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Introduction to Project India occupies 2% of the worlds land mass and generates over 2% of the total worlds electricity,

mostly using coal. India has a share of 16% of the total Worlds population. To achieve a modestly high level of economic growth, the domestic generation capacity needs to be increased at least ten times the current generation. Even with the full usage of all existing commercially exploitable domestic power sources, this level of increased generation capacity cannot be sustained for more than a few decades. For a country like India, heavy imports of fuel or energy are neither affordable nor strategically right. Though the world is undergoing a recession but demand for energy in India is increasing by 2% every year. To meet this increasing demand and to sustain economically as well as environmentally solar power can play an important role. (A. Rajan, 2009) In d i a h a s a h i g h l e v e l o f s o l a r i n s o l a t i o n , w h i c h m e a n s i t h a s h i gh c a p a c i t y t o u t i l i z e h i gh e r a m o u n t o f s o l a r e n e r g y o n i t s s u r f a c e . M a n y p a r t s o f c o u n t r y a r e ye t n o t c o n n e c t e d t o a n y e l e c t r i c g r i d t h u s s h o w i n g a g r e a t scope for solar powered water pumping which will eliminate 4 to 5 million d i e s e l p o w e r e d w a t e r p u m p s (A. Rajan, 2009), w h i c h w i l l s a v e a h u g e a m o u n t of e l e c t r i c i t y. Another major use can be for domestic stand alone

consumption which can provide benefits to both the consumers as well as grid.

Objectives of Study From the above discussion we can know that solar power system would be next big thing in coming decades and there are companies investing a huge amount in this sector, but the main question which needs to be resolved is are we ready to accept this technology? Thus to know the answer this study has been conducted. The major objectives for this study are: To know the level of awareness towards solar energy in youth To know the attitude towards solar energy

Acceptance of solar energy for domestic usage To know the purchasing attitude for solar energy Factors affecting purchase decision

To achieve the above stated objectives a study on youth of Surat city is conducted using a structured questionnaire. The youth of the city were asked to fill up a questionnaire regarding their views on installing domestic solar energy system. To know exact views and believes different questions were framed which would draw out the result for desired objectives.

Introduction to Industry The Installed Capacity of the country as on 31st December, 2011 was 1,86, 655 MW. Coal based generation contributes major part of the installed capacity and contributes to about 68.6% of the total energy generation (year 2008-09). In addition to above, the installed capacity of captive power plants of 1MW and above is of the order of 24,986 MW at the end of 2007-08.The energy generated from captive power plants during the year 2007-08 was 90477 GWh. (R.K. Gera, el al, 2013) Actual Power Supply Position The country has been facing growing shortages over the past five years. During the year 2007- 08 (1st year of 11th Plan), the peak deficit was about 18,000 MW (16.5%) and the average energy shortage in the country was about 73 Billion kWh (10%). During the year 2008-09 (2nd year of 11 th Plan), the peak deficit was about 13,000 MW (12%) and the average energy shortage in the country was about 86 Billion kWh (11%). During the year 2009-10 (3rd year of 11th Plan), the peak deficit was about 15,157 MW (12.7%) and the average energy shortage in the country was about 84 Billion kWh(10.1%)(R.K. Gera, el al, 2013) Thus from the above data we can see that there is huge gap between required and available energy capacity in the country showing a huge scope for new non conventional energy sources to take up. Solar system has a huge potential observed by many scientist and researchers. With about 301 clear sunny days in a year, India's theoretical solar power reception, j u s t o n i t s l a n d a r e a , i s a b o u t 5 Ph/year (i.e. = 5000 trillion k Wh/yr ~ 600TW). The daily average solar energy incident over India varies from 4 to 7 kWh/m with about2, 300 3,200 sunshine hours per year, depending upon location. This is far more than current total energy

consumption. F o r e x a m p l e , e v e n a s s u m i n g 1 0 % c o n v e r s i o n e f f i c i e n c y f o r P V m o d u l e s , i t w i l l s t i l l b e t h o u s a n d t i m e s g r e a t e r t h a n t h e l i k e l y electricity demand in India by the year 2015. (A. Rajan, 2009) These data supports the solar energy alternative for the usage in near future.

