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Wordlist: English to French

le tt er

Unit no. 6 3 11

Page no. 53 27 99

English word admission admission fee advertisement

n, v, adj, adv, prep n n n

French Franais entre prix d'entre publicit

a a a

a a a a

3 5 5 5

30 48 48 44

afford (can) amazed amusing anger

v adj adj n

avoir les moyens d'acheter tonn amusant colre

a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b

11 5 2 8 1 3 5 12 12 9 11 6 5 3 1

99 48 23 77 13 27 47 108 108 84 99 53 49 32 10

announcement annoyed apologise apostrophe armchair art gallery ashamed ask ask for athletics attraction audience awful backpack balcony

n adj v n n n adj v v n n n adj n n

annonce ennuy s'excuser apostrophe fauteuil galerie d'art avoir honte demander demander athltisme attraction public affreux sac dos balcon

b b b b b

8 9 9 11 9

74 81 84 98 84

bald bandage bat bat beat

adj n n n v

chauve pansement batte chauve-souris vaincre

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 12 1 1 12 1 7 7 9 4 10 3 5

Page no. 112 13 12 112 13 62 65 84 38 88 27 47

English word behind bell belong between blanket blow board board boiling book book ahead bored

n, v, adj, adv, prep prep n v prep n v v n adj v v adj

French Franais derrire sonnette appartenir entre couverture souffler monter dans / bord de planche torride rserver rserver l'avance qui s'ennuie

a b b b b b b b b b b b b

b b

10 8

92 71

borrow bring up

v v

emprunter lever

b b b b b c c c c c

8 9 1 10 6 4 2 8 6 3

74 81 14 92 57 38 16 77 52 31

broad shoulders bruise bulb butcher button calm canteen capital letter cartoon catch up with

n n n n n adj n n n v

larges paules bleu ampoule boucher bouton calme cantine majuscule dessin anim rattraper








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Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 9 6

Page no. 85 52

English word challenge chat show

n, v, adj, adv, prep n n

French Franais dfi mission-dbat

c c

c c c

7 5 3

65 49 32

check-in cheerful chess

n adj n

enregistrement joyeux checs

c c c c c c

1 8 7 11 8 9

13 75 69 101 70 81

chest of drawers childish climate climate change coach cold

n adj n n n n

commode enfantin climat changement climatique entraneur rhume






comedy series

srie de comdie

c c

8 12

73 106

comma communicate

n v

virgule communiquer

c c

12 9

108 85

communication competition

n n

communication comptition

c c c c c

10 8 11 11 1

92 71 99 99 13

complain confident confirmation connection consist (of)

v adj n n v

se plaindre confiant confirmation rapport consister en

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 1 1 1 1 1 6 9

Page no. 11 13 13 11 11 57 81

English word contain cooker corridor cosy cottage cotton cough

n, v, adj, adv, prep v n n adj n n n

French Franais contenir cuisinire couloir douillet maisonnette coton toux

c c c c c c c

c c c c c c c c

10 9 5 11 11 7 4 1

89 84 47 98 100 67 38 13

course court crazy about creature crocodile crossroads crowded cushion

n n adj n n n adj n

plat terrain fou de crature crocodile carrefour plein de monde coussin

c d d d d d d d d d d

3 3 4 7 5 10 4 5 1 11 5

32 29 36 62 49 92 38 47 11 99 47

cyclist deal with deep degree delighted dentist department store depressed design development disappointed

n v adj n adj n n adj n n adj

cycliste s'occuper de profond degr ravi dentiste grand magasin dprim plan dveloppement du

d d d

11 9 10

99 81 89

discussion disease dish

n n n

discussion maladie plat

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 8 3 6 12 10 11 12 4 9 2 6 5 5 4 9 11 11 4 11

