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Mod 10 essay question 1) Describe in details the process of obtaining a Prt-66 Basic License & then describe ho you

can obtain an e!tension to the basic license & ho you can obtain a type appro"al & ho you can add additional types# Basic license $here are % &ain require&ents that i &ust &eet before i can obtain a Part 66 basic license' $he % &ain require&ents are as follo s( 1) )ge( $he &ini&u& age to hold a part 66 license is 1* years old' +n order to certify ho e"er i ha"e to be ,1 years old' ,) -no ledge( + ould need to ha"e successfully co&pleted all the e!a&s that is required based on the syllabus in .)/) part 66' $he a&ount of e!a&s ould depend on the &odules required based on hich category that i a& applying for' + ould ha"e either self studied or trained at an appro"ed 101 training organi2ation' + ould need to sit for all those e!a&s at either an appro"ed 101 centre or a co&petent authority e!a& centre' %) .!perience( )fter satisfying both the age and 3no ledge require&ents4 + ould need to sub&it &y proof of or3 e!perience in the for& of logboo3s' $he a&ount ould depend on the category that + a& applying for' 5eductions in e!perience require&ents are gi"en to people ho ha"e trained in a part 101 training organi2ation or s3illed or3ers' 6nce all % require&ents ha"e been &eet4 an application "ia for& 17 together ith the logboo3 confor&ing e!perience and course co&pletion certificates8if applicable) be &ade to the co&petent authority' Type rating $he basic pre-requisite for a type rating is the basic license itself' $he type rating only applies to category B14 B, & 9 as the category ) license does not contain type ratings' $here are % &ain require&ents hich i ha"e to &eet' 1) )ppropriate $raining + &ust ha"e attended a type course at an appro"ed 101 organi2ation co"er both theory and practical aspects' hich

,) .!a&ination + &ust ha"e passed all the required e!a&inations in the type course

%) .!perience + &ust sub&it e!perience logboo3s on that particular aircraft type ith a &ini&u& of 0 &onths of or3ing

$o apply for the license4 i ould need to sub&it the appropriate application for& ith the required fees to the quality depart&ent' + ould need to be at least ,1 years of age to e!ercise &y pri"ileges'

Additional type approvals :or any additional type appro"als4 the procedure is the sa&e as the first type appro"al procedure' )ny additional type appro"als are independent of any type appro"al

Extensions to the basic license + ould need to satisfy , &ain require&ents 1) -no ledge + ould need to satisfy the 3no ledge require&ents of the .ngineer Licence ;uidance Docu&ent hich ould include sitting for additional e!a&s ,) .!perience + ould need to satisfy the e!perience require&ents as per the .ngineer License ;uidance Docu&ent' 6nce i ha"e satisfy both those require&ents4 + can apply for the e!tension "ia for& 17 ith the appropriate fees'

,) Describe the four anne!es of regulation 8.9) ,0,0<,00%4 their purpose & relationship 5egulation ,0,0<,00% establishes i&ple&enting rules for the continuing air orthiness of aircraft & aeronautical products4 parts4 applications & for the appro"al of organi2ations and personnel in"ol"ed' +t is applicable to all aircraft on the registers of .)/) &e&ber states e!cept &ilitary4 custo&s4 police or si&ilar ser"ices & to aircraft stated in )nne! , of the basic regulation' +t consist of 0 anne!es hich are )nne! 18Part M)4 )nne! ,8Part 10=)4 )nne! %8Part 66) & )nne! 08Part 101)' .ach anne! is &ade up of , parts hich are section )8procedures for personnel and organi2ations) and section B8procedures for co&petent authorities)' .ach anne! is further clarified by the )cceptable Means of 9o&pliance 8)M9) & the ;uidance Material8;M) Annex 1(Part M) +t establishes the co&&on technical require&ents & ad&inistrati"e procedures for ensuring the continuing air orthiness of aircraft' 5elationship ith )nne! ,8Part 10=) > for all large aircraft abo"e =100 -g M$?) or operated for 9o&&ercial air transport4 it &ust be &aintained by an appro"ed by a Part 10= organi2ation' 5elationship ith )nne! %8Part 66) > )ll crs has to be issued by a Part 66 appro"ed personnel' Part M is currently not applicable to non 9o&&ercial )ir $ransport aircraft until ,* /epte&ber ,00*'

Annex 2(Part 145) +t establishes the require&ents that need to be &et by an organi2ation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an appro"al for the &aintenance of aircraft and co&ponents' +t is currently not applicable to large aircraft not used for co&&ercial )ir transport until ,* sept ,00*' 5elationship ith )nne! %8part 66) > all certification for &aintenance has to be done by a part 66 qualified personnel


(Part !!)

