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The Salvation Equation Isaiah 43:4 God thinks that I am precious God loves me.

e. Jeremiah 31:3 God's love for me is never-ending. God draws me with His loving kindness. John 3:16 God loves me a lot. His love prompted Him to give His most prized possession: His Son. He gave His Son because He wanted to find a way for me to be with Him forever. If I believe in His Son, I will not perish, but will have everlasting life. 1 John 4:9 God's love was revealed to me when He sent His Son into the world. He sent His Son into the world so that I may have life through His Son. There is no other way for me to have eternal life except through Jesus the Son. 1 John 4:10 God sent His Son, not because we loved Him, but because He loved us. God sent His Son so that His Son(not our works) may be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus' death is sufficient enough to atone for my sins. My own death, without a resurrection, is sufficient enough to atone for my sins. Romans 5:8 God exhibits His love. He does this by doing something. He sent His Son to die for us while we did not love Him. God still did this even though there was a possibility that there would be nothing in it for Him. Romans 6:23 The just recompense for sin is death. This recompense can either be my death or Jesus' death. Therefore, I should not be permitted to live, but should be condemned to death. God's gift is eternal life through Jesus. Eternal life can come through Jesus Christ only. 1 John 3:1 God gives me the opportunity to be recognized as His child. This is in spite of the numberless amount of sins that I have previously committed. The way that I can take advantage of this opportunity is found in John 1:12

John 1:12 Becoming a son of God is conditional. In order to become a son, I must receive Jesus. When I receive Jesus, I also receive power to become a son of God. If I believe on the name of Jesus, I will receive power to become a son of God. John 10:15 Jesus lays down His life for the sheep. 1 John 3:16 Jesus laid down His life for me. Hebrews 2:9 Jesus tasted my death. This only occurred by the grace of God. Romans 3:23 I have sinned. I have come short of God's glory. John 15:5 I cannot save myself. I cannot atone for my past sins through my own efforts. I cannot make myself holy. 1 John 1:9 Forgiveness is conditional. Cleansing is conditional. Jesus is willing to forgive me and cleanse me if I confess my sins. If I do not confess my sins, Jesus cannot forgive me or cleanse me. John 6:47 Everlasting life can begin today. Everlasting life is obtained and maintained under certain conditions. Those who believe on Jesus have everlasting life. Those who do not believe on Jesus do not have everlasting life. Romans 3:24 Justification is free. Justification comes by God's grace. Redemption is available through Christ Jesus. Romans 3:28 I can be justified by faith. My justification has nothing to do with me doing good works.

Ephesians 2:8-9 Grace is able to save me. Grace alone is not enough to save me. I need to have faith that God's grace alone is enough to save me. Salvation does not come from myself. It comes through having faith in God's grace. This salvation by grace is not earned by good works. It's God's gift to me once I have faith in it. If salvation hinged upon my own works, I would have a reason to boast.. but since it is a free gift that I can only receive through faith, I cannot boast. 2 Corinthians 5:17 I have the ability to be in Christ. Once I am in Christ, I am a new creature. Old things pass away when I am in Christ. All things become new when I am in Christ. John 15:11 Jesus tells me/gives me commandments for a reason. Jesus tells me/gives me commandments so that I may have His joy and so that I may have fulness of joy. Jesus wants me to keep His commandments so that I would remain happy. John 8:36 The Son, who is the Truth, is the only one who can make me free. My own works will never make me free from the law of sin and death. When Jesus makes me free, He means it. I am truly free from the law of sin and death. John 10:10 The thief comes for a purpose. His purpose is to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Jesus came for a purpose. He came to give life. Jesus wants to give me life. This life Jesus came to give was to be more abundant than the previous life. Galatians 2:20 When Christ was crucified, He died. So when I am crucified, I die. This is figurative, for I am still alive after this crucifixion. This is not me who is actually alive, but it is Christ living in me. This new life where Christ lives in me is a life that I can live through having faith in Jesus, the One who loved me, and devoted His whole earthly existence to my salvation. Identifying Jesus as the One who loves you is crucial to living the new life of faith. Philippians 4:13 If Christ gives me strength, I can do all things. I cannot do all things on my own. John 14:15 If we love Jesus, we will keep His commandments.

The motive for obedience is not salvation, but love for what Jesus has done for us 1 John 5:3 Obedience is an indication that a person loves God. When I love God, keeping His commandments will not be burdensome. 1 John 2:5 The love of God is perfected in those who obey Him. You can tell if someone is in Jesus by seeing if they obey Him. 1 John 3:22 When we love God, and obey Him, and do things that please Him, He gives us things that we ask for. Revelation 14:12 The saints keep God's commandments. The saints have the faith of Jesus. Revelation 12:11 The saints overcome Satan. The saints do not overcome Satan in their own strength. The saints overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb. The saints overcome Satan by the word of their testimony. The saints would rather obey God and die as a consequence rather than disobey God and remain alive as a consequence. Romans 6:4 We are buried into Christ's death by Baptism. After baptism, we should walk in a new life. Romans 6:6 Our old man is crucified with Jesus. This is done so that the body of sin might be destroyed. From that point on, when the old man is crucified with Jesus, I should no longer serve sin. John 5:39 The Scriptures testify of Jesus. For me to love Jesus, I must know Him. For me to know Him, I must study the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Jesus speaks to me through His word. Prayer allows me to speak to Jesus. Prayer should occur often. I should pray about everything and anything. Colossians 2:6 We should walk in Christ by faith, for we received Him by faith.

1 Corinthians 15:31 I am naturally evil. I must consecrate myself to God daily. I must accept what He has done for me daily. I must deny myself and my old life of sin daily so that Christ can live in me. Hebrews 13:5 Jesus will never leave me. Jesus will never forsake me. Therefore, I should not be covetous because He is the best thing that I have. In addition to this, I should be satisfied with whatever possessions I have because I have Him.

It is not hard to please someone you love. If you love Jesus, you will obey Him. If you know Jesus, you will love Him.

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