Page no. 75 26 52 106 92 100 106 38 81 22 57 48 44 38 80 101 99 38 99

English word dishonest diving documentary dork dry cleaner duck dude dull earache earn a wage earring embarrassing emotional empty energy energy conservation enjoyment enormous entertainment

n, v, adj, adv, prep adj n n n n n n adj n v n adj adj adj n n n adj n

French Franais malhonnte plonge documentaire pauvre type teinturerie, pressing canard mec ennuyeux mal d'oreille, otite gagner boucle d'oreille embarrassant sensible vide nergie conomie d'nergie plaisir norme spectacle, divertissement excitant exister expliquer

d d d d d d d d e e e e e e e e e e e

e e e

5 1 2

48 12 23

exciting exist explain

adj v v

e f f f f

4 2 5 6 5

38 18 49 57 44

extremely fail an exam fantastic fashionable fear

adv v adj adj n

extrmement chouer un examen merveilleux la mode peur

f f

3 7

29 65

feel like ferry

v n

avoir envie de ferry

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 4 6 9 4 9 7 5 10 7 10

Page no. 38 56 80 38 81 62 47 88 62 92

English word filthy find out fit flat flu fog fond food forecast fork

n, v, adj, adv, prep adj v adj adj n n adj n n n

French Franais crasseux dcouvrir en forme plat grippe brouillard aimer beaucoup nourriture prvision mto fourchette

f f f f f f f f f f

f f f f f f

3 4 4 1 5 7

28 38 38 13 48 62

formal fountain freezing fridge frightening frost

adj n adj n adj n

soutenu fontaine glacial rfrigrateur, frigo effrayant gel


full stop


g g g g g g g g

10 12 5 5 3 6 5 7

92 106 49 45 29 56 45 62

garage geek generous get on well with someone get on with get to know get together get wet

n n adj

garage intello coinc gnreux s'entendre bien avec continuer apprendre connatre se rassembler, se voir tre mouill, se mouiller

v v v v

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 11 3

Page no. 101 29

English word giraffe give up

n, v, adj, adv, prep n v

French Franais girafe abandonner

g g

g g g

10 9 3

94 84 31

glass glove go off

n n v

verre gant ne plus apprcier quelqu'un, quelque chose durer graffiti grand-pre reconnaissant grandir deviner pension de famille guide touristique gymnastique

g g g g g g g g g

3 12 8 5 8 1 7 7 9

29 106 70 49 71 12 67 67 83

go on graffiti grandfather grateful grow up guess guesthouse guidebook gymnastics

v n n adj v v n n n

h h

5 10

49 92

habit hairdresser

n n

habitude 1 coiffeur 2 salon de coiffure

h h h h h h h h h

10 10 6 7 8 2 7 9 3

94 94 57 68 75 22 68 81 27

hairdryer hammer handbag harbour hard-working have fun head back headache healthy

n n n n adj v v n adj

sche-cheveux marteau sac main port bosseur s'amuser rentrer mal de tte sain, en bonne sante

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 7

Page no. 68

English word helicopter

n, v, adj, adv, prep n

French Franais hlicoptre

h h h

3 4 7

32 38 67

helmet hilly hitchhike

n adj v

casque vallon faire de l'autostop

h h h

8 9 8

75 82 77

honest hurt hyphen

adj v n

honnte avoir mal trait d'union


ice hockey

hockey sur glace

i i i i i

7 1 11 12 1

62 12 99 112 12

icy improve improvement in front of include

adj v n prep v

glac amliorer amlioration devant inclure

i i i i i i i j j j j

9 12 3 6 11 11 2 5 9 3 12

81 112 32 53 99 99 23 44 84 31 108

injure inside instrument interval invention invitation invite jealousy jogging join in joke

v prep n n n n v n n v n

blesser dans instrument entracte invention invitation inviter jalousie jogging participer blague

j k k

4 5 10

36 45 94

journey keen knife

n adj n

voyage passionn couteau

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 6

Page no. 56

English word know

n, v, adj, adv, prep v

French Franais connatre, savoir





l l l

8 2 10

75 17 92

lazy learn library

adj v n

paresseux apprendre bibliothque

l l l l l

12 7 6 4 10

108 62 55 38 91

lie lightning live lively loaf

n n adj adj n

mensonge clair en direct anim miche, pain

l l m m m m m m m m m m m m

3 2 10 2 8 3 4 12 1 10 5 9 6 10

28 18 92 22 71 30 35 106 12 88 49 81 56 94

look forward to lose make an appointment make friends make up make up for market Martian matter meal mean medicine meet metal