Solar energy has the greatest potential of all the sources of renewable energy. If only a small amount of this form of energy could be used, it will be one of the most important supplies of energy specially when other sources in the country have depleted energy comes to the earth from the sun. This energy keeps the temperature of the earth above than in colder space, causes current in the atmosphere and in ocean. It causes the water cycle and generates photosynthesis in plants. The solar power where sun hits atmosphere is 10 17 W. The solar power on the surface of earth is 10 16 W. The total worldwide power demand of all needs of civilization is 10 13 W. Therefore, the sun gives us 1000 times more power than we need. If we can use 5% of this energy, it will be 50 times what the world will require. electrical energy that can be produced from the solar energy by photovoltaic solar cells. SPV cell converts the solar energy directly to electrical energy. The most significant applications of SPV cells in India are the energization of pump sets for irrigation, drinking water supply and rural electrification covering street lights, community TV sets, medical refrigerators and other small power loads. Sunshine available in India is for nearly 300 days in a year. (R.K. Gera, el al, 2013) For the increasing use of this technology, government is also promoting many schemes like The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) have initiated schemes and i n c e n t i v e s l i k e s u b s i d y, s o f t l o a n , c o n c e s s i o n a l d u t y o n r a w m a t e r i a l i m p o r t s , excise duty exemption on certain devices/systems etc. to boost the production and u s e o f s o l a r e n e r g y s ys t e m s . T h e In d i a n R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y D e v e l o p m e n t a g e n c y ( IR E D A ) p r o v i d e s r e v o l v i n g f u n d t o f i n a n c i n g a n d l e a s i n g c o m p a n y s o f f e r i n g affordable credit for the purchase of PV systems. An Expert Committee constituted by the Planning Commission has prepared an Integrated Energy Policy which envisions a1 0 m i l l i o n s q u a r e m e t e r s o l a r c o l l e c t o r a r e a , t o b e s e t u p b y 2 0 2 2 , a n d c a p a b l e o f conserving electricity equivalent to that generated from a 500 MW power plant. The state of West Bengal has initiated to make the use of solar power mandatory in newm u l t i -

s t o r i e d b u i l d i n g s . H o w e v e r t h e In d i a n g o v e r n m e n t s u p p o r t i s i n s i gn i f i c a n t co mpared to the support solar energy receives by governments in Europe and East Asia.

With high deployment price as the main hurdle for solar market, many organizations organizations have developed an innovative funding schemes to catalyze solar's

attractiveness. One of the most successful examples is the solar loan program in India, sponsored by UNEP in partnership with two of India's major banking groups Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank, and their sponsored Grameen Banks. It was a four-year $7.6 million effort, launched in April 2003 to help accelerate the market for financing solar home systems in southern India. Foreign Direct Investment up to100 percent is permitted in non-conventional energy sector through the automatic route. The Multilateral Development Banks like World Bank and Asian Development Bank are helping India but, the funding from MDBs on solar energy enhancement is negligible compare to other clean energy support in India. Investment by private companies is a trend that has just started. (Examples include Signet Solar ,U.S.based Cypress Semiconductor, SunTechnics Energy, etc.) (A. Rajan, 2009) Thus looking at all the above details provided on different factors of domestic solar to be installed it can be noted that all the development and policies are giving a heads up for this new technology and also shows great potential in the near future.

Findings and Interpretation


Female 51%

Male 49%

Out of the total respondents in the survey the gender distribution is almost equal, i.e. number of male respondent and female respondents is almost same. Total female respondents were 39(51%) and male respondents were 38(49%).

Age Group
26-35 17%

18-25 83%

The distribution of the respondents based on age was clear, as the survey was done for youth perception the majority of respondents were in the age group of 18 to 25 years, 64 respondents (83%) remaining 13(17%) respondents were in a age group of 26 to 35.

Income Level
Above 800000 18% Below 250000 31%

500000-800000 30%

250000-500000 21%

The distribution of the income level of the respondents was varied. 24(31%) respondents were having income below 2.5 lacs, 16(21%) had between 2.5-5 lacs, 23(30%) were in the range of 58 lacs and 14(18%) were having income above 8 lacs.

