sanction those who have used
the fimdi of the Iraqi people, illegally to benefit tnemselvei.,." are false
information and not exact (concerning myself), and could be planted
informsdou ibst were passed to "die Mdhorities, with the intention of destroying
toy reputation.

I would like to confina Hot t em pnepared to meet any investigative committee

or official personality, that agrees to meet me, and to check my statements and
information. 1 sm ao Honorable Iraqi citizen, that loves and cures for Iraq,
wishing for Iraq all the best and success in maintaining Iraqi dignity, resources
and reputation, I would like to mention hen, that I had arranged for $10 million
(Ten million U.S. Dollars), to be available in die Iraqi embassy in Beirut after
withdrawing it from lite Al Mawarid Bank on 06.04.2003 at the request of the
Central Bank of Drag C/O of &e Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Because of
the fell of die Iraqi Government Oft 09.04.2003, and in view of the difficulty in •
dispatching the aforementioned funds to Bsghdsd, I returned the funds to the
AJ-Mawsrid Bank, and registered it in the name of the Central Bank of Iraq, to
date, the funds arc still with the bank.

Some of the employees of die embassy tried to possess the funds for their
interest^ but 1 prevented this and arranged for the transfer of the funds to the
banlovjth tiie help of the accountant of fee Embassy
• H m in spite of die difficult and dangerous atmosphere which reigned, at
the time within the embassy, in ray belief that the funds belonged to the Iraqi
people and to my dear Iraq. I attach enclosed, copy of the receipt of (he funds,
registered in the name of the Central Bank of Iraq.

I refer, as witnesses, to my colleagues and current ambassadors in the Iraqi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

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(b)(6) and (b)(7)(C)

In addition to previous colleagues wad employees vvitis whom I have worked

during ray presence In &e Ministry of Foreign Af&ut for spprosdiaaftily 33
ye«% ctartmg at tfafl Ministry ia 1970 ta a Second Secretary, until I was
promoted to ambassador (I did not present my papers as ambassador ia
Lebanon, because flic level of ropjneseolation between t&e twocoontrici, was at
the level of Chaxge D'Affaire), this can be confirmed in my file at the Iraqi
Ministry of Foreign Aflaira,

I would lflse to refer, ax weM, regarding my reputation and woric at &c embassy,
to Iraqi retidW-B in. Lebanon, from the Iraqi oppowtiora whom I helped to return
to Irsgci^cnji&ad^ssideQbjn^Abjuuui, wfao ore still Iten^ namely:
- ^HHHHHHHHIHH Tbere w e nuuiy others as well.

occasions, daring my position as a diplomat, and WAS aware of my work

I refer &s well to the Minister of Interior, w _ resident

in Syria priorJ o fee fall of the laglme, _ me C/O of | H
i£he could acquire an Irgi for himself and for his
• Geacral _________ previous Iraqi Arobswsadoi
in Spain. I confirmed to them my willingne* me them with Iraqi passports,
as witnessed to that by our mutual friend "™

i n conclusion, I am prepared to make myself available, in the service of the

truth, and in die proof of the truth, and to assure justice in lift:.

I ain making this presentation to your excellency, to reconsider placing my

name on the aforementioned list, which is issued by The Office of Public
Affairs, of tbe U.S. Treasury Department, and to cancel the aforementioned
decision in my case, so that justice sad trust is seen to be done, in agreement
with the legal principles that "no punishment without legal proof, "the accused
Is innocent; until proven guilty", and "He who accuses, has to have proof, & he
who defend! himself is prepare- to swear the oath that he is stating the truth"

! request form your excellency, to inform me of the incidents, proven facts, or

information wWch you relied upon, to accuse me of such acts, which are
personally harmful, excessively, to me and to my family.

08/28/2004 H M O FAX 212. BB3 1300 UN SC SANCTIONS BRANCH (2006/012

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my owe andfiu*of my finally.

