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Change Log: Jan 7, 2008 - Jim Clark - Fixed bug with the "isDirty" flag and the Carb

Panel so that all recipes arn't always dirty or in need of being saved all the time - Fixed Salt toString functions. Jan 7, 2008 - Drew Avis - Fixed broken format string in WaterProfile.toString(). - Fixed a bug on the Note tab where notes were being lost. - Made debug output optional (w/ -d command line option) Jan 5, 2008 - Jim Clark - Down to 1 Type safty warrnings by implemeing various Collection<Type> stuff in various places. The one remaining is due to calling Generics unfrinedly SWING code. - Moved prime sugar and keg presure calcs into Recipe from UI - Moved water treatment/acid/salt calcs into recipe - Added acid to save/load/xlst printing - Acid pulls values from source and target water (perhaps a bad thing?) - Changed some class comparisons to use instanceof keyword instead of string com pareing the class name Jan 3-4, 2008 - Drew Avis - Added some tooltips for toolbar buttons - Added copy to clipboard toolbar button - Fixed bug where a new hop had Add and Type switched - You can now set target vol on the carbonation tab - Tried to get priming sugar amount to re-calculate when you set targetVol on th e recipe, but gave up - Cleaned up some Java 1.6 things (String.isEmpty) - Made a few changes to reduce compiler warnings (use of raw ArrayList) Dec 28, 2007 - Jim Clark - Consolidated a lot of fixed strings scatetred though out app into static strin gs to help prevent fat fingers and what not and to create more readable code. Still more to do, especialy in Quantity(), but I got most of them. - Fixed bug with Salt check boxes not adding/removeing salt from recipe (addActi onListner()) - Fixed water calc bug where app was telling user to add salts when they already had the target value or higher. - Fixed shallow copy of Salt out of database into (partial) deep copy - First run at acidification (needs save/load/print and options) Dec 27, 2007 - Jim Clark - Save/load/export added for water profile and salts - A few bugs with implementation of water treatment cleaned up - A bug with notes display in xlst fixed - Default Water profile in options and prefs dialog - TODO: allow user to add water profiles without having to manual edit DB files Dec 25, 2007 - Jim Clark - Basic structure for Water Treatment and Brewing Salts - GUI started - Water and salt database implemented - Water and salts added to Recipe - Basic salt calulations

- TODO: acid calcs/gui, save/load into xml, xlst printing, options Dec 20, 2007 - Jim Clark - Added keg line length to carb panel and options - Added conversion tool dialog for pressure, temp, gravity, volume and weight Dec 19, 2007 - Jim Clark - Properties for carb panel implemented - Export to html for carb implemented - Quantity.Converter and ilk now static so a nre Quanity object doesn't need to be instantiated to convert a weight or volume Dec 18, 2007 - Jim Clark - Completed functionality of carbonation panel, still doesn't have selectable de fault settings in options dialog. - Rolled back useing malts.csv and added a new prime_sugar.csv, which is used. Dec 14, 2007 - Jim Clark - Completed fermentation schedual functionality (save and xml->html export) - Revamped xlst to include all data on sheet. Much nicer output now, usable for a brewday sheet. - Fixed note display and UI panel - Moved some string lists into their prespective 'home' classes (mash types in M ash for example) - Added a field to malts.csv to determine if the malt/adjuct is suitable for use as a primeing sugar - Turned Database into a singleton - Carbonation prime sugar list comes from malts.cvs - Saveing and Loading carb data - NOTE does not reflect in carb tab - Carb tab has lots of TODO left!!!! It is currently non-functional Dec 13, 2007 - Jim Clark - Added fermentation schedual tab and infrastructure. Commented out of StrangeSw ing because it is missing save and pring functionality. Dec 12, 2007 - Jim Clark Changes to Date from 2.0.1 - Applied Patch 1845484 - Request 1489276 - Addes configurable default hop type (Leaf, Pellet, Plug) - Applied Patch 1845847 - Fixes 1489252 - Text field auto selection - Fixed 1493279 - Implimented custom combobox and combobox cell editor to allow better UI on tabled combo boxes and to support keyboard navigation - Request 1497970 - Mash Steps insert at end of list - Request 1222300 - Added Gravity Teperature Tool Dialog - Fixes 1480514 - Added selectable user locale which affects date format - Fixes 1493267 - Changed default bottle unit and size to imperal - UI improvments to the saved "default" mash shceduals; TODO impliment a delete function - Turned Options into a singleton - added isDirty tag to Recipe to determine if it needs saveing or not

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