+t establishes the require&ents for the issue of aircraft &aintenance license and the conditions of its "alidity & use' +t is currently not applicable to aircraft belo =100 -g M$?) until ,* /ept ,00*'


ith )nne! 08Part 101) >

$raining for basic license can be either be done at a Part 101 organi2ation or by self studying' $raining for a $ype course for category ) can be done by the 10= or the 101 organi2ation $raining for a $ype course for category B14 B, and 9 is by an appro"ed 101 hich is &andatory Annex 4(Part 14") +t establishes the require&ents to be &et by organi2ation see3ing to conduct training and e!a&ination of personnel as specified in Part 66'

%) Cou are a Part 10= co&pany' ?hat aspects ould need to be audited by the quality depart&ent to retain the co&pany appro"al & hat hu&an factor aspects ould be in"ol"ed' )n organogra& ould help your ans er'

B@)L+$C D.P)5$M.A$ )@D+$ PL)A )996@A$)B L. M;5 5.;@L)5 M..$+A;/ L+A. M)+A$ B)/. M)+A$ /$65 ./ B@)L+$ C /@B96A$5)9$6 5/

:..DB)9- 5.P65$ B@)L+$C :..DB)9- /C/$.M ) typical organi2ational organogra& ould loo3 li3e the abo"e'$he pri&ary purpose of a quality syste& is to enable the organi2ation to ensure that it can deli"er a safe product and that the organi2ation re&ains in co&pliance ith the require&ents' $he quality depart&ent ould nor&ally conduct independent audits on all the depart&ents based on the audit plan hich is laid do n in the co&pany e!position' )spects that need to be auditedD 1) $he facilities to carry out planned or3

$here should be segregated or3shops and bays protected fro& the eather' $here should also be a large enough or3 area ith proper or3ing en"iron&ents hich ta3e into account all hu&an factors hich could degrade e&ployee producti"ity'8lighting4 dust4 noise) ,) )ppro"ed personnel $here should be an accountable &anager to ensure that the organi2ation has enough resources to carry out all planned or3' $here should also be a person to &onitor the quality syste&' %) .nough certifying staff

$here should be sufficient part 66 qualified personnel to carry out all certifying require&ents 0) .nough equip&ent4 tools and &aterial $here should be sufficient equip&ent4 test sets4 calibrated tools & &aterial to carry out all tas3

=) Procedures for acceptance of co&ponents $here should be proper procedures in place to ensure only appro"ed co&ponents are accepted into the stores & used on the aircraft' 6) Maintenance data is current & updated $his is to ensure only up to date & current data is used for the &aintenance of aircraft 1) Production Planning to ensure correct planning ith resources

$his is to ensure that all aircraft are &aintained to the li&its of the chec3 cycles as stated in the &aintenance schedule of each aircraft to ensure continued air orthiness *) 9ertification of Maintenance 7) ) proper syste& to store &aintenance records $his is to ensure that all &aintenance records & the history of &aintenance of the aircraft is 3ept for the periods stated in the require&ents 10) ) adequate occurrence reporting syste&

$his is to ensure that any accidents or incidents is reported to the proper channels 11) ) safety and quality policy

6nce the audit has been co&pleted4 a feedbac3 report hich contains the details of all the findings4 reco&&endations for the findings4 datelines and date of the ne!t audit ill be prepared & sub&itted "ia the Buality :eedbac3 syste& to the accountable &anager' $here ill be regular &eetings ith bet een the accountable &anager and heads of each depart&ent to ensure that any findings are rectified & co&plied ith' Eu&an :actor aspects

Eu&an factors plays a "ery i&portant role in the operation of a part 10= organi2ation' Because of that4 hu&an factors training are no a require&ent for all personnel in the organisation' $his training should be conducted for all personnel as part as a continuation training a &ini&u& of e"ery , years' Besides that all other hu&an factors li3e lighting4 the le"el of noise4 dust and etc &ust also be ta3es into consideration hen this audits are conducted'