Sincerely Youra,

Nabil AMuIkhAI-Janiihi


I could be contacted on the following:

C/O Inwi Embassy in Lebanon
E-mail j

08/23/2004 14:10 FAX 212 883 1300 UN SC SANCTIONS BfiAKCK gjOOT/012

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Date s 06,08.2004

Mr. Stuart Levey

Under Security for Terrorism and Financial lotefllgeaos
Department at th« Treasury
United State! of America

Dear Sir,

Following my letter dated 04.08.2004, relating to my objection of listing my name among

the list of Saddam's Regime, and issuing punishments to view of that

I would like to add new material regarding my case, and that is by calling to witness the
following names that wets, and still are in responsible positions in the Iraqi Embassy in
Beirut. They were associated withraywork in the embassy, until I left on 06.06.2003,1 am
sure they «IB tha most reliable witnesses, in view of their presence within the embassy
premises, and their ability to refute me accusations laid against me from the ambassador's
committee of tha United States, the United Kingdom and Iraq, in accordance to 1518
committee rulings.

1. . The charge D'Aflalre of the Iraqi antbaisy In Beirut M H H H M M H H

He is one of my colleagues, with whom I worked for IS years in the protocol
department of tha Ministry of Foreign Af&irs in Baghdad, as well as during his
service in the Iraqi Embassy in Damascus, during my tenure in the Iraqi Embassy in
Beirut, we were in constant contact in view of the nature of our diplomatic work.

2. Ti« administrative Officer in tha Embassy in B s l r u ^ H H H H H P H

He worked with me in Beirut since his transfer in 2002 from Baghdad, until my
departure on 06.06.2003, he is aware of all transactions, as ho is responsible for
administrative and accounting procedures. He to aware of my work and my position,
and of the financial transactions and remuneration which were allocated to me, in
accordance to the instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the working
procedure of the Embassy.
3. The Ambassador's SecretaryflHHHflH|[
I returned her io the embassy astnTAmbasjaoSrsSecretary in 1999, as she had left
the embassy, following the closure of the embassy in 1995. She was closely
associated with my wok at the embassy, and with ths responsibilities bestowed on
my by the Ministry instructions, she would be aware that 1 did not get involved in
work not relating to my diplomatic tasks, as in the type of work you referred lo.

08/28/200* 14:11 FAX 212 883 1300 UN 8C SANCTIONS BRANCH fflooe/012

AUpeople willtojtlft'thatI nevafwm* an £IS Officer, whafyarclosaly or distslly associated,

and that I nevar tgmt * single dollir on my activity outside my career work, «* *» what
you ana Hocusing me of in your Public Praia Sts'tenseaC I tata fcis oqoauon,tofihallenge,
M^ person car source, to oiset me, and to pro vo that <iheir bataleas socusations wa true.

I sioeerely wfeh, th«t you refer totia»«bovs two aeatleowa and the lady «ecmasiy. to check
with thara, Usa BceusBtioai bid agaiost me, ia order that I can be proved hwo&mt, and to
ciiusal die decree r«iaed agMOstnia, ia support of justice and fitiroeas ofjuatios.

God is nay Witness

Fomiar Ambassador (Fqimar Iraqi Charga D'Affaire in Lebanon)

Withheld in full pursuant to
(b)(6) and (b)(7)(C) •

66/26/2004 14:10 FAX 212 SB9 1300 UN SC SANCTIONS BRANCH 81061/012

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DATE: 26 August 2004


the UN NewYoik
New York


RE; 1518 Committee

Dear |

As discussed. Please keep in mind that we have not yet forwarded tilts to the
Chairman's office or anybody else.

Let's discuss Vfhat to do about it.


11/13/2006 16.57 961-4-544794 US EMBASSY PAGt OH

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' to exemptions
(b)(6) and (b)(7)(C) 2004 J 4 : &JW

Mr. Stuart Levey

Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
Office of Public Affairs
Department of the Treasury
United Sates of America

>)ji*.\j •

5j*aJt <iLJl _ <J£J^»VI JjaiJI cbVjJI WLUf JjjJl eljL., LUJ j l j j (>^j=iJl 2004

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