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International Conference on

Recent Advances in Cancer Prevention and Therapeutics

Scientific Sessions November 19, 2013 (Tuesday)
07:30 am - 08:30 am 08.30 am onwards 08:30 am - 09:00 am Breakfast e!" #es$ Departure to Conference Venue - Information and Library et!ork "%N&'%(N)T# Centre$ %and&ina'ar

Session 1* %nau+ura! Session 09:00 am - 09:(0 am ,e!come -ddress .rof. /. 0. 0a!e, Vice-C&ance))or$ Centra) *ni+ersity of %u,arat$ %and&ina'ar$ %u,arat$ India12ief 3uest 4 -ddress .rof. . #evara5, Vice-C&airman$ *ni+ersity %rants Commission$ e! De)&i$ India0eynote -ddress .rof. /a5es2 -+rawa!, 0c&oo) of 1&armacy$ *ni+ersity of Co)orado Den+er$ 2urora$ C3$ *026ote of T2an$s #r. /ana .. Sin+2, 0c&oo) of Life 0ciences$ Centra) *ni+ersity of %u,arat$ %and&ina'ar$ Indiai+2 Tea

09:(0 am - 09:.0 am

09:.0 am - /0:3. am

/0:3. am - /0:40 am

10*70 am 4 11*00 am

Session 2* Nove! tar+ets in c2emo"revention of cancer 12airs* .rof. /a5es2 -+arwa!, 0c&oo) of 1&armacy$ *ni+ersity of Co)orado Den+er$ 2urora$ C3$ *02 #r. .rab2udas .ate!, %C5I$ 2&medabad$ %u,arat$ India //:00 am 6 //:30 am (reast cancer "revention by "2enet2y! isot2iocyanate (.)%T1)

.rof. S2ivendra 6. Sin+2, *ni+ersity of 1ittsbur'& Cancer Institute$ 1ittsbur'&$ 12$ *02//:30 am 6 /(:00 pm N/.2, a new tar+et, is co4re+u!ated by ,nt and andro+en rece"tor si+na!in+ in castration resistant "rostate cancer .rof. 8iao!in 8i, Department of *ro)o'y and C&ao 7ami)y Compre&ensi+e Cancer Center *ni+ersity of Ca)ifornia$ Ir+ine$ C2$ *02-""!ication of eavy ion /adiation (io!o+y in 1ancer T2era"y #r. -siti$ant2a Sarma, 5adiation Bio)o'y Laboratory$ Inter *ni+ersity 2cce)erator Centre$ 2runa 2saf 2)i 8ar'$ e! De)&i$ India.ento9ify!!ine, a "2os"2odiesterase in2ibitor e92ibit "otent antimetastatic activity a+ainst 2uman me!anoma #r. /. .. 3ude, 2d+ance Centre for 9reatment 5esearc& : ;ducation in Cancer "2C95;C#$ 9ata 8emoria) Centre$ a+i 8umbai$ India'unc2 and %nteraction

/(:00 pm 6 /(:30 pm

/(:30 pm 6 /(:.. pm

01*00 "m 4 02*00 "m

Session 3* )mer+in+ trends in cancer "revention and treatment 12airs* .rof. S2ivendra 6. Sin+2, *ni+ersity of 1ittsbur'& Cancer Institute$ 1ittsbur'&$ 12$ *02 .rof. 8iao!in :i, Compre&ensi+e Cancer Center *ni+ersity of Ca)ifornia$ Ir+ine$ C2$ *02 0(:00 pm 6 0(:30 pm .revention and treatment of "ancreatic cancer .rof. 1. 6. /ao, *ni+ersity of 3k)a&oma Cancer Institute$ 3k)a&oma City$ 3<$ *02T2e conce"t of ;1e!!u!ar Transcri"tion <emory= unvei!s a nove! mec2anism of emer+ence of steroid>nuc!ear rece"tor mediated ma!i+nancies .rof. /a$es2 0. Tya+i, Centre for 8o)ecu)ar 8edicine$ =a!a&ar)a) e&ru *ni+ersity$ e! De)&i$ India1urrent cancer screenin+ strate+ies ? t2e %ndian "ers"ectives .rof. /avi <e2rotra, Institute of Cyto)o'y and 1re+enti+e 3nco)o'y "IC85#$ oida$ *1$ India'i+2t at t2e end of t2e tunne! of t2e radiation t2era"y ? mo!ecu!ar ima+in+ in radiation researc2 #r. /ao 6' .a"ineni, 7acu)ty "2d,unct# 0c&oo) of 8edicine$ *ni+ersity of <ansas 8edica) Center$ <ansas City$ <0$ *02Tea>1offee (rea$