v v

avoir hte de perdre prendre rendezvous se faire des amis inventer compenser march Martien tre important repas avare, radin mdicament faire la connaissance de mtal

v v v n n v n adj n v n




Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 7 1

Page no. 62 13

English word mild mirror

n, v, adj, adv, prep adj n

French Franais doux miroir

m m

m m m

5 2 3

49 18 32

miserable miss the bus mountain-biking

adj v n

malheureux rater le bus cyclisme de montagne dmnager troit ngatif

m n n

5 4 5

44 38 49

move away narrow negative

v adj adj







n n n o o o o o o o o o o o

12 4 9 6 12 7 3 9 12 5 3 12 7 1

112 36 81 57 112 67 27 81 112 49 32 112 67 12

next to noisy nurse old-fashioned on the right on time opening hours operation opposite ordinary oven over overnight own

prep adj n adj prep prep n n prep adj n prep adv v

ct de bruyant infirmier dmod droite l'heure heures d'ouverture opration en face ordinaire four au-dessus de pour la nuit possder

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 10 2 7 3 6 7 6 11 11 9 1 9 8 10

Page no. 91 18 66 28 57 66 53 105 101 81 13 84 74 94

English word packet pass an exam path patient patterned pedestrian performance pet petrol pill pillow pitch plain plastic

n, v, adj, adv, prep n v n adj adj n n n n n n n adj n

French Franais paquet russir un examen chemin patient motifs piton reprsentation animal de compagnie essence cachet oreiller terrain ordinaire plastique

p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

p p

10 6

90 57

plate pocket

n n

assiette poche

p p p

11 4 5

99 38 49

pollution port positive

n n adj

pollution port positif

p p p p

10 11 11 5

92 99 99 47

post office preparation protection proud

n n n adj

poste prparation protection fier




Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 3 6 9 7 12 11

Page no. 31 52 84 67 108 101

English word put someones name down quiz show racket railroad raise money recycle

n, v, adj, adv, prep

French Franais s'inscrire

p q r r r r

n n n

jeu tlvis raquette chemin de fer collecter des fonds recycler

r r r r

1 5 8 1

12 48 75 11

relax relaxed reliable remain

v adj adj v

se dtendre dtendu fiable rester

r r r r

5 10 11 11

45 92 99 99

remind repair replacement reservation

v v n n

(se) rappeler rparer remplacement, remplaant rservation




r r r

7 1 2

66 12 16

rider right ring

n adv v

cavalier, cycliste, motocycliste juste sonner

r r r s s s

6 11 8 11 12 8

57 101 75 103 108 74

round neck rubbish rude save say scar

n n adj v v n

encolure ronde dchets impoli sauver dire cicatrice

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 7 9 7 8 5 2 3 8 4 4 7 8 3

Page no. 68 84 64 75 49 16 28 71 38 35 62 75 27

English word scooter score season selfish serious set off set out set up shallow shopping centre shower shy sightseeing

n, v, adj, adv, prep n v n adj adj v v v adj n n adj n

French Franais scooter score saison goste grave se mettre en route partir crer peu profond centre commercial averse timide tourisme

s s s s s s s s s s s s s

s s

7 1

67 13

signpost sink

n n

poteau indicateur vier

s s

2 12

18 106

sit an exam slang

v n

se prsenter un examen argot

s s s s s

6 6 8 11 4

57 57 75 98 34

sleeve sleeveless smart snake snorkel

n adj adj n n

manche sans manches intelligent serpent tuba

s s s s s

4 9 8 4 12

34 81 72 34 107

snowboard sore throat sort out souvenir speak

n n v n v

planche neige mal de gorge rgler souvenir parler

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 2

Page no. 22

English word spend time doing something stadium stand-by stepmother stepsister

n, v, adj, adv, prep v

French Franais passer du temps faire quelque chose stade en pause belle-mre demi-sur

s s s s

9 11 8 8

84 104 70 70

n n n n

s s s

9 7 12

81 62 108

stomach ache stormy story

n adj n

mal de ventre orageux histoire

s s s

6 2 6

57 17 55

striped study subtitles

adj v n

ray tudier sous-titres

s s

2 7

23 65

suggest suitcase

v n

proposer valise

s s s s

4 1 3 6

34 12 26 57

sunbathe suppose surfing sweater

v v n n

prendre un bain de soleil supposer surf pull

t t t t t

9 2 7 4 2

81 18 62 34 22

tablet take an exam take off take photos take time to do something

n v v v v

comprim passer un examen dcoller prendre des photos prendre du temps pour faire quelque chose

Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

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Unit no. 3 12 1 10

Page no. 31 108 13 88

English word take up talk tap taste

n, v, adj, adv, prep v v n n

French Franais se mettre parler robinet 1 saveur 2 avoir du got

t t t t

t t t t

2 12 7 3

18 108 62 32

teach tell temperature tent

v v n n

enseigner dire temprature tente

t t t t t t t t t t

2 6 7 1 6 4 4 4 9 11

23 52 62 10 57 38 38 38 84 99

thank the news thunderstorm tidy tight tiny tourist office town hall track translation

v n n v adj adj n n n n

remercier nouvelles orage ranger serr tout petit office de tourisme mairie piste traduction

t t t t t t t t

4 4 10 4 4 12 10 3

36 36 92 34 34 108 91 28

travel travel travel agent trek trip truth tube turn into

n v n n n n n v

voyage voyager agent de voyage randonne voyage vrit tube se transformer en




Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to French

le tt er

Unit no. 8 8 5 1 3 7

Page no. 70 75 44 11 27 66

English word uncle unreliable upset upstairs value vehicle

n, v, adj, adv, prep n adj adj adv n n

French Franais oncle peu fiable contrari en haut valeur vhicule

u u u u v v

v v

6 6

53 57

venue V-neck

n n

lieu encolure en v

w w

1 11

13 104

washbasin waste

n v

lavabo gaspiller

w w w

3 11 1

32 98 10

water-skiing wildlife windmill

n n n

ski nautique faune et flore moulin

w w w w y

12 10 3 9 4

111 94 30 81 38

wonder wood work out wound youth club

v n v n n

se demander bois calculer blessure club de jeunes

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition the money that you pay to enter a place the amount of money that you pay to enter a place a picture, short film, song, etc. which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service to have enough money to buy something extremely surprised making you laugh or smile a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them something that someone says officially, giving information about something slightly angry to tell someone that you are sorry about something you have done a mark () used to show that letters or numbers are absent a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms a room or building that is used for showing paintings and other art to the public feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done to say something to someone as a question which you want them to answer to say something to someone because you want them to give you something the sports which include running, jumping, and throwing something that makes people come to a place or want to do a particular thing the people who sit and watch a performance at a theatre, cinema, etc. very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant a bag that you carry on your back a small area joined to the wall outside a room on a high level where you can stand or sit with little or no hair a long piece of soft cloth that you tie around an injured part of the body a piece of wood used to hit the ball in some sports a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night to defeat someone in a competition

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition at or to the back of someone or something an electrical object that makes a ringing sound when you press a switch to feel happy and comfortable in a place or with a group of people in the space that separates two places, people, or things a thick, warm cover that you sleep under If the wind blows, it moves and makes currents of air. to get on a bus, boat, aircraft, etc. a flat piece of wood, plastic, etc. used for a particular purpose very hot to arrange to use or do something at a particular time in the future to arrange to use or do something at a particular time in the future feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do to use something that belongs to someone else and give it back later to look after a child and teach them until they are old enough to look after themselves wide shoulders a dark area on your skin where you have been hurt a glass object containing a wire which produces light from electricity someone who prepares and sells meat a small, round object that you push through a hole to fasten clothing peaceful and quiet a restaurant in an office, factory, or school a large letter of the alphabet used at the beginning of sentences and names a film made using characters that are drawn and not real to reach someone or something in front of you, by going faster, working harder, etc. than them a large hole in the side of a cliff (= straight, high rock next to the sea), mountain, or under the ground when you celebrate a special day or event

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition something that is difficult and that tests someones ability or determination a television or radio programme where people are asked questions about themselves the place at an airport where you go to say that you have arrived for your flight happy a game that two people play by moving differently shaped pieces around a board of black and white squares a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes in Childish behaviour is silly, like that of a small child. the weather conditions that an area usually has the way the Earths weather is changing someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject a common illness which makes you sneeze and makes your nose produce liquid a group of objects of the same type that have been collected by one person or in one place a group of funny television or radio programmes that have the same main characters or deal with the same subject a mark (,) used to separate parts of a sentence, or to separate the items in a list to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals the act of communicating with other people when someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else to say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something certain about your ability to do things well an announcement or proof that something is true or certain a relationship between people or things to be formed or made from two or more things

