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Berikut ini kami tampilkan contoh-contoh soal Structure and Written Expression berkategori sulit. Seberapa tangguhkah Anda mampu menaklukkan soal-soal berkategori sulit ini? Silakan Anda mencoba soal ini dan jangan lupa, setelah selesai mengerjakan soal, klik Hasil Ujicoba untuk melihat apakah Anda cukup tangguh mengerjakan soal-soal ini.

Apabila Anda mampu melewati Mini Test ini dengan sukses, kami yakin, Anda akan dengan sangat mudah menjinakkan Tes Structure and Written Expression dalam tes TOEFL yang akan Anda ikuti.

Copyright 2011 | Adi Sutrisno | | Language Corridor Created by Drs. Adi Sutrisno, M.A. Designed by Bony Hardian Software ini berjalan dengan baik pada Microsoft Office 2003

ssion berkategori

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Directions: The following questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D) Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Civil Rights are the freedoms and rights ------------- as a member of a community, state, or nation. (A) may have a person (B) a person may have (C) may have a person who (D) and a person may have Answer:

2. Richard Wright enjoyed success and influence ----------- among Black American writers of his era. (A) were unparalleled (B) are unparalleled (C) unparalleled (D) the unparalleled Answer:

3. The dawn redwood appears -------------- some 100 million years ago in northern forests around the world. (A) to have flourished (B) was flourished (C) having to flourish (D) have flourished Answer:

4. Franklin D. Roosevelt was ------------- the great force of radio and the opportunity it provided for taking g (A) as the first President he understood fully (B) the first President that to fully understand (C) the first President fully understood (D) the first President to understand fully Answer:

5. The first explorer --------------- California by land was Jedediah Strong Smith, a trapper who crossed the s (A) that he reached (B) reached (C) to reach (D) reaching it Answer:

6. With age, the mineral content of human decreases, ---------- them more fragile. (A) make

(B) thereby making (C) and to make (D) which it makes Answer:

7. Fish are the most ancient form of the vertebrate life, and -------------- all other vertebrates. (A) from them evolved (B) evolved them (C) to evolve (D) they are evolved Answer:

8. When goshawk chicks are young, ------------- parents share in the hunting duties and in guarding the nes (A) the both (B) both (C) both of (D) and both Answer:

9. During the Pleistocene glacial periods -------------- portions of the Earth where plant and animal life flouris (A) the (B) it was (C) there were (D) have there been Answer:

10. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor the air contains at a certain temperature ---------- with th (A) to compare (B) compared (C) comparing (D) compares Answer:

Copyright 2011 | Adi Sutrisno | | Language Corridor

ach sentence you will e word or phrase that best

ty, state, or nation.

writers of his era.

n forests around the world.

ty it provided for taking government policies directly to the people.

trapper who crossed the southwestern deserts of the United States in 1826.


s and in guarding the nest.

plant and animal life flourished, making it possible for people to subsist.

mperature ---------- with the amount it could hold at that temperature.

Directions: In questions 11-20 each sentence has four under-lined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D) Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

11. Today, modern textile mills can manufacture as much fabrics in a few seconds as it took workers weeks t A B C D Answer:

12. Since their appearance on farms in the United States between 1913 and 1920, trucks have changed patt A B C Answer:

13. American painter George O Keeffe is well known as her large paintings of flowers in which single blossom A B C Answer:

14. The work which the poet Emma Lazarus is best known is The New Collosus which is inscribed on the ped A B C D Answer:

15. As many as 50 percent of the income from motion pictures produced in the United States comes from m A B C Answer:

16. Sleep is controlled by the brain and associated by characteristic breathing rhythms. A B C D Answer:

17. The walls around the city of Quebec which was originally a fort military, still stand, making Quebec the o A B C D Answer:

18. The manufacture of automobile was extremely expensive until assembly-line techniques made them chea A B C D Answer:

19. The ballad is characterized by informal diction, by a narrative largely dependent on action and dialogue, A B Answer:

20. Some hangars, buildings used to hold large aircraft, are very tall that rain occasionally falls from clouds t A B C Answer:

Copyright 2011 | Adi Sutrisno | | Language Corridor

words or phrases. The four dentify the one underlined

nds as it took workers weeks to produce by hand. C D

20, trucks have changed patterns of production and market of farm products. C D

owers in which single blossoms are presented as if in a close-up. B C D

which is inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty C D

e United States comes from marketing the films abroad. C D

l stand, making Quebec the only walled city in North America. D

e techniques made them cheaper to produce. D

dent on action and dialogue, by thematic intense, and by stress on repetition. C D

occasionally falls from clouds that form along the ceilings. C D

NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

JAWABAN ANDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL-1

NILAI BENAR=1 SALAH=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

JAWABAN NILAI ANDA BENAR=1 SALAH=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL-2 0


Copyright 2011 | Adi Sutrisno | | Language Corridor



*** (Bintang Tiga)

90 - 100

** (Bintang Dua)

70 - 85

* (Bintang Satu)

60 - 75

40 - 55

00 - 35

Copyright 2011 | Adi Sutrisno | | Language Corridor

KETERANGAN Selamat Anda memiliki kemampuan Structure & Written Expression Expression yang sangat bagus. Anda tidak akan mengalami kesulitan yang berarti saat mengerjakan tes bagian Structure & Written Expression.

Anda memiliki kemampuan analisis yang baik dalam mengerjakan tes bagian Structure and Written Expression

Diperkirakan Anda mampu mengatasi kesulitan soal, walau terkadang menglami kesulitan saat menganalisis k Anda mengalami kemampuan analisis cukup baik, dan ditunjang pengetahuan

tata bahasa yang cukup baik pula. Tetapi kemampuan analisis belum stabil; terkadang akurat, terkadang tidak Hal ini disebabkan oleh latihan yang masih kurang. Disarankan untuk meningkatkan latihan soal.

Ada baiknya Anda ikut kursus persiapan TOEFL di lembaga bahasa yang menyelenggarakan program tersebut; atau bisa juga ikut Kursus On-line kami.

Anda mengalami kesulitan besar saat menganalisis soal. Kemungkinan Anda tidak memiliki dasar yang memad sehingga proses analisis terganggu dan tidak optimal. Disarankan untuk mengikuti kursus di lembaga bahasa yang menyelenggarakan kursus persiapan TOEFL; atau Anda bisa ikut Kursus On-Line kami, yang dirancang untuk calon peserta TOEFL seperti Anda.

Anda benar-benar mengalami kesulitan luar biasa. Tidak ada yang dapat menolong Anda, kecuali ikut kursus i di lembaga bahasa yang menawarkan persiapan TOEFL.

Anda dapat pula mengikuti Kursus TOEFL On-Line kami yang memang kami rancang untuk orang seperti Anda | Language Corridor

and Written Expression.

an saat menganalisis kalimat.

akurat, terkadang tidak.

kan program tersebut;

liki dasar yang memadai

persiapan TOEFL;

perti Anda.

a, kecuali ikut kursus intensif

uk orang seperti Anda.

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