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S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!


usiness Re!istration Re$uirement %ermission & &rocess

The BOI registration makes the company eligible to avail the incentives and facilities provided by the government. Required documents are: a. Application orms b. !ertificate of Incorporation c. "OA d. AOA e. #oint $enture Agreement %if any& f. Attested copy of deed agreement for rental premises g. 'ro(ect 'rofile h. Background of the promoters %shareholders& i. )ist of "achineries indicating quantity and price (. !opy of the relevant )oan documents k. 'ay Order*Bank draft for the fee Ot#er' +. actory: Approval of actory 'lan

,. Bonded -arehouse )icense .. Registration of )ocal Investment 'ro(ect In"ustrial Re!istration A%%lication Application for BOI Industrial Registration /ith follo/ing supporting documents: a. 'ro(ect 'rofile b. "OA


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

c. AOA d. )and Information 0 1ocument e. "achinery 1etails f. inancing sources g. TI2 h. IR! i& 3R! (& BOI Recommendation )etter %for $isa& k& $isa Application l& -ork permit m& 3nvironment !ertificate n& 4ocial !ompliance usiness Licenses are re$uire" + . Approval of actory 'lan , . Bonded -arehouse )icense !ustoms Bond !ommissionerate %!B!& . . !ertificate of Incorporation 5 . 3nvironmental !learance !ertificate 1epartment of 3nvironment %1O3& http:**///* 7 . 38port Registration !ertificate %3R!& 9 . ire )icense ire 4ervice and !ivil 1efense % 40!1& :. Import Registration !ertificate %IR!&6 Office of the !hief !ontroller of Imports 0 38ports %!!I03& ; . Registration of oreign Investment* #oint $enture6 Board of Investment %BOI& < . Registration of )ocal Investment 'ro(ects 6 Board of Investment %BOI&


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

+= . Ta8 >oliday !ertificate 2ational Board of Revenue %2BR& ++ . Ta8 Identification 2umber %TI2& 2ational Board of Revenue %2BR& +, . Trade )icense for a !ommercial irm6 1haka !ity !orporation +. . Trade )icense for a "anufacturing irm 6 1haka !ity !orporation +5 . Trade "arks Registration 6 1epartment of 'atents? 1esigns 0 Trademarks %1'1T& +7. $AT Registration 2ational Board of Revenue %2BR&

Im%ort Re!istration Certi(icate )IRC* or the Import Registration !ertificate %IR!& one needs to register /ith the BOI and the !hief !ontroller of Imports 0 38ports? !!I03 . The follo/ing supporting documents are needed: a. Trade )icense photocopy b. $alid membership of association %e.g. 1B!!I& c. Attested copy of: i. AOA ii. "OA iii. Incorporation certificate d. 'assport photocopy of the "anaging 1irector e. Bank solvency certificate %original& f. Original receipt %challan& of bank deposit for the fees E+%ort Re!istration Certi(icate )ERC*


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

or the 38port Registration !ertificate %3R!& the follo/ing documents are needed : a. Attested copy of: i. Trade )icense ii. $alid membership of association or chamber iii. AOA iv. "OA v. Incorporation certificate b. Original of Bank receipt %challan& for deposit of the fees

OI Recommen"ation Letter )(or ,isa* T/o types of $isa e8ist: the 'I6type for a 'rivate investor? and the 36type for an 3mployee. An application has to be made to the BOI for a 'I $isa for foreign investors. The documents required are: a. Business introduction letter b. or/arding letter c. 'assport photocopies ,isa A%%lication oreign 2ationals have to apply for $isa in any foreign mission of @oB? a. BOI recommendation letter b. !ompany letter introducing the business This $isa must be rene/ed yearly or bi6yearly depending on various factors %e.g. country of origin&.


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

-or. &ermit A /ork permit for foreign nationals is a prerequisite for employment in Bangladesh. 'rivate sector industrial enterprises desiring to employ foreign nationals are required to apply in advance to the BOI in the prescribed from. or e8patriate employment the guidelines are as follo/s: +. 2ationals of countries recogniAed by Bangladesh are considered for employment. ,. 3mployment of e8patriate personnel /ill be considered only in industrial establishments /hich are registered by the appropriate authority. .. 3mployment of foreign nationals is normally considered for the (ob for /hich local e8perts*technicians are not available. 5. 'ersons belo/ +; years of age are not eligible for employment. 7. A decision of the board of directors of the concerned company for ne/ employment* employment e8tension is to be furnished in each case. 9. The number of foreign employees should not e8ceed 7B of the total employees? including top management personnel. :. Initially employment of any foreign national is considered for a term of t/o years? /hich may be e8tended on the basis of merit of the case. ;. 2ecessary security clearance has to be obtained from the "inistry of >ome Affairs. BOI orm: 4ee -ebsite: http:**///*ho/6to6invest*forms6a6procedures* obtaining6a6/ork6permit: En/ironmental Clearance Certi(icate The company has to apply to the BOI Ctility 4ervice !ell %C4!& for 3nvironmental !learance !ertificate. BOI C4! /ill obtain the necessary clearance from the 1epartment of 3nvironment %1O3& /ho /ill visit the factory for inspection. Social Com%liance The registration for 4ocial !ompliance can be acquired from the !hief Inspector of actories and 3stablishments %!I 3&. Any manufacturing company employing ten or more /orkers is required to be registered under the actories Act +<97 at the office