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition If one thing contains another, it has it inside it. a piece of equipment used to cook food a passage in a building or train with rooms on one or both sides comfortable and warm a small house, usually in the countryside cloth or thread that is produced from the cotton plant an illness that makes you cough (= action of making air come out of your throat with a short sound) a lot a part of a meal an area for playing particular sports loving someone very much, or being very interested in something anything that lives but is not a plant a big reptile with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers a place where two roads cross each other very full of people a cloth bag filled with something soft which you sit on or lean against to make you comfortable someone who rides a bicycle to take action in order to achieve something or to solve a problem having a long distance from the top to the bottom unit for measuring temperature very pleased someone who examines and repairs teeth a large shop divided into several different parts which sell different types of things very unhappy, often for a long time the way in which something is planned and made when someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen when people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health and not by an accident food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a meal
Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition not honest and likely to lie or do something illegal the sport of jumping into water or swimming underwater a film or television programme that gives facts about a real situation or real people a stupid or silly person a shop where clothes are cleaned with a special chemical and not water a bird with short legs that lives in or near water a man not interesting pain in your ear to get money for doing work a piece of jewellery that you wear on or through your ear making you feel embarrassed showing strong feelings, or making people have strong feelings If something is empty, it does not contain any things or people. the power and ability to be very active without becoming tired when you are careful not to waste fuel, etc. when you enjoy something extremely large shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people making you feel very happy and enthusiastic to be real or present to make something clear or easy to understand by giving reasons for it or details about it very, or much more than usual to not pass a test or an exam very good popular at a particular time a strong, unpleasant feeling that you get when you think that something bad, dangerous, or frightening might happen to want something, or want to do something a boat that regularly carries passengers and vehicles across an area of water

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition extremely dirty to get information about something, or to learn a fact for the first time healthy, especially because you exercise regularly smooth and level, with no curved, high, or hollow parts an illness like a very bad cold, that makes you feel hot and weak thick cloud just above the ground or sea that makes it difficult to see expressing or causing happy feelings something that people and animals eat to keep them alive a report saying what is likely to happen in the future a small object with three or four points and a handle, that you use to pick up food and eat with used for clothes, language, and behaviour that are serious and not friendly or relaxed a structure that forces water up into the air as a decoration very cold a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold making you feel afraid or nervous a thin, white layer of ice that forms on surfaces, especially at night, when it is very cold a mark (.) used at the end of a sentence, or to show that the letters before it are an abbreviation a business that repairs or sells cars, and sometimes also sells fuel a man who is boring and not fashionable giving other people a lot of money, presents, or time in a kind way to like and be friendly to someone to continue doing something, especially work When you get to know someone, you learn more about them. to meet in order to do something or spend time together to be no longer dry

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition a large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin legs to stop doing something before you have completed it, usually because it is too difficult a hard, transparent substance that objects such as windows and bottles are made of a piece of clothing which covers your fingers and hand to stop liking someone or something

to last for a particular period of time writing or pictures painted on walls and public places, usually illegally the father of your mother or father feeling or showing thanks to become older or an adult to give an answer or opinion about something without having all the facts a small cheap hotel a book that gives visitors information about a particular place a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on different pieces of equipment, often in competitions something that you do regularly, almost without thinking about it 1 someone whose job is to wash, cut, colour, etc. peoples hair 2 the place where you go to have your hair washed, cut, coloured, etc. a piece of electrical equipment for drying your hair with hot air a tool with a heavy, metal part at the top that you use to hit nails into something a bag carried by a woman with her money, keys, etc. inside an area of water near the coast where ships are kept and are safe from the sea doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort to enjoy yourself to begin to return to a place pain inside your head physically strong and well, or good for your health

