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Tom Eldridge

From: Staeben, Derwood K [StaebenDI^_

S*nt: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 3:24 PM
To: Tom Eldridge
Subject: FW: Doc. 17 - 9-11 Commission: Stats - For Clearance

There is no document that we know of - we ran a report of all TIPOFF entries in the TIPOFF database between
the beginning of the program and Sep 11 to get the figure. However, I pulled this from Maura's testimony before
the Commission.

We have also joined in the establishment of the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) that will
integrate terrorist watchlists and serve as the centralized point of contact for everyone from
the police officer on the beat here in the U.S. to the consular officer in the farthest reaches of
the globe. Together with the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC), which will maintain
the principal database on known and suspected terrorists in a highly classified form, we will
rely on the TSC to ensure consular officers have access to the information they need to deny
visas to those who woiHp1 do us harm. We are proud that these institutions rest on a
foundation that the Department of State laid in the form of TIPOFF, a pioneering system in the
use of classified information for screening purposes. The TIPOFF database with its
approximately 120,000 recdrds, more than double the amount since September 11, is now
housed at TTIC. TTIC and TSC together will eliminate the stovepiping of terrorist data and
provide a more systematic approach to posting lookouts on potential and known terrorists.

Hope this helps. Woody

—Original Message
From: Staeben, Derwood K
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:40 AM
To: Williams, Paula A
Subject: FW: Doc. 17 - 9-11 Commission: Stats - For Clearance

Thanks. Do you know in what document you have previously provided this figure is contained?

Original Message
From: Staeben, Derwood K ['mailto:StaebenDI<1 I
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 4:31 PM
To: Tom Eldridge
Subject: RE: Doc. 17 - 9-11 Commission: Stats - For Clearance

61,524 TIPOFF entries.

Original Message
From: Tom Eldridge []
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 7:40 PM
To: Staeben, Derwood K

Page 2 of2

Subject: RE: Doc. 17 - 9-11 Commission: Stats - For Clearance

Thanks Woody -

Can you please help me on a minor yet significant point?

What was the number of TIPOFF entries as of 9/11/01?
We reported in January that it was 61,000. I can't find the documents on it, however.
Any chance you still have TIPOFF's stats for that period?


Original Message
From: Staeben, Derwood K [mailto:StaebenDlJ |
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 3:35 PM
To: Tom Eldridge .
Subject: Doc. 17 - 9-11 Commission: Stats - For Clearance
Importance: High

Tom, .
Here are the requested stats. Official copy to follow from S/ES. Regards, Woody

9/11 Working-level Employee


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