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

of !I 3. This act is primarily intended to regulate /orking conditions and to ensure safety in the factory. The prescribed Application orm has to be collected from the office of !I 3? filled in and submitted /ith all requirements. The !I 3 office issues registration /ithin the stipulated period. A different e8ample concerns the acquisition of the ire )icense. http:**///*ho/6to6invest*forms6a6procedures

usiness Licenses are re$uire" + Approval of actory 'lan , Bonded -arehouse )icense !ustoms Bond !ommissionerate %!B!& . !ertificate of Incorporation 5 3nvironmental !learance http:**///* !ertificate 1epartment of 3nvironment %1O3&

7 38port Registration !ertificate %3R!& 9 ire )icense ire 4ervice and !ivil 1efense % 40!1& : Import Registration !ertificate %IR!& Office of the !hief !ontroller of Imports 0 38ports %!!I03& ; Registration of oreign Investment* #oint $enture Board of Investment %BOI& < Registration of )ocal Investment 'ro(ects 6 Board of Investment %BOI& += Ta8 >oliday !ertificate 2ational Board of Revenue %2BR& ++ Ta8 Identification 2umber %TI2& 2ational Board of Revenue %2BR& +, Trade )icense for a !ommercial irm6 1haka !ity !orporation +. Trade )icense for a "anufacturing irm 6 1haka !ity !orporation +5 Trade "arks Registration 6 1epartment of 'atents? 1esigns 0 Trademarks %1'1T&


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

+7 $AT Registration 2ational Board of Revenue %2BR&

Resi"ence 'ermanent resident permits on investing C4D :7?=== and citiAenship on investing C4D 7==?=== Ta8 holidays: +. In the 1haka 0 !hittagong 1ivisions: +==B in first t/o years: 7=B in the year three and four: and ,7B in the year five. ,. In the Ra(shahi? Ehulna? 4ylhet? Barisal 1ivisions and three !hittagong >illy 1istricts: +==B for first three years? 7=B for ne8t three years? and ,7B for year seven De%reciation allo0ances +. Accelerated depreciation for ne/ industries is available at the rate of 7=B? .=B and ,=B for the first? second and third years respectively? on the cost of plant and machinery ,. !ash and added incentives to e8porting industries .. Businesses e8porting ;=B or more of goods or services qualify for duty free import of machinery and spares? bonded /arehousing 5. <=B loans against letters of credit and funds for e8port promotion 7. 38port credit guarantee scheme 9. 1omestic market sales of up to ,=B is allo/ed to e8port oriented business located outside an 38port 'rocessing Fone %3'F& on payment of relevant duties :. !ash incentives and e8port subsidies are granted on the ree on Board % OOB& value of selected e8ports ranging from 7B to ,=B on selected products.


S & F CONSULTING FIRM LIMITED An international business consultancy Firm in an!la"es#

Concessionary Duty on Im%orte" Ca%ital Mac#inery Import duty at the rate of :.7B ad valorem is payable on !apital "achinery and 4pares imported for initial installation or GBalancing? "oderniAation? Rehabilitation and 38pansionH %B"R*B"R3& of the e8isting industries. The value of spare parts should not? ho/ever? e8ceed +=B of the total cost and freight value of the machinery. Out of this? :.7B rate of duty payable? e8port6oriented industries and industries in the under developed areas? may en(oy a further concession of the import duty in the follo/ing manner: 1223 e+%ort oriente" in"ustries' 2o import duty is charged in case of capital machinery and spares listed in 2BRHs relevant notification. >o/ever? import duty at :.7B is secured in the form of a bank guarantee or an indemnity bond to be returned after installation of the machinery. Minimum 423 e+%ort oriente" in"ustries in "e/elo%e" areas' Import duty at ,.7B is charged in case of capital machinery and spares listed in 2BRHs relevant notification. Additional duty at 7B is secured in the form of a bank guarantee or cash deposit to be returned after installation of the machinery. Minimum 423 e+%ort oriente" in"ustries in "e/elo%e" areas' Import duty at 7B is charged in case of capital machinery and spares listed in 2BRHs relevant notification. Additional import duty at ,.7B is secured in the norm of a bank guarantee or cash deposit to be returned after installation of the machinery. Ot#er in"ustries outsi"e "e/elo%e" areas' Import duty at 7B is charged in case of capital machinery and spares listed in 2BRHs relevant notification. Additional import duty at ,.7B is secured in the form of a bank guarantee or cash deposit to be returned after installation of the machinery. Ot#er in"ustries in "e/elo%e" areas' Import duty at :.7B is charged in case of capital machinery and spares listed in 2BRHs relevant notification. $alue Added Ta8 %$AT& is not payable for imported capital machinery and spares. 1uties and ta8es on import of goods /hich are produced locally /ill be higher than those applicable to import of ra/ materials for producing such goods.


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