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition an aircraft which flies using long, thin parts on top of it that turn round and round very fast a hard hat that protects your head having a lot of hills to get free rides in peoples vehicles by standing next to the road and waiting for someone to pick you up sincere and telling the truth If a part of your body hurts, it is painful. a mark (-) used to join two words together, or to show that a word has been divided and continues on the next line a game played on ice in which two teams try to hit a small hard object into a goal using long curved sticks covered in ice to get better or to make something better when something gets better or when you make it better close to the front part of something to have something or someone as part of something larger or more general, such as a group, price, or process to hurt a person, animal, or part of your body in or into a room, building, container, etc. an object that is used for playing music, for example a piano or drum a short period of time between the parts of a play, performance, etc. something that has been designed or created for the first time when someone invites you to do something or go somewhere to ask someone to come to a social event jealous feelings running slowly for exercise to become involved in an activity with other people something which someone says to make people laugh, usually a short story with a funny ending when you travel from one place to another wanting to do something very much a sharp tool or weapon for cutting, usually with a metal blade and a handle

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition to be familiar with a person, place, or thing because you have met them, been there, used it, etc. before a piece of equipment which is used to reach high places, consisting of short steps fixed between two long sides someone who is lazy does not like working or using any effort to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity a room or building that contains a collection of books and other written material that you can read or borrow something that you say or write which you know is not true a sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm a live performance or recording of a performance is done with an audience full of energy and interest bread that has been baked in one large piece so that it can be cut into smaller pieces to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen to not be able to find someone or something to arrange to do something at a particular time to begin to know and like someone to say or write something that is not true to reduce the bad effect of something a place where people go to buy or sell things, often outside in stories, someone from the planet Mars to be important, or to affect what happens when you eat, or the food that you eat at that time A mean person does not like spending money, especially on other people. a substance used to cure an illness or injury to see and speak to someone for the first time a usually hard, shiny material such as iron, gold, or silver which heat and electricity can travel through an electric oven that uses waves of energy to cook or heat food

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition When weather is mild, it is less cold than you would expect. a piece of glass with a shiny metallic material on one side which produces an image of anything that is in front of it unhappy to arrive too late to get on a bus, train or aircraft riding a bicycle with thick tyres, originally made for people to ride on hills and rough ground to go to a different place to live Narrow things measure a small distance from one side to the other. a negative effect is bad and causes damage to something; not having enthusiasm or positive opinions about something the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husbands or wifes brother or sister something made with a piece of net (= material made of crossed threads with holes between them), for example for sports very close to something or someone, with nothing in between Noisy people or things make a lot of noise. someone whose job is to care for ill and injured people not modern on or towards the part of your body that is to the east when you are facing north not early or late the times of the day when a place is open to the public when a doctor cuts someones body to remove or repair part of it in a position facing something or someone but on the other side not special, different, or unusual in any way a piece of kitchen equipment with a door which is used for cooking food above or higher than something for or during the night to have something that legally belongs to you

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition a small container that contains several of the same thing to succeed at a test or an exam a long, narrow area of ground for people to walk along having patience with a design of lines, shapes, colours, etc. a person who is walking and not travelling in a vehicle acting, singing, dancing, or playing music to entertain people an animal that someone keeps in their home a liquid fuel used in cars a small, hard piece of medicine that you swallow a soft object which you rest your head on in bed an area of ground where a sport is played a plain person is not attractive to look at a light, artificial substance that can be made into different shapes when it is soft and is used in a lot of different ways a flat, round object which is used for putting food on a small bag that is sewn or fixed onto or into a piece of clothing, a bag, the back of a seat, etc. damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste a town or an area of a town next to water where ships arrive and leave from something that is positive makes you feel better about a situation; feeling happy about your life and your future a place where you can buy stamps and send letters and parcels the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something keeping someone or something safe from harm feeling very pleased about something you have done, something you own, or someone you know a small container for money, usually used by a woman