0(:30 pm 6 03:00 pm

03:00 pm 6 03:30 pm

03:30 pm 6 04:00 pm

07*00 "m 4 7*20 "m

Session 7* Nove! t2era"eutic a""roac2es in cancer contro! 12airs* .rof. 1. 6. /ao, *ni+ersity of 3k)a&oma Cancer Institute$ 3k)a&oma City$ 3<$ *02 .rof. /avi <e2rotra, Institute of Cyto)o'y and 1re+enti+e 3nco)o'y "IC85#$ oida$ *1$ India 04:30 pm 6 04:.. pm 1ross4ta!$ of &-## and c&'%. in re+u!ation of deat2 rece"tor mediated a"o"tosis #r. 12andramani .at2a$, Indian Institute of 2d+anced 5esearc& "II25#$ %and&ina'ar$ %u,arat$ India#ietary Mentha piperita e9tract in2ibits T.-4"romotion in #<(-4 initiated s$in carcino+enesis, w2ic2 is associated wit2 t2e in2ibition of inf!ammatory res"onses #r. Sameena @asmeen, Cancer : 5adiation Bio)o'y Laboratory$ Department of >oo)o'y$ *ni+ersity of 5a,ast&an$ =aipur$ India Sodium butyrate, a "roduct of microbia! commensa!ism induces mitoc2ondria! fusion and a"o"tosis in 2uman co!orecta! cancer ce!!s #2anir Tai!or, 0c&oo) of Life 0ciences$ Centra) *ni+ersity of %u,arat$ %and&ina'ar$ %u,arat$ India(erberine induces a"o"tosis and in2ibits cancer ce!! stemness and metastasis in neurob!astoma <ant2an .ate!, Department of @uman @ea)t& and Diseases$ Indian Institute of 2d+anced 5esearc&$ %and&ina'ar$ India1u!tura! .ro+ramme #inner

04:.. pm 6 0.:(0 pm

0.:(0 pm 6 0.:40 pm

0.:40 pm 6 0?-00 pm

0A*00 "m ? 0B.7C "m 0B*7C "m 4 09*00 "m

November 20, 2013 (,ednesday)

07:30 am - 08:30 am 08:30 am - 09:00 am Breakfast Departure to 0ymposium Venue "I 7LIB ;9#

Session C* Nove! strate+ies and mec2anisms in cancer c2emo"revention 12airs* .rof. /a$es2 0. Tya+i, Centre for 8o)ecu)ar 8edicine$ = *$ e! De)&i$ India .rof. (andana 12atter5ee, *ni+ersity of 9eAas @ea)t& 0cience Center at 0an 2ntonio$ *02 09:00 am 6 09:30 am .revention and treatment strate+ies for tar+etin+ co!on cancer stem ce!!s .rof. .omi!a Sin+2, Department of euroscience and Ce)) Bio)o'y$ Bioc&emistry and 8o)ecu)ar Bio)o'y$ and Interna) 8edicine$ *ni+ersity of 9eAas 8edica) Branc&$ *021ontribution of e"i+enetic modifications in t2e ince"tion and t2e estab!is2ment of !un+ tumors #r. 0ris2na .. 3u"ta, Carcino'enesis Laboratory$ C0I5-Indian Institute of 9oAico)o'y 5esearc&$ Luckno!$ India<odu!ation of %&1D 4 -$t "at2way by emodin in 2e"atoce!!u!ar carcinoma .rof. S. 0. Tri+un, Department of >oo)o'y$ Banaras @indu *ni+ersity$ Varanasi$ India<o!ecu!ar "ortrait of 2uman breast tumors #r. Suni! Trivedi, Biomedica) 0ciences$ 7ormer C&ief 5esearc& 3fficer$ *- - 8e&ta Institute of Cardio)o'y : 5esearc& Centre$ 7ormer 0enior 0cientific 3fficer$ t&e %u,arat Cancer : 5esearc& Institute$ 2&medabad$ IndiaTea>1offee (rea$

09-30 am - /0:00 am

/0:00 am 6 /0:(. am

/0:(. am 6 //:.0 am

10*C0 am 4 11*10 am Session A* .oster Session //:/0 am 6 0/:00 pm 0/:00 pm - 0(:00 pm

#iscussion and eva!uation of wor$ "resented as .osters 'unc2

Session B* Nove! a+ents and tar+ets in cancer intervention 12airs* .rof. .omi!a Sin+2, *ni+ersity of 9eAas 8edica) Branc&$ *02 #r. Suni! Trivedi, 2&medabad$ India 0(:00 pm 6 0(:30 pm Nove! tar+etin+ of andro+en metabo!ism for "rostate cancer reduction .rof. (andana 12atter5ee, *ni+ersity of 9eAas @ea)t& 0cience Center at 0an 2ntonio$ *02/e+u!ation of mye!oid transcri"tion factors in 2aemato"oiesis and !eu$emic cancer. .rof. S2eo <o2an Sin+2, Internationa) Centre for 0tem Ce))s$ Cancer and Biotec&no)o'y$ 1une$ India3,7,C4Trimet2o9y"2eny! unit* a crucia! fra+ment for anticancer "2armaco"2ore #r. -rvind Sin+2 Ne+i, 8edicina) C&emistry Department$ C0I5-Centra) Institute of 8edicina) and 2romatic 1)ants "C0I5-CI821#$ Luckno!$ *1$ India6itamin # si+na!in+ favors e"it2e!ia! "2enoty"e in non4sma!! ce!! !un+ cancers #r. Santos2 0 E"ad2yay, Department of 1&armaco)o'y and 9&erapeutics$ 5os!e)) 1ark Cancer Institute$ Buffa)o$ B$ *02-

0(:30 pm 6 0(:.0 pm

0(:.0 pm 6 03:/0 pm

03:/0 pm 6 03:30 pm

Session 8* 1!osin+ /emar$s and -ward #istribution 12air* .rof. /.0. 0a!e, C*%$ %and&ina'ar 03:30 pm 6 04:/. pm 04:/. pm 6 0.:30 pm 0.:30 pm 6 07:.0 pm 08:00 pm 6 09:00 pm 1!osin+ /emar$s, -ward #istribution, 6ote of T2an$s #e"arture to 1E3 and Tea>1offee 6isit to 3and2ina+ar #inner

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