How often do you observe power cut at your home

Once in a year 21% Once in six month 18% Never 8% Once a week 31%

Once a month 22%

Majority of respondents were observing power cut and majority in that too were observing power cut quite often. 51(53%) respondents had an issue that they observed power cut minimum once a month rest 48% had low frequency but still 18% respondent complaint about power cut in every six months

Are you aware about the solar photovoltaic system for domestic usage
No 38%

Yes 62%

There is large number of respondents (48,62%) who are aware about the usage of solar energy system for domestic purpose and around 29(38%) of respondents were not aware. This large number of awareness is a positive sign for the growth of this technology.

Would you like to install a photovoltaic system for domestic consumption

No 22%

Yes 78%

The willingness to install solar energy for domestic use is very high as per the survey. 60(78%) respondents were willing to install such setup for domestic use and only 17(22%) were not willing to install which again boost the morale for the technology developers

If yes, Why
For reliable Power source 22% To add Value to my house 3%

To save Enviornment 43%

To save cost 32%

The two main reasons for adopting solar technology given by the respondents were, To save the environment (26, 43%) and To save cost (19, 32%). These reasons shows the better understanding of the concept of solar system other 22% and 3% respondent would opt for this technology for reliable power source and to add value to house

If No, Why
No use 12% Expensive Initial Cost 18%

Lack of awareness 35%

Happy with Grid power 35%

The major reasons for not adopting to this system are Lack of awareness (6, 35%) and happy with power grid (6, 35%). Thus spreading awareness among people could be beneficial for adoption of the technology. Again expensive initial cost is also a major reason for not adopting to this technology.

Would you buy Solar photovoltaic system if its price would come down
Never 10% Surely 51% May be 39%

Majority of respondents are ready to install solar system for domestic purpose, if the prices go down of installation. 39(51%) of respondent are very much sure about installing. Around 30(39%) of respondents are not sure but may be convinced to install. Only a small number (8,10%) respondents were not ready for switching.

How much more would you pay for solar photovoltaic system over conventional energy sources
More than 30 % 8% 1-10% 34%

21-30% 27%

11-20% 31%

The majority of respondents (64%) are ready to pay around 1 to 20% more than conventional energy sources which indicates that any price above that will attract less number of buyers as only 35% of respondents are ready to pay over and above it, so this gives developers a clear indication on how to set their prices.

Solar photovoltaic system takes long time in getting return on investment

Disagree 6% Strongly disagree 3% Strongly agree 13% Undecided 29%

Agree 49%

There is a belief in people that the solar project takes long time to repay, around 62% people agree to this thought that solar projects repay very slowly. Only a small number of respondents (9%) disagree to this thought.

Solar photovoltaic system helps in reducing pollution

Disagree 5% Undecided 13% Strongly agree 27%

Agree 55%

Majority of respondents (82%) agree to the thought that solar projects helps in reducing pollution and helping environment, which is again a good indication for attracting more and more users of this technology.

Solar Photovoltaic generates savings in long term

Undecided 18% Strongly agree 25%

Agree 57%

The above chart indicates that majority of respondents (63, 82%) feels solar projects can generate savings in long term, thus indicating their interest in investing in this projects. Only a few respondents were not sure about it but none of them disagreed to this.

Solar photovoltaic system can provide reliable source of power Disagree

4% Strongly agree 21% Undecided 28%

Agree 47%

Majority of respondents feel that solar projects are a good alternative for a reliable source of power. 52 (68%) of respondents agree to the reliability of solar power which is a good indication for the future of this technology.

Solar photo voltaic system costs heavy maintenance

Disagree 19% Strongly agree 17%

Agree 26% Undecided 38%

In this question the majority respondents(46%) feel that there is a huge maintenance cost attached with solar technology but also 38% of respondents were undecided regarding their choice may be due to lack of awareness, thus there is a chance of spreading awareness and gaining attraction out of it.

Recommendation and Conclusion There is a huge level of awareness regarding the use of solar project for domestic purpose in youth of Surat city (62%). Not only awareness, but also there is a huge level of acceptance for solar projects (78%). The major reasons for accepting solar power projects are, to save cost and to save environment in a longer run. The major reasons for rejecting solar power in Surat city is that grid is very healthy and people are happy with that. Other major reason is the expensive initial cost. There are many misconceptions regarding the domestic solar power system which needs to be clarified to all the consumers. Another major take up from the survey is that many people are unaware regarding the somestic usage of the

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