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition to write someones name on a list or document a television or radio programme in which you answer questions a piece of equipment that you use to hit a ball in sports such as tennis the metal tracks that trains travel on (US) to collect money from other people to put used paper, glass, plastic, etc. through a process so that it can be used again to become happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you feeling happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you able to be trusted or believed to continue to be in the same state; to continue to exist when everything or everyone else has gone to make someone remember something, or remember to do something to fix something that is broken or damaged thing or person that replaces something or someone an arrangement that you make to have a seat on an aircraft, a room in a hotel, etc. a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc. someone who rides a horse, bicycle or motorcycle exactly in a place or time If something rings, it makes the sound of a bell, and if you ring a bell, you cause it to make a sound. an opening for your neck on a piece of clothing which is in the shape of a circle things that you throw away because you do not want them behaving in a way which is not polite and upsets other people to keep something to use in the future, to stop something from being destroyed to speak words a permanent mark left on the body from a cut or other injury

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition a small motorcycle to get points in a game or test one of the four periods of the year; winter, spring, summer, or autumn caring only about yourself and not other people When a problem is serious, it needs your full attention. to start a journey to start a journey to start a company or organisation not deep a place where a lot of shops have been built close together a short period of rain not confident, especially about meeting or talking to new people the activity of visiting places which are interesting because they are historical, famous, etc. a sign by the side of the road that gives information about routes and distances a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom that you wash dishes or your hands, etc. in to take an exam informal language, often language that is only used by people who belong to a particular group the part of a jacket, shirt, etc. that covers your arm describes a piece of clothing with no sleeves intelligent a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground a tube that you use to help you breathe if you are swimming with your face under water a large board that you stand on to move over snow pain in the back part of your mouth and the passages inside your neck to successfully deal with something, such as a problem or difficult situation something which you buy or keep to remember a special event or holiday to say something using your voice

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition to use time doing something or being somewhere a large, open area with seats around it, used for playing and watching sports something that is ready to be used if needed the woman who has married your father but is not your mother not your parents daughter but the daughter of the person your parent has married pain in the organ inside your body where food is digested If it is stormy, the weather is bad with a lot of wind and rain. a description of a series of real or imaginary events which is intended to entertain people with a pattern of stripes (a long, straight area of colour) to learn about a subject, usually at school or university words shown at the bottom of a cinema or television screen to explain what is being said to express an idea or plan for someone to consider a rectangular case with a handle that you use for carrying clothes when you are travelling to sit or lie in the sun so that your skin becomes brown to think that something is likely to be true the sport of riding on a wave on a special board a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head a small, round object containing medicine that you swallow to do an official test If an aircraft takes off, it begins to fly. to produce pictures using a camera to do something without hurrying

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition to start doing a particular job or activity to say things to someone the part at the end of a pipe which controls the flow of water 1 the flavour of a particular food in your mouth 2 the ability to judge what is attractive or suitable, especially in things related to art, style, beauty, etc. to give lessons in a particular subject at a school, university, etc. to say something to someone, usually giving them information how hot or cold something is a structure made of metal poles and cloth which is fixed to the ground with ropes and used as a cover or to sleep under to tell someone that you are grateful for something they have done or given you the announcement of important events on television, radio, and in newspapers a storm that has thunder (= loud noise) and lightning to make a place tidy fitting your body very closely extremely small a building where someone who visits a place for pleasure can get information a large building where local government is based a path, often circular, used for races something which has been translated from one language to another, or the process of translating the activity of travelling to make a journey someone whose job is making travel arrangements for people a long, difficult journey that you make by walking a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again the quality of being true a long, thin container for a soft substance, that you press to get the substance out to change and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do this one of two children who are born to the same mother at the same time

Cambridge University Press 2011

Definition the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt not able to be trusted or depended on unhappy or worried because something unpleasant has happened on or to a higher level of a building how useful or important something is something such as a car or bus that takes people from one place to another, especially using roads a place where a sports game, musical performance, or special event happens a V-shaped opening for your neck on a piece of clothing, or a sweater, dress, etc. with this opening a bowl in a bathroom that water can flow into, used for washing your face or hands to use too much of something or use something badly when there is a limited amount of it a sport in which someone is pulled behind a boat while standing on skis animals, birds, and plants living in their natural environment a building with long parts at the top that turn in the wind, used for producing power or crushing grain to want to know something or to try to understand the reason for something the hard material that trees are made of to calculate an amount an injury, especially one that is made by a knife or bullet an organisation for young people who want to take part in a sport or social activity together, or the building they use for this

Cambridge University Press 2011

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