0) Describe the purpose of the )A64 B9)54 9o&&ission 5egulation8.9) ,0,0<,00% & 9o&&ission 5egulation 8.9) 110,<,00% & describe the relationship bt the&' #elationship @nited -ingdo& Legislation > 9reate & e&po er Parlia&ent .uropean 9o&&unity .uropean

@- Parlia&ent 9i"il )"iation )ct

9ouncil 5egulation ,16<,00* .uropean )"iation

9i"il )"iation )uthority /afety )gency

)nne! , .!cluded )ircraft 5equire&ents 9o&&ission Binding by la @- Parlia&ent )ir Aa"igation 6rder Prt ,1 8.9) ,00,<,00% )nne! 1 Part M )nne! , Part 10= )nne! % Part 66 )nne! 0 Part 101 .uropean 8.9) 110,<,00%

)cceptable Means of 9o&pliance )nd guidance &aterial' ;M4 etc Aot Binding by La


.)/) 9/ ,%4 ,=4 ,14 )M94

$he 9i"il )"iation )ct and 8.9) ,16<,00* are both equal in hich they ha"e been debated in parlia&ent and has been passed as legislation' $his ould be the principal act of parlia&ent hich regulates the ci"il a"iation industry in both @& .urope' Both of this ha"e allo ed and gi"en po er to the creation of 9)) & .)/) respecti"ely' 9urrently as it stands4 all aircraft e!pect those stated in 8.9) ,16<,00* are subFect to the i&ple&enting rules and certification specifications of .)/)' $his &eans that all those aircraft classified as non-easa aircraft in 8.9) ,16<,00* ould still be subFected to the rules and require&ents of the ci"il a"iation act and )A6' $he )A64 8.9) 110,<,00% and 8.9) ,0,0<,00% are the principal statutory instru&ent in regulating air na"igation' $hey are binding by la ' $hey contain all the require&ents hich need to be &eet in the ci"il a"iation industry' )lthough the )A64 8.9) 110,<,00% and 8.9) ,0,0<,00% establishes in la the basis for the regulation of the ci"il a"iation industry 4 it does not pro"ide specific details of hat is to be achie"ed' $his infor&ation is pro"ided in publications such as B9)54 .)/) 9ertification /pecifications4 )M9 and ;M' $his are considered the acceptable &eans of co&pliance or guidance &aterial hich are not binding by la ' P$rpose% )A6 > is the principal statutory instru&ent regulating air na"igation' +t establishes in la the basis for the regulation of the ci"il a"iation industry' B9)5 > 9o&prises of &ini&u& technical require&ents and ad&inistrati"e procedures that for& the basis for the &anufacture of aircraft4 the appro"al of equip&ent4 the appro"al of design4 &anufacturing and &aintenance organisations4 the appro"al of personnel4 certification and continued air orthiness procedures' 8.9) 110,<,00% > lays do n i&ple&enting rules for the air orthiness and en"iron&ental certification of aircraft and related products4 parts and appliances as ell as for the certification of design and production' 8.9) ,0,0<,00% > for the continuing air orthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products4 parts and appliances and the appro"al of organi2ations and personnel in"ol"ed in these tas3 8.9) ,16<,00* > co&&on rules in the field of ci"il a"iation and establishing a .)/)

=) Describe the procedures and require&ents of a &aintenance organi2ation obtaining a part 10= appro"al $he application of a part 10= appro"al should be &ade to the co&petent authority "ia .)/) :or& ,' :or organi2ations ha"ing their principal business in Me&ber states4 the co&ponent authority ould refer to the authority designated by that &e&ber state and for organi2ations ha"ing their principal business located in a third country4 the co&petent authority ould be .)/)' ?hen applying for a part 10=4 there a fe different appro"als hich can be applied for' )n organi2ational &ay be granted an appro"al ranging fro& a single class rating ith li&itations to all classes and ratings ith li&itations' $he different type of classes are as follo s( ) 9ategory G)H class > +s for &aintenance of aircraft or co&ponent 8including engines<apu) only hile such co&ponents are fitted to the aircraft' ) 9ategory GBH class > +s for &aintenance of uninstalled engine<apu and engine<apu co&ponents hile such co&ponents are fitted to the engine<apu'

) 9ategory 9 class > +s for &aintenance of uninstalled co&ponents e!pect engine<apu intended for fit&ent on aircraft or engine<apu' ) 9ategory D class > +s for non-destructi"e inspection ?hen sub&itting an application for a part 10= appro"al4 the organi2ation needs to sub&it a &aintenance organi2ation e!position 8M6.) hich details the scope of or3 dee&ed to constitute the appro"al sho ing ho the organi2ation intends to co&ply ith part 10= require&ents' $he e!position should contain the follo ing4 a general organi2ation structure4 details of the &anage&ent tea& and their roles4 the organi2ation safety and quality policy4 the &aintenance procedures of the organi2ation and additional line &aintenance procedures if applicable' $his e!position should be a&ended as necessary to re&ain an up to date description of the organi2ation here any subsequent a&end&ent ould need to be appro"ed by the co&petent authority' @pon sub&ission of the application and M6.4 the co&petent shall "erify that the procedures specified in the M6. co&plies ith all the require&ents of part 10=' $his co&pliance ill be "erified "ia audits' $he audit report for& should be .)/) :or& 6' )ny findings should be recorded in this for& as either being le"el 1 or le"el , findings' $he co&petent authority shall record all findings4 closure actions8 action to close the findings) and reco&&endations' 6nce all the findings ha"e been corrected4 the initial appro"al can be issued' $he co&petent authority shall then for&ally appro"e the M6. and ill issue .)/) :or& % appro"al certificate hich includes the appro"al ratings' $he conditions of the appro"al ill also be stated in :or& %' $his ill only be done once the co&petent authority is fully satisfied that the organi2ation is in full co&pliance ith part 10=' $he reference nu&ber of each organi2ation shall be a unique nu&eric nu&ber hich ill be stated on :or& %' $he "alidity of the appro"al is for an unli&ited duration' )ny changes to na&e4 address4 appro"al scope and rating and ne base facilities should be notified to the co&petent authority so changes to the appro"al certificate can &ade in accordance to the required procedures'

6) Describe the require&ents for the issue of a part 66 category ) license and the procedures to obtain authorisation on this license# ) category ) license per&its the holder to issue certificates of release to ser"ice follo ing &inor scheduled line acti"ities and si&ple defect rectification ithin the li&its of tas3s specifically endorsed in their authorisation' $he certification pri"ileges are strictly restricted to or3 that the authorisation holder has personally perfor&ed in a part 10= organisation' $he ) license is di"ided into four sub-categories )1 > )eroplanes $urbine > .ngines ), - )eroplanes Piston > .ngines )% > Eelicopter $urbine >.ngines )0 > Eelicopter Piston > .ngines hich are(

Basic License )pplication for the basic license should be done "ia :or& 17. to the co&petent authority' $here are three &ain things an applicant &ust satisfy before being granted a 9ategory ) basic license( 1) )ge( $he &ini&u& age to hold a part 66 license is 1* years old' +n order to certify ho e"er the applicant ould ha"e to be ,1 years old' ,) -no ledge( $he applicant ould need to ha"e successfully co&pleted all the e!a&s that is required based on the syllabus in .)/) part 66' $he applicant ould ha"e either self studied or trained at an appro"ed 101 training organi2ation' $he applicant ould need to sit for all those e!a&s at either an appro"ed 101 centre or a co&petent authority e!a& centre' %) .!perience( )fter satisfying both the age and 3no ledge require&ents4 the applicant ould need to sub&it his<her proof of or3 e!perience in the for& of logboo3s' $he current e!perience require&ent for a category ) basic license is % years of practical &aintenance e!perience on operating aircraft if the applicant doesnHt ha"e any pre"ious rele"ant technical training' $his can be reduced to , years if the applicant has had training considered rele"ant by the co&petent authority as a s3illed or3ed' +t can be further reduced to only 1 year if the applicant has co&pleted an appro"ed 101 organisation basic training course' )t least 1 year of this required practical e!perience &ust be recent &aintenance e!perience on the aircraft of the category ) basic license being applied for' 6nce all % require&ents ha"e been &eet4 an application "ia for& 17. together ith the logboo3 confor&ing e!perience and course co&pletion certificates8if applicable) be &ade to the co&petent authority' )uthorisation on this license $he holder of a category ) basic license &ay only e!ercise their certification pri"ileges on a specific aircraft type follo ing the satisfactory co&pletion of rele"ant category ) aircraft tas3 training carried out by an appro"ed 10= or 101 organi2ation' $his training shall include practical hands on training and theoretical training as appropriate for each tas3 authorised' /atisfactory co&pletion of training shall be de&onstrated by an e!a&ination or by a or3place assess&ent carried out by the appro"ed 10= or 101 organisation hich ill then issue an authorisation for the applicant on his basic license'

1) ?hat are the require&ents for coc3pit "oice recorder in co&&ercial transport a<c# Discuss the require&ents to release an aircraft ithout a 9I5# $he coc3pit "oice recorder 89I5) is designed to record cre con"ersation and co&&unication into a &e&ory unit in flight and on ground' 5equire&ents of non co&&ercial air transport aircraft :or any aircraft hich is required by the )A6 /chedule 0 to be equipped ith a 9I54 the 9I5 shall start recording fro& the start of the ta3eoff run to the end of the landing run' +t should be able to record and preser"e the last %0 &inutes of its operation on not less than 0 separate channels' 5equire&ents for non co&&ercial helicopters

:or any helicopter hich is required by the )A6 /chedule 0 to be equipped ith a 9I54 the 9I5 shall al ays start recording fro& the ti&e the rotors first turn for the purpose of ta3ing off until the rotors are ne!t stopped' +t should be able to record and preser"e the last 60 &inutes of its operation on not less than % separate channels' 5equire&ents for co&&ercial air transport aircraft first issued ith an indi"idual 9ertificate of )ir orthiness on or after 1 st )pril 177* and abo"e =100 3g @nder this require&ent4 the 9I5 shall record in ithin a ti&e scale the co&&unication of flight cre on the coc3pit using radio4 aeroplanes interphone syste& and public address syste&' +t should also record the aural en"iron&ent in the coc3pit and the "oice<audio signals identifying na"igation or approach aids introduced into the headset or spea3er' $he 9I5 shall be able of retaining infor&ation recorded during at least the last , hours of its operation' $he 9I5 &ust start auto&atically to record prior to the aeroplane &o"ing under its o n po er and continue to record until the ter&ination of the flight hen the aircraft is no longer capable of &o"ing under its o n po er' $he 9I5 should also ha"e a de"ice to assist in locating it in ater' :or all other aircraft hich are used for co&&ercial air transport but do not fall under the abo"e category4 all the abo"e applies ith one e!ception here instead of being able to retain infor&ation recorded during at least the last , hours of its operation4 it only has to retain infor&ation recorded during at least the last %0 &inutes of its operation' 5equire&ents to release an aircraft ithout a 9I5

?ith regards to the )A64 it stated that an aircraft shall not be required to carry the 9I5 if before ta3eoff the equip&ent is found to be unser"iceable' $he aircraft can fly in accordance ith the arrange&ents &ade ith the 9))' $hose arrange&ents are nor&ally contained in an aircraft M.L and are specific to that particular aircraft type' $a3ing a Boeing 111- ,00 aircraft for e!a&ple4 the 9I5 &ay be inoperati"e pro"ided the flight data recorder operates nor&ally and repairs to the 9I5 needs to be carried out ithin the stated inter"al in the M.L hich is ithin 1, hours' 6n top of that4 &aintenance personnel are required to place a placard indicating the 9I5 is in-operati"e on the 9I5 panel to indicate to the flight cre that the 9I5 is unser"iceable'

*) $here is a deferred defect that affects both auto-land and .$6P/ capability' Describe in detail4 ho you ould ensure any replace&ent parts are co&patible and ho you ould return the aircraft to ser"ice' .$6P/ stand for e!tended range t in operations are those flights conducted o"er a route that contains a point further than an hour flying ti&e at the appro"ed one engine inoperati"e cruise speed fro& an adequate airport'

)uto-land capability &eans a syste& hich allo s precision instru&ent approach to touchdo n hich is perfor&ed by the autopilot syste& ith instru&ent landing syste&8+L/) assist' $he Mini&u& equip&ent list describes ite&s affecting .$6P/ and )utoland capability' +n order to ensure operational integrity4 .$6P/ and )utoland flight4 a &ore restricti"e M.L is required' /o&e of these ite&s hen deferred ith cause the aircraft status to be do ngraded to either a non-etops aircraft or no autoland capability respecti"ely' $he follo ing flo chart ill help enhance the troubleshooting process hen dealing ith .$6P/ or autoland'

D.:.9 $

5.9$+:+9)$+ 6A 9E)A;.D P)5$

D.::.5.D D.:.9$


.$6P/ D6?A;5)D . )@$6L)AD .::.9$.D

.$6P/ P)5$

/@B/+$@$. A6A-.$6P/ P)5$

5)+/. DDL- )<9 D6?A;5)D. $6 A6A-.$6P/

9L.)5 $.9E L6; ;ather +nfor&ation )s the defect has already been deferred4 i ill refer to the deferred defect logboo3 to get &ore infor&ation on the particular proble&' +f the proble& has already been identified and the proble& Fust requires a replace&ent of a co&ponent4 i ould chec3 to see if the replace&ent part has already been preordered' +f it has i ould refer to the appropriate &aintenance &anual for the procedures in carry out the replace&ent' +f the proble& has been identified but the replace&ent spares ha"e not been ordered4 i ould refer to the appropriate illustrated parts catalog for the part nu&ber of the co&ponent i require' $his process is quite critical because the part i order has to etops co&patible' $he +P9 ill state if the part is etops or non-etops ite&s' + ould then proceed in ordering the part'

5ectification @pon recei"ing the co&ponent fro& the stores4 i ould chec3 the ne ite& part nu&ber4 &odification status4 effecti"ity and cross refer it to the +P9 to ensure it is

the correct part' + ould then perfor& a "isual inspection on the co&ponent to ensure it is not da&aged and ser"iceable' + ould then proceed in carrying out the replace&ent of the co&ponent as per the procedures set out in the aircraft &aintenance &anual' 6nce the co&ponent has been installed4 i ould label the unser"iceable co&ponent hich i had re&o"ed and return to the particular or3shop or &anufacturer or e"en the store depending on hich as necessary' +nspection and :unctional )fter co&pleting the replace&ent4 i ould do a final inspection to ensure that all the or3 that is required has been carried out before proceeding to do a functional test' Before carrying out a functional test4 i ill ensure that all safety aspects that need to be done ha"e been carried out' +: the co&ponent requires a duplicate inspection4 i ould ensure that a equally qualified &aintenance personnel has done a duplicate inspection' 9learing of paper or3 6nce all the functional ha"e been carried out and are found satisfactory4 i as an .$6P/ qualified &aintenance personnel ill certify the all the required paper or3' )s this is a deferred defect4 i ould ha"e to clear the deferred defect logboo3 and technical log here necessary' )s this tas3 also in"ol"ed tht replace&ent of a co&ponent4 i ould also ha"e to enter the co&ponent change details4 defect ite& nu&ber4 serial nu&ber off and on4 part nu&ber off and on' +f the tas3 in"ol"ed a duplicate inspection4 i ould ha"e to certify the 1 st part of the duplicate and ensure the ,nd part of the duplicate is certified by the engineer ho carried out the inspection' /ince etops is critical4 it &ay require a "erification flight to ensure the ser"iceability of the aircraft' +f this is required4 i ould &a3e a technical log entry and defer it by raising a defer defect logboo3 entry' + ould raise a notice to cre requesting the& to carry out an .$6P/ "erification flight' $he captain ill record in the defect colu&n of the technical log sector record after co&pleting the 70 &inutes of flight4 J.$6P/ "erification flight satisfactory for !!! &inutes8 here !!! &inutes is the &a!i&u& .$6P/ di"ersion ti&e that the aircraft is capable of' +f it ta3es longer than 70 &inutes to e"aluate4 the aircraft ould be dispatched as a non .$6P/ flight' :or satisfactory "erification flight4 the aircraft defer defect logboo3 and notice to cre ill be cleared at the ne!t station using the technical log sector record if the "erification as satisfactory' $he aircraft defer defect logboo3 ill re&ain open for unsatisfactory "erification flight' +f the part replaced as not an appro"ed etops part4 i ould do the replace&ent of the part as the replace&ent section and then certify the paper or3 as a non